#who jokes abt ppl being molested
1-jar-of-stars · 1 month
he’s fucking evil
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stancine · 5 years
sry if this is a weirdly personal post, but i really appreciate how ad uses dark comedy in a tasteful way. that ask about vince made me think about the whole “to find out his secret, go to www.vincewasmolested.com” joke. i kno that some ppl have a hard time with taking jokes about abuse, but as someone who actually was abused as a child, i can testify that comedy is so therapitic for dealing with trauma. like, i can make jokes abt my sexual abuse and i can find it funny. its not worth it for me to keep my abuse a secret, so joking about it can make the burden i bear a little lighter. its a part of my life, and being able to joke about it is a testament to the progress i have made. tasteful jokes like that make me laugh because its so relatable. and its so difficult to find comedy that i can relate to in that sense. its not like family guy where they have a literal pedophile old man walking around trying to rape/molest kids, because that shit just isnt realistic. most child molesters arent strange old men, its people you know. its someone that you trust, and that gives them power over you. so for american dad to make a joke about the popular jock that was molested is not funny because “haha child abuse!”, its funny because its so practical. it makes me laugh bc it would be so much easier to have a website that explains my abuse for me rather than having to fucking tell everyone LMAO
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