#i am not a cooper hater i promise
It's so funny people acting like they have unique taste or they're special for simping over The Ghoul as if he isn't the most popular brand of white man out there.
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whiteqnn · 3 years
PURE [3] - Corpse Husband x Fem! Reader
A/N: Over 1 thousand notes. You guys are insane. I can’t see any other explanation.
Thank you so much for all the love and support under the previous parts, all those comments just absolutely made my day! I would never expect this story to receive such a positive feedback, which I’m extremely grateful for! 
Anyway, I decided to add some additional plot to this story - mainly, the sudden criticism and hate directed on Y/N after the last Among Us stream. I thought it would make things more interesting.
That being said, I hope you enjoy the third part ^^
part 1
part 2 
part 4 
part 5
PURE [3]
Y/N stared at her phone screen, reading through the latest tweets of her friends inviting their fans to watch their streams. It was Thursday evening and just as it was planned, everyone was getting ready for another game of Among Us. Just as she would do if it wasn’t for all those comments...
The last stream caused sudden, unexpected amounts of attention on her social media. She probably shouldn’t be that surprised by it, given the fact that by appearing in Sean’s and Felix’s videos she wasn’t all that strange to their fans. But people who watched Rae, Toast, or Corpse’s streams didn’t know her. And apparently, some of them weren’t that happy to see a new face among the group of well-known gamers. 
She always tried to avoid the unnecessary spotlight as much as she could, preferring to stay hidden somewhere behind other, much more popular streamers. And it never bothered her. She was never one to enjoy too much attention anyway.
That’s why when she discovered how upset, or even angry, some people were when she played with all those famous streamers, she was quite shocked, to say the least. 
Like all those comments under Poki’s tweet, in which she mentioned who’s gonna be playing this time...
“Duh, why’s that Y/N chick supposed to play with them again? There are at least hundreds of other, much more popular streamers I can think of who would be better than her.”
“Who the fuck is she anyway? Why’s she there?”
“lmao, some random girl who got lucky enough to know jacksepticeye. Don’t get why she’s playing with them though.”
Sure, she wasn’t as famous as Felix, or Sean, or Rae, or anyone else for that matter. Her audience wasn’t very small, but it was nothing compared to the number of fans other YouTubers had. It was understandable that most people didn’t know who she was, and didn’t understand why she was there in the first place.
She was, in fact, just some random girl who was lucky to have Sean as her friend. But in a group of such great and well-known streamers, she definitely stood out like a sore thumb. 
Y/N almost jumped in her seat when her phone beeped with a new message, Sean’s nickname showing up at the top of her screen. 
Jackaboy: We’re starting in a few kiddo
Jackaboy: But join the call now so we can both make fun of Felix
After the last game, she was so excited and couldn’t wait for this evening. She looked forward to cooperating with Sykkuno again, to arguing with Toast, to laughing with Sean and Felix, to murdering other people with Corpse... Yet now, all this excitement seemed to vanish just like the mood to play, let alone talk with other people. They would surely see right through her and try to make her spill the beans, which would ruin the stream. And the last thing she wanted was to ruin their game.
Jackaboy: You there Y/N??
She sighed, thinking of some believable excuse that wouldn’t arouse suspicion, but her mind was flooded with all those comments and DMs she received over those past days, which expressed nothing but hatred towards her. 
Y/N: I’m really sorry Sean, but I don’t think I will be joining you today... I don’t feel very well. 
She waited for Sean’s reply impatiently, expecting him to send her some angry emoji or tell her to move her ass and join the discord call. What she didn’t expect though, was that he would facetime her. 
Her first instinct was to throw her phone across the room as if it would make Sean stop calling. He wouldn’t stop unless she’d tell him the truth. 
So she cleared her throat and plastered the widest smile on her face, before answering his call.
“Alright, what is going on?” Sean asked right away, staring at her with his brows furrowed. He wasn’t in his recording room, but in his kitchen, which meant that he left his stream to call her. “And please don’t tell me you’re sick cause I won’t believe it anyway. And neither will Pewds.”
“I’m tired, Sean... I was working late again and I really need to rest.” she lied, trying to keep her voice steady and calm. She really didn’t want Sean to interrogate her now, not when his fans were waiting for him. “I’m sure you’ll find someone else though. Please tell the guys that I’m sorry”
“Y/N, c’mon, cut this bullshit. What’s wrong?” he asked softly, moving his phone closer to his face. “You know you’re a terrible liar, just tell me what happened. If you don’t wanna play then neither do I.”
“Sean, please don’t do it” she shook her head with a sigh. “Your fans are waiting for you, I’ll be fine.”
“Well they’re waiting for you too you dummy, I already promised them you’ll be playing with us tonight” he stated matter of factly, rolling his eyes. Y/N remained silent for a moment, and Sean suddenly furrowed his brows, narrowing his eyes at her in a suspicious look. “Did someone tell you something rude last time we played? Who and what?”
“What? No, Sean, oh my God. Everyone was super nice, it has nothing to do with the last stream... not with you guys, at least.” she mumbled under her breath, dropping her eyes from Sean’s confused face.
“What do you mean not with you guys? Y/N, what the hell happened?” he demanded, slowly getting more and more worried. She wouldn’t tell him though, too scared that Sean would just laugh it off, even though he also sometimes had problems with dealing with hate. And just as if he was reading her mind, Sean sighed, his face softening in a sad smile. “You’ve read the comments, didn’t you?”
She felt so stupid for being so easily offended by comments of some random people on the Internet, that she just nodded her head meekly, still looking anywhere but at the man. 
“Look kiddo... I’m not gonna tell you to get yourself together and just ignore them, cause it won’t help, and I know cause I’ve been there. Hell, I’m still there.” he chuckled to himself and continued “Anyway, you really shouldn’t be worrying yourself about people who don’t even know you. They don’t know you, Y/N, why would some complete stranger’s opinion matter to you?”
“They said I shouldn’t be playing with you guys... that I’m nothing but a burden and you should be playing with someone who’s at least recognizable.”
“Well excuse me Miss, last time I checked I could choose who the fuck I want to play with.” Sean scoffed, clearly irritated by such comments “You’re one of my best friends Y/N and I don’t give a fuck what some haters say. And neither should you.”
“Maybe you should just invite someone else... It would make everyone happy.” she muttered almost inaudibly, but Sean almost barked at her when he heard her words.
“I told you to cut that bullshit, Y/N! Everyone couldn’t wait for this game and now you wanna back out? C’mon, kid. Do you have any idea how heartbroken Sykkuno’s gonna be? When you left so quickly last time, he kept complaining that he has no one to team up with.” she couldn’t help but smile at that, letting out a tiny giggle. “And Corpse? Have you even seen his last tweet?”
“What? No, I- I don’t follow him...” she said, wondering what Sean was talking about. She quickly searched for Corpse on Twitter, still being on facetime with Sean, and her heart almost dropped when she saw the last tweet.
@.Corpse_Husband Really excited for tonight’s Among Us stream, 8PM PST.
Disguised Toast 
Mr Beast
and, hopefully, my partner in crime - Little Y/N 
She stared at the screen with her eyes widened, and her lips corners curling up in a small, bashful smile. It was so nice of Corpse to mention her as well, especially with the nickname that he seemed to like so much since their last game. 
“God, if you could see yourself right now. How’s it that my pep talk didn’t do shit, but Corpse’s tweet magically made you smile, ugh.” Sean reminded her of his presence, and she quickly returned to the call, trying to somehow control her burning cheeks. 
“It’s not like that, Sean, I really appreciate that you’re trying to cheer me up... I just didn’t expect your friends to like me...” she admitted quietly, and if Sean could, he would probably strangle her at that moment. 
“I just... what if they’re just being nice, but they don’t actually want me to play with them?”
“I’m done.” Sean groaned, shaking his head furiously. “Alright, here’s what you’re gonna do. You stay away from your phone, join the discord call, say hi to everyone, and we’re all gonna have fun, okay? If not, Pewds is gonna murder you, cause he was already growing impatient even before I called you.”
“I’m still not sure if that’s a good idea, Sean...”
“But I am sure, Y/N! Now come on, we’re playing in five. I’m telling everyone you’re joining as well.”
And before she could even reply, he hung up. Y/N groaned, rushing to her computer to turn it on. Now it would just be plain rude not to join the game, especially after Sean wasted his time talking with her, while he should be talking to his fans. Just as he suggested, she kept her phone far away from her desk, deciding to stay away from Twitter and all those comments for a bit. Maybe it would help her clear her mind and at least try to have some fun. 
An invite to the group call was already waiting for her, along with a message from Sean with a code to the game. Y/N put her headphones on before joining the call and quickly typing in the code. 
“... so let me repeat myself. I ALWAYS sound guilty, no matter what. Please, guys, don’t vote me out!” 
Y/N shook her head with a smile on her lips when the first thing she heard after joining the call was Felix’s pleading voice. Clearly, he was already trying to save his own ass even before the game began.
 Y/N could hear Sean’s loud voice as he commented on Felix’s plea with some snarky remark, later also catching the sounds of Rae’s laughter. Everyone was already there, they’ve been clearly waiting for her to join. 
“Hey, look who’s finally here! Hi Y/N!” Poki noticed her presence first. 
“Hello everyone” Y/N said, as shy and quiet as usual.
“Oh, Y/N! It’s so great to see you again, I was worried you weren’t joining us tonight” Sykkuno said, a pout clear in his voice. 
“WELL ABOUT DAMN TIME” Felix all but yelled, making her roll her eyes with a smile. “What did I tell you about being late?!”
“Give her a break Felix, her mic wasn’t working again... Luckily, I was there to save the damsel in distress” Sean said, and even though she couldn’t see him, Y/N was almost certain that he was smirking. 
“Yeah, I’m really sorry guys to have kept you waiting so long...” Y/N said, feeling genuinely bad. Maybe Sean was right after all? They could have just invited someone else, and yet they decided to wait for her.  
“It’s okay, you’re here now and it’s all that matters” a deep voice sounded out, and whether she liked it or not, Y/N grinned like an idiot with a blush rising up her cheeks. 
“Shit, here we go again...” Felix sighed, making everyone else laugh. Y/N bit at her lower lip, feeling her heart thump in her chest as she felt a sudden wave of courage, deciding to speak up despite her initial shyness:
“Well... I couldn’t just leave my partner in crime alone, right?” she asked, and she could swear she heard Corpse stutter as if he completely didn’t expect her to say that.  
“Ah yes, after all, killing wouldn’t be the same without her, right Corpse?” Toast teased, repeating Corpse’s words from the last stream. Everyone in the call laughed, Y/N included. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling, even though just mere minutes ago she was on the verge of crying. “It’s good to have you here, Y/N/N. Maybe I’ll actually get a chance to finally kill you this time.”
“Jesus Christ, Toast. You sound like a psychopath. Hey, I’m happy you’re here, lemme stab you in the back, please?” someone whose nickname was MrBeast spoke up with a chuckle, before directing his next words to Y/N “I believe we haven’t played together before, I’m Mr Beast, it’s really nice to meet you Y/N”
“Yeah, pleased to meet you!” another player, Logic, spoke up “I also didn’t have a chance to play with you yet, but I’ve seen Sean’s last stream... Let me just say, that Toast murder was absolutely perfect!” 
“Wow. And here I almost managed to block it out. I’m fucking traumatized Y/N, you should be ashamed of yourself” Toast scoffed over Felix’s laughter. 
“You should be proud of yourself!” Sean interfered “Just so you know lads, Y/N may seem like a little angel, but she’s a little demon. You’ve been warned.” 
“Yeah, she’ll charm you with her voice only to snap your neck next second.” Felix scoffed.
“Just like she did with Corpse!” 
“Charm?!” Y/N gasped, her cheeks burning.
“I don’t recall Y/N killing me...” Corpse said in his low voice. 
“I love how that’s the only thing he denied” Poki pointed out in a teasing voice, which only made Y/N sink further into her chair. 
“Can we please start the game now?” she asked in a pleading voice, hoping that everyone would stop making fun of Corpse and her. She could only imagine how uncomfortable he felt, for some reason being the target of their jokes... They must’ve made him feel awkward, right? 
“Jack, did you tell Y/N how we’re playing tonight?” Sykkuno asked, and she sighed in relief that they dropped the jokes. 
“Oh, right! So there’s this mod called proximity chat, where we’re able to hear each other as we pass by another person, and it seems quite fun so that’s what we decided to try out tonight.” Sean explained to Y/N, and before she could ask another question, he added “I’ve just sent you the link, it’ll take a minute to install it.”
“Oh, okay. Thank you Sean” Y/N said, before downloading the mod and quickly installing it. When everything was set and ready, she pulled up Among Us again and typed in the code, and the game finally began. 
“Holy shit!” 
“Guys this is so cool!” Sykkuno exclaimed, his voice so happy and excited that Y/N couldn’t help but giggle. 
“Okay, I’m scared now. I feel like encounters with Imposter are just gonna be perfectly cut screams” Felix chuckled, as they left the dropship and moved down the map. That’s when Y/N gasped in surprise, upon seeing the locations completely different than those she was used to.
“Wait- is that a different map?” she asked through her mic, hearing Toast’s distanced, devilish laugh. There was only Rae and Sykkuno beside her, as everyone else have already split up to do their tasks.
“Oh yeah, that’s Polus, it’s much more fun than the one we were playing in last time.” Rae explained happily and Y/N groaned. She didn’t know that map.
“Great. I don’t even know how am I supposed to do tasks in here...”
“Oh, it’s not that hard. They’re in most cases similar to those you already know, they only look a little bit different.” Sykkuno said in his kind voice, before asking “Do you want to team up again, Y/N?”
“I thought you would never ask Sykkuno” Rae chuckled under her breath.
“Yeah, that would be great! I need someone to show me around” she smiled. The trio finally moved from their spot beside the dropship and went to the left where, as Y/N later realized, was electrical. She quickly did her task in there, being under the watchful eyes of both Sykkuno and Rae.  
Before the latter could do his own task, the first body was reported.
“The body is in the lab” Felix said, and Y/N couldn’t help but smirk as she saw that it was Toast who was murdered first. One less person to accuse her or try to frame her, if he was the Imposter. 
“I just ran towards the lab from the left side, I only saw Poki on my way there” Corpse said right away, and the accused girl was quick to try and defend herself:
“Okay, I wasn’t in the lab, I was doing that engines task which is next to the lab.” 
“Did you see someone else there?” Jack questioned. 
“Nope, just me and the engines.” 
“Okay. Sykkuno, where are you?” the lime astronaut was next on Jack’s list of suspects, which made Sykkuno groan. 
“Why do you sound so suspicious right away?” he asked in disbelief, causing the rest to giggle “I was with Y/N and Rae all this time, we were all doing our tasks in electrical.”
“Is that true Y/N?”
“Yes Sean, that is true” she rolled her eyes with a laugh “I don’t even know this map, I have to stick with someone so I don’t end up like Toast.”
“Alright, what about rest? Logic? I think I saw you in admin but then you disappeared somewhere.” Felix said.
“Yeah I’m with Mr Beast in the office”
“That’s right” Mr Beast confirmed, which didn’t bring anything new to the investigation, so everyone decided to skip.
“Wo- Okay where are we now?” Y/N asked in surprise, when the new round began in some completely new place Sykkuno didn’t manage to show her yet. She could hear as Corpse laughed at her shocked voice, which made her smile widely.
“Yeah, I’m also not used to this new map yet” he admitted, his black astronaut walking up to her white one “Hey, wanna see something cool?”
*Meanwhile Sykkuno*
“Okay this is bad guys, we lost Y/N” Sykkuno said to his mic, running around the map to find the girl he was earlier teamed up with. “I thought she followed us when the new round began, but she must’ve gone the other way... What if she’s dead already? Not good, not good...” 
"Woah! This looks amazing! Is there some task here as well?”
“Yes, there’s temperature recording right here” Corpse said, standing by the lava pit, watching as Y/N’s character ran back and forth over the pool of lava. 
“I wonder if you could jump into it. What do you think, Corpse?” she asked curiously, standing close to the edge. 
“Not that I’m aware of it...” he mumbled coming closer to the edge as well “Why would you jump into it?” he asked with a half-smile on his face. 
“So Felix can’t stab me in the back.” she whispered, even though there was no one around them. 
“You think it’s him?” Corpse mirrored her voice, and she hummed in response “Why?”
“He’s constantly suspicious of everyone, last time we played he also kept interrogating us all, without even telling his own location.” she stated as if it was very obvious. Corpse couldn’t help but let out a laugh “What? Why are you laughing at me?”
“Not at you, Y/N. I’m just impressed by your investigation skills” he admitted “In that case, we better both jump in. Felix likes to frame other people.”
“You wanna jump into the lava with me?”
“Sure I do.”
“There you are!” Sykkuno’s lime astronaut came out of nowhere, followed by Mr Beast. Two of them walked up to Y/N and Corpse, and before the latter could even say anything, Mr Beast snapped Y/N’s neck.
“OH GOD, OH GOD” Sykkuno yelled in panic.
“KILL HIM CORPSE” Mr Beast screamed, frantically running around.
“What the heck?” Y/N stared at her screen in shock, her dead body laying over the lava pit. Mr Beast had already fled to the left, leaving her, Sykkuno and Corpse standing between two of them. None of them said anything for a moment before the black astronaut finally spoke up.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, Y/N” he kept repeating, regret clear in his voice. “And Sykkuno, I- I can’t even express how-”
He was cut off by Felix’s scream, who reported the bodies before Corpse could kill him as well.
“That is- I did not kill them” Corpse replied, calm as ever, as opposed to his frantic apologies. 
“Then why were you standing there?! Without reporting the bodies?!”
“I was... mourning their death.” he replied, which caused the whole group to burst out laughing. “Seriously guys, you think I would murder Sykkuno? And Y/N? I would never even think of hurting them.”
“The simp is strong, we get it, but it doesn’t really save your situation” Rae laughed. 
“Let’s kick him out guys, he can’t even defend himself” Sean chuckled, and everyone else didn’t need to be told twice. Soon enough, Y/N watched as Corpse’s black astronaut was thrown into the lava pit... Oh, the irony...
The game continued with her wandering around the map, doing the rest of her tasks to at least support somehow her fellow crewmates. She stumbled upon Corpse’s ghost at some point and laughed wholeheartedly when he started circling her little character in something she read as an attempt to apologize. 
A little while later another body was reported, this time it was Felix who lost his life. Y/N didn’t really focus on the conversation this time, glancing at her phone instead. There was this urge to reach for it and check how people reacted to her joining the game, but she kept repeating Sean’s words in her head. There was no point in worrying about the opinion of somebody who doesn’t even know her... or at least that’s what she tried to convince herself to think. 
Her attention was brought back to the game when she heard the sound of a new message from someone who was also dead. She clicked on the chat, seeing that it was one of the Impostors.
Corpse: :(
Corpse: I’m sorry 
Y/N thought it was sweet of him to apologize for it, even though it was his main goal to murder everyone after all. She believed he was genuinely sorry for it, just like she was each time she was an Impostor and had to kill somebody.
Sykkuno: Welcome to the afterlife, Corpse!
She laughed at Sykkuno’s constant happiness, which was evident even in his messages, before typing one as well:
Y/N: We’re all corpse here
Sykkuno: Oh, so it means we’re all really cool then ^^
Y/N: Fair point
Corpse: See Y/N
Corpse: I told you I would jump into the lava for you 
Y/N: You didn’t exactly jump...
Corpse: :(
Y/N: But let’s say it counts as well :)
Corpse: :)
Before they knew, the voting ended. Mr Beast was thrown into the lava, which ultimately lead to the victory of crewmates. Y/N cheered happily, when the blue sign appeared on her screen, right above everyone else who was innocent. 
“Yaaay, the first time I wasn’t killed in the first game!” Sean announced enthusiastically, his astronaut running around the dropship.
“Yeah, and the first time it went so fast...” 
“Right? Corpse, I’m disappointed in you. What happened to the King of Impostors?” Rae asked.
“Well.. no matter how good you are, you can’t always win, right?” Corpse replied calmly.
“Hmm, you seemed kinda absent-minded during the game, though...” Poki suggested with a smirk hiding in her voice, and Rae was very quick to pick on it.
“Oh, you’ve noticed that too? Almost as if he was distracted by something” 
“I don’t know what are you talking about” he chuckled nervously, and Y/N just sat in her chair confused about what was going on. “Anyway, who’s up for another round?” 
“Yeah, I have an idea” Sean said, effectively shutting everyone up “What if we play something along the lines of hide and seek? Let’s have one impostor, and everyone else needs to get their tasks done before he finds them.”
“That is...” Felix took in a dramatic breath “THE BEST THING I’VE EVER HEARD ABOUT”
“Yeah, I think it will be fun” Sykkuno replied. 
“It sounds really cool, but let’s maybe tell who’s the impostor? I think it would be more fair” Rae suggested. 
“I think it’s a good idea” Sean concluded, before changing the settings for one impostor only. Y/N waited patiently for the game to begin, and when she saw that she was a crewmate again, she sighed in relief. Only to gasp in a panic a second later...
“It’s me.”
Everyone stumbled out of the dropship as Corpse admitted that he’s the impostor. It seemed that knowing exactly who can murder everyone made the whole game a little bit terrifying...
“I don’t know where the heck I’m going” Y/N mumbled to herself with a nervous laugh when instead of doing her tasks, she searched for the perfect place to hide. When she entered security, she spotted Mr Beast fixing the wires, so she decided to join him.
“OH SHIT- god damn it, you scared me to death!” he all but yelled when she appeared next to him, doing her tasks. 
“Sorry” she giggled, quickly finishing the wires, before speeding out of the room. On her way to weapons, she stumbled across Felix’s dead body, and could hear some screaming in the background... but didn’t recognize who was murdered next. 
Y/N managed to do most of her tasks without meeting Corpse, whom she hoped not to see probably for the first time since they played together. She was just leaving decontamination when she heard Sean’s panicked laughter:
“...tee, bitches love me?”
“Wrong.” Corpse’s voice almost made her squeak in surprise, only to really scream when he suddenly snapped Sean’s neck. 
“Retreat, retreat!” Y/N laughed as she sped past oblivious Rae and Logic, Corpse hot on her tail. She quickly returned to the decontamination room, hoping to flee from her inevitable death, when Corpse’s black astronaut walked in, and the door closed. 
“Please don’t kill me” she chuckled, even though there was no hope for her. 
“Finish my lyrics, and I’ll let you live...” he began, and Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion “ I spilt wine...”
“Wait- what lyrics? You sing?” she asked, completely dumbfounded. Corpse was silent for a moment as if he didn’t understand her, before bursting out laughing “What’s so funny again? Corpse, come on!” 
“Yes, Y/N, I do sing, I was actually hoping you’ve heard some of my songs...” he admitted, still chuckling to himself. She felt a blush rising up her cheeks.
“Oh- I- I didn’t, I-... but I will, okay? I’ll do it right away!” she promised, quickly jumping up to grab her phone and listen to Corpse’s song. She was genuinely shocked, she would never expect him to sing! 
 She unlocked her phone with a wide, somehow nervous smile on her face, which, however, dropped the moment she saw her notifications. Hundreds of notifications. 
“You there, Y/N?” Corpse’s voice reached her after a moment, when she still didn’t say anything, just kept looking at her screen. “I hope my music isn’t so bad that you passed out from listening to it...”
She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes, her phone gripped tightly in her shaking hands.
“Um, Y/N?” his voice became more worried now “Is everything okay?” 
Y/N cleared her throat and quickly wiped her eyes, closing them for a moment to steady her breathing.
“Yeah, all good Corpse” she forced herself to smile, so her voice wouldn’t sound weird. “Look, um, I need to leave, can you tell the others bye from me?” 
“Is something wrong?” Corpse asked confused.
“No, of course not!” she laughed through her tears “Something just came up and I really need to leave.”
“You sure you’re-”
“Bye Corpse. It was nice playing with you.” 
A/N: I hope you guys are not too disappointed in me... It didn’t turn out as I initially thought it would. Isn’t it too dramatic? And is this hate plot fine? Or is it not? What do guys you think? 
@slytherin-chan @pillowjj @afuckingunicornn @love-and-virtues @ignooynim @crapimahuman @hannahjsworld @laugh-like-the-moon @fallengoddess772 @kingric03 @dolphinpink310 @paigeyisme @bunnychano3o @dxrtygxrl28 @z-nyx @baby-iyania @trashygeek
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scarlet--wiccan · 4 years
Any thoughts on Tommy’s small part in empyre? It was great to see him again, at least
Well, I am always glad to see Tommy, and I really appreciate being shown that he and Teddy have a relationship outside of Billy, where they check in each other, invite each other out for drinks etc. I also got the sense that this Tommy is in a more stable place in his life than we’ve seen before— the fact that he’s reaching out to his friends at all speaks volumes. Unfortunately, seeing that friendship made it hard for me to understand why Tommy and David would just dip out on Teddy after that fight at the bar when they know Billy’s out of town and he’s pretty much by himself right now. That’s kind of my main complaint with Empyre right now— Teddy has a lot of friends and a lot of people who are loyal to him, including Kree and Skrulls, so it pains me to see him out there on his own. There are later scenes in this issue which clarify that his advisors and commanders won’t cooperate with humans, but that doesn’t explain why Tommy and David just bounced.
I have two personal gripes, one of which is pretty superficial— I really wish that a different artist had been given the opportunity to work on this issue. I’m not trying to be shady, but the line work here was inconsistent and a lot of the characters just didn’t look like themselves. Tommy and Billy didn’t really look like each other, which was weird, and Tommy was dressed in a way that I found very strange for him. Everybody looked older than they should have. There are a quite a few people in the industry right now who really love Young Avengers, and would probably have had a more clear vision of these characters. Really, I just wish they could’ve gotten Nick Robles again.
Also, this isn’t a new statement from me, but I’m not a Tommy/David shipper. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again— they had fun chemistry in that one issue but there’s no evidence of them spending time together after YA (2013); the ship got really popular because of their kiss at the end of the series, but it was non-consensual for both of them, and Tommy especially was shown to be very uncomfortable. Having them turn up as a couple now, especially in a single issue special, feels like fan service, not storytelling. I know I sound like a hater, but I promise I’m not— if they were in ongoing series and we actually got to learn more about how they got together and see how they act as a couple, I’d be quite happy with it, but that hasn’t happened yet.
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kuningannasansa · 4 years
A musketeers rewatch (that nobody asked for) 1x02
(very anti annamis, so if that bothers you steer clear :)
We open with Dartagnan preparing for a duel and declaring “I was raised to fight like a gentleman”. I thought he was a farmboy? I’m so confused.
“Every man for himself!” – lol! But also, is that what you were thinking when you decided to screw up everyone’s life with your dick Aramis?
Now Dartagnan has been arrested for illegal duelling. Which is fair and exactly what should happen. I mean, they should arrest that red guard too, ofc. But for all that the musketeers whine about their toys being banned by the nanny state, I think we can agree that laws banning duels were actually progressive and good?
Treville is MAAAAD!! Good!
“I’ve never been unpopular before” HA HA HAAA HAAAAA! You just wait a few seasons, honey.
Why do the extra background musketeers have period accurate clothing and ‘our heroes’ don’t? I mean, I get these leather getups are supposed to be sexy, but they don’t do it for me at all. I’d like realistic clothing more
Oh hey! It was all an act! I had legit forgotten! I am glad I’m doing this rewatch lol, there’s so much good stuff I’m experiencing again as if for the first time! Also, Treville is clearly a suppressed thespian!
Now Athos says Dartagnan is a farmboy again?????? I guess he’s a farmboy who was taught to fight like a gentleman for some reason
Aramis tells Porthos that he’s a terrible judge of character and he does like Aramis, so maybe that’s true…
Treville thinks Dartagnan’s life is worth the risk if he can uncover what the villain of the week is planning. I love my pragmatic dad!
Aramis says he loves violence in a woman. Well, I’m free to beat the shit out of him any time...
I was about to comment on the good old days when Anne had political acumen and cultivated a good public image by giving alms and grantign clemency to some prisoners. But then she told the governor of the prison that she would like to free all his charges and his face turned sour so maybe she always sucked at diplomacy? I’ll reserve judgement thou, I remember her as very clever and capable in season one.    
Prison Break: 1630 is looking good
Athos doesn’t have faith in Dartagnan to manage the mission. From his perspective it makes sense, but it still upsets me. 
Richelieu and Treville are working together on this one! Oh goodie!
Now this is the worst bit! Milady tells Richelieu she can get Dartagnan back by lying that she stabbed the guy in the last episode in self defence. And well… that does give people a valid reason to think that she lied about Thomas trying to rape her as well. For the record, I still believe her, her story remains constant throughout and she sticks by it even when she has absolutely no reason to lie. But this scene does give the haters a semi valid reason to doubt her and I hate that. And most importantly, this ambiguity in the text should not exist. The writers should have told us on screen one way or the other to avoid all this nasty discourse. Sometimes ambiguity is a wonderful device (cough*black sails final/*cough) but rape is not a topic that should be treated like that.    
Richelieu is turned on by her act thou. And slightly repulsed. By how turned on he is.
Milady is looking for Vadim on Richelieu’s orders! She’s on the same side as the musketeers, doing the same job (probably more successfully)! Watch them judge her anyway.
Oh no, Anne, don’t show Aramis affection! He’ll be stalking you for the rest of your life!
Porthos does not approve and neither do I.
Porthos reminds Aramis of Adelle lol. WRECK HIM PORTHOS!!
Bonacieux is so very dumb, it’s delightful!
Milady just shot two of Richelieu’s red guards. Either she had his authorisation to do it when necessary or she just doesn’t give a fuck. I suspect the later.
Milady is promising Dartagnan riches and to introduce him to her “powerful patron” if he takes her to Vadim. Why? If Treville and Richelieu are cooperating on this why are their respective agents in the dark? Or perhaps RIchelieu is trying to catch Vadim on his own behind Treville’s back and get all the credit? Hehee
Athos is threatening to have Suzette whipped. And she tells him that it’s usually the other way around with musketeers, “but if the money’s right”. LMAO WRECK HIM!!
They are planning to use decoys at Easter mass to lure out Vadim and Anne says “the people know their King and Queen too well”. Do they, thou? They had wood cuttings back then not the fucking People Magazine. But I guess the plot hinges on the real royals going so whatever.
Louis: “My father never shirked public obligation” Richelieu: “Your father was assassinated”
“Common sense is for commoners” oh Louis! Listen to Richelieu!!
Richelieu says he may have misjudged, but I still think he’s right. I mean, politically speaking, it is good for people to see their King, not have him cowering behind castle walls while they are put in danger. But I still maintain those peasants would not be any wiser if they just sent decoys.
I like Vadim’s greed for money under a disguise of not entirely fake anti monarchism as a motivation. His plan is really clever too! Season 1 really had very good villains!
Richelieu in proper red cardinal’s robes! Me likey!
“Surrender or die!” lmao, as if they’re not going to hang him if he surrenders. I’d rather be shot, personally.
Milady kills Suzette. Okay, she was part of a conspiracy to rob the royal treasury so she would have been executed anyway, but I still don’t like it. Can we not kill all the cool female characters please?
Vadim’s death is beautifully shot, with him dropping treasure everywhere as he walks through the smoke. Cinematically very good!
Constance does not miss the quiet life! Bless!
So Milady lied to Richelieu and kept the Queen’s pendant she got from Suzette? But then that plot never went anywhere, as far as I remember. I know there were some cut Milady scenes in episodes 4 – 6 so I guess they decided to drop it, but I would have loved to see her have more agency independent of Richelieu as she pursues her own agenda.
Red Guards killed in the line of duty: 2 (let’s pour one out for them!) 
Women fridged: Suzette RIP!
Best Dressed: Louis and Anne (not an easy choice cause Constance and Milady also had some very nice dresses in this episode, but in the end I’m a trashy bitch who loves bling)  
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brujeria-histeria · 5 years
Swimsuit hacy fic
Macy owned no swimsuits currently, her last regular swimsuit, she grew out of and the other one was a beach patrol bathing suit she owned from her second year of college when she got to do a special semester of marine biology and chemicals in a coastal city. 
Macy was also not one to really show off too much of her “assets” and instead usually chose to wear long flowy clothing or long sleeve shirts. So when Maggie proposed for the 4th of July, 2 days away,that they have a pool day at this fancy resort an hour into town, Macy panicked a bit. 
“Maggie it sounds wonderful but it takes me entirely too long find a suitable swimsuit to cover everything properly.” Macy did not want to make excuses, while she could usually find a nice fitting top, she had a shapely and curvaceous butt that did not like to cooperate with swimsuit season. 
“Macy, you’re have the body of a model, what swimsuit isn’t going to fit you?” Maggie deadpanned.
“Its not my size, it’s just that… I always get a little shy when I’m in a swimsuit. I never know if its too much or.” 
“Oh, no we’re gonna fix that.” Maggie waved her hand and got up to leave. “Don’t worry I’ll find you something perfect.”
For some reason Macy was nervous about Maggie getting her a swimsuit, and she had good reason to be because Maggie needed to confirm an unspoken attraction Harry had for her older sister, and now was the best time to see it in action. 
2 days later on the morning of fourth of july, maggie had arranged for them to get into the secure resort via a kappa member who worked there, although she begged Harry to let her use his credit card to book it because they would stay the night. Which he relented as long as she promised to behave accordingly so they wouldn’t get fined. 
the hotel room was huge, and more like a fancy apartment, which Harry nearly fainted when she told him how much the room actually went for, but sighed in some relief when she said her friend got it for them at a regular room rate. The girls would share one bedroom while harry would take the other. 
They all got ready for the pool & lounge below and put on their swimsuits. Mel had on a cheetah print monokini and matching cover up, Maggie wore a hot pink & leaf print bikini that had a bustier top and coverup which mel bought for her. Harry had on of course, a burgundy pair of swimming trunks and, ugh, a Hawaiian Shirt like a true DAD, and the Jesus 4000 sandals. 
“Harry, we need to have a sift through your closet.” Maggie shook her head. 
“What?” he said glancing down at himself. 
Mel laughed and teased Harry for looking like such an uncle. “People are gonna think you’re our dad or something.” 
“I don’t look old enough to be your father! Maybe Maggie but-”
“You look old enough in that outfit.” Mel teased. 
the last sister Macy, had not emerged from the room yet, she whispered to maggie to come help her tie the back. Once maggie was in the room, Macy hadn’t even put on the swimsuit. 
“Maggie what the hell is this??” she whisper-yelled pointing to the navy blue strappy, very limited material of the bikini that Maggie bought her. 
“A swimsuit Dr. Vaughn.” Maggie blinked. 
“I cannot go down there wearing this!” 
“Macy, I am so sick of you covering yourself up out of shame, that she be something you only do if you want to.” 
“I do want to.” 
“Yeah only because you still for some reason believe you can’t be sexy and smart. You’re a strong woman, and plus all of us have to give the haters something to talk about. Own how smoking hot you are.” 
“What haters?” Macy looked around confused.
“The haters of life.” Maggie shooed. “We’re gonna head down, meet us down there and don’t look like a nerd, if you can last an hour I’ll let you have my coverup.”
Macy pursed her lips, she was too old to act the same way she has been since she was a body conscious 14 yr old. This was the year of trying something new.
“Where’s your sister? She taking an awfully long time, and we’re going to lunch soon.” Harry asked.
“She’s coming….” Maggie hoped she was coming, it had been 30 minutes. 
“Maybe her bathing suit tore or something?” Mel suggested. Hm I could help her go get another one.
“No no no, I picked this one out myself and I have great taste. Harry you’ll be begging me to help me after you see Macy.” 
“Why would I-” Harry stopped mid sentence and just stared wide eyed, at the absolute vision coming across the concrete of the pool side. It was Macy with a very skimpy, very strappy, hip hugging bikini. He gulped. 
“I-I- well uh, I.” He stuttered out. 
Maggie grinned to see her sister coming across the pool side, with the heels on, which Maggie also sabotaged for her to only be able to wear those knowing Macy would never go barefoot in public.
“OH MY GODDESS.” Mel laughed. “Macy you look incredible!” 
Macy blushed as she approached, while Harry still said nothing, duly noted by Maggie, all he did was simply stare.
“Harry, you ok there.” Maggie prodded. 
“Uh, um, yes, I just uh, have never seen your sister’s stomach before…..” he trailed off. 
“Mm hm.” Maggie reclined in her chair. 
The rest of the day was full of drinks, food and Harry fending off the plethora of thirsty men from hitting on his three charges, looking extra jealous when they hit on Macy, who he tried very hard to look her in the eyes at all times. Dammit Maggie. 
He didn’t know what the youngest was up to, but she was obviously schememing, she grinned at his blushing face whenever he turned away from Macy. He considered not drinking tonight to avoid hiccups but Maggie was already shoving mimosas in his face and Mel handed him tequila shots, two of which she got free from the female bartender who chatted her up. 
Harry was enjoying himself nonetheless, until maggie pulled him and Macy onto the dancefloor then left them both there while she ran to “get drinks”. Harry muttered awkwardly, while Macy gave her signature awkward grin, they stood silently until the movie bodies bumped into them, pushing them together. 
“I’m not much of a dancer.” Harry looked down. 
“Me either, well I danced ballet, but uh I was never really into club dancing and stuff, you know boundaries..” Macy rambled. 
Maggie watched from afar, even if they didn’t dance it was satisfying to see those two adorable nerds turn new shades of pink and red. 
“Uh, I’m not one for the, erm grinding, either, perhaps let’s just slip off while Maggie isn’t here. Macy nodded and led Harry by the hand who felt a jolt of electricity and then heat around his neck, which earlier he remedied by jumping in the pool, but they were a bit aways from the pool and the only way through the crowd at this point was toward the balcony garden.
“Macy, I must say, I’ve been acting strange today, I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, given, well….”
“You’re fine Harry. I’ve never seen so many shades of red before.” she giggled. 
“Ah well yes, the color of it, suits you. You honestly look good in any color.. Maybe I should have Maggie pick my closet, you look amazing.” Harry rubbed his neck, and looked Macy in her eyes. 
“Do you wanna, stay here to look at the fireworks, I think this is good spot, while everyone is too busy on the dance floor. I mean we’ve got an hour but,”
“I’d love to stay here with you.” Harry smiled. 
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makistar2018 · 6 years
10 Years Later, Taylor Swift’s ‘Fearless’ Still Slaps
When it was released in 2008, Swift’s sophomore album launched a thousand takes. Today, it’s best remembered as a simple time capsule
By LAUREN M. JACKSON November 12, 2018
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Taylor Swift during the "Fearless" tour at Madison Square Garden on August 27, 2009 in New York City.
Theo Wargo/WireImage for New York Post
Like Propel water, The Scarlet Letter and mechanical pencils, Taylor Swift’s Fearless pairs well with the sporadic squeak of team-issued sneakers, overpriced hot lunches and the kind of angst that defines comfortably suburb-bound teenage years. Sliding open the album on Spotify with my iPhone 8, I can still feel my limbs stretched in all directions, hear the snap-crackle-pop of a dozen adolescent girls’ joints going through the motions of yet another warm-up to what would become the soundtrack of my high school varsity dance team’s inner and outer lives, as well as leave poptimism forever changed.
I am 27 now, still anxious but inflexible, no longer clinging (as) tightly to singular albums to tell the emotional landscape of my life — but back then, Fearless was god. Swift was barely into legal teenagedom when compiling her sophomore album’s original 13 tracks, but more than the happenstance near-synonymy of our ages (I’m younger by 1 year, 6 months, 27 days), the four-walled, high school claustrophobia induced by the album is a matter of skilled musical mood setting. From the first downbeat of the inaugural title track to the last flippantly rebellious “hallelujah” on “Change,” Swift traps us in the mind of an ungainly teen as she was once trapped, as I was, as so many others wading the ambiguity between comportment and desire that doesn’t quite end when gowns come on and caps fly up.
Like so many notebook pages on the golden screen, Fearless is filled with boys. Stans and haters have their theories, but I like to think of each song as an archetype, less true stories of relationships gone sour than a young woman’s true to life hetero-ethnography. There are the boys who do good — the “Fearless,” “Love Story,” “Hey Stephen,” “The Best Day” boys (the last a tribute to Dad) — the boys who nurture and love intensely. They do all the usual country boy things, all the usual cinematic things: driving slow, kissing in the rain, flouting archaic inter-familial squabbles. They honor their promises and, most of all, leave the narrator better changed for her affection.
These boys who do good are short-lived. By Track 2, “Fifteen,” we’re already checking in to Heartbreak Hotel for the upteenth time with an account of that age generic enough to warrant a fan-made montage of clips from Degrassi: The Next Generation. The song tells an allegedly universal story of freshman year woes, complete with riding in cars with senior boys who also play football (because of course). It’s saccharine, sung in the vernacular of normative coupling that would become Swift’s enemy in the gossip pages. But the limited lexicon is not necessarily untruthful. “Fifteen” has aged about as well as anyone would expect, but some of those refrains make me yearn for arms long enough to slap all the powers that be responsible for belittling the whims of young girls. And according to the greater duration of Fearless — tracks like “White Horse,” “Breathe,” “Tell Me Why,” “You’re Not Sorry,” “The Way I Loved You,” and “Forever & Always” — the greatest threat to the happiness of teen girls are boys.
November 2008 looks rosy from here. America had just elected its first black president, the man who promised too much hope and change to possibly be true, but faith felt good back then. Men had committed just five mass shootings over the past year with one more on the way in December (2018 has 307 mass shootings to its name so far). The nation boasted just under 150 recognized active white supremacist groups (that number would climb to over 1,000 during Obama’s presidency). Global finance was in crisis but cable networks were still winning Emmys. Amy Winehouse was alive. Kanye still made sense and a bright-eyed, hair-tousled new country darling was exclusively concerned with dating, rather than local politics. 
Like any celebrity who is also a woman, but also in a lane quite her own, Swift’s relation to mainstream feminism wanes and waxes with the season. A female artist beloved by the girls for whom her songs are written, Swift and her music are therefore more scrutinized, more rigorously excavated for signs of harmful messaging than her male singer-songwriter peers. Fearless frayed Swift’s reputation in a way that wouldn’t let up for years, if ever, largely because of its critical success. Swift took home four Grammys at the 2010 awards, including Album of the Year, beating the Dave Matthews Band’s Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King, The Black Eyed Peas’ The E.N.D., Beyoncé’s I Am… Sasha Fierceand, most egregiously, Lady Gaga’s debut studio album, The Fame. The perceived slight invited robust inquiry into this supposed album of the year, and the aesthetic discrepancy between the two quickly turned to politics. 
Autostraddle’s Riese called Swift “a feminist’s nightmare,” the enemy of “brave, creative, inventive, envelope-pushing little monsters” everywhere. An accompanying infographic, “a symbolic analysis” of Swift’s works to date, cataloged her most damning motifs, including “virginal” imagery, “the stars,” “crying,” and the 2AM hour. At Jezebel, Dodai Stewart agreed that Gaga was the rightful winner, speculating that in a race between “Gaga the liberal versus Taylor the conservative,” the latter “makes the Academy feel more comfortable.” One joy of pop culture is the revelation of how melodramatically things can change. Last month, Swift announced her endorsement of Tennessee Democrats Phil Bredesen and Jim Cooper for the midterm elections; meanwhile, Lady Gaga hews the path of glamorous respectability on her lengthy A Star Is Born Oscar campaign. 
Feminist readings of Fearless weren’t wrong, exactly. Allies on the album come in strictly male form, while other girls are competition for Swift’s persecuted first person. Even the red-headed bestie Abigail becomes a lesson in chastity, losing her virginity — “everything”! —to the boy who broke her heart (the foil to Swift’s main character, whose dreams of living in a big ole city protect her from such a fate). The charting single “You Belong With Me” is a bouncy jaunt through the valley of me versus those other girls. The video that won Best Female Video at the MTV Video Music Awards over Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies” — to seismic effect — stars Swift as both the frizzy blonde, bespectacled weirdo in band and the sleek brunette cheerleader with the man (Lucas Till who now plays MacGyver on CBS). In true romantic comedy fashion, Good Swift, clothed in white, ends up with the guy in the end, defeating Bad Swift, whose only crimes it seems are great taste in footwear and not appreciating her high school boyfriend’s likely moronic sense of humor. Both the song and video became emblematic of a kind of Swiftian all-for-one girl power. Her 2017 video for “Look What You Made Me Do” resurrects and buries all sorts of Swiftisms, including the iconography of the uncool girl who features so heavily in the Fearless-era of her oeuvre. 
Pop music exists not to elevate our souls or our politics, but to safely wade in the muck of our pettiest appetites, whether they come with trap drums or in serenades. Pop music deserves interrogation, but it will never exceed us. Fearless was a diary, sounding like the selfishness that bubbles up regardless of one’s intellectual or political guards against it.  The debate it ignited wouldn’t happen were it released today, amidst all this. It’s a relic of a time when determining exactly what an album meant, culturally and aesthetically, was a crucial discussion to have in public, when nuance had stakes. Compared to the basic moral tenets we now expend so much of our energy defending, such communal acts of criticism feel small and regretfully scarce. Fearless was a moment, now relegated to a time capsule, no longer a prompt.   
Rolling Stone
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nickireadstfc · 6 years
The King’s Men, Chapter 12 – Highway To Hell
In which things go really beautifully well, and then really fucking horrible.
Sounds good? No, it doesn’t. It’s time for Nicki to read The King’s Men.
You guys warned me about this one, and for the entire first half of the chapter I was like “what are they on about, this is wonderful, there’s so many great things happening”, like I was genuinely considering y’all might have had your chapters mixed up.
And then.
Oh god.
Oh god.
Let’s take it from the top, shall we? Let’s go back to a time where things were easy, chill and beautifully gay.
(Also, welcome to yet another 3k word dump, because this chapter is an absolute monster.)
The Foxes are on the road to Binghamton, their next big opponent before semi-finals. And less than half a page in, the first miracle of the day happens – or rather, the first miracle of the Day:
The monsters voluntarily and easily socialize with the rest of the team, led by none other than Kevin.
Granted, it’s to talk Exy strategies which, as we know, is Recommended Kevin Bait, but my teamwork-loving heart is not gonna complain.
The best thing about this, though, is that Neil actively refuses to join their sweet sweet Sportsball Talk just to make sure Andrew won’t feel left out.
Excuse me while I cry into my rainbow-coloured jersey.
Linked to that – and we’ve not had these in a while, so I’m proud to present you – Today’s Casually Mentioned, Yet Heartbreakingly Sad Neil Fact is:
             Neil had spent his entire life drifting by on the outskirts, looked over and looked past. It’d made him happy, or so he thought, because being ignored meant he was safe. He hadn’t realized how lonely he was until he met the Foxes.
Uhmm, cue my tears.
Kevin, though, isn’t so happy his favourite minion in training isn’t cooperating:
             “You gave me your game. You don’t have the right to walk away from me when I am trying to teach you.”
             “I gave my game to you so we could get to finals,” Neil sent back, “but you said yesterday you don’t expect us to make it there. You’ve given up on us, so I’m taking my game back. I don’t owe you anything.”
Damn, you tell him, Josten.
Neil has exactly -3 fucks left to give and it’s absolutely glorious.
In other news – we’ve reached the end of the Suspicious Countdown (shoutout here to the anon recreating this in my ask box, you sly fuck).
             Every night since his birthday he’d gotten a number texted to him. Today’s sobering “0” had arrived during lunch. Neil didn’t know what to make of it. (…) It was as anticlimactic as it was nerve-wracking.
Same, my boy. This shit is unnerving.
Well, I’m sure this is absolutely harmless and nothing will happen at all.
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To distract himself from the Slight Feeling of Impending Doom, Neil engages in his new favourite pastime:
Adoringly gazing at Andrew’s handsome features like a love-sick pathetic idiot.
             Neil didn’t know what he was looking for. Andrew looked as he always had, and Neil knew his face as well as he knew every iteration of his own. Despite that, something seemed different. Maybe it was the sunlight streaming through the window, making Andrew’s pale hair shine brighter and his hazel eyes seemed almost gold. Whatever it was, it was disorienting.
Oh boy, oh my sweet innocent summer child, I can tell you right fucking exactly what it is.
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Your ass is the fuck in love.
             “I’m not doing anything,”
             “I told you to not look at me like that.”
             Neil didn’t understand, so he let it slide.
…… //looks into the camera like I’m on the office.
Any time I think this boy is done being oblivious, he instantly goes back on his bullshit.
Although maybe –
             “I didn’t say anything [when we were talking about zombie apocalypses] because I knew I’d look out for only me when the world went to hell. I don’t want to be that kind of person anymore. I want to go back for you.”
Can these idiots like – fucking stop being sappy and gross, I did not expect this bullshit from them, give a girl some fucking warning.
Jesus fuck.
And they keep going, of course – being on the road to Binghamton reminds Neil of his time Being On The Road, and so he casually tells Andrew all the shit that happened to him on his travels, which of course he never told a single soul before.
             It passed the time, though, and Andrew let him ramble. He never once took his eyes of Neil’s face or looked like he was mentally tuning out of the conversation.
Oh yeah, also of course Andrew is a love-sick pathetic idiot as well.
And Neil uses that to get Andrew to open up about his travels between foster homes and his time with Aaron, which he also never told anyone before.
Fucking natch.
             [Andrew took] care of Aaron’s addictions. He stocked the upstairs bathroom with canned food and barricaded Aaron in there until he had finished withdrawal. Luckily (…) there were no neighbors close enough to hear Aaron’s best attempts at breaking out.
Andrew Minyard, putting the ‘love’ in ‘tough love’ since 2010.
These brothers are everything, haters please exit in a left-directed fashion.
When they make their next pit stop, Coach doesn’t even make any attempts at separating Andrew and Neil, which brings on one of my favourite bits in this chapter:
Neil’s oblivious ass comes to the realization that Coach Knows™.
             “I really want to know when Coach figured this out.”
             “It isn’t a ‘this’,” Andrew reminded him.
Oh yeah, please also know that every time I’m shouting at Neil to stop being so oblivious this of course also extends to his smaller, deadlier counterpart.
             Last November Neil put Andrew’s hands to his damaged skin and asked Andrew to believe in him. Somehow Wymack had seen right through Neil’s crushing guilt and Andrew’s grudging trust.
Well, if I saw two idiots that have been radiating tension all semester anyways suddenly fumbling under each other’s shirts, I would get suspicious too.
             “How did he see it when Aaron and Nicky still can’t?”
             “Coach doesn’t care for rumours and bias,” Andrew said. “He sees what is, not what people want him to see.”
Which is the reason why David Fucking Hufflepuff Dad Wymack is the best damn character in this series, no questions asked, no other opinions accepted. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
I need more Wymack love in this fandom always.
In related news, though – apparently the upperclassmen are betting on Neil’s sexuality, which is just about the best thing ever. Also, heck yeah, I called it.
Apparently, they’re split down the middle. In my book, this means Matt and Allison betting on Gay Neil, while Dan and Renee bet on Straight Neil.
(You’d think Renee would bet on Gay Neil since she’s subject to Andreil Pining every practice break, but nope – you can’t tell me Allison Reynolds, Lipstick Bisexual and Bad Bitch Extraordinaire doesn’t have her gaydar on lock.
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I rest my case.)
             “It’s a waste of time and money. They’ll all lose. I’ve said all year I don’t swing and I meant it. Kissing you doesn’t make me look at any of them differently. The only one I’m interested in is you.”
I’mma go fling myself into the fucking sun.
Brutally Honest About His Feelings Josten is a very, very good Josten.
Also, someone finally teach this boy the definition of demisexual, please.
             “Don’t say stupid things.”
             “Stop me,” Neil returned. He buried his hands in Andrew’s hair and tugged him in for a kiss.
Happy to report the gays are back at it again.
Nothing like some fun backseat fondling before a big game, because sooner than thought they’ve arrived at Binghamton and their asses are in for a fun game of Orange Spotsball.
Did I say fun? I mean fucking stressful.
Almost-cards left and right, balls thrown in unholy places, all remaining chill has fucking evaporated.
But as always, when Sportsball Times get tough, there is one thing we can count on:
Andrew’s willingness to do kind of everything if Neil asks nicely.
             “I’m asking you to help us,” Neil said. “Will you?”
             Andrew considered it for a moment. “Not for free.”
             “Anything,” Neil promised, and stepped back to take his place in line again.
             Neil didn’t exactly know what he’d gotten himself into, but he honestly didn’t care, because Andrew delivered exactly what Neil wanted him to.
Which, in this case, means trashtalking every opposite player that comes close to his goal and fiercely fending off Exy balls as if they’re straight thoughts.
Also, I’m totally sure this promise won’t come back to haunt us ever again.
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With Andrew kicking some major Bearcat butt in the back and Neil and Kevin fucking shit up in the front as per usual, the Foxes reign home a glorious close win! Celebration all around!
Girl dancing gif
And I’m sure there is exactly nothing at all that can go wrong now.
             Neil was halfway to the door when his phone hummed (…) He didn’t recognize the phone number, but he didn’t have to. He knew that 443 area code.
             Baltimore was calling.
Well, tits.
             “Hello, Junior. Do you remember me?”
             Neil’s heart lurched to a sick halt. (…) It was Lola Malcolm, one of his father’s closest people.
I’ve heard that name before. I swear to fuck I’ve heard that name before. Was she mentioned already? Did I just read it somewhere on tumblr? Whatever it is, I know that she’s not fucking fun.
We’re in deep, deep shit, people.
             “Are you listening? It is time to go. If you make this difficult for us, you will regret it for the rest of your very short life.”
Hell fucking no, lady. You can take that dramatic ass attitude and stick it right up your ugly butt.
Neil agrees with me:
             Fast on the heels of fright was an irrational and wild anger. He was halfway of winning Andrew’s trust, a weekend  from his first vacation, and one month from semi-finals. There were only four matches left in championships. Neil was so close to everything he wanted and Lola was here to steal it away.
             “Put a hand on me and you’ll regret it,” Neil said.
Fuck this, fuck all of it, she is not getting us this easily.
We came so close, so close, and we are not here to have this taken away.
             “[Your father] is in Baltimore,” she corrected him. “His parole hearing was on your birthday. (…) We can’t kill [the Foxes], but we can hurt them. You’ll see.” (…)
             Jackson Plank was in the locker room with his team. A second later Romero Malcolm stepped into view in a similar [security guard] getup.
… Maybe we are here to have this taken away.
Hey, remember how literally a few pages earlier Neil said he wouldn’t save the Foxes, only himself, in an apocalypse scenario?
I’d like to call heartfelt bullshit on that.
             The five feet between Neil and his team could have been five thousand miles.  Looking at them all, Neil was as sad as he was proud. (…) He was sorry to leave them with all of his lies, sorry they’d have to get the truth from Kevin after the fact. They were all right here with him still but he missed them with a ferocity that threatened to turn him inside-out.
Also known as: The moment literal tears started to form in the corners of my eyes.
I say “omg I’m crying” a lot, but I very rarely shed actual tears. This was a moment that came close.
The last moment Neil gets to look at his team before being literally kidnapped, the moment he loves them more than ever, ever before, and they all have absolutely no idea what’s about to happen.
And it gets worse.
             Only Andrew saw the strain in Neil’s mask. (…)
             “Thank you,” Neil finally said. He couldn’t say he meant thanks for all of it: the keys, the trust, the honesty, and the kisses. Hopefully Andrew would figure it out eventually. “You were amazing.”
I’m so emotional. I’m so, so goddamn emotional. I can’t handle this.
I feel like this is as close to a love confession as we’re ever gonna get, and I’m not handling anything right now.
Deep breaths, Nicki. Deep breaths.
(Disclaimer: I’m not actually expecting Neil to die in Baltimore. I know this book has five more chapters and I know Nora is not killing off her protagonist, come on. But I am expecting some awful, awful shit to go down, like “way worse than the Raven’s Nest” shit, like “changes the game forever” shit, like just some majorly fucked up shit that I am very much not here for. And so let me treasure those last moments – not because we won’t come back, but because we won’t come back the same way we’re leaving right now.)
And with that, we’re off – kidnapped away in a whirlwind of fan riots outside, handcuffed and chained to the inside of a car, zooming along the highway off to god knows where, and now comes the moment where I understood why y’all were warning me about this chapter.
Aside from beginning to cut up his fucking hand as soon as they get in the car (really, what the fuck is it with this mob and knives), Lola has certain opinions about Neil’s facial tramp stamp.
             “I can’t take you before your father with such a stain on your face. Rome?” (…)
             Soon enough the dashboard cigarette lighter popped free of its lock with a metallic cling.
And with that – the bitch burns Neil’s tattoo off.
And not enough with that, she also presses her knife into his other cheek so he can’t draw back without literally cutting himself open.
What the absolute everloving shit. I literally sat shellshocked for a good ten seconds that that.
But oh, my friends, it gets worse – because apparently they also gotta question Neil about the whereabouts of his dear mom, and “she’s dead” of course isn’t a satisfying answer.
And when they’re done with his mom, they move on to questions about the Foxes.
And when they’re done with his face, they move on to his arms.
I will never, never be able to look at a car cigarette lighter the same way again.
             He didn’t want to think about this, didn’t want to feel this, so he thought about thr Foxes instead. He clung tight to the memory of their unhesitating friendship and their smiles. (…) The memories made him weak with grief and loss, but they made him stronger, too. He’d come to the Foxhole Court every inch a lie, but his friends made him into someone real.
More wet eyes. Such wet fucking eyes over here right now.
             He’d hit the end of his rope before he wanted to and he hadn’t accomplished everything he’d hoped to this year, but he had done more with his life than he’d ever thought possible. That had to be enough. He traced the outline of a key into his bloody, burnt palm with a shaky finger, closed his eyes, and wished Neil Josten goodbye.
Oh my god.
             Nathaniel Wesninski let the last few miles fly by unnoticed.
This is both super painful and super genius and I am FUCKING SHOOK.
             The worst injuries were the ones on his face, but the mess Lola made of his hands was the most inconvenient. It’d be hard to fight back when even the slightest twitch of his fingers made his hands ache.
Oh yeah, also by now we’re back to being Human Punching Bag Neil Josten.
Well. It’s rather Human Punching Bag Nathaniel Wesninski now, right?
             Nathaniel closed his eyes against the pitch black that threatened to swallow him whole. Lola smiled against his cheek and bit at his burns.
Y’all for real what the fuck is wrong with this woman.
Petition for her to decease right this very second, thank you.
And after that, Lola chloroforms him and drags him into to the house of his father, a literal Abusive People-Butchering Mob Head.
You guys. You guys. We’re in completely new uncharted waters now, and I have no idea what the hell is about to happen.
I both don’t want this to continue and really, really can’t fucking wait for this to continue.
If you like what I do here and you want to help me through the heartbreak of this chapter, why not buy me a coffee? Every lil bit helps, getting me through uni and all that jazz. Thanks so much!
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
Ice Cube Responds To Folks Who Want To Cancel Him For Working With Trump On That 'Platinum Plan' For Black Americans
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When Trump advisor Katrina Pierson announced Ice Cube helped the administration with this last minute “Platinum Plan” for Black Americans, folks began to drag him online. Soon after, Cube clarified his involvement with the plan. Deets inside…
N.W.A. to….MAGA?
Ice Cube previously developed a "Contract With Black America" plan, which we're still not clear on how it will help black women specifically. It seems Cube believes the Trump campaign when they said they would take it in, despite the fact we see barely any of his initiatives in the finalized "Platinum Plan."
Trump advisor Katrina Pierson hopped on Twitter to shoutout rapper/producer/actor Ice Cube for his involvement in developing the “Platinum Plan” alongside the Trump administration.  And it caused a sh*t load of controversy on social media. The White House advisor thanked Cube for “his willingness to step up and work with” Trump on the “Platinum Plan,” which promises to help black businesses.
  Shoutout to @icecube for his willingness to step up and work with @realDonaldTrump Administration to help develop the #PlatinumPlan
ICYMI: https://t.co/V0qOAp0lwR
Leaders gonna lead, haters gonna hate. Thank you for leading!
— Katrina Pierson (@KatrinaPierson) October 13, 2020
  "Shoutout to @icecube for his willingness to step up and work with @realDonaldTrump Administration to help develop the #PlatinumPlan ICYMI: https://cdn.donaldjtrump.com/public-files/press_assets/president-trump-p... Leaders gonna lead, haters gonna hate. Thank you for leading!,” she tweeted.
It's interesting who the Trump Administration chooses to "listen to" and who they chose to ignore, as multiple black people from academia and politics attempted to Work with Trump early on in his candidacy and Presidency.  All have been ignored except for entertainers who don't come tot he table with experience and academic expertise in the areas they speak on.
Trump’s “Platinum Plan” promises to “increase access to capital in black communities by almost $500 billion” by creating 500,000 black-owned businesses and 3 million new jobs for the black community. It also claims to give the black community “access to better education and job training.” The Platinum Plan pledges to strengthen Trump’s immigration and policing policies in order to protect jobs and communities.  It's important to note, this is not $500B of new money.  This is almost all money that is already in place for various roads to help certain groups, and Trump's administration has yet to use it for what it is there for.  But, suddenly, a month before the election, he suddenly remembered it's there.
You can read the full plan here.
Cancel culture didn’t waste any time on calling Cube out for working with Trump on the “Platinum Plan,” so he took to Twitter to explain. He said he reached out to both the Republicans and the Democrats to discuss the development of policy plans to aide the black community. He said Republicans responded while Dems said they would address his "Contract with Black America" after the election.
  Facts: I put out the CWBA. Both parties contacted me. Dems said we’ll address the CWBA after the election. Trump campaign made some adjustments to their plan after talking to us about the CWBA.
— Ice Cube (@icecube) October 14, 2020
  “Facts: I put out the [Contract with Black America],” Cube tweeted. “Both parties contacted me. Dems said we’ll address the CWBA after the election. Trump campaign made some adjustments to their plan after talking to us about the CWBA.”
It's also important to note, the Biden Harris platform (WHICH HAS BEEN AVAILABLE HERE SINCE EARLIER THIS YEAR) already addresses much of what Cube is asking for. The rapper/actor continued to explain himself on Twitter, responding to fans who questioned why he would align himself with the Trump administration who has proven to be liars and proven to use black people for photo ops and smoke screens to prove they're not racist.  People also have been pointing out that Trump gives them nothing they ask for in the end.
Peep the tweets:
  Every side is the Darkside for us here in America. They’re all the same until something changes for us. They all lie and they all cheat but we can’t afford not to negotiate with whoever is in power or our condition in this country will never change. Our justice is bipartisan. https://t.co/xFIXXpOs8B
— Ice Cube (@icecube) October 14, 2020
    Black progress is a bipartisan issue. When we created the Contract With Black America we excepted to talk to both sides of the isle. Talking truth to power is part of the process.
— Ice Cube (@icecube) October 15, 2020
  Cube said he did it for the betterment of the black community:
  I will advise anybody on the planet who has the power to help Black Americans close the enormous wealth gap. https://t.co/l0HylC5JCV
— Ice Cube (@icecube) October 15, 2020
  And he made it clear he didn’t endorse anyone:
  I haven’t endorsed anybody. https://t.co/kmP99DdZug
— Ice Cube (@icecube) October 15, 2020
  We're playing semantics with the word endorse.  If you're saying you want an administration to incorporate your platform, and you claim they did, you certainly aren't going to disavow people from voting from them to enact your plan like they promised.  Cube, by the wway, was encouraging people NOT to vote at all just a few motnhs ago.  We guess it's ok to vote now that a set of demands he came up with to speak on behalf of the black community is being "looked at" by Trump?  Even though these demands are already in the Biden harris plan in far more detail?
A few days before the controversy, he shared a video talking about his “agenda for black Americans” with his “Contract with Black America” and said he was pushing it on everybody.
“The problems facing America are too deep and wide to simply reform one area or another,” the contract said. “Long-lasting solutions demand a comprehensive thorough ‘rethink’ of America so that each new approach in each area supports the success of the others. This Contract with Black America will provide conceptual approaches in several areas.”
The contract details 13 areas of improvement, including prison reform, bank lending, police reform and the elimination of all confederate monuments.
  DON'T KILL THE MESSENGER #CWBA #ContractWithBlackAmerica pic.twitter.com/8NqthXp268
— Ice Cube (@icecube) October 11, 2020
Again, almost all of this is directly and better addressed by the Biden Harris plan.
Political commentator Bakari Sellers said Cube got tricked by the Trump administration:
  Biden has a black agenda & a racial equity agenda.
He has a black female VP who will help oversee COVID recovery for a virus which from a health & economic POV devastated black communities.
He will appoint a black woman to the SCOTUS.
& @icecube fell for something shiny.
— Bakari Sellers (@Bakari_Sellers) October 14, 2020
  "Biden has a black agenda & a racial equity agenda," he tweeted. "He has a black female VP who will help oversee COVID recovery for a virus which from a health & economic POV devastated black communities. He will appoint a black woman to the SCOTUS."
Civil rights activist Shaun King hopped on Twitter to point out Cube never endorsed Trump:
  Ice Cube didn’t endorse Donald Trump. Period.
Never has. Never would.
— Shaun King (@shaunking) October 15, 2020
Black Americans have expressed their thoughts about Cube working with the Trump administration on the policy plan. Here are some reactions below:
  The wild thing is that Eazy E went to a fundraiser at the George HW Bush White House in 1991 and got criticized about *for the rest of his life.* Ice Cube apparently forgot about that when he decided to collaborate with an infinitely worse administration.
— jelani cobb (@jelani9) October 15, 2020
    Black men are breaking my heart with this caping for Cube-cum-Trump. Apparently y’all want to be to 2020 what white women were to 2016. And this is why to be Black+Woman is to have to serious consider DAILY, what it means to get too close to either group. Traitorous MFs.
— Brittney Cooper (@ProfessorCrunk) October 15, 2020
    I am anti Trump. I believe he’s an existential threat to the nation.
I’m sure he’s giving Ice Cube @icecube nothing more than lip service to siphon Black votes.
But it’s not Cube’s fault Dems don’t want to talk specifics about Black people until after they get our votes. https://t.co/CGlWJ1IEJc
— Bishop Talbert Swan (@TalbertSwan) October 15, 2020
    The Tr*mp administration gave people rent money for one month in the midst of a pandemic as unemployment skyrocketed and Ice Cube thinks he about to aid black people in the fight for economic liberation cause he said so?.... THIS IS WHY HARRIET COULD NOT FREE ALL OF THE SLAVES.
— jiggaman (@jiggyjayy2) October 15, 2020
    Ice Cube dissed Eazy E on "No Vaseline" for having dinner with HW Bush. Nearly 30 years later, here he is palling around with a massively worse and more racist President. It's pretty damn shameful to see... https://t.co/XPPKKQIWrX
— Kevin D. Grüssing (pronounced Grew-Sing) (@KevDGrussing) October 14, 2020
    We already knew Ice Cube was working for donald trump, it's only official now.
— Black Professor (@WonderKing82) October 14, 2020
    What's fucked up about this Ice Cube situation, he didn't have the courage to say he was working with Trump, he used BLACKNESS as his platform to speak on Trump behalf. He's a coward, we had to learn about his partnership with Trump from a white woman 20 days before an election.
— Black Professor (@WonderKing82) October 14, 2020
    3 weeks ago Ice Cube acted as if he was still vacillating between Biden and Trump while quietly working with Trump. I called it manipulation of the Black Male Vote and I was right.
— . (@shOoObz) October 14, 2020
  Anyone else find the timing of the release of the “Platinum Plan”…sketchy? Trump has been in office for the last four years and Black Americans are just now being presented with a policy plan days before the presidential election? And none of this plan was enacted these previous 4 years?
Yeah, this milk isn’t clean at all. Thoughts?
Photo: Tinseltown/Shutterstock.com
  [Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/10/15/ice-cube-responds-to-folks-who-want-to-cancel-him-for-advising-trump-on-platinum-plan-for
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madame-lafayette · 7 years
Puppy Days (Alexander Hamilton x Reader)
Guess who’s back-
LEO STOP TRYING TO WRITE WITH YOUR CHIN! Sorry, I’ve got a dog on my lap. 
Shoutout to Leo and Collin, my two wonderful dogs, for the inspiration for this! I may write another imagine based on this idea soon-let me know if you want that and who to do it with!
LEO STOP IT sngvisdhufioesf
As always, there is an explicit language warning.
“Why in the name of Satan do you want a dog? They’re little devils!” Alex retorted. “If we get one, it’s going to ruin all of my documents and pee wherever in the apartment! That isn’t hygienic!”
“First off, a dog is not an it. They have feelings and genders as well! Second off, if we get a puppy then you may finally organize your papers and not throw them everywhere so dramatically! That’s not hygienic for the papers either, you know.” You sighed.  
“I can’t help that Jefferson is a prick, okay? He always leaves me so mentally drained!” he growled a little in memory of the multiple debates the two of them almost always seem to take personally. 
“A dog will help you get more exercise and keep you company. I’ll take care of potty training them and such, so you don’t have to worry about that. We’ve got enough room in the budget to provide for them financially-”
“You’ve already thought this out completely, haven’t you?” Alex asked.
“I may have already found a few breeds that we would be compatible with, figured how much money it would be every year to properly take care of them, and researched everything we may need to know. Did you know that most puppies get emotionally attached to their owners at the age of eight weeks, which is why that’s the recommended age to bring home one?” You spoke confidently, knowing your roommate-well, recently it was a little more than just a roommate-would only agree to it if you provided enough information on the subject.
“Fine, fine! So long as I don’t have to lift a finger to take care of the dog, I’m fine with you bringing home one. Only one!” Alex gave in. “I swear though Y/N, I better not have a dog peeing on my stuff.
"Y/N! Phillip shitted on the coffee table!” Alexander shouted, obviously angry at both you and the young Boston Terrier. 
“How the hell did you get up there, Philly?” You arrived at the scene of the poop armed with doggy bags and Bissel spray, your new  best friends. Alex reluctantly scooped up the squirmy pup, glaring at him with anger that he usually only saves for his co-workers such as Jefferson, Madison, and Burr. 
“This is starting to get out of hand. I didn’t know that a dog could produce this much waste? I’m positive that Phillip doesn’t eat this much!” He questioned.
“You would only know if you actually took a break every now and then. How about going on a walk with Phillip? He’d enjoy it,” You suggested as you finished cleaning up the coffee table.
“Well, I don’t want to!” Alex huffed. You sighed.
“Why can’t you take a break for Philly Whilly?” You cooed as the puppy started to fall asleep in Alex’s arms.
“Because Phillip hates me. Please Y/N, I’ve got to finish a report for my boss,” He pleaded.
“When is it due? Be honest, or I’m not feeding you tonight.” Alexander stood like a deer in headlights, unknown to what he has to reply with. “I’ve caught you, haven’t I?" 
"First off, fuck you-”
“Maybe later,” You replied, cutting him off. 
“What am I going to do with you… Fine, I’ll take Phillip to a park for an hour!” Alexander gave in, sighing in frustration.
“Thank you!” You flung your arms around him. “I’ll make whatever you want for dinner, you name it and its on your plate.”
“How about pork cutlet bowls? From the recipe you used a few weeks ago?” Alexander suggested. “Isn’t it from that one anime you’re obsessed with?”
“You’ve given me a reason to shout vkusno tonight,” You said.
“Didn’t you say that last night?” He smirked, as you blushed and flipped him off. 
“Remember to bring the puppy emergency bag when you go to the park! I’ll be off to the grocery store down the street, and I’ll know if you back out of your promise!” Alexander watched as you grabbed your backpack and phone before leaving the apartment. 
The second you left however, Phillip decided to start squirming and wiggling, forcing him to let the filthy mutt (as Alexander affectionately calls Phillip).
“I swear, Phillip, you better cooperate with me or else I’m sending you to hell the hard way,” Alexander threatened, but only received a confused head tilt and a butt to his face. He wanted to dramatically flop on the couch and neglect the dog, but he knew that Y/N’s pork cutlet bowls were worth the hour wasted.
Alexander snatched the puppy bag that his roommate-or should he consider them as his significant other?-always has Philip’s stuff in and scrummaged through it to find his leash and a spare collar.
You know, just in case.
“Phillip, get your ass over here so we can get going!” Alexander commanded. The dog payed no mind to him and continued to wander around the apartment, sniffing all the little nooks and crannies. Frustrated, he walked over to Phillip and clipped the leash on to the collar, then began tugging the dog to get him to walk.
“How does Y/N do this? It doesn’t seem like he wants to go anywhere-” Just as he uttered the words from his mouth, Phillip immediately started to yip around and tangle Alexander by running in circles. He cursed, because of course his luck would end up landing him in a scenario like this. Even though it took nearly 10 minutes (and probably more treats than the pup could consume), the duo could leave the apartment to immediately be blown by the wonderful (not) winds of the uptown location of New York City.
“Alex, I need a ride home from the vet,” Y/N pleaded through the phone. You could tell that he was at his wits end because he would have to leave work early. 
“Why?” Was all Alexander asked. “I’ll be there in about 15 minutes, but I need a good reason.”
“It randomly started snowing, if you haven’t noticed, and since Phillip just got his balls cut off I want to make sure he can get home comfortably instead of walking all the way…” He winced, imagining the amount of pain that dog was probably having then. 
“Say no more, I’ve got to tell Washington but like I said, 15 minutes or I’m making dinner for both of you.”
“I swear, Y/N, we need 100 more of these fluff balls.”
*blasting history maker+free in headphones and killing eardrums*
I'm sorry this isn’t edited, but I don’t fucking care so *flips off haters*
Idk, I kinda want to interact with my readers! 
Hm… write a sentence from your favorite show/anime opening in the comments/reblogs and I’ll see if I can guess it+start song chains.
Also! I want to do question of the posts and such, because that will make me a cool writer, right? lol
What is your favorite song?
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bookishandi · 7 years
MLK is still rolling in his grave go read the letter or I may just seriously consider copy and pasting the entire damn thing into your ask.
I've read the letter many time, and I know you're talking about the concepts of moderates and negative versus positive justice. Nowhere do I advocate for negative justice--I simply advocate for nonviolence, which is something MLK always advocates for. Please show me where he associates violence with positive justice?In my original post I advocate shouting down or over the man, covering the dude's mouth, putting stuff in front of his face, interrupting him. Hell, steal the goddamn camera if you want. Violence is the line I don't believe in crossing, because I believe, as King said in Strength to Love, "The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."I have also read more of MLK than just the Letter, because I take his philosophy of nonviolent direct action very seriously. So:From his Nobel acceptance speech: "Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time: the need for man to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression and violence. Man must evolve for all human conflicta method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love."Or in "The Trumpet of Conscience":"Somehow this madness must cease. We must stop now. I speak as a child of God and brotherto the suffering poor of Vietnam. I speak for those whose land is being laid waste, whose homes are being destroyed, whose culture is being subverted. I speak for the poor in Americawho are paying the double price of smashed hopes at home and death and corruption in Vietnam. I speak as a citizen of the world,for the world as it stands aghast at the path we have taken. I speak as an American to the leaders of my own nation. The great initiative in this war is ours. The initiative to stop it must be ours."Or in "Why We Can't Wait":"Man was born into barbarismwhen killing his fellow man was a normal condition of existence.He became endowed with a conscience. And he has now reached the day when violence toward another human being must become as abhorrent as eating another's flesh."Or in "Loving Your Enemies":"History unfortunately leaves some people oppressed and some people oppressors. And there are three ways that individuals who are oppressed can deal with their oppression. One of them is to rise up against their oppressors with physical violence and corroding hatred. But oh this isn’t the way. For the danger and the weakness of this method is its futility. Violence creates many more social problems than it solves. And I’ve said, in so many instances, that as the Negro, in particular, and colored peoples all over the world struggle for freedom, if they succumb to the temptation of using violence in their struggle, unborn generations will be the recipients of a long and desolate night of bitterness, and our chief legacy to the future will be an endless reign of meaningless chaos. Violence isn’t the way.Another way is to acquiesce and to give in, to resign yourself to the oppression. Some people do that. They discover the difficulties of the wilderness moving into the promised land, and they would rather go back to the despots of Egypt because it’s difficult to get in the promised land. And so they resign themselves to the fate of oppression; they somehow acquiesce to this thing. But that too isn’t the way because non-cooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good.But there is another way. And that is to organize mass non-violent resistance based on the principle of love. It seems to me that this is the only way as our eyes look to the future. As we look out across the years and across the generations, let us develop and move right here. We must discover the power of love, the power, the redemptive power of love. And when we discover that we will be able to make of this old world a new world. We will be able to make men better. Love is the only way."I may be embarrassing to you, as another of your anonymous notes stated, but I am choosing to be embarrassing in the company of Martin Luther King, Jr., a man who's very difficult words (nonviolence is actually really, really difficult) and philosophy I have actually read.I am okay with that.
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bountyofbeads · 4 years
Watchdog Says Trump Administration Broke Law in Withholding Ukraine Aid https://nyti.ms/2QZrSGs
Trump surrounds himself and is a magnet to nefarious, unethical, shady, narcissistic, self-serving mafioso-like characters. This is the definition of the SWAMP and DEEP-STATE. The fish ROTS from the head.
You couldn't make this crazy shit💩 up in your wildest dreams. PLEASE BRING BACK A DRAMA-FREE, SCANDELOUS-FREE ADMINISTRATION LIKE THE OBAMAS. I'm tired of waking up everyday to a new scandal with this lunatic in the White House and his venal cabal.
Watchdog Says Trump Administration Broke Law in Withholding Ukraine Aid
The Government Accountability Office said blocking the military assistance violated a law that limits a president’s power to withhold money allocated by Congress.
By Emily Cochrane | Published Jan. 16, 2020, 10:34 a.m. ET | New York Times | Posted January 16, 2020 |
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration violated the law in withholding security assistance aid to Ukraine, a nonpartisan federal watchdog agency said on Thursday, weighing in on a decision by President Trump that is at the heart of the impeachment case against him.
The Government Accountability Office said the White House Office of Management and Budget withheld the nearly $400 million, which was allocated by Congress, for “a policy reason” in violation of the Impoundment Control Act. The decision was directed by the president himself, and during the House impeachment inquiry, administration officials testified that they had raised concerns about its legality to no avail.
“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the president to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” the G.A.O. wrote. “The withholding was not a programmatic delay.”
The impoundment law limits a president’s power to withhold money that has been allocated by Congress, requiring that he secure approval by the legislative branch if he wishes to do so.
The White House budget office promptly rejected the report’s conclusions.
“We disagree with G.A.O.’s opinion,” said Rachel Semmel, a spokeswoman for the agency. “O.M.B. uses its apportionment authority to ensure taxpayer dollars are properly spent consistent with the president’s priorities and with the law.”
The report, on its own, does not result in any action, although its release just as Mr. Trump’s impeachment trial is getting underway is certain to fuel additional questions about the impact of his actions.
Senator Chris Van Hollen, Democrat of Maryland, who was among the vocal critics in both parties of Mr. Trump’s decision to block the funds, on Thursday called the G.A.O. report a “bombshell legal opinion.” It “demonstrates, without a doubt, that the Trump Administration illegally withheld assistance from Ukraine and the public evidence shows that the president himself ordered this illegal act,” he wrote on Twitter.
Senator Chris Van Hollen
This bombshell legal opinion from the independent @USGAO demonstrates, without a doubt, that the Trump Administration illegally withheld assistance from Ukraine and the public evidence shows that the president himself ordered this illegal act
This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.
Lev Parnas, Key Player in Ukraine Affair, Completes Break With Trump and Giuliani
In an interview, he said the president knew everything about the effort to push Ukraine to investigate the Bidens and the 2016 election.
By Kenneth P. Vogel and Ben Protests |
Published Jan. 15, 2020 Updated Jan. 16, 2020, 12:18 a.m. ET | New York Times | Posted January 16, 2020 |
WASHINGTON — Lev Parnas, the Soviet-born businessman who played a central role in the campaign to pressure Ukraine to investigate political rivals of President Trump, completed his break with the White House on Wednesday, asserting for the first time in public that the president was fully aware of the efforts to dig up damaging information on his behalf.
In an interview with The New York Times on the day the House  transmitted articles of impeachment against Mr. Trump to the Senate, Mr. Parnas also expressed regret for having trusted Mr. Trump and Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer and the architect of the Ukraine pressure campaign. His lawyer said he was eager to cooperate with federal prosecutors investigating Mr. Giuliani.
Mr. Parnas made his remarks as House impeachment investigators released more material he had turned over to them. The material, including text messages, photos and calendar entries, underscored how deeply Mr. Parnas and others were involved in carrying out the pressure campaign and how new information continues to surface even as the Senate prepares to begin Mr. Trump’s trial next week. And it provided additional evidence that the effort to win political advantage for Mr. Trump was widely known among his allies, showing that Mr. Parnas communicated regularly with two top Republican fund-raisers about what he was up to.
Text messages and call logs show that Mr. Parnas was in contact with Tom Hicks Jr., a donor and Trump family friend, and Joseph Ahearn, who raised money for pro-Trump political groups, about developments in the Ukraine pressure campaign.
In the text messages, Mr. Parnas kept Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ahearn apprised of efforts to disseminate damaging information about targets of Mr. Trump and Mr. Giuliani, including the United States ambassador to Kyiv, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Ukrainians who spread information about Paul Manafort, Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign chairman.
The records seem to expand the circle of people around Mr. Trump who were aware in real time of the pressure campaign. The campaign led to Mr. Trump’s impeachment in the House last month and a Senate trial that will start next week just as the 2020 presidential campaign is moving into high gear.
In the interview with The Times, Mr. Parnas said that although he did not speak with Mr. Trump directly about the efforts, he met with the president on several occasions and was told by Mr. Giuliani that Mr. Trump was kept in the loop. Mr. Parnas pointed in particular to text messages, released by the House this week, in which Mr. Giuliani refers to an effort to obtain a visa for a former Ukrainian official who leveled corruption allegations against Mr. Biden.
In the messages, Mr. Giuliani boasted of the effort to secure the visa: “It’s going to work I have no 1 in it.” Mr. Parnas said the reference to No. 1 was to Mr. Trump.
“I am betting my whole life that Trump knew exactly everything that was going on that Rudy Giuliani was doing in Ukraine,” Mr. Parnas said.
Mr. Parnas, an American citizen who was arrested in October on largely unrelated federal criminal charges, expressed remorse for his role in helping the Ukrainian pressure campaign, but pinned blame on the president and Mr. Giuliani.
“My biggest regret is trusting so much,” he said. “I thought I was being a patriot and helping the president,” he said, adding that he “thought by listening to the president and his attorney that I couldn’t possibly get in trouble or do anything wrong.”
Now that he faces criminal charges in the Southern District of New York, Mr. Parnas, who has pleaded not guilty, is looking to cooperate with prosecutors in his case, who are conducting a broader investigation into Mr. Giuliani and his dealings in Ukraine.
“We very much want to be heard in the Southern District,” Mr. Parnas’s lawyer, Joseph A. Bondy, said in the interview with The Times. “We very much want to provide substantial assistance to the government.”
Taken together, the comments on Wednesday capped a stunning turnabout for a man who was a Trump donor and once considered himself a close friend of Mr. Giuliani, who is a godfather to his son.
Mr. Giuliani said in a text message on Wednesday that it was “sad to watch how the Trump haters are using” Mr. Parnas. He attributed Mr. Parnas’s willingness to share documents with congressional Democrats to a desire for “attention.”
He called Mr. Parnas “a proven liar,” and suggested he was undermining his credibility as a potential witness. “Let him run himself out then I’ll respond if necessary,” Mr. Giuliani said.
During the interview with The Times, as well as in a taped interview Mr. Parnas gave on Wednesday to the MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, Mr. Parnas emphasized that he was always acting on behalf of Mr. Trump and Mr. Giuliani.
When asked by The Times how he knew that Mr. Trump was aware of the pressure campaign, he said that Mr. Giuliani assured him that was the case.
Before taking his first trip to Ukraine in February 2019, Mr. Parnas said that he met with Mr. Giuliani at the Grand Havana Room, a smoke-filled private club high above Midtown Manhattan, and relayed a concern that he and an associate, Igor Fruman, lacked the diplomatic credentials to carry out their task. Mr. Parnas said he proposed that the president designate them “special envoys” to ensure their safety and access.
Then, Mr. Parnas said, Mr. Giuliani walked away to call Mr. Trump, and returned with a new plan: He would represent Mr. Parnas and Mr. Fruman, as well as the president, a move that might afford their shared mission the confidentiality of attorney-client privilege. Mr. Giuliani has denied Mr. Parnas’s account.
Days later, Mr. Parnas and Mr. Fruman embarked for Eastern Europe.
Upon his return, Mr. Parnas began working with influential conservatives to disseminate the information and claims he helped collect from Ukraine. The materials released Wednesday also show him maintaining regular communication with Yuriy Lutsenko, Ukraine’s chief prosecutor at the time, who was advocating the removal of the United States ambassador in Kyiv and was promising help in getting information about Mr. Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.
By late March, as the claims began to circulate widely in the pro-Trump conservative news media, Mr. Parnas texted an associate, “I’m officially part of team trump,” according to the records released Wednesday.
In addition to the text messages, Mr. Parnas, who was indicted in October on campaign finance charges, provided Democrats in the House with voice mail messages left on his phone by Mr. Giuliani and another lawyer who worked on the Ukraine effort, emails, calendar entries and a bevy of photographs of Mr. Parnas with Trump allies.
In one photograph, which appears to be from May 2018, Mr. Parnas poses at a restaurant table with Mr. Fruman, who was also charged in the campaign finance case, as well as Mr. Hicks and the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr.
That same month, Mr. Parnas and Mr. Fruman donated $325,000 in the name of a newly-created energy company, Global Energy Producers, to a pro-Trump super PAC, America First Action, with which Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ahearn were affiliated.
In February, Mr. Hicks sent Mr. Parnas a video of a segment on the conservative television channel One America News Network that criticized a Ukrainian lawmaker who disseminated information about cash payments earmarked for Mr. Manafort by a Russia-aligned Ukrainian political party.
“Show Rudy,” Mr. Hicks wrote.
“On it now,” Mr. Parnas responded.
Mr. Hicks, who is friendly with Donald Trump Jr., later suggested that Mr. Parnas share “what we know at right time” with the editor and owner of the conservative Daily Caller website, whom he called “a friend. I trust him 100%.”
The next month, after the publication of a series of articles critical of the ambassador, Marie L. Yovanovitch, on which Mr. Parnas and Mr. Giuliani had worked with a conservative journalist, Mr. Parnas shared a tweet on a related subject by the Fox News host Sean Hannity.
“You should retweet it,” Mr. Parnas wrote.
Mr. Hicks responded “I should probably keep my hands clean on that!”
That day, Mr. Ahearn texted Mr. Parnas asking “What should I send Don to tweet,” an apparent reference to Donald Trump Jr.
Mr. Parnas responded with links to tweets highlighting the articles about Ms. Yovanovitch, and a Ukrainian official who released the documents about the payments earmarked for Mr. Manafort. “Have jr retweet it,” Mr. Parnas wrote.
“Sent,” Mr. Ahearn responded.
It is unclear if Mr. Ahearn passed along the request to Donald Trump Jr., though Mr. Trump did retweet a Republican strategist criticizing Ms. Yovanovitch.
And a few days later, Mr. Parnas texted Mr. Ahearn another article about calls to remove Ms. Yovanovitch, which Mr. Trump posted on Twitter, commenting that the United States needs “less of these jokers as ambassadors.”
Mr. Parnas then sent an image of Mr. Trump’s tweet to Mr. Ahearn.
Mr. Trump ordered Ms. Yovanovitch’s recall in late April amid mounting calls for him to do so from conservative figures.
Peter Chavkin, a lawyer for Mr. Ahearn, said, “Nothing in the communications seems out of the ordinary or sparks any concern.”
Mr. Hicks, who was the chairman of America First Action before stepping aside to become a co-chairman of the Republican National Committee, did not respond to requests for comment.
A spokeswoman for America First declined to comment. The organization has provided documents to prosecutors investigating the campaign finance charges against Mr. Parnas and Mr. Fruman. And two people who have helped raise money for America First Action were subpoenaed by the prosecutors last year.
Below are some comments from readers around the country. PLEASE SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS:
"It is essential to keep this point in mind: Donald Trump is President of the United States because he promised white evangelicals that he would do anything and everything necessary to keep their influence and power intact. He would do things that guys like Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee were unwilling to do. And evangelicals bought it. Contrary to the core teaching of Scripture and the gospel it contains, they want power, and they want it so badly they chose as their candidate the one person willing to break every rule to assure it. So when Trump followers—including the Senate GOP and most certainly Mitch McConnell— hear of these misdeeds, they are not only not offended, they are reassured. Yes indeed Trump will do ANYTHING to keep us in power! The rest of America (including mainstream Christians) sees a President in profound violation of his fundamental oath of office. He is destroying the very Constitution he swore to protect and defend. His followers, in sharp contrast, put their own power and influence above such concerns. Sadly, Trumpism in our time goes wider and deeper than just this one man." PAUL, ATHENS GA
"I'm sitting here truly stunned - this is absolutely crazy. Mr. Parnas seemed very credible to me. His story truly shocking. Trump and Giuliani's low life, sleazy corruption absolutely breathtaking. The story is complicated to follow and the American public has a short attention span - but Trump is a crook - always has been. How can this grifter be President?"
"Nothing, not even this, will break Trump’s iron grip on the cowardly Republican Senators." DAN, CA
"NYT: Please, please, republish Giuliani's letter to Zelensky on your front page. Americans need to see it, on Giuliani's letterhead, explaining that he is demanding a meeting to do the President's private bidding separate from normal diplomacy, with the President's full knowledge and direction. I think it really is a bombshell." MARK, NC
"We watched the Rachel Maddow interview tonight. Later, drifting off to sleep I said “It’s so horrible that even with all this, NOTHING is going to happen to Trump. The Republicans will do nothing.” How has this come to pass? A criminal, mentally unbalanced, grifter runs our country with the support of an entire political party. Trump loses few supporters from his rabidly adoring, base. We are stuck with this man for almost another year and he may have taken us to war by then. The nation is polarized. Another four years is unthinkable. All this affects the quality of people’s lives. Many of us take horror, disbelief and fear into our sleep state and wake up with the same feelings. We live in terrible times."
"Alarm bells are really going off now. Yovanovitch testified that a friend called her late at night and told her to get out of Ukraine for her own safety. Now we learn that Hyde was telling Parnas that anything was possible with money in Ukraine. Parnas says that Trump knew all about the operation to smear the Bidens and that smear pieces were being tweeted about the ambassador by Trump Jr and others. Trump said of Yovanovitch during the “perfect” phone call that “She’s going to go through some things”. So why was Trump using two GOP donors to surveille a US ambassador and organize a smear? Also, how was Hyde able to know when Yovanovitch was on her phone and computer? It sounds like Trump put her in danger. This needs to be looked at in the Senate trial."
"This is Mr. Parnas insurance against him slipping in the shower, or getting into an accident. He’s basically just phoned 911 and said the bad guys are inside the house." MOSSBIRD, UK
"Now the cover up gets really sticky. Parnas has lots of evidence, lots of details, and lots of witnesses that agree with his story. Now the only escape is that he is a crook, a liar. Problem is the guys accusing him are well known for lying. Guilliani is of zero credibility, and Trump is the poster boy for lies with many thousands known. The Senate now has a problem, they can say there is no reason for witnesses, and the whole world will see that they are totally cowards and not interested in the truth or bring all these guys and listen to them under oath. Call them liars but let the Senate prove they are. How many will take the 5th?"
" Donny and Rudy, the worst Mob Boss and his consigliere in History. Dumb and Dumber, they make the Sopranos look like Nobel Prize winners. But the Sopranos were at least interesting and somewhat likable. These two, not so much. Seriously. Had enough humiliation ? VOTE THEM ALL OUT."
"If the cowardly GOP Senators won't hear testimony from witnesses, or won't fairly consider the evidence, the House should go back to impeach again on whatever else surfaces in the meantime. The dam may have broken, and the wider circle of people incriminated by Parnas' statements will lead to even more evidence of wrongdoing. They're all dirty, and the GOP knows it. Voting Democratic to control the WH and Senate may be our last defense against this vile administration and its congressional toadies. Let the evidence flow!" Joe, LAFAYETTE CA
"It's important to remember that Parnas is a shady guy who runs with the wrong crowd. While he may say things we like, take what he says with a grain of salt unless he backs up what he says with specific evidence (e.g. documents) that support his assertions. He has a lot of incentive to make stuff up or selectively leave out material details in an attempt avoid jail time. That said, it does appear he is able to provide some further evidence of wrong doing by President Trump, Rudy, and apparently AG Barr."
" The Russians work for Trump and Trump works for the Russians."
"Well, well, well, it's the latest news bulletins concerning the vast criminal syndicate that took the white house in '16, and has further spread its virus through the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, large swaths of the media, and fronts in the culture wars. And close to half of this nation's voters just seem value trash talk, score-settling, cracker socialism, and the myth of more riches (though mostly, it turns out, definitely not for them, but for the puppeteers that pull their strings). We're probably doomed- let's hope that we're not..."
"Who was bankrolling all this activity? Campaign contributions, international flights, hotels, and so on?"
"It wouldn't matter if Trump said, "Yeah, I did it. You KNOW I did it! After all, I asked the Russians and Chinese to interfere on national TV. But, chumps, err, I mean fellow Americans, I got my hear-no-evil, see-no-evil base and my soulless Senate that I keep in line with my lyin', illiterate tweets. To quote the great invertebrate, Mulvaney, get over it!"" BARBARA, SOUTH BAY
In Rachel Maddow's interview, Mr. Parnas seemed credible, and his assertions were consistent with what has previously been reported. He said that his access to high level Ukrainian government officials was made possible only by his association with Giuliani as the president's representative. He also implicated Devin Nunes in the effort to pressure Ukraine for defamatory information about the Bidens, saying he was shocked that Nunes was a leader in an investigation of an affair in which he was personally involved. Legal experts have cautioned that much of what Mr. Parnas has said is second-hand, and further investigation to confirm his allegations is needed. Former government officials have expressed shock that someone like Mr. Parnas was working at the highest levels of government." CH, INDIANAPOLIS
"This is the hundredth thing (at least) that should have led Trump to resign or be removed. But Trump has no conscience, no concern for the country or for justice. And Congressional Republicans don't either. Trump will burn the world down before admitting he's done wrong, and the GOP--after a few token murmurs of concern--will cover for him. Vote blue, all the way down the ticket."
Robert Hyde, Erratic Ex-Landscaper, Is Unlikely New Impeachment Figure
Mr. Hyde, whose electronic messages suggest that he was tracking the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, has a history of turbulent behavior.
By Michael Rothfeld, William K. Rashbaum and Ben Protests | Published Jan. 15, 2020 Updated Jan. 16, 2020, 8:03 a.m. ET | New York Times | Posted January 16, 2020 |
Even in an impeachment drama brimming with improbable characters, Robert F. Hyde stands out.
Mr. Hyde, an obscure Republican candidate for Congress in Connecticut, was thrust into the proceedings to remove President Trump from office on Tuesday when the House released a series of encrypted messages he exchanged last year with an associate of Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer.
The messages suggest that Mr. Hyde had been secretly tracking the movements of Marie L. Yovanovitch, the United States ambassador to Ukraine at the time.
The conversations drew alarm from Ms. Yovanovitch, who was removed from her post on Mr. Trump’s orders, and calls from a member of Congress for an investigation. But Mr. Hyde wrote the matter off as a goof, saying on Twitter on Tuesday that he was “playing with” Mr. Giuliani’s associate, Lev Parnas.
It was only the latest in a series of erratic episodes for Mr. Hyde, a 40-year-old former landscaper with a public relations company and a congressional campaign marked by inflammatory remarks.
Last May, two months after the exchange with Mr. Parnas, the police responded to Mr. Trump’s Doral golf resort in Florida, where Mr. Hyde told officers that he feared a hit man was going to kill him, records show.
“Mr. Hyde spoke about emails he sent that may have placed his life in jeopardy,” a May 16 police report read.
It was not clear from Mr. Hyde’s messages with Mr. Parnas whether Ms. Yovanovitch was really being watched, or why.
The messages suggest Mr. Hyde had contacts in Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, who were monitoring her. Mr. Parnas said in an interview on Wednesday that he did not participate in whatever Mr. Hyde was doing, and Mr. Giuliani said that he knew nothing about what the men had discussed.
Congressional Democrats said that some of the communications had a threatening tone.
“They are moving her tomorrow,” Mr. Hyde wrote to Mr. Parnas on March 25, just before 10 p.m. “The guys over there asked me what I would like to do and what is in it for them.”
Mr. Parnas was working with Mr. Giuliani to oust Ms. Yovanovitch, whom they considered an impediment to their efforts to improve the president’s political fortunes. Mr. Trump later ordered her removal.
The messages were included in a cache of documents that Mr. Parnas, a Florida businessman who is facing federal campaign finance charges in New York, provided to lawmakers as part of their impeachment inquiry. The materials, which had been seized by the F.B.I., were recently returned to him.
In social media posts and in text messages to reporters this week, Mr. Hyde has referred to Representative Adam B. Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, which released the documents, as “Adam Bull Schiff” and “liddle Adam Schitt.”
In an interview on Wednesday with Eric Bolling of the Sinclair Broadcast Group, Mr. Hyde called the messages “colorful texts” and said he was “joking around.”
“I was never a close associate of Lev Parnas,” Mr. Hyde said in the interview. “Did I like his character, and did we have a lot of laughs and joke a little bit? Of course.”
Mr. Hyde is one of four Republicans vying to challenge Representative Jahana Hayes, a first-term Democrat in Connecticut. Last month, he came under fire from members of his own party for a vulgar tweet about Senator Kamala Harris, Democrat of California, when she dropped out of the presidential race. The tweet was later deleted.
Soon after, The Hartford Courant  reported that, although Mr. Hyde had made tens of thousands of dollars in political contributions, he had fallen behind on child support payments. On Wednesday, Connecticut’s Republican chairman urged him to quit the race.
Representative Eliot Engel, the House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman, on Wednesday called Mr. Hyde’s messages  to Mr. Parnas “profoundly alarming” and said that members of his staff had contacted the State Department to ensure the security of the United States embassy in Kyiv and of Ms. Yovanovitch.
“This unprecedented threat to our diplomats must be thoroughly investigated and, if warranted, prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” Mr. Engel, a New York Democrat, said in a statement.
The State Department did not respond to requests for comment. But a Foreign Affairs Committee staff member said that the department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, whose agents protect diplomats and investigate certain crimes, had told the committee that it would immediately open an investigation.
In the interview on Wednesday, Mr. Parnas said that he had nothing to do with any potential surveillance of Ms. Yovanovitch, and that he doubted it had actually occurred.
“I never took Mr. Hyde seriously,” Mr. Parnas said.
Mr. Parnas said he met Mr. Hyde at the Trump Hotel Washington, where both men were frequent guests. Mr. Hyde also became a fixture at some of the same Republican fund-raising events in Washington and in Florida that Mr. Parnas attended, including the 2019 inauguration of Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis.
Mr. Hyde, who was often spotted buying rounds of drinks for fellow supporters of Mr. Trump at the Washington hotel, gained access to the Republican events in part because he had donated $25,000 to Mr. Trump’s inaugural committee, a person briefed on the matter said. Republican fund-raising officials viewed him as a prospective donor to America First Action, a pro-Trump super PAC, although he ultimately donated only $1,000, the person said.
In recent years, according to campaign finance records, Mr. Hyde has made tens of thousands of dollars in contributions in recent years to various Republican causes, including Mr. Trump’s campaign and the campaign of Representative Greg Pence of Indiana, the brother of Vice President Mike Pence.
Mr. Hyde’s campaign website says that he served in the Marine Corps for eight years, performing security services, including in Iraq after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. His LinkedIn page says that he ran a landscaping and construction company near Hartford, Conn., from 2002 to 2018.
In 2011, Mr. Hyde was arrested in Avon, Conn., on a misdemeanor charge after a tree he had been hired to remove fell on a utility pole, breaking the pole in half, according to a news report that cited the police. An Avon police spokesman said the department had a record of an incident involving Mr. Hyde but he did not provide details, and the outcome of the case could not immediately be determined.
Mr. Hyde’s LinkedIn profile also describes him as a self-employed “change agent” since January 2014. In late 2018, according to his page, he started a government and public relations firm. The home page of the company, Finley Hyde & Associates — Finley is Mr. Hyde’s middle name — has pictures of him with Mr. Trump and the vice president. His campaign website also features a picture of him with Mr. Trump.
On a disclosure form filed last month in connection with his campaign, Mr. Hyde listed $30,000 in noninvestment income last year, and about $135,000 for the preceding year.
Mr. Hyde’s exchanges with Mr. Parnas last year were cryptic at times. On March 23, after exchanging some videos, articles and tweets accusing Ms. Yovanovitch of being disloyal to Mr. Trump, Mr. Hyde reported: “She under heavy protection outside Kiev.”
Two days later, he wrote, “She’s talked to three people. Her phone is off. Computer is off.” Hours later, after Mr. Parnas had picked up the exchange, Mr. Hyde wrote, apparently about his contacts, “They know she’s a political puppet.” Then, a few minutes later: “They will let me know when she’s on the move.”
“Perfect,” Mr. Parnas wrote. Mr. Hyde offered to try to learn Ms. Yovanovitch’s destination, writing, “They are willing to help if we/you would like a price … Guess you can do anything in Ukraine with money … what I was told.” Mr. Parnas responded: “Lol.”
Two months after the conversation, Mr. Hyde was at Mr. Trump’s Florida golf resort when the police got a call from a friend of his who was concerned about him, according to Rey Valdes, the Doral Police Department’s public information officer.
Besides his fears of a hit man, Mr. Hyde also claimed that the Secret Service had hacked his computer, according to a police report, which said he “continued to act paranoid” during the encounter. The police eventually took Mr. Hyde into custody “for his own protection,” Mr. Valdes said, before transferring him to a mental health facility.
This week, Mr. Hyde appeared to embrace his newfound notoriety. A stream of posts on his social media accounts included a video of himself and another man doing push-ups by a body of water as a German shepherd wandered around, a document purporting to show that he had paid his child support obligations as of Tuesday, and attacks on Democrats and the media.
“These are bad people, I’m out to expose their actions,” Mr. Hyde wrote in one post early Wednesday. “Attack me all you want, get the facts first. The media is against me because they’re either complicit or have a hand in it, I welcome an investigation. I’ll provide my email password and hand my phone over, bring it on. #hyde2020”
In another post, Mr. Hyde wrote: “Day Job: ‘Titular Head’ of a Connecticut landscape company… Night Job: CIA international spook, aka Scarfface …lol #draintheswamp #hydegate #impeachmentsham.”
Ukraine Investigates Reports of Illegal Surveillance of U.S. Ambassador
A text message exchange including a businessman involved in the effort to pressure Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden suggested that Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch was being watched in Kyiv.
By Richard Pérez-Peña | Published Jan. 16, 2020, 8:34 a.m. ET | New York Times | Posted January 16, 2020|
The police in Ukraine have opened a criminal investigation into whether allies of President Trump had the United States ambassador to the country under surveillance while she was stationed in Kyiv, the Ukrainian government said on Thursday.
Democrats in the House of Representative on Tuesday revealed  evidence pointing to surveillance of the ambassador, Marie L. Yovanovitch, just before Mr. Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate was scheduled to begin.
The House released text messages to and from Lev Parnas — an associate of Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer — who was involved in a campaign to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., who is seen as a strong potential challenger to Mr. Trump.
As part of that campaign, the president’s allies were trying to remove Ms. Yovanovitch from her post. They ultimately succeeded.
Last March, an exchange between Mr. Parnas and another man, Robert F. Hyde, indicated that Mr. Hyde was in contact with people who were watching Ms. Yovanovitch.
“They are willing to help if we/you would like a price,” said a message from Mr. Hyde.
The State Department did not reply to a list of questions about the text messages, surveillance of Ms. Yovanovitch, or Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s knowledge of the matter and role in her ouster.
“Ukraine cannot ignore such illegal activities on its territory,” Ukraine’s Internal Affairs Ministry said in a statement released on Thursday. “After analyzing these materials, the National Police of Ukraine upon their publication started criminal proceedings.”
“Our goal is to investigate whether there were any violations of Ukrainian and international laws,” the ministry added. “Or maybe it was just bravado and fake conversation between two U.S. citizens.”
Edward Wong contributed reporting.
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Stella Carrier Script Stories Law of Attraction Edition Script 24 Saturday July 29, 2017
Stella Carrier Script Stories Law of Attraction Edition Script 24 Saturday July 29, 2017
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Additionally, I Stella Carrier have successfully maintained a 119 pound body that I succeeded in manifesting by May 1, 2018. It was a great feeling to reach my ideal body weight goals by the summer of 2018 and go shopping in a thinner body. By then I also had over 3000 dollars after taxes saved in both my Bank of America and Sun Trust accounts.
ResourcesAffirmationsI mark a new beginning in the book of my life and wisely use the free time I have been giving to rest and tune even deeper into various aspects of my life-spiritual, athletic goals such as walking more, balancing my writing time with some online courses I have enrolled in etc.I am in the process of becoming more cool,level-headed, and wise when it comes to how I conduct myself around my current work colleagues and future coworkers as I am now logically and intuitively aware that some of them may follow me to where I may reside within 7 years from now or less regardless if I am a private sector andor a government/military worker/employee.
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Even if it is true that  Reince Priebus  blocked Anthony Scaramucci from getting the job this does not justify Anthony Scaramucci publicly badmouthing his coworkers the way it is referenced in this article. If Scaramucci felt the need to vent, he would have been better off venting to a friend andor family member who does not work for President Donald Trump. I understand that it is human nature at times for coworkers to gossip about each other, even if it is better to not gossip. However, it is always better to vent to someone outside of work. I know some people may wonder why I feel that it is better to avoid venting to a friend outside of work if you can help it. The main reason why you want to avoid venting about a coworker to a coworker who happens to be your friend, even if you are a good friend to that person, is because you never know if the person you are gossiping about and your friend andor mutual friends of that friend may become allies in the near andor far future. Another reason, you may end up unexpectedly following that person you are gossiping about to a new work location either knowingly andor unknowingly and they are going to remember what you said about them andor how your friend treated them based on account of also how you treated them.  Anyhow, Scaramucci also needs to take into account that he may actually need Steve Bannon’s cooperation on some key political issue one day andor maybe Steve Bannon may work somewhere in the future that Scaramucci may want to be a part of (I’m neither a fan or hater of Steve Bannon, rather I am just illustrating how professionally dangerous it is for Scaramucci to publicly gossip about his coworkers).Anthony Scaramucci gives a profanity-laced interview trashing Priebus and Bannon
The fact that music producer Dr. Luke is dragging Lady Gaga into this defamation lawsuit is an indicator that he wants to pull out all of the stops to prove his innocence. Obviously it appears that either he (Dr. Luke) or Kesha is making up a story. Either he raped her or didn’t. As for Kesha, I’m truthfully conflicted as I have enjoyed a multiple number her songs (I have enjoyed her collaboration with Pitbull for Timber and I have purchased and enjoyed Kesha’s warrior collection). The reason why I want to avoid taking a side in this case is because even I know that rape andor sexual assault is hard to prove as a grown woman unless you report the situation right when it happens.  Even if Kesha is telling the truth, it is obvious she did not report the rape right when it happened. If Kesha is telling the truth, I can understand her shame in not wanting to report it right away and just wanting to wash away the shame right away but washing away the shame before reporting the rape also washes away the proof/evidence. I am guessing that even some of the most sympathetic men and women from an unbiased jury may wonder why Kesha waited to report being raped instead of waiting a while after it happened, even if she is telling the truth. I wish only the best in spiritual healing for both Kesha and Dr. Luke regardless of who is guilty or innocent as it is common knowledge that rape is a serious charge that can impact a person’s career. Lady Gaga Subpoenaed by Dr. Luke in Kesha Defamation Lawsuit
https://www.yahoo.com/celebrity/lady-gaga-subpoenaed-dr-luke-224800519.htmlI would have to say that Paula Patton answered that question diplomatically and probably has positive memories working alongside both Denzel Washington and Tom Cruise. I admit that I have enjoyed some of Paula Patton’s husband’s Robin Thicke music and it is evident how much she did love him in the Love After War music video. However, I did watch the Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol film referenced in this article in theaters with my husband that involved Paula Patton and Tom Cruise and their (Cruise and Patton’s)chemistry even working up to the onscreen kiss that Patton referenced about to Andy Cohen and Kelly Regis was convincing.Paula Patton Says Tom Cruise Had 'Amazing Breath' During 'Mission Impossible' Kiss Scene -- Watch!
Even with Tom Cruise’s villainous turn for Les Grossman the character part he has in the Tropic Thunder film something always influenced me to believe that Tom Cruise was more of a nice guy. The information given in this article is a positive indicator that Tom Cruise is more like the nice guy persona of naval aviator Maverick in the Top Gun film in real-life.Tom Cruise Turns 55! Four Times He Was a Real-Life Action Hero
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