#i can make him wirse
beachesgetpeaches · 5 months
yknow what when Agents of shield did away with grant ward as the cool tortured hot guy you might want to bang they could have given us another hot hunk but like they just made fitz into the cuntiest hotest bloke also giving him some extra past baggage and some newfound issues
like s1 fitz was babygirl but later season fitz is just... chefs kiss. hot af cunty af wonderful oneliners like man
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quirkysubject · 3 years
Freddie's Beefcake-Shirt
So, during the open air concert in Saarbrücken in August 1979, Freddie is wearing this awesome gay shirt:
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The shirt was given to Freddie by Manfred Stavenhagen, a pillar of the Munich gay scene, in 1979, either during the Jazz tour early in the year, or - more likely, IMHO - in June/July, when the band first recorded at Musicland Studios.
MS: "Freddie got the shirt from me. I founded my restaurant Zum Lohengrin in 1979, before that I was head waiter at Ochsengarten under the landlady Auguste Wirsing."
"Ochsengarten" may sound like a quaint, traditional sort of restaurant, but it really was a leather club:
One can picture the Ochsengarten as a sort of Mini-Mineshaft, complete with a backroom containing a bathtub in the dark room - one of the first dark rooms in Germany. The name Ochsengarten sounds cosier than Mineshaft, the club is not too big and discreet and offers quite a bit of anonymity.
Manfred kept in touch with Freddie and attended his 39th birthday party at Henderson's in 1985 - wearing the same shirt. You can spot him at the very left:
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The image on the shirt isn't just a standard leather stud, but has a very definite connection to Munich:
[The shirt] shows a muscular guy in leather hotpants with braces and a strap across the chest, following the design of traditional Bavarian Lederhosen. The strap bears the letters MLC. The "MLC München – Münchner Löwen Club e.V." [Munich Lions Club] is founded in December 1974 at the club Ochsengarten by about thirty Bavarian leather men. This makes the MLC one of the oldest gay institutions in Munich. To this day, it is one of the largest gay leather and fetish associations in the world. It's members call themselves Munich Lions. If someone wants to join the club, he has to show up to the first meeting clad in leather, open his trousers for a sec, part with a bit of money, and then he is a member.
For context: Munich Lions is also the nickname of the second big, traditional football club in Munich.
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(Two steins with the Tom-of-Finland-design and the MLC logo. Note the subtle body language of the two lions.)
The image was designed by the famous artist Tom of Finland (Touko Valio Laaksonen) on behest of Manfred, who (of course) was one of the founding members of the MLC:
"Tom of Finland drew the motif for me for a poster. I was in Copenhagen in 1974 and told him about an upcoming international meeting in Munich. That took place in 1976. I asked him if he could draw something for that occasion. 'I need something with a Bavarian guy on it', I said. I wanted the two towers of the Frauenkirche next to it, because they are a bit of a symbol for cocks. The Bavarian was supposed to stand between them. Then he wrote to me that he doesn't remember what the Munich Frauenkirche looks like: 'I'm just sending you the bloke. Then you can arrange him in there.'"
For reference: The towers of the Frauenkirche (wikipedia):
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Yeah, I can see where Manfred is coming from. Still, I think the image works great without them 😄
~~~ The second and third picture as well as all quotes are from Nicola Bardolo's Mercury in München. Translation by me.
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Hey!I just wanted to say as someone whose been a fan of The Hunger Games since the movies came out and I had the chance to read the books I love your takes on them.I have to be honest I don't really care much about shipping in the books I mean I love both the idea of Peeta/Katniss and Katniss/Gale but the execution...just wasn't the best in my opinion.I wouldn't have mind if K/G had ended up as friends I just really dislike how Gale's character was handled in the last book(cont part 2)
I aslo dislike the way Katniss idolizes Peeta and compares him to ''hope''and Gale to ''anger''.Not only does it do disesrvice to btoh characters but it turns them intro tropes when thye've both been through hell and war's chnaged them in different ways.I'm wondering do you think the movies had influence over the fandom and which ships or how certian characters that have be whitewashed (Katniss,Gale)are seen.I've sene other videos discuss how bad the reactions were to Rue's casting back then(c And I can only imagine how much wirse it could have been if they had cast POC actors to play Katniss and Gale still,I'm glad more POC like yourself are speaking up because lets be honest fandom canquickly become a toxic mess even more so with POC fans who hold different opinions btw,did you like the prequel that was about President Snow?I heard they're making a movie about it?Sign,I hope someday Hunger Games gets to be remade with more diverse cast because the world's so intersting Oh,and I just forgot to add sorry but while I know we're suppsoed to believe Katniss found love and hope in the epilogue I just feel sorry for her because her POV sounds like an empty shell of her fomrer self.Even her talking about her children is kind of alarming to me because she seems so detached from what's suppsoed to ber her family.I know it's realistic she would still suffer traumat,etc but somehing about the epilogue as whole just doesn't sit right with me. Thanks!! I'm glad you connect with my takes! I don't ship much in THG fandom either, and I personally can't stand Peeta/Katniss together romantically, but I would have taken Katniss and Gale just being friends at the end if it mean that they would not have been separated the way they were. I've talked about how Gale's character and relationship with Katniss became inconsistent and started to degrade by the third book, and I think a lot of that was due to the author wanting to lean into Gale and Peeta being narrative foils for each other, but you're right, that only does a disservice to them, and to Gale in particular. Because it comes off as condemning Gale and villainizing him for his reasons for fighting the war, which are all justified. You can't try to say peace is better than anger, when for change to happen, anger is necessary to gain peace, smh... Yeah! The movies did influence the fandom, the films glossed over and sanitized a lot of the book's "intense" themes, and focused too much on the romance and not on "starving people and killing children are bad." Plus the lack of diversity, and I do agree that the fandom would probably become even more awful if they had correctly cast everyone. There is a lot if inherent racism in the books themselves and in the fandom, and I can just imagine how much worse the hate against certain characters would be if they were properly cast. I have read tbosas and I liked it, but it still has problems. I don't expect the movies to be any better than THG movies, but that's what it is, lol. And I'd say we were lucky to get such a pretty good adaptation as it was. I certainly wish for another adaptation one day. And yeah. One of my issues with the ending was that it felt rushed and inconsistent, it's a major time skip, and we never learn anything about Katniss's life anymore except that she has kids and is still struggling to cope, and that it took her a long time to even agree to have the children, which is?? It slaps of the author wanting this particular ending even though it isn't one that was a fitting end. So it was just shoehorned in at the end, "oh, Katniss has the kids she was never sure about wanting to have and she and Peeta live happily ever after even though she still has issues" I think the reason why it feels off is because it was a handwave to wrap things up according the author's idea of correctness, and pander to her favorite pairing. Because if anyone cares to explore it deeper, it would fall apart.
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number5theboy · 4 years
you know how Luther and Five are twins in the comics? What would you think if in the tv show they made Klaus and Five twins? It would make a more interesting parallel, with Klaus dealing with the dead and Five able to turn back time and bring people back to life. The dynamic would be pretty cool too, as one loves their powers and the other hates them. They look a lot more alike too, but I might just be imagining it
No, no, you absolutely have a point. @swaglorde is actually a big proponent of the Klaus & Five twin theory, there are several posts about it on her blog. But, if you’re interested in my five cents, they are as followed:
I really love the idea of Five and Klaus being the twins in the show. I think it would make a lot of sense. They’re the siblings that look most alike, I think. Personality- and powers-wirse, they’re very complimentary, it would be quite a satisfactory plot point. Five is very much about the big picture, planning ahead, working for the future, for there to be a future, and can thus be dismissive towards the troubles his siblings have in the moment. Klaus lives day by day, one day at a time, but he is absolutely ride or die for his siblings if he wants to be. They’re also both wickedly smart in completely opposite ways. Klaus is quite intuitive, very adaptive, incredibly charismatic, and he can be just as cutthroat as Five if he wants to. Five is just as adaptive, more academically smart, with pretty much no social or communicative skills to speak of. Then there’s also the fact that addiction has a significant genetic factor, and they had this conversation about how they’re both addicts in season 1. Both their powers glow blue and are controlled through the clenching of fists, and as you said, Five’s powers are second nature to him while Klaus hates them. Five is a killer and Klaus someone being haunted by the dead, but Five’s conscience is weighing on him and Klaus is not someone who kills, there’s something poetic about that, and as you said, Five can keep people from dying now, the little overpowered bastard, and Klaus can bring the ones definitely dead back. There’s definitely more, but I’m a fan of the idea of Klaus and Five being twins. Also I discussed a lot of this with @sunriseseance today, some of the points are definitely hers.
But I also really love Luther and Five as twins. Theirs is one of the few relationships that has had the same weight given to it in both seasons, with Luther being there for Five in both. I genuinely love the big/small dynamic they have going on, and that they both baby the other. If they were twins, it would give us a goddamn explanation as to why Five’s tiny body got up no problem after being buried under a huge pile of bricks. If he has a little bit of Luther’s superstrength, it would go a way to explaining it. Also Five is a tiny angry genius and Luther is a half-ape kind-hearted himbo, their dynamic is right out of a children’s cartoon and I love them so much together, oh my God. Honestly, if it’d go after my heart, we’d get Five, Luther and Klaus as triplets. It doesn’t have to make sense, I’d just love the batshit craziness of that idea.
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dying-dying-dead · 4 years
I got.. angry. Today.
It was at 07. I tried to.help him and i didnt want to hurt him-
But today just.
He was. Upset .
He didn't understand how much. Wirse. It could be.
Temporary pain. Different colored eyes.
At least.he still has them. At least he didn't lose something.important.
At least people can still. Look at him
And not.be fucking disgusted.
Because hes fucking. Mutilated.
I dont like some of the things i said.. i dont like.
Being angry.
I dont like how i get. Angry.
Wanting to hurt people. Wishing.they got worse.
Its not like me.
It makes me so.
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musiccosmosru · 6 years
Jul 25, 2018
“I really feel like I made it,” Katie Stevens says quietly over the phone. It’s an odd statement coming from a 25-year-old with Stevens’ list of accomplishments—at just 16, the actress and singer auditioned for American Idol and made it into the top 9. Her television breakthrough was playing Karma Ashcroft on MTV’s Faking It, a teenager who would do anything to be popular, including pretending to be in a lesbian relationship with her best friend.
It’s given her a distinct view of several levels of fame. “It used to be like, ‘Oh, you look familiar,’ and then people would think twice and walk away. Then, when I was on Faking It, it became: ‘Are you on TV? You look like an actress,'” Stevens explains. “That’s the most awkward thing, because what am I supposed to say?”
But now that she’s Jane Sloan—a go-getting writer at the fictional Scarlet Magazine—in Freeform’s The Bold Type, people are starting to catch on. Recently, Stevens was at her favorite salad spot in Montreal, where the show films. “Somebody came up to me and was like, ‘I’m so sorry, are you Katie Stevens from The Bold Type?’” she says. “Finally someone knows me by my name and from what it is.”
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Kathryn Wirsing
There’s a reason The Bold Type has registered with people. A show about positive female friendships and mentorship in the magazine industry—usually portrayed as a cutthroat hellscape—is ripe for 2018. Jane, Kat, and Sutton, the three young women at the forefront of the series, are trying, failing, and relatable. In season 2, after Jane leaves the comfort of Scarlet for an upstart website, she’s swiftly fired for a series of missteps and disagreements with her boss. She spends much of the first half of the season floundering and freelancing before impressing her old mentor and Scarlet EIC Jacqueline Carlyle (Melora Hardin) with an honest, complicated followup to her award-winning piece on Jacqueline’s sexual assault.
Stevens knows what it feels like to fall backwards. She finished the American Idol national tour at the tail end of 2010, moved to L.A., and…nothing. It would take three years before she landed Faking It. “I went into auditions and people looked at my resumé and said, ‘Here’s a singer who thinks she can act, we’re not going to give her the role.’ So I ran out of money. I worked at Sprinkles Cupcakes for 10 months and felt like a total failure.”
But, much like with Jane, now is the time for Katie Stevens to shine.
So, how did you go from singing on American Idol to acting?
I had this really incredible experience where I went on tour with tens of thousands of people every night, of going to movie premieres and really having that first taste of success. And then when you don’t win, that all fades into a pile of dust in front of you. And then it’s kind of like, “Go fend for yourself.” So I was fending for myself and having a really tough time out in L.A. I was 17 and out there alone in a one-bedroom apartment without my mom or dad. Not going home for holidays and just really struggling, and not getting even a second glance when I went into auditions.
What made you keep going?
On American Idol, at the beginning, you get the golden ticket that takes you to Hollywood, then the first round of Hollywood means you get another ticket, and then another ticket, and then another. So now my mom is always like, “One ticket at a time.” I really do feel like I’ve been on a path of things meant for me that found me when they’re supposed to. One day at a time, one moment at a time—take a deep breath and just go with what feels right.
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In season 1, we learn Jane lost her mom to cancer at a young age. Then we discover Jane is carrying the BRCA gene. She has to think about starting a family sooner than she wanted to, in order to explore her best options. What was it like diving into a more serious headspace than usual with Jane?
It was really vulnerable for me because I grew up with my mom and I have all of these wonderful memories and traditions of things that I did with my mom—things that, if I have a daughter some day, I would love to do. And Jane doesn’t have that. It was also really difficult for me because my fiancé’s mom passed away from breast cancer—especially being in the year that we just got engaged, it’s really bittersweet because we wish that she could be there and be a part of that with us.
Having to do an episode about deciding whether you want kids when you’re in that scenario was heartbreaking for me. I was thinking about [my fiancé], and us moving forward in our life and having that down the line, and him not having her be a part of that. So it was a really, really vulnerable episode.
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Katie Stevens as Jane Sloan in The Bold Type
Philippe Bosse
Your fiancé is Paul DiGiovanni, lead guitarist of Boys Like Girls. How did you meet?
I’ve always been the hopeless romantic. I used to always make jokes to my friends like, “What if my husband is in this room right now?” when we were at a party or a concert or any of those things. I had just turned 21 when I met Paul. He had moved in with my best guy friend and I saw a photo of them at a Clippers/Celtics game. So I texted [my friend] Gavie and said “Who is that?”
He was like, “That’s my new roommate,” so I said, “Cool, I’m coming over.” Gavie is an incredible piano player, so he sat down at the piano and said, “Man, you have to hear this girl sing.” He started playing, “I Can’t Make You Love Me” and now it’s a running joke that I made Paul love me by singing “I Can’t Make You Love Me.”
On the show, Jane is now dating hot doctor Ben, but still has tension with Pinstripe Guy. Can you tell us anything about where that may lead?
At the beginning of the season, Jane was unemployed and had all of these uncertainties in her career and all of those things running up in the air. I think meeting Ben…he represented everything she wanted, which was monogamy, stability, security. He has a job, he knows who he is, he’s kind. But now there’s Jane’s BRCA situation, it’s really complicated. Will they be able to get past that?
Then you have Pinstripe, who Jane originally wanted, but she didn’t think that he wanted monogamy. And now here he is showing up for her as a really good friend and…what does that mean? What does that look like? What does Jane want? I’m really Team Whoever Makes Jane Happy. All these things that we’re going to explore in these last three episodes.
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From left to right: Aisha Dee (Kat), Katie Stevens (Jane), and Meghann Fahy (Sutton)
Kathryn Wirsing
This interview has been edited and condensed.
The Bold Type airs Tuesdays at 8 P.M. EST on Freeform.
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The post You Will Know Katie Stevens’ Name appeared first on MusicCosmoS.
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