#i am forever haunted by ships with lapel grabs
livingincoldhell · 7 years
Star Wars Fanfic II
Rose looks so peaceful resting in the sleeping berth of the Millennium Falcon. She has been unconscious since the recent battle. Fin was greatful she was still alive. They come so far together. He gently squeezed her hand. Fin knew she was right. Sacrificing himself wouldn't have saved anyone. He had to keep fighting, and thanks to Rose, he was finally able to come to terms with what, or rather who, he was fighting for.
Fin was fighting for Rose. A souls, not much unlike his own, searching for their place in the galaxy and finding a home in the Resistance family because they didn't fit in anywhere else. He was fighting for Rey, his best friend, and the one person he knew he could trust, always. He was fighting for Poe, and with Poe. Fin couldn't imagine a life without him anymore, and lived to see that smile brightening everyday. If the Resistance was that important to Poe, it was also important to Fin. And he was fighting for those across the galaxy could not night fight for themselves. Having once been a part of the oppressing First Order himself, Fin refused to allow them to continue their senseless reign of terror.
He finally had a purpose in life beyond runnin sanitation in a Stormtrooper uniform. He was forever indebted to his friend for bringing this purpose to life. However, he was also haunted by the this simple fact. Fin cared dearly for Rose, though he knew his love for her was not the same as her love for him.
Rose nearly killed herself, stopping Fin's suicide run at the First Order attack formation. He was trying to stop the blast that would blow open the doors to the old rebel base, exposing what was left of the Resistance hiding there. She knew it wouldn't work. In the wreckage of their speeders, Rose confessed her love to Fin and kissed him. In that moment, thanks to Rose's words, Fin realized he wasn't alone anymore.
Fin reassured himself that Rose would be alright, and nodded to the medic as he got up and made his way toward the cockpit.
"I'm so happy you're ok!" Rey exclaimed, running up to Fin and throwing her arms around his neck.
He hugged her back saying, "Me too. I mean, I'm glad you're safe. And me. Or us, all of us. Uh, you know. Just glad everyone is fine."
"You haven't changed one bit."
Fin reached for Rey's hands and held them tightly in his.
Rey slapped Fin as hard as she could across the arm. Fin smiled, and they both burst out laughing as the came up behind Chewbacca and Poe at the helm of the Falcon.
"I can see why you won't shut up about her. I'm glad you stuck around though. I guess I owe you one for bailing me out again, pal." Poe patted Fin on the leg, though he kept his eyes on the controls. But then he turned his head to Rey. "And you too. Thanks for getting out asses out of there."
"No problem," Rey replied. She turned to address Fin. "But what does he mean, stick around? Where were you going?"
Fin searched for the right words for a response. He couldn't let Poe know he was originally going to bail and find Rey until Rose derailed his plans.
"Oh, well uh, I was going to find you, because you know, the Resistance was in trouble. I thought maybe you could help." Fin's tone started started to rise at the end of that statement. He wasn't a the best at lying. "But I knew you had things totally under control, so I decided to do what I could to beat the First Order. It was quite the adventure actually. Rose and I-"
"You never did say how you and Rose met," Poe cut Fin off. "She was in charge of guarding the escape pods. I would know. I assigned her there."
"Well, in, you see, uh," Fin scrambled to concoct at believable lie.
"You were going to abandon us and go after her," Poe thrust a finger in Rey's direction, "weren't you? I can't believe it. You were a deserter after all!"
"Really? We barely came away with our lives back there, which I helped make happen, by the way, sort of."
Poe rolled his eyes at Fin's retort.
Fin continued, "and now you want to accuse me of desertion? I stayed, I played my part. I risked my life on that mission! And even if I did go off to find Rey, which I didn't, it's not like I was leaving you all behind for good."
"And if Rose didn't find you? How do I know you would have come back? How do I know I can trust you? You switched sides once already. Maybe you're still one of them?"
"What? Are you crazy?" Fin tried to defend himself.
Rey interjected, "We're all here now. We're all on the same side. Fin, I'm glad you had my back. Thank you."
"See, someone here knows I'm not a traitor. Well, actually, I kinda am," Fin puffed up his chest and grinned. "Plasma made sure to point that out right before I kicked her shiny ass. Yeah, that's right." He was beaming with pride.
"Uh huh. Glad to hear it. Why don't you hurry along to tell someone else? You're good at that. Cherie, how much farther doe we have?"
Chewbacca growled out a response as Fin tired on his heel and stormed out of the cockpit.
"It wasn't like that you know!" He called back over his shoulder.
Chewbacca said something again.
"Yeah? And how many old married couples have you heard arguing?" Poe snapped back.
Giggling, Rey gave her own answer, "I think he's comparing you to Han and Leia."
Chewbacca nodded in agreement.
Rey took one of the passenger seats and crossed her arms stubbornly.
"You don't have to be so mean to him. He said he was t abandoning the Resistance. Why take it so personally? Unless, Cherie is on to something."
"It's nothing, obviously." Poe swiveled his chair nervously from side to side.
"It can't be nothing for you to be so upset. Go talk to Fin," Rey suggested, nodding in the direction Find left.
"Don't worry about it. Really," Poe protested.
Rey jumped up and pushed Poe from his chair as she slid in to take his place.
"GO," she demanded.
Poe stumbled to his feet and made his way back into the main cabin. His eyes searched the crowd of Resistance fighters. After a few moments, he gave up, and dropped his gaze. Poe wandered through the crowded cabin and found a seat, alone.
"I'm sorry," a voice said softly behind Poe. "But I wasn't running from you, for what it's worth."
Poe reached out a hand, searching for for one belong to tthebowner of the voice.
"I was scared. I froze up, just like my first battle with the First Order on Jakku. So I did what I do best, I ran."
Fin grabbed Poe's outstretched hand and turned him around. Poe couldn't bring himself to look up. He was right Fin to an extent, but for the wrong reasons. I should have let him go, Poe thought to himself. But then where would we be?
"I can't excuse myself for running, but I'm here now," Fin pleaded, "and I promise, im not going anywhere this time. I get it know. You fight for the people you care about." Fin placed a finger under Poe's chin to tilt his head up, and locked eyes with him. "I have to fight for the people I love."
Poe stood up and forcefully grabbed Fin by the lapel of the First Order uniform he was still wearing after infiltrating and enemy ship.
"Where's my jacket?" He snarls.
"I think I left it on the dreadnaught. I, I'm sorry," Fin hung his hair in remorse. He wished there was some way to back and get the jacket. He never thought he would be caught, which was rather naive now that he thought about it.
"Well," Poe replied, "I'm just going to need a new a one. Again." He takes off his own jacket and drapes it over Fin's shoulders. "This will have to do until I can get you out of that God aweful monkey suit."
Poe smirks and looks Fin over.
"Stop that," Fin protests.
"Stop what?" Poe asks innocently, flashing the most dashing smile he can muster.
"THAT! Ugh! Stop smiling at me. With your perfect hair, and your pretty, you," Fin awkwardly blurts out.
"You really think I'm pretty?" Poe uestions, tapping Fin coyly on the shoulder while biting his own lip.
"Dude. Seriously. Stop. Stop being cute, and making me like you, and-"
"I'll stop when you stop," Poe growls before grabbing Fin by the face and pulling him in for a kiss.
Author's note: This is basically a follow up to my first story. It picks up where The Last Jedi left off. I kind of had fun writing the first part, so this came out easily, so I had to share. Feel free to give me feedback if you like. Sorry if you hate it. It's my story, and I don't care!
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