#i am going to be so normal about this movie when it comes out 😬
ao3wasntenough · 1 month
This theory why sam refuse to help optimus to talk when optimus asked help in revenge of fallen and why sam such jerk that keep calling bee his car.
I think beside want to having normal life sam scare that if he entering to deep in Autobots affiars more deep than anyone (because look likely he will) other peoples will other seeing him as not human anymore, like 'traitors of hiam race' and stuff like that. And it's kind proff when he meet Simmons that called him alien boy.
Also sam not really good with government , I meant sure he have potentially but he not have power peoples to make him entering politic to help Autobots ,sure he have Lenox and nest soldiers and Simmons but not enough and he probably can entering politic (after all is that one one what he learn in his collage?) but well... 😬🤷‍♀️
Also that is why sam keep calling be his car, I meant it's probably like 'he is mine' in a way but sound wrong because it make sam seeing be not as person or sentient being. But I think sam calling be his 'car' because like want separate them like 'I am organic and you are metal', I meant sure I believe sam seeing bee as person and people but let's be honest of peoples or government seeing sam calling bee not his car what they think? They will think sam to much sympathize to Autobots and can be dangerous for them.
Also government immediately want giving sam to decepticon in revenge of fallen with easy when they demand sam. So yeah O think sam is fear that peoples will not seeing him as human again. Well at least that the theory
nobody understood Samuel Witwicky didn't belong there then Samuel Witwicky.
in his mind it was the end of a climaxing moment, like he had just lived a story and by that logic it should be his fade to black ending to continue on with "normal" human life but that's not how life works and especially not how war works
And he clearly struggled to actually go on as a "normal" human when you've been through what he went through, like in movie he was clearly having ego and masculine conflicts but its a lot deeper.
like many soldiers you often cant go though such graphic, physical, mentally and emotionally taxing events and just click back into standard 9-5 work, the derealisation and the otherness feeling would be maddening
but being with the autobots didn't make those feelings go away either. He's so displaced in terms of skills and experiences in both worlds, human and alien
and that's frustrating! And you cant just ask an alien who basically did the alien equivalent of Jesus " hey can you help me emotionally adjust?" because he cant and it feels stupid to ask people and aliens who clearly have much larger problems to help little you.
to embarrassed, ego headed or self sabotaging to seek help, and so confused about what would help
All that felt copable and understandable was Bee being his car. because he's not a car and they just connected and interacted in that dynamic fist so its just off hand to refer to their relationship as that like a nickname or inside joke for something so much more
but then he also knows its foolish to keep Bumblebee away from something he doesn't feel he has a part in (when everyone else thinks he does). its upsetting and the inner confliction comes out as frustration, sarcasm and trying to emotionally protect himself
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romeulusroy · 1 year
You’re doing ships!!!! That’s so cool!!!! Im a 20 year old bisexual woman, but I’d prefer to be shipped with a man? I’m studying biology right now and am hoping to go to veterinary school. I grew up on a dairy farm and love working in agriculture/livestock. I love history-specifically fashion and medical history-fantasy and horror. I’m usually very reserved and quiet, bordering on shy, but I’ve been told from the outside it comes across as aloof and bitchy. I also have a little bit of a problem with sounded super condescending 😬. Usually when I think something funny it comes out really mean, another reason I prefer to just not say anything. All of your writing is so good! You’re feeding the people truly and honestly!!!
Tumblr media
Hi my love! I ship you with: Roman Roy!!!
He loves your attitude. Despite not meaning to, sometimes you can come off aloof and bitchy and that's exactly what he wants. He wants someone who's not interested in him at all. Of course you are, but you're so shy, it's hard to get it across. He loves to pine, to flirt, to make you blush. That's the kind of reaction he wants. Once you get more comfortable is when your relationship truly starts. He also loves that you have sense of humor. All of his jokes come off mean. He wants someone who will bite back at him, who will give him the same attitude that he gives. He never wants you to not make a joke because you're scared of coming across a certain way.
You love how compassionate he is. Of course Roman doesn't show that side having learned that that side of him shouldn't be shown, that he should be ruthless like his father wants. But you notice it. He's always asking how his siblings are, checking on them, especially Kendall. He cares so much deep down and worries about everyone and is constantly thinking about them. Rarely does he show this side, but when he does, it makes your heart melt. Deep down he's a very soft person who just wants everyone to be happy and safe.
Your relationship is complicated. Roman isn't a "normal" boyfriend. He needs lot of space. He questions why you're even with him, why you're interested in him, why don't you just leave him often. Every time you have to explain how much he means to you, how much you love him, all the good in him that he can't see. It's your voice against his fathers and his fathers is very loud, very prominent. He has to go slow with intimacy, even something as simple as hand holding. He flinches when you touch him without warning. It takes a lot of patience and care and talking through to be with him, but it's so worth it in the end.
Your first date is not really a date. He invites you to one of his fathers parties. You're not sure if it really is a date or as friends, but you go anyways. He brings you a drink and you talk and laugh and make fun of everyone. You spend the entire time together just the two of you at a table. By the end you have to ask him if this was a date, was it not. . . ? He's not sure either, not wanting to pressure you into a date if you don't want it to be. You decide then and there that it was a date and you wanted to on another one with him. He's shocked to say the least.
Relationship Headcanon: You and Roman watch a lot of horror movies. He's very vocal during them all, booing and throwing popcorn and yelling when there's a jump-scare. He's full of commentary, too, which you love. "Oh no I'm scared and alone and there's a killer after me. Better go to the basement where there are no exits and no weapons. Doy. Stupid fucking idiot". He always picks the worst ones and it's so much fun.
Thank you so much my love!!! Hope you like it! 💜💜💜
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sinnershavesoulstoo · 5 months
I'm ill and have limited my time on fb mobile via an app I don't have the patience for right now to doomscroll while I'm feeling bad. So instead I'm going to just ramble here for a bit about things.
*and when I say ramble for a lil bit, I mean get all my thoughts and feelings out of my body for now son I'm not holding them*
Yesterday (friday) I had the blow up with the guy from work
It's made me think
I feel literally so guilty about how I acted and how I treated him that I made myself physically sick yesterday. Which has in turn disrupted my internal well-being and is *part* of why I'm ill right now. The other bit is my dinner (pizza with a lactose issue and no lactaid pills 👀 but it was damn good)
Any who
I felt (still feel) so guilty about it, that in my head, all I've been thinking is how I'd do anything to make him not upset with me. And how because of this one thing, I feel like I've ruined any chance of more than a friendship happening, and I've even been doubting our friendship in general. He sent me a message, and we talked for about an hour after work - so? I think the friendship is fine. I have made him feel like shit as a boss, though. But I've worked under him (heh, wishful turn of phrase) for almost a year and have never been 'insubordinate' towards him other than the audhd urge to tell him no while I'm doing the thing he's asked me to do.
But right so if these are my first thoughts
That feels unhealthy?
I've messed up, please forgive me no matter what it takes
It takes me back to dating J. I blew up on him twice in two years, but it was deserved. Then after the first time, he saw how easily manipulated I could be. And any time he didn't get his way, he pouted and made me feel guilty. And I'd tell him I was sorry and I'd do better.
I don't remember doing this to my mom because she was kind of a bitch and I've blocked out most of my childhood.
But like is this a trauma issue or an 'I'm just a bitch' issue?
Or? Is it an 'I don't have friends and this is just how normal people feel when they actually hurt someone' issue?
I think that's the one, and I think the trauma issue comes in the form of me wanting to continuously tell him how sorry I am and how I'll do better, and I'll fix it. So I think it's coming from two places.
Any who
I like him a lot as a person and I feel bad for treating him poorly
And I like him in an I'm attracted to him kind of way - but I think that's going away a little because I'm tired of trying so hard all the time to be good enough for him so that he might eventually also like me in the same way I like him. And this is growth. It's a small step out of de lu lu land.
Like people at work say he looks at me in that way (the way the guy looks at the oblivious girl in romcoms and disney movies) but nothing is going to come of this as long as we work together and as long as he is still pining over all the ones who got away. And I'm comfortable enough admitting that.
Also. He's slept with 23 women. And I'm not a slut shamer and I don't care how many people other people sleep with. But I've slept with 2. And a couple halves. I never know if I'm supposed to count blow jobs or not because if so it's actually 4. And I feel like if anything were to happen between us it might be weird. He told me once before and once recently that he..well I don't remember his exact words. But he's basically told me thst most of his downtime was having sex or masturbating and he didn't like that about himself and he's been trying not to do either. And I don't know why he tells me this stuff.
I probably think into it far too much.
I'm going to try to force myself to go to sleep because I feel so sick right now. And if I'm asleep maybe I'll feel better 😬
So basically this is all to say fuck having friends at work is hard especially when you fall for them.
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swxxtcidxr · 6 months
Get To Know Me!
Thank you for the tag @queer-cosette I always appreciate it 🥰
🌙 - Do you have / want any tattoos
Yes- I have a stick and poke I got when I was 14 I think? It’s on my ankle and it’s a crescent moon and matches my twins star. I want some more tattoos in the future that aren’t stick and pokes, but I only have vague ideas about them- although I want a rib/underboob tattoo
❤️ - What’s your favorite color?
I really like variations of red, browns and purples (Sorry I can’t choose one-)
🎃 - What was the last thing you ate?
I just had a pumpkin pie square.
🕰️ - What time is it where you are rn?
It’s 10:29 pm!
🌟 - What is your zodiac sign?
Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon, Sagittarius Rising
🌏 - What’s your favorite accent?
I don’t really have a favorite accents- I quite like how Swedish accents sound and Irish accents too
⚡️- Do you have any scars?
I have 2 on my left ankle, one from a biking accident when I was young, and another from when I cut myself a few years back when shaving and pressing the razor too hard.
☔️ - What’s your MBTI type?
Well if you saw my past post you would know I am in the midst of an ENFP or ENFJ crisis LMAO
🐉 - Favorite animated movie?
How to Train Your Dragon for sure! Or Either Spiderverse!
📺 - Favorite show?
Queens Gambit probably all time- Current favorite Samurai with the Blue Eyes
😋 - Are you ticklish?
Yes, but I will kick you on accident if you even come close to touching me out of reflex
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
Yes? I think I do- but I don’t mind being alone for a small while. I don’t need a relationship to function right now you know?
😬 - Do you like your name?
Kinda? It’s a basic and common name, so I prefer if we are close you come up with a nickname or use the shortened version since it changes it up.
🩶 - What color is your bedroom?
Grey currently! Although I have LED’s so you rarely see the normal color. My old bedroom in my childhood home before I moved (☹️) was pink and had a purple ceiling.
🤓 - How did you get your name?
My parents wanted something nice that would sound good with my twins name. It was between my current name and Mckayla.
🎓 - When/Will did you graduate?
Graduated high school last year- will finish Uni in 2027
💋 - Do you have/want any piercings?
I have a both my ears double pierced and want more ear piercings! I am debating a nose stud though.
What color are your eyes?
Greenish-blue? Idk honestly.
💇‍♀️ - What’s your go to hairstyle?
Heartless curls or just plain straight since I’m the only one with a curl pattern in my family.
🍾 - Have your ever drank underage?
Considering I am still under the legal age of consumption in my country, I will make no comment…but I will tell you partying in uni is fun
😵‍💫 - Have you ever gotten drunk?
I can tell you that I haven’t, and hypothetically not related to the last question that I only have gotten tipsy before. Hypothetically.
😱 - What’s your biggest fear?
Probably the dark…but not in a weird way.
🥶 - Would you rather it be too hot or too cold?
Cold. I hate the heat and sweating gives me like borderline sensory issues. Also my outfits are better for the cold and I seem to be happier when it’s cold out in general.
🌨️⛈️ - What’s your favorite type of weather?
Definitely rain/thunderstorms or snow!
🌲 - What’s your favorite season?
Autumn or Winter
🦦 - What’s your favorite animal?
Otters or cats or dogs! I can’t choose, and if we include extinct animals I have to include dinosaurs in the mix
🐶 - Do you have any pets?
Yes! I have 2 dogs! 3 in my life time, but one based away when I was like 3 or 4
😴 - What’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep?
25 hours easily. My graduation day I had to wake up and 6 am and then after graduation in the evening we do a lock-in and we stay up and play games, play Bj, get massages and stuff in something called Project Grad (made to keep kids out and drinking all night). They had an area to sleep, but I challenged myself to stay up the whole time. I didn’t sleep until 7-8 the next morning.
🎨 - Any Hobbies?
I quite like writing, casual ice skating, hockey, theatre going, tech theatre, reading, movie watching, collecting weird things (i.e. dino plushies, vintage presidential posters cause they are funny [not in the i love capitalism and imperialism way obviously]), and probably something else lol.
✈️ - If traveling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
That’s a hard one- New York is a dream of mine, but I’d love to visit my home in Chicago since I miss living there so much :(( But also abroad travel??s So many options!
🎇 - Most recent thing you searched on google?
D2L to check my grades in my classes at Uni since the word break means nothing to me.
📱 - Favorite app on your phone?
Big on twitter rn- not actually tweeting just scrolling (follow me at my same @ here btw). I’m pretty active on spotify since I can’t live without and my notes app is fantastic for quick jot downs that I can add into my docs later.
🌃 - Are you more of a city person, or a country person?
City for sure! I grew up just south of Chicago- my old town was one that was either considered the city still or a border town of it. I love it so much and I don’t drive so walkability is huge for me.
Tagging 💜: @heenah @vylancerights + anyone who scrolls upon this and wants to give it a go!
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themoviejunkie · 3 years
Netflix’s Animated Monster Hunter better than the live action? 😲
To be frank, I have never really watched the live action version by Paul Anderson nor do I even the intend to even watch it. Just by watching from the trailer release back then I had doubts to either go watch it at the cinema or just stream it.  Until now I never had a slight interest to watch it cause after watching the animation from Netflix, it was already enough.
The movie focuses on the narrative background story of Aiden;  a young, hardworking village hunter who one day went out to find the culprit who stole a village farmer’s goods. While on the journey he got attacked by a Velocidrome ( a blue raptor like dinosaur) but got rescued by a professional Guild Hunter, Julius. The encounter with the Guild Hunter definitely was not a coincidence as his real purpose was to come to Aiden’s village to warn the village head and it’s people about the coming danger of an Elder Dragon who is about to approach the village in a week. It is now up to Aiden and Julius to come up with a way to defend the village and fight off the Elder Dragon.
PROs and CONs
Let me explain the good part about this movie first. Firstly if you have ever played any Monster Hunter titles before then I DEFINITELY recommend you guys to watch this movie. Most of the references they mentioned and shown in the movie are easily recognizable, especially the weapons and monsters.
 In some parts of the movie you could see Aiden wielding a giant hammer and how he swings them is pretty much the same as how you wield in the game. There’s also a scene where Julius is teaching Aiden how to wield a dual blade and yes the way he demonstrates the normal swing is almost the same animation swing from the game. That is pretty much some of the weapons used but I won’t say further for the others so you can see them for yourselves! 
The monsters here, holy crap their movement, behaviour and attack choreography is the same from the games as well! The monster is, I think is what will attract the Monster Hunter fans to be interested in this movie. Lunastra is the main baddie here. The menacing Queen of Elder Dragon who controls fire, is where most hunter players struggled to fight especially in Monster Hunter: World. In fact, I still am furious just thinking about the name itself since I’ve always struggle A LOT fighting this beast 😬. Lunastra is probably one of the most famous Elder Dragon in Monster Hunter series and I think they made the right choice choosing her as the villain, a huge threat in this movie. They even made a menacing fiery entrance when they introduced her and all I can say that it was pretty bad***.
That’s pretty much it I would to point out about the good part of this movie. Now the only huge letdown about this movie is the animation itself. Sometimes it is good but other times it feels like it’s a bit “cluncky”? when they do the fight scene and I do notice that sometimes that the lips movement is a bit slow to sync with the audio speech, or maybe it’s just me. But animation still is an issue here. This movie is probably just a test run whether this will be a success or not which explains the bad animation(?) either way, for me it is still a bit tolerable in a way as the story, monsters, characters and some references made me ignore the animation issues.
So in the end, even though the animation is an issue despite this movie is supposed to attract the Monster Hunter players and community to be enjoy the love this movie, I think it still worth the watch and again, I really do recommend to any Monster Hunter enthusiast to watch this movie and support it so that maybe they can continue on making this project of either another movie or make it a series maybe. And they might improve the animation if they plan for another project. For the casuals movie goers who does not recognized and play any Monster Hunter titles before, this may not be the movie for you and you might criticize the bad animation parts. But if you are interested to watch then go ahead! Enjoy the Monster Hunter experience!
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