#i am currently too frail and breakable to write
loverbot-9000 · 6 months
hi hello. thinking about this stupid idiot baby again!!!!
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Mutt’s hospital visit
Ahhhh... Finally i got to writing! This took too long! Not one of my best works, but hey... This is extra bad, because my knowledge of hospitals and medicine are very limited
Content warning: hospital, broken ribs, mention of other injuries, modern slavery, past abuse
Tag list: @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @burtlederp @im-not-rare-im-rarr @comfortforthepain @18-toe-beans @haro-whumps @deluxewhump @kungpao-giffy @draganies @spiffythespook @whump-chains @projectstripe
Gavin should have noticed sooner. It was so obvious. Any other person would have noticed. Everything was pointing to it. The coughing, Caleb’s shallow and careful breathing, the way he occasionally clutched his side in pain when he thought Gavin wasn’t paying attention to him. But Gavin didn’t notice, did he? Not until he finally came around to asking Caleb to show him what’s wrong and saw the very unnatural shift of rib bones along his right side.
And Gavin’s ignorance is precisely the reason he’s currently driving as fast as he dares, heart rate going a whole lot faster then it probably should in a healthy human, whilst Caleb sits on the passenger seat, looking equal parts absolutely terrified and confused. Gavin should have noticed sooner. Caleb could have died of internal bleeding! Hell, he could be dying right now!
“Just… Just hang in there Caleb. It’s fine. You’re… You’re going to be fine! This is all fine! You are not dying!” Gavin wondered who he was actually trying to reassure; Caleb, or himself. Gavin glances over at Caleb. Caleb does not look reassured.
“D… Dying?! I’m… I’m dying?” Gavin curses himself for being this shit at handling stress situations.
“No. No. It’s fine Caleb. I… You’re going to be fine! It’s just… just broken ribs. It’s fine.” Turning his attention back to the road, Gavin tries to get his breathing in check, attempting a few slow and deep breaths in a row. Gavin can feel Caleb’s eyes on him, getting the feeling that the man next to him is burning to ask him something, but doesn’t dare to say anything.
“You want to say something, right? Go on. You always have my permission to speak.” Gavin’s words come out a bit choked between his shitty attempts at calm breathing. He can see Caleb fidgeting with his hands in the corner of his eye.
“I… Mas… I… I mean Gavin I…” He closes his eyes, swallowing hard. He clenches his fists before speaking louder, faster and clearer than Gavin heard him ever before. “If you’re bringing me to a… a Pet pound because of a… a few br… broken ribs, I… I beg you not to! I can st… still work! I can be… be useful a… and good, eve… even if I am damaged goods!” For a moment, Gavin can’t say anything. But he jumps back into action when he can see Caleb curling in on himself again, looking horrified at how he just spoke back to his Master. Gavin can sense him going into apologising and begging for forgiveness mode.
“No! I’m not taking you to a Pet pound!” Gavin stops. He’s being too loud. He can’t get loud with Caleb. He tries again, keeping his voice at a moderate level. “I would never Caleb. “ Caleb is staring at his wrists. “Caleb… Please look at me.” Caleb obeys, as he always does. “I can’t look at you right now. Don’t want to get us caught up in a car accident as well… But please. Trust me when I say, I’m not going to give you away. Not now, not ever.” Gavin feels Caleb itching to ask something again.
“It’s okay if you want to ask something Caleb. I won’t see it as rude.” Caleb resumes his fidgeting again.
“I… Ga… Gavin, whe… where are we go… going then?” Good question. Where are they going to? Caleb needs medical care. And fast. Gavin is not risking a man’s death over said man’s assurance that he can work on with broken ribs. Pet medical facilities have the biggest array of different treatments, but Gavin doesn’t trust them, nor does he like the rumours he’s heard about the places. And it could very well scare Caleb, seeing one of those places, and he might assume Gavin might still want to give him away.
No. no way in hell is Gavin taking Caleb to one of those places.
Normal hospitals offer limited treatment for Pets, but only in emergency situations. Well if this wouldn’t be counted as a emergency situation, Gavin didn’t know what would. Gavin shuddered. His dislike of hospitals is big, but he wouldn’t risk a humans life because of one of his silly dislikes.
Caught deep in thought, Gavin almost misses a turn, and ends up having to do it a little too fast and sharp. Caleb gets caught unready for the sudden change of direction, and hits the car door with his shoulder. He grunts in pain, wrapping his arm around his right side as the movement must have jostled his ribs. Guilt pools in Gavin’s stomach, hot and sharp.
“Shit, Caleb, I am so sorry! Crap… Sorry! I’ll try to drive more careful!” Gavin is aware that he’s being too loud, but he can’t help it. Caleb just has a confused and pained expression plastered on his face. Well, at least he probably didn’t mistake me raising my voice as signs of anger, Gavin thinks.
Gavin decides against saying anything else, knowing that he keeps saying thing that just make Caleb worry more. Shutting up is his best option here. And that he does for the rest of the drive. There are no more issues with Gavin’s terrible driving leading to more pain for Caleb, but the way he takes every breath with extreme caution worries Gavin a lot.
Getting Caleb out of the car needs a little bit of patience and gentle coaxing, fear evident on the smaller man’s still bruised face. It’s obvious Caleb wants to obey, but the fear is keeping him from doing that, causing him even more distress. Eventually, Gavin manages to get him out, promising him that he won’t leave his side, and telling him that he can hold on to him if that makes him feel better.
Cautiously, pale, frail fingers wrap around Gavin’s left arm gently, as Caleb’s worried eyes skim across the parking lot. Gavin smiles reassuringly, lightly placing his bigger hand over the smaller, scarred one clutching to his upper arm.
“You’re doing great Caleb.” Caleb doesn’t look like he’s sure he should be allowed to believe that.
Keeping his pace slow as to accommodate for Caleb’s limp, Gavin starts walking towards the entrance of the hospital. Gavin’s concern spikes at how small and breakable Caleb looks clinging to his arm. It’s only been approximately two days since Gavin first saw Caleb kneeling on the floor before him in Mr. Hughes house, but Gavin already knows that if it came to it, he’d be ready to take bullets for this guy. Caleb deserves more love and care and positive attention then Gavin could ever give him and it burns him up inside that people like his boss would find pleasure and amusement in abusing people like him.
Caleb has a poorly concealed expression of pain spread to every corner of his face, worrying Gavin further.
As they step into the hospital, Caleb moves a little closer to Gavin, so close that he’s pressed right against his side. Gavin takes his hand in his.
“Hey… It’s okay. I won’t leave your side.”
Caleb mumbles a quiet “Thank you Master.” in response.
Once at the reception desk, Gavin contemplates just not mentioning that Caleb is a Pet, but eventually decides against it. The chip would get noticed, and he’d only prologue Caleb’s wait for treatment and get them both into trouble.
So he has to explain to the man at the desk, probably in his early forties with black hair and reading glasses, that he’s actually Caleb’s owner. The man’s smile fades to a frown.
“Oh. You’re one of those people. Well you just need to go right down that hall, and at the far left, you’ll find a door leading to the Pet ward. Good luck finding it.” He does nothing to conceal the disgust in his voice or expression. Gavin nods and smiles, before going in the direction the receptionist pointed him. Guilt blooms in Gavin’s chest once again.
It doesn’t take them too long to get there, even with Caleb’s limp. He’s obviously pushing himself hard to walk fast.
Once in the ward, Gavin is greeted with another reception desk, this time maned by a young blond girl, currently typing something on the computer in front of her. She looks up at Gavin, and then over at Caleb. She frowns at Caleb, probably because of the terrified way he clings to Gavin’s side, and the bruises littering his face and neck.
“Yes?” Her voice has a hint of sadness to it.
“I well… Um…” He points at Caleb. “He’s got like… seriously bad looking broken ribs all along his right side and I don’t know how long he’s had them and he could be dying of internal bleeding and he’s in a lot of pain, like… a lot! And I don’t know if some of the bones pierced some of his internal organs or something! It looks really bad!” Gavin couldn’t stop the spew of words from coming from his mouth, barely remembering that he still has to breath.
“Woah there Mister, calm down! Can you show me how bad it looks?” Quietly apologising to Caleb, he tugs his t-shirt up and shows her his right side. “Yeah… That doesn’t look good… I’ll make sure to get a doctor to see you as soon as possible.” She grabs a piece of bright yellow paper and a pen from the side and hands both to Gavin. “In the meantime, fill this out. Waiting room’s over there.”
She points to a door to the side. Gavin nods and steps into the waiting room, Caleb still clutching to his arm.
There aren’t many other people in the waiting room. There’s an elder lady with a tired expression on her face sitting on a chair with a female Pet sitting at her feet. She looks like a rather high class pet, dressed rather fancily. She has her knees drawn up to her chest an her eyes closed. There is a second woman siting in a chair further away. She looks younger and seriously pissed. She has a male Pet kneeling at her feet, a less high class pet then the other woman. The Pet has his arm cradled to his chest, it looks bent in an odd angle. There is a third Pet kneeling in the corner. It seems his Owner has left him here, probably to impatient or busy to wait with his Pet. The Pet has burns running up and down his arms. They don’t look all too bad, but cover a big enough area to need to have someone have a look at them.
Gavin sits down, making sure that Caleb sits in the chair right next to him. The elder lady seems put off by this. Gavin ignores her displease expression and starts filling out the formalities on the paper. It doesn’t ask much. Just basics, like the owners name, address, phone number and year of birth. It asks even less of the Pet. Merely their number and why they where brought here. Gavin has forgotten Caleb’s number by now. He leans closer to Caleb.
“What’s your number again?” He keeps his voice gentle and quiet.
“43002612” Caleb sounds a bit scared. Gavin can feel him trembling beside him. Gavin puts the paper to the side and turns to Caleb.
“Hey… You’re doing so great. And I really mean it. I know how stressful and scary hospitals can be.” He gently takes his Pet’s hand in his, rubbing his thumb across the back of it. “Is the pain bad? Please be honest.”
Caleb stares at Gavin, hesitating, before very cautiously nodding. Gavin frowns.
“But you’re doing really good.” Gavin smiles. For a moment, Caleb’s eyes seem to brighten up slightly.
It seems to Gavin that it takes ages until they get called out of the waiting room, the elderly lady complaining about them getting called out first in the background as they leave the waiting room.
In the doctor’s office Caleb gets asked to sit up on the examination table and take of his t-shirt. He does so with a bit of aid from Gavin’s part.
The doctor is a smallish man with greying brown hair that looks like he’s done with everything. He moves his chair closer to where Caleb is sitting, and scans his chip.
“Oh, only been his owner for a few days then, huh?” He eyes the bruises covering Caleb. Gavin nods, but says nothing. “Okay then. Lets get on with this then. I don’t have much time. Lay down please.”
Caleb looks at his Master questioningly, and when Gavin nods, he does what is asked of him.
The doctor examines the area by pressing at Caleb’s ribs gently and listening to his lungs.
“Well he has four broken ribs on his right side, that’s for sure, but his lungs are fine. But you’re not getting out of running him through an x-ray.”
“What about internal bleeding?”
“Well. I can’t really determine that from outside. We will run an MRI too to determine that.” Gavin nods.
The doctor runs through some technical things with Gavin whilst Caleb sits next to him silently. Gavin soon notices that there is no way he will be able to join Calen during the tests he’ll have to go through, and begins to worry about him. He promised he’d stay at Caleb’s side. When Caleb catches on to this he clings to Gavin even tighter.
“I know I promised I wouldn’t leave your side. I’m sorry, but I can’t come with you for this. I’m so sorry. But I’ll be right back at your side as soon as I can. And that’s a promise I plan to keep.” Caleb looks scared and unconvinced, but, obedient as ever, lets himself get led away.
This is when Gavin really starts to worry. It’s taking way too long. What if Caleb feels uncomfortable or scared? What if he passed out from internal blood loss? Gavin can feel himself hyperventilating again as he paces the halls of the Pet ward. He tries to get his breathing under control by breathing slowly into his cupped hands and holding his breath for ten seconds. It works moderately, but he still needs to lean against the wall for a moment.
It’s just all so much! A few days ago, he had nothing to do with Pet’s at all, nor did he think he ever would, and now, he owns one, and even might be responsible for his death. Yes, he wasn’t the one to inflict the wounds, but he should have noticed. He should have noticed. He should have took Caleb to the hospital straight away. Gavin rubs the palm of his hands across his face. There are so many things he should or could have done. So many. He just hopes he didn’t do the ones he did too late.
When he spots Caleb limping in his direction alongside a nurse, he feels like he can breath just a little bit freer. He starts bombarding her with questions and she tells him to calm down and that she’ll explain in a moment, sending Gavin’s heart racing with worry again.
Once Caleb is back on the examination table, she explains to Gavin that he hasn’t gotten any internal damage aside from the bruising around his broken ribs, and that the fractures are rather basic, so it will heal on its own.
“They won’t need any further medical treatment, but the rest of him sure does.” She glares at Gavin.
Gavin silently holds Caleb’s hand through out the treatment of the rest of his injuries, caressing the back of his hand with his thumb again. At one point the nurse leans in closer and asks something of Caleb. He shakes his head and says something quietly. The nurse looks up at Gavin.
“He says you didn’t do all this to him.” She gestures at the burn on Caleb’s ribs she’s currently tending to. Gavin shakes his head.
“No. I’ve only…” Gavin sighs. “Only been his… his owner for a short while.” She nods, becoming slightly less hostile towards Gavin.
Once she’s done, Caleb  is bandaged up much neater then the low quality of bandaging Gavin had achieved. The nurse briefly explains some basics about how to care for the different wounds and how all he could do for the broken ribs is let Caleb rest and ice the area.
“What about some stronger pain killers? He’s in a lot of pain… I’ve been giving him Advil, but it isn’t nearly strong enough.”
She almost laughs out loud.
“Oh dear, no. I’m afraid that’s frightfully illegal.” Gavin blinks in confusion.
“Prescribing Pet’s strong pain meds is illegal, dear. Have you been living under a rock?” What the hell?! Gavin runs his hands through his hair.
“Yeah. Apparently I have.”
From then on, Gavin tries to get out of there as fast as possible, wanting to get Caleb into an environment with less people, and himself out of the sterile halls of the hospital which seem much narrow for his liking.
When they are finally back in the car, he feels a little bit more relaxed. But he doesn’t trust himself to drive just yet.
“You did really good in there Caleb! You stayed so calm…” Caleb’s eyes brighten ever so slightly again.
“Tha… Thank you Gavin!” Gavin smiles a bit.
“Are you okay? Please answer truthfully.” Caleb stares at Gavin, trembling slightly. He seems to have no idea how to react.
“I guess what I’m asking is, do you need a hug?” Caleb hesitates and Gavin wonders if Caleb even likes such close physical proximity.
“I… I don’t think I… I deserve a… a reward Ma… Master Gavin…” Oh, so that’s what this is about.
“Well. I think you handled yourself really well in there. I think you deserve it.” Caleb looks unsure.
“I… Really?”
“Yes.” Gavin smiles reassuringly.
“Then… I… I’d be happy to a… accept a hug, Master Ga… Gavin”
Gavin manoeuvres himself closer to the passenger seat awkwardly, and gently wraps his arms around Caleb, careful as not to hurt him further. The position is rather uncomfortable for Gavin, the car’s gear stick sticking painfully into his thy, but by the way Caleb leans into Gavin, he really needed the hug, and then Gavin is more than happy to suffer through some minor discomfort for that.
To be honest, Caleb wasn’t the only one that really needed a hug.
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vindicatedvirgil · 4 years
amanda’s sanders sides binge reactions, episodes ten-sixteen
losing my motivation — making some changes
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home maintenance is not a joke
i don’t know, LOGIC
the game is on
all business
no you can’t play with us
i’ve been waiting for this day to wear it
he found a dollar
touching up some eyeshadow
what are these grounds
are they coffee grounds
you’re not welcome
elementary my dear daddy
how do the sides borrow money from each other i’m confused
sir sing-a-lot
i am a knight thank you very much
oh no how could you do it i trusted you
what’s going on? something good
feelings. the bane of my existence
weird mushy vision you mean my entire catalog of fanfic writing
well who should have done that *cue intense music*
am i in a paradoxical loop
calm down time
that was dark even for me
yes go to the library
logan’s name reveal
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Q+A time
laughy cry-y emoji
pouty mcspecs
i really need to up my roman giving nicknames game
his anxiety is heightened VIRGIL IS TALLEST SIDE CONFIRMED
so does roman have a fairy godmother
bippity boppity boo yah
i’m not okay
i promise
but also i am the walrus
wait that needs to be on my patton playlist brb
virgil likes tumblr hence he likes us
i need four cookies
and i will sit on a surface that is not meant to be sat on
patton doesn’t always screw stuff up
i also like podcasts
virgil’s compliments are great what are you talking about
who is texting logan (my guess is orange)
who is texting roman (my guess is remus)
winnie the pooh~
logan tries singing to all star
and virgil just goes “yeahhhh”
i know big words
relevant with yesterday’s skirt photo
what is a ship?
virgil definitely knows because he’s on tumblr
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thomas has a rat in his hair confirmed (it’s remus)
virgil is the first in this one too
sometimes i just gotta be me-an
hide under the covers until the sun goes away
chemically imbalanced romance
we’re donezo
never fear your creativity is here
thomas’ happiness is roman’s mission
you shackle your creativity
remus says something very similar
brainstorming extravaganza
patton why were you not wearing your pants
is this why princey spit yogurt at me yesterday
i’m always serious. clearly. i wear a necktie.
roman wears the pants-
they are a family btw
lol time limits
do those exist in current episodes
aggressive bouts of beat poetry
nb royalty aka me
*nods like virgil*
capita? like the cogitating cap?
patton would love untitled goat game
you tried you failed let’s go to sleep
logan you can’t just call virgil a defeatist
virgil’s face
and he just sinks out without saying anything
am so soft for the boy
roman name reveal!
hey roman
you’re my hero
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time for my favorite debate, much better than any political debates
analogical time
this could have been a logan centric video if virgil didn’t pop up
we get it, you don’t want me here, but i’m here
i want you here
virgil please be in the video tomorrow
i too call upon very specific facts to feel secure
how bruised is roman
cardigan-clad clod aka me
same, cream based broths upset my tummy unless i take lactaid
wait logan can’t be objective?
haagen daaz dispersion
bad imaginary
vocab word!
a debate *snap*
i wanna be the supreme dark overlord of negative commerce
please help me *screams in agony*
me me big boy
too much pressure, nooo
do they groan in disgust about the butterflies in his tummy because they feel that way about each other or-
this is better than any political debate
TBD = totally believable dude
when did they vote on logan’s proficiency plan i wanna see this
of course it’s not a straight answer no one in this video is straight-
the first FALSEHOOD
did he just hiss at me
i’m right, you’re wrong, shut up
that’s a try guys reference
this is stupid he’s stupid i’m out
your mom misses you
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visual puns are great
no virgil you’re not alone
same patton, i’m always confused
surly temple is one of my favorite nicknames
word association games return
don’t you dare turn breakfast food into a negative metaphor
was this really a necessary visual
voltron shirt *hits joan*
me watching sanders sides late into the night
great odin’s eyepatch!
well then it’s just 5am and you need to go to bed
keep it up so we get to see virgil more thanks
i’ve dreamed of this moment
anatomically, thomas is fine
what is the gosh-darn-ding-dang point
so mean to patton
darude sanderstorm
i want to bounce in a bouncy castle
i want to join a book club with joan and thomas
*gasp* not the necktie
you are the man. you look like the man. i fight the man. i want to fight you now.
janus also fights the man so-
you stole my look
is no one going to acknowledge that he just dabbed
logan asks for patton’s help when they can’t figure out what’s wrong
danny devito reference
mind palace!
star thingies
poor virgil and his eyes
for reference eeyore has always been my favorite disney character
and virgil is my fave
see any connections there
patton name reveal!
growing older is scary but being a kid was also scary because i didn’t know what was going on with my identity
patton understands virgil so well. cries. maybe the asides will fix their relationship
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listen buddy don’t blame us just because your mind is so empty
that was definitely roman
i didn’t know you made jokes like that
why don’t we talk more?
uh oh, feelings
more sentimental than on avalanche
it is flippin sweet man
with you i’m always home-
additional affirmation
whaddup anxiety
if virgil is upset when thomas isn’t near his friends then isolation really has to be messing with him
joan!logan is amazing
terrence!patton though
he/him pronouns all around~
another danny devito reference
okay but talyn!virgil is the best
breaking the fourth wall? 
single column?
aw patton loves thomas
hehe butt
“we are not actually your friends”
i love libraries
a man of many talyn’s
also i didn’t make as many comments on this one because it’s 11pm and i’m starting to get a bit sleepy
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