#i am in fact pro Palestine but im also very NOT antisemitic especially to people who really have nothing to do with Israel
callsign-fangirl · 5 months
are you a zionist?
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No i just think a lot of yall need to get offline and maybe read a history book or something thou
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hero-israel · 2 months
Can i just say I am so sick and tired of people claiming genocide. I mean with saying Israel is committing genocide on Palestinians right now. Every time I see it I want to scream. This is one of the numerous reasons why the pro palestine movement sucks. They can't just say something is bad, focus on real grievances. Instead they have to exaggerate and claim everything is the worst possible version. They can't just say "palestinian civilians are suffering," or even "excessive civilian deaths." No. they have to claim genocide.
it’s disgusting. they are appropriating terms and watering them down in the process. genocide is a very real horrific problem that is ACTUALLY happening to people right now... and they have to claim that term for their situation because why? to paint israel/israelis as the ultimate evil? to claim this issue is the worst ever and insist everyone else drop everything and only care about this? to add more emphasis on their lies and propaganda of israel being a colonial empire practicing apartheid? intentional flipping because they know Jews have been victim to genocide (we see this more explicitly when they compare Israel in this war to nazis)?
Maybe part of it is that if israel is responsible for genocide, then there’s no need to acknowledge how HAMAS and their actions play a significant role in palestinian suffering? (It can't be that hamas steals aid for civilians, no it must be 100% israel’s fault and only theirs! Also joe Biden I guess! /sarcasm)
No matter what, it’s a cynical ploy and absolutely disgusting.
In some ways it reminds me of how people online have taken terms like “trigger,” “gaslight,” and more, and completely twisted and watered down their meaning, turned it all into a joke ... except obviously much worse, here.
what really grinds me up is seeing how many people are buying into this. especially gen z. I am so done with my generation honestly. im ashamed to be associated with these people. part of me doesn't get it. im not jewish. and i try my best not to be antisemitic, educate myself. it does take work, but also it’s NOT THAT HARD to just NOT post completely unverified stuff, NOT absorb your news from social media, NOT give accusations of genocide without doing any research, bothering to learn about historical context, actually understanding what experts say and explanations why it is not genocide? And most of all actually LISTEN to jewish people when they talk about their own history and heritage?
Im not saying this to say im so great, in fact it's the opposite: what im doing is nothing special and amazing. it's really BASIC. yet SO MANY PEOPLE fail this??? what the fuck????
I understand people cannot educate themselves on literally very single topic. But then if they are ignorant, then they should just SHUT UP and not weigh on something they didn't take the work to understand. That is not hard!!!! NOT casually throwing around accusations of genocide should be the bare minimum and yet here we are.
All of the above. I am sorry you are dealing with this from so many among your cohort, and deeply appreciate your commitment as a non-Jew to resisting the new Christ-killer / stab-in-the-back mythology. It will continue to be difficult. For decades - for CENTURIES - all the wealthiest and most educated people in societies worldwide "knew" the Jews were guilty of these terrible things.
Derek Chauvin was convicted of the second- and third-degree murder of George Floyd. There were people at that time who were upset he hadn't been nailed for first-degree murder - he was obviously guilty! Look what a horrible thing he did! Get him for everything! But there actually really are different standards of evidence for different crimes and if prosecutors had tried to go for that one they would have lost.
I don't doubt for an instant that the IDF has committed multiple war crimes during this entirely preventable, entirely pointless cataclysm. But people are racing past the crimes that are clearly visible and could be supported by evidence because they want - need - HOPE for the very worst one to be true. It is a moral obscenity. And you can tell how much they are enjoying themselves, how fine it feels to be able to invoke genocide against Jews and Uno-reverse that nagging Holocaust card, by how quickly they revert to petty Internet slang to silence counter-arguments: "lol WELL ACTUALLLYYY, so you're JUST ASKING QUESTIONS rite, nice SEALIONING." It is meant to be an inherently, automatically truthful claim, one that the Jew has no right to deny.
The Disputations of our time.
And as we did in the past... we must answer, because not-answering will not help.
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just to let you know, not trying to attack you or anything, spacelazarwolf is a zionist and has been repeatedly trying to shift the focus away from palestinians & blocked me over a post saying that if you are pro-israel or neutral don't interact so that is not necessarily the best place to support palestinians from
i appreciate you sharing this! with any ask like this, i understand you’re coming in good faith but want to deconstruct it and have a further discussion before i commit to the opinion change asked of me. these are my thoughts from my current research, though cause ive followed him for a while im not immune to bias.
he’s a zionist: broad and unhelpful accusation. in this post he’s stated his opinions on zionism and israel’s government, which definitely doesn’t seem like support.
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he’s trying to shift focus from palestinians: he still posts a lot of palestinian support and does irl palestinian support too. be careful that you’re not viewing posts about judaism/antisemitism as an inherent detraction from palestine-posting more than any other topic of post is.
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he blocked you after your post against ppl who are pro/neutral on israel: i cant confirm this as you haven’t shared the post (you’re not obligated to, it just means i can’t address it)
ok the rest is points i started thinking about while researching so debate is very welcome and appreciated: firstly whether an israel should exist in any capacity is a separate matter to the occupation and genocide of palestine (which obviously needs to stop and palestinians should have freedom and equality). i have fuckshit surface knowledge about both groups’ history in the region and how to do peaceful long term geopolitics, but a lot of people and groups who know more than me are advocating for both states to exist equally so i don’t want to outright reject the idea with my current level of knowledge. basically i don’t know enough to have opinions on what should happen to israel after a permanent ceasefire but it’s probably not as simple as israel ceasing to be and all becoming palestine (or whatever you would mean by anti-israel, that’s the thing about these labels they don’t communicate clear political beliefs). (also below is a group i saw whose plan for peace includes an israel alongside palestine, if you want to understand that proposal)
again i do not have all the facts and am open to being challenged on any of this, especially the last part as my understanding of the conflict’s history is still developing. this is just from my current research. my making this into a discussion isn’t meant to imply you’re acting in bad faith or necessarily wrong, just trying to be thorough in the validity of the accusations and remembering it’s possible either of us don’t know enough to be ‘pro/neutral/anti-israel’ beyond calling for palestinian equality and safety.
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babbushka · 3 years
hey!! i know that you’re jewish and i was wondering what your opinion on the israel-palestine conflict was? i’m sorry for bringing politics to this probable safe place for some, but i’m really passionate on hearing about jewish and muslim opinions on the conflict. a lot of my jewish mutuals tell me that opposing israel is anti-semetic, and that being pro palestine is wrong and that i should be ashamed of my beliefs (as a pro palestine muslim myself), but i just wanted to know your opinion since you are a jewish creator whose opinions i hold as valuable! is it really anti-semetic to be anti-israel, and is it bad that i am a pro palestinian woman?
hope this isnt too dark or deep! im just really passionate and would love to hear your opinion!
Hello! I have a very long answer to this, which I'll put underneath the cut so that anyone who wants to read why your other Jewish mutuals might say that it's antisemitic to oppose Israel, and the long complicated history of it all, but if you don't want to read the super long version, here's my TLDR:
I personally am extremely against the Israeli occupation of Palestine. I don't believe it is a "conflict," but rather an imperialist attack on Palestinian lives by the Israeli government. I believe we need to put political pressure on the Israeli government by means of putting political pressure on the United States' government, who supplies them with weapons and $$ to continue their occupation. And I wholly, completely, and proudly support my Muslim brothers and sisters, as well as the Arab-Jewish population living in Jerusalem.
(a much longer and deeper explanation under the cut for those who are interested)
One of the reasons why this is such a touchy topic for many Jewish people (whether they're pro-Israel or anti-Israel) is because the Jewish community across the globe has been raised to believe that Israel is our first, last, and sometimes only place of safety. The Jewish population of the world belongs to something called the Diaspora, which is the word used to describe a large population who have been forcibly removed en masse from their home country. Many African-Americans are also part of their own Diaspora, as a result from slavery.
But unlike the African-American Diaspora, Jewish people have throughout history been either forcibly removed from their homelands, enslaved, or executed en masse for being Jewish, for thousands of years. And for much of our history, it felt as though there was nowhere for us to belong, until Israel.
So there's a lot of national pride tied up with Israel for many people, and for good reason. Israel provided the Jewish Diaspora a place that they can finally call home without fear of expulsion, genocide, or discrimination -- and in the Holy Land no less. According to the Law of Return, if you can prove you are Jewish (usually by blood relatives) then you automatically qualify for citizenship, so Israel, for many many years, became a haven for Jewish people longing to put down roots that they never were able to before because, well, we just kept getting murdered.
HOWEVER, what is happening right now in Israel is not a Jewish-motivated problem. It is an imperialism-motivated problem. The actions of the Israeli government actually go directly against Jewish ethics, morals, and teachings. I want to make it very very clear that this is a Government using its power to forcibly remove a people from their homeland -- the very same thing that other countries have done to us. It's hypocritical, but it's also just plain wrong.
So for that reason, it is not antisemitic to criticize Israel. In fact, when governments commit heinous acts, we must call them out, regardless of who the country is. The problem is, many non-Jewish people see these acts and associate them with the Jewish Diaspora, and they take that as an excuse to commit hate crimes against Jewish people all around the globe (we're currently seeing a huge spike in antisemitic attacks in America, London, Paris, and Germany).
So it's understandable for Jewish people to say that criticism against Israel = criticism against Jewish people = antisemitism. You can criticize Israel without criticizing Jewish people, and you should. That is not antisemitic, that is just calling out a government for the crimes they are committing.
What is antisemitic (and I mean this in no way shape or form to be an attack on your question, I am merely trying to shed light on this issue!!) in addition to blaming Israel's problems or the occuption on Jewish people across the globe, is assuming that every Jewish person you know has an educated opinion on what's happening with Israel and Palestine.
For many Jewish people, especially American Jews, we have no connection to Israel at all (my family for example is entirely of Russian, Polish, and Czech descent, but we've been living in America for at least 100 years). Questions like these can also veer into the antisemitic belief of "dual citizenship", which is the false notion that American Jews have a secret loyalty to Israel and aren't True Americans. Jewish people have to work so hard to avoid getting hate crime-d in our own countries as it is, adding the extra pressure of responsibility for another country's acts really gets exhausting.
While I am more than happy to share my opinions because I know that I have a platform and I want to use my space for good, I am not a news correspondent, or a journalist, nor am I working in a political position. I am just a girl who lives in South Florida who happens to be Jewish, you know? I know a lot of Jewish people who don't know anything about what's going on in Israel or Palestine, because people can't be expected to have an encyclopedic understanding of all the problems of countries across the globe.
But what I do know, and what I hope that you take away from all this, is that the actions of the Israeli government need to be condemned, stopped, and that peace needs to exist.
It is not wrong to be Pro-Palestine, and it is not wrong to criticize a government. What is antisemitic is blame all Jewish people around the globe, attacking Jewish people, or using nazi rhetoric and propaganda to enact violence against Jewish people, in response to this government's actions.
I can't speak for other Jewish people, and their relationship to Israel is their own. But for me, personally, I stand by the Jewish mitzvah of Tikkun Olam in regards to the liberation of Palestine -- that is, I believe no one is free until we are all free.
I hope that this helped in some way, and I'm sending you all my love!
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