#flesh loid
plastidgremlin · 6 months
"Flesh Loid hates that we call him Flesh Loid." -some Tenno, probably
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andr0nap-wf · 7 months
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brainstorming loids ball gown part two thought about making this a full piece but uuhhh... if i had to draw that obol tail id die i think
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sf3uuf · 5 months
To make a long story short without spoilers, it was a mix of seriousness and unseriousness, and I know a lot of people didn't like that, (which I can totally understand) but I think it fit well! I loved it!! Also Anya was just a ball of adorableness as always!! Just LOOK AT HER!!🥺
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Also, you guys already KNOW when my pookie bear Franky Franklin came on screen, I was going INSANE XDD!! My brother literally said to me, "That's your bae!" Which made me laugh. I sound more normal about it than I actually was LMAO.
Anyways, if you need a good mix of seriousness and silliness, this movie is for you!
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torawro · 8 months
loid forger wearing those leather gloves whenever he gotta look professional…………God, it’s driving me up a wall.
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
I caught up on all of the spy x family manga and there won't be more until Feb but that also means I'll have to wait weekly for updates going forward, fuck
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yumeka-sxf · 5 months
Seems like Endo is busy, probably with 5th anniversary events, so we have another short mission today! But first we got this lovely new illustration of Anya with cherry blossoms~❤️
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As for the chapter itself, it was cute. Since Bond doesn't talk, whatever he's thinking/feeling isn't always apparent, so chapters that focus solely on him are good to have now and then. Seems like the usual: he's still taking Loid's delegation of him as a guard dog seriously (perhaps too much so)...
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...and he still thinks Yor would freak out if he makes a mess (still based on that miscommunication with Anya from chapter 40). However, I also thought it was cute that he wanted to do what Yor said about having a nice meal after "work" (keeping the postman away). Shows that he doesn't only see her as scary 😅
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In the Japanese version, Penguinman's dialogue is written totally in katakana, which makes it even more creepy!
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But as is typical of Endo, despite the cute, funny mood of this chapter, he manages to slip in a subtle moment of drama - in this case, we get a glimpse into the horrors of the lab that Bond came from.
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Having scenes like this in otherwise light, comedic chapters really serves to flesh out the SxF world and its characters, even a simple, mute character like Bond. When we know the trauma that the characters have been through, it makes the wholesome moments that they experience feel all the more rewarding.
And just like the other Forgers, despite what he suffered through, Bond still wants to do good for others, even if it just means licking the wound of a rival.
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piracytheorist · 17 days
Twilight Eyes Project: "Secure a Wife" (part 2)
First part here
Naturally, "Twilight eyes" stay on during his side mission with Franky. Then he bursts into Camilla's party, wounded and disoriented enough to mess up his introduction.
And thus... slightly different expressions from manga to anime.
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In the manga, it's full-on Twilight eyes. Brow going downward to the center, focused and narrowed eyes. The anime has the first two, though as of focused eyes... they make use of animation to show he's so shaken he can't focus his eyes on one place. His slip-up does look funnier when he's trying to present himself as Very Put Together™ as he does in the manga, but I think it's funny either way. Also, I appreciate the small extra whump bone from the anime.
Continuing on the humorous aspect, he switches all the way to reassuring Loid eyes as he tells everyone how absolutely, definitely normal his situation is. No biggie. Just a head flesh wound. He sleeps those right off.
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"Loid eyes" stay on as he continues his ploy. Nothing to see here, please continue, are you having fun, my dear wife whom I definitely did not meet just a couple days ago?
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Those eyes keep up until Camilla tries to embarrass Yor in front of everyone with details about her "past job"... and here goes.
Loid eyes. He will show everyone how proud he is of his wife.
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But then, slowly, his eyes don't look so strained anymore...
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... until they're outright sad eyes.
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The direct proof (along with the short flashback) that what Twilight says there is the truth for him: he doesn't judge Yor, instead, he honestly supports and praises her for her dedication and her strength.
And when he finishes his praise, he looks towards the others... and the audience doesn't get to see his eyes.
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Yor does.
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And the truth she sees in his eyes is enough to not only bring tears to her eyes, but to also stay with her and give her strength multiple chapters/episodes later.
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This smile isn't the one he actually gave her. But it's the one she remembers.
(Wrong angle in the anime, but we can forgive that)
They leave Camilla's party, get attacked by the smuggling ring, Twilight knocks a few of them out and tells Yor to run for it, Twilight eyes on as he keeps himself alert for any possible attack.
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Yor voices her worries about the well-being of his "patients"... and what else can he do but put on the Loid eyes. Which I'm actually sure weren't necessary with her, lol.
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Unstoppable force (Yor believing everything she sees and hears) meets immovable object (Twilight suspecting everything and everyone).
Subtle Twilight eyes as he starts to question... well, his own judgment, at this point 😆
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They get attacked, and Yor kicks a guy into another dimension before he can hurt Loid. And!
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I would just really like to know what his thought process here was. This look is on the verge between "Loid eyes" and "real eyes". But this next panel/shot feels like it's closer to "real eyes".
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He was actually amused by how far she kicked that guy, huh 😆
They kick a few more guys' asses, then Yor drops the "why don't we get married" question. Twilight is, understandably, shocked and confused. It's actually something he'd planned for, but it came unexpectedly and just so freely and willingly from Yor.
When his mind picks up from the shock, he puts on the thought process.
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And we get investigative eyes.
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Twilight accepts, gives her the best marriage proposal to ever grace a screen, starts with Loid voice for "Even in sickness, or in sadness," and switches to Twilight voice for "No matter what hardships await us, let us be there for each other."
Twilight eyes as he finishes his vows,
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And... this, as he thinks "Until my mission do us part"
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I want to make it clear that I completely doubt he'd already grown any feelings for Yor already. Probably the only thing he'd feel for her at that point was that he sympathized with her mental fortitude and willingness to sacrifice herself in order to protect and support someone she cared about. The pleasant face he has at the end could be merely his expression of relief that the mission was going smoothly.
But then, isn't that what becomes the foundation of the feelings he'll grow later? The relief that she is the kind of person who will protect the peace he fights so hard to maintain himself? A relief that will grow strong enough to lead him into revealing true parts of himself to her?
There's definitely a lot to take away just from the way Twilight's eyes are drawn, in any case.
(anime only fan here, don't spoil me for the manga)
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My Analysis and Theories about Demetrius, Melinda, Donovan and Imperial Scholars
I hope you like reading because this is going to be a long one, I'm sorry. But I'm hoping to hear your ideas about these.
The Desmonds, aside Damian, are definitely weird, but I think there’s a high chance that Demetrius, alongside Melinda, was brainwashed and their minds are manipulated.
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Demetrius seems to have empty thoughts aside from his constant belief that he doesn’t understand anyone, not even his brother and his father, despite spending a lot of time with him, as Damian stated. I think these thoughts have been instilled in him through brainwashing and mind manipulation.
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That's likely the reason why Donovan spent a lot of time watching Demetrius when he was a child, forcing these ideas upon him since childhood.
This is the same idea he shared with Loid when they first met, that humans will never truly be sympathetic to each other because, at the end of the day, we are strangers, even to those who are our blood and flesh.
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Melinda is the same too. Based on what we’ve seen of her so far, she seems to have conflicted feelings about Damian.
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However, I think she was genuinely concerned for her son, but her husband is trying to instill those dreadful ideas onto her. (It might not be Donovan who was doing the mind manipulation, but based on the stitches on his head, there’s a possibility that he had been experimented on and had gained a mind ability somehow.)
I think that’s why she’s scared of Donovan knowing that she came for Damian at that school bus incident. Donovan doesn’t want her to care for anyone, not even their own sons (These poor kids).
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But I believe she truly wants to be a good mother, and she wants Damian to break the cycle going on in their family. (If she didn’t care, she wouldn’t race through Eden just to check on Damian’s safety at the bus arc.) And I think that’s the reason why she wanted Damian and Anya to be close, for Damian to have someone that would make him break out of the expectations he had set for himself and be finally free to be a child since it’s what her son deserved. (But still, this theory of mine still doesn’t make her not suspicious to me; right now, all I’m giving these newly introduced characters is the benefit of the doubt)
Why does Donovan want to instill these ideas that humans can’t truly understand each other, not even those who are family? Because that’s the reason wars happen—people not trying to understand one another. It occurs when they don’t strive to meet in the middle. Assuming he does indeed plan to wage war against Westalis, then instilling that idea would benefit him.
Of course, it’s hard to instill the same idea in every citizen in Ostania, especially when the current government is trying to establish a diplomatic relationship with Westalis. So, how could he encourage these ideas? Where are ideas usually taught? What establishment is so respected that these ideas would be very much welcomed and widely taught in a subtle manner, making individuals unaware that they are being influenced? Oh, right—educational establishments, schools, and universities. And which is the most prestigious school in Ostania that could assist in achieving this and influence the children of Ostania to acquire nationalistic ideas so that, in the future, they would carry these ideas for the sake of Ostania? Eden Academy.
This is where the hidden agenda of the Imperial Scholars, I think, plays out. Kids like Demetrius, I believe, are being brainwashed to adopt the same thoughts and ideas as Donovan. Children are the most vulnerable to manipulation, absorbing ideas like a sponge. That's my guess about what’s going on with these Imperial Scholars in Eden.
Why do you think they choose the cream of the crop among these students? The geniuses—won’t they be useful in terms of war? The other talented and athletic students could boost Ostania’s economy, and when they become famous celebrities, they could be influencers, shaping public opinion in line with the ideas they hold. The heroic and helpful ones could also be valuable in times of war, willingly risking their lives for Ostania.
When I was a Humanities student in my senior year of high school, I remembered studying a case in my country where athletes and geniuses were brainwashed by rebel groups into supporting their ideals regarding the government. In the end, these students did join those rebel groups, believing they were doing the right thing. They left their families, not even caring about their feelings, because they firmly believed that what they were doing needed to be done. They were first introduced into these societies or clubs, usually inviting geniuses and, take note, scholars. As they associated more with these clubs or organizations, they became more and more exposed and influenced. I can’t help but think that this could also be true in Eden Academy. I think this could be confirmed or debunked once we meet more Imperial Scholars or former Imperial Scholars and have their minds read by Anya. So for now, this is purely my speculation. But I'd like to know your ideas about it.
Operation Strix, I'd say, challenges Desmond’s ideas about people not understanding one another. Remember, Twilight’s goal was not to assassinate him; it was for him to determine if Desmond was engaged in any suspicious activities that might lead to war between East and West and to prevent it from happening. I think, in a way, Operation Strix could really achieve that because at its very core, it disproves Donovan’s ideas about people. These three individuals bound by Operation Strix, who barely knew each other and hadn't even spent a year together, have a lot of secrets and differences in terms of nationality, behavior, upbringing, and ideals. Yet, they managed to live peacefully as a family. They may not understand each other completely, but that doesn’t stop them from trying.
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Twilight, despite Anya being a stranger to him, strives to always humor her no matter how weird her statements are. Even though he couldn’t fully understand her, he wanted to and he always tries to, because he’s not just a spy; he’s a parent, her father. That’s what parents and families do—they always try to understand one another. This connects back to the inside cover theory I talked about before, regarding the Forger family understanding one another.
It was fascinating to see how the Desmonds and the Forgers are alike in terms of being not a normal family but very different, especially in how they treat each other. I would love it if Donovan, as a character, symbolizes the idea of war, while Twilight and the family he built for his mission are a symbol of peace, proving it to be possible despite all differences.
What do you think about this?
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briefhottubcoffee · 3 months
Hey so I love spyxfamily, yet I have some issues with the pacing lately. I miss The Forgers like crazy and I am desperate for more Yor content. I suppose that’s what I’m most worried about, she’s not getting fleshed out enough and being used to her full potential. She’s such an amazing character!
That said, I do have complete faith in Endos storytelling capabilities. He’s created a truly amazing story with compelling characters (side characters included) awesome world building, and both light and dark themes. I think, in pointing out the slow pacing and lack of the Forgers recently, we’ve forgotten all the awesome directions the story can take with all the different plot points Endo has set up at this juncture of the story.
I feel like, based on the narrative, the story is about to reach a big climax, a change in the status quo for the Forgers. Exciting things have happened, but nothing has truly changed the status quo, or the relationship dynamics between the main characters. Since we have reached 100 chapters, and the way the narrative is propelling upward, I think we are due for a big shift. Not the biggest, but a change for sure. Just remember all that’s been set up! Here are a few things I’m fairly confident is gonna happen soon to the Forger’s in the story:
Manga spoilers obviously!
- Twilight is going to continue to try to distance himself from the family, because of the Wheeler stuff, but he will be challenged on that and face a work vs family thing. This is a big theme of the series obviously, and it will take a lot to break down his walls. But it will happen.
- Twilight will learn something about Anya’s past. Most likely related to her knowledge of classical language. Perhaps her history with other families or where she is from. I doubt he’ll learn about her mind reading, that would be huge, but I’m honestly kinda hopeful he does because I don’t want Anya to have to hide anymore. Whatever he learns will affect him and hopefully bring him and his daughter closer in the end.
- This means we will finally get the Anya backstory Endo’s been hinting at for a while! Again, I expect this to lead up to a sweet family moment that brings them closer.
- A new Yor arc. We are truly due for one and I don’t think Endo is ignoring her purposefully. It just may take a while to set up because it will be a big climax of the story. Perhaps Garden lore. A big assassination that affects her character or the plot.
- Yor will get closer with Melinda and maybe find out what the heck is going on concerning her relationship with the other Desmond’s.
- As this happens I think Garden will come into play. I don’t think they like the Desmond pro war agenda. Yor may report her findings from Melinda to them or something. This would be a continuation into that one panel of the Shopkeeper when Yor brought up that Loid was interested in their politics. They will start questioning Yor’s husband as well.
- Damian will confirm Anya can read minds, but will keep her secret. Maybe Becky finds out as well. Dimitri will come into play somehow. I would love to see Damian stop bullying Anya so severely and truly start treating her like a friend, while still struggling with his crush.
- Some Authen’s chapters with some information on their backstory. Are they related to Anya’s mind reading stuff?
- We were recently introduced to Chloe! Yuri’s co-worker and potential romantic interest. I think we will see more of Yuri x Chloe. This will hopefully help him in his crazy obsession with Yor lol.
- Yuri maaay become more suspicious Loid is Twilight (a reach I think). He may also start to like Loid more! (an even bigger reach lol).
- BUT I do think Endo is setting up a funny chapter where Yuri has to stay over and Loid and Yor will have to share a bed! That’s been hinted at several times!
- I also think we are leading up to a big moment between Twilight and Yor. Some type of physical affection. (I’d love a hug, but I’ll take some erotic hand holding once they’re forced to share a bed or something) It’s not a reach, the setup is there for a shift in their physical relationship. This will obviously change things between them. Again, Twilight will be confronted with his feelings after the Wheeler arc and struggle with his feelings for Yor.
- Yor is definitely going to realize she is in love with Loid.
- Finally, after the Wheeler arc, Handler gave Fiona some important patient files for Twilight. I think this will lead to a big break for Strix. He may also meet Melinda as Loid Forger in this capacity.
So yeah, based on basic narrative storytelling, we are due for a climax and change in status quo in sxf! I’m excited to see which way the story goes, there are so many different directions. I’m confident some of these points will happen sooner rather than later. Of course Endo could throw us for a huge loop. But he has setup all of these points and it’s bad storytelling to leave them open ended with no closure or shift in the story.
We have to remember Endo is setting up a truly big story! We should be excited about that. I think it’s fine to criticize the slow pacing (and lack of Yor) but I can only hope it is just building to something big!
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spencer-is-dead · 9 months
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Maybe I’m outing myself as being a chronic shipper, but I kinda don’t get people complaining that the Yuumori fandom is all about Sherliam. I mean yes, there is very much a story outside of Sherliam, but you can’t deny that Liam’s relationship to Sherlock is a pretty significant aspect of the story. William literally wanted to abandon all his plans and spend his days solving mysteries with Sherlock after ONE meeting with him. That’s pretty big, imo. Sherlock changed the entire course of William’s life, and they’ve even exchanged vows to live and share their worries together. This almost feels like, say, complaining that the Spy x Family fandom is mostly about Loid and Yor’s relationship. Sorry to break it to you, but sometimes relationships ARE a significant part of the plot, romantic or otherwise.
Certainly, William's story is the story of YuuMori (It's what being a protagonist is) and his relationship with Sherlock is the thread that story follows (It's what being a deuteragonist is). It's the axis on which the narrative spins.
So Sherliam's relationship is the foundational relationship the story of YuuMori is built on, and it's deeply important to the story. And it's fun, adorable, and interesting to talk about and there's a deep well to talk about with it. And I have, at length, and likely will continue to do so.
It's also true that many, many, many things about YuuMori are deep and well-developed with lots of potential to talk about. I love discussing and thinking about YuuMori's plot structure, how it parcels out reveals, how it twists expectations as an adaptation, the cultural norms, the symbolism, the visual rhetoric...YuuMori is an extremely well-crafted story, and there are many, many, many characters that are neither Sherlock nor William to talk about, and many, even most of them, are also pretty well fleshed out characters in a lot of ways!
And, because so much of the series is Sherliam being Sherliam, it's not weird for people, when they're not being me and meta-ing about the canon of the series, to talk about things that are not canon and are interesting to think about outside of canon. Like other character relationships and things that the series hasn't already expounded on about at length.
So, of course the story of Sherliam is important to the story of YuuMori. But it's not the only important piece of the story, and it's not the only thing to talk about, and while it's a significant, obvious draw for people to like the series enough to talk about the series, at all...there's a lot else to like and want to talk about, too.
I live for talking about writing craft, and while I can talk about that with Sherliam and have, I can talk about it with Moran or Al or Louis or John or whatever, too, and sometimes it's sad to remember that some people basically ignore that these people--who are also critically, desperately important to our leads and change who they are.
After all, Sherlock never could have gotten to the place he needed to be to save Liam and take care of him in the aftermath without John. It would not have happened. So Sherlock and John's friendship is also a vitally crucial part of the story. Etc., etc.
Variety is the spice of life and all that, innit? It's a long series. There's lots to talk about! We don't all have to keep saying the same thing.
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meowzfordayz · 3 months
Welcome to my fifth ever milestone event !! 🥳 You know the drill; 41.0 = 4.1k, not 41k. 😂 Many thanks to everyone who voted here to determine the event theme: FIRST KISS ft. FIRST INJURY collab.
Additional details below... 🤓
Fandoms: Akame ga Kill, Attack on Titan, Black Clover, Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, My Hero Academia, Spy x Family
Word Count: min. 100 (hard) | max. 5,000 (flexible)
Deadline: 31 Dec 2024 (hard*)
Written and/or drawn works are welcomed as long as their overarching plot centers around a FIRST KISS or a FIRST INJURY!
How do your faves get together? How does your lover react when you sprain your ankle? Where do your faves have their first kiss? Is your lover shockingly (or perhaps unshockingly) overbearing when you get injured on their watch?
Character x Character, Character x Reader, and polyship (w/ or w/o Reader) is fine, but pls and ty NO original characters.
If you're under 18, then keep your submission sfw. If you're 18+, then feel free to submit sfw and/or nsfw!
There're NO submission limits; just remember to take care of yourself!
To participate, send me an Ask including your: theme, fandom, relationship, and (working) title. When you're ready, mention me in your post so I can add your submission's link to the masterlist!
first kiss, Demon Slayer, Sanemi x Giyuu, untitled
first kiss, Spy x Family, Loid x Yor, Inevitable
first injury, Attack on Titan, Historia x Reader x Ymir, 'Tis But a Flesh Wound
first injury, Jujutsu Kaisen, Satoru x Reader, untitled
*I'm aware that a hard deadline can be challenging, but I don't have the capacity to host a collab indefinitely. 😅
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To conclude...
I've been on Tumblr for ~2.5 yrs now, and I never imagined I'd still be here. My milestone event statements sound similar, because what I'm grateful for has remained constant: getting to build a community, make friends and uplift others, read and create and share art — I'm amazed and proud of how beautiful this space is. Thank you friends, followers, and lurkers for brightening and broadening my world. 😉
All my love,
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MILESTONE 41.0 (masterlist)
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jamethinks · 2 months
The thing i need more people to understand about Yuri is that he is in fact a incest trope. He was obviously conceptualized as Yor's younger brother who is obsessed with her and refuses to let any man get near her which obviously led to funny and wacky shenanigans with Loid. THEN time was taken to flesh out his character and give him more depth that just depending on a weird trope.
This is not an uncommon thing in stories. A character is created to do one thing then developed into something more dynamic. It happened to multiple characters in sxf such as Fiona, Damian's goons, Mr. Henderson etc etc. There is no reason to pigeonhole him to his initial characterization when it's obvious he has been reworked into a more interesting and relevant character.
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maskedbutsillier · 7 months
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as promised, q as loid for my tntduo as spyxfamily au ^^ this womt be a fully fleshed out au, this is just for the sillies honestly x)
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animehouse-moe · 11 months
Spy x Family Volume 11 Ultra Collector
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Well, I'm going to be a little late with Spy x Family and the start of Apothecary Diaries today because my afternoon is very busy, so let me show off this really cool Spy Fam special edition from French publisher Kurokawa.
Yeah, there's a hell of a lot in here, and a lot to chat about. Let me start with the box first. Truthfully, I'm sort of let down by it. It's less robust than the volume 8 special edition's box that is a bottom and a lid. Volume 11's using a thinner/lighter box overall and opens via flaps on the side instead of lifting up the top.
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What I do like about this box though is how it sticks close in style to volume 8's. Where 8 was a suitcase, volume 11 is all about a TV, which has a pretty fun gimmick. That illustration of Anya, Loid, and Yor? You can actually swap it out with 3 others to "change the channel" on the TV. It's a fun way to spice up the exterior, but I have just one complaint: it's rather finnicky. The card that the illustrations are on is just sorta "in" the box, so it slides and moves around and whatnot. I would have really appreciated a little pocket or sleeve on the inside that the card slid into, but also, this is just the package that the good stuff comes in.
So speaking of good stuff, the tote bag. It's very fun, and surprisingly good quality. The bag also features the illustration of the Forger family on both sides of the bag. I wouldn't say it's the biggest ever, but you could comfortably use it for light to medium shopping in terms of manga. Can't fit 10+ volumes in here easily, but I think anything less than that is plenty fine.
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Alright, next up is the books. Now, this is the special edition for volume 11, but there's another volume in here? Well that's because they include the Spy x Family light novel 'Family Portrait' with it. Very cool to see, but I do sort of wish we could have had a special cover for it as well. Though I mean, beggars can't be choosers we got one for Volume 11. Also, I really appreciate that French pubs either make the dust jackets reversible, or keep the original dust jacket alongside the special one. For display purposes it's very handy.
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Both the coolest but most frustrating piece in this special edition is the bookend. I think it's a super cool thing to add, especially since it's metal, but that's also where the problem comes in. You need to bend the bookend to make it a bookend. With it being metal, there's not really any going back if you wanted to just display it as a metal card. Not something I like, so it'll be living as metal card forever. Though it's not like I have any alternatives for how they could avoid this issue, so it's a bit hard to voice it as a valid complaint.
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And now into the illustration cards. I love getting stuff like this because it gives you so much freedom. They're loose and individual, not double sided, and of decent size (the same size as the manga). Some might disagree, but I think it's fun that they're pre-existing artworks (two of the landscape cards are featured as a poster in the LN). Mostly because you get to 'have' the art from various places as their own separate thing. Really liked one of the color pages or illustrations for Spy x Family, but Viz doesn't do color pages for the manga? Well, now you get them here and separate from the manga. Just a nice touch.
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Speaking of nice touches, the bookmarks. They're just from the various covers of the manga, but I think as a sentiment they're a very nice addition (especially because I don't have any bookmarks at all). Just something very simple and easy to add to flesh out the goodies you can get from the special edition.
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So there it is, the super cool 'ultra collector' edition of Spy x Family. This is a really interesting addition to my collection and I think a lot of the pieces to this are very unique in terms of what you'll see with special editions. Word of warning though, it's not a cheap special edition. Considering how much comes with it, I'd still say it's worth it for those that enjoy it, but it's not something that a lot of people will "just pick up".
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agoddamn · 9 months
🤔 Son says he remembers piggyback rides from Loid, but Father says that he first met Mother after Albrecht vanished. That means...Loid stuck around in the flesh for several years? Albrecht wasn't even there and he was helping raise the grandkids? Then he put himself in stasis? What the fuck, that's even sadder.
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