#i cant imagine him being my brother and watching him just absolutely destroy any chance he had of getting out of jail
ultraferal · 2 years
didnt evan say something about how he’s changed so much since the crime and is so mature and grown up now and we should all just find it in our hearts to forgive him bc we’re mean bullies ... yet he’s still making friends with teens and little kids on anime apps and cant even hold a job... trying to lie and convince people the chargers were dropped (I guess??? lol???) it’s a wonder his family is actually supporting him still I wish his mom saw how badly he's just taking all her support and tolerance and pissing on it
seeing and watching evan on this hello kitty app has been really really shown me how he has really lost his mind in believing he is the real victim. the law doesn’t apply to him, because he did nothing wrong. him blatantly befriending YOUNG CHILDREN, 11 years old, the same age as the victim who brought this case forward. his lack of remorse and narcissism, only caring for himself even after admitting he committed the crimes to the victim. the damning evidence. this is not a “he said she said” case, its a he did it, and thats the end of it. then he goes to say i set him up, im this vengeful ex of his who created all these messages of him confessing to the crime. the victim is a liar, she just wants revenge too. insulting her and continuing to disregard everyday the suffering he put her and so many others through. his ego keeps him from taking accountability for ANYTHING. in his heart of hearts he believes its him against the world.
also his mom did know he was funneling in vulnerable trans minors escaping abusive households to live in their basement, and she approved it, making them pay upwards to 600-800 a month to live in a disgusting dark rancid basement. she is absolutely complicit to the crime concerning the victim who brought this case forward. she obviously looked like a child, barely looking 10, and he told his mom that she was 17…… she had to have known. again and again did he bring minors to live there. her “support” was her supporting his pedophilla by turning a blind eye from the obvious signs. meeting her in person, i will say she is a kind lady on the outside but all these actions proving otherwise and the taking advantage of these innocent vulnerable mentally ill trans kids. evan learned it from someone, and i know it had to have come from her. if anything i feel sad for his siblings. his mom, sadly i do not care for it. she is just as guilty.
not to mention.. how does his family not see him CLEARLY breaking house arrest rules and not care to stop him from himself, to not make things worse. unless he is somehow this very sneaky predator who’s family is actually really oblivious to the deeper hole he is digging himself in. his sister has seen my tumblr before and i hope if she ever sees this to PLEASE save him from himself and take away the phone. there is so much incriminating evidence against him proving he is breaking house arrest by talking with children. if they really care for him for the love of god, TAKE IT AWAY!!!!!!
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An Eighth Bird, Born Out of the Storm - Chapter 20
Based loosely on the Luume'irma headcanon from @interstellarvagabond
Eighth Bird AU.
Lup sends a message, Angus cracks the case, and Barry has a bittersweet reunion.
Thank you to Calcu from the writer’s chat for Beta'ing!!
Also on AO3 (link in the source)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9  Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 below Chapter 21 Chapter 22
“Lucy, this isn't fair! I mean, a human? No offense but without this whole … planar bullshit, Barry would be so dead by now! But he's not and I'm going to have his kid and I cant believe I fucked up so bad Luce! I told him it was just a fling but it wasn't! Not even then! What the fuck do I do? What even are we? What do I even do?”
It was much like the scrolls I had read. The steamy romance novels that were more aggravating than entertaining, but I wanted to help my friend. I wanted her to be happy. I wanted this to work
“Lucretia, she is just … she's everything to me but I don't want to ruin our closeness. I mean,I don’t just love her because we're having a kid. I …I've known her over forty-five years, had all this borrowed time and now I can't imagine life without her.”
And I wrote it down. If we ever get back to our home, then everyone will learn about this tragic romance. This romance that would have been doomed on our home world because of the cruel passage of time.
I selfishly hope they will have more time.
- Excerpt from Lucretia’s Journals, cycle 45
Lup watched Barry climb out of the tank and her heart nearly exploded. It had been so long since she had seen him. So long since she had felt him.
And she was trapped in this damn umbrella.
Barry listened, intently to the instructions from the coin, his expression softening as his former self instructed him.
“... You feel a dull weight in your chest. It’s a weight of a love that defined and redeemed you but you’ve forgotten who that weight belongs to …”
He’d done this. He’d done this countless times. Had to relive each time …
It was too much. She didn’t want to watch this, but she had to.
This Barry was different. This was the Barry before joining the IPRE. The Barry that had been tormented in school. The Barry who had to become scrappy. Who had to learn as much as he could and stayed in university until he was in his forties because he couldn’t find a place to fit in.
The Barry that existed before he became her Barry.
Lucretia … What did you do?
Then Taako started to rant. Started to say that he couldn’t trust anyone.
Which … Would absolutely not do.
She whispered to him. Trying to get his attention as he gave in to the ideas that were being planned. As he coaxed Barry into his Pocket Spa.
“Trust Barry … Love Barry …”
She realized, after several repetitions, that he was gripping the staff, as if he had heard her voice.
“Taako! It’s … It’s me! It’s your sister! It’s me … Trust Barry …”
It was too much energy. Too much work.
She stopped, abruptly, feeling the strength almost leave her completely. She was fading. She had been using too much energy and the staff was going wild, consuming it.
If she wasn't careful, there wouldn't be anything left.
If they left this world, would she even reset?
She couldn't think about that right now.
She had to rest. She had to hope.
Angus did not believe them for a second.
Magnus was not dead. He couldn’t be dead.
It wasn’t that he was denying what they had said. He just knew, just from watching how the mannequin walked, that Tres Horny Boys were not being completely honest.
He now had several questions.
What was the Bureau hiding?
What were Merle and Taako hiding?
What really happened to Magnus?
What really happened to his mother?
He had already discreetly marked the sphere with a piece of chalk. He had a little bit of time before the Animus Bell was “destroyed” so he decided to observe Merle and Taako for a little while.
He watched from afar as Taako, Merle, and their “mannequin” went to the Fantasy Costco. Angus had already been inside, having snuck around behind Garfield, and had seen the vat with the body growing inside. He hadn’t asked Garfield why it was there, but as he watched the trio walk in, he started to hypothesize.
Did they know about the vat? No, they couldn’t have. They hadn’t been to the back offices.
Why would they be going into Fantasy Costco anyway? The relics had all been reclaimed, supposedly (and Angus had his suspicions about that), so there was no need for any more adventures.
He made his way to the relic disposal chamber once again. He knew that he only had moments before Lucretia arrived to dispose of the relic. He hid himself and waited.
He watched as the sphere was taken up. Watched as the relic was “destroyed”
Watched as an unmarked sphere returned in its place.
He needed to find Taako and Merle. He trusted them the most now.
He wished he could still trust The Director.
Barry sat in the pocket spa. There was something comforting but also unnerving about being in this tiny, enclosed space.
It was strange, but it had also been nice being around Merle and Taako. The mannequin that called himself “Magnus” was upsetting, but it felt like it was upsetting on a deeper level than just on a “this is a sentient mannequin” level.
He sighed and nibbled on his cucumber sandwich. He wanted to know where he was, what was going on …
He heard a sound in his pocket. He dug into it to feel a second coin. He raised an eyebrow as he listened to it crackle to life.
“Barry,” he heard his voice say. “You … You’ve gotta make it this time. This is the only chance you have. And if they try to leave and you haven’t had the V̨͏̵o̶̧͏i̧̢̕͟͡d̶̴̨̕͢f̛͘i͜͢s̵̢̡͟͞h̨͘ ̡̢͞ic͝͞͝h̶̕͡͝o͜r̢͏ then you can’t let them go. You can’t let them leave him, Barry. You can’t. It will destroy … Just … Please follow all of my instructions, even if Taako, Magnus, and Merle don’t …”
Barry listened intently, feeling that weight again. Who was the coin talking about? Who was he leaving? He didn’t want to leave anyone. Even though he’d needed to put on a tough exterior, he never imagined abandoning anyone.
The pocket spa opened and he looked up to see Taako’s face in the ceiling.
“Uh …” Barry started.
“Yeah, yeah can I uh … get out of here? It’s a li’l cramped,” he asked.
“No! What are we looking for?”
Barry tried to think but it dissolved into static.
He slammed his eyes shut.
“Uh … I have no idea. I’m - This - I …”
The pocket spa slammed shut and Barry was alone again.
He sighed and returned to his cucumber sandwich.
“Asshole,” he muttered.
He heard the first coin crackle to life outside, his own voice giving out advice.
Somehow, he felt like the coin that he had discovered was just as important.
She was a swirl of emotions.
She was losing energy, but she needed to try and stay together.
If they were able to leave, then would she even be pulled out of this plane with them? Would there be anything left of her soul after this?
She was so tired from just trying to exist. She needed to rest.
But as she felt her surroundings continue to shift and change and heard Barry’s voice through the coin, she knew she had to hold on.
If the Hunger arrived before they could leave, Taako would need her.
It could be one last thing she did for her brother.
“I don’t know, but I feel like I trust you.”
Those words would bounce around in Taako’s mind for a long time. Even though he had made a big deal of not trusting anyone anymore, this man … this Red Robe who apparently forgot everything, trusted him.
He therefore couldn’t hold it against Lich Barry or Pocket Barry when the trap was completely wrong.
When the alarm had almost sounded, had almost ended their adventure, he learned he could trust someone else.
He saw the dome of magic over the alarm bell, turned, and saw his pupil.
“Hell yeah! Nice magic, little man!” He cheered.
His relief turned to panic as he saw the determined expression on Angus’ face.
“Start talking! I - I need to know what you know …”
Barry felt a tingle. And then the realization that he could not hide any longer. He wasn’t sure what was compelling him, but he yelled as loudly as he could.
“Hey! I’m hiding in this guy’s bag and I’m getting kinda claustrophobic and also I’m not supposed to be up here!”
He started to climb out of the spa, out of Taako’s bag -
And then he saw the boy.
His heart nearly ripped in half, and he couldn’t tell why. He didn’t understand why it hurt so much to look at this child.
This child who looked almost like he did.
He didn’t listen as Taako spoke. As Taako told everything to this boy. His brain wouldn’t let him. It was just trying to make sense of the child who stood in front of him.
Every time he tried to make sense of it, the words just didn’t make sense.
This child looked so much like he did.
Was he his s̶o̢̢̢͠҉n̢͞҉̕?
But the child was a half-elf.
Had he been in love with an elf? Was that who the weight belonged to?
Where was his partner?
Angus was watching Barry intently.
This was the man who the Red Robe had possessed. This was the man he had met as a child.
And yet he was here again.
And he still was going by Barry. Still looked so familiar.
It didn’t make sense until Taako had talked about Magnus. About Magnus’ soul being taken out and put into a mannequin.
About his body being destroyed.
About him being a Red Robe.
As he looked at Barry, and then at Taako, his mind tried to make sense of everything.
The nightmares he’d had about the Red Robe. They had been so fuzzy, so blurry, but there was something about that face that now, looking at Taako, seemed familiar.
But Taako didn’t have any family. There was literally no record of anyone related to Taako. No Sun Elves named U’tot’im’t’cuk or Tostaada. No elves with the last name of Taaco or Frum’Teevee or Lastname or any of the aliases that Taako had gone by.
The thought “My mother is a Red Robe” kept trying to form, but each time it did, it went away. The thought “Barry Bluejeans really is my father” wouldn’t stick.
He needed to get a grip on it.
He needed to get past that door.
When Taako threw Hole Thrower at the door, Angus peered inside to see a small tank inside the room.
The coin crackled to life, the instructions being interrupted by static, bright lights, and the screaming of the alarm.
Taako grabbed a flask and dipped it into the tank and drank a little before handing it to Merle and then to Angus.
As Angus drank, he looked over to the tank to see a smaller Voidfish.
A baby.
He looked over at Barry who had dipped his own canteen in. Looked around as everyone suddenly remembered.
And then he felt the mild headache.
His mother. His mother had been a Red Robe.
The song he had heard. It was one she sang to him before he was born. It was one she sang as she …
As she died …
As she died, left her body, and then vanished.
His mother was gone …
And his father … Even now, looking at Barry, there were no grand secrets revealed about his father.
He looked around the room at Taako, Merle, and Barry.
Perhaps, they were good enough.
His eyes locked with Barry’s as the man regained his composure, just enough to coach everyone through remembering.
“... Take it slow, I’m begging you. You gotta take it slow …”
Other than the revelation that his mother was a Red Robe and that there was a baby voidfish, Angus didn’t understand. His head only hurt a little, but it wasn’t like much had been lost.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about! I just see this Voidfish! This cute Voidfish …” he started.
He couldn’t tell them. He didn’t want this mystery to have been solved like this.
He’d held out hope for so long.
He looked up at Barry whose face had nearly crumpled with a flash of grief.
Then Lucretia appeared and began to explain. And as she explained, he heard the name again.
Lup …
He could see Barry and Taako nearly crumble as Lucretia apologized for …. For what?
“I’m so sorry Taako, Barry … There was nothing I could do.”
He looked between the two men. Barry’s hand went to his mouth as he seemed to realize the loss. Taako was shaking with a rage he had never seen before.
And then Davenport …
Davenport drank from the flask and then spoke.
“Lucretia? What have you done?”
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