#i am Thinking very hard abt the shibuya moment
jjk. chapter 255 spoilers under the cut !!
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okay i’m gonna TRY to be coherent . gonna try to behave. but i LOVED this chapter so much it gave me so much i’ve been wanting from this manga for so long…. hhhh…………… :((((
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LARUEEEEE 😭😭😭😭😭😭 HE’S HEREEEEE HE’S HOME…… MY EMOTIONAL SUPPORT CANONICALLY QUEER SIDE CHARACTER……. the narrator referring to the two of them as ”team geto” made me SOB but more on that later i’m just. so happy to see him??? one of my favorite side characters???? i never thought he’d get more screentime?????
and that goes for miguel too!!! i adore them BOTH and they looked so pretty this chapter …. T_T hhhhh
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miguel is so handsome ….. just one chance plspls king :’3 i’m hoping more screentime will get him more fics…… maybe specifically x reader fics…….. just a thought……….. (yes i have a miguel/reader drabble in wips no i don’t know when i’ll get to writing it 💔) and larue my gay bestie he rlly is so pretty!!!!!! hhhhh i missed them sm :(((((
ALSOOOO absolutely loved their interactions w yuuta in the beginning….. all the lil moments. larue calling miguel hun….. miguel having beef w gojo and wanting to see him beg for his help….. yuuta offering to beg instead and miguel getting freaked out 😭 THEY’RE SOOO FUNNY
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I <333333 THEMMMM
and and and ….. while we’re on the topic of gojo………… THE CRUMBSSSSS THIS CHAPTER GOD HE’S SO PRETTY :(((( RETURN OF THE CIRCLE FRAMES!!!!!
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he’s so cute …. andddd while we’re talking abt this interaction!!! i loved loved loved that miguel got the chance to lecture gojo on his racism. and so blatantly too !!!!!! it feels so refreshing to have a shounen manga where casual racism is acknowledged and not just treated as a gag…. and gojo apologized (albeit a lil casually but i do think it was genuine. that’s just kinda how gojo talks </3)
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SPEAKKKKK YOUR TRUTH KING ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ LET HIM HAVE IT ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ personally i think gojo should’ve let his infinity down so miguel could get a couple good smacks in but that’s just me. (miguel looks so good here also!!!)
aaaa and !!! before i get to the Main Dish of this chapter i just wanna say :3 MAKI SWEEEEEEP OUR QUEEN OUR KING OUR LORD AND SAVIOR 🙏🙏🙏🙏 SHE’S BACK AND COOLER THAN EVERRRRRR LOOK AT THAT GRIN
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serving cunt since day one ….. where would we even be w/o her……. i AM very worried for my boys and that black flash at the end but :’3 this chapter made me feel hopeful….. it’s nice to see a good ol jumpjutsu kaisen 5v1 battle.
BUTTTTT with that out of the way!!!!! let’s talk about my absolute favorite part of the chapter (and why it’s one of my favorites in shinjuku)….. which is ofc. the talk between miguel and larue. i absolutely unabashedly ADORE geto’s family and i’ve been waiting to see them again for so long!!! to learn more about them, their feelings towards geto, their feelings after his passing…… and i finally got it. and it was just…. so, so good. wow.
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like …. this page almost made me cry. genuinely. i adore larue so much and it was so nice to see him again….. he’s definitely my favorite member of geto’s family (excluding geto himself ofc) and clearly the most heartfelt!!! there’s the scene in shibuya where he stops the rest of the family from harming each other because he knows that’s the last thing geto would want, he calls everyone by their first name…. it just feels like he understood geto the most. understood that what geto cared about above all else was his family, not his own plan (hot take maybe?? but i’ll die on that hill).
and goshhhh…… ”we all loved suguru-chan” :((( you don’t UNDERSTAND how emotional i feel rn. i mean we basically already knew this but it just feels so nice to get confirmation on how loved geto was!!! not just by a couple members of his family, but by all of them!!!! i think it’s so telling that even miguel, who acts a bit colder than someone like larue, was willing to help geto and grew to love him. geto is just such a sincere character at his core and i think that’s how he won them all over. but aaaa i’m just :((((( they loved him!!!!! and he loved them just as much!!!!!! i’ve said this before but i NEED a slice of life spinoff manga only featuring geto and his family.,, they mean so much to me.
and i haven’t even MENTIONED larue’s speech????????????? how lovely it is?????? how sick it is????????????? his version of mourning makes me so unbelievably emotional :(((( geto would be so fucking proud of them i can picture him looking up at them from the fiery pits just CHEERING as they punch sukuna…… sniffle sniffle. he loves them!!! and they love him!!!!!!
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also obviously i NEED to mention this bc it broke me. i’ve seen people making jokes about what miguel says AND I GET THAT bc i too love joking about how geto is definitely in hell but. this line is very tragic to me!!! or maybe not tragic but it’s definitely somber. i don’t think it’s meant to be humorous, it’s there as a grim reminder of the things geto and his family did…. they loved each other but they were villains. there’s no denying that. larue is obviously a bit of a romanticist but miguel is enough of a realist to call him out on it, and i think that gets his personality across so well. because he still ends up agreeing to join larue in the fight!! those words got to him!!!! seeing his expression crumble in this page made my heart ache :((((… they were villains but they loved each other so earnestly. and i just adore them so so much!!!
okay i think ….. that’s all …….. suchhhh a wonderful chapter. it made me insane!!!!! i love miguel and i love larue and i’m hoping they’ll survive this :((
(….. but . i mean … if they end up dying ……. there’s the slightest chance we’ll get an afterlife scene of geto and his family, so …. um ……. yk …….. 👉👈 maybe . some sacrifices will have to be made……..)
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
hi! i just saw ur tier post and i’d love to hear more abt why you feel like gege doesn’t care about his characters/gen /nm. i genuinely love jjk so much, but this current arc (after shibuya) is kinda… idk. i’m not loving it but maybe that’s cus i’m not understanding it, however i don’t feel as “harshly” towards it as u do. it’s very interesting to see ur opinion though, i love discussing things like this.
as for bnha… i am very close to dropping it entirely. i’m anime only, so i cannot judge what’s going on in the manga, but how i don’t like how it’s currently going at all. the pacing is fucking awful. the entirety of s5 feels like a filler to me, i haven’t made it past ep9 bc it’s just so boring to me. i feel like for the last two seasons (so szn 4 and 5) nothing has REALLY happened. and ik that’s not true bc of all the stuff that happened with eri and overhaul, but it feels like nothing’s happened. and it saddens me because i grew really attached to the characters but i’m not sure i can continue the anime if it continues like this.
im gonna put this under a cut! please remember that these r my opinions and im not looking for a debate! we are just vibing here
it's pretty much confirmed that gege doesn't care about his characters cause he seems to hate so many of them. my biggest issue and why i feel this way / what confirmed this for me was personally naoya's death. i think after shibuya arc - watching shit hit the fan and seeing things progressively become worse was a pretty natural next step in the story
but the further we go into it, the more it feels like the story loses direction. it's tragedy for the sake of tragedy. it's hard for me to attach meaning to characters and their deaths when we really don't get a chance to garner feelings for their story in a way i feel is necessary.
i think the jjk story is heavily centered on despair - but to execute that, you have to display hope. despair exists in the absence of hope but if there's no hope at all than it's travesty for travesty sake
naoya is an asshole but the way he died was so... lackluster. his final moments were so pathetic and in my opinion uninteresting and i think that's a real shame because if he had a little more time, and wreaked a little more havoc - it could've been so cool. it didn't feel fleshed out to me and i think that's my issue with the story as a whole ig. a lot of the things i feel could be fleshed out really aren't
I DO LOVE JJK THO!! i love the characters and the concept and a good bit of the story, i just think more could be done yk
also with bnha - i don't particularly mind the slow pacing and i completely understand it being boring. a lot of people i know irl who are anime only have dropped it and i don't blame them!
if im not mistaken - this entire season will feel pretty empty up until the last few episodes if the anime tightly follows the manga. i wont tell you to watch though since i completely understand if you find it boring LMAO
in terms of shounen, the mha pacing is definitely not for anyone who enjoys more action heavy stories / plot heavy stories. i do think the story being so... boring right now though is 10000% on purpose because shit hits the fan very, very quickly.
i don't want to spoil anything for you since you are not reading the manga but i promise you things will not stay boring if you're curious. i think hks intent with the first few arcs was to demonstrate how uninteresting and calm things are before... shit happens!
shit will happen though and when it does, it's gonna be insane so it won't stay like this forever. in that case, it might not be worth dropping
given how the manga is im actually really grateful for how uneventful this season is genuinely. i almost wish things could continue like this forever
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kestrele · 7 years
i originally had some depressin shit written down here but no one likes that so im going 2 rant abt how much i love japan like some kinda FREAK
its just a bunch of memories i have from my trip tbh no weeb shit
i wantt to go back to japan when every night i could go out with friends and just take a long walk around the town and find cool little restaurants back in alleys and rly awesome underground music shows that played every night and meet interesting new people and look at how pretty the houses were back in the neighborhoods in tokyo and look at the city lights and think abt whatever u wanna think abt and feel so comfortable with ur friends and yourself that u feel like u can do anything. and i want 2 have commutes on the train again even tho it was shit bc u could listen to music and look out at the city through the window and get off at a station and walk through neighborhoods to get home and look at the sky and listen to ur music and think about how much you’re in love with life at that moment. it’s so simple but that little walk from the train station to my host mom’s house every day was one of my favorite things. especially at late night with my headphones in looking up at the stars, or early in the morning on the way to the station with my roommate after breakfast and seeing someone’s cat. another very simple thing that i loved was the convenience stores. something about them was comforting. and even sleeping on the floor and looking up through the window late at night after a really long day and thinking about how exhausted i was just made me love living. knowing i was living to the fullest extent and loving every minute of it. so i wanna live for that and i dream for that future even if i have to work really hard for it. it’ll never be exactly that way again but the future still holds more moments with that feeling. so it’s good
i think if i study abroad, i’ll wanna go to saitama (right by tokyo) so i can visit kamakura again and shop for clothes in shibuya. i hope it works out so me n seth n romney can go to a music show to make up for the time we couldnt afford it. and we can take a walk through the neighborhoods again and visit the little shop we had food and talked to those two cool guys about america and why we were visiting even though the owner of the restaurant was a cranky old man who didnt like us
ok im done reminiscing bc i just remembered yesterday when me and jenn went to steak and shake and i got a mushroom cheeseburger and aside from the really sucky service it was a rly good borger and i had a good time hanging out with her. i had a very good day yesterday. got dam that borger was good. and i am vry grateful jenn spent time with me yesterday lov her
thinking about good memoories rly beats thinkin abt bad stuff like how much i hms and wanna die, so this was good. a nice positive post. very nice
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