#i can't even have a little beer to relax CMON
natandacat · 2 years
The levels of stress I'm under are medically contraindicated so I'm making myself not be stressed by just embracing the idea of complete failure and powerlessness. Is it working? Mostly. My ability to focus on work is gone tough so that's annoying (I say while procrastinating on homework by writing this)
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moderngirlmp3 · 3 years
i change my pfp so many times on discord, but not that much on tumblr, weirdly. i get Bored of Myself easily shdfglkjsd
IN THE LEAST MEAN WAY POSSIBLE, YES. I DO HOPE TO BREAK MANY HEARTS >:D i shall break your heart like a mirror during an angsty movie scene, as soon as i figure out how to Write. (bleh)
hfsdklfjklsdjf i'm so glad that it isn't just me.
!!!! i think you were the one who told me about cm in the first place, and some of my irls really like b99 so. :DD
fhsdjklzfsldf well now i'm gonna watch criminal minds even hARDER. it's alright, i'm sure it's worth it !!! and yeah!!! different shows are definitely better for different episode lengths.
OH MY GOD HDSJLF. i love that. Emotional Support Jules™ <333 you're p o r t a b l e. ohmygod. BATTERIES SOLD SEPARATELY. i love that job!!! i can definitely see you doing that /pos /gen.
wHAT. BESTIE. fiusoxchsdjk "we could be in the same forest and we could find mushrooms together!!" is the sweetest thing ever. ilysm /p, and i would absolutely get stranded in a forest to do that with you <3
oooh ok that's actually really smart /gen. because sometimes you just want to rant and tell someone, and then other times you're just waiting and nobody says anything and anyway- yeah i like that idea for a tone indicator!!
JKSLDJFLSJDF you're so valid. tbf i'm very hypocritical with my pet peeves. i'll go "my pet peeve is when people bounce their knees like. cmon, you can just-" *looks down* *realizes i've been bouncing my knee in a very annoying way* "well fu-". get it together body! trying to make a point here and the point is not that i'm annoying.
hmmm. i think i'd like to be an Official Moodboarder and Describer of Aesthetics. i can't write very well but !!! describing people's aesthetics and just aesthetics in general is. my favorite thing ever. i'll make people moodboards and i will Perceive the hell out of everyone i love (affectionate threat).
i'd like to say a mattress that's too soft? because at least it would be comfortable, especially for stuff like watching youtube/netflix in bed. although people do say that sleeping on the floor is good for your back, and a hard mattress would be like sleeping on the floor while also NOT sleeping on the floor. which,, actually doesn't sound appealing so. too soft it is! i think some country music is good, aka women being badass, and pointedly not men singing about their trucks and beer and women. i'm sure there is good country music, but i just don't really listen to the genre in general.
icebreakers are. ok ig sjdlkf. they're mainly used in Social Situations and that's very very awkward and can be painful, and not that effective, but with friends or something like that, sure!! no!! i would not sleep if i didn't have to, at least for the most part. a few years ago i was actually quite anti-sleep because i found it boring, which is probably a very childish take but i don't care >:(. (see, childish!) sleep is nice, but i'm convinced that if i didn't need to sleep, i could get the same feeling of relaxation and refreshment elsewhere.
would you sleep, if you didn't have to? what was your favorite toy as a little kid? what was the last joke you remember hearing? song lyric that's stuck in your head? opinion on origami? - 🌵
"i get Bored of Myself easily shdfglkjsd" god what a fucking mood. actually it's funny i change my tumblr pfp so often but never my discord one.
actually yes go off break all the hearts do ur thing yes !!
omg ur irls are so good then!! b99 is amazing!! and ahhh yeah cm is pretty heckin good :D
sdghsldjflsdkfj thank you im glad you believe in my abilities.
aaaah okay okay let's find a forest and some mushrooms and then we can simply vibe ™
NO OMG SAME IM SO HYPOCRITICAL TOO. i completely get what ur saying LMAO. like half the time someone is doing something that im annoyed at, i'm either doing it or will do it like 5 minutes later. "get it together body! trying to make a point here and the point is not that i'm annoying." HGSLDFSDHGSLDJFLS YEAH NO LITERALLY
dude oh my god yes be a professional moodboarder and aesthetics describer!!! that's actually such a good fit for you i could totally see it and oh my GOSH yes perceive EVERYONE. i love the "(affectionate threat)" thats so true lol.
yeah ok that's valid. lol one of my friends sleeps on the floor cause it's better for their back and honestly... i don't know what to think about it. like ok do ur thing but also ur an idiot and why would u pass up a comfy mattress. OMG SO TRUE. okay. yeah. literally. women being badass >>>> men singnig about whatever they sing about. unless it's reggie peters singing about how home is where his horse is. there is always that exception.
yeah that makes lots of sense. social situations are not fun lol. LMAO anti-sleep because you found it boring. i mean yeah ok that's "childish" but also it makes... so much sense. "but i don't care >:(" SDFLSDKFJLSDFJLSKDFJ. yeah! i'm sure you could get the same refreshment from some other source if you didn't need sleep!
i honestly don't know if i would sleep! like on the one hand there's so much to DO, but on the other hand i don't think i could handle being conscious for 24 hours a day, day after day lmao. i'm not sure.
my favorite toy was this dog that i got when i was super super young and still have! theyre falling apart a little bit but it's!! okay!!
the last joke i remember hearing... bestie i have a shit memory. uhm. yeah okay i do not. remember. im sorry lmao
omg a song lyric that's stuck in my head. "you know we're all calligraphy / you know we're all just suffering" from uh. some song i used to listen to i forget what it's called. oh it's young again by SXYE. good song.
i cannot do origami but it's so frickin cool!! anyone who can do it has all my respect and also please make me something thanks
god you have so many good questions and i have no brain cells okay. hm.
what's your favorite app on your phone? do you have a lot of games downloaded? what's a song lyric that's stuck in your head right now? what was your favorite toy as a kid? what's your favorite store to go to? do you like camping? what are you most looking forward to in the next week?
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