#i can talk more about my stance on kamukoma if you want
shslpookiebear · 1 year
im always weirded out by people who see izuru as an abuser who is driven soley by his ID. i see it as a severe misinterpretation of his character. everything about canon makes it seem like izuru is an extremely calculated individual who turns to junko as the only way to satiate his boredom and curiosity on the concepts of hope and despair
izuru is a complicit observer, occasionally getting involved but mostly on the outskirts watching alongside junko. the crux of junko and izurus relationship rest on junko attempting to fully sink izuru fully into despair, something he does not do. he walks the boundary between the two which keeps junko entertained as he may be fiscally on her side but despite that still manages to escape her grasp. he puts junko into the nwp not to cause more despair but to finally see who was right all along, despair or hope, junko or chiaki. its fueled by curiosity not a genuine desire for despair.
also izuru is like the ultimate neurologist, therapist, psychologist, ect, he knows how the brain works. hes not trying to figure out emotions hes trying to feel something because its so easy to sink into the whole “nothing matters” philosophy when youre in the middle of the apocalypse and humanity’s depravity continues to disappoint you
dont get me wrong hes still a horrible person but hes a lot more gray than people give him credit for hes less an active agent of despair and more a pawn, complicit rather than a genuine believer.
i said this once in an earlier post but junko lit the match and izuru was the match.
dont get me started how people write the servant/nagito x izuru stuff because it makes me want to rip my hair out (especially when people make it explicitly non-con like why ????)
but thats a topic for another rant
anyways i might get roasted for this but have a nice night 💋💋
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