#i can unzip it at home and then when i go out i just *boom* zip it up???
kimbobbp · 2 years
guys guys i have discovered the zipper bra i am all powerful
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deepouterspacecandy · 3 months
The Wolf and the Fox: Part 2
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This chapter is a teeny bit spicier than the first. I hope you enjoy reading it because, as always; I had a great time writing it. Please give me all the fluff. I really love it when writers treat strong female characters softly, especially as a woman who is heavily involved in bodybuilding. Cheers! 18+ only. Violence and sexual content.
While Abby may not rank you among her top three favourite people, she walks you home after your track date and she doesn’t ask for her jacket back even after the heatwave of the stadium halls strong-arm you into unzipping it. Truthfully, the two of you become too engrossed in debating the coolest places you’d explore if you weren’t bound by obligations to the WLF, imagining yourselves as carefree wanderers.
“I hear you, but I still think a ghost town somewhere overseas takes the cake,” you say, fumbling for your keys. “You need to think bigger.”
“Every place is a ghost town, though. That’s what I’m trying to explain. I can drive you fifty miles in any direction—boom! There’s your ghost town. You’re welcome.”
The conversation becomes more intriguing as you approach your door, forcing you to decide between lying about where your suite is and walking until you run out of things to say—or fess up to her after you’ve gone too far and need to turn back.
You fiddle with the zipper, twirling it between your fingers, while she shoots a curious sideways glance at you. Slow down or keep going. Stop or keep going.
“It’s just that we’ve never been to say—Japan or India—and the beauty of the landscapes and architecture alone makes your idea look like a macaroni necklace in a museum.”
“Have you even been to a museum?”
“No, but it’d still shock the hell out of me to find a macaroni necklace.”
There’s this funny thing she does when she’s really frustrated and confused - her hands fly up to shield her eyes, and she ends up doing a spontaneous half-turn, facing the other way.
“I can’t stand you.”
“Bye!” you shout.
You’re trudging along, not knowing where you’re headed—probably some random old lady’s doorstep where you’ll scare the living daylights out of her by pretending to walk in—when Abby wrenches her arm around your neck and yanks you into her.
“So, tell me why my idea sucks, then,” she says.
“Abby, you said Costco.”
She ruffles your hair and gives you a playful push, letting you find your own footing instead of stumbling into hers.
“Right. So, basically, a museum for weapons, food, and probably Lego—but okay. Totally lame.”
“Is that all you care about? Food and guns?” you tease.
“Have you seen me?” she chuckles, playing with her fingers in lieu of her missing jacket cuff.
She directs her focus to her feet, and a small, lopsided smile forms on her lips. A calm silence envelops you before you realize you’re probably making it harder for her to self soothe.
“Oh, sorry. Here,” you say, taking off her coat.
She casually shrugs, leaving you awkwardly clutching it between you.
“Hang onto it for me. It’s too hot in here,” she says.
She’s right, it’s sweltering inside and you’re certain you’ve likely drenched it with your sweat. It might do some good to let the thing air out before she slips it back on.
“Is that really where you’d go?” you ask, hoping the change of subject will ease the knot twisting in your belly.
You’re not convinced. Behind Abby’s eyes, there is a depth you can almost feel, despite knowing very little about her. It stirs a desire to get to know her further and to release some of the preconceived notions you’ve taken on.
Her soft gaze turns to alarm as she fixates on your thigh. Your body tenses as her hand moves closer.
“Are you hurt?”
Before you remember your thievery, you pause for a moment to connect the dots.
“Cherries,” you say, explaining the stain before she panics and drags you to the infirmary. “See?”
You reach into your pocket and pull them out, all except one squished beyond recognition, and present the jumbled mess to her.
The juices spill through your fingers, running down your wrist in a deliciously sweet stream. Hurriedly, you slurp at the sticky liquid to prevent it from slipping down your forearm to stain her coat.
“Why do you have cherries in your pocket?” she asks, as she plucks the only redeemable one from your palm and pops it into her mouth.
“Found them in the gardens.”
Humming softly, she swallows the fruit, her wicked grin widening as she spits the pit back into your outstretched hand.
“You’re disgusting,” you groan.
“And you’re a bad girl,” she says, gesturing to a nearby garbage can. “I should report you.”
“Technically, you’re an accomplice,” you point out, scraping the remains into the bin. “I’d think twice about that.”
You hold your ruined hand away from your side until you can get home to wash it.
“I ate the evidence. I’m covered,” Abby says.
With her perceptive wit, you can’t help but revel in her antics, filling the hallways with your shared laughter as you swap tales of the countless stealthy misdeeds you’ve both accomplished throughout the years. Isaac has given her far more reprimands than you would have thought possible for someone of such a high rank.  
“This is me,” Abby sighs, her hand resting on the doorjamb as she comes to a stop in front of her place. “I figure since you’re being all secretive about where you live, one of us needs to call the shot.”
When she gazes at you, tongue mirthfully peeking between her lips, your cheeks burn.
“I’m not being secretive.”
“No?” she asks, her voice filled with mischievous skepticism. “Do I need to get you a compass?”
“You saying I’m lost?”
Her long, taut body flexes against the doorframe, and it makes your mouth go dry. The rough and tumble demeanour she exudes completely fades as you take note of how stunning she looks in a baggy shirt and sweatpants. Given the way her eyes languidly rake over you, it’s impossible for her not to notice your admiration, causing your flushed face to become even hotter.
“Do you want to come in?” Abby asks.
To ensure your well-being, and for no other reason, it wouldn’t be awful to have a sink for handwashing. Perhaps some water to guzzle, mostly to avoid collapsing from sudden dehydration when returning to your barracks. It’s enjoyable to be in her company, and it’s a relief that the animosity has dissipated. But the longer she studies you with those intelligent blue eyes, the harder it becomes to control your senses.
When Isaac forced you together, you suspect his intention wasn’t for you to swing the pendulum all the way over.
“I should get home,” you say, loathing the words the moment you hear them out loud.
“Bummer,” Abby whispers. “Next time, then.”
In the kitchens, there is a flurry of activity as the news of a potential treaty between the Fireflies and the WLF spreads. Abby hasn’t come by to harass you for a few weeks, and you hope it’s because Isaac has her swamped with work, not because she’s purposely avoiding you.
You can’t even fathom the darker possibilities that arise from her absence.
No one in your circle has deliberately made efforts to find her, but if you’ve been going to the track every night after work hoping to bump into her, or discreetly seeking her out every time you finish a set in the gym, it’s something you’ll take to the grave.
Abby’s bomber jacket hangs forlornly on a hook by your gym bag, the sharp tang of freshly cut pine hitting your nose at the end of each day. Just thinking about wearing it around the compound makes your stomach churn, but you find comfort in having it around. In the off chance it makes her uncomfortable running into you with it on or it fans the flames of the rumour mill, you have committed to abandoning the garment by the door for now.
“I’ll take a hundred blueberry pancakes, please.”
The mess hall is now devoid of any occupants, save for the colossal tower of pots and pans awaiting your diligent scrubbing, enabling Abby’s gravelly voice to travel across the kitchen unimpeded.
“Strange,” you blurt exuberantly, pretending not to see her powerful form in the entryway. “I swear I heard a voice asking me for pancakes, but I just don’t recognize it!”
“Oh, I see,” she chuckles, her eyes sparkling as she moves confidently into your personal space. “We’re twelve years old now and Abby’s a spooky ghost.”
Your lips press together painfully, concealing a smile that threatens to break free.
“You have been gone a long time,” you say.
The sink is on the brink of overflowing with suds as you scramble to turn it off. The never-ending cycle of dirty dishes continues as you reach the third round. Armed with a scrub brush, you start chipping away at the grime.
Abby joins you with no hesitation, despite the exhaustion reflected in the dark circles under her eyes.
“It’s okay if you missed me,” she teases while rinsing a pot and splashing both of you with soapy water.
“If you didn’t spill more water on the floor than on these dishes, I would miss you even more.”
After placing the pot on the drying rack, she reaches for the next one.
“So, you did miss me, though?”
You shake your head, amused by her youthful pestering, and pass her another pan to rinse.
“I think I liked you better when you were mean to me all the time.”
You’re kidding around, but this joke seems to hit a raw nerve with her, unlike the others. Setting the next few dishes onto the rack, she lets out a discontented sigh and leans her back against the sink.
“I still owe you a proper apology for that.”
“You really don’t. I’m just messing with you. It’s water off a duck’s back.”
Abby’s fatigued disposition is visible as she fusses with the hem of her shirt, her posture hunched. Seeing her yawn, one that engulfs her whole body, you decide to send her home to get some much-needed rest.
“Will you come by when you’re finished here?” she asks.
“Tonight? But you need to sleep.”
With a tender plea, Abby reaches out and gently guides your wrist towards her, tracing the ridges of your damp hand with her thumb.
“Just wake me up, okay?” she murmurs. “There’s something I want to show you.”
When you finally arrive at her door, it dawns on you that it’s late and she might still share the place with a roommate who values a solid night’s sleep more than she does. For a solid two minutes, it prevents you from knocking, leaving you loitering outside. Once you summon the courage, you’re wound up like a spring. Your soft knocking is so faint that only someone with supersonic hearing could detect it, making matters worse.
A voice behind you nearly sends you through the roof.
“She sleeps like the dead,” Manny says, waggling his brows. “Do it like this.”
The force of his thrashing is astonishing, making you wonder how the door holds up against such abuse. For the sake of her neighbours, you feel an instant sense of remorse.
The door opens and Abby emerges, dressed in only her boxers and a sports bra. While she’s still half-asleep and rubbing her eyes, you entertain the idea of slipping away to conceal the restless energy bubbling up inside you. Manny is the first person she spots, and she immediately fixes him with a withering glare.
“You live here, asshole. Where’s your key?”
Manny sucks his teeth at her and jerks his thumb at you.
“Someone needs to teach your squeeze how to enter the dragons’ lair. Shame on you, leaving women in the hallway for me to rescue.”
As soon as her eyes lock onto you, they widen in surprise, instantly jolting her awake.
“There she is,” Manny snickers, shouldering past Abby and into their apartment. “It’s a miracle you’re able to get any action.”
Abby blushes from head to toe, squeezing her eyes shut at his comments, as she bashfully welcomes you into her home. You’re still reeling from the echoes of Manny’s noisy commotion in the hallway, making it hard to focus on anything he says or to fully appreciate how adorable Abby looks in her disheveled state.
As he shoves some belongings into his duffle bag, he continues, “I had no clue this was your thing, cuñada. Are you my competition now?”
“Stop talking,” Abby groans, glancing at you apologetically. “I thought you were gone for the night. Did your chick boot your ass out again?”
While they argue, you take advantage of the distraction to observe your surroundings and gather your bearings. Large windows undoubtedly invite ample pools of natural light inside during the day, complementing the open layout. Resembling a cluster of distant stars, the stadium lights glow in the night, saturating the room with a pleasant, amber shade.
Abby has spruced everything on her side of the room, except for her bed, which is cozy and rumpled. Above, she has meticulously organized her books, and you’re delighted to find a harmonious mix of romance novels. Nestled next to her pillow, one book in particular catches your attention.
“Have fun, ladies,” Manny says as he goes, his footsteps echoing down the hallway.
“I’m so fucking sorry about that,” Abby winces. “He’s actually pretty chill once you get to know him.”
“It’s fine,” you say, plopping down onto her mattress. “What’s this?”
On her bedside table, a stack of polaroids waits to be flipped through. She nods at you to pick them up and see for yourself.
The first shot captures a sun-drenched beach with boats lining the shore and log cabins in the background. The second is a medical bay, stocked to capacity, a fully equipped haven for healing.
“Who’s this?” you ask, holding up the next photograph.
“That’s Mel and Owen’s rug rat,” Abby says, giving your leg a quick squeeze. “She’s pregnant with their second one, if you can believe it.”
“How whimsical,” you croak, slipping the photo to the back of the stack.
Abby tries to conceal her amusement by averting her gaze, but neither of you can help but break into chortles at your pettiness.
The rest of the shots showcase a community that is unfamiliar to you, yet it appears to be thriving and operating smoothly. As you look closer, you notice the intricate patches on their clothing.
“Fireflies,” you say.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“The rumours are true, then?”
With a tired smile, Abby rises from her spot to grab drinks for the two of you.
“There’s this thing Isaac wants me to attend,” she calls out from the kitchen. “A gala or some shit like that. Mingling with the rival to make nice and whatnot.”
“But those are your people.”
“My people are here,” she says, handing you a cup. “But the fewer groups he expects me to fight, the better. I don’t know how much of that I have left in me.”
With her old group rising from the ashes and becoming a formidable force, the pressure she’s under is beyond comprehension. It’s impossible to imagine that she hasn’t contemplated reuniting with them.  
“Gotta run it by Isaac first, but I was hoping you’d come with me.”
Throughout the years you’ve lived under the WLF, there hasn’t been a single event even remotely resembling a gala. In an effort to prevent morale from completely fading, they hold markets for a week during the summer, providing a casual setting for people to gather and trade. Last year, they treated the crowd to live music for a few hours, adding a delightful twist to the event, but they tasked you with security detail, anyway.
“You’re asking me to be your date?”
“Something like that,” Abby grins.
“I feel like we’re going to give Isaac a freaking heart attack.”
“Lucky us.”
It is more distressing to think of her being taken in by the Fireflies than to avoid her at the stadium and still have the knowledge that she's nearby. It’s selfish, but it’s niggling at you. She's convinced she won't want to go back to them, but what happens when she sees their community firsthand?
“So, doing a little light reading before bed, are we?”
Even with her sleep-tousled hair and wrinkled clothes, she maintains an impressive level of composure as she grasps the significance of your findings. It’s not the content of the literature that surprises you, rather the smuttiness of it. When it comes to lesbian reading material in the FOB, the one that she holds dear before falling asleep is the most enticing you can think of. You’d be open to indulging in a thorough exploration of her theories on it.
With a shy sweep, Abby moves her hair to one side, baring her neck. While toying with the chain there, she inadvertently drifts to her collarbone, running her fingers along the hard dips and smooth curves.
“That usually goes under the bed,” Abby laughs nervously. “I passed out so quick when I got back. Are you freaked out?”
“No, not at all. That’s um—that’s right up my alley,” you say.
With a gentle bump, her knee meets yours, and she keeps it there. Even Abby’s prickly calves are so lovely that they send a frenzy of flutters through you.
“I wish you would’ve told me when everything went down with Owen.”
You considered it. But the gossip circulated too rapidly, and you had kept it to yourself until then. It didn’t feel like the right time to pour out your heart, especially if everyone would assume you were lying to preserve your reputation or something equally awful.
“Would you have believed me?”
“I really hope so,” Abby whispers, the weight of her optimism and concern stark in the deep lines that settle on her forehead. “If I could go back and handle it differently, I promise I would. I’m sorry that I made you feel unsafe around me.”
Her glossy eyes hold a genuine kindness that tugs at your heart.
“You’re scary when you’re mad,” you say, teasingly knocking your knee harder into hers, hoping to lighten the mood. “But I can hold my own.”
“I know you can,” she says, her voice transforming into a deeper, more authoritative timbre. “You’re the only person who has ever dared to go toe to toe with me like that. It’s impressive. That’s why I saw you as a threat, I guess.”
“How do you see me now?” you ask.
Abby’s gaze lingers on the shared contact between your knees, then travels up your thighs to your chest, before finally locking onto your soul.
“If you could read my mind right now,” Abby says as she shivers, her hands instinctively moving to find warmth between her thighs. She squeezes them tightly together as if warding off a sudden chill. “I’m not sure if you’d run or come closer. It terrifies me.”
The absence of contact leaves you with a peculiar emptiness, steering you to seek a means of reestablishing it. You’re tempted to inch closer to her, but the weight of the moment holds you back, knowing that any sudden movement would be irreversible.
“Which one terrifies you?”
"Both," she says with a breathless chuckle, her cheeks flushed.
“Well, good thing I suck at running,” you say, mustering up the courage to extend your trembling hand towards her.
Without hesitation, she eagerly reaches for it. The room fills with the choppy sounds of your breathing as her nails graze each groove in your palm, her fingertips tracing every thin line.
“I’ll only ever chase you if you want me to,” Abby says, lips parting to make room for her short, panting breaths.
“I want you to.”
Standing up from her mattress, you walk backwards towards the tall, backlit windows, carefully avoiding the dumbbells on the floor. Biting her cheek, she leans forward as you move away, tempting her to close the distance.
“I’m fast,” Abby warns, hands flexing at her sides.
“But are you clever?”
Resting your head on the chilly windowpane, you willingly make yourself a spectacle for her to hunt, arms stretched above your head in a deceptive display of tricksy submission. She rises from the bed with such slowness that it blurs the edges of your surroundings, shattering your anticipation of her sudden aggression and leaving you momentarily thrown.
“You’re cute,” Abby sighs, her voice barely audible as she steps closer to you, stealthier than you’ve ever seen. “I’m onto you, though.”
“You think so?”
She presses her body against yours, gently pinning you against the window, her hands gliding up your arms and interlocking with your fingers. They go lax in her sweaty grip as every muscle relaxes into her warmth.
“I know it,” Abby says, lifting your chin with her knuckles. “Beautiful girl.”
“Kiss me.”
Her pouty lips glisten as she licks them, reminding you of the sweet cherry juice you shared. Lowering a hand, she pulls you closer, the heat of her touch spreading through the small of your back. The taste of her is somehow sweeter as she teases your lips open with the tip of her tongue, a constellation of bright sparks dancing behind your eyelids.
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omgiamwish · 2 years
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Whumptober 2022 Day 9 - Caught in a Storm
Fic on Ao3 and below the cut!
A/N: this takes place 2 or 3 years before the start of the show
In retrospect, Donnie can admit that they probably should have gone home the moment the first rain drop splattered on Mikey’s beak. The forecast had called for thunderstorms, after all. And Donnie himself had suggested erring on the side of caution and staying inside, only agreeing to go out when Leo and Raph called him chicken.
But alas, they had all become caught up in their glorious game of rooftop tag, demonstrating amazing feats of endurance and agility, and- most importantly- teaming up against Leo. What was a little rain in the face of that?
The flash of lightning lighting up the city didn’t snap them out of their focus on the game, but the subsequent earsplitting crash of thunder certainly did.
Raph tripped and yelped. Mikey shrieked, flinging himself onto Leo. Whether because of Mikey’s weight or his own surprise, Leo slipped and fell on his shell.
Considering Donnie was the only one who didn’t end up on the ground, he feels justified in saying he had the most dignified reaction, regardless of whatever sound may or may not have come out of his mouth.
“Well, gentlemen,” he addressed the dum-dums who thought going outside in late fall with a thunderstorm on the horizon was a good idea, “shall we go inside now?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Raph agreed, pushing himself up. “Let’s go home.”
The rain picked up as they raced back across the rooftops, soon turning into a downpour. They’d all been rather wet already when they stopped their game, but they’d all been soaked long before they reached the manhole closest to their home.
Donnie wasn’t particularly fond of the wet fabric of his mask and hoodie sticking to his face and arms, and he was looking forward to stripping everything off and cocooning himself in some nice, dry blankets on his bed. Maybe rigging up a heat lamp if he had the energy for it.
Leo went to jump down into the alleyway when they finally got to the right manhole, but Raph held him back with a hand on his shoulder.
“Uh, guys? I don’t think we should go down there.”
“Wait, what? Why?” Leo questioned, clearly annoyed. “C’mon Raph, it’s freezing out here. Let’s go already.”
“Freezing temperatures would actually produce snow, not rain, and the forecast said-”
“Not now, Donnie!”
Donnie scowled and adjusted his hood. Another loud boom of thunder had Mikey latching onto his side with a squeak.
“We can’t go in the sewers when it’s rainin’ this hard,” Raph explained.
“Yeah? Why not?” Leo challenged.
“Cuz Pops said it’s dangerous.”
“And you’re only saying this now? We came all this way when we could have been looking for shelter instead?”
“Raph didn’t remember ’til now! And you can’t blame Raph for not rememberin’ when you didn’t remember at all. Pops told all of us!”
Donnie had begun half-consciously patting Mikey’s hand, but he realized at that point that it was colder than it should be and that Mikey might be shivering from more than just fear. While Leo and Raph continued arguing, Donnie unzipped his hoodie and guided Mikey under it as much as he could. It wasn’t much protection from the cold, and any protection from the rain was probably moot when they were both already soaked, but it had to be better than nothing.
“Because it’s dangerous, and because I said so!” Raph yelled as more lightning flashed, thunder cracking a moment later. “Now unless you got any useful ideas-”
“Hey, just a thought,” Donnie piped up. “But how about getting under shelter? Literally any shelter. A parking garage, an awning… I will settle for a tree at this point. Just saying.”
Anyway, that’s how they ended up at Mikey’s second-favorite playground- the one with the tube slide and larger fort (apparently the first-favorite has superior swings, taller monkey bars, and cuter rocking animals). Halfway there, Mikey gave up on walking and demanded Raph carry him. Donnie- also tired of walking- wished he could be carried too, but he didn’t want to seem like a little kid. Maybe he should look into some upgrades for his battle shell…
As soon as they got to the park, Leo scrambled up into the tube slide, presumably to sulk. Raph sighed, dragging a hand over his face.
“How long is it s’posed to rain again?”
Donnie checked his phone. “Maybe another hour? The water levels in the sewers might not go down for awhile, though.”
Raph tapped his fingers against Mikey’s hoodie-covered shell. “Do you think Dad will be worried about us?”
“Do you think he’ll even notice we’re gone?” Donnie countered tiredly.
Raph shifted uncomfortably. After a few seconds, he looked over to the wooden fort. “I guess I’ll go sit under there. I wouldn’t really fit anywhere else.”
Donnie looked at the wet wood chips and dirt and shuddered at the thought of having to sit there for even a moment, let alone hours. “You know what, bud? You have fun- I’m gonna go sit in the rocket.”
He turned to do exactly that, but Raph’s hand caught his wrist. “Wait.” He worried his lip, looked conflicted. “It’s drier in there, right?”
“It should be,” Donnie confirmed. “Definitely less windy.”
Raph nodded to himself. “Right. You should take Mikey with you then. I think he’s gettin’ a fever.”
Raph transferred Mikey to Donnie’s arms. Donnie looked down at his sleeping brother then up at Raph. “You’ll be okay?”
Raph smiled reassuringly. “Yeah. I know where you all are.”
Donnie nodded. That was that, then.
‘The rocket’ was part of the fort and was probably meant to be a tower or something. However- in Donnie’s expert opinion- whoever built it shouldn’t have given it a pointed roof and a spinable steering wheel at the top of the stairs if they didn’t want kids who grew up on Jupiter Jim movies to call it a rocket.
Donnie ducked his head and shuffled through the small bit of tunnel and up the three steps that led to the bottom entrance of the rocket. He swept some stray wood chips away with his foot and set Mikey down, careful not to jostle him.
He felt Mikey’s forehead, but he couldn’t tell if Raph was right and Mikey had a fever, or if his own hands were just cold. Taking off his own mask to feel his forehead didn’t bring any more clarity on the subject.
Donnie sighed. There wasn’t much he could do about it anyway. They weren’t at home; they didn’t have heating or blankets or hot soup. Judging by the persistent drum of rain on their wooden shelter, they wouldn’t be getting any of that any time soon.
“Donnie? I’m cold. And hungry.”
Donnie looked over and met his little brother’s eyes for a long moment before he could find anything to say. “Yeah. Yeah, me too, Michael.” Ugh, this sucked. He just wanted to get out of his stupid wet clothes and-
Actually, that was a good idea. Wet clothes plus cold equals bad.
“Hey, Mikey. Take off your hoodie,” Donnie ordered, already shrugging his own off. “And, uh, any other wet clothes I guess. I’ll go wring them out.”
Mikey blinked in confusion but didn’t question it. He fumbled off his hoodie, kneepads, and mask and handed them over.
Donnie took their pile of clothes into the wooden tunnel and set about wringing them as dry as possible. It was somewhat relaxing, at least- getting to squeeze something and feel the water well up between his fingers, hearing it splatter on the ground.
He regathered the now-damp-instead-of-sopping clothes and stood up, careful to stay hunched. Unfortunately, his care was ruined by a blast of thunder loud enough to shake the walls around him.
Even in a place built for people older than ten, Donnie probably would have jumped high enough to hit his head on the ceiling. As it was, he hit his head hard enough that he would likely have a bump for at least a day or two. Dad says they heal fast, and that seemed to be true compared to April, but ow! Pizza Supreme, that hurt!
“Donnnnieeee!” Mikey wailed and Donnie barely refrained from cursing (he would not be the one to teach Mikey those words- he had twenty bucks riding on it).
“Yeah, I’m coming, Mikey,” he called back. He touched his head gently, checking for blood. His hand looked clean under the light of his phone, so he put it away and hurried back.
As he entered the rocket, Mikey tackled him with another wail.
“Uncomfortable! With! Hugging!” Donnie gritted out. But as Mikey continued to cling, Donnie resigned himself to it. “I suppose sharing body heat is the recommended course of action for this situation.”
“Good. Because I’m not letting go,” Mikey sniffled.
Donnie sighed and shuffled over to a spot where he could sit down and stretch out his legs. He really couldn’t wait to go home.
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The Luck Of The Irish - Andy Barber x Reader
A/N: This is a follow up to St Paddy I didn’t plan for it to be a whole year later but I’d say it’s worked out pretty well! 
Summary: Andy calls on Paddy’s good luck
Word Count: 818
Warnings: FLUFF!
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It didn’t take long for Paddy to fully integrate himself into your lives. Only two months on from bringing him home as a temporary foster, the papers were being signed to permanently adopt him. 
He was the perfect addition to the family, even if he did steal Andy’s spot on the couch. And while Andy knew he couldn’t put it all down to Paddy’s presence but he couldn’t help but notice an increase in your luck. Your business had boomed to the point you were now looking into getting another permanent member of staff, Andy’s case record went through the roof. Andy even found $50 in a jacket you’d picked up from a thrift shop for him.
And it was that luck Andy was counting on more than ever. He had been trying to act casual all morning because as far as you were aware all you were doing today was going on a hike with Paddy. But he’d been jumpy and nervous making you chuckle whenever he would startle after you walked into the room without him noticing.
“I’m not that scary am I?” You teased when he once again jumped when you appeared behind him just after he put Paddy in the car.
“No but I am thinking you’re trying to give me heart attack with that silent tread of yours” Andy smirks as he wraps his arm around your shoulders and pressing a kiss on your temple.
You laugh patting him on the chest “you need your hearing tested old man” you chuckle as you stepped away and climbed into the car.
Andy let out a huff of laugh before taking a deep calming breath, patting his pocket for millionth time that morning. Once he felt secure that he had everything he needed he climbed in the car and drove out towards your favourite hiking trail.
The actual hike was nothing out of the ordinary, you would hold Andy’s hand whenever you could. Laughing whenever Paddy would run ahead and look back at the pair of exasperatedly before running back and trying to herd you to go faster.
Soon enough you reached your favourite hiking spot, a small stream that flowed over boulders making multiple tiny waterfalls. You loved the babbling noise it made and often said that if tiny mythical creatures were to exist, they would live here.
Like you usually did you dropped Andy hand to go have a closer look, smiling as you watched the water run past. While you were distracted, Andy gestured for Paddy to come over and he slipped something into the treat pouch on Paddy’s harness. He then sent Paddy over to you.
“Looks like someone’s after a treat” Andy pointed out as Paddy came to a stop in front of you, wagging his tail in excitement.
“Oh well you have been a very good boy haven’t you” you grin bending down to give Paddy some fussing.
You then unzipped the pouch to grab a couple of treats but a frown of confusion then formed on your face. You pulled your hand back out and turn it over palm up to reveal the ring that Andy had hid in there.
“Andy I-“ you mutter in disbelief, turning to look at him to find him already down on one knee beside you.
“Honey, I am not an easy man to love I know, I have a million and one flaws, a pretty big one being my overly demanding job yet you see all those flaws and love me anyway” Andy start with a small shake of his head, still unable to believe that was he was saying was true “and I love you so so much, I am so so damn lucky to have you and I count my blessings everyday so I hope you don’t mind me using Paddy as a good luck charm to ask the most important question I will ever utter…” Andy continues before taking a deep breath “Y/N, Honey, will you marry me?” 
Tears were flooding down your face as you grabbed him and crashed your lips down onto his. Andy wrapped his arms around you securing to stop your both from falling over. 
When you parted he gently brushed some hair out of your face “can I take that as a yes” he chuckled.
“Yes” you chuckled through the tears, your hands shaking as he took the ring from you and slid it onto your finger.
He then kissed you again deeply, only pulling away when Paddy barked and whined. Paddy then wiggled his way in between you and started licking the tears off your cheeks.
“Thank you sweetie” you chuckled kissing the top of head “do you think we could train him to be the ring bearer” you ask making Andy laugh.
“Dunno but he’ll be there either way, we have to have out good luck charm with us” Andy smiles.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
I don’t have a taglist so follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibrary​ and turn on post notifications to be kept up to date!
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boypeggers · 5 months
rainy days
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pairing: bunny!armin x reader
wc: 1.7k
tags: angst but not like the “SOBBING MY HEART OUT SJSBDJSJ KMSSSS” kind. tiny fluff at the end i think idk
rainy days comfort you on your worst days but you think you’re finding new source of comfort in the hybrid you saved
warnings: mentions of blood but no graphic details
a/n: this is just something i wanted to write cause i was bored. it’s not that good but if you would like me to continue w this lmk!!
the rain outside makes me feel a little better about my day. i’ve always loved the rain, but there’s something about packing up my things to go home to the sound of the rain. it has always bought me comfort. being a hybrid veterinarian is hard work and the sound of rain has always found a way to make my day better. after a day like this one, i needed this.
today, we got one of the worst cases of hybrid abuse i’ve seen. he came to us beaten bloody so much that it made me stomach turn. after we were done working on him. i had to go to the bathroom so my coworkers wouldn’t see me cry. you would think after working in this field after a few years. k would be used to this type of stuff but it never gets easier.
a knock on the door startles me out of my daydream. it sounds panicked. i cant see throught the glass doors because the blinds are down. i have no idea who could be knocking at this time of night. i look down at my watch.
11:00 PM
i start to walk slowly around my desk to the door. As i get closer there’s three more knocks
then, i hear a weak plee.
“please, open the door. i need help.. please.” a weak voice calls out.
do they know someone is in here? i find myself becoming a little scared but nonetheless i take a deep breath and finally open the door. a body tumbles over to my feet from leaning against the door.
i let out a small startled gasp. their face hidden behind the large black hoodie that they’re wearing. i bend down to get a closer look & move the hood from their face. it’s a man but not just any man.
“a hybrid?” i whisper.
a bunny hybrid to be exact. bunny hybrids aren’t uncommon but i’ve never seen one so large but that’s not the problem right now. he needs help. he’s unconscious and has bruises scattered across his face. i try to shake him awake because i’m not very confident i can carry him in myself but he doesn’t budge.
“here goes nothing i guess.” i huff as i try to calculate how i’m going to carry him inside.
i decide to reach behind him and slide my arms under his. i drag him as gently as i can to the back room so that i can have a closer look at his injuries. i somehow managed to put him across the metal table in the middle of the operating room.
i start by unzipping his hoodie that he’s wearing. As i finish unzipping it, i notice blood pooling onto his white ratty shirt. o let out a small gasp. i don’t know how I didn’t notice this earlier. i start panicking slightly because i’m not sure how much blood he’s lost yet.
“calm down, y/n.” i say, as i take a few deep breaths.
i remove his shirt and start working on treating all the wounds that i can.
i sit down with a huff at my desk. i look down at my watch.
2:00 AM
i don’t even think i should even go home now. i have a hybrid who probably doesn’t even know where he is in the back and when he wakes up i need to be here. who knows when that’ll be. he lost quite a lot of blood but thankfully it wasn’t too much to the point he needed a blood transfusion. he should recover quickly especially with his hybrid genes.
i was just about to start finishing up some of the paper work i was packing up before i got that knock on my door but i hear something fall from the operating room the hybrid was in.
i stand up and starting to slowly make my way back to not startle him even more than he probably already was. Once i enter the room i see him backed away from the table into a corner holding a scalpel out toward me. i hold my arms up to my chest to show him i’m not a threat but i don’t think that helps.
“hey, it’s okay. i- i’m here to help.” i say in a shaky breath.
he doesn’t change his position. he still seems tense as i try to comfort him into putting the scalpel down. this isn’t something new, i have been in this same exact position many times before and honestly i don’t blame any of the hybrids that have done this. a lot of them have no reason to trust humans. i would honestly do the same if i’ve been through some of the things they have.
“i’m just here to help.” i repeat.
i point to my badge that i’m wearing on my scrubs. “see, i helped you. i’m a vet here.” i give a small smile. “i even patched up a few of your wounds. you knocked on the door as i was getting ready to leave but when i opened the door you were unconscious.”
i try to stare directly into to his eyes so that he can see that i’m being sincere and honest but it’s hard because his eyes are darting all over the room.
“what city are we in?” he questions softly
“we’re in boston.”
he visibly relaxes a bit and he finally lets the scalpel hit the floor. “i need to leave.” he tries to rush toward the door.
“wait, you still need a couple days to heal.” i try to reason with him. “you could even stay here for a couple days.”
“no, i need to leave now. it’s not safe for me to be here.” he pleads.
“why, we can protect you here. no one knows you’re here.” i reason. “whoever you’re running from doesn’t know you’re here.”
he scoffs and shakes his head. “i’m not running from anyone. i just can’t be here.”
“why can’t you? we can keep you safe here.” i know it’s not my place to beg him to stay especially if he doesn’t feel safe but he’s hurt.
“why would I ever feel safe here.. with humans who do things like this to me.” he looks down at his waist where the bandage lays.
that’s true. why would ever feel safe with me or any other human. he has no reason to believe the words coming from my mouth.
“you’re right. you have absolutely no reason to believe that I’ll keep you safe.” i say looking down at the ground. then, i get possibly the dumbest idea I’ve had all year.
“okay, what if you come to my house for a couple of days. absolutely no one will know.”
“why would I do that?” he questions. “i have no idea if you have any ulterior motives.”
“i swear i don’t. i just want to help you.” i look into his eyes.
“why are you doing this? why you want to help me so bad.” he says this as he brushes his hand through his hair.
i actually don’t know why i want to help him so bad. Of course i always want to help my patients and i will always want what’s best for them but this feels.. different. maybe it’s because of what I witnessed earlier today. that hybrid that came in today broke something inside of me and deep inside i felt guilty. guilty because i felt like k couldn’t help them enough. i obviously helped heal their wounds but i could never heal that trauma that will live on with them for the rest of their lives.
“i- i don’t know. i just do.” i sigh. “you can leave after a couples days. when your wounds heal.” i point to his side. the side i patched up. i notice he’s been wincing in pain and holding his side gently as we sat here talking. there’s no way he’ll be able to make it far if he decides to leave on his own.
“okay, i’ll leave with you.”
. after coming home last night i got the spare room in my small apartment ready for him and after that i haven’t seen him.
it’s now 1pm the next day and i took the day off of work just to see how he’ll adjust. i know hybrids can have a hard time adjusting to new places and even if he’s only going to be here a couple of days. i still want him to be as comfortable as possible.
i would be worried even more if i hadn’t been setting food outside of his door and seeing it disappear. i’m glad to know that he’s at least eating well.
i honestly don’t know what i was thinking last night. maybe it was because i was severely sleep deprived but i just felt a strong urge to help him. i couldn’t just leave him there and now i feel a big weight on my shoulders now that there’s another presence in my apartment.
as the day passes the suns eventually goes down and i find myself placing dinner at the door. i find myself feeling a little disappointed he didn’t come out today but i also understand. a new place can be scary and he doesn’t even know me.
after, i place the food at his door i start to walk away . his door cracks open and we make eye contact. i just give him a small smile and i continue to walking away but his voice stops me.
“is there anyway i could have more vegetables?” he questions in a small voice.
as soon as i hear the question leave his mouth i instantly feel bad and honestly quite dumb. as a hybrid veterinarian, i should’ve known he would like a mostly green diet. his human side still needs other nutrients but he would mostly crave vegetables.
“oh, of course. we can go get some out the kitchen if you want.”
he doesn’t say anything just picks up the plate i sat on the ground and makes his way towards me. as we make our way over the to the kitchen, he speaks up again.
“my name is armin by the way” he states nervously.
i take it in with a smile and i respond with my name.
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shxdowsofombra · 2 years
Taking Grace Home
Stiles was confused when he heard a loud roar and then the sound of glass breaking. Grace hurried out of the room and he went over to her since she seemed a bit shaken up. “Hey are you okay? I think it’s time we leave.” 
Grace came out of the kitchen as her eyes were bright blue and flinched away from Stiles before he could touch her. “Yeah…I’m fine. I just need to grab my purse is all…”
“Did he hurt you? I swear to god if he hurt you.” Stiles said as his eyes turned red. He could see her flinch from his touch and he put his hand back down at his side. 
Tears fell down her face as she moved to grab her purse. “I just want to go home. Please Stiles. Can we just…go home?” She asked as she looked at him.
“Yeah we can go home.” He says before leading her out the door. Stiles handed her some of the tissues he kept in his car as they got inside. 
Grace left with Stiles before getting in the car. “No, I'm okay.” She said as she buckled her seatbelt and looked out the window. “Did Austin leave okay?”
“I think hearing a dragon booming in the house was more than enough to send him running. Yeah, he went home.” He tells her. 
“Great.” She said softly before leaning back in her chair. She played with her bracelet as she noticed it had started raining. “We…should talk.”
“Normally when you say we should talk that never ends well. What did you want to talk about?” He asks. 
“Did you see the way Hallie and Henry were fighting? That’s how you and Hope fight and it’s all because of me. I am just…drained Stiles. Your family will never like me.”
“It doesn’t matter if they like you or not. What matters is our family and that is it.” He tells her as he places a reassuring hand on her hers. “My family never liked me anyway.”
“That’s not true. They did like you. They loved you.” She said as she moved her hand away. “They just want you to leave me. They don’t love me. They have every right to hate me. I don’t want your sister and you to fight anymore.”
“She has hated me since she realized what I came from. It has nothing to do with us or you. I am not leaving you Grace. You have been the only one that has been here for me and cared for me. I am not going to leave you.” 
“It doesn’t make sense for both of us to have families not in the picture and your mom wants you around. Stiles, maybe you should stay with your family for a while. Reconnect with them.”
“No. I have tried with them and all they will do is tell me I should leave you and honestly I don’t care what they think about me. I am happy with you and they should be happy for me.”
“Okay…if that’s what you want.” She said as she looked at him. She knew it wasn’t but, she knew that Stiles didn’t want to lose her either. “You know I love you right?”
“It is what I want. I like our family the way it is.” He tells her before squeezing her hand. “I love you too.” 
“I love our family too.” She said before kissing his cheek. “Thank you for coming with me today. I know you really didn’t want to do that.” She says as her hands move down to unzip his pants. “I really…really am thankful.”
“You’re welcome. You know I wouldn’t let you go there by yourself.” He tells her as he felt her moving her hand down to unzip his pants as he pulled into their garage. 
“No…you wanted to fuck me in every room of your sisters house.” She purred in his ear. “I heard you muttering to yourself last night. It sounded pretty sexy…”
“I what? I said that?” He asks. “I didn’t know I could sleep talk…that’s new. Well what else was I saying then? Tell me.”
“Yes you did. You were really angry at your sister.” She said before shrugging. “If you don’t remember it must not have mattered.” She smiled before leaving the car..
“Wait what?” He asks before going after her as he got out of the car. “What do you mean? I was asleep how would I remember?”
“I’m just teasing Stiles.” She laughed. Grace opened the door to their house and froze as she looked around and saw things broken and all on the ground. She walked over and saw their wedding picture destroyed and cussed softly as she cut herself with glass. “Who would…who would do this?” She asked before moving to where they kept their valuable belongings.
Stiles was about to tell Grace to be careful about the glass before she cut herself with it. “Shit..be careful.” He tells her as he was focused on her. It took him a moment to realize what was going on as he looked around the house. “The only people that know about our house are my family but I don’t know who would…I mean I think it is only my family that knows about it.” 
Grace looked through everything and noticed that everything was there for the most part, but her eyes widened as she realized all her letters were missing. “No…no.” Her eyes turned bright blue. “They are gone. They’re all gone Stiles.”
“What do you mean? What is all gone?” He asks in confusion as he goes over to where she was. “What did they take?” 
“My letters….all my letters. My mom’s, my dad’s…they…they are all gone.” She said as tears fell down her face and she looked to see their destroyed home. “Why…why would they take them?”
“How are they all gone? How would anyone know where they are?” He asks in confusion as he could feel himself getting angry. “How much do you want to bet it was my fucking sister.” 
“She was with us, how could she have done this?” She asked as she tried not to cry as much so Stiles wouldn’t be angry. She looked around before seeing their fireplace. “No…they…no…” Grace bent down and looked at the asked before seeing some of the pieces of paper. “They burned them?” She asked as she looked and reached further before seeing Stiles adoption papers from Misty burnt as well.
“Because she is my sister and she is vengeful sometimes. Not her best quality. Honestly I am not even surprised anymore. Don’t worry though, I can fix this. She doesn’t have to know that we fixed it okay. Let me just record all this so that my mom can see it. She won’t let Hope get away with this.” He tells her before pulling out his phone and recording what happened. He sent it to Hope before going back over and picking up the papers and using some of his magic to put them back together so they were no longer burnt. 
Grace looked at Stiles as he put the papers back together and sniffled as she took the papers back. “Thank you.” She said trying to give him a smile. She looked around and sighed. “Our home is…we can’t stay here tonight. There’s glass everywhere…are you okay?”
Stiles used some more of his magic to put the house back together to how it was. “I have somewhere else we can go that is safe from here. No one else actually knows about it.” He tells her. “I am okay. I figured she would do something like this eventually.” 
“Oh okay…but still…” Grace said before pushing her hair out of her face. “I did do something though. Well not me. The guy…she was with at the party…he took this.” She said as she pulled the ring out of her pocket and showed Stiles. “I was going to give it back to her but it didn’t seem like she noticed it was missing so…I just…I didn’t take it though. I swear.”
“Okay just because she doesn’t notice it missing doesn’t mean we keep it. We give it back. I don’t know the significance of that ring and if that is one of the reasons why she came here and trashed the place looking for it….I mean yeah that might make her angry enough to burn everything.” He tells her. 
“Why do you think I walked into the kitchen?” She asked. “I didn’t even take it. I would never do that. She didn’t even talk to me at the party so I couldn’t have taken it. I was trying to help Hallie and Henry and I wanted to give it to her. Stiles…you know I didn’t steal it…right?”
“You could have just left it on her table or something. That way she could have just figured she lost it around the house. We don’t want them to think they have another reason to come after us. I think we should try to relocate permanently and just not invite them to come see us because this is ridiculous of her to stoop this low.” 
“You…you didn’t answer my question.” She says as she stepped back from Stiles. “Do you think I stole it Stiles?” She asked.
“No, I don’t see why you would. There wouldn't be anything to gain from it. And you have been trying to get on their good side so it wouldn’t make sense for you to even think about stealing it.”
“Of course there’s nothing for me to gain by stealing her ring. I just…” She sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. “If I could take everything back I would.”
“I know you would. But you have also made a lot of progress from all of that. They are just too stubborn to see it.” He tells her as he pulled her closer to him. 
She felt him pulling her closer and smiled softly at his words, “Thank you baby.” She said before kissing him. “Do we even want to go upstairs?”
“It cleaned the whole house darling so you don’t have to worry about it.” He reassures her as he gives her a kiss back. 
“Hm I guess being Sam and Nibs kid does have some perks.” She teased playfully before moving out of his arms and heading upstairs.
“I think that would be the only perk…” He says with a small laugh. Stiles followed her upstairs as they made their way to the bedroom. 
“That’s not the only perk. You are a part of two of the most powerful families on the island. I mean I think people are more scared of Nibs than Peter.”
“People are scared of Ombra, not Peter. I do suppose that is another perk.” He says as they enter the bedroom. “People would be scared of what they saw in Peter when Ombra was there. The darkness that never left. That was what they were scared of.” 
“That’s true, and people are just afraid of your dad as he is. I couldn’t even imagine what he would be like with Ombra in him.” She said as she unzipped her dress when they made it into the room.
“I mean he had Ombra in him which is why I am sort of here. It was fucking around with Misty and Nibs and somehow I was born among all that drama. It was supposed to be a way to prove that Sam would give me up for the kid he and Dylan had if he had the chance. I guess it was born as some sort of pawn now that I think about it.” 
“Hm I didn’t know that.” She said as she slipped out of her dress. “Ombra and Misty sound so weird together. I bet they are happy that it’s back with Peter then. Makes things less confusing.”
“Well it tends to gravitate towards those with a lot of power so it has gone after Nibs, Dylan, Peter, more recently it went after Zach. Well it wasn’t a matter of Ombra wanting to be with Misty. It was Ombra trying to do everything it could to break her down by using Nibs and using what it knew would hurt her. That’s why my family is the way they are. They went through so much before all the drama of the castle was even a thought cloud.” He says. 
“No I know, I didn’t mean them like together romantically, I meant the pairing. It’s just weird.” She told him as she moved to change her clothes. “I’m sure Nibs regrets all that though. He didn’t have control.”
“I am sure he did. Sometimes we just don’t have control over what we do but then they spend the rest of their life making up for it. I know that is what he has been doing for Misty.” 
“That’s so romantic.” She said as she slid on Stiles’ shirt. “I’m honestly surprised your father hasn’t kidnapped your mom and taken her to a private island somewhere away from everyone.”
“I am sure that he would love to. He always tries to move them farther away from the castle and others. I know he doesn’t need anyone other than Misty but I know Misty wants to have friends again.” He shrugged as he stripped himself of his shirt and threw on some sweatpants and got into bed. 
“Hey but if your father really wanted to kidnap her, he would.” She joked before sitting on the bed. “When I was little, Misty was babysitting me and she was feeling sick because of the baby and Nibs dropped everything he was doing to be with her. The way she looked at him…I wanted a love like that.”
Stiles smiles before pulling her over to him. “Mhm well she is his entire world. You know that saying about soulmates where they will always find each other no matter what lifetime they are in? I think that is definitely them.” He smiles before giving her a kiss. 
She kissed him back before smiling, “I think it is so cool you grew up around that. Two people madly in love. You will have a million siblings because of them.” She giggled.
“Oh I know I will have a bunch of siblings and all of them get the chance to equally hate me as much as my sister.” He sighed before pulling her closer. “Speaking of siblings…do you think we should give Noah a sibling soon?”
“Or they will love you like Luna loves you.” She said before feeling him pulling her closer. “You want another baby?” She asked, smiling happily. “I would love that.”
“I mean yeah. I would love for us to have more kids. It would also give us an excuse to find a new house, maybe a bit bigger than this one.” He says. “I think Luna adores Zach more than me to be completely honest. She is very smitten with him.”
“Luna is in love with Zach. She talks about him every time she is here. About how sweet he is and how kind.” She laughed. “But she loves you as her older brother.”
“Yeah I don’t know why though. I mean yeah it’s cool he can turn into a dragon but still.” He says with a small laugh. “I would hope she does.”
“She says he’s handsome and says when she’s older she’s going to marry him.” She smiled before kissing Stiles. “She does.”
“But she knows that he is married to Hope. My goodness. I am sure she will get over it when she is older.” He shrugged. 
“Hm I don’t know. I had a pretty big crush on your dad growing up. I thought he was really sexy. And he was always so nice to me. I think he knew about it.” She said playfully. “Then I got with you.”
“How? You never even saw him around your family though I thought?” He raised an eyebrow while looking at her. “My dad has tunnel vision ever since he has had Misty.”
“No, she used to babysit me all the time. But then my brother hit on her one time and it ruined everything.” Grace said.
“Wait what? You are confusing me. Who would babysit you all the time? And your brother hit on who?”
“Misty. Misty is my godmother, so it makes sense she would babysit me. And Liam hit on your mother. My dad was really mad and it was weird so we weren’t allowed to go there alone anymore.”
“Oh…I didn’t know all that. So then did you grow up with Hope or something or Hero?” He asks not really knowing the extent to which she was involved with his family. 
“Hope is my best friend…was. Sorry. Was. She was my friend. We went to the same school before she left. I knew all about the drama with Ken and her. I thought you knew that?” 
“Uh…I didn’t grow up around the castle so my answer to that is no? I think I was still in the process of coming around to the castle but I think I was fully integrated there when Hero was around.” 
“Oh I thought Liam would have told you. I mean you two were together around the time I was friends with Hope.” She said as she shrugged. “It’s in the past so it doesn’t matter.”
“Why would he tell me if he was hitting on my mother and my sister at some point? I guess that is supposed to bother me or should have at some point. I don’t know that time of my life is kind of just numb. I don’t really remember that time fondly. The only time that I do remember is the time that we spent together.” 
“Oh when we went to a club and you ate me out?” She asked teasingly. “That was a lot of fun.” She smiled as she played with his ring. “I like that part the most too.”
“Mhm I remember that very fondly. I thought you would like the part where you asked me to make love to you but to each their own.” He teases with a smirk before giving her another kiss. 
She blushed as she kissed him back, “Oh that was so embarrassing. I didn’t know what I was doing.” She says before laughing slightly. “Is that your favorite part?”
“I don’t think it was embarrassing. It was so cute. Mhm, that is my favorite part. I don’t see how it wouldn’t be. I felt very honored.” He smiles before letting out a small yawn as he was starting to get tired. 
“You are very special Stiles.” She smiled happily before kissing him. “Get some sleep. We were up early today.” She says as she moved under the covers.
“You are the special one baby.” He smiles before kissing her back. “You too. Get some nice sleep as well.” Stiles pulls her closer to cuddle her as she moves under the covers.
0 notes
wolfish-trickster · 3 years
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 1.5K of plotless fluff
Summary: the Avengers have a night out in a club and your husband gets a little drunk
A/N: reader has curly hair in this, also I myself don't have curly hair so if anything is inacurate and makes no sense just tell me and I'll fix it. Thank you and enjoy <3
A/N no. 2: I got idea for this fic after a convo with my bestie @lokislovingvalkyrie, so... here honey, enjoy
Tag list: @gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld @forevernthensome @kozkaboi @the-emo-asgardian @theaudacitytowrite
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Loud pop music was booming from nearby speakers. People were going crazy on the dance floor. Colourful lights above your heads were flickering and changing hues. All this loud chaos was happening around you while you were calmly sitting at the bar drinking something sweet and nonalcoholic. Probably virgin mojito. You don't remember. Only thing you keep on your mind is how to get yourself and your godly husband home as fast as possible.
You being the introvert of the group never really enjoyed these nights out. You did have fun, yes, but only for a short time and it drained your energy quickly.
Tonight you really felt like not going, but Tony insisted on invitimg everybody, even Loki, so you had to oblige. 'Only until Anthony gets wasted and then we'll slip out, I promise darling,' Loki told you while you were getting ready.
As far as you know Tony has gotten completely sloshed after first hour of being here, and yet you still sat on your chair 1 and a half hour later, with Loki nowhere to be seen. After taking another gulp of your sweet liquid you started to twist your wedding ring on your finger to calm down. This was a big place, surely he is looking for you and can't find you among all these people.
As if on cue you felt a familiar arm wrap around your torso pulling you towards an equally familiar body. Loki was grinning from ear to ear proudly while he turned around to show you off to bunch of strangers.
"I found her! My darling! My sweet, sweet love. Look at 'er," he cupped your face with his free hand, "isn't she just the cutest? The adorablebest? The bestest human to walk the Midgardian, well, Midgard?" you knew what the heavy tongue and poor grammar meant. He was drunk. And not just tipsy, a full on drunk.
Loki however didn't care as he squeezed you to his side even more and said loudly. "This person right here! You can all see her right? Good. This! This is my wife. My lovely wifie," he buried his face in the crook of your neck and mumbled how he loved you and how you are the best wife of all the wives who ever existed.
You stroked his back. "Yes Loki, I'm your wife. You're my husband. And we need to get you home," you pulled his face from your neck and gently pulled him towards the exist.
"But da'ling, I haven't shown you to the dj yet! His sad little single heart needs to know how gorgeous my wife is!" he pouted and rambled how he needs to show the whole world the person who chose to mary him, out of their own will.
"Next time Lo," you kiss his nose, "I promise."
He lights up like a christmas tree and lets you guide him out of the bar.
You get home by taxi and try to keep Loki from falling asleep on you on your way to the Tower. When you finally get to your shared floor the only thing on your mind is getting him and yourself out of these tight, uncomfortable, formal clothes and cuddling up in your giant soft bed.
First you unzip your dress and change into your favourite sweatpants and one of Loki's t-shirts all while Loki just sits on your bed admires you.
"What?" you giggle when you notice him staring at you.
"Nothin'. Just...you. I think you're beautiful," he smiled almost dreamily at you and propped up his chin on his hands.
"Well," you walk between his spread legs and caress his hair, "you're not so bad yourself. But do you know what would make you even more beautiful? Changing out of this fancy suit to something soft and more cuddle-worthy."
He hugged you and nuzzled his face into your t-shirt. "But that would mean not having physical contact with you," he whined.
"Not if I help you," you pulled away from his embrace and kneeled down to his eye level, hands already working on his dress shirt buttons. Loki's hands are wondering around your back when you feel him pull one of your locks, stretching it for a second, then releasing it. He chuckled.
"What's so funny?" you smiled up at your adorable husband and pulled his black dress shirt down revealimg his chest.
"Nothing, nothing," he giggled. "I love your hair."
You chuckled. "Thank you, I grew it myself," you took him by his bare arms and made him stand up. When you reached for his belt he wrapped his hand around your wrists. "I can do this myself," he said and layed his head on your shoulder for support.
You nodded and let him fight with the belt buckle while you ran your hands through his wavy hair. After unfastening his belt and kicking down his pants he just stood there in his black boxers and pants around his ankles hugging you. It felt nice, being this domesticated. You never thought a god from space would ever be this casual with someone.
You raked your hand up and down his back and he purred. "This feels nice," you mumbled into his neck.
"Mhm, it would feel better if we were layed tho," he whispered back.
You wanted to ask what he meant when you felt him tighten his grip on you and falling backwards bouncing off of your shared bed.
"You are an idiot sometimes," you laughed when you sat up to take a better look at him.
"Well yes, but I am your idiot," he boobed your nose, "never forget that," he tapped his wedding band on his finger.
You smiled and touched your own ring. "Let's cuddle your idiotic highness," you pulled him up towards the pillows.
"Excelent idea my dear."
Once both of you were under the covers, your head on his chest and his arms around on your back, you sighed contently. Finally you can recharged the battery you drained on that party.
You closed your eyes and relaxed. But then, after few minutes, you felt Loki pull your hair again. He pulled, stretched as far as he could without hurting you, and released and chuckled when it bounced back. "Hehe, boink," he whispered.
You bit your lip to stop the laughter that was fighting its way out of your throat. As you expected, he took another curl between his fingers and bounced it again while saying 'boink'. He did this few more times until you couldn't anymore and bursted out laughing.
Loki smoothed out your hair and kissed the top of your head. "Sorry," he whispered into your hair.
"No, no, it's okay," you laughed and wiped the tear that leaked from your eye.
Loki twirled few curles around his finger. "You have boinky hair my dear," he chuckled and again made the curl stretch and bounce back, "boink."
Another laugh errupted from you. "But you have curly hair as well," you pointed out inbetween your chuckles.
"True, but yours is better. D'you know why?"
You shook your head.
"Because," he cupped your cheeks, "it's attached to this head, and" he kissed your forhead, "I," kiss between your eyebrows, "love," kiss on the tip of your nose, "the owner," kiss on the chin, "of this head."
You hummed. "You missed."
"Oh, apologies," he pecked your cheek lightly.
"Missed again."
Kiss on the other cheek.
"And again," you chuckled.
"Hmm, maybe third time I won't miss," he muttered and finally placed his lips on your own. Even drunk Loki was a damn good kisser.
After you separated you stared lovingly into his eyes. Loki's thumbs were caressing your cheeks. After a while exhaustion took over both of you and you nuzzled his chest again and wished him good night.
Before you fell asleep you felt him pull on the tiniest piece of hair and for the last time whisper 'boink'.
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nctsplug02 · 3 years
Can I request something with innocent school boy Jaehyun and bad girl y/n? :)
Anyone but him // j.j
genre: smut, fluff
a/n: it’s just a short story about how people don’t like how you’re dating an innocent boy when you’re the schools bad girl. one night things get a little heated between you two.
a/n: the bonus scene was just a switch up. ;)
Everyday people talked about you and jaehyuns relationship, how he should leave you since you’re a bad influence on him. Everyone talked and talked, it didn’t even matter if you were near, they wanted you to listen in.
“Look, there she is.” One girl pointed to you. “The one who’s dating the innocent boy? Oh, my god what a slut.” They giggled and geeked over you when you walked by them. You rolled your eyes and continued to walk away from them.
You got near the entrance of the school, getting ready to leave when jaehyun stops you. “Are we still meeting up after school?” You nod with a small smile. “Okay, great. I’ll bring some snacks so maybe after studying we can watch some movies!” He sounded excited. “Sounds good, baby. Do you want a ride home?” He shakes his head.
“That’s okay, I’ll just walk home today. My mom says it’s good for me.” You melted, he was always a mommas boy.
Jaehyun laughs and tries to process what you said. “So, what do you say? Are you in?” He shakes his head but quickly nods. “No— I—I mean yes!” You got in your knees and kneeled in front of him. “Just be still for me, baby—, and loud, I’d love to hear how you sound.” You wink, reaching over to his zipper and unzipping it.
You look up to see if you could find any discomfort on his face but there seemed to be none, he seemed… comfortable but nervous?
“Don’t be nervous, baby. I’ll be gentle, I will stop whenever you want me to.” He nods and swallows the huge nervous lump in his throat. “Lift your hips for me… good boy.” He lifts his hip, which helps you easily slide his sweats done his legs to his ankle. “Already listening to me, such a good boy. I think you deserve a little treat for that.”
You pull his briefs off and boom, his hard cock springs free. It was standing up high and proud in the air, it shocked you a bit.
He lets out a little moan when you wrap your fingers around his thick length. “My god, my baby boy is so hard for me,” you smear the precum on his tip before slapping his cock on your tongue. “The sexist cock I’ve ever seen.” You bite your lip and then swirling your tongue on his head.
“Be loud for me, baby. I wanna hear those sexy sounds pour out of your mouth as I suck your dick.” You giggle and take him in your mouth, fully.
His hips buck as you do, his hips stuttering to stay still as you slobbered all over him. “Mm— fuck, you taste so fucking good.” You moan before pushing yourself back down on his saliva covered dick.
Your precious baby boy was a virgin, he didn’t know that he was cumming. He soon knew that he came by you explaining to him and showing him the cum on your chin.
“I—I’m, uh I’ll go get napkins.” He tries to stand up but you quickly sit him back down. “I’m okay, no need for napkins, it’ll be just a waste.” You scoop the cum on your chin and licking it clean off your finger.
A shiver trickles down jaehyuns spine as he watches you suck your finger clean, he was getting turned on again. And before he knew it, your fingers ended up in his mouth.
— bonus scene —
Jaehyun smacks your ass. “Count, don’t make me wait, kitten.” You whimper leaves your lips as he smacks your ass. “O—one!” He laughs and shakes his head. “What a dummy, guess kitten doesn’t get to cum tonight.” Jaehyun teased with a smugged smirk.
a/n: I’ve been on vacation for the past few days and i kept forgetting to post, I’m very very sorry!
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bordemm · 3 years
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs:sᴍᴜᴛ,ғᴀᴄᴇғᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ,ᴍᴀɴ ʜᴀɴᴅʟɪɴɢ,ʙʀᴇᴇᴅɪɴɢ,ᴅᴇɢʀᴀɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ. ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴅᴏᴍ ᴜsʜɪᴊɪᴍᴀ
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Large would be an understatement. There was something that lit a fire in Ushijima that he didn’t know he had, there's something about the way you looked so small standing next to him that made his pants a tad tighter than they should’ve been. Ushijima was not a small or gentle man by any means but when he was holding your hand as you two walked down the street his hand would cradle yours like you were made of glass. The stares you would get when seen together were obvious and anyone could read their faces. You looked like a small lamb next to the big bad wolf. You didn’t care for the stares they didn’t bother you or ushijima, the both of you were content in the small bubble you had.
“Toshi” you said looking up at your boyfriend tugging his sleeve a little, he looked down at you without a word waiting for you to tell him why you called for him
“Can we go home?” you asked looking around the packed venue, it was a party for the national team and of course Ushijima was invited and he spent all day fighting with the people up top to allow him to bring you, it’s not that you were unable to care for yourself or that you couldn’t stand to be apart from ushijima, no that wasn’t it at all. Ushijima knew he wouldn’t be able to get through this night without you by his side, you were an anchor to the giant. Something that brought him comfort, you could read Ushijima well because you had no other choice. Wakatoshi was a man of few words in front of others but with you he felt as though he couldn't stop his lips from moving, it was ironic truly, such a small thing like you couldn provide so much comfort to the tree of a man.
Ushijima looked down at you shaking his head no, you let out a sigh before trailing behind him as you guys walked through the crowd getting to the table. The organizers of the party let you come under one condition; you and wakatoshi would have to wear matching outfits. You didn’t mind but you weren’t expecting Wakatoshi to look so good in red. The dark crimson clashing perfectly against his tan skin and olive green eyes lit a fire in your belly. You wanted to go home not because you were bored, no you were wet embarrassingly so. The way his shirt was too tight showing off his muscular chest and his broad shoulders made you cross your legs trying to relieve the ache. Ushijimia wasn’t completely clueless, you two have been together for some time now, though he isn’t much of a talker it gives him the advantage, Ushijima can read you like a book.
You watched as Kageyama bounded over to you adjusting his suit jacket, you went to whisper one of the many dirty thoughts you were having only for wakatoshi to grip your thigh,dipping his head down to let his warm breath fan over your ear.
“Behave” is all he said but that six letter word made your pussy become even wetter than before. You squirmed in discomfort your panties sticking to your vagina like a second skin, ushijima squeezed your thigh harder as another warning as Kageyama came and took a seat at the table
“Hi (y/n) it’s good to see you” Kageyama said politely you nodded back giving him a sincere smile
“It’s nice to see you Tobio, how have you been?” you said making small talk with the setter to distract yourself from the oozing mess that you were sure is ruining your panties. Ushijima didn’t say anything or chime into your conversation as more people from the team came to the table, everyone sitting and talking.
“You know it (y/n) you’re spoiled!” Bokuto exclaimed making you giggle shaking your head
“I’m not! It’s not my fault toshi takes care of me” you said leaning into ushijima who just draped his heavy arm over your shoulders.
“Oh you take care of her ushiwaka?” atsumu teased making you roll your eyes
“I provide for (y/n) in any way she needs, as a partner should” he said taking a sip of his drink
“Well (y/n) if ushijima ever doesn’t provided for your more ‘personal’ needs i’d be more than happy to” atsumu said at this ushijima snapped his head back toward the conversation just in time to hear your response
“Oh really? How sweet of you Miya, i might have to take you up on the offer” you teased, wakatoshi knew what game you were playing and you knew just as well as him that if you didn’t cut it out you were really going to be in for it.
“Yeah? There has to be a closet round here somewhere” Atsumu said
“Watch it Miya” ushijima’s dark voice sliced through the conversation making Atsumu nervously chuckled and you sank in your seat
You didn’t let that stop you though, you continued to shamelessly flirt with Atsumu. Ushijima didn’t stop you wanting to see how far you’d dig your grave, deciding you’ve had your fun and now it was his turn, he stood up before standing you up from your seat by your arm with ease.
“We are leaving, let’s go brat” he said his voice uncharastically harsh, you became flustered strutting over your words as Ushijima dragged you away from the table, his grip nearly bruising. As you guys were making your way to the exit wakatoshi’s PR manager stopping you guys at the door pleading him to stay
“No i can’t stay, i have to teach this brat manners” he said, jerking your arm little as he openly referred to you as a brat in front of his manager, you knew you were in trouble by the lack of a filter he had right now. His poor manger stunned just stepped to the side letting you guys through
The sight in front of ushijima was delicious, you were sprawled over his lap your asscheeks an angry red color as his large left hand came down swatting you again making you yelp
“13, thank you daddy” you said placing your hand flat on the floor because of the force of ushijima’s spank sent you forward.
“Stop squirming slut” he hissed bringing you back up on his lap
“M’ sorry daddy” you whimpered hoping he would have mercy
“No you aren’t, not yet” he said spanking you again this time on the right asscheek
“14, thank you daddy” you said gripping onto his thighs to steady yourself
“Did you enjoy behaving like a cock hungry whore in front of everyone?” He asked, his voice booming off the walls of your shared bedroom. You shook your head no, earning you another spank.
“You can’t be that dumb, use your words slut” he said, his words going straight to your sopping cunt
“No daddy just missed you” you confessed which wasn’t a lie this was ushijima’s first night home in 2 months. Ushijima let out a sigh sitting you up so you were straddling him. He hand came up cupping your cheek his calloused thumb wiping away a tear
“So that’s why you were acting like a bitch in heat? Missed daddy?” he said his voice sincere you nodded sniffling nuzzling your head into his hand
“I’m sorry princess, i know i’m gone a lot” he said running his large hands up and down your spine making you shiver
“But you know better, and if i don’t punish you now you’ll keep thinking with that pussy instead of your head” he said gently before shoving you off his lap onto the floor in front of him. You looked up at him with wide eyes as he stood above you, if you felt small before, you were truly dwarfed in this position. The 6’4 man towered over you before giving you a nod allowing you to reach up to his dress pants with shaky hands unzipping them and pulling them down along with his briefs, his thick cock coming up and bobbing against his muscular abdomen.
“Now make yourself useful,” he commanded. You immediately took the head of his cock into your warm mouth and quickly enveloped him as you suckled on his tip, never taking anymore than that into your mouth. Ushijima rolled his eyes before cradling the entirety of your head with one hand slamming his length down your mouth the tip ramming into the back of your throat, you squealed around him sending vibrations up his cock making him groan.
“suck” he said, you followed his instructions hollowing your cheeks around him bobbing your head around him and pumping what couldn’t fit in your mouth in your hands that dwarfed around his thick cock. Ushijima allowed you to keep this pace for a while before placing both of his hands on this side of your head making you look up at him your swollen lips around the middle of his cock
“Don’t forget to breathe, and tap me twice if it becomes too much. Blink twice if you understand me” he said dominant persona dropping for a second. Your heart swirled with love over his tenderness with you. You blinked twice letting some tears fall.
Ushijima regained his dominance snapping his hips forcing more of his thick cock down your raw throat. His pace was relentless as he spewed filth telling you how much a good whore you were, asking if you had gotten what you were begging for. You couldn't respond only allowing a stream of whimpers to leave your throat.
Ushijima finally pulled out, leaving a string of saliva connecting your bruised lips to tip his heavy cock, you gulped down the air greedily huffing and puffing. Ushijima allowed you to collect yourself till he picked you up easily before tossing you down on the bed.
“If i were to put theses fingers” he said suckling on his fingers before pushing two of his thick digits into your pussy making you moan
“In here and press here” he said curling his fingers to effortlessly pushing against the spongy spot inside you making you moan even louder
“Would you cum for me?” he asked, taking his other hand rubbing your clit making you writhe and squirm under him the white hot pleasure building faster and faster leaving you unable to catch up cumming all over his fingers.
“Looks like you will,” he smirked, his ego stroked by how easily you came undone for him. Your legs trembled as you came down from your high.
“Shh shh it’s all good little one deep breaths the fun hasn’t started” he said laying down and pulling you on top of him, your dripping cunt lubing him up without trying as his cock laid heavy on his toned abs
A quick smack on the ass brings you back down earth letting the gravity of the predicament you put yourself in weigh on you
“You were so desperate to get your needy little pussy filled, take what you want” he said resting his head back against the plush pillows watching as you lined yourself up with cock with shaky hands. You let out a groan, feeling him stretch and fill you to the brim, your pussy feeling impossibly full.
“Atta girl” he praised smacking your ass again making you jolt forward
“Now bounce” he commanded and you followed his orders not wanting to push him more than you already have you grounded your hips against him feeling his cock stir inside you till you got up and began bouncing on his cock.
Ushijima watched closely as you began to shameselly bounce whining and moaning about how full you were and how good he felt. He gripped your hips slightly, guiding you brows furrowed in pleasure.
“Daddy s’ too much!” you exclaimed hands coming up to tweak your hard nipples with a moan that turned into a scream feeling ushijima slap your clit
“You can and will take it,I'm giving you what you asked for no?” he said, giving you a harsh thrust in particular making you throw your head back. Ushijima loved this, loved the way you shamelessly used him to get off, no regard for his pleasure just yours it made him feral. Before you could cum he flipped you guys over remaining inside of you. He lifted your legs putting them on his shoulders before he began thrusting into at an unforgiving pace making you scream
“Just like that baby so fucking good for you, daddy gonna stuff you full is that what you want?” he asked as the tip of his penis kept tapping your cervix
“Yes yes yes yes daddy so good so good” you mindlessly babbled as you began to cream around his cock a white ring of cum forming at the base
Ushijima looked down at you as your eyes rolled into the back of your head and your tongue lulled out of your mouth the pleasure overwhelming your brain.
“Your brain oozing out of your sloppy little pussy too?” he said referring to your fucked out state, he asked but didn’t expect a response knowing you’ve been fucked stupid
After you came for the third time without a break overstimulation began to set in making you push your feet flat against his shoulders trying to push him out with weak legs
“Too much daddy!” you screamed as he continued to mercilessly fuck you. His big hands swatted your legs off his shoulders before wrapping a hand around your throat
“Whos. pussy. Is. this?” he asked punctuating every word with a thrust that sent you to your building orgasam
“Ts’ yours toshi all yours!” you shouted knowing your neighbours could hear your boyfriend fuck your brains out.
“Then let me use MY pussy as I please” he said his thrusts becoming inconsistent as he came close to cumming. Knowing your boyfriend was close you began to clamp down around him wanting to him cum hard inside of your fluttering walls
“Fuck you keep squeezing me like that im gonna cum, but that’s what you want huh? You cum slut” he said thrusting into you. You nodded looking up at ushijima like he was a god, tears freely flowing down your cheeks from the immense pleasure your boyfriend was giving you. That face. That’s what sent him over the edge. There is nothing more he loves, eyes glassy with tears, lips red and swollen, little hiccups and moans leaving you as your pussy shamelessly sucked him in more.
“Gonna fill this pussy with my cum, stuff you full” he said thrusting so hard like he was trying to funnel his cum directly into your womb
“Yes yes yes yes yes” you chanted like a bitch. Wanting nothing more than your boyfriend’s hot cum spilling into you marking you in the most lewd way possible. With one final thrust and a throaty moan ushijima came inside of you painting your walls white with cum.
You moaned at the warm feeling of his cum filling you to the brim, you whimpered as more of his cum came out overflowing from your pussy on to the sheets of your shared bed
“So full” you whimpered as ushijima slowly rocked his hips fucking his cum into you before pulling out
“Your such a good girl” he praised stroking your hair lovingly looking down at you like you hung the moon and stars in the night sky
“Thank you toshi sorry i was being a brat” you sniffled his cum still flowing out of your pussy
“Shhh it’s okay baby just relax i’ll go get your bath ready” he said placing a sweet kiss on your temple on your temple walking to the ensuite.
You dreamily sighed tilting your head to the side ignoring the ache in your legs and focusing on the love swirling in your heart.
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You’re freezing, let’s go get you warm, reader get caught in the rain trying to visit Henry Cavill on set, maybe some trailer loving!!!!😍😍💗💗🙏🏼🙏🏼
Love you work❣️❣️❣️
thank you so much darling!! 
this is the first prompt for my 100 followers mini bingo celebration!! request one if you want to!!
word count: 1189
tag list: @thereisa8ella @myloveforhenrycavill @lharrietg @little-brattyangel
henry cavill x reader, rated t! -xo poppet :)
I Will Always Need You
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You had just pulled up to the set of The Witcher when it started down pouring. 
“Damnit!” You cursed as you slammed your hand on the steering wheel. There hadn’t been any rain in the forecast, so you hadn’t bothered to bring an umbrella with you. And now there were fat raindrops coming down in sheets, pounding against the roof of your car. 
You sat in your car for a few minutes, hoping that this was some fluke storm that would stop as quickly as it had started. But ten minutes later it only seemed as if the rain had gotten heavier. Shit. 
You decided to just make a run for it. Henry’s trailer wasn’t too far away, hopefully you would be able to warm up there, or borrow some clothes at the very least. 
You opened your door and sprinted across the parking lot towards the trailers. Almost immediately, you were soaked through. Your clothes cling to you and your hair was drenched but you kept running, your shoes sloshing against the muddy ground. 
When you finally reached the trailers you were furiously blinking back the raindrops clinging to your eyelashes. Blindly, you stumbled up to Henry’s trailer, nearly sliding on the slick metal steps. 
You knocked loudly on the door so that you would be heard over the rain. 
"Coming!” you just heard Henry shout. The door swung open a second later. 
“Y/N?” Henry couldn’t hide the surprise in his voice as he scanned his eyes over you. “What are you doing here?”
“W–wanted t–to sur–rprise y–you,” you said, your teeth chattering as you shivered reflexively.
At that moment a clap of thunder shook the trailers and you yelped. 
Henry reached out and grabbed your arm, pulling you inside. “You’re freezing,” he said, pulling the door shut. “Let’s get you warm.” 
You nodded, already pulling off your soaked shoes. 
“Take off those wet things and leave them by the door,” he instructed. “I’ll go get you some clothes to borrow.” 
“O–okay,” you said quietly, trying not to fight the chattering of your teeth. 
You pulled off your soaked clothes until you were just standing in your underwear in the entrance of Henry’s trailer. You wrapped your arms around yourself as you shivered. 
“Here, Y/N,” Henry said, walking back over to you with a towel and a pile of his own clothes in his arms. He handed you the towel and you dried off as best as you could before putting on the clothes that he had given you. In the pile was one of his blue hoodies, a pair of gray sweatpants, some white socks, and a pair of his boxers. You blushed upon seeing his underwear in the pile. 
“What?” Henry asked, a cheeky grin on his face. “I know you’re soaked, just put them on. It’s nothing you haven’t done before.” 
“I–I kn–know b–but–” 
“Baby,” Henry cut you off, his blue eyes wide with concern. “Your teeth are still chattering. Put on the clothes so that we can get you warmed up.” 
You nodded, tugging on Henry’s clothes and adding your own soaked underwear to the pile by the door. You then walked over to the tiny couch where Henry was sitting with a blanket he had scrounged up and a comb. 
“I plugged in the space heater,” he said. “Come sit in front of me and ill comb out your hair.” 
You sat on the floor in front of him, still conscious of your chattering teeth. He wrapped the blanket around your shoulders and placed his large legs on either side of you to help warm you up. You sighed at the contact, he was so warm and you were still so, so cold. 
Henry combed through your wet hair meticulously, using a towel to wring out the excess water while he told you about what they had been filming that day. Apparently it had been one of the outdoor scenes, but one of the directors had ended early because of the impending rain. He had only just gotten back to his trailer before the storm hit. 
“I wish I were that lucky,” you laughed, your teeth having finally stopped chattering. 
“I know baby,” Henry said, setting down the comb. “But now I have an excuse to cuddle you.”
“I would have cuddled you anyway,” you giggled, putting your face on his thigh as you twisted to look up at him.
“A technicality,” he waived it off, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your lips. 
Henry broke the kiss, pulling you up. “Come up here, you’re still cold.”
“Like I’d pass up a reason to cuddle with my Henry Bear,” you smiled, crawling up onto the couch with him. It was a tight fit for the both of you, but you managed. Henry pulled you ontop of his chest, unzipping his hoodie so that you could lay your head onto of his chest, and pulling the blanket over the both of you. 
“Are you warm enough?” Henry asked, sliding his large hands underneath the hem of your sweatshirt and running them over your back to help warm you further.
“I will be in a few minutes,” you said, nuzzling his chest with your cheek as your eyes closed. “You’re like a furnace, babe.”
Henry laughed, the sound echoing in his chest and sounding impossibly deeper. You loved laying your head on his chest for this reason. It made his voice sound deeper and more intimate, like it was just there for you and no one else. 
“In this scenario, I think that that’s a good thing, baby,” he said, kissing the crown of your head as he kept rubbing at your back. “We can't have you catching hypothermia now, can we?”
“I guess not,” you mumbled. You inhaled deeply, taking in your boyfriend’s familiar musky scent. He smelled like home.
Outside, the rain still pounded, pinging off of the roof of his trailer. Occasionally, there would be a boom of thunder. All the while, Henry rubbed gently at the bare skin of your back, murmuring stories and sweet nothings to you as you bordered on sleep, your body having long since warmed adequately.
After your third yawn, Henry spoke up. 
“You can sleep if you want,” he said. “I don’t think we’re going to be shooting anything else today, there’s too much rain still.” 
“But I came here to see you,” you protested. 
“And you are seeing me!” Henry said. “Believe me, cuddles during a shooting day were unexpected, but very welcome. I would absolutely love it if you fell asleep on me. I like...” he trailed off.
“You like what, babe?” you asked, suddenly intrigued.
“I like taking care of you,” he mumbled sheepishly. “It makes me feel needed.”
“Oh babe,” you said, lifting your head to press a slow, gentle kiss to his lips. “I will always need you.” 
Henry ducked his head bashfully, the tips of his ears reddening. “I love you, Y/N”
“I love you too, Henry,” you yawned, closing your eyes and snuggling against his chest, finally warm in the arms of your boyfriend. 
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kkusuka · 3 years
k but imagine chair sex with suna🥵
ok, but yes.
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Put on a show <3
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Suna rinatrou x reader x atsumu miya 
a/n: Riding him in public, brain went brrrrrrrrr, while atsumu watches, brain goes BRRRRR, riding him during a party when atsumu watches, brain went boom
Cw: public sex, voyeurism, fem anatomy, mentions of drinking 
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It was loud.
And far too annoying for a Friday night. Suna can’t remember what Atsumu had told him to make him come, and now he sat watching you laugh and dance with your friends in some random guy's living room.
Through his annoyance, he can appreciate the bright red body-con dress that hugs your ass so perfectly. Watching you sway from where he sat on the couch, knowing it’s all for him, makes him forget about all the other losers who think they have a chance with you.
As your friend was pulled away by some guy on the basketball team, you turned and sought him out, meeting his eyes. The eyes that you had been putting a show on for all night.
Bring two fingers to your line of sight, you got the message loud and clear, “here, now.”
Intentionally swaying your hips as you waltz over to him, stopping to stand between his spread legs. Setting down his cup, he brought his hands to rub along the backs of your thighs.
“You love to be watched don’t you?” you could hear the tension in his voice as he spoke. Eye’s never leaving his, only glancing away to watch the quirk of his lip.
“Only when it’s for you.” you giggle, feeling his hands grip your thighs. “I think you like watching me too.”
His smile widened, jerking you closer to him forcing your hands to lean on his shoulders. You didn't realize what was happening until one of his hands moved from your thigh to brush your lower lips through your lace panties.
“Oh well, you just put on such a good show for me. I can't help it.” pushing your garment out of the way, finger collecting the juices that have coated. Pulling it out and showing you the glistening wetness, “and you seemed to enjoy it just as much, Brat.”
Leaning down to capture his lips you felt his hand back on your gushing pussy, it felt as if you were the only two people in the room. But, knowing that you weren't, had you pulling away with a final tug of his lip.
“Not here, people will see.” Your plea seemed to have the opposite effect as his eyes lit up at the mention of people looking. Grabbing at your hips he spun you to look at the ground of people dancing in the center of the room, tugging you down to sit on his lap.
“Then, we just have to give them a show. So unzip my pants baby, they’re getting a bit too tight.”
Even if you wanted to act like a brat, you obeyed his command and unzipped his jeans, reaching into his boxers and finding his pulsing cock. Giving it an experiment pump or two, he didn't need to tell you to push your panties aside and sink onto him.
His hand on your thigh, rubbing small circles in place, reminding you that he’s there for you. His mouth running down the column of your neck, bing and sucking on marks that will be there for more than a few days.
You barely get a minute before he’s beckoning you to rock your hips into his. Your hands steadied yourself on his knees as you pushed down on your boyfriend's dick, trying your hardest to make sure people couldn't see where you were connected.
All in vain as Suna began to softly thrust up into your cunt, finger latching onto your throbbing clit. Settling into a steady rhythm of him pushing you up only for you to drop back down to his.
The feeling of eyes rips you from your haze, glancing around the room you meet wide brown eyes.
Atsumu gave you and Suna more than a few once-overs, trying to form an explanation in his drunken mind. Was one of his best friends really fucking his girlfriend in the middle of his living room for everyone to see? Because that’s really what it looked like.
Breaking your thrusts, you press your back to Suna’s chest, head falling back onto his shoulder making your mouth in line with his ear.
“ ‘Tsumu- he-ah! He’s watching,  Rin, he’s watching us f-fuck.”
At the mention of his friends, Suna’s eyes dart straight towards the blond, whose eyes intently watch your hips.
Restraint flying out the window, Suna gripped your thighs and spread them for Atsumu to see your disregarded panties and the slick coating your thighs. Moving to pull your lips open, Atsumu could see his teammate's dick pushing in and out of your quivering hole.
“I think you should show him what you can do, he played so well. He deserves it.” Once again following his command, you peel yourself off him and begin to bounce on his throbbing cock.
Feeling your impending orgasm grow, you drop your head only for Suna to rip his hand away from your clit. Grabbing your jaw and pushing it back for your eyes to meet his once more.
“Keep your eyes on him Brat, be good.”
Through your foggy vision, you could make out Atsumu standing up and begin making his way towards you. Smiling at the man under you, he plopped himself down next to him.
“Do ‘ya guys always fuck in the middle of parties or is this a special occasion?” you could hear the mocking tone from a mile away, he was talking to Suna but you could feel it directed towards you.
“She wanted to put on a show for me so I’m making a show out of her.”  Pulling you back to his chest, he forced your head to atsumu so he could put two fingers down your throat.
“Can’t have anyone hearing ‘ya now can we? Go on, suck.”
Feeling you clench around him, mid-orgasm, had Suna stuffing you with his load. The second he had finished cumming Atsumu pulled you off your boyfriend and spread open for him to see.
He watches as he presses a hand on your stomach and how Suna’s cum rushes out of your abused hole, poor thing clenching around nothing.
“Can I go next?”
Maybe loud parties are better than sitting at home. And maybe he should listen to Atsumu a little bit more.
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Falling Asleep on Him | Tsukishima, Akaashi, Iwaizumi
Pairings: Tsukishima X Reader (gender neutral), Akaashi X Reader (gender neutral), and Iwaizumi X Reader (gender neutral)
Genre: sleepy fluff 🥰 
Author’s Note: time to bring back more group hcs tehe
Falling Asleep on Them | Kenma, Kuroo // Falling Asleep on Them | Oikawa, Atsumu // Falling Asleep on Them | Yamaguchi, Ushijima, Osamu 
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The bus swayed ever so slightly on the road as Karasuno returned back home to Miyagi from Tokyo
The dimming sun glistened over the bay as Takeda drove over it
Out of the corner of his eye, with an elbow propped on the window sill, he could see your head bobbing as you struggled to stay awake
He could feel it too with the earbuds the two of you shared
“You know you can sleep, right?” his voice broke the silence and still atmosphere on the bus amongst the snores from the team as they slept after playing two full games back to back,
He peered down to your figure in the seat beside his, seeing you struggle to hard to stay awake for some reason
You wanted so badly to curl up in a ball to conceal yourself from the cold air of the air con
You simply nodded to his words and leaned your head back into your seat, finally giving up trying to fight your need to sleep and let your body relax
It didn’t take long at all with the music playing, the sway of the bus
You melted into sleep, letting your body go, letting your burning eyes rest
Tsukishima kept his own eyes on the horizon, his cheek pressed into his fist resting on the window
His legs were finally able to relax after today’s strenuous day, the games lasting longer than anyone else in the gymnasium could expect
With his eyes finally closing under their own weight, he could remember vividly looking up into the stands, hearing your voice cheering out for him after blocking a ball with Kageyama and Asahi beside him
The block that tipped the game into Karasuno’s favor after what felt like a year long rally
The light in your eyes, excitement bubbling in your voice when he heard you
Even though you were so far away before but you were there
You were here
He could feel his own strength regaining when you threw up a peace sign, a thing the two of you shared-
His eyes opened feeling the sudden bump on his arm, turning to find your head resting on him
He thought nothing of it and let you be, watching you at ease, thinking about how many bus rides and how long it took for you to reach the gymnasium today
But before he could sleep himself, he didn’t miss the goosebumps on your arms, the way your body jolted ever so slightly to the cold air whereas he was unaffected with his club jacket on
He unzipped his bag sitting on his lap and pulled out his beige sweatshirt, draping it over your body without moving too much to bother you
You subconsciously grabbed onto the soft fabric that filled your nose with Tsukishima’s homely smell, making you sigh in your sleep
He felt his ears growing hot, turning his eyes back outside as he slowly returned to his memories that lulled him to sleep for the rest of the bus ride back home
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Soft rain trickled down the sides of the house as it tapped off the roof, bouncing off the leaves and windows, all surfaces outside
The rainy breeze blew through the screens of the windows that were pulled open, making the sheer white curtains in the bedroom float briskly, the ambiance in the room so peaceful
And the best part was being beside Keiji
His fingers danced with yours as he laid on his back, head propped on his pillows with his glasses on, legs propped up with a book in his other hand
You laid on your back, his body acting as your pillow for you as you held your own book
Your mind let you flit through the flowery fields in a different world on the edge of your comprehension, imagining Keiji beside you, the two of you without any worries in life, nothing being a bother
As you took the words in of the story of the two main characters, you imagined yourself and Keiji as them
He spun you around in the sunny field, pulling your bodies close together so he could dance
Your hand holding the top of your book to your stomach wavered, the book wobbly, your breathing slowing down
He smiled to himself seeing the way your chest was rising and falling slowly, your eyelashes struggling to hold open your eyes
The feeling of taps on your wrist pulled your mind from the world you were in, pulling you bask to reality
“Tired?” He brought your hand to your forehead, rubbing it back so he cleared the hair from your face
“Just dreaming with my eyes open,” you spoke, turning your body to the side to meet his sea green eyes as they looked down to you as you nuzzled your face in his hand, his thumb rubbing your cheek just below your eye
“What about?” You closed your eyes against his touch
“Us,” you kissed his palm
The way you did this so easily always made his heart flutter, bis body welling up with a warmth like no other
“What’re you reading?” You asked, repositioning yourself as you closed your book and set it to the side, laying beside him, your arm and leg draped over his
“I’ll read it to you, hm?” He asked, shifting his head to look at you as you nodded
Keiji’s voice was soft as the words rolled off his tongue, painting vivid images in your mind, yet again bringing you to an entirely new place
He read on, finishing the chapter, smiling to himself already knowing you were fast asleep with the way your body stilled against his
Your breaths slowed and deep, cheek squished into his shoulder
“Cute…” he leaned and pressed a kiss to your forehead before continuing his reading
All the books he could possibly read could bring him thousands of miles away to an entirely different universe but he didn’t need to let his imagination take him anywhere else, keeping him grounded here where he was with you
You were his world and able to take him on an adventure just being with you
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You jumped harshly to the sudden booming sound of an explosion that sounded all around the basement theater of Hajime’s house, sending your heart racing in your chest
His theater was one that was adjusted perfect to his preferences so he could watch all the movies he wanted in the comfort of his home
The two of you were on a mission that started after dinner to kick off the start of summer- a movie marathon of all of Hajime’s favorite movies that you had never seen before, starting with his all time favorite, Godzilla
So far, the two of you were two-thirds of the way through and it was already almost 2am
It wasn’t too long, about an hour after the usual time you slept but you had been all over the city today to run some errands, ending the day with Hajime
You leaned on a pillow rested on his propped up legs on the couch, your jolt going very noticeable by Hajime
“Are you scared?” He laughed, his hand rubbing your thigh
“No,” you smiled tiredly in the dark, leaning your head back to look up to him, the light of the tv illuminating his face. “I’m just tired,” you yawned
“Do you want to go upstairs and sleep then?”
“Mm-mm,” you shook your head. “If you want to finish the movie, then let’s go up after it’s done.” You took his hand in yours and rested it on your chest, your body naturally cuddling it, fingers trailing up and down his forearm, taking in his warmth
“Sleep here, then.” He moved your pillow and lowered his leg slightly, making room for you in his lap
The thunderous booms went off again, making you jump that just made Hajime smile at you as the heroes in the movie continued to fight against the villains
You laid across his lap, laying down at an inclined angle
Your back rested on his thighs, feet still propped up on the couch
His arm became your personal pillow, the other resting on the side over your body, his hand drawing shapes on your back
“I got you,” he smirked to himself peering down to your sleepy self, your breathing already slowed
He turned the volume down a bit for the rest of the movie
Hajime found himself glancing down to you every now and then, readjusting his arm that was your pillow so it wasn’t uncomfortable for you
He shifted his legs, bringing your body even closer to his, not minding the weight or how hot his body was getting with yours on top
You breathed gently, your nose filling with the scent of Hajime holding you lovingly
He savored this feeling, knowing he was going to be going hundreds and thousands of miles away by the time this summer would be ending
He only had this last summer with you, with his friends and he wanted to make all the memories he could before he would be in an entirely different country, halfway across the world from you
“I’ll always got you,” he said these simple words you didn’t even hear but meant it with his soul as he leaned forward, pressing a chaste kiss to your temple, his attention drifting away from the movie and more onto you instead
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04​  @fortheloveofbakugo​ @tsumtsumsemi​ @osamuonigiri @1-800-wholesome @yamagucci​ @realityisoftendisapointing@plantisnotplant @k-eijiakaashi​ @pink-panda-pancakes​ @differentballooncollection​ @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction​ @euphorihan@turquoiselace​ @macaronnv  @oxmaddy​ @mrkoala4prsdnt​ @curiouslilbeast​ @oyasenpai​​ @plantisnotplant
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rebeccccccaaa · 3 years
𝕭ʟᴜᴇ 𝕳ʏᴅʀᴀɴɢᴇᴀ
sᴜɢᴀʀ ᴅᴀᴅᴅʏ!sᴛᴇᴠᴇ ʀᴏɢᴇʀs x sᴜɢᴀʀ ʙᴀʙʏ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: you come home from california after a year back to your old man
(Heavily inspired by Heroin by Lana Del Rey + Lightly by Old Money by Lana Del Rey)
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs:: major angsttt, smut 18+ minors dni plz, bit of fluff, age gap
TW/CW: past drug use [reader], post-rehab
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ’s ɴᴏᴛᴇs: lana del rey’s music gives me major sugar daddy!steve vibes idky lol
(also brief description of ‘reader’ written to have hair that can moved from the face is like one sentence sorry but ur giving daddy steve a bj)
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You grabbed your bags and walked to the pick up spot at the JFK airport. It’s been a year since you’ve been in New York and you missed the city terribly. You especially missed your old man.
You stood for a minute scanning the bodies that littered across the floor until your eyes met those beautiful cerulean blue eyes you spent so many hours looking into. Instantly tears brimmed your eyes watching him move swiftly past the people dressed so casually unlike his usual stature sporting that incredible all black suit he always wore.
He looked tired and drained. Like he hadn’t slept in days.
“Y/n,” he came up to you, cupping your face before pressing his lips to yours passionately, desperately.
“Fuck, Stevie. I missed you so much,” you cried.
“I missed you too. I thought about you all the time; everyday, every hour, every second,” he hugged you tightly.
“Stevie, I wanna go home,” you whispered against his lips.
“Let’s go home,” he told you.
It’s been so long since you’ve been home.
You got to the car and Steve told you to just wait in the car as he put your bags in the trunk. You smiled softly at him before slipping in the passenger's seat waiting to go home like you’ve been dreaming about since the day you left. Steve quickly slipped into the driver’s seat himself and drove off eager to go home and finally hold you close again.
The car ride was quiet. You watch the blurry lights through the wet glass window of the car and your mind could help but wander back to the day Steve saved your life.
One Year Ago
You stumbled your way through the elevator doors with a lazy smile on your face.
“Stevie!!” you screamed when you saw him sitting at the counter with a whiskey in hand.
“You’re late,” he said quietly.
“Sorry,” you said.
“Why were you out so late? I gave you a curfew,” she said sternly.
You weren’t giving him much time, your body was on fire. You unzip your dress, not so gracefully, strippping out of your clothes. You pranced around in your panties and a bra giggling and running around asking Steve to catch you but he was having none of your shit.
“Get your ass over here right now!” his voice boomed startling you.
He pressed the back of his hand against your forehead and roamed his hands along your body anyway but sexually. Your skin was extremely overheated and flushed. He was pissed. You had promised him the reckless behavior was over, but you couldn’t.
You were an addict.
“What the hell are you on?” he said firmly.
“Guess?” you were absolutely not taking this seriously.
“I’m not gonna ask twice; tell me!”
“Molly,” you whispered shamefully.
“God fucking dam-” he rubbed his face in frustration.
"Why do you even care so much you're- I- I'm nothing but a stupid sugar baby, anyway, " you slurred your words.
“You're more than that, and I know you fucking know it. You promised me you were going to stop! I’m done, I'm done” he breathed out. His chest felt like it was tightening, he couldn’t breathe anymore. He felt nauseous.
“No! No, no, baby; please!” you cling onto him like a child.
“You could’ve been hurt! What would happen if that shit was laced with something that could have killed you, hell taking it alone in the first place could have been the last straw! I’m doing this shit with you anymore.”
You cried, no you sobbed hysterically. You need Steve, he was your everything, your rock, your hope, your love. You knew you were a huge mess but you couldn’t stop. You didn’t know how. Didn’t know where to begin, who to go to. You felt alone.
You grew surrounded by money but when you moved to New York, you succumbed to the temptations and your parents were done with your shit. Meeting Steve, agreeing to this sugar baby thing was simply to use his money for drugs and alcohol, that’s all you lived for. Your life was over, might as well fuck yourself over while you're at it.
But you fell in love.
Goddamn, the man was perfect. He was treated with so much love and gentleness and compassion. You hadn’t felt so loved since you cut your ties with your parents and it hurt so good. You wanted to quit for him. The first night he found you disheveled and fucked, you were so embarrassed. You promised him it would stop that you were gonna be clean; but that only lasted twelve hours.
He should’ve ended it. He should’ve stopped whatever this relationship was. He told himself it was one time thing but once turned into twice, then four times until you went out every night getting high off your ass with anything that was available.
Steve couldn’t take it anymore. But like you, he fell in love too. He loved you. He really loved you. He couldn’t imagine his life without anyone else and the thought of losing you made him terrified.
“I’m done! I can’t sit here waiting for you every night wondering if you went too far! Staring at my fucking goddman phone waiting for the day they call and tell me you killed yourself! I can’t do it! You promised me you were done with this shit but here you are high off your ass again with molly,” he cried. Tears streamed down his face, his heart pained at the sight you breaking down.
“I need help, please,” you whimpered.
“Are you going to let me help you?” he sniffled.
“Yes! Please, help me,” you sobbed.
“Pack your things. You’re leaving for California tomorrow,” he said.
“There is a rehabilitation center in California and I want you to go there,” he whispered.
“Please, Y/n. it’s only for a year-”
“A year! No, I can't be away from you that long, please no!” you sobbed even more.
“It’s for the best,” he tightly holds you down.
“Why not here-”
“It’s for the best. I promise I’ll be waiting right here for you when you get back. I swear,” he looked into your eyes.
“Stevie,” you cupped his face, “I don’t wanna leave you.”
“I know; I don;t want you to leave but I promise you’re gonna get on that airplane and you’re gonna come back and tell me everything’s ok, yeah?” he pressed his forehead.
“Ok. You make me feel I can change. I’m gonna come back and tell you that I have really changed,” you promised.
“I believe it,” he smiled.’
“Maybe California is good. Something about this city makes my head go crazy. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t sick of it,” you told him.
“I love you; so much,” he whispered those words for the first time.
“I love you too,” you cried.
“You ok?” Steve pulled you from your thoughts.
“Hm? Yeah, I’m just- I’m really happy to be home,” you choked out.
Steve grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips kissing you softly. His eyes stayed on the road every now and then glancing at you like a dream come true. You pulled up to the building where you two lived and Steve asked the entourage to take your things up for you. He lifted you in his arms with a beautiful hopeful smile and carried you to the apartment.
When the elevator door opened he practically ran to the bedroom nuzzling his face in your neck kissing lightly. You somewhat took in the familiar surrounding noticing no change since you’d last been there. It was bittersweet. He hadn’t changed a thing since you left.
“I missed you so fucking much, baby,” he whispered.
“Steve,” you sighed, combing your fingers through his hair.
“I’m never gonna let you go again.”
“You won’t have to. It’s all over; no more clubs, no drinking, no drugs, none of it. That girl, you used to call the queen of New York City, she’s gone. ”
“You’re still my queen,” he smirked, making you chuckle.
“I’m so fucking proud of you. You are so strong,” he praised.
You grabbed his neck and pulled him forward crashing your lips against his. You molded perfectly against like you were made for him. Like everything had led up to this moment. It felt different this time; his hands touching you delicately.
You two have had sex many of times but this time it was different.
He peeled your shirt off your body pressing kisses all over your chest. His tongue flicking over your nipple making you gasp softly. His hands gripped at your waist as he brushed his nose between the valley of your breasts.
You craved his skin on yours, practically clawing his shirt off his body. He got the memo and briefly sat up ripping his shirt off his body before falling back on top of you. His hips settled between yours and you could feel his growing erection poking through the material of his flimsy sweats.
You pushed him off your body, flipping him so you could straddle his waist; smiling devilishly as you brought your hands up to your breasts to massage them. Steve growled at the angelic sight above him pulling your hands away to replace them.
He twisted your nipples as you slowly grind your hips over his for a moment. That moment quickly died as you snaked down his body curling your finger over his pants. You languidly pulled them down his legs letting his erected cock spring free. You moaned at the sight, haven’t been able to see it since you left that fateful morning.
You wrapped your hands around the base of his cock and stroked his dick slowly pulling wanton moans from him that were music to your ears. You leaned forward and licked teasingly along the tip before swirling your tongue around it making him groan. His hand went to your head combing your hair from your face gathering it in a messy ponytail.
Your lips wrapped around his cock perfectly just that way he likes it; like you’ve a thousand times before. He looked to the ceiling and sighed at the pleasure you were giving to him. He was never one to make much noise during sex but he was craving your mouth wrapped around him; he couldn’t contain the moans and grunts that wanted to come out. He couldn’t wait until he’s buried between your thighs.
You cheeks hollowed around his dick sucking hard before you take him all at once repeating over and over again. Steve’s hold on your hair tightened with every bob of your head thrusting his hip in time with your rhythm. Hitting the back of your throat, Steve’s hip stuttered and his legs shook approaching his orgasm fast.
“No, I wanna come in you, baby girl,” he panted, pulling you off of his dick. You quickly discarded your panties before climbing back on top of him to straddle him, knees on either side on his hips. You cupped his face kissing him senselessly; passion and lust and most importantly love enveloping you two.
You lifted your hips briefly as Steve lined his cock with your soaking entrance and slowly sunk down allowing him to stretch you impeccably. You moaned in sync, like you were becoming one again after so long being unable to hold each other.
His arms wrapped around holding close as you waited a bit to adjust to his size again. He peppered faint kisses along your neck and collar bone, nipping playfully at your skin too. You felt so full and incredible basking in his attention and the feeling of your walls wrapped around him again.
You moved your hips back and forward, your clit grinding against his pelvis making you shiver in pleasure. You face tucked tightly in the crook of Steve neck, your thrusts getting faster and faster. Steve’s hands moved to your hips lifting you slightly before slamming you back down on his cock harshly. This made you throw your head with a cry of pleasure, strings of curse words flowing from your mouth.
“Fuck, Stevie. I missed your cock so much,” you whined.
“I missed you too baby,” he grunted.
You looked at his face watching it contort with pleasure, his eyes completely screwed shut overwhelmingly. Sweat lined his forehead, the shorter pieces of hair sticking to it. You brought your hand to it brushing his hairs back so you could see his face in it’s fullest beauty.
He peeled his eyes open, staring directly into eyes and breathed heavily in time with you. For a single moment between you both, time stopped. It felt as if the world was gone and all that mattered was right now; you being back in your old man’s arms again, the love of your life.
You couldn’t help the quick glance at his red swollen lips, desire to kiss them again overcoming you. You leaned forward capturing his lips for what felt like the hundredth time tonight, but it's something you’ve ever got tired of. The way slightly chapped lips molded perfectly with yours.
“I love you, baby,” he moaned.
“I- fuck!” you couldn’t even speak anymore when Steve’s thrusts became harder and faster desperate to chase both your’s and his orgasms.
“Look at me baby,” he growled, “You were fucking made for me. No one can ever fuck you like I can. No is ever gonna take care of you like I do. And no one, absolutely fucking no one, is ever gonna love you as much I do.”
Tears streamed down your face; overwhelmed with love and desire and lust. Steve saved your life and you owe him everything. You loved him evermore; he is everything. Steve kissed you again, addicted to your lips, tasting the salty tears that came from your hopeful and loving eyes. He wiped the tears away with his thumb.
“Stevie, I’m gonna come,” you whimpered.
“Come all over my cock baby girl. You deserve it,” he whispered.
Your body shook as you reached your high. Chanting Steve's name like prayer, like it was the only word you knew to say. Steve’s rutted his hips into one last time spilling his seed inside you, hot cum coated your velvety walls. You collapsed forward onto him and he held you tightly.
Your fragile body trembled against him and Steve's heart ached a bit. He knew you were overwhelmed, hell so was he. But he was so utterly happy to have you back. There were so many nights where Steve lied awake at night, unable to sleep without you, day-dreaming of a future with you when you’d come home. He knew you were a strong woman and he knew you were going to come back to him healthy and stronger than before.
He remembers the day he came back to New York after leaving you in California. He was with his old pal Bucky at a local bar in Manhattan. He’s always really known inside that he’d fallen in love with you, he’d proven already that he’d do anything for you. But that night is when he finally admitted it out loud to himself and to others. Steve can’t imagine his future with anyone else but you and he’ll be damned if something happened to you.
“Sweet girl, I love you with all my heart,” he whispered, stroking your back softly.
“Even when I’m old; when I shine from words and not from beauty?” you whispered.
“I will love you evermore,” he said.
He whispered more sweet things as you cried holding him tightly spending your first night back together in his arms. Before, you didn’t know where life was gonna take you; either to the moon or six feet under. But Steve swept you away to a promiseland and you’ll follow him blindly. It didn’t matter where life was going to take you next as long as you were with your old man, you were happy.
Completely and utterly happy.
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (For all my work)
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needydanger · 3 years
Red Wine | What Turns a Man On
18+ SMUT
pairing(s): levi ackermann x f!reader
content: 69′ing with captain levi
a/n: sorry for any grammar errors!  -scar <3
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You held your fancy wine glass in an elegant manner; bringing it up to your lips. However, that classy facade fell short when you downed the entire glass as if it were water. The point of tonight was to mingle with Marleyan soldiers that were betraying their own country in favor of Eldian freedom. 
In your head, tonight was a competition to see who could get drunk the fastest. And you were in the lead by a major feat.
“Seriously, Y/n?”, Connie questions. You glare at him.
His judgmental gaze turns into a dramatic pout, “Without me?!”
Soon; you, Connie, and Sasha were drunk. Your booming voices and annoying laughter caught the attention of everyone in the room. “Ah..who let the idiots have wine?”, Levi groans to Hange.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Y/n this happy.”
You were lively. Mingling with everybody. You even got Jean and Eren into the mix. They became competitive with each other, and drank until Jean's face was on the table. “HA! Y/n, look! I won~”, Eren smiles at you.
You were the most fun anybody has had in ages.
It went too far, though, when you accidentally spilt red wine on Zeke’s white suit.��“What the fuck?!”, he gasps. You look at the spreading stain on his pants with wide eyes. “I..I am so sorry!”
Zeke realizes it was you and softens. In a quick motion, you grab a napkin off a dinner table, dunk it in a glass of water, and attempt to wipe out the stain on his pants.
Zeke can’t help but just watch as you mindlessly rubbed away at his crotch. 
You knew a few things..
But social cues were not one of them. In sincere truth; you really were dense when it came to stuff like this.
But that didn’t matter when everyone is watching in shock.
You decide that the stain is never coming out and grab your wine glass, “I’m really sorry.”
“It’s okay.”, Zeke shrugs it off. You take note of the sly smile he had. You felt relieved. Maybe he wasn’t that upset about it after all.
You’re suddenly grabbed by the hair, and everyone watched as you are unfashionably escorted out of the room.
You’re thrown against a wall—immediately scolded.
“Do you have a death wish?”
The voice makes you look up with bambi eyes. “Captain?”
You stumble back when he approaches you and end up on your ass like an idiot. He grabs your hair again, “It was okay for you to drink, but to make Zeke hard like that in front of your comrades?”
His grip tightens and you wince, “Are you truly that dumb?” 
You shake your head profusely, “H-Hard? No he wasn’t!”
“Why do you think he was smiling like a kid in a candy shop?”
You yell, “How the hell am I supposed to know that would turn someone on?!”
Levi lets go of you and debates his next steps. He gets down to your level and uses his gloved hands to spread your legs wide open. Your dress barely covered over your underwear, and it made you blush intensely.
“W-What are you doing?!”
He takes the wine glass in your hand and splashes it in the same manner you did to Zeke. He takes his right glove off to reach for his handkerchief, and starts rubbing your inner thighs.
You immediately slap a hand on your mouth. His hand danced from your inner thighs to your pussy. Rubbing endlessly on your clit. 
“O-Okay! I get it now! You can stop, I’m sorry!! I won’t ever do that again.”, You grab ahold of his arm.
“Why, are you turned on?”, he asks condescendingly, pressing his middle finger slightly into you. The barrier of the napkin and your underwear saved you from any more embarrassment.
“Yes!”, you angrily blush. He scoffs and you almost regret telling him to stop. “If you need any more help knowing what turns a man on so you don’t embarrass yourself like that again, let me know. For now, just go home. You’re done for the night.”
Before Levi leaves your view completely, you wobble over to him. You grab a hold of his hand and ask, “I, uh..can you tell me what turns a man on?”
You’re now in Levi’s room.
On his bed, more specifically.
You’re sitting awkwardly on the edge and he’s in the chair across from you.
“Men can get hard from physical touch. Sexual or not. What you did was the perfect example.” You sink into your shoulders. Ugh. “However, there are some perverted men that can get hard at just the sight of something they find attractive.”
“So they get hard over everything, basically?”
Levi nods, “Depends who we’re talking about. Most of it is all in here.”, he taps on his head, “Thoughts are powerful. Get a man started on just one dirty thought, and their mind will run freely.”
You sigh into your palms, “Now I really feel like an idiot.”
“It’s okay. You didn’t know”, he shrugs. 
Sexual Education wasn’t exactly a hot topic in Paradis. There was only 1 school where you grew up, and they taught you mostly about titans; how to kill them and how to survive. 
“What about you?”
“Hm?”, Levi looks up
“What turns you on?”
You feel a sweat bead ready to fall from your forehead. Did I mess up again?
“Why does that concern you?”
“Um, so I don’t make another mistake?” Goddamnit, Y/n. You can at least sound sure of yourself. 
“I already told you what turns me on.”
You blink. Eh? You think back to what he said merely minutes ago, and go through a process of elimination. Okay, well, Levi isn’t a pervert. Sure, he’s a man. But he won’t die without sex...
“Thoughts and touching?”
He nods. 
“Hm.”, you think. What else can he be into? Well, cleaning is one thing.. “Role play?”
His brow raises, “Elaborate.”
“Like..sexy maid outfits and making someone call you captain in bed.”
He tilts his head, “I never thought about that.”
You giggle nervously, “Haha, well. I guess I was wrong.”
There’s awkward silence in the room. Levi is looking at you stare at everything else in the room except for him. 
“What turns you on?”
You burn up, “Touch.”
“Anything specific?”
You look off to the side, “Hair pulling and..what you did earlier, I guess.”
When you turn to look at him, you’re met with his belt. “So, all those years that I’ve been pulling your hair..?”
You nod up to him, “It’s turned me on.”
He’s peering down on you with a clenched jaw. The way his eyes are literally boring into your soul makes you feel small. What exactly was going on in his head? How did it get to this point?
He breaks eye contact with you and just clenches his fists. Hm? You stare directly in front of you and see the bulge in his pants. Oh. 
“Yes?”, he doesn’t look at you.
You take your hand and gently rub up and down his clothed cock. Levi snaps his neck to look down at you.
“Is this okay?”, you ask coyly. Those damned bambi eyes..
There was no more being clueless. You knew exactly what you were doing now. What you wanted, and what he wanted. 
Levi places his hands on the bed so he can kiss you. It’s slow and passionate.
His tongue got familiar with yours in ways that made you feel butterflies. So this is what it’s like to get excited by just a kiss.
The two of you pull away for breath. “Yes, it’s okay.”, he finally answers. You put your hand back on his cock. This time, unzipping his pants and rubbing him through his boxers. 
He lets you do whatever you want. 
You put your hand down his underwear and can’t believe how nice it feels. “You’re huge.”, you say honestly. His lips fall agape before he kisses you again. You loved to be dominated by him, but you still wanted to follow through with what you were going to do before. 
You roll over on top and push him back. He’s confused when you straddle him with your head facing his feet. It didn’t register in his head what you were about to do, until he felt your lips on the tip of his cock. 
He fists the sheets, getting filled to the brim with arousal. You kissed the tip, licked it, sucked on it, playfully tapped it against your tongue. You wanted to make him lose his mind. 
Levi is face to face with your open legs. You feel a tug on your underwear and cry out when his tongue on you. In you.
You pop off his dick with a moan. Was he seriously going to eat you out at the same time? “Don’t stop sucking until I cum.”, he orders you.
“Yes, Levi.”
He lands a solid smack on your right ass cheek. The sound that leaves your mouth is actually embarrassing. It’s a mix between a scream and a moan.
“Is that how you address your superior?”
You bite your lip, “S-Sorry, Captain.”
He smiles and kisses your clit, “That’s a good girl.”
The compliment is enough to have you deep throating his cock.
The position is a never ending cycle of stimulation. With his tongue working wonders on you, you can’t stop moaning on his dick. He returns that vibrating feeling back on your most sensitive areas—moaning into your pussy.
It’s enough to make you cum on his face.
You stop sucking on his cock so you can enjoy this euphoria. “Agh!! Fuck.”
He lets you ride on his tongue like a desperate whore. The aftershocks of your orgasm are toe-curling.
You collapse to the side and shakingly crawl back down to his legs. He watched as you put your mouth back on him, looking up into his eyes.
“Fuck, y/n.”, he grips onto your hair just how you said you like it, “You look so pretty with my cock in your mouth.”
Again with the compliments. You’re now determined to make him cum like it’s your life purpose.
“Take it out of your mouth, I’m going to cum.”, he says softly.
Instead, you suck as hard and fast as you can. He moans in surprise, “S-Stop!”
You use your hands for the rest of his length that you couldn’t fit in your mouth. He pulls your head back so you’re looking up at him, “If you don’t stop, I’ll cum in your mouth!”
You give him the dirtiest look he’s ever seen. Your cheeks are red, you have tears brimming in your eyes from your orgasm before, and there’s saliva running down the corners of your mouth. Wow..
“Don’t worry. I’ll swallow it all, Captain.”
Soon, he’s spilling down your throat. “Jesus Christ, Y/n.”, he groans. You swallow every drop and don’t pull off until there’s nothing left. Once you both had a chance to collect yourselves, he kisses you.
Your eyes widened.
You can taste yourself on his tongue. And you’re sure he could taste himself too. It’s such a lewd feeling. Was it bad to like it this much?
You’re now both lying down against the pillows with the sheets over your body.
“Ah..I’m so tired.”, you sigh, giggling. 
“Go ahead and sleep. I’ll wake you up in time for tomorrow.”, he pushes your hair back out of your face. 
“Okay.”, you reply softly.
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aetheternity · 3 years
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Finally got this request back. Btw my requests are open rn.
"Tch." Levi crossed the expanse of the kitchen yet again circling the table as you sat calmly drinking your tea.
"It's only 6 pm, honey."
Levi paused in front of his favorite seat, "She said she'd be back at four."
You shrugged with a little smirk, "Sometimes training goes on a little longer. Be patient."
"You're too patient."
The sound of the lock clicking and the door opening made you and Levi turn simultaneously. Cool air flowing into the kitchen before another softer click and the almost inaudible footsteps drifting toward the kitchen and-
"Oh great." Your daughter huffed
"Oh would you look at that two hours late but yeah it makes sense that you're the one with the attitude." Levi huffed, circling the table again.
"Levi-" You tried from your seat but you could already tell he wasn't listening.
"I know you weren't at training I talked to your captain."
"You're right I wasn't."
"And where were you really?"
"Out. With Jean and Connie."
A titan could fall through the house at this moment and it'd still be quieter than your family's glaring battle. The icy gaze your daughter got from Levi in full effect right now.
"Levi-" You tried again but Levi's guard was up so high your voice was barely a whisper.
"You'll be training with me tomorrow and then I'll be escorting you right back here at the right time." Levi finally said, face completely unchanged.
He circled the table for the last time, pulling the chair out with a slightly grating scratch against the hardwood. Before he was plopping into the seat.
"How long do you think you can keep me from them?! They'll see me eventually and they'll still be into me!" Your daughter's voice boomed through the kitchen.
"Hey-" You began
"Get upstairs, we're eating dinner in an hour and then you're going to bed." Levi interrupted
"This is so unfair! When are you gonna stop treating me like some helpless little girl? I can kick any guy in this dumps ass-"
"Hey!" You turned around further in your seat. "This discussion is over. Don't make me repeat myself."
Your daughter managed a quick huff and she made it known with every thump of her pounding footsteps and the slam of her bedroom door that this was just end of discussion for tonight.
"Oi." You peeked behind you to Levi sat shirtless on the edge of the bed removing his shoes. "When are you gonna stop letting her bratty behavior fly?"
You smirk, crawling over the edge of the bed. The loud creaking slightly pleasant in comparison to all the tension that had taken place over dinner. Your hands etched over his warm skin, sliding down the expanse of his chest till they intertwined against his stomach.
"When you stop treating her like a baby. She's not exactly our little girl anymore you know." You hummed pressing a small kiss to Levi's earlobe.
Levi paused where he was struggling to unzip his boot. "Huh?" He turned to you with a grimace.
When you laughed, you fell back onto your side of the bed. Arms stretched over your head to tap the headboard.
"What then? You think any of those idiotic brats out there are good enough for her?" He scoffed, resuming his efforts to remove his boot.
"Well.. maybe not Eren or Jean.. definitely not Connie.. but I've seen Armin glancing lovingly at her. He seems harmless."
"Tch, you know damn well she's gonna go for Jean or Connie just to spite us." He kicks the boot off and it thumps against the floor.
"Success!" You shout with a warm laugh, he dramatically rolls his eyes as he turns to you. Postioning himself so that both his legs are at your sides. His face hovering over yours. "She's getting older Levi. It's time to let her venture forward and make her own decisions as much as we may hate it."
He didn't speak just stared into your eyes, grimace still visible where he's trying not to show it.
"She could do worse than Connie and Jean." Now he let the grimace come back full force with an extra dose of disgust. "Alright well.. you know she's gorgeous. And she got it all from you." When you reached up it was to brush back the strands of his hair that were still fluttering against your forehead.
"Don't you dare start that shit again. Everyone says she looks just like you."
A brief chuckle falls off your lips and your hand delves into his undercut, pulling him closer with a deep kiss. When the two of you broke apart you let out a little shudder. "She was right about one thing. She can kick any guy here's ass."
Levi practically scoffed, pulling you back to him with a slightly rougher kiss. "Levi.. what're you trying to do make another kid?" You gasped
"Maybe the new one will listen to me." He grunts in your ear.
"And where are you going?" Levi paused where he stood, his expression neutral.
"Home." She scoffed, grabbing her water cantin off the ground.
"Tch, come with me we're going to the dining hall." Levi shuffled past with his own equipment on hand looking back to his daughter's confused expression. "Hurry up before I change my mind."
"Wait but.. why did you decide to change your mind?"
Levi rolled his eyes looking to his daughter. "Your mother is very persuasive.... But trust that I'm not stepping away for even a second."
"Uggh Dad.."
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beewritings · 3 years
bought a dress n fishnets & they came in! so now it’s time for a little eren smut oneshot thing :’) 18+
cw: little bit of angst, public sex (bathroom)
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thinkin of meeting up outside of a restaurant for dinner with your friends & eren, the guy you’ve been talking to for a while, is a part of the friend group! he thinks you look sososo cute! you’re wearing a black dress with white plaid, fishnet tights and white platform sneakers (that was my outfit hehe). he wraps one arm around your waist and kisses your cheek and whispers in your ear “you look so pretty, baby” and you give a little giggle and whisper back “there’s more”. you then do a little spin while your friends are talking amongst themselves and you stop spinning, back facing eren, and bend over just a little bit for him to see it and right back up, facing him again with a little jump and a giggle.
you’re not wearing anything besides the fishnets.
his face heats up and turns around to see if any of their friends saw, and turns back around it face you and leans down to whisper yell at you.
“are you out of your mind? what if someone else saw?? not only that, are you dressed like this to tease me or something?”
you giggle and with confidence nod your head, “yup!!”
“eren, y/n, we’re going in! let’s go!” you both hear jean say. eren scoffs and grabs your wrist, dragging you in with the rest of them.
as dinner goes on, everyone is catching up with each other and sharing stories about work, class, overall just their lives. but eren can’t really seem to focus since your hand keeps roaming his thighs, down to his knee and right up to his hips, and even sinking inside his thighs towards the seat he sat on. he tries to keep up with conversation, but majority of the time he keeps eating or drinking his red wine to try and not speak because if he speaks... well they’ll know what’s going on. you’re calm though, you can eat with one hand and tease him with the other. he even tries to put a hand on your thigh, and even to where your core is since there is no underwear or anything with the fishnets. but you somehow quietly yet harshly swat his hand away.
it was clear to say who was in charge. and it wasn’t eren.
“y/n, what about you? are you talking to anyone or dating someone? got a boyfriend, or a girl?”
you look at sasha when she calls your name and answer her question.
“hm? oh.. uh, yeah, i’ve been talking to someone for a bit. he’s nice, cute, likes small personal dates rather than going all out in public and stuff. but lately it kinda seems like it’s been a friends with benefits kind of thing? we were talking and flirting but then it got sexual and now it seems like that’s all it is.. not that it’s an issue, i’m a sexual person and i tend to start the sexual tension first. but i feel like we could be a bit more... romantic? even if it’s romantic sexually. i don’t know.. sorry it’s weird, haha.” you pull your hand away from eren’s lap onto yours, and continue to eat your food avoiding eren’s look.
and he looked shocked. he didn’t know you felt that way. you both communicated about a lot of things, you’ve talked about traumas and past relationships or past fucks, but you have this anxiety in your body that gets scared to talk to him about a relationship WITH him. and you’re shaking as you eat, and he sees that. and you’re nervous to continue on, so you excuse yourself from the table to use the restroom.
you half expected him to follow him, but you didn’t ACTUALLY think he was. he excused himself about a few minutes after.
(“it’s obvious they’re talking about each other. did they think we didn’t know they were into each other? the tensions been high since high school,” mikasa points out.
“to be fair, i didn’t really realize they were into each other until we graduated. they way they hugged was not a friendly hug. it was a FRIENDLY hug,” connie joins in.)
the restrooms were placed towards the entrance, women’s, men’s and the gender neutral one that for some reason only has two stalls unlike the other two. you used the gender neutral restroom, so when you left, you see eren standing there. you give a smile to try and steady your anxiety, but it’s clear your smile holds nerves
“were you being honest back there?”
“... i don’t lie, eren. especially to you.”
“y/n,” he holds your face so gently, “you know we don’t have to be so sexually active, i just. thought that’s what you wanted. and of course i don’t mind whether we are or aren’t. and if you want to pursue a relationship, i like you a LOT and i would love that. but i’d rather ask you when it’s just me and you, not surrounded by icky people and our friends. i’m not a public guy, and you’re not a public person. did you want to continue this conversation at my place after dinner?”
“... yeah, i’d like that.”
eren smiles and kisses your cheek. “was there anyone in the bathroom when you went out?”
“no, why?”
eren smirks and looks around before pushing you back in there, guiding you to the bigger stall. “i’ve been holding out in you this whole night, you not wearing underwear? come on, you’re teasing me. bend over against the wall baby, you’re not getting away from this.”
he unzips his pants and reaches in to grip his dick out. you bend over a little on the stall door, shaking your booty a little, your privates on display for him. he bites his lip and smacks your ass. he mumbles a fuck before going right in. he rips a piece of the fishnets off so he could shove his dick in without the fabric rubbing against it. he doesn’t wait for you to get used to his size, he just aligns his dick to your hole, grabs your waist and starts thrusting. you cry out, but bite your finger to try and silence yourself. he’s goin in FAST, all you hear is the slapping of skin echoing throughout the room, your struggling moans, and eren breathing heavily.
he’s been hard since he saw you bend over before entering the restaurant, so he’s already close to coming. you as well, considering since you’ve been horny since leaving the house with no underwear on was such a turn on for you. so all it takes is for eren to lean forward and mumble i’m going to treat you so perfect, i’m going to show you off to the whole world and they’re going to be so jealous that i’m with the prettiest person ever. fuck, we’re gonna be the baddest and hottest couple out there, and i’m gonna love you so much and his name is echoing in the restroom from you, clenching around his cock. you’re squeezing him so tight while breathing heavily that he knows he’s about to release. he pulls out, jerking it a bit and lifts your dress a little higher and comes on your fishnet tights, on your lower back. your twitching a bit still, so he gets toilet paper to wipe it off but you stop him. this has been one of your fantasies for so long, and you refuse to let him stop it. you stand up, dropping your dress down and rub your legs together, feeling your cum rubbing together.
you giggle, turn around to face eren and grab the toilet paper from his hands, toss it aside and go on your tippy toes to kiss his cheek. he smiles, leaning down to kiss your lips instead. you wrap your arms around his neck, to kiss him further. you really fell for him hard, and you’re glad that you know you guys might actually end up in a relationship. you will be telling him everything from there on, because you trust him. you both pull apart and give off big sighs.
“y’all done? we trying to get dessert, but we don’t now what you guys want.”
you both jump slightly in shock, and slowly open the stall door to see mikasa and sasha both there, sasha giggling.
“um... i’ll take a lava cake,” you quietly say.
“i’m good, i have desserts at home,” erens voice booms in confidence.
“okay, please hurry. it’s been over ten minutes and i’m sure every customer knows what y’all were doing so we wanna eat dessert and leave asap.”
you both nod and exit the stall, fixing yourselves in the mirror. you’re embarassed, but eren’s happy, especially since if anything then everyone knows you’re his.
after dinner and after dessert, you get told off by the host and get told that if you get do that again then you both and your friends will be banned from the restaurant. on a good note, you and eren talked about everything when you got to his place and even had slow yet sexy passionate sex.
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