#i always think im decent at handling pain but that was another level of horror
figula · 2 years
nooooooooo a very small portion of my gum is irritated and (possibly) infected :((( OG followers will remember the horrific experiences of my recurrent wisdom tooth infections before i got them taken out lol so im sitting on the sofa now deeply worried!! hopefully it’s not as bad as that tho, im not in much pain or anything, it just feels a bit weird when i eat + is a bit red and swollen however i dunno how much of t hat is bc i was just poking it around w/ a cotton bud tbh. anyway i have done a salt water rinse + bought some mouthwash to arrive tomorrow sooooo hoping it just wont get any worse and it’s just one of those minor irritants that crop up every so often
here is a photo of the what the wisdom tooth infection DID TO ME!!
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this was teh snapchat era my eyes dont actualy look like that
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the-windchild · 7 years
Back to the Beginning Part two: Messy Procedures
“I’m kind of scared, not going to lie…” Mika said, shifting uncomfortably as Glasses carefully placed wires into her right wrist. “Am I going to die?”
“No, you’re not gonna die. This is gonna hurt…A lot…But we have it set at the lowest setting, and the pills I gave you earlier should help,” Glasses said, stumbling over his words a little, trying to find the right ones. He put in the last wire and sighed. “I’m not goin’ anywhere, either. I’ll be here with ya.”
“Okay, Mika.” Satanick turned off the light in the lab and moved over to the switchboard. He placed his hand on a lever and looked at her. “Are you ready?”
“Uh…Yes? Yes. I’m ready…” She tried to cover up any nervousness in her voice, but failed to do so. Even if she did manage to hide that, though, her nervousness would have been obvious because of how tightly she had been gripping to Glasses.
Upstairs all the lights were off and all the curtains were closed. There was hardly a sound in the large building. It had been five minutes after Glasses got Mika ready to get connected to her clock. Apparently he tried to ‘dope her up’, as Anten said, but Satanick along with Sullivan, wouldn’t let him. It would have only made things worse in the long run. When Sullivan had gone back upstairs he told the employees it was fine if they left for the day. Some of them left, but a lot of them stayed.
It wasn’t too long after the five minute mark when it started. The screaming started. The lab was all the way down in the basement, yet the screams were more than loud and they were more than clear. Sounds of things being knocked over were also starting to come up from the lab. Then the sound of a body falling. More screams. A lot of screams. At first they were wordless, but then the ‘help mes’ started.
“She really learning her lesson down there, isn’t she?” Anten said, taking a sip of his cold drink.
“Anten, control yourself,” Sullivan said, shaking his head.
“I’m only saying what’s true, and what’s on everybody’s minds,” he responded. “This is the best way for the kid to realize Pitch Black Time isn’t as great as it’s made out to be. Well…If she survives.”
“Hey. What do you mean ‘if’?” Lyon asked, shooting a glare at his fellow employee.
“Come on. A small child like that? You think she can survive that kind of shock?”
“With…The medicine and low shock level it should be fine,” Sullivan cut in, doing his best to lighten the mood.
“Well, we’ll see.” Anten shrugged and looked toward the doorway.
After that, silence came to the living room. The only thing that was there once again, were the screams of a small child.
Mika had been making a mess not long after the shocking started. She knocked things over, either accidentally or on purpose. She screamed and she screamed. She had fallen onto her knees a few times. She’d get back up only to damage herself, by slamming her fists against the wall, or ‘pressing’ the back of her head against the wall.
There were times where it looked like she was going to pull the wires out, but somehow managed to stop herself. To make up for stopping the source of the pain, she hurt herself other ways. She tried to find different ways to get the original pain to go away, but it was plain to see it wasn’t helping herself much.
“SAVE ME, MISTER GLASSES!!” Mika screamed again.
She slammed her back against the wall and slid down. Her eyes were wide and tears fell from them. Her fingers were digging into her throat and she clawed down the normally soft skin. She had done this several times already. By this point, blood had begun to drip from her neck.
“Turn it off.” Glasses took a step back from Mika. When he got no response, he turned to his dad. “You promised if this got outta hand again, you’d turn it off!”
“Just a little longer.” Satanick’s voice was unnaturally cold, but he always had that façade while doing this procedure.
Glasses turned back to Mika. More blood from her neck was dripping from the floor. She just continued to hurting herself more and more. She didn’t even realize what she was doing by this point. All she was doing was reacting to her traumatic situation.
“Dad, turn the machine off I’m takin’ Mika outta here!!”
“How are her eyes?”
“Who cares?! Just turn the machine off!” Glasses turned back to Satanick. He tried to block out Mika’s screams. He stepped forward. “Dad!”
“Just a little longer…It should be done soon.”
“Dad, turn the machine off now!”
Sullivan stopped halfway pouring his cold coffee. Everyone else in the living room seemed to stop, too. After ten or so minutes, the screams finally came to an end. All that noise that was once there was no more. It was pure silence; it almost felt like a horror movie setting. Sullivan slowly put his mug down and looked at the other employees. They looked at each other with uncertainty, but there were also some ‘finally it’s over’ looks.
Hanten placed her hands in her pockets. “Well, it’s done now…”
“So…” Anten stood from the couch and faced the door again. “Who wants to bet ten bucks that she blew up?”
“Anten, please,” Sullivan said, rubbing his forehead.
“The last one did.”
Glasses turned back around and tilted his head. The sudden stop was unsettling; she barely moved at all. Her body was heaving up and down lightly, though, so there was a small bit of relief. Glasses took slow steps towards her laying body.
“M-Mi…Ka…?” Glasses lowered himself to his knees and lifted her limp body.
“How do her eyes look?” Satanick asked again.
Glasses resisted rolling his own eyes at that. He gently lifted Mika’s head up. Her eyes were barely open, but he could see them well enough. He took a deep breath. “Still black but swirlin’ in her iris’.”
“Alright, you can take her out of here now.” Satanick’s voice was gentler now. He turned everything off completely and turned towards Glasses. “Go take her to our medical unit. They can handle it from here on.”
Glasses didn’t need to be told twice. He carefully removed the wires from Mika’s wrists and lifted her up from the floor. He didn’t look or say anything to his dad. There were too many thoughts and too many emotions running through him right now. None of that really mattered right then anyway. The only thing that mattered was hurrying to get Mika off to the medical unit, especially because of her partially bleeding neck.
It only took a couple minutes to get to the medical unit. It was nothing but a building, somewhat big but nowhere near as big as The Office, that was located behind said large office. Earlier that day, Satanick had already told the team to get ready for the situation, so they were already prepared to take Mika in for treatment. Glasses handed the small child over to them and watched as they took her away to stabilize her.
He stepped back and plopped down into one of the chairs in the lobby. It wasn’t as if it had been hours, but it certainly felt that way. It always felt that way when it came to that disgusting procedure. It was something his deadbeat dad should have fixed by now; should have made it safer. Yet, for some reason he kept things the way they were. Glasses seemed to learn more than his dad did. Or so it felt, anyway.
Glasses rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock. It was only three in the afternoon. He would have considered taking a nap; it was tempting and Mika would be in the back for a while, anyway. But he knew what would happen if he fell asleep. He’d have to suffer through a traumatic experience from two or so years ago, and he already saw enough of that in the middle of Mika’s session. He didn’t need to see it more vividly in a dream.
Glasses blinked a couple times when a coffee mug was held out in front of him. He looked up and saw Sullivan there. He shrugged and took it from his superior and took a nice long drink. “Thanks.”
Sullivan sat in a chair next to Glasses and sipped his own mug. “Figured you’d need it after that,” he said, staring at the ceiling. “You know, you don’t always have to go watch that…”
“…I wouldn’t have if she wasn’t my partner,” Glasses replied, shifting a bit in his chair. “I learned from the last one that it’d be best to stay away. Then ‘gain…Deadbeat dad said he wouldn’t accept any more employees here after that accident.”
“He wasn’t. He really wasn’t, but Mika was put into his custody.” Sullivan looked back at Glasses and sighed. He looked as frustrated as ever. “It was going to happen eventually. Don’t be mad—uh…madder, at your dad than you already are.”
“Hard not to be mad at ‘im when he does shit like this,” Glasses said, shaking his head. He took another drink. “Tell me somethin’. Why does he keep doin’ this? This place really ain’t as amazing as he makes it seem.”
“It was decent in the beginning, before you came here, you know.” Sullivan put his mug down on the table next to him. “But things happen. Things had to change up, even if it wasn’t the best of changes.”
“Somebody died the last time. She blew up. He should’a shut this place down the moment it happened,” Glasses said, getting further frustrated. “Y’know the real reason why he keeps this up? ‘Cause his freakin’ brother is the god damn mayor, so he can cover up any deaths that happen here.”
“Glasses, please calm down.” Sullivan gave Glasses a gentle squeeze on his shoulder. “Why don’t you go home? You could use some sleep, or maybe spending time with Kiku will help.”
Glasses shook his head. “No, I don’t wanna leave ‘till Mika’s up and movin’ ‘round,” he said, tiredly. “’Sides, I called Kik earlier. I told her I might not be able to get home tonight. Y’know how long these can take…”
“Don’t wear yourself out more than you have to. Trust me, it isn’t good for your health,” Sullivan joked.
“I know that all too well by this point.” Glasses leaned back in his chair and stared at the clock. Time certainly enjoyed taking its sweet time to go by.
In the end Glasses did end up waiting all day. He did move around a bit, but he didn’t head out of the building, just in case there was any news. He talked on the phone with Kiku for a while, not long after the time he would have already been back at his apartment. Kiku’s voice really did help calm him down, but her presence would have been much better. However, she had school the next day and he didn’t want her to fail because of him.
He also managed to keep himself up all day, making sure to do whatever he could to stop himself from sleeping. It drove him a bit crazy for a while, but thanks to cups and cups of coffee he managed to survive decently enough. Thankfully his dad never came out to visit him; he might have finally been able to get the message.
It was one in the morning when the nurse, Chisibuki, came out and told him that Mika was fine. She was still sleeping, but she was out of harm’s way. She would have to be in the medical unit for two days, but there was nothing to worry about. Glasses would have liked to stay until Mika actually woke up, but he was forced out by the doctors and other nurses.
Glasses did try to stay up all night, but he ended up crashing around three in the morning. Somehow or another, he didn’t end up having a gruesome dream like he thought. Or rather, it was still gruesome, but it happened in quick flashes. Thus, it didn’t disturb him too much. This was the last time he’d want to deal with anything like that again, though. Enough was enough. But Mika was going to be the last employee, he was sure.
He was still cranky with his dad when he woke up the next day; around twelve in the afternoon. He didn’t have to tell everyone that Mika was going to be alright, Sullivan did that for him. With all that done, Glasses was free to head out and keep an eye on Mika. And apologize. He owed her that much.
When he got to her room she was already sitting up and seemingly fine. She looked exhausted. She did smile when she saw Glasses, though. That was…Somewhat reassuring, if she could still be herself.
He sat on the chair next to her bed. “How are you feelin’?”
“Tired. Tired but fine,” Mika answered honestly. “I uhm…I was really scared yesterday…”
Glasses nodded. “I know. I’m sorry. I really shouldn’t have made ya go through that.”
“What has to be done has to be done, right?” Mika said, reaching over and picking up Glasses hand. “I’m sorry for screaming so much…” She tilted her head as she started fiddling with Glasses hand, as if it was the first time seeing it.
“Don’t be sorry for that. Anybody would be like that,” he said, rubbing his forehead with his free hand. “You’ll be out of here soon, and then…”
“And then…?”
Glasses closed his eyes and thought about it. He shrugged. “You’ll be able to go on your first job soon.”
“And you’ll be there with me?” Mika asked, rubbing the back of Glasses’ hand now.
“I am your partner, in case ya forgot.” He tried to sound teasing, but teasing wasn’t exactly a strong suit of his. “I’ll be there and you’ll be just fine.”
“Just fine~” Mika echoed.
“Mhmm…Just fine.”
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