#i am once again asking for this nigga to get the death penalty
1-jar-of-stars · 1 month
he’s fucking evil
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Chapter 26 ~ Focus
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Today was literally fucking awful. Like I can not express to you, how horrible today was. Hell, I even passed out once getting to the hospital, thank God my baby was okay, but all I can see is Dominic getting shot, Angel’s, Giselle’s and Mason’s screams. Everything was horrible. 
“After Much deliberation, I have decided that Ms. Rossi is to get at most $150,000 for her pain and suffering on losing her child in such a traumatic way. Also, Mr. Cartier is not giving Ms. Rossi any alimony or half of everything he owns. It was the decision of Ms. Rossi to not find employment, as well as Ms. Rossi and Mr. Cartier was not married and were not together for 7 years, after 7 years, the common law marriage practices would’ve taken place, but even in this circumstance it would have not, being that Mr. Cartier is married.
I have found that the child Angelique Marie Boudreaux Cartier will be under the care and full custody of her father Dominic Cartier. With the death certificate of Giselle Boudreaux being null and void, the legal adoption of Angelique to Ms. Rossi is also Null and Void. Both parents have to sign off on giving up their parental rights for adoption, and Ms. Boudreaux-Cartier stated that she didn’t give her right up.  
I fine the defendant $150,000 to the plaintiff. Court is now dismissed”  
When I tell you our entire family rejoiced. I was ready to leave this chapter behind us, just like everyone with us. I couldn’t help tear up at the sight of Giselle crying and holding Angel, this is now what will let them have a better relationship, and it was a beautiful sight.
We were all about to leave when I saw Dominic talking to Katie. I knew that he had no animosity towards her, and that he still had love for her. But with my sister being back, and Katie being insecure about Giselle, He was all about Giselle again.
I guess Gi caught on to them talking, and called out to him.
“Baby” She said softly.
He smiled and finally started walking to his family, when Katie mumbled something and then pulled a gun out of her purse.
“DOMINIC!!” I yelled, but I was too late, he immediately fell to the ground as the bullets went into his backside.
“DADDY,” Angel and Mason screamed,
Giselle ran to him immediately, trying to put pressure on the wounds, ““DOMINIC!!!! SOMEONE CALL 911” She cried out.
I was looking around and Kam was protecting all the kids, X and Jeremiah apparently got ahold of Katie, Both bailiffs were dead on the floor, The judge was also shot too, but she had gotten to safety. I couldn’t find Olivia,
“LIV!!! LIVIE!!!” I screamed
“Lizzie!” She gasped
I ran and she was on the other side of the table, holding her stomach from bleeding. I took off my scarf,  
 “You’re gonna be okay Liv. I promised.” I said crying
“Stop crying then stupid.” She smiled
I nodded, and laughed, but the tears kept flowing. “I promise, you’ll be okay”
She grabbed my hand. “Lizzie, don’t let me die, Please, I want to see my Children grow up. Please.”
“I promise!”
The Police came in and then followed by the EMT’s, They came and got Liv from me, and she wouldn’t let go of my hand. So I went with her.
Giselle was still crying over Dominic’s body when the EMT’s came in. She wouldn’t let him go, Xavier had to tell her to let him go so that they can help him.
Now we are here, at Mount Zion Hospital, Dominic is in surgery, Olivia is in surgery. Mason is in a cast on his arm, apparently as soon as she shot Dominic, He ran towards Dominic and the bitch shot my nephew in the arm.  
We got word that both bailiffs were killed, and so was the judge. I wouldn’t be surprised if Katie got the death penalty. and if she didn’t, we would make sure she was dead her first moment in jail.
“Family of Olivia Lavigne?” The doctor spoke  
We all rose up, he laughed, “Next of Kin?”
Jeremiah spoke up with Sage in his arms asleep, “I am her husband.”
“Your wife is out of surgery, she had a heart attack on the table, but we fixed everything, she’s going to be bed ridden for a while. She was shot in her lower stomach, so we had to fix little of her internal organs but I am going to keep her here for awhile.”
“She’s okay though? She’s going to live?” He chocked out
“Yes, Sir. She will.”
He let out a breath and kind of a laugh “Oh thank God” He rubbed the tears out of his eyes, and shook the doctor’s hand.
“Thank you so much.”
“What’s taking Dominic so long.” Giselle mumbled. 
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I was sitting in the hospital with Rose when I got the call about Dominic and Liv. Thank God they were in the same hospital, because I don’t think that I could leave Rosie that long.
She’s finally getting better. We still don’t know why the baby was making her so sick, to the point that she was dying. She has this rare disease, and it causes the baby to take all of the good stuff from Rose, I really don’t know, but I don’t care. They told us that Rose could never carry a baby full to term, but I don’t care, as long as I have my Rosie.
“Baby, go see Olivia. X said that she’s fine and that they’re just waiting on hearing about Dominic.” Rose spoke from the bed.
I shook my head, “I can’t see my sister like that.”
“Well, what about Lei’Lani or your mom, you know that they are here, and you know they are freaking out.”
“I understand you are trying to help, but I can’t see her in a place like that. Last time wasn’t the best for me.”
“What do you mean?”  
“I was 14, Lei was 13 and Liv was 17” 
~ 11 years ago~
“LEI’LANI!!! Stop! I have to go to football practice!” I screamed
She stuck her tongue out at me, “Mommy said she would take me to dance practice!”
“She promised me football practice!!!” I yelled back
“OLIVIA!!!” We both screamed.
“Will y’all stop screaming! Liv isn’t here to take neither of y’all to either place…your mother and I have to.” My dad spoke to us.
“Daddy…” Lei pouted
“Bro, Pops please don’t fall for this! She is just trying to mess with me so that she can get on my nerves.”  
Lei being the baby, she always got everything she wanted. I was tired of that shit. She was ONLY 11 months younger than me! I was tired of this before the shit even started.
We knew not to mess with her because as soon as she was mad, that would be our asses, before we could leave, we heard my mom again,
“What the fuck you mean, she’s in the hospital Xavier! I Sent her there to get away from him! He followed her there?!”
My pops ran into the kitchen, I knew it couldn’t be good.  It had to be Olivia’s ex-boyfriend, Cassiius. That nigga was mental, and I knew for a fact that he used to beat on my sister, but I could never prove it until i would catch her covering it up, so momma sent her to live with her Dad’s side of the family in Cali to get away from the nigga. But i guess it didn’t work.
“Rah, we gotta go to Cali, Liv is in the hospital” Lei came back crying, then she just ran into my arms crying.
Seeing my sister, in the hospital bed, literally bandaged in every way. I wanted that niggas blood. I wanted to see him worse than he put my sister.  
He gave her internal trauma, external trauma, broken bones, a brain bleed and she was all bruised and battered. This nigga left my sister for dead.
“Rah, you’re going to break the bed” I heard my mom say. I guess I was gripping the edge so hard, my knuckles had turned white.
My family was always worried about my anger issues, and stuff like this didn’t help it either.
I wasn’t really paying attention, when Liv’s family came in the room. It was her cousins Giselle, and Elizabethe and their dad Xavier. He had two light skin niggas behind him.
“Who the fuck are they?” I spoke pointing to them
“Andre! Language!” My mother scolded.
“They not family, they don’t need to be here. So who are they and why are they here.”  
One of them, the thicker one, was about to say something but Xavier put his hand on his chest.
“It’s okay Jeremiah, Rakim is right, can you and Dominic step outside.”
They both nodded and stood outside, but the one that was Jeremiah, kept his eye on Liv and kept the door slightly ajar to hear what was going on. 
Of course my mom and dad kicked out myself and Lei so they could talk to Xavier. It was simple, I want this nigga dead. I’m tired of doing all of this talking shit. He needs to die, he hurt my sister.
Lei was talking to the girls in the waiting area, and I just kept staring at the wall, I didn’t even notice the two other niggas come and sit by me. But they just stared at me.
“The fuck y’all looking at.” I spat
“Look Nig-“ Jeremiah spoke
“Jeremiah. Don’t.” The other spoke.
“I know y’all not stupid, what do you want?” I asked again
“You Liv’s little brother huh? She said you were a lot” the other laughed
I just blankly stared at him.
He shook his head, “Just like Olivia… I’m Dominic, this is Jeremiah. We work for your uncle Xavier.”
“He’s not my uncle, He’s Olivia’s uncle. Her pops older brother.”
“Understood.” He said
“So Y’all going to kill the nigga or what?”
They both looked at each other before they looked back at me.
“Look, I maybe 14, but I’m far from fucking stupid. This nigga Cassiius did this to my sister. My parents sent her here so it wouldn’t happen. and look what happened. Do y’all even know what happened?”
The Jeremiah guy cleared his throat and answered,
“We think he’s been watching her for awhile, but he can’t really get too close to the mansion because of other things. But what set him off was she went on a date, when she went home she was grabbed.”
I nodded my head trying to grasp the information, but then he spoke again.
“ I should’ve stayed. But she said it was fine.”
“Wait, you’re dating my sister?”  
He couldn’t even answer the question, because I simply didn’t care.
“Just kill this nigga and we straight my dude. Long as you treat her right and don’t hurt her, I don’t give a fuck what y’all be doing.”
“No one will ever hurt her again, if it’s up to me” He said
“I see why you don’t like Jeremiah very much anymore, he didn’t beat on you sister like the other dude did, but he hurt her just as emotionally as the last one did.” Rose said rubbing my hands. She always knew how to soothe me.
I nodded, “He basically left her for dead when he cheated and had another baby outside of his marriage. My sister had to beg me not to kill him. Motherfucker lucky I love my nieces and nephews, because he would’ve been gone hella ago.”
“Rah, you can’t hold that anger in, you got to let go, and forgive Jeremiah.”
“No thank you. He fucked over my sister, I don’t play about family.”
“What if Jeremiah and Olivia get back together?” She asked.
I turned my face up, “Doubtful.”
She just laughed, “You spend so much time hating him, you don’t realize that they still love each other.”
“Again. Doubtful.”
She just shrugged and went about her business because she knew the conversation was dead with me.
One month Later
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Writer’s perspetive
Both Dominic and Olivia were laid out in comas. Dominic’s condition was worse than Olivia’s and the doctors  were  afraid that he would never be able to walk again.
This absolutely scared Giselle, seeing that he would never be able to play with the kids again. Or walk Angel down the isle at her wedding. Play Football with Mason when he’s in High school. Or even jus simply stand to hug her, she was petrified, but she never left his side.
Jeremiah also never left Olivia’s side, he was conflicted as well. The doctor informed him that Olivia was 4 weeks pregnant. It hurt his heart that she was having another man’s child. But it hurt even worse when the doctor told him that she miscarried, and because of her injury, she would never be able to have children.  He knew that, the news of a miscarriage and fertility problems would kill her. He didn’t want to be the one to tell her, but he knew he had too.
Callie immediately went to see her sister, but Katie weren’t allowed Guests. I mean would you be allowed Guests if you killed two police officers and a judge with Dominic and Olivia in critical condition from her actions.  
Did Katie regret what she did?  
No. She wasn’t remorseful. She had planned to do that if she had lost anyway. She just didn’t expect Giselle to be there. Katie honestly wanted to kill Giselle, but their son got in the way and she ended up shooting him, which didn’t matter in Katie’s mind because Giselle took her son away. So it was an eye for an eye. 
 If Katie couldn’t have Dominic and Angel…. No one could and she stuck by that.  
But Callie had to worry about her own problems.
After everything went down, she asked to meet with Kamryn. She still wanted to go through with the abortion, but she needs Kam’s approval. Kam was conflicted. She knew that Callie would have the baby and leave it… it could be the baby that she’s been trying to have, but let’s be real. As strong as Kamryn is, she isn’t strong enough to raise her Husband’s mistress’ child, and after talking with X. They let Callie out of her contract and she got an abortion.
Kamryn was extremely relieved. She didn’t have to deal with this mess of Callie or X having an outside baby, so she tried harder to save her marriage. X tried harder too. He loved his wife and wanted to make their family whole again. They both decided to go to counseling and to put having another baby off until they were back on good terms with each other.
Rosalie has been getting better, and the entire family was happy. She was sad about her condition about carrying kids, and she was worried that it would affect her relationship with Rakim but he reassured her that nothing could tear them apart. The love they had for one another was greater than the thought of having children. They even talked about adopting or surrogacy. 
 Everything was going great, expect for Dominic and Olivia.
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Everyday, I would wake up hoping that last month was a dream. I prayed everyday for Dominic to wake up, I needed him to wake up.
Angel and Mason really haven’t talked since the day that he got shot and I cant blame them. They saw that bitch, shoot him down. I’ve taken them to therapy, but they both just sit in silence the entire time. Mason usually tells me what is wrong, but I cant get it out of him.
The doctors were worried that D would never wake up. They’ve asked me to take him off life support 2 times already, but I could never do that to him. He’s the love of my life…. I cant let this be the end. I even got into an argument with Mama Celeste about it.
“My son wouldn’t want this Giselle.” She cried
I shook my head for the millionth time “Mama, I said No. Dominic is okay, he just needs his rest. His body is under a lot of stress. BUT HE IS FINE!” I rubbed his curls that he’s grown since being in the hospital.
“I was without him for more than 4 years, Taken away by my father, by Vincent. I will not be away from him for the rest of my life. If I go bankrupt because I am keeping him alive I will do it.”
“His will states-“
I rolled my eyes. “I don’t give a fuck what his will states. LEAVE! If you don’t support my decision to keep him alive. GET THE HELL OUT!”
I haven’t seen her since and that was 2 weeks ago. I’m not keeping her away, but she’s staying away right now. Jeremiah was pissed at me, but i don’t care. I refuse to lose him again. I mentally couldn’t handle it. But she’s taking care of the kids for me while I am here.
Wiping my tears, I just rubbed his hands and arms. I just want him to wake up. I miss his brown eyes, and his smile. The way he would always be laughing and being goofy with the kids. I just want to see him again. I would give anything for him to hold me one more time.  
Then suddenly, he flatlined. 
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All I heard was talking and I couldn’t move my body, but I knew for a fact that I was with Jeremiah. Because I heard his voice.
I also hear a heart machine and I feel groggy. I couldn’t help but to think, where was Sage, I couldn’t hear her. She’s usually with Jeremiah. What the hell is going on!
I tried to open my eyes, but the lights were too bright, so I groaned.
“Olivia?” Jeremiah asked
I turned my head and opened my eyes, I could barely move, and I couldn’t talk.
“Water?” He asked again
I nodded my head. He got me a cup of water off the table and helped me drink it. I probably drunk all of it, but it helped my throat.
“You good?”
“Yes, thank you.” I said raspy  
“Jeremiah, what happened. Did Cassius do this to me? Why am I here?”
“Where’s Sage? Where is everyone?”
“Olivia, what is the last thing you remember?” Jeremiah asked me
I shrugged, but I couldn’t really remember anything. I tried to think long and hard, i even closed my eyes. It took me awhile, and a few minutes later,
“I remember getting into a fight with you, and you stormed out of the house, I took Sage with me to Dinner with Lizzie and Giselle at Riviolli’s. Coming back home, I ran into Cassius. That’s all I remember.”  
He sat down and stared at me in shock, “Riviolli’s closed after Sage turned 4.”
Before I could ask what he meant by “Sage turning 4.” A man and 4 little kids walked in. One went strictly to Jeremiah, and the other 3 ran to me.
They all hugged me and the man said “Baby, I’m glad you’re awake.” I recognized him as the new partner from the firm.
I looked at Jeremiah, “Jeremiah, what is going on? Who are they?”
The oldest child said “Mommy, it’s me Sage.”
Before I could even say anything, Jeremiah saw my face. “Dont freak out Olivia.”
“Jeremiah, what the fuck is going on! Who are these kids and this man!!” I screamed out
The man said “I’m Jordan, your boyfriend?”
“I dont have a boyfriend, I’m married to Jeremiah! Have been since I was 20 years old! We have a 3 year old!”
“Olivia what year is this?” Jeremiah asked
“What the hell do you mean! It’s 2014!” I screamed
“Mommy, it’s 2018.” ‘Sage’ said
I looked around at all the confused faces, “Jeremiah, I want to go home, please what is going on. This isn’t funny. Where is Sage. I DON’T KNOW THESE PEOPLE” I cried out.  
I was scared that Cassius found me and beat me, leaving me for dead again. I just wanted to go home with my husband and my daughter.  
I dont know what is happening right now.
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