#i believe melissa and katie have a meaningful friendship
karel-luthor · 2 years
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kendrene · 5 years
Do you think the Supergirl writers are intentionally queer baiting or do you think they dont know how to write a meaningful platonic friendship without making it romantic subtext? Last night's episode both with supercorp and Lena's previous friendship with Andrea has me really wondering how the writers do not see why fans think Lena is gay but theres no effort or chemistry put into her relationship with men. And I know theres the Katie cant act straight joke but I think it goes beyond that
Considering the Godzilla-sized truck I can drive through the show’s continuity (or lack thereof), I find it hard to believe it’s intentional. I don’t see the show director taking to twitter a la Jason Rothernberg to promote the shit out of a ship they fully know either won’t happen or will end badly. (someone correct me if the SG writers did this because I honestly only use twitter to self-promote and to chat with my Earp-Family).
But I definitely think they don’t know how to write a platonic friendship between two women - it doesn’t help that both Melissa and Katie have much more chemistry with the other female characters (anyone remember the heated looks Kara shot Cat Grant on the regular - the “spank me please I’m ready looks”). Also, Lena having all these “acquaintances” from boarding school? We really are supposed to believed she never fucked any of them? Okay then. 
There’s a lot of queercoding going on - even with the color theory heavy symbolism they just can’t help fall into it - but is it malicious? I don’t think they are smart enough. 
Mind you - they did market this as a Lena-centric season - but that means everything and nothing - take it from someone that works in marketing for a living. The thing that caused a stir in the fandom last year was the reveal, and of course they piggybacked on that - I would have too from a marketing standpoint. It makes a lot of sense. 
But this opinion’s mileage may vary - what happens to Lena at the end of the season? Do she and Kara get closure? Does she come back from the brink, undo what she has done and try to atone? Does Kara kill Lena? Does Lena get redemption but then someone else kills her? 
We’re too early in the season to tell - but right now, no I mostly see the inability to write with consistency. After all they seem intent on dumbing Kara down to your average blonde cliche - I guess she left her smarts on Krypton? What about her investigation skills? Or is she blinded by “gasp” love? I’m not sold on the “Kara always believes the best of others spiel” because we’ve seen how that turned out with Lena in past seasons - oh, she definitely tries but I think she’s also a very biased individual. As is Lena. 
Anyhow - I’m not fussed that people want to call it queerbaiting and I’m not trying to invalidate anyone. I just don’t see it if I’m honest and after the clexa debacle it’d be pretty hard to miss. 
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