#i am fine with people making overexaggerated comments about how they want a character romantically or whatever.
ask-shane · 5 months
hi it's mod dawn here. i need to address something. i wrote this out in the tags on one post but i'll reiterate. when it comes to any of my ask/roleplay blogs, i CANNOT uphold established romantic relationships with anyone in character. this means the characters cannot say yes to being your s/o (dating or married). flirting is fine. it can be funny and sweet to interact like that. but i have to set the boundary there.
when the characters are 'reciprocating' your flirting, it is not to give false hope, nor is it supposed to be something sad. it's not a shane thing, it's a ME thing. there is a real person behind this. i do not feel comfortable roleplaying a romantic relationship, and i apologize if that makes people feel like the character is leading anyone on. it isn't my intention. if this boundary does not sit well with you, you are free to unfollow me. all that to say, please don't take the blog(s) too seriously. i just feel the need to make this clear due to some lingering concerns lately. thank you for listening.
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kob131 · 4 years
You know Hero Hei, it’s hard to feel sorry for you (or even try to be neutral towards you) when you’re still pulling the same manipulative bullshit.
Shocked face, overexaggerated title, contrasting colors, aggressive language- I’m pretty sure if Trump’s Political ads had thumbnails, they’d looked identical to yours (and I only say Trump because every other politician follows an older version of your formula.)
‘This is a follow-up to Neath Oum’s hitpiece on me-’
There you go again. Hit Piece is defined as a disingenuous article or similar such piece of media designed to turn public opinion against a person. Issue is- this is not a public article, it’s a fucking tweet thread and it’s not made to turn people against you (and consider the replies to his tweet, it wouldn’t even slightly change public opinion of you), it was made to explain why he doesn’t like you.
We can actually see how a hit piece would sound like IN YOUR VIDEO, as Neath forgoes a lot of the manipulative techniques you use in your videos to get an emotional reaction out of his audience before even beginning.
‘I have nothing but respect for Monty Oum-’
Your numerous videos slandering his friends when the man outright told people to stop watching his show for saying one of his friends was a lesser voice actor than two others in ONE instance says otherwise. 
‘*insert a bunch of sarcastic stuff here*’
I wouldn’t bitch too much but this video is only 6 minutes and 13 seconds long and about half a minute passes without him saying of substance. And I’m keeping his shit vague because it’s meaningless and just meant to rile his audience up. 
‘It won’t negatively affect me at all.’
Cool...and Neath is never shown to intend it too. Here’s the tweet thread that Hero Hei is talking but never sources (https://twitter.com/neath_oum/status/1307345624958812160). Not once does he ever say anything about exposing Hero Hei and ends it by reiterating it’s about explaining his blocking.
Also of note-
Because his lies exacerbate conflict or generate controversy where none existed
Neath says this in his chain. Now consider Hero Hei portraying this as an attack against him...when he never says to spread his thread, use manipulative language like you do or use the attention grapping tactics you do. And now you’re just proving him right when you could have stopped this 40+ second monologue, made a title like “I respond to Neath Oum’s Twitter Thread” and used a different thumbnail. 
(Note: I am skipping from 0:37 to 1:22 because at 0:44 he says to skip that segment as it’s a catchup and I’m trying to give him some benefit so I’ll just skip it and assume he gave a neutral recap.)
‘He begins hyping this thread up and being really suspicious and vague about it!’
You mean like what people said about your original video on the subject which you dismissed and mocked them for?
To paraphrase you Hero Hei-
‘Read beyond the first sentence.’
‘In my opinion, this means nothing and so i will not comment on most of this.’
You mean opinion of the target of the so-called ‘hit piece’ who would have every reason to downplay what is being shown. After I having already seen for myself that you’re a damn liar and the very first part of the ‘hit piece’ is talking about how you lie by omission? You clearly do care because you made (an admittedly low effort) video on it and yet you can’t even address it properly? Speaking as someone who has had hit pieces made on him, you’re an idiot.
Also your ‘if you want to read the whole thing, you know where to find it!’ shit is inexcusable. It’s a known fact that audiences likely won’t seek out something that would discredit their subject. They’ll be far more likely to just accept whatever you say, especially if say...their emotions and tribalistic instincts were being played on by portraying Neath as inherently wrong and using emotionally charged language to elicit a certain reaction out of them.
“Most of this stuff is from a year ago anyways!’
Stuff which you yourself bring up before to make and support your points. 
‘This isn’t really worth my time, it’s desperate.’
I have literally heard politicians pull this, how is everything out of your mouth killing your credibility?
‘*tries to portray Neath’s beginning statement as aggressive towards people asking for proof* Well I dunno why anyone would be upset you accused someone without proof but okay-’
A. ‘ Finished some stuff earlier than expected. For those who (civilly) asked for info and proof about hero hei, here you go.’
That is Neath’s opening sentence. This is not being aggressive or dismissive or at all negative towards the people asking for proof. I can’t think of a way to be more neutral than this.
B. Funny considering you accused Pedantic Romantic of being a stalker and yet never provided actual proof, just out of context screenshots (effectively lies which is WORSE.) So clearly you don’t care that much.
‘Funny that he says he found additional evidence about this when he retweeted a thread made a month ago by another twiiter user that I debunked in another vide Man this is some worthless stuff.’
Gee Hero Hei, I’ve noticed that you like to portray this as irrelevant without saying why, continuously using those kinds of terms. Kind of like news outlets when bitching about someone they don’t like, all using similar terminology as if to subconsciously reinforce an idea in the viewer’s head. Also funny since those same news outlets ALSO tend to rely on the reader’s bias...
‘See, he even admits that he’s taking this from someone I debunked!’
Well actually, you just pointed out one single mistake that wasn’t connected to their point but sure.
‘This is so lazy Neath!’
Hero hei, you literally just take what other people say and vomit it out- You do the same shit.
‘Animelog is by Toei actually!’
No Hero Hei, it’s not. Toei justed signed up for them. It’s still operated by AnalyzeLog...which is funded by Net 10 ventures, the company Neath CITED.
Benjamin Grubbs is the founder of AnalyzeLog. In 2018, AnalyzeLog was founded with seed funding from U.S. venture capitalist Next10 Ventures. In December 2019 AnalyzeLog Digital struck a deal with Toei Animation. Shogakukan followed Toei animation deal in April 2020, and just last month it signed a collaboration with animation studio Shin Ei Animation, creators of “Doraemon” and “Crayon Shin-Chan”.
‘He tries to compare Toei being a founder of Daisuki to it’s massive investment in AnalyzeLog!’
... Hero Hei. When you found something like a business, you are INVESTING in that business. Jeff Bezos fundamentally invested in Amazon when he started it up because he had to use his own money to make it happen.
... Do you think your audience is brain dead or something?
‘*covers Neath’s screenshot of his video titles*’
Hm, pretty sure that’s the definition of ‘suspect’ Hero Hei.
‘So this vice president of Rooster Teeth did horrible things to his wife and Neath is defending this or something-’
*grabs Hero Hei by the collar*
Nuh uh, you ain’t getting away with that shit.
First, short one about Rooster Teeth, the lies I am talking about were lies of omission. These screenshots show the titles of some of his videos. Titles and screenshots are what drives viewers when deciding what videos to watch. In the titles, he used "Rooster Teeth Vice President". Using "Rooster Teeth Vice President" evokes the image of the second highest ranking person at Rooster Teeth. However, he used "Vice President of Product and Engineering" in the video description, so he knew what the person's full rank was but omitted it from the titles. By seeing the actual rank, viewers would know that the terminated person was not the second highest ranked person at Rooster Teeth. Not including information in a title to give viewers the wrong impression amounts to lies of omission.
Some will argue that he didn't lie since the full rank was given in the description, it's just click bait and no big deal. That's fine but omitting information from the beginning warps first impressions and are still lies, even if small. That said, continue reading for more of his overt lies.
This is the full set of what he said in regards to RT. Notice something? Yeah- HE’S NOT DEFENDING THE MAN. Hero Hei just shoved that shit in. With NOTHING to indicate such a thing...you know other than ‘he dared to speak out against me!’
‘He seems to be complaining about the video title-’
TITLES (multiple) which comes up NUMEORUS times in his thread but sure. And you clearly agree with him since you bitched about his opening thread (just you know, effectively lying about it.)
‘*quotes an out of context sentence from the above quoted set* No I wasn’t trying tyo give people the wrong impression!’
First, short one about Rooster Teeth, the lies I am talking about were lies of omission. These screenshots show the titles of some of his videos. Titles and screenshots are what drives viewers when deciding what videos to watch. In the titles, he used "Rooster Teeth Vice President". Using "Rooster Teeth Vice President" evokes the image of the second highest ranking person at Rooster Teeth. However, he used "Vice President of Product and Engineering" in the video description, so he knew what the person's full rank was but omitted it from the titles. By seeing the actual rank, viewers would know that the terminated person was not the second highest ranked person at Rooster Teeth. Not including information in a title to give viewers the wrong impression amounts to lies of omission.
Some will argue that he didn't lie since the full rank was given in the description, it's just click bait and no big deal. That's fine but omitting information from the beginning warps first impressions and are still lies, even if small. That said, continue reading for more of his overt lies.
Funny how context CHANGES things, like showcasing Hero Hei lying AGAIN.
‘I didn’t say that because Youtube has a 100 character limit for video titles so i couldn’t fit in!’
Yeah it does have 99 characters in it...
Except here’s the thing: you could have cut 33 characters from it even with inserting ‘of Product and Engineering’ easily.
Rooster Teeth RT Vice PRESIDENT VP of Product and Engineering ARRESTED, allegedly BEAT his WIFE Numerous Times and LAUGHED about it!
There, 66 characters and I made your video title better (by cutting out needless details) and more truthful.
I don’t trust you enough, especially with the shit you’ve already pulled in this video alone.
‘*mocks Neath for bringing up the Vic stuff from over a year ago*’
Hero hei, your channel has permanent ‘ISWV’ merch being advertised. 
*doesn’t even bother to address what is said, just mocking the use of names.*
“Neath Oum s-said mean things about me mommy, make the scary man with 2/3rds of my audience stop mommy!’
See how stupid that sounds?
In fact, let’s stop here because he says NOTHING of worth and Hero hei killed his credibility (along with any chance of me even giving him anything beyond basic human respect) at this point.
Considering the very little he DID cover ended up being just shit flinging from him AT BEST- he actually made Neath look pretty damn good. Because HH in comparison really does look like the embodiment of that ‘crying behind a smug face’ meme.
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So congrats HH. I actually though the comparison was the result of personal bias against you and felt uncomfortable about. I now see it was entirely DERSERVED...if I choose to ignore how you implied Neath was defending a man BEATING HIS WIFE because he pointed out your clickbait bullshit.
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