#i can only recommend viking as a starting point because thats how i started but its great
mishapen-dear · 1 year
dominion smp is powerful enough to take me out of trafficlife brainrot okay THAT is how you know you should watch it. tan and viking are so. . .
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atlasira · 3 years
hi i'm quite new to the lovelink/romance club games, which stories would u recommend pkaying first? is it anything similiar to choices/lovestruck?
hi!!! and yay! i’m glad you’re interested in the games!!
my response is under the cut bc i had a lot to say lol
okay so:
LOVELINK is probably the one that’s most different from Choices and Lovestruck.
it’s very similar to sites like tinder or etc. where it’s a texting and match based app. it focuses more heavily on romance, BUT the matches (the people you pair with that interest you) do have their own unique storylines.
fair warning tho: the gem options are insanely expensive. the highest i’ve seen for a gem choice in a conversation was like 320 gems, just for that one choice. regardless, the matches’ stories are interesting so i still recommend it, but warily lol. (also important to note that you are not the main character in the stories. your match is, you essentially are just their love interest who may get involved from time to time)
and also before i recommend you matches, another thing to know is that there’s a counterpart system. basically, each match has a counterpart/mirror, that has the exact same storyline, absolutely no changes in dialogue at all, except they just look different. it’s just so in case you find one match unattractive but are still interested in their story, you can just match with their counterpart and still be good.
there’s a trick tho bc if you match with someone and then realize you’d rather be with their counterpart, there is literally no going back. you can’t swap matches. so be careful with who you match with. fortunately the Lovelink subreddit got together and made a list of each match’s counterpart so we can know who’s the mirror of who.
some matches i recommend:
Austin Russo/Damien Jones (m)
Captain Muffin (a cat - just a fun cute storyline)
Vitoria Voznesensky/Sage Foster (f)
Hugo Hornsby/Marco Botazzi (m)(minor spoiler but in Marco’s profile picture, he’s the guy on the right and in Hugo’s pfp, he’s the guy on the left. im ONLY spoiling this super tiny thing bc i’ve seen several people that matched with them get upset bc they thought Hugo/Marco was the other guy and didn’t find their actual appearances attractive. i do tho! lol i love Hugo’s dimples)
Kayla Summers/Jasmin Medina (f)
Jamie Grant/Seth Evans (m)
Emmalyn Roberts/Angel Reed (f)
Keanu Hale/Blake Bailey (m)
ROMANCE CLUB out of the two is my preferred app. tbh it’s probably my favorite interactive games app overall.
it’s similar to Choices, even moreso than both Lovelink and Lovestruck are. you customize your mc, you’re the main character in each story, and unlike the different paths in Lovestruck, it’s also similar to Choices where your LIs are all part of one story, rather than each getting their own.
the diamond options are reasonable and what’s even greater is that, for the most part, they really are just for extra stuff!!! what i mean is, unlike some stories in Choices (cough endless summer cough) where you might need diamond choices to fully understand things, that’s absolutely NOT the case with RC. the free options make sure to never leave you in the dark. there’s several times where i’ve come across a plot point where my mc needed smthg explained and the diamond option was just if i wanted extra details and interesting art, but i was also given a free option that just went “sum it up for me/just tell me the important bits” and was still able to understand things just fine! and this absolutely applies to clothes too. it’s funny bc some of the free clothing options even look better than the diamond ones sometimes.
wait i can already tell i’m about to start rambling on how good RC is and i wanna stay somewhat neutral in this response lol. but just to quickly point out the pros and cons: RC is very plot focused. meaning, while the LIs are nice and good, for the most part, the writers put lots of emphasis on the storyline that’s going on, which is great bc it gets you really hooked into the books. a con tho is that their older/first stories are really uh..... hit or miss. the more recent ones are incredible, but the ones from way back when, when the app was first starting out are. well. let’s just say those tend to be my diamond mines lmao.
some personal favorite books i recommend are:
Rage of the Titans (modern day greek mythology story)
Shadows of Saintfour (supernatural horror)(and RC does horror really well, meaning the shit is actually genuinely scary, so like be prepared lol)
Love From Outer Space (sci fi, aliens come to earth)
Heaven’s Secret (afterlife angels & demons plot)
Dracula: A Love Story (dracula book thats... super fuckijg mysterious. there’s a lot going on but just know it’s supernatural/modern day/historical fiction with many other elements in there as well)**
Path of the Valkyrie (viking/norse mythology)****
On Thin Ice (ummm former ice skater/psychological... fiction? it’s hard to tell bc this is a VERY new story that RC just published but it’s really interesting so far)
Legend of the Willow (supernatural historical fiction)****
**** — for the books marked with this, i haven’t played them myself, but i’ve heard very good things. i specifically can’t play POTV bc i have *rachnophobia and one of the monsters freaks me out too bad. but if you can get through it then i really do recommend it.
** — D:ALS is amazing and is probably even my top favorite on RC. however, i personally think the LIs definitely have a hierarchy thing going on. it sometimes feels like the order of importance/focus for romance is the vampire character -> your human guy friend -> then your human wlw friend as dead last. and like, listen, i know Dracula’s name is in the title, so him getting the focus does make sense, but..... okay it’s kinda like a Liam in TRR situation (specifically not TRH that’s another can of worms). where the story and everything is happening because of Liam, so it feels like the story would make the most sense romancing him, but you can just ignore it and romance other people. it’s kinda like that. but don’t worry, unlike TRR there’s no default romance where youll have to like reject Dracula or anything. just that his romance is the most fleshed out.
and this is what i have to say about those apps!! i really do recommend them (especially Romance Club) and idk when you’re gonna start playing, but RC is having a Free Event right now that will expire in a day or so where every single diamond option in every single book is free! so that’s very cool and is a great chance for new players! regardless, i do recommend both apps and hope you have a fun time playing! :)
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