#i cant believe i became the very thing i swore to destroy
error404vnotfound · 10 months
*whispering* I’m going on a date Friday.
(It’s for the science)
(I swear)
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angeltrapz · 3 years
ok saw asks!!! bcuz i have Amanda on th brain rn i wd like ur take on her interacting w Lawrence? personally idk how much she knew of his involvement bc she implies in 3 tht Lynn was entirely John's choice, but i also think th idea of her Knowing + deliberately not telling Hoffman is extremely funny. Hoffman cant come 2 th weekly disciple meeting bcuz hes got Cop Business so he misses Lawrence's introduction + Amanda is just like "sure John of course ill tell Mark that we got a new friend :)" and just never does. LOVE that thought
dhgsdkj thank u!!
it Is extremely funny 2 think that she just. knows but refuses to tell Hoffman + THAT'S why Hoffman doesn't know who Lawrence is until he jabs him w the needle + takes off the pig mask lmao omg. just like "oh yeah of course I'll tell Mark we have a new teammate don't worry abt it!" and she Never Does dkjkdsg??
okay but 2 Seriously answer yr question. when I think abt it I always think that like. it wld b pretty hard fr John 2 keep them frm each other given how integral Lawrence's participation is in every game from SAW II onward? 'cause like we know Amanda helps w the kidnapping process + placing them in their traps, which one CLD argue would only mean she wld see them after Lawrence would do his thing but. I feel like she'd be vaguely aware? bc she wld also then have 2 know that he survived his game, given that she helped set it up - we know that she'd AT LEAST know his name.
to elaborate on th idea that only HOFFMAN doesn't know (both bc it's fucking hilarious + actually how I view things happening jdkhfksd), I feel like Amanda + Lawrence's interactions wld be rather limited. in canon, Lawrence becomes a disciple after John "rehabilitates" him or whtever he wants 2 call it, but I feel he'd have to be aware of Amanda, too - both that she is also a disciple + SHE'S th one who helped get him in the bathroom in th first place. as grateful as Lawrence seems to feel toward John + as much as he believes in John's "work," I feel like that wld be smth he'd have to work thru: working side by side w someone who had a direct hand in basically destroying yr life as u knew it. n I feel like Amanda wld know that, n as such she'd want to keep her distance bc she can't predict how this man will act/what he will do, even if he is technically on her side. so like. things wld def be tense btwn them until Lawrence has had some time 2 process his new life + what tht means for him, and until the two of them can have some sort of talk/acknowledgement of that.
though I will say that their roles kind of imply they'd at least see a good bit of each other. Amanda scouts, in a way, helps subdue & bring ppl in, which wld then be brought to Lawrence fr any medical procedures they feel r needed (such as sewing th key behind Michael's eye in II) so it'd definitely be like a "hey did u bring some1?" sort of thing. Mark is muscle of course so like I know he def helped on tht end (I believe Amanda is th one who caught Lawrence in the parking garage but like it wld be SO much funnier if Hoffman was the one crawling around) but IDK if he rly Saw Lawrence bc. Cop Business. so he'd just kinda b like "here u go" n bring ppl to Amanda n then peace out 'cause he's gotta keep tht reputation of Respected Detective. we know he also might've messed w traps themselves as well (like The Rack in III), which wld definitely keep him separate from Lawrence bc Lawrence had No Involvement in designing/setting up traps. tht was strictly a John/Hoffman/Amanda endeavour.
as fr how they'd feel abt each other? it's really dependent on how u view thm as characters. Lawrence, after he becomes a disciple, believes that what John is doing is truly helpful and truly has the capability to change lives; he devotes himself 2 it, shows countless times tht he has complete faith in John + his methods, so much so that John left a tape fr him telling him to look after Jill + to act on his behalf if smth were to happen to her. he calls Lawrence his greatest asset. his trust in John + the Jigsaw legacy is unwavering.
Amanda, however, has been shown several times to act directly against John's beliefs, such as constructing inescapable traps (Kerry) or rigging others' games (Adam). th breakdown she has in III I think showcases the disconnect between her love fr John as a mentor/father figure, and the realization that not only is John entirely hypocritical and doesn't stay true to his own beliefs half th time, he truly has shown no regard fr her safety + has only been using her to further the agenda that was built upon a fragile foundation 2 begin with. u've mentioned this b4 too but John always liked 2 say that if u can anticipate the human mind, then nothing is up 2 chance - which wld mean that he KNEW Xavier might throw Amanda into the Needle Pit to get out of it. he KNEW Daniel was just a fucking kid and was perfectly fine w putting him in very real danger to get back at some1 he felt like needling fr the express purpose of provocation and nothing else. he KNEW Laura, a woman she'd formed a bond w and pretty much swore to protect th minute she woke up and saw her crying in the corner, could begin to seize n choke on her own vomit and die in that house. he knew all of those things, ENCOURAGED the belief that smth was wrong w her because she wasn't "fixed" as he had claimed, and it's so unfortunate that she doesn't realize that sooner (I fully agree that she deserved to lose her shit completely on John. it's what he deserved! it's what SHE deserved!!!) but she still Does before she dies (which, again, I Don't think should've happened. she didn't deserve 2 go out like tht + she deserved so much more of her story being told).
so there's the conflict of beliefs between thm. I think Amanda definitely starts out like Lawrence does, completely devoted + believing every word John says, but thru II we can see that certainty begin to falter n her faith in John is completely shaken by the end. I don't think Lawrence wld Know she felt tht way until after she died, if he ever finds out at all, bc I doubt that's smth she'd want to express. it's not even smth she discusses w John himself until III, in which she's already made up her mind to shoot Lynn as a final act of misguided disobedience. I still think tht Lawrence wld feel fr her in some way, though, bc even b4 he became a disciple he was rather horrified when Sing + Tapp had him sit thru her testimony; his feelings would change on this a lil, bc he'd see it as her rebirth (as she once did too), but I still feel like he'd want 2 like. watch over her a little. not super directly, + not because he felt threatened by her presence or anything like that, but because they're in this together n I'm sure John's told him abt some of the circumstances regarding how she came to be a disciple after her game as well. I feel like he wld definitely be saddened by her passing, bc I feel he'd come 2 respect her at least a bit, but fr him it's like. they have 2 keep moving. John is gone now too, smth I'm sure was probably a pretty huge blow fr Lawrence, and now he has to put his energy into making sure Hoffman stays unaware of him. just in case he has to act on that warning John gave him abt Jill. but he wld still miss Amanda n wld mourn her, to be sure.
I don't think they'd be close or anything like tht. kind of just friendly coworkers who only see each other every once in a while, passing thru the doors of each other's lives with a nod and a wave and maybe a greeting if they're feeling up 2 it. they're not too involved. Amanda can't tell u tht Lawrence's favourite flowers are sunflowers. Lawrence can't tell u tht Amanda's favourite smell is lavender or tht her favourite colour is a deep, almost greyish purple. but they're connected thru John, thru their work, n that still means smth to both of them, at least in some manner. when Amanda dies, Lawrence grieves. Jill pays for her headstone n Lawrence makes sure to bring fresh flowers every once in a while, but he has to hold his head up n keep walking. now tht John's gone, there's work to be done.
and someone's gotta keep an eye on Hoffman.
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softjeon · 6 years
Love Bite | Character Sheet
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↳ This Character Sheet holds background Info on all the Characters of the story ‘Love Bite’ written by @cassiavioletblue​ & @softjeon​
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / Final Total Words: 126.568k ↳ AO3
In the following notes you can find every info that we used/gathered before and over the course of writing the story ‘Love Bite’ and therefore holds more information about the characters and potential story lines that we didn’t write out or just hinted at in the main story. You can find the gifset trailer to the story here.
their bodies are warm and with a beating heart as long as they are well fed; the less human blood they drink the lower the beating gets
they cant feed off of other vampires, biting is only for sexual purposes or hurting someone
silver = allergic reactions
abilities: enhance speed, healing on their own (only when they are well fed or else it takes time), heightened senses, hypnotization
draw strength from the moonlight
vampire blood is like a poison for humans that make them euphoric and go into a erratic state so they don’t feel the pain. Their saliva has biochemical compounds that suppresses the pain the victim would normally feel when bitten, instead it makes the victim feel relaxed (and if they are exposed to it for longer the victim gets euphoric)
They can be seen in mirrors (as the myth “vampires don’t reflect” comes from a time in which mirrors still had silver in them. Nowadays that’s not a problem anymore)
they can live about a week without blood, before they start to starve, after a month without blood they dry up and die eventually (the only exception is when they rest; they can fall into a energy saving mode like Yoongi does when he wants to sleep for a century or two)
can walk in the sun, it only weakens them if they haven’t drunk enough so it dries them up faster; they can get headaches from it
don’t care about garlic or crosses, it’s a lie to make humans believe that vampires could be easily detected, just like the myths that they only hunt at night.
every vampire has some kind of useful ability, but only a few have rare one’s like Namjoon who can transform himself into a bat
they can will their teeth to protrude, but it's also an involuntary reaction when they get into dangerous situations, get frightened, hungry or really aroused etc.
think that humans should be cattle/ slaves to the vampires
are mostly “new generation” vampires (in the story they are represented by MonstaX)
want to live out in the open because their belief is that vampires are from higher race and shouldn’t have to hide from humans, but reign over them.
want to overthrow Hoseok; since he wants to live hidden and with little damage to humanity; even though Hoseok uses humans as food as well
got turned in the 17th century
he was left alone after he had been turned, his maker had never been around so he could never create a bond between himself and his maker vampire. It made it harder for him to understand what was going on, so he followed his instincts and his hunger, leaving him to become a ‘monster’ as Namjoon describes it himself until Yoongi found him and took him in. Yoongi became something like his second-maker. He taught him about the rules, the king and the hierarchy of vampires but Namjoon’s came up with his morals all by myself (Yoongi will refuse to have anything to do with something disgusting as drinking from blood bags).
became head of department in Hoseok’s company;
likes routine and everything in order
has a lot of strength, with which he accidentally destroys things from time to time, so everyone in the office thinks he has aggressive outbursts and is afraid of him
can transform himself into a bat, but loses his clothes each time, so he wouldn't use it too often only if he flies home or is in danger (only very few vampires in the world can do this, because you need absolute control of yourself)
hates hypnotizing people (and is actually bad at it) because he thinks that humans should not be treated like lesser beings and that them and vampires can live alongside each other
holds on tightly to his morals and beliefs; believes that humans should have the right to refuse to not be a ‘blood bag’ and should willingly accept the offer if it’s made by a vampire. He definitely annoyed Hoseok many times before and presented him with new rules and ways of living alongside of the humans. As much as Hoseok is annoyed by it, he considered a few to make it easier for them to live in the new century. He cherishes his friend and his great mind and thinking
has secretly wished for a companion for years now; someone that wants to really stay by his side despite him being a vampire
got transferred at his own request into the city and began working for Namjoon’s department
has no family left, but finds a good friend in student!intern!Tae
is scared easily, though when he gets really angry and frustrated not even Namjoon likes to fight with him
in his mid!twenties
he always worked in economics
is a loner; he only has Taehyung and even when he still lived on the countryside he mostly kept to himself and his ex-boyfriend
Namjoon will tell everyone that Jimin is the most beautiful vampire he has ever seen
Namjoon is his companion and maker
his ability: manipulate emotions of others
will want Namjoon to dethrone Hoseok one day, so the vampires will finally have a good, caring leader
he never leaves Namjoon’s side
drinks off of other humans that allow him to take their blood (sometimes even Jungkook, if Taegi allows it) after discussing the pro’s and con’s with Namjoon for days
goofy, happy, supportive
loves to go out and have fun, but also to stay in with Jimin and drink wine to just chat about “Mr. Kim’s best features”
he sometimes forces Jimin to go out with him, so “the older” can “get some”
one night when they were both too drunk and too horny they ended up having sex; but it was giggly, clumsy and not very satisfying and both promised to never talk about it again and definitely not repeat it. It says a lot about their friendship that it didn’t get awkward between them afterwards - and this is why Taehyung knows how it feels like to kiss Jimin.
he swore he fell in love with Yoongi the second he saw him, though Yoongi tries to tell him it was only the bond reacting
always wants to do human stuff, too and therefore gets into sticky situations that Yoongi needs to get him out of like trying to do a picnic with the humans but ends up throwing it all up
very needy and clingy when it comes to Yoongi but in a quieter way; he loves holding his hand
though he is a young vampire and thirsting for blood more than others, he is really good at controlling himself when it comes down to human!Jimin
his ability: can run so fast that others are moving in slow motion to him
he was “born” as a vampire in ancient egypt
the oldest vampire to date
owns basically the whole city since he has business with all leading companies and some politicians (that he hypnotized)
he makes the rules and the vampires follow him since he’s the oldest
feeds off Jin and Jin only
his ability: hypnotizing people and vampires alike, controlling them so completely that he can make them feel the pain at his will instead of the pleasure of the poison; he is the only vampire who can hypnotize vampires
thinks humans are weak, but loves Jin with all of his heart
he is very strict with his rules, so no vampire gets exposed
can come off as cruel (maybe….just a little bit)
He stumbled across Hoseok one night when he was out in the night. He was never scared of Hoseok, nor did he knew that he was the vampire king at first when he came with him
he dislikes the human world and is happy being surrounded by people who respect him because he’s the king's personal favorite
has bite marks all over his body - and loves it
Jin will be turned by Hoseok later in his life, when he decides he has “reached his peak in his beauty” so that he wants to stay forever like this with his love
sleeps a lot and only wakes up to feed in between; he says this century is too boring for him and only when he meets Taehyung he has a reason to stay awake
one of the oldest (Hoseok > Yoongi > Namjoon)
his ability: manipulating memories of humans
he’s very possessive over Taehyung the moment Hoseok grants him ownership of the human
normally he likes to be a sub with young vampires, letting them ride out their neediness but with Taehyung he wants to dominate the younger completely.
His protectiveness awakes and something is different about this one, which he only later realizes is because he lost his heart to Tae instantly
Tae: “He doesn’t say it and he didn’t really ask me out like that but I think he’s my boyfriend!” Yoongi: *grumbles*
student, who lives a bit out of town because he couldn’t afford himself an expensive apartment in the city and somehow the houses by the hill are so cheap and beautiful at the same time, leaving him wondering why no one is living there or wants to buy it
innocent bun stumbling all doe-eyed into the danger without knowing what he was getting himself into
loves his banana milk and would do anything for it, even if it means getting bitten by vampires and at the same time wouldn’t get the “I want to bite you” hint even if Taehyung spells it out for him
the only human that was allowed to leave the mansion again, when normally humans that stumble upon them will never be released again
Jungkook definitely comes back, because the curiosity will get the better of him
might be their human friend/pet/lover ...depending on who you ask in the future ;)
Headcanons/ What might be happening next…:
Namjoon and Jimin will take the time, after the younger has gotten used to his new life, to travel around the world
Jimin is the only vampire who is really allowed to tease and call Hoseok names and the king doesn’t take actions since Hoseok won’t ever harm Jimin again as he keeps his promises to Namjoon
Namjoon will show Jimin all of the places he loved and where he was born (as a human)
they will always have one of the strongest bonds that anyone has ever seen and even when usually the ‘newborn’ bond fades out, their bond stays strong and makes them more aware of each other - which Namjoon loves, since he still has the urge to protect Jimin at all costs; their love will be eternal
Yoongi and Taehyung take in Jungkook and “take care of him”
Jungkook loves his vampire friends
One day Namjoon will stumble into the kitchen seeing Jungkook sipping on his banana milk, seated on Yoongi’s lap who only grins at the other with blood dripping down his chin, while Taehyung takes a sip from Jungkook’s delicious thighs. He will only shake his head and turn around again. “You really don’t want to go in there right now.” (Namjoon to Jimin)
Jin and Hoseok will retire one day to go back to egypt; normally Yoongi would be next in line but the other refuses so Namjoon is up for debate
Thank you for reading the story and becoming a part of it with all of your lovely comments and messages. They always keep us motivated and going and we can’t wait to share new stories with you guys. We’re currently working hard on something new and then there’s still ‘Devils Hand’ where the last chapter will be posted next week. Thank you for everything!💕💕💕
- Cat (@cassiavioletblue) &  Jey (@softjeon)
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atrashmouthsed · 7 years
Keith's Brother
Oneshot by a-latino-fangirl *please don’t repost without credit!* Big thanks to @mattholtsbf for helping me with a few of the ideas!! This idea is loosely based on the song “Stacy’s mom.”
Matt strummed his fingers against the steering wheel as he sighed. ‘Stupid Pidge wanting that stupid book on stupid cryptids for her stupid friend.’ Not knowing why he did anything for his sister Matt continued to curse at the red light. “Come on! FUCKING TURN GREEN ALREADY!” Mom was totally picking Pidge up next time.
The light finally turned green and Matt sped off. Checking the clock on his dashboard Matt cursed again, Pidge got out of school twenty minutes ago. Seeing the sign for the high school up ahead Matt forwent his blinker and turned in, scarring the crap out of some crows in the process. Driving to the parent pick up lane Matt hit the brakes when he saw a crowd to the left of a very expensive looking car. Although at a distance Matt could tell it was a black Camaro convertible. Driving closer to get a better view Matt felt his entire world freeze when a very buff drink of water decided to get out of the car at that exact moment.
Matt tried to swallow. He really really tried. But with this living god of muscle he found it very hard to even remember blinking. The man in question didn’t look to be over 23. His hair had a tuff of white at the top with the rest black and cut pretty short. Matt figured he must of come from a run because he wore the smallest, tightest shorts known to man, and by god did they hug everything the right way.
The man didn’t seem to notice the small crowd surrounding his car as he opened the trunk and waved to someone. Matt looked over and saw a tall boy who was in dire need of a haircut wave back then look behind him, mouth something, then wall towards the car. It was then Matt noticed Pidge amongst all the chaos. She gave a wave to The one in need of a haircut and the hot guy before looking in Matt’s direction. Giving him a smile she walked over to his car. Forgetting the book entirely, Matt hoped she hadn’t seen him gawking the man who apparently was related to her friend.
*** Matt somehow got sucked into picking Katie up from Keith’s house. (According to Pidge, he who needs a haircut has a name.) Matt, however, was perfectly content beating 7 year olds in Overwatch but mom and dad were running late from a conference and since Matt just happened to be home and not have school scheduled that day he was bestowed the task of pick up.
Pausing his game, Matt went to the bathroom real quick to make sure he looked presentable. Grabbing his glasses and keys Matt left the house, texting Pidge for Keith’s address.
Matt thanked Keith for living close by. Pulling up to the house Matt saw a few potted plants on the porch and that familiar Camaro parked in the driveway. ‘No fucking way.’ Parking in front of the house Matt prayed to whatever god was up there that the earth would swallow him hole. His prayer went unanswered of course as he found himself in front of Keith’s front door.
Knocking three times Matt stood there with his hands in his jean pockets. He heard someone yell 'coming’ followed by a few thumps and finally the door being swung open. Matt felt the air get knocked out of him because of course the hot guy had to answer.
“Uh.. Uhm hi I’m Matt, Pidge’s brother.” The guy gave Matt the brightest smile he’d every seen and he swore he saw stars. “Yes! Of course hi! I’m Shiro, Keith’s brother.” Shiro held his hand out for Matt to shake and Matt surprised himself that he even had the brain power to complete the action.
“Can I come in?” Shiro immediately blushed at that. “Oh jeez yeah of course sorry Uhm I was just in the middle of cleaning so excuse the mess.” Widening the door for Matt to walk through, Matt nodded his head at Shiro then took his shoes off. “I think Keith and Pidge are in the basement. You can head down there if you want. I just need to finish the bathroom upstairs.” Matt mumbled out an okay and Shiro pointed toward the stairs that led to the basement. Walking down Matt looked back and noticed that Shiro’s right arm was replaced with a metal prosthetic.
*** Two weeks later Matt found himself having to pick Katie up yet again from Keith’s house. Matt wasn’t complaining in the slightest to be honest. Matt jumped at any excuse to see Shiro. Making sure to shower before he left, Matt put on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a tie dye tank top with an alien on it. (It was a present from Pidge okay?) Deciding to put his contacts in instead Matt noticed he was running five minutes late due to it. “Shit” Matt ran down the stairs and scrambled to find his keys. “Matt don’t forget your keys are on the kitchen table!” Matt looked over on the table and sure enough his keys were there. “Thanks mom! I’ll be back!!” Matt slammed the door shut behind him.
It wasn’t until Matt was in front of Keith’s house did he realize he didn’t put shoes on. 'Great I ran out barefoot. Just. Fucking. Great.’ Matt sighed and got out of the car; he still had a sister to pick up.
Walking up to the front door, Matt knocked three times like before and waited. When he didn’t hear anything for a minute he tried the doorbell. When he still received nothing he texted Pidge asking where she was. She responded almost immediately with 'backyard. Gates open’
Matt was unprepared with what he saw upon opening the gate. Pidge and Keith were lounging on the porch drinking lemonade but that’s not what stopped Matt. No it just so happened to be Shiro. Shirtless. Sweaty. Wearing those stupid shorts again. And mowing the lawn. Matt needed some water. Like now. Shiro looked up and at Matt as if sensing he was there. Giving him another award winning smile Matt felt himself crumble and feeling the need to jump in a lake. Trying to muster something in return Matt instead saw Pidge walking towards him. Not knowing what else to do Matt grabbed his sisters hand and practically dragged her to the car. Matt missed the sad puppy dog look Shiro shot in his direction.
*** Matt didn’t speak the first minute they were alone. Pidge was giving Matt the biggest shit eating grin she could muster and Matt knew it yet he chose to ignore it.
“So uh, you wanna talk about some things brother mine?” Matt gripped the steering wheel tighter than before. “I have to say, Shiro was looking pretty good in those shorts huh?” Matt bit his tongue. Pidge was playing a game she wouldn’t win. “So you gonna bang him or what?”
Matt slammed on the breaks. Pidge, not expecting it, shot forward. Glad he had stupid friends in high school Matt kicked Pidge out of the car and drove off. “MATT WHAT THE FUCK GET BACK HERE! I CANT WALK THE 7 MILES LEFT TO GET HOME!” Matt opened the window and gave his sister the middle finger. “FUCK YOU!”
Pidge remained calm despite being on the side of the road. Matt knew better than to do that to her. Pulling her phone out she texted Keith a very important video to show Shiro.
*** Keith wasn’t expecting the video Pidge sent him. Seeing her brother sing 'Barbie Girl’ while only wearing a pair a rainbow colored underwear and a broom as a microphone was not on his list of things to see. But when he saw that he was to show Shiro, he knew right away this was a revenge stunt.
“SHIRO COME HERE I NEED TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING!” Keith heard the heavy footsteps of his brother walking up the stairs. “Keith I swear to god if this is another mothman conspiracy I’m cancelling your Netflix account.” Keith shook his head. “This time, dear brother, my husband is not the topic of discussion.” Shoving his phone into Shiro’s face Keith watched as Shiro became more and more flushed with each passing second.
Once the video was finally over Keith took his phone back. In a split second Shiro grabbed Keith by his shoulders and very sternly said “If you dare send that video of me drunk pole dancing to the little Einstein’s theme song, I will destroy your entire knife collection.”
Keith almost shit himself.
*** Matt didn’t encounter Shiro for almost three weeks after the lawn mowing incident. Matt thought it best since he found out Pidge sent that video to Keith who in turn showed Shiro. Pidge still went over to Keith’s house but Matt made sure she had other means of getting home. Matt didn’t believe her when she said Shiro seemed upset when he didn’t come pick her up.
Today Matt’s luck ran out though. Because Shiro’s such a nice person and apparently takes cooking lessons (from another one of Pidge’s friends) he invited Pidge to stay for dinner. Which she agreed too. But only if her “bored” brother could attend.
So here he was, standing in front of his closet, deciding what to wear. Checking the weather he noted he didn’t want to wear pants. But shorts would show off his leg and he didn’t want that either. Sighing Matt decided to fuck it and wear shorts. Putting on a nice pumpkin colored polo, (and making sure to put on shoes) Matt was ready to roll.
Matt wished the drive took longer. Not even a little bit prepared for this dinner Matt opened the car door and headed up to the porch. Bringing his hand up to knock, the door opened abruptly.
“Matt! Come on in!” Shiro smiled and looked a little out of breathe. Matt blushed but forced a smile. “Hello Shiro. Thank you for letting me come.” Shiro gave another smile. “Of course! Thank you for actually showing up.” Matt noticed Shiro give him a quick look and paused; Matt immediately felt self conscious about his leg.
“Come on I’ll show you to the dining room.” Matt followed numbly, now wishing he could be home more than ever.
*** Shiro’s cooking was actually very good. Keith and Pidge kept everything very lighthearted and Matt found out Keith had a boyfriend named Lance who was currently visiting family with his family in Cuba.
Once dinner was over, Pidge and Keith immediately rushed downstairs. Something about having to finish their battle in Mortal Kombat. Matt glared at his sister as she left him alone. With Shiro.
“Would you like some help cleaning up?” Shiro gave a nod. “That’d be great thank you.” The silence that followed hurt more than Matts fifth grade emo phase. “Listen Matt I’m sorry about getting quiet after seeing your leg.” Matt stiffened a bit. “It’s fine. It’s normal I guess.” Shiro sighed. “No it’s not.” Turning around from the sink Shiro gave Matt a hard look. “It’s Galra right?” Matt dropped the plates he was holding.
*** It’s been three days since the dinner incident. Matt hasn’t left the comfort of his room in all that time. Pidge tried getting him to come out but he refused.
Matt was never the same after the Galra program. He never knew anyone else that was subjected to that torture. Mainly because it was a secret and they made sure to keep no one else around when they did their “extra credit.”
How could Matt have known? He was a freshman. He just wanted some good marks in his resume. He didn’t expect to lose a leg and end up feeling violated the rest of his life. And now this beautiful, tall, and muscular man who he finds very appealing went through the same torture he did. Matt could feel memories and nightmares creep up on him.
*** It was another three weeks before Matt mustered up the courage to go talk to Shiro. Showering at least before he left, Matt threw on whatever random clothes he found and left the house. It was a Saturday afternoon and he hoped Shiro wasn’t at work or whatever he does.
Arriving at the house Matt noticed Shiro sitting on the porch with a towel over his head and swim trunks on. Matt didn’t have time to oogle, he was here on a mission. Getting out of the car He noticed Shiro look up at the sudden noise.
Shiro didnt call out to him and Matt didn’t either. They just stared at each other as Matt walked up the sidewalk and up the wooden porch. Still staring at Shiro Matt finally noticed the small scar that ran across his nose.
“I’m sorry.” Shiro was the first to break the silence. “Matt could feel tears in his eyes already. “I’m sorry too.”
*** A week later things were normal with Matt. His talk with Shiro left him feeling more free then any therapy session, and at the end of it, all he got his number. He felt a little ashamed that that’s what he thinks about more. But since then they talked constantly and Matt could officially say he wouldn’t be opposed to banging Shiro. Of course Pidge over heard him say that out loud and almost texted Keith if he hadn’t tackled her.
It was a hot Monday and Matt wanted to be anywhere but college. Glad that he worked ahead in his classes, he decided he would go to the pool afterwards.
After the professor finally finished up his lecture, Matt grabbed his notes and sped out of class. After throwing everything in the backseat Matt drove home, grabbed his swim suit, and hopped back into his car.
The pool during this time of day wasn’t a very busy spot. Considering it was still the school year and one thirty pm, Matt didn’t count on seeing anybody else except senior citizens. Shit was he wrong.
Walking into the pool and showing his membership card Matt heard the familiar sounds of someone doing laps. Fast. Looking toward the farthest lane Matt dropped his bag. Of course, there was Shiro, swimming laps, like he couldn’t stop. Matt stood there watching him swim and could see how his muscles contracted and how his arms so expertly cut through the water. His flip turns were perfect and Matt tried really really hard not to stare at his back. He needed to hide, or else the nice lady registering people in was about to get a view she wouldn’t particularly enjoy.
Matt quickly grabbed his bag and ran toward the men’s locker room. At that exact moment Shiro chose to take a break, only to see a flustered Ginger run into the locker room. Smirking Shiro got out of the water.
Matt hid in the back of the locker room. No one else was in here and he needed to be able to drown a bottle a water without someone wondering whether he was okay or not. The answer would’ve been no anyways.
Shiro walked into the locker room. Honestly he didn’t know why he was listening to his brother and his boyfriend but they said he needed to confront Matt about, well whatever this was. Shiro liked Matt. Keith had over heard him say something rather obscene and busted out laughing. Shiro chased him for an hour around the house and yard before Keith promised he wouldn’t say anything after Shiro took his favorite knife captive.
Matt didn’t hear the footsteps. Standing up he didn’t feel the presence come up right behind him either. Matt squeaked when he was turned around and pushed against a wall rather forcefully. He would’ve taken this person down if it had been anyone else but Shiro.
“I believe we have something unspoken between us.”
Neither of them noticed when a custodian came in to clean but immediately walked out after seeing the two of them in a compromising position against the wall.
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