#i cant believe theyre only giving us six episodes disney should be arrested for that
obwjam · 4 years
okay your writing is amazing. could u write something with bucky and sam finding a scared tiny? to celebrate the falcon and the winter soldier coming out
fjsdflksfl thank u!! 🥺 i literally love them so much it’s a problem i cannot wait for ep 2
“Sam, what the hell is that?”
“What--I don’t know! What makes you think I would know?”
“I don’t know! Maybe it’s some 21st century thing--”
“21st century thing -- do you know what you sound like sometimes? Like a parody, that’s what.”
“Hey, how am I supposed to--”
“Come on man, stop yelling! Look. You’re scaring it.”
“I said her! I… think it’s a her.”
Sam narrowed his eyes at the tiny, cowering figure in front of him. Whatever this thing was, it did have long hair and female-looking features. 
“Fine. Her. You’re scaring her. Happy?”
“Yes I am, actually. Thank you.”
“Ugh.” Sam rolled his eyes. It had taken Bucky months to finally answer his texts, and when he arrived at his old acquaintance’s apartment, they had found this little thing wandering around the countertop. Just his luck that he couldn’t have one normal day in his life.
“...what are we gonna do with her?” Bucky asked, the snippiness gone from his voice. He thought he was being paranoid. He didn’t have a whole lot of stuff in his possession, so anytime something went missing or was moved around, he noticed. Ever since he had moved in, he had a feeling he was being watched. He thought it was just a symptom of being a civilian after having been a killing machine on autopilot for 70 years. 
“Do we have to do anything?” Sam frowned, peering harder. The girl was visibly shaking, clutching onto what he could only assume was some kind of homemade satchel. “She looks terrified.”
“I think I would be too if I were her,” Bucky said, leaning in a bit closer to get a better look at her. She flinched and stumbled backwards, making Bucky’s heart wrench. Their gazes were locked, and Bucky swore he could feel her fear just by looking at her eyes. Maybe he could just…
“Hey, hey, I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” Sam warned, putting his hand on Bucky’s shoulder. His gloved hand had started to move toward her, and the fear in her eyes only intensified.
“I don’t want her to run away,” Bucky said quietly. “She could get hurt.”
She gulped. Not only had she been discovered, but the giants weren’t going to let her go? She should have known this was going to happen. This is why borrowers never test their luck.
“Look, I wanna help too, but…” Sam trailed off. It felt weird talking about her when she was right there in front of them. He turned his attention to her, and he saw her clutch her bag harder and bring one of her legs back. She was preparing to run. “What’s your name?”
She was frozen. Why would he want to know her name? 
“It’s alright,” Sam said softly. He bent down so his face was at her level. “I’m Sam. This is Bucky. I know you’re probably freakin’ out down there, but we don’t wanna hurt you.”
Her eyes darted from giant to giant. She had never seen the one in front of her before -- Sam. And the one who owned this place -- Bucky -- rarely ever said a word. He spent most of his time watching TV, cooking or sleeping. She had quickly learned that borrowing at night would be a no-go with the way he woke up screaming and sweating almost every night. But he went out every single afternoon without fail. How was she supposed to know he’d come back with somebody this time?
“I don’t think she can understand us,” Bucky said, hovering over Sam’s shoulder.
“That’s bullshit. Of course she can understand us.” He paused. “You can understand us, right?”
Meekly, the tiny girl nodded. Sam turned to Bucky with an “of course I was right” face.
“P-please…” she whimpered. Sam and Bucky looked at her in surprise. “Please--please let me go…”
Sam was taken aback. “We’re not… nobody’s keeping you here,” he said so quietly it was practically a whisper. Her eyes flashed up to Bucky, who was looking at her with his mouth agape. 
“He wants to.”
Sam turned his head to Bucky. He looked wildly uncomfortable.
“Man, we gotta let her go,” Sam said, a hint of melancholy to his voice.
“It’s not safe for you out there,” Bucky replied immediately, addressing the girl. “We can help you.”
“N-no, you--you can’t,” she spluttered, taking a few small steps backwards. The two stared at each other in a long silence, eyes trembling. 
She had to make her move.
She spun on her heels and pushed off her back foot toward the small crack in the wall she had entered through minutes earlier. She nearly tripped as her momentum shifted, but she was able to center herself as she picked up speed. 
But before she could get very far, she smacked into something. She could barely even blink before a massive gloved hand slammed down in front of her path and she helplessly bounced off it, falling to the ground in a heap. Why did it just feel like she hit a brick wall?
“Dude!” Sam yelled, standing up to his full height and grabbing Bucky’s shoulders. He pushed him, and the two staggered backwards. Bucky’s gaze never left the girl. 
“What the hell was that! You hurt her!”
“I…” Bucky started, but he stopped himself. He couldn’t really explain why he did what he just did. The girl groaned, rolling over onto her back as the pain slowly melted and gave way to terror. It didn’t matter what she wanted to do. She was powerless against them. She slowly sat up, brought her hands to her face and began to cry.
“Good going, man,” Sam groaned, giving Bucky a shove before turning back to the girl.
“Hey, it--it’s alright,” Sam tried to sound soothing. “Don’t cry. Please. He didn’t mean to do that. He doesn’t know his own strength sometimes.” 
The girl shook her head and kept crying. 
“I don’t think you’re helping.”
Sam scoffed and looked at Bucky. “Oh, you wanna try?”
Slowly, Bucky walked back over to the counter and knelt down. The girl looked so small, curled in on herself. She had barely made a shockwave when she hit his hand.
“I’m… sorry,” he said stiffly. Sam rolled his eyes.
“Man, are you kidding me?”
“What? I said sorry!”
“Oh my god.” Sam rubbed his eyes and tugged on Bucky’s shoulder. The two stood up and shuffled over to the back wall, keeping a loose eye on the girl. She was still crying and not looking.
“Look, dude. I don’t know what the hell she’s supposed to be, but I do know that she’s scared shitless of us. Of you. And you seem to have a problem with that.”
Bucky was silent.
“I’d rather just let her go, but if you really wanna try and help her, you gotta stop being so afraid of yourself, or else she’ll never stop being afraid of you too. Okay?”
A few beats of silence fell between the two. The only sounds they could hear were the muffled bustle of the street outside and her soft sobs and gasps.
Slowly, Bucky made his way back to the counter again. Sam stayed put.
“Hey,” he said, cringing at how silly he sounded. The girl whipped her head up, surprised to see Bucky in front of her. The sounds of her crying were quickly replaced with whimpers. “No no, it’s okay. I… I didn’t mean to hurt you before. Honest. I--I just… it’s a rough place out there. I’m sure you know that, but--but I--we--me and Sam--we could help, you know. Help you stay safe.”
She rubbed the excess tears from her eyes and blinked.
“It wouldn’t be that hard. We could give you food and a warm place to sleep at night.”
“Only warm if you know how to go online and pay your bills,” Sam smirked from the back. Bucky shot him a look.
“Don’t listen to him. I know how to 'go online’.”
“You still use a flip phone.”
Bucky raised an eyebrow when he heard a sound from her he didn’t expect: laughter. Her hand covered her mouth, but her eyes were smiling at their banter.
“You… do you really want to help?” she ventured to ask. Bucky stared at her for a second, surprised and elated to hear her say something.
“Of course I do. You shouldn’t have to survive on your own if there are people who’re willing to help.”
Sam smiled, kicking himself up off the wall and putting his hand on Bucky’s shoulder. “Nobody should.”
“Do you wanna tell us your name now?” Bucky asked. He found himself smiling at her relaxed body language. Her leg was bouncing and she still gave them nervous looks, but she wasn’t cowering anymore and she certainly wasn’t crying.
“Ava,” she said quietly. “My name’s Ava.”
“Ava,” Bucky repeated. “That’s nice.”
“So, James, Ava,” Sam said, “why don’t I go get us some lunch, and you two can stay here and get to know each other better. Alright?”
Bucky’s stomach rumbled. He was starving. “I’ll take pastrami on rye. Go to Jerry’s, he’ll know it’s for me.” Bucky turned to his tiny friend, who was looking at Sam warily. It struck him that the fear of seeing him towering over her like a building wasn’t going to go away after a few pleasantries were exchanged. They could work on that.
“I… uh…” Ava didn’t know what to say. “I dunno. Surprise me, I--I guess. I’ve never had to choose…”
“Don’t worry, I’ll find you something,” Sam chirped. “You kids behave now, you hear?”
“Get outta here!” Bucky yelled playfully, waving his hand at Sam as he shut the door behind him. 
Ava couldn’t stop herself from smiling. Maybe giants weren’t so bad after all.
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