#i am chronically uncaring about celebrities
strangesickness · 4 months
it has been so weird getting into live action film in the past little while because prior to late 2023 i was basically only into video games, comics, and cartoons (i have pretty bad face blindness so i can find it difficult to follow live action movies, especially if characters have similar hair or clothes. top gun maverick was a NIGHTMARE for me), and now i'm like? recognizing actors? it's kind of weird to think that when i'm my parents age kids aren't going to know who. chris evans or like. finn wolfhard are. and i'm going to do the exact same thing my parents always do like "what? you don't know who chris evans is? he's only captain america!" and the kid is going to be like... "why would i know who captain america is...? that movie came out before i was even born... no one cares about captain america these days gramps" and then i'll go to bingo or something and cry about it.
#but like. realizing i can just. recall some actors names???#like. i had a few moments where i was like “who played that guy” and i didn't even have to look up “[character name] actor"#i just knew???#which has been like. really weird#i am chronically uncaring about celebrities#i've just never taken an interest#it gets me similar looks to the ones i get when i say “i don't have tiktok”#people will show me a picture of a popular musician and even if its one i listen to i'm like... dude idk who that is#like if you're thinking of like “big celebrities” that EVERYONE knows? i probably do not. except like taylor swift and notable politicians#and jerry seinfeld#but that has more to do with my dad having like every episode of seinfeld memorized than it does anything else#posts afflicted with a strange sickness#this is about knives out btw#i just watched knives out for the first time since it came out and i recognized chris evans AND jaden martell#i also recognized daniel craig and katherine langford but i couldn't remember their names lol#one of the reasons i didn't enjoy watching live action films for a long time is that i have really bad face blindness#if a movie has more than one 20-40yr old attractive white guy in it who dress similarly i will be completely unable to tell them apart /srs#and this makes understanding the plot of a lot of movies incredibly difficult#all of this is to say i spent all of knives out convinced that michael shannon was woody harrelson but they don't even look alike tbh
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paulbenedictblog · 4 years
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Bbc news Kim Jong-un: Trump 'contento' por la reaparición del líder norcoreano
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Media captionConvey media reported that Kim Jong-un opened a fertiliser plant on Friday
US President Donald Trump has said he is "cheerful" that Kim Jong-un has re-emerged and appears to be like to be healthy.
"I, for one, am cheerful to scrutinize he is aid, and effectively!" Mr Trump tweeted, after the North Korean chief reportedly attended the outlet of a fertiliser plant.
It changed into Mr Kim's first public appearance in nearly three weeks.
His absence - particularly from his unhurried grandfather's birthday occasion on 15 April - had sparked intense global hypothesis over his health.
KCNA recordsdata company reported that Mr Kim cut the ribbon at the outlet of the fertiliser factory on Friday, and added that crowds "broke into thunderous cheers of hurrah" when he seemed.
On Monday, amid hypothesis and hearsay about Mr Kim's health, President Trump had said he had a "very correct conception" about Mr Kim's condition, but added that "I can not focus on it".
"I impartial wish him effectively," he added at the time.
President Trump and Mr Kim dangle developed a contemporary relationship in most in type years.
The two men dangle met three instances since 2018, and dangle exchanged non-public letters with every other that Mr Trumphas described as "unbelievable".
Nonetheless, talks relating to the denuclearisation of North Korea dangle stalled in most in type months.
Bbc news What did the philosophize media file enlighten?
In maintaining with Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), Mr Kim changed into accompanied by a couple of senior North Korean officers, at the side of his sister Kim Yo-jong.
The North Korean chief cut a ribbon at a ceremony at the plant, in a spot north of Pyongyang, and folks that were attending the match "burst into thunderous cheers of 'hurrah!' for the Supreme Chief who is commanding the all-folks total march for accomplishing one of the best motive within the aid of prosperity", KCNA said.
Image copyright AFP
Image caption "Thunderous cheers of 'hurrah'" were heard because the factory changed into opened, in step with KCNA
Mr Kim said he changed into happy with the factory's manufacturing device, and praised it for contributing to the growth of the country's chemical industry and food manufacturing, the philosophize recordsdata company added.
Bbc news What began hypothesis about his health?
Speculation about Mr Kim's health began after he ignored the birth anniversary celebrations of his grandfather, philosophize founder Kim Il-sung on 15 April.
The anniversary is one in every of the supreme occasions within the North Korean calendar, and Mr Kim generally marks it by visiting the mausoleum the save aside his grandfather lies. Mr Kim had by no manner ignored this match.
Claims about Mr Kim's ill-health then surfaced in a file for an internet philosophize lumber by North Korean defectors.
Image copyright AFP
Image caption Kim Jong-un had no longer ignored the birth anniversary of his unhurried grandfather sooner than
An anonymous supply instructed the Day after day NK that they understood he had been combating cardiovascular issues since final August "but it worsened after repeated visits to Mount Paektu".
This ended in a chain of reporting by international media on a single-sourced chronicle.
News companies then began to lumber with that claim, and it changed into all they had until some experiences emerged that intelligence companies in South Korea and the US were monitoring the claim.
But then came a extra sensational headline in US media that the North Korean chief changed into in a extreme condition after coronary heart surgical design.
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Media captionWho is North Korea's chief Kim Jong-un?
US Secretary of Convey Mike Pompeo seemed to stoke the rumours on 29 April, by asserting US officers "hadn't considered" Mr Kim currently.
Nonetheless, an announcement from the South Korean authorities, and sources at Chinese intelligence - speaking to the Reuters recordsdata company - said this changed into no longer right.
Bbc news Has Kim Jong-un disappeared sooner than?
Yes. Mr Kim went lacking for 40 days in September 2014, after attending a concert. He reappeared in mid-October, the utilization of a cane.
Convey media by no manner defined the save aside he had been. But South Korea's intelligence company said he doubtlessly had an operation on his left ankle stemming from issues with a cyst.
Warning is regularly tossed aside when reporting on North Korea. Thinly sourced, wildly speculative rumours can feed an industry conscious that sensationalist headlines about Kim Jong-un are great clickbait.
Reporting on the secretive philosophize is delicate. Info and sources are very delicate to create, especially since the country is even extra closed off to the field due to Covid-19 pandemic. The South Korean authorities changed into definite that it famed no strange exercise within the North. Seoul generally has essentially the most easy intelligence from Pyongyang. But even they dangle got been pass within the past.
Let's be definite. Kim Jong-un may perhaps perhaps perhaps were ill, or he may perhaps perhaps perhaps dangle had some form of surgical route of within the final two weeks. Or he may perhaps perhaps perhaps were lounging on a yacht arrive his villa in Wonsan laughing at the field's wild hypothesis. His 20 day absence is no longer without precedent.
There are gentle reliable questions to be requested about a doable successor and what plans are in save aside ought to something happen to him.
But there is one thing that has been misplaced in all of this. North Korea is bigger than one man. It is a rustic of 25 million folks which may perhaps perhaps well perhaps be generally uncared for. This day, Mr Kim's reappearance changed into at a fertiliser plant. The headlines will without a doubt tackle his return, and on the save aside he has been quite than on whether or no longer this factory may perhaps perhaps perhaps aid the country tackle chronic food shortages.
I swear you, that for the folks of North Korea impartial now, that is solely as crucial because the unexplained absence of their chief.
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