#i am rly anxious tho he hasn’t replied to it yet
mostlykind · 2 years
was about to text my boss “sorry for the inconvenience” about being ILL then realised wtf am I doing ????? it’s not my fault I’m sick and he should care more about my well-being than potential inconveniences 😤😤😤😤😤
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WARNING : Graphic description of BLood and Violence. A Mild description of Panic/Anxiety attack .... 
And Not Beta Read. Sorry if there’s a mistake.
Click link to read on AO3. Click Keep Reading to read on tumblr~~
Chapter 1 3
Chapter 2
Word count : 2.4 k
From time to time their hangouts on Fridays become less frequent. Tim had already made meeting with Jason -a regular civilian- hard enough with his lifestyle. Back then, Jason would always seek Tim, just taking him out of that busyness for a chill night out. Or just because he misses Tim, and wanted to see his face.
Jason doesn’t do that anymore.
They used to meet once a week, that turned into once in a while, and it’s been two months since Jason saw him last. They would still text regularly though, because even though it’s hard to meet Tim face to face, Jason never wanted to cut Tim off, never. So texting and calling it is, and it’s so much easier than seeing the person physically.
Jason loves when Tim sends him pet pictures. Tim would send a picture Titus the great dane snuggling with Alfred the cat, and it was the cutest sight he’s ever seen.
Sometimes he would check on Tim, asking if things are well. They would call and chat about petty things at work or things they’re mildly annoyed with. Or sometimes just banter about politics. None of them know how they got into that, but they did.
Jason would ramble about novels and Tim about a newfound manga. Talking and chatting like that is easier than meeting Tim, but it gets less and less easy for Jason.
Sometimes their call will be interrupted by someone. Sometimes Tim sends a couple of pictures with Superboy. Sometimes Tim didn’t reply for a month because of a mission, and Jason can’t do anything but to pray to the void and the universe that he’s alive at least.
He hated those days without hearing from Tim. There are times that his hands will start to shake whenever he was reminded that he hadn’t heard about Tim. His mind just whirls into the worst possibility ever and it’s swirling down too fast for Jason to stop.
It gets dangerous when he would drop heavy things in the middle of work. A car engine, a box of tools, his phone, and as a bonus, sometimes they land on his feet. Or when he sees bad news from a villain on TV, the world would spin a little and it’s harder to breathe.
He wanted to check up. He just wanted to walk to Wayne manor and demanded to know where he is.
To calm himself, he reminds himself that Tim has superheroes friends on his side. A Kryptonian as a soulmate too. Tim will be fine.
But sometimes those train of thoughts backfires.
They really have grown up after all. Jason promised himself that he’ll never let Tim grows away from him, but knowing the path he takes, and the soul mark on his body, some things are inevitable. Even so, Tim will be fine. With or without him.
As ridiculous as it sounds, Jason is anxious because there’s nothing to be anxious about.
The ground is so close to his face. When did he get down on his knees? No, not on his knees anymore, he’s sitting on the side of his hips. He sees his open hands on the grease-stained ground, and they started to double into four.
“Breathe, Jason. Come on, follow my lead.” It’s Mrs. Knope’s voice. Feeling her hand rubbing soothing circles on his back and following her commands to inhale and exhale.
Jason is getting his composure back, enough to look back to the TV hanged on the wall.
A swarm of robots attack in central Gotham. Red Robin is the first to respond. Tim’s bleeding, thrown to the ground, but he keeps getting back up. Jason wanted to run there, to help, to do something.
His friends came in. Superboy carries Red Robin away.
And Jason sighs at ease.
Tim is safe.
Tim will be fine.
[Two Months ago]
Saw you on tv todya
I rly thought you gonn die if not for your bf saving your dumbass so many times
Get back to me after you’re conscious you mad lad
[One Month ago]
I hope you’re on a mission rn and not purposely ignoring me
Or are you still recovering? you better be having some fingers cracked for not replying to me
Jk tho heal faster bitch I need some Alfred’s fluff belly pics
[Three weeks ago]
Tim what’s going on?
[Two Weeks ago]
Hey, dude, I’m just checking in
Saw you in crime alley
You’re dressed as a girl but you ain’t fooling me
[Two weeks ago]
Nvm it’s not you
Where are you tho?
Tell me you’re okay at least
Just something
It struck like a bad feeling. Like a ghost going through your body, sending chills down your spine that can only mean nothing but bad. He’s started shaking like a scared rabbit. The ground under his feet feels like moving like a boat through a storm, he lost strength in his grip and his legs.
He lands himself on the side of the car he was working on, leaning there until he gets his ground again. From far away he can see Mrs. Knope coming over to him.
“Jason, it’s okay,” she turned the TV off, knowing it’s one of Jason’s trigger.
It’s not. Not this time, and the reason is something Jason couldn’t explain. He holds on to her, and regain his breath like the practice she taught him.
“Mrs... Mrs. Knope,” Jason said after finally catching his breath, “I have to go, right now, I’ll work on weekends in return.” Then Jason takes off without looking back.
“What- oh you better!” she scolded before she’s out of Jason’s hearing range.
Running aimlessly, Jason found himself in the depth of Crime alley, trying to look for Tim there and it is as crazy as that sounds, but his mind is awry from rational thoughts to think any differently. So, there he goes running like he’s a scared tourist. Then, after regaining some of his sanity, he calls and texts Tim even though his chat from two months ago hasn’t been read yet. Unsurprisingly, Tim didn’t pick up.
Bearing no fruit from running around, the only reasonable place he can look for Tim is the Wayne manor.
He has absolutely zero fucks at the moment that it’ll make Batman know that Jason knew about their identities. That’s a problem he’ll deal with after he calms his sudden anxiousness. It sounds like a petty reason but currently, Jason feels like dying.
There’s no public transport to the rich residential area, but there’s a stop near there so he takes it. Annoying the people on the bus with the tapping of his foot. He calms himself, thinking about good things, positive things. That maybe he’s just imagining things, that Tim is fine and maybe on a prolonged mission, and he’s making a fool of himself.
That must be it. He just needs to know that Tim is fine, even though going to his home is stalker-ish, it’s just something Jason needs to do. His embarrassment will have to wait.
Jason runs there as soon as the bus’ door open, powered with adrenaline and anxiousness. Soon, Wayne Manor came into view, and he spams the bell by the gate until someone finally speaks from the speaker in a British accent.
“Wayne Manor, state your business.”
“I need to see Tim,” Jason demanded.
“I’m sorry sir, but Master Timothy is still at work.” Oh, that’s good, now he just needs to go there.
“Where? Tell me the adress.”
“And what is your business with Master Timothy?”
“I just need to see him, he’s not returning my calls and texts the past two months. So, just tell me where he is!” Jason is getting impatient.
“Pardon me, but I don’t like your threatening tone, please contact Master Timothy himself if you’d like to meet.”
“No! Mr. Pennyworth I’m sorry just listen to me,” Jason called his name, and the static noise means the butler hasn’t disconnected yet.
Jason felt like his breathing is getting hard, but, oh god, not now...
“I need to see him,” Jason’s breath is getting shallower, he doesn’t want to do this, but Pennyworth is stalling, deflecting, now Jason knows something is wrong. “I know you know who I am, and I know...” Jason gulps, “I know.”
There’s a pause from the other end, and the gates open.
“Please come in Mr. Todd.” The speakers say before it’s off.
Jason runs through the pathway to the grand 4-meter tall door. A butler opens it before Jason has a chance to knock. Face stoic and head high. A balding drey hair, matching thick mustache, judging eyes and dressed in a pristine black suit and white shirt. The old butler moves away from the door and gestured Jason to come in.
The room inside is warm and cozy, but so big that it feels uneasy for Jason that used to tight spaces. Carpeted floor, a high ceiling with a chandelier in the middle of it and a massive family portrait at the end of the wall. Tim is in it, along with Bruce Wayne, the first adopted son Richard Grayson, the second adopted daughter Stephanie Brown, and the blood son Damian Wayne.
“Master Tim had gone off-grid for an hour,” Pennyworth informed, “The others are trying to find him at this moment, we could wait together if you’d like, to calm yourself from having an attack.” The butler eyes him knowingly, eyes fond and understanding.
Jason grits his teeth, impatient, “No, where is the last point he’s offline.”
“If you have any intentions to find him, I’m afraid I can’t tell you.”
“You have to,” Jason stares down at the butler with fist clenched, “Depends on the area, he may not make it.”
“I assumed you knew about Master Timothy’s capabilities, I guess I assume wrong.” The butler shows his deprecating face towards Jason, and he’s not having that.
“Oh I know Tim can kick-ass, but I know these people even more, and their reputation underground. You don’t know how deep those villains connection runs. The people down there will do anything, only for a few bucks, or just something to eat. And you bet they would kill and conspire, and they won't care who they kill.”
Then, the butler’s expression is finally something else than calm stoic, but he stays silent.
“You don’t need to tell me anything else, just what his alias is, and the last time he’s visible. Please,” Jason begged, and it’s hard to control the croak threatening at the back of his throat.
“He’s last seen on Fulton street,” that’s near Crime alley, “his alias is Cal Corcoran.”
Jason sighs a relieved breath, “Thank you, and one more thing, don’t tell them that I’m looking for Tim.”
“Why is that.”
“Because he won't like my way, and I don’t want him to hold me back.”
Pennyworth’s face twisted in regret, but before the butler can say anything. Jason holds his arm in a firm grasp, eyes sharp the other’s pair of old wise eyes.
“I know you don’t trust me, but you have to believe in me. I’ll find him.” He’s filled with unshakable tenacity, newfound courage and an absolute determination to do anything. “Even with my life on the line.”
Pennyworth doesn’t move even a muscle on his face, then he holds the hand on his arm.
“Please bring him home,” the butler finally says.
Jason nods gratefully and runs towards the city. He knows exactly who to see first.
Jason had never been back here for years. When he left, he never looks back. How many years has it been? Yet everything is still the same. Still so easy to pick the door open. The room still smells foul, and the furniture is just as old and scarce.
An old man sprawled the couch, a beer on his hand and the tactical gear on his body means that he just returned from ‘work. He looks even older as if that’s even possible compared the state Jason last seen him.
“What are you doing here,” his dad slurred in his speech, not even bothered to stand up.
“You are going to tell me the list of your friends and where I can meet them.”
“And why do you think I would tell you?” He smirks, and he laughs, like a drunk. Then he throws the bottle of beer, aiming for Jason’s head, which he gives credit to his dad it was pretty close.
But he avoids it with ease, and the bottle breaks on the wall behind him.
“Get out! Get the fuck outta--” His dad finally shuts up, thanks to Jason’s knife against his throat.
His dad twists his face in outrage, “You don’t have the balls to--” Jason takes the knife away, leaving a red mark on the neck, and sink that knife on his dad’s right hand and through his thigh when Jason sees it grabbing into something in his pocket. The man only screamed for a millisecond before Jason shoved a bundle of cloth on his old man’s screaming mouth.
There are tears rolling down his sunken eyes. Jason never saw him cry before, not even when his mom died.
Jason left the knife there, and pulls another one and place it on a red line on his neck. His dad twitch away, he tried to, but Jason’s knife presses his neck hard against the couch. There’s no compassion left in him for his dad, not ever fear or guilt when looking at the man’s terrified and pained face.
“I will and can kill you if you’re not useful. I can get the names from anyone else, but I figure... You’d like a chance to do your son at least one favor, wouldn’t you?” Jason doesn’t frown, doesn’t show any expression. He doesn’t want to grace his dad with any expression. The knife sinks into the think fled on his neck, and Jason mercilessly drags it towards his Adam's apple like cutting a cake, leaving a trail of red that leaks blood.
“Wouldn’t you?” Jason says more firmly, pressing the knife even deeper.
His dad is shaking, eye blown wide in terror, and finally nods.
“Good, and along with the names, I’m going to need your guns and stash of drugs.”
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