#i am posting these chapter snippets so out of order lmao ๐Ÿ™ƒ
quiet-nocturne ยท 1 month
wip wednesday!
Today's snippet is from chapter 3 of overcome. At this point in my fic, Riza is preparing to move to Ishval for the reconstruction. Her and Black Hayate have to be temporarily separated (don't worry, they'll be back together again!), as the temporary housing/dormitory situation in Ishval won't have proper accommodations for a dog, even one as well-behaved as Hayate.
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I don't normally get emotional at my own writing (most of the time I'm flailing and going, "ahhh is this emotional enough???"). However I have a cat irl that I have a really close bond with, and I kept thinking about how I'd feel if I was being separated from her like Riza and Hayate while I was writing this. So I was big sad lol.
This fic deals with Riza's mental health and ptsd, and being separated from Hayate (aka her main source of emotional support) is a huge detriment to her while she's first back in Ishval.
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