#i always liked the concept of Poludnice
spotsupstuff · 1 year
Creature of root and wire? Folks gods? I am listening
GJLKDSJLKMK there's!!! not much thought that went into those doodles, honestly! i've just been listening to a lot of folk related stuff (and thinkin of my own n irish/scottish/sailor culture) mainly cuz it's connected to The OC Lore
but some thoughts that did spawn: the iterators are dieties of nature hiding away and just wanting to be more or less left alone (with possibly some meddling from other creatures, wink wonk ancients, this would take place from the perspective of slugcats again)
Pebbles is known as The Creature of Root and Wire. he hides in the dark depths of a secluded forest of dark oak. his place is protected by twisting branches and roots that seem to come alive, attempting to either guide lost creatures away or straight up kill them (The Rot are sickly trees that no longer listen to Pebs). Pebbles himself has skin of bark and moves around thanks to a living branch his body seems to be growing out of. within the bark are mechanications and his throat is made mainly of wires and some pipes, with a mask just kind of slapped on top of that to give the illusion of a head and a face
Moon is known as the Fallen Patience. she's hidden in marshes that the elders claim weren't always there, especially since the marshes are the domain of another (Nish). only the most daring or the most idiotic make their way to her. there's stories of her either cursing or blessing passerbys with knowledge, if they stay with her a kind little while. she kind of reminds me of a kelpie
going off of some slavic folk stories i know, a lot of iteractions with them revolves around being kind and hospitable. if one brings them offering of food (bread and salt is most appreciated since in my culture that is a way to welcome your guests!!!! :D) and is nice to them, they ought to repay the favor. if given gold and one is rude with them, they are gon either curse the beggar in some Folk™ way or just strike them down right then and there
Moon's domain used to be more or less plains with shores and bushes but because of Things like in canon RW shit went down. with time her place changed into a marsh and when it did, Nish found out about her condition since he just knows whats up in his own domain. purposing a little energetic glowing dragonfly, he sent his beautiful daughter (-cough- Hunter, she's pretty to me ok -cough-) to guide and protect the dragonfly all the way to Moon. Nish himself i'm thinkin would have similar stuff going on like a vodník (waterman??? lil green man that collects souls in cups) combined with the slavic deity Živa (goddess of life and spring, život translates to life)
oh! and neurons for Moon and Pebs are fireflies and for Nish they are dragonflies!
Suns i GUESS could be something like Poludnica. a guardian being of the holiness of midday (poludnie means midday so u can see the connection!). i remember some stories about how if one would work in the fields during midday, a beautiful woman would appear in the tall grass and tempt them to come to her. once close, it'd be revealed that she's actually quite an ugly old thing and then would kill the guy cuz of course what else this is Folklore
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