#i call him Flesh Loid
plastidgremlin · 6 months
"Flesh Loid hates that we call him Flesh Loid." -some Tenno, probably
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fluffmelange · 1 year
Short story inspired by @goatjellycat ‘s post! Adorable art, thank you for making it!!
He holds the thin strip of fabric between clammy hands. She pauses in gathering the rest of his personal effects. “What’s wrong? We got all the tearing patched, didn’t we?”
“This is silly,” he says again.
Yor’s face breaks into a sympathetic but amused smile. After all, her husband is a rather detached man. He prefers doing things with practicality and sense rather than showmanship and pizzazz.
“I know,” she agrees, setting down the gloves on top of the trenchcoat. “But think of how happy it’ll make her. She’s already bullied by some of those kids for her other tall tales. What’s the harm in making just this one a reality?”
He still isn’t convinced, tight and unwavering breaths escaping through his nose.
But she can get to him. She’s got as many tricks as he does, just a little more… personalized. Slowly, she sidles up beside him. Her hands latch around his elbow, and she nuzzles her head into his arm. It’s already working as she feels his taut muscles begin to relax, the soft shifting sounds in his clothes as he turns to look down at her.
“You want her to be happy, don’t you?” she murmurs into his sleeve.
Out of one eye, she watches for the results. Loid looks down at the mask again before sighing. “I’m not putting it on until we get to the school.”
“No one said you have to,” she laughs.
She is, of course, very happy.
Loid is blocking Yor’s view a little from where he leans agains the side of the car, but the transformation on their daughter’s face from boredom at the end of another long school day to joy at seeing her favorite character in the flesh is indescribable, invaluable, and inimitable. Some of her classmates gaping alongside her is a nice touch, as well. She’s learned television isn’t as popular with the higher classes, but even those out of touch with the digital entertainment scene recognize a show as big as Spy Wars.
“A new mission awaits, Agent Anya,” he calls out with a daredevilish cadence to his words when he’s sure she can see and hear him. There’s a little embarrassed sarcasm mixed in too, but probably passable for first graders. “Let’s not haste.”
The girl bolts for the car as best she can under the weight of a heavy backpack, leaving the other students with some affirmation they can loosely hear (“I told you I knew Bondman!”).
Yor giggles a little as they’re waiting, proud of herself for convincing him to add the voice in last minute as they drove. His hands clench a little tighter in his pockets. “The other parents are going to recognize me like this,” he mumbles back to her.
“Maybe,” she concedes, pointing, “but isn’t it worth it to make her feel like that?”
He turns around just before a small form thuds against his legs, and hoists her up for the expected hug. Yor lets them exist like that for a few moments, coming around the vehicle to help get her settled in the back seat.
It’s always worth it.
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p3chris · 2 years
The Tribute to Murdoch Swan that No One asked for
*some rather vague references to the latest manga chapters, but otherwise no spoilers*
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If anyone needs a reminder as to who Murdoch Swan is, he is the interviewer who somehow manages to look more haggard than the two gentlemen beside him who are, respectively, 12 and 19 years older. In the one chapter or 20 minutes (or 15?) he appears, he repeatedly insults Yor and makes Anya cry. That, and he also enrages Twilight to the point of physical violence, and would have been quite dead if not for the noble sacrifice of a hardwood coffee table and a mosquito. To put simply, he is a nasty scumbag.
However, despite his brief appearance, he gets a relatively well-fleshed out backstory and is an effective plot device that 1) sheds light on the social setting in both Eden and Ostanian society and, 2) advances the plot by setting several important character and relationship developments in motion.
We infer from Twilight's thoughts and Swan's own words that Swan's charmed life (wife, child, prestigious career in Eden that was smoothly paved by nepotism) had recently hit a rough patch when his wife, presumably sick of his behaviour, divorced him and he was denied custody of their child.
Rather than humbly reflect on the interpersonal missteps that led to such a resolution or reminisce about happier family times, Swan instead entitles himself to a self-appointed mission to prod and provoke the uglier sides of people to shatter their happy family image and prove they are as miserable as he is.
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Thing is, despite his pettiness, he is actually quite smart with how he goes about it. He knows his father still has great influence over the academy despite no longer being in active service, and that gives him power over both his fellow interviewers and his interviewees. His questions and taunting are chosen with precision. He knows what to ask and say to create tension between people and to attack their weak points. His interviewees can only either defend themselves on the spot and appear rude or disharmonious, or suck it up during the interview and resent one another after that. Of course, he only does this to the families who don't have the political or social clout to threaten him.
That Eden has him in the faculty already raises a red flag about the culture and environment in Eden. The irony of Swan being an assessor of candidates for Eden's hoity-toity standards is that he is himself a poor role model. A later chapter reveals that there are many badly behaved students from his Kline Hall. We also see that it is not just Swan who lacks regard for the children he is tasked to educate; we see that some of Anya's teachers are neither wise nor enlightened. In the latest hostage situation, we also see that Eden’s priorities are incredibly messed up. Eden is, first and foremost, about connections, prestige and networking rather than education.
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Twilight hit the nail on the head when he called Eden a school that made light of children's feelings and told Anya she would probably not want to go to this school anyway. Too bad it's his mission.
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Swan’s behaviour also overtly reflects the attitude of Ostanian society, namely in the way it treats women. His chauvinism is obvious, but not isolated - it is implicit in the way Walter Evans directs the cooking question to Yor, in the way Henderson credits Loid Forger for the elegance the entire family exhibits, in the way that Swan directs all his attacks at Anya and especially Yor rather than at Loid (and I highly doubt it was entirely because Loid appeared flawless).
In earlier and subsequent chapters, we see more gender inequality in Ostania at work: how positions of higher prestige and leadership are mostly, if not entirely, occupied by men, how women are socially expected to aspire to conventional marriage by a certain age and how older unmarried women are viewed upon with suspicion. To me, I also see a little of it in the way Yor is quick to put herself down and how she chooses to elevate Yuri academically instead of investing in herself in any manner.
The way I see it, despite Twilight initially hoping not to offend Swan, the Forgers were already in trouble with him: the more Swan perceived Loid and Yor as a loving couple and the Forgers a perfect happy family, the more he wanted to tear them apart.
But it was his nastiness that strengthened the Forger family and moved the plot along, because in the course of his appearance, he managed to:
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a) Trigger Anya’s protectiveness over her parents and strengthen her resolve to go to school for Operation Strix
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b) Trigger Twilight’s protectiveness over Yor and Anya. Feeling awful over how the abuse they suffered is the least he (Twilight) could do because it would have been real scummy of him to remain unmoved at the unfair treatment of the two innocent civilians (or so he thinks) he got involved with his mission. The interview also showcases Twilight's liberal views (yes, it was most certainly Twilight, not Loid, who attended this interview) - that he does not believe in traditional gender roles and is accepting of individual strengths and weaknesses, that children deserve consideration and respect, and that wellbeing is not physical but mental and emotional as well.
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c) Indirectly reawaken Henderson’s pride over his calling as an educator, leading to his impulsive punch and quite importantly, resulting in him becoming Anya's homeroom teacher (given the lack of investment from her other teachers, this is likely a very good thing.)
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d) Trigger Yor’s protectiveness and motherly instincts towards Anya and made Anya cherish having a mother.
To me, the impact of this is a very big one. After all, Chapter 1 is about the start of Twilight and Anya's relationship. Chapter 2 is about the start of Twilight and Yor's relationship. Chapter 3 is about the Forgers finding a bit of their footing together. Even up to Chapter 5, Yor at times still appears uncertain around Anya.
In Chapter 7, Yor is motivated to try to be a better mother to Anya, and Anya sees her mother’s vulnerable side. From this point onwards, Yor and Anya's mother-daughter relationship takes off and they are subsequently seen spending a lot of time together. We also see that Anya might love Papa more, but she never doubts Mama's love.
e) Indirectly cause the events in Chapter 7, which leads to many significant events and long-lasting developments in SxF:
i) Yor and Anya's combat training.
ii) Anya punching Damian on Orientation Day. Henderson, as homeroom teacher, reduces three Tonitrus bolts to one at his discretion.
iii) Becky becoming Anya's best friend.
iv) Damian subsequently developing a crush on Anya.
v) Yor's cooking endeavours
See how important this scum is to the story?
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lady-wallace · 2 years
Whumptober Sneak Peek
Just a couple snippets of what I have coming for Whumptober this year! (I can’t believe it starts Saturday 0_0)
I’ve got both fics and art coming and a fandom line up of: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Spy x Family, Supernatural, Jujitsu Kaisen and The Case Study of Vanitas 
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” a cruelly teasing voice sounded, as a figure stepped through the door, standing over the fallen angel. “A little bird caught in my trap?”
           “Abaddon,” Castiel growled, making to rise to his feet again, raising his blade.
           The Knight of Hell simply smirked, and leaned over to yank the chain attached to the beartrap, effectively tugging Castiel off of his feet and sending a wave of agony through his leg as he was slammed flat to the ground.
           Abaddon’s foot ground into his wrist, trapping his blade hand.
           “What’s the matter? Trying to run away from our date already? And after all the preparations I did just for you.”
“Loid, are you sure you don’t want me to drive?” Yor asked.
           “I’m fine,” Loid insisted and started the car, pulling onto the road.
           It was a feat to even sit up straight. He gripped the wheel until his knuckles whitened. The feeling of dizziness only increased, and he bit the inside of his mouth.
           You will not pass out, Twilight, he commanded himself. You will not…
           Reality slipped and there was a scream.
           The wheel was wrenched out of his hands and the sound of horns and screeching tires could be heard.
The video showed up on Jotaro’s breakfast tray on Day Four. No warning, no note, just a tape half hidden under the napkins
           Jotaro popped it into the room’s VCR and though he had already known what would be on the tape, it didn’t make it any easier to watch.
           The grainy footage opened showing Josuke sitting tied to a chair, gagged and blindfolded. He looked like he had been drenched, shivering, his hair in a complete disarray. He flinched with a figure dressed completely in black, face outside the frame, stepped into view, pressing a blade up under Josuke’s jaw.
“Hey, you up?” he called.
           There was no answer. Abbacchio felt worry settling into his stomach and he reached for the doorknob.
           When he opened the door he was surprised, and slightly unnerved to find Bruno just sitting on the side of the bed, fully dressed for the day, staring down at his hands.
           “Bruno,” Abbacchio called again, heading inside. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
           “I can’t feel anything, Leone,” was the quiet answer.
           Abbacchio frowned, not sure he had heard correctly. “You what?”
           Bruno finally turned to him and the look of pure terror in his eyes stuck Abbacchio to the core. “I—I can’t feel anything.”
It wasn’t even that bad.
           That was what Giorno told himself as he stood in front of the mirror in his room, waiting for Gold Experience to finish healing the day’s injuries. Never mind that it was scars upon scars, and they didn’t heal the same as they used to. He didn’t know why. It was like his Stand had lost the knack for it. Gold Experience didn’t used to leave scars, still didn’t when Giorno healed other people. For him, though, Gold Experience left only more lines carved into Giorno’s flesh, reminders of each battle won.
           Reminders that, to him, no matter the pain, it was worth it. He would always rather suffer the pain himself than lose another teammate. That was the one thing he couldn’t bear.
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constellaticn · 3 years
ind. Multimuse / crossover friendly 
feat. muses from Final Fantasy VII, Persona 5, Spy x Family, Danganronpa & Katawa Shoujo
ask / submit / rules / muses / promo
(please be aware that canon can kiss my shoes, it’s my blog and i’ll pretend i do not see it if i want to. for the curious: more information on each muse can be found on my desktop page, or alternatively, just come ask me.) / this section is under construction. clearly.
Aerith Gainsborough / Final Fantasy VII / Open Literally the personification of that one “babe hold my flower” text post. She hits you with a chair. You say thanks. That’s just how it is. 
Chadley / Final Fantasy VII / Open Absolute babey. Mega smart. Super duper genius. He’s done it, he’s developed a new materia! Imagine giving this sweet neglected boy a fully-fleshed backstory huh. 
Nagito Komaeda / Danganronpa / Open Dirty, rowdy luck boy. Hate him so much. Would also die for him. Squish. Kanye West he likes. 
Loid Forger / Spy x Family / Open L̷͖̈o̷̬̽i̵̘̾d̶͙̎ ̶̝́F̵͎̋o̷͕̓r̴̜͆g̵̼͒ę̵̃r̴͕̓ is a p̵͕̀s̸̭̈́y̸̻͆c̸͈̈́h̸̟͊i̵̼̾a̴̤͠t̴̮̐r̴̕͜i̷̩̐s̷̏͜ṯ̷̊ and loving f̸̮̓a̴̤̽m̸̦͒i̸̱̚l̷̮̉y̶̘͠ ̷͕̇m̵͗ͅa̸͇̒n̸̋ͅ. There is nothing further to note.
Yor Forger / Spy x Family / Open Y̴͙͌ơ̴̹ȑ̶̳ ̵͕̇F̶̲́ỏ̷̖r̵̬̄g̶̝͒e̶̳͊r̵̪̈́ is a ̵̙̎c̷̑ͅi̵̯͝v̵͎̀ḯ̶̹l̵͙̒ ̵̧̐s̴͍͝ē̶̩r̵͈͘v̶̬̋a̴̧̿ṅ̸̜t̵̐͜ and devoted ̵̙̾w̸̩͒ḭ̷́f̷̝͊e̵͕̍ and ̸̞̊m̷̩̊ơ̴͔ṫ̷̫h̷̩̊e̸̬̓r̷̳̒. There is nothing further to note.
Anya Forger / Spy x Family / Open Anya F̴̣͝o̴͕͋ȑ̴̯ḡ̶̡e̵̠͌r̷̲̄ likes peanuts. Her favourite show is a spy thriller called Bondman. She is an ordinary child. There is nothing further to note.
Rin Tezuka / Katawa Shoujo / Open Deadpad, enigmatic, absolutely precious artist. Protect at all costs. Talented artist. No arms, all snark. (nb: due to the unfortunate lack of awareness of the source material, Rin especially will spend much of her time either in crossover or nebulous nowhere verses, but i promise she’s great and i will personally make the world appreciate her if i must)
Sumire Yoshizawa / Persona 5 / Open Gymnast, Phantom Thief, ultra friendly. Likes food. Ponytail style is best style fight me.
Jenny, she/her, 25+. Semi-active. Probably a sentient marshmallow, you’ll never know. More commonly found on sylleblosscm.
  Basics: This blog is mutual only, selective, and not spoiler-free. I don’t typically tag spoilers, either, so please be mindful of this should you choose to follow. Blah blah standard rp etiquette stuff. Let’s not be terrible to one another.   Non-RP Blogs: Are welcome to follow and interact with me, my muse, or any guest muses in the ask box. That said, please don’t reblog posts or threads unless otherwise specified. If you’re ever curious, don’t be scared to ask!   Triggers: If it’s canon, it’ll likely be here at some point. I tag whatever I think to be default, but I will also tag upon request. Tags are formatted: “cw: trigger” so blacklist as needed.   Shipping: I’m always open to discussing all kinds of ships, be they romantic, platonic, familial, or something else altogether. That said: please don’t use me or my muse/s solely for shipping fodder. I’ve had...experiences, and it’s discouraging to say the least. I’ll usually only ship where I feel there’s potential and chemistry.   NSFW Content: I am well over 18. Adult content is permitted on this blog. However, I will only thread NSFW plots of any kind with muns and muses who are of age, and with whom I feel comfortable. Implied content will be tagged with “#lemon scented;’ and more explicit content will be tagged with “#lemon;” so please blacklist accordingly. Furthermore, I feel the need to firmly state that absolutely no romantic content will be threaded with muns who are under 18 or with whom I don’t feel comfortable, regardless of their muse.   Crossovers: Are welcome and encouraged!! Provided I know at least a little something about the other fandom and characters, and/or you’re willing to help me up to speed.   Formatting: I have a preferred format for replies, but it isn’t set in stone. If you have accessibility requirements, such as text size, please tell me and I’ll do my best to be accommodating.   Hard Lines: For personal reasons, I will not write any of the following: yandere, cheating, anything in which my muse intentionally mistreats their loved one/s in a way that’s out of character, custody/certain family disputes, explicit depictions of domestic abuse (with precious few exemptions), explicit depictions of animal abuse. Thank you for understanding.    Special Mention for the VII Fandom: For the love of all that is holy (ha) keep the ship wars away from me. I love Aerith. I love Tifa. I love Cloud. I love any combination thereof, and I fully support all ships and meta analysis. But the heights of ferocity I’ve seen this fandom climb to turns my brain to goop, and I have no desire to participate in shaming and blaming over whether two fictional character could theoretically kiss or not. Let’s stop pitting women against women, even when they are fictional. I’m too old, tired and jaded for this.
And that's it. I've tried to keep this list fairly brief and easy to follow, but if you have any further questions, I'll be only too happy to answer to the best of my ability. more rules may be added or current ones altered if required. however, i'll make an announcement if/when such a thing occurs.
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haechanmochi · 6 years
DAY6's reaction to finding out that their s/o is scared of thunderstorms
Here it is @svtbtsgot713
My first DAY6 writing 🌚
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• Y'all were most probably out on a cute stroll at the park when the rain starts to pour it's heart out onto the streets.
• Sungjin would wrap his jacket around you and grab your hand, directing you to the closest sheltered place.
• When the much anticipated thunderstorm shows face, the sound immediately has you shocked
• You shiver visibly
• Sungjin would observe you quietly for a few moments with no two words about it.
• The boy is sweet as hell
• But he's also mature asf
• So when he notices the obvious patterns of astraphobia he'd tug on your arm so you face him
• "Don't be afraid love", he'd pull you into his chest and run his steady fingers through your hair.
• You'd look up at him, shameful and he winks at you with a small smile.
• "It's alright (y/n), really. It can't hurt you, I promise"
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• this boy is know for his playfulness
• so when he came into your room during a heavily raining day and found you under the blanket with a flashlight
• he wouldn't stop teasing you about it
• while he was busy being a dick JOKESTER
• another moderately loud thunderclap echoed outside
• making you both jump up a little in surprise
• his teasing would halt abruptly when he noticed your unusual quiet
• "You're letting this get to you?" He asks, pointing up at the noise.
• "no snarky remarks baby?" he'd tease once more just to attempt to get something out of you
• he'd approach the little blanket tent you're enclosed in and shuffle around so he can come in there with you
• you look up at him with glossy eyes
• "awh babe come here"
• he'd pull you into his lap, holding you tightly, his chest against your back.
• "the thunder won't hurt you as long as I'm here under your blanket fort with you", he'd chuckle into your neck softly, bringing a small smile to your lips.
Brian Young K
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• okay to me, Brian seems like a softie but like SO into SEX dirty things
• So when the thin sheet of drizzle made it's way to your roof, you hardly noticed because you were a little busy with Brian Young K
• he was just about to trail his lips down your bra-adorned chest when a loud boom made you shoot up
• you clung onto your shirtless boyfriend's shoulders
• much to his surprise
• you nails buried deep into his flesh by instinct - like cat claws
• "(y/n)? Are you alright?"
• you shake your head no and it's then that he notices the thunderstorm outside
• such a sweetheart - closes the blinds and draws the curtains shut.
• comes back to you, taking your hands away from your face and pinning them down on the mattress
• hovers over you with the most lustful eyes ever
• "Don't worry, I'll make you forget everything that's happening around you"
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• Wonpil is such an ANGEL, the boy is just the sweetest thing urgh
• you loved the rain, always have - but thunder? Fuck no
• a rainy day - when Wonpil was not too busy, was your favourite
• you loved lazy, cold days under the sheets with Wonpil - just spooning and cuddling and talking
• today had started out like that, a soft pitter-patter against the tinted glass windows in the room thay you shared
• but soon, while you were explaining your hormonal changes to your boyfriend, the rain strengthened
• you kept calm, trying to forget the fact that thunder wasn't far behind
• "Hey Pillie, wanna know something?"..... you nervous laughed
• he silently nodded, watching your odd fidgeting
• "I'm afraid of thunderstorms"
• a teasing smile played on Wonpil's lips but he brought your hand up and kissed it
• his other arm looped around you waist and pulled you to him, rubbing his nose against yours playfully
• "guess what aein?"
• you cocked a brow in confusion as the boy started blushing
• "I'm scared too", he smiled in embarrassment.
• "I know that should be comforting, but now we're both fucked", you tell him and you laugh and he smiles his damned SUNSHINY blessed smile
• "as long as we have each other, we'll be okay jagiyah"
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• Dowoon was playing drums in his soundproof garage
• and he had come upstairs to get a drink
• but you were missing and he was missing you
• so he called out for you and finally found you
• you were hiding in the small walk in closet in your room, hugging a pillow to your chest
• this lil baby Dowoon was so confused
• and lost. Lil puppy. He was trying to figure out what to do
• because you'd flinch every time the thunder struck and it's not like he could silence it
• then he had an idea
• he propped you up and into his arms, carrying you bridal style to his garage
• the moment he shut the garage roller gate, the thunder sounded so far away and you had managed to thank him
• but every now and then you'd still hear a few loid bangs and immediately interrupt Dowoon's practice session by jumping into his lap involuntarily
• after a while, Dowoon stopped drumming and started singing to instrumentals of DAY6 Youth songs so he could practice his lines
• you felt bad but he comforted you
• "It's okay jagi, I need to practice my singing"
• he'd hold both your hands in his big ones and pull you to him in the free space while he practiced his lines out loud,
• his FUCKING ADORABLE and unique voice, zeroing out the sound of the thunder
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