#i am actually so not normal about PPG and only people who knew me from my sideblog knew the insanity of it
miusato · 6 months
Hi!! I'm curious as to the main inspirations for your artstyle is? It has great cartoony vibes I really like it (smth about its vibes really reminds me of a cartoon called detentionaire in particular? I'm not sure what tho asides from the general aesthetic)
Hi hi! My default artstyle is pretty much an amalgamation of what I liked (I like both animes and cartoons) but I can't deny it totally leans heavily on cartoony sides hhh. I never heard of Detentionaire and decided to check it out and I think I'll watch it one day since I dont really have the time to do so rn _(:3」∠)_
I referred a lot to early 00s cartoons like PPG and Clone High since both are my favourite shows (although I didnt bother to finish S2 of Clone High because.... yeah) so both are a big influence for my art style in general.
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Most of the time, I based them off PPG Movie like ugh I have so many words to describe how much I adore this movie and I have dedicated a ridiculous amount of time to this series but anyway I really love how they manage to translate the PPG character designs into digital animation (since the original was made traditionally) so beautifully like everyone is so much angular and since they have so many budgets for the movie, they added gradients and color balance each scenes. This movie means so much to me art wise because I just never thought that just by adding gradients to such a simple looking art makes it so prettier so I just started doing gradients after I watched this movie lol
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My other art inspiration is definitely Jeluto! She drew so many anime characters in this art style and I just love how each character she drew just fits their personality and appearance 💗💗💗
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But if you want a more specific term for this kind of artstyle, the name for this art style that a lot of cartoon from this era you see in the late 90s-early 00s (My life as a Teenage Robot, Fairly Odd Parents, Dexter's Lab, El-Tigre, etc) is widely known as UPA Artstyle! There's a really interesting blog post explaining this art style in general that people should read :3
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rhbuzzkill-blog · 8 years
The Duet Part 4
Buzzkill and Beekeeper sat in his room. To be more accurate, Buzzkill was laying down on his bed smugly while Beekeeper sat watching people’s opinions of Buzzkill expressed via the internet. “You made a lot of people angry,”
“I know! How great is it? It’s times like this I wish I had a bottle of champagne. Even Gyne is impressed,” Buzzkill replied, singsong.
“Only mildly,” the voice rang in his head.
“I’ll take what I can get,”
“I’m surprised no heroes caught us,” Beekeeper said, impressed.
“What? Oh, please. The Music Hall is away from Hero’s Study, and soundproofed so all the songs don’t mix together. Any heroes around were in the illusion that Bubbles was there and everything was safe. No one thinks you’re a threat if you’re doing karaoke with Superman, at least for only ten minutes with the doors closed,”
“How did you get the doors to close?”
“New friend. Dexter. He made the whole place lock down. No one escaping, no one texting or messaging about what’s happening. It’s only when the doors burst open and people’s screams exited the room that any heroes thought there was something wrong,” he said smugly. “Poke his ego a bit and it’s amazing what a Genius can do,”
Beekeeper nodded, watching social media accounts blaze. “I still think it was a bit mean what you did to Bubbles,”
“Well, you know what I mean. I thought she was your favorite?”
“Least disliked,” he corrected. Beekeeper gave him a look saying that wasn’t the point. Buzzkill sighed. “School’s tough here. Any villain who successfully does something this major is huge! Making a Powerpuff helpless to a crime is like dethroning a queen. I made a name for myself!”
“Not the first time you’ve been called crazy,” Beekeeper teased.
“Har har,”
“Still, it’s a shame Bubbles dislikes you now. I was really liking talking to her,”
“You and most of the school body,”
“You could have been friends,” Beekeeper said innocently. Buzzkill gave him a look, raising an eyebrow. Like that would last. “I’m just saying it would be cool to work with Bubbles,”
“What? Convince her to be a villain?” he asked jokingly.
“Aren’t you the supervillain?”
Buzzkill gave him a deadpan look. “I have limits. I already tried convincing her male counterpart to work with me and nearly got destroyed. If I wasn’t disguised then, my whole Antidote X operation would have been a bust!”
“You convinced her not to immediately charge after you when her superpowers returned,”
“That’s different. The ‘we’re not so different’ speech works better as a way to escape while they haven’t had long enough to think about it. Better than I hoped, since Buttercup hasn’t smashed down my door yet,”
“At least they know I don’t have superpowers so they won’t target me,”
“Real great back up there,” Buzzkill said, a mix of joking and sarcasm. Beekeeper winced as he read through Reaper High’s outrage. “What’s wrong? Buttercup announce what she’s going to do to me?”
“No, Bubbles responded,”
Buzzkill sat up, smugly. “Is it hatred? Is it some boiling condemnation?” he asked, singsong. He was in their bad books anyway and set his bridges alight, might as well see how brightly they burned. Plus the worst said the bigger reputation as a villain he gets.
“’I’m Disappointed’,” Beekeeper read aloud. Buzzkill paused. “’When you offer someone a second chance, you always hope they’ll improve. Though sometimes they don’t, never forget to always see the best in people, and don’t let it stop you from helping the next person who might need it’,”
Buzzkill was stunned. “Did she just use my act of villainy to promote kindness?”
“I think so,”
“How could she!?” Buzzkill yelled, outraged. Beekeeper laughed. “I worked hard for this, and she’s going to use all my buzz to spread cheer and happiness!?”
“The bitch!” Beekeeper was laughing hard now. Buzzkill was enraged. “She knows exactly what she’s doing too! Next time, truly no mercy! I am getting Dexter to build me a Deathtrap and putting her in it!” he fumed.
“Isn’t that a bit hard to hide?”
“I’ll make it invisible then!”
When Beekeeper finally stopped laughing, Buzzkill sat annoyed. Beekeeper moved over and patted his back. “Don’t worry, you still proved yourself as an excellent villain. Plus, I got all the songs recorded,” he said, trying to cheer him up.
Buzzkill sighed. “No chance you could edit her parts to make her look worse?”
“No way, did you see her? I’m not ruining that,”
“What a great minion you are,” Buzzkill teased.
“Only your best,” Beekeeper teased back. At least Buzzkill was happy his moment of villainy was going to be edited by the best video editor and director he knew.
Three days later, Buzzkill was suspicious. Though Buttercup did splatter him a few times, all of it was incredibly restrained. He expected Buttercup and Blossom to speed after him and make him beg for mercy after what he did. Oh they hated him, their glares were almost laserbeams, but it seems Bubbles had convinced them that detention was enough.
He muttered to himself as he went towards the room he was meant to have detention in today. Some Normal Hall class. When he approached, something was off. Very big room for detention. He shrugged it off and entered anyway.
He instantly regretted it.
A stand full of those from the duet was in the corner, radiating a twisted form of happiness that only comes from other’s suffering. Buzzkill could see Buttercup and Tootie there as well. Whatever was going to happen, it was going to be the revenge she was restraining for. 
Harley Quinn was in the center along with a smiling Bubbles. In the corner, Beekeeper had set up cameras.
“Let me guess, you do this they’ll not give you any punishment,”
“Yep. Sorry Buzzkill,”
Buzzkill sighed. “And what is this anyway?”
“A duet!” someone from the crowd yelled spitefully.
“Actually it’s a performance piece,”
“Zim went to the Duet?” Buzzkill asked Beekeeper. Beekeeper shrugged.
“You’re going to help me reenact a certain scene as part of your detention,” Bubbles said.
“And this scene is?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. He already began to shift his clothing into carapace. Whatever it was, it wasn’t going to be pretty.
Beekeeper turned on the music. The Powerpuff Girls theme played.
Buzzkill paled.
Buzzkill lay groaning on the floor. He didn’t care if he looked ridiculous. He used all of his bees on healing himself and he still felt like he got hit with a truck. He lost limbs before and that didn’t hurt as much as this.
He now had a new level of sympathy for the villains in the Powerpuff intro.
As most of the crowd dispersed, happy with their revenge, Bubbles floated over. “Are you okay?” she asked. Buzzkill stared at her, deadpan. She just helped him up and gave him a chair. 
“I see you took the idea of beating your theme song into my head,” he stated.
“It was a good idea,” she admitted. “Plus, all these people were hurt by you. It was the best way to clear a lot of anger everyone had,”
“And personal gratification for you,”
Bubbles frowned. “You made me regret helping someone. You made me confused and upset. But I remembered I can’t let villains affect me like that. I’m not invincible, but heaps of people here look up to me,” she said. “I’m ‘the joy and the laughter’,”
“And this has to do with justifying beating me up to your theme song how?”
“Oh, I’m not looking for forgiveness or justification. This is good,” she said cheerfully. Ironic echo. “I’m not perfect, and we do solve a lot of problems through violence. But sometimes it’s fine to enjoy defeating a villain in a way that’s not so nice if it makes everyone happy,”
“I’m really feeling the happiness,”
“Plus, now I don’t feel I regret helping you. You got punishment for your actions, and those you hurt aren’t hurt anymore. Though you should be more concerned in case someone’s allergic to bee stings,”
“They’re demon bees. Doesn’t provoke allergic reactions,”
“That’s great!” she said, smiling. “Then everything’s fine,”
Buzzkill frowned. “You don’t hate me?”
“Well, I’m still not completely friendly with you. You did betray me a lot then. And my sisters definitely hate you,” she noted. “But I feel better. So no,”
“You really are too forgiving for your own good,”
“I like to think I’m always willing to give second chances,”
“Someone’s going to ruin that for you one day,”
“Well I can think of someone who tried and that didn’t work,” she teased. “Anyway, I better go. If you want another duet make sure to invite my sisters next time!” she joked before flying off.
“Invite her to another duet and you’re dead,” Buttercup growled as she floated past, before flying off herself.
Buzzkill groaned as he sat in the chair. Beekeeper walked over. “...What is with you and really positive heroes, anyway?”
“They appeal to my sense of challenge,” he answered.
“...Should I tell Mantis you’re eyeing another hero?”
“I will fire you,”
“I could become part of the Powerpuff’s marketing and filming then. Bubbles was really good at getting all the punches and kicks right for a great reenactment,” Beekeeper noted. Buzzkill groaned again. 
From school-wide renown villain to posterboy in the PPG’s latest advertisement of greatness. Just the rollercoaster ride of his unlife.
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