#i cannot find the post because tumblr search is broken and siikr is hanging
itsbenedict · 1 year
was asleep; got up to write a tumblr post
there was a poll a while ago that was like, why are there dishes in your sink? and i was like, because the dishwasher is expensive to run, duh, i'm not gonna run a load of dishes until i have enough dirty dishes to fill it all the way up. (this was a habit instilled in me by my mom, who grew up super-poor and has Maximum Efficiency Instincts for every single household chore.)
but then i went to quantify this expensiveness, and various figures found via google suggested it actually costs about 17 cents to run a load of dishes. and ever since then i've just. run the dishwasher every few days, whenever i feel like i'm probably gonna want that spatula a little later, with whatever dirty dishes i happen to have, rather than planning out dish usage for optimal dishwasher space efficiency, or letting them pile up until there's definitely enough to run a load and feeling annoyed about how long it's going to be until i can get the good spatula back.
and that's just. way better. a major annoyance that's stressed me out pretty much my whole life is gone. thanks, that one tumblr poll about dirty dishes! valuable service, getting me to actually think about an unconscious habit and reason through it and realize i can kick it.
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