#i changed the spine to blue gradient and i love the back cover but maybe i'll rework the front hm
andyridgeley · 1 year
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let-it-show · 4 years
Rainy Day Activities
I’mma cut right to it, this is like 5000 words of canonverse Elsanna smut. There’s fingers and tongues and it’s just as wet inside as it is outside. IT’S SWEET THOUGH and also anna u little devil
"Three days in a row is ridiculous. It wouldn't be so bad if it were light rain, but it's been pouring and cold and windy," Anna complained as she stood in front of the beautiful windows of their room to stare outside.
It was true, the previous days had been filled with what felt like a constant onslaught of rain. There was no enticing storm of thunder or lightning to accompany it, just the chilly drops hammering down from the sky. Elsa didn't feel the chill herself but sometimes watching Anna shiver was enough to make her own skin break into goosebumps and Anna had been cold quite frequently.
Though as Anna continued to stand there in nothing but the thin white chemise that hung loosely on her body, her chill came as no surprise to Elsa. When they had gone about their normal days Anna had the sense to dress warmly, but often once they found themselves back in that large bedroom, the girl lost layers and whined about feeling cold. She would throw wood on the fire and then crawl onto the bed with Elsa, insisting it was time to cuddle up.
Elsa was smart enough to know half the time Anna just wanted an excuse to be held and hold her under the blankets, the novelty of their recently admitted romance nowhere close to wearing off. Still, Elsa let her keep it up. It wasn't like she had anything to lose out of it, just everything to gain.
"It is still nasty out," Elsa said as she stretched out on her side along the top of the bed. Her thin but strong body was covered in a dark blue nightgown with a plunging neckline. The edges of said neckline stood out in a light blue contrast to the rest of the garment and in a gentle gradient became paler closer to her skin around her chest and shoulders to blend in. Little white snowflakes edged the bottom of the gown which ran down to her knees. Her hair was down, half of it draped over her shoulder. "I expect we'll have to cancel some appointments today, I'm not making anyone ride here in this weather." That was true, but Elsa was watching Anna with other motives in mind as well.
"I agree. And I'm not going anywhere in this either, even if you can make us a carriage of ice to stay in." Anna placed a hand on the window as she kept watching the dark grey morning. "I don't even want to look at it."
"Then why are you?" Elsa asked with a smile. Even with no sunlight to illuminate her further, Anna's form in the chemise with her hair back in a messy ponytail was a delicious sight. She drank it all in, unable to take her eyes off.
She'd woken up with a need, and with a lot of the day shifted or cancelled entirely, she couldn't be more thankful for the timing. Normally she would have forced herself up and ready for the day, ready for duty. Elsa still had trouble allowing herself to spend any time unfocused on some goal she deemed important - whether it be going to the forest to see if things were alright (they always were), or pouring over documents Anna needed to sign with her.
Anna was important too, though, and Elsa always found some time for her. The wet and dismal morning was going to be for both of them. Elsa was going to be a little selfish with her own desires...
She wasn't laying on the bed like that just to do it. Elsa preferred some kind of blanket usually, even if it was thin.
"I dunno," came Anna's answer as her shoulders sagged. "I guess because I'm annoyed at it, so I'm going to keep looking," she grumbled.
"Why are you annoyed?"
"Because we have things to do! And all this rain is going to give me a headache."
"Anna, our schedule has changed a little, sure, but now it's more open. We've nowhere to rush to. I think if you want to feel better, you should come back to bed."
At those words, Anna straightened up and Elsa swore she saw happiness shoot right up her spine. If there was one thing Anna loved more than sleeping in, it was waking up and finding she had even more time to sleep! Not that Elsa had exactly that in mind, but...
Anna spun around in excitement but as eager as she obviously was, she stopped just as suddenly and her eyes went wide as she stared. "Umm...Elsa?"
"Yes?" Elsa asked quietly, watching her. Anna looked like her normal self and the chemise wasn't particularly flattering. Elsa mostly enjoyed the fact that she knew there was no underwear under there... Anna's normal self was also beautiful. No makeup, nothing to change those freckles or cheeks or anything. She was a cute, pretty girl in a long shirt that hung off her shoulders.
Elsa's gaze traveled over her entire being with want.
Anna started forward, but slowly. "You look, um..."
"Really sexy, like some kind of...if there was an animal that was sexy," Anna blurted out. Her face went red and she stopped just before the bed.
Even if it broke what she was going for, Elsa couldn't help letting out a snort followed by a laugh. That girl! "Anna! I'm...I'm glad you find me..." She couldn't finish, she was too amused. So much for trying to be seductive, what did she really know about that skillset anyway?
"Hey, don't laugh at me! I don't know how to word thoughts about that sort of thing," Anna whined and her face only deepened in color. She looked down at the edge of the bed and kept her stare there.
Elsa felt a little bad and patted the bed next to her. "Come here," she told her softly. "I'll stop laughing."
Though Anna looked like she wasn't sure about that, she sighed and crawled on the bed. "You do look beautiful though," she told Elsa after a moment. She had paused kneeling next to Elsa.
Elsa watched the way the edge of the fabric slid up Anna's strong thighs. If she didn't have self-control her mouth would have hung slightly open at the way Anna's legs looked in front of her. "So do you," she managed to reply. She couldn't help reaching over to take the edge of the chemise between her fingers and rub, her hand grazing Anna's thigh.
Such a small touch and her belly was already doing pleasant little flip-flops.
She tugged on Anna's arm next. "Hey, come down here with me."
"You've got something on your mind."
Elsa fought back the telltale twitches of a smile on her face. "Do I?" she asked and tugged again.
Lucky for her, Anna decided not to prolong things and she turned to stretch her legs out in front of her. She started to wiggle herself down properly on the bed and was still the smallest bit upright against the pillows when Elsa decided to be impatient. She watched the way the garment started to roll and drag up against Anna's body, her hips becoming visible.
So Elsa moved, immediately making to roll over on Anna and raising herself up enough to crawl over her sister's lap and torso to where she hovered above her. It was almost like a playful attack the way she climbed on her, legs straddling her.
Elsa felt hot.
Her hands found Anna's sides as she looked down at her surprised face. "Couldn't help myself," Elsa told her.
"Huh. Well, are you going to kiss me before having your way with me?" came Anna's reply and though there was some wavering in her voice, Elsa was surprised at how well she kept it together. Part of her honestly thought Anna would immediately become unraveled as she had the first couple of times they made love. The girl had made progress.
She was interested to see how long it lasted and let one palm travel from Anna's side to slowly wander over her full, firm breasts. They were a little smaller than Elsa's own and less dense, more malleable, fun for her to play with. "Maybe I will."
"Elsa! Not fair!" Anna said as she took in a sharp breath, looking to where Elsa's hand was and also, hopefully, accidentally making eye contact with the cleavage Elsa's nightgown allowed. When Anna gasped again and shivered ever so slightly, Elsa knew she had. "REALLY not fair! You went right for them!"
Elsa raised an eyebrow. "How is that not fair...? Did you think I wasn't going to...?"
Anna was grabbing the blankets. "No I just, you usually kiss me more before you go for my chest and-"
"Well, I want to play," Elsa admitted and then swallowed. She started off well, but her shy nature was still lingering. Kissing was more romantic sure, but she wanted to explore and touch Anna however she wanted, the stark contrast of what they used to be exciting to her. Both her hands found Anna's breasts and she squeezed firmly. "Is that alright?" she finally asked even as Anna let out a content little sound.
As a response Anna managed to pry one of Elsa's hands from her chest and bring it to her mouth. She ran her fingertips along her lips slowly before bending them slightly to kiss her knuckles. Anna's lips were soft againts her skin and her breath tickled with warmth. "Yes. I just really like your lips on me," Anna said as she smiled sweetly at Elsa.
That smile always did things to her, and her heart pounded. Elsa couldn't hide from the light of her sun. Her palm slid to where she could best feel Anna's heartbeat as she leaned down. "It so happens I like the taste of you," Elsa murmured before catching Anna's lips. Anna's hand squeezed her own as Elsa ran her tongue along her lips to beg entry. As soon as they parted Elsa was kissing her deeply.
Her whole body, again, felt hot. Anna's hand suddenly clutching her hip didn't help either.
Elsa could only kiss her so long before she needed to move her lips somewhere else, just for the sake of having more. She broke away but not a second was wasted before she was already kissing and sucking on the skin just between Anna's neck and jaw. She smelled like like-like a sunny day. The scent of wildflowers, the breeze off the fjord, of fruit eaten on a picnic filled her senses and she chased it with her mouth. Anna's neck was always a delicious spot and Elsa found her hand gravitating right back to the perfect mounds under her shirt.
She skimmed her teeth over the pulse in Anna's neck as she thumbed her nipple, eliciting a moan from her sister. Elsa's legs felt unsteady even though she was on her knees. The hand holding Anna's pressed both into the pillow next to Anna's head. Her thumb kept rubbing the hard peak while she nipped at Anna's skin.
"Elsaaa," Anna was saying quietly while her fingers dug into her hip. "What's got into you this morning?"
"Mmmm..." Elsa lifted her head and her fingers ran down Anna's front, lower and lower. She could drag it all out, or she could just have her fun. She couldn't imagine Anna being displeased even if she was slightly anxious about not kissing her enough first. "I just woke up like this. It doesn't help that you slept like that," she said as she ventued her fingertips down Anna's belly, right down her crotch and stopping nearly bewteen her legs.
Anna's eyes went wide and then she smiled a guilty smile. "Oh yea...I decided not to wear underwear to bed..."
"You did this on purpose, huh?"
"Well. Duh." Anna then smirked while Elsa blinked. "I love your hands all over me. That was one less barrier. I half-hoped to wake up with you already at it."
"A-at it? Did you mean..." Elsa's sultry look was replaced by one of astonishment. Surely Anna hadn't meant-
Anna's legs pushed aside at her own. She released Elsa's hand to push at both of her shoulders. "I sure did. Come on, stop trapping my legs," she said and gave Elsa a heated look. Anna's face was reddening yet again, a sign that she wasn't totally secure with the way she was speaking.
Not that it mattered. Elsa moved off her again and dropped back beside her, half on her side and half on Anna. Shuffling caused the shirt to move up and Elsa could see that cute fuzzy layer of reddish-brown fuzz that decorated her crotch. Anna had been self concious of it at first but Elsa thought it adorable and as usual two of her fingers slid through the little hairs.
However as Anna's legs fell apart, Elsa couldn't focus on that pleasing sensation under her fingerpads for long. Anna meant business, evidently, and though Elsa started with that attitude it was already surrendering to Anna's. She found herself easily molded by the love that girl shared so generously with her.
Still Elsa took a side trip of sorts, running her hand over Anna's thigh that was against her own leg. Anna's arm curled around Elsa's head and brought her down for another good kiss. She could tell Anna was smiling against her lips even as her own fell closed. Anna's lips and tongue held her captive and her hips squirmed just a little.
It was enough to convince Elsa. Her defenses weren't that high anyway and finally she was tracing Anna's perfect folds. Anna moaned again, into the kiss, and Elsa felt electrified. It may not be the first time she had touched Anna's sex but the feeling still made her feel an intense burst through her body. Anna was so nice and hot and slick, the way Elsa's fingers slid against her so easily made the growing wetness under her own gown almost unbearable.
And to think, Elsa had never cared much about any sort of arousal until she began to feel Anna's body so intimately.
Anna still kissed her but she waas struggling, little sounds escaping her while Elsa lightly teased her clit. It made Anna's hips twitch and rock up, begging for more. Elsa loved when she did that. Anna had said before it felt cold against her but at the same time so good she saw sparks. If Elsa released their kiss she was sure she'd hear Anna begging her not to stop touching her.
And why would she when Anna's warm, needy body was responding so nicely to her touches?
Elsa turned her hand, her thumb continuing to play with Anna's sensitive little bud while her fingers sought out her entrance. She was so slick for her that Elsa's body wanted to react, wanted to grind against something, anything. Nothing was ever so satisfing as being buried between Anna's pretty legs.
They mutually broke the kiss, Elsa supposed, but she also caught a brief movement as Anna pulled at her chemise. She slowly dragged it up over her breasts which lay beautifully against her. Elsa didn't need a strong hint. Her fingers pushed inside Anna and she leaned down to kiss the soft skin around Anna's beautifully red nipple. Anna groaned and tangled her fingers in Elsa's hair.
Elsa loved it. She loved when Anna was needy and brave enough to trap her where she wanted. Slight pressure on the back of her head kept her lips wrapped around Anna's hard nipple, her tongue flicking eagerly.
Anna had said that too was cold and exhilirating. Icy little crystals settled on Anna's chest as Elsa was losing herself.
Nothing was better than being with Anna the way she was, Anna arching her back and moaning while her hips twisted and responded eagerly to the easy slide of Elsa's digits.
It was almost too much.
Elsa switched nipples quickly because with the way Anna twitched and she continued to soak Elsa, the redhead was close. Elsa's fingers moved quickly, with intent. Her thumb fondled Anna yet more and Anna's voice grew louder. Her calling of Elsa's name was never very quiet when Elsa enjoyed her.
Then Anna squirmed and an additional burst of wetness around Elsa's fingers accompanied muscles squeezing tight around her. Anna drove herself down on Elsa's fingers while panting and groaning her name in continued desperation. Elsa was rougher on her clit as the girl spasmed through her climax, body twisting against the bed. With her tongue teasing until the last bit Elsa raised her head off her chest.
Nothing looked so stunning as Anna in the throws of a wonderful orgasm that she'd caused.
When Anna had ridden the waves of pleasure thoroughly, Elsa withdrew her hand. She lowered herself down Anna's body to gaze upon her work and inhale her thick scent - Anna may not smell exactly like a sunny day between her legs but she smelled of a hot summer night, the air thick with heat. The kind of heat Elsa would gladly let melt her, drown her.
She rested her head on Anna's thighs and looked up at her, watching her stomach flutter as Anna struggled to reclaim her breath. She had such a good view of her center too, and it was all Elsa could do to keep herself from continuing to touch. Her mouth watered, too. All of her body raced with a cold fire and she was ready to lean her face right in when Anna tugged at her hair.
"Hey, my face is up here," she cooed, and giggled. "But I'm happy you like looking at what you've done," she commented. She tugged her hair again. "Kiss me, you know I love kisses."
Elsa sighed and slid up along Anna's body. She noticed the way Anna shivered, wondering if the cool touch of her nightgown was finally having some effect. Anna may not like being cold while just trying to exist, but she loved the sensation pressed against her when Elsa was behind it. She wrapped her arm around Elsa and turned against her, surprising her when her hot lips locked on Elsa's neck.
"Oh Anna-" She gulped when Anna sucked on her skin hard enough that there would definitely be a hickey.
"You can cover it up with some ice," murmured against her before kissing her neck again a little lower. Her neck felt so warm and her body was having a hard time being still. She wanted more of her Anna.
Her Anna.
Anna pushed at her shoulder to roll Elsa onto her back and Elsa complied eagerly. She couldn't fathom how she had been able to be without Anna's touches for so long. She'd never go without them again, that she knew as Anna shifted on top of her and traced her finger down Elsa's chest, right to her cleavage.
"It's not fair that you have this on still. You look amazing in it, but you know what I want."
Once more Elsa was blown away by how direct her silly sister could be, her body quivering under those firm words. "I do," Elsa breathed and in a second, her dress became nothing but glittering snow.
She sent it right up the shirt that had fallen just slightly back over Anna's breasts and was rewarded by an alarmed squeal. "Elsa!"
Elsa laughed, knowing that had been a total jerk move. She loved it anyway, especially picturing how hard Anna's nipples had gotten - if they werent't still. As she expected Anna was quick with her revenge, both hands on her breasts and just as quickly, one nipple pinched between two of Anna's fingers. "Really, Elsa?" she asked with narrowed eyes, turning her fingers just so.
A little jolt of pain came through as a result but it felt so damn good that Elsa moaned. She bit her lip in an effort to catch herself, but it was no good. In a flash Anna's hot tongue was worshipping the light pink nub she'd just punished.
She always knew just what to do...even from the first time, when Anna's eyes had gone wide as dinner plates at Elsa's bare chest with a slightly bigger rack, that girl had known how to squeeze them and lick them as if she'd practiced for years.
Elsa had no evidence she hadn't.
Anna's mouth surrounded one nipple and her fingers pinched the other and Elsa's thinking was getting hazy. Her hips lifted in want and she was moaning again, her hair spread out on the pillow and knowing she looked a bit out of sorts. She sought out Anna's adorable butt and squeezed her cheeks firmly as she also held her against her needy body.
With an approving hum Anna released Elsa's nipple only to kiss and suck the skin above it hard enough for yet another mark - and another moan from Elsa. "Anna, your mouth is so good," she managed with a rough voice.
"Mmmhmm," was the only reply she got while Anna dragged her tongue down and slid further, making Elsa's hands trail up her back. That tongue lavished attention on her skin down to her sensitive belly. Anna began to kiss again, little love nips left around Elsa's belly button. Then yet another hard suck that had Elsa squeaking, she was borderline ticklish where Anna used that wicked mouth.
"You'd like to mark me all over, huh?" she asked and that only made her hips move again because of how hot it was. She was so wet that she imagined they'd need to clean that blanket soon.
Her hands were on Anna's shoulders by then as Anna kissed her way down further, down her pelvis to her thigh. "Yes. No one is taking you away, ever again," she said, her hands on Elsa's hips. "Never ever." She nudged Elsa's thigh with her nose. "I'm keeping you forever."
Elsa's legs spread without a thought, her heart nearly skipping a beat at Anna's words. Anna fully meant them, she would do anything and everything to keep Elsa there with her. And with the way Anna was kissing and marking her inner thigh Elsa couldn't find a single reason she would ever want to get away. Her gaze met Anna's when the redhead switched thighs.
She was almost ticklish enough there too that it was hard to feel the light way Anna's lips and teeth skimmed along her sensitive skin. She twitched and gasped as Anna's tongue. There was such a trail of fire down her entire body from Anna's busy mouth and Elsa was ever grateful. She stroked Anna's hair with one hand, playing with the ponytail. Cute, cute...
Then she felt a finger stroking slowly along her folds and her legs parted more. Anna was giving her sex a very heated look while she teased with one finger, then two, just stroking. "Anna..."
"What?" Anna asked so innocently. "What, Elsa?"
"Aren't you going to...um..." Elsa's cheeks were red. She had tried to start the whole thing! ...Well, Anna had actually been a step ahead sleeping with nothing to cover her bottom. Still, of course it was her asking Anna to bury her face in her wetness.
"What's 'um'?" Anna asked with that sweet tone again, slipping two fingers inside Elsa easily. She crooked them just so and Elsa's hips were off the bed.
"Anna!" Elsa shouted her name and then again, bit down on her lip. She doubted anyone would come running if she shouted Anna's name like that, all of the castle staff probably knew something was up. Besides, she shouted Anna's name for plenty of reasons that weren't filthy.
"Use your tongue, Anna, please, you're so talented with it," she finally blurted.
Anna needed no more prompting. Her tongue found Elsa's clit and long licks had Elsa gripping the blanket with one very frosty hand. She could usually control anything with her powers fairly well when aroused, but it still helped to let some ice seep from her fingertips while fingers were pushed inside her with increasing speed and Anna's mouth lavished hot attention on her.
The fingers in her hair kept Anna there as Elsa couldn't stop herself from grinding against her. Her legs didn't want to be still and she tried to draw them up, knees in the air as her toes wiggled against the bed.
Anna's other hand splayed over Elsa's stomach, her tongue flicking her clit with an expert motion and alternating between the slower licks. Her fingers shifted inside her and Elsa felt the feeling build. The only heat she really felt inside herself, white hot and wanted to burst.
And that she did.
Her climax hit so fast and hard that she didn't even get a good chance to warn Anna. Those fingers in her were just as wicked as the tongue and Elsa suddenly found herself absolutely howling Anna's name. She rocked against her face as waves of pleasure pulsed through her and she turned her head to the side, unable to take the visual stimulation of Anna's head between her legs.
When she came down from her orgasmic high she was still moving, albeit much slower as her lower body jerked through the aftershocks. Anna's fingers had finally slid from her tightened hold but her tongue darted out to taste everything Elsa had to offer, making her body shake.
And yet...
She wasn't totally satisfied. "Anna, Anna," she said, trying to catch her breath and make her head clear. She looked to where she had gripped the blanket, trails of solid ice had shot out and over the side of the bed. She looked back at Anna.  "Anna, come up here."
Anna's head lifted as Elsa directed her gaze to her. The girl looked almost drunk. "But you taste so gooood," she purred and Elsa nearly told her to just stay down there.
But Anna deserved more. Elsa tugged gently at the hair she had just been pulling at harder. "Up. All the way."
With a slightly confused look Anna began to slide right back up against Elsa's body. The shirt dragged along Elsa's skin, but she didn't mind. However, as Anna's face neared hers, Elsa shook her head and reached again for her butt, cupping the bottom and pulling a bit. Anna hesitated and kept looking thrown off and then-and then she seemed to suddenly get it and a wide smile broke over her face. "You sure?"
Elsa nodded and as Anna raised herself up, she situated her head a little better on the pillows. Anna straddled her chest then and looked down at her, while Elsa admired the way she looked above her. She pushed her hands up Anna's sides, under the shirt, and kneaded her skin. Then she cupped her breasts and the way Anna leaned her head back with a little whine-
Elsa was nearly thrown into a second orgasm from the sight, so before she could lose herself again she encouraged Anna to move. "Come on," she ordered her and once again her hands grabbed her hips.
Finally Anna did what was commanded of her and moved up yet more, her wet center right over Elsa's face. With a tug, Elsa lowered her down to her mouth, enjoying the way Anna's thighs surrounded her face. She would willingly smoother herself between Anna's perfect legs, but for the time being she'd had another idea.
And she knew it would take Anna out in the best way.
As she tongued her folds and heard the hitches in Anna's breath she focused. Her wet tongue became coated in an extremely thin layer of ice and she used the cold, slick muscle to assault Anna's clit.
It got her just what she wanted as Anna moaned loudly and then nearly screamed Elsa's name, her hips grinding down on her face. "Elsa-Elsa! Oh my-ELSA!" she was calling and Elsa could feel her leaning forward to grip at the bed frame. "Elsa!"
She was twitching madly above her as her thighs kept a tight grip on Elsa's head. Her icy tongue flicked at her entrance a few times before dragging a cold trail in her moist center.
Anna became undone quickly while her body shook above Elsa. She moaned and panted and Elsa's fingers dug into her skin enough to leave little bruises. When Anna came she continued to be loud and Elsa savored the taste of her, her sister's sweet nectar covering her lips and chin. Tremors went through Anna's body as she rode through it.
Elsa could barely breathe but she let Anna go through at her own pace, even as Anna finally came to a stop still on Elsa's face. It was only a second before Anna's leg swung off and Elsa gulped in deep and satisfying breaths, air returning to her slightly burning lungs.
"Elsa Elsa," Anna uttered and in an instant her hands cupped Elsa's face, her eyes meeting Elsa's. "Can you...oh my god, I'm so sorry, I forgot you needed air."
Before she could stop herself, Elsa let out a weak laugh. Of course Anna would say that, of course. Her own hands had slid back down to the bed. "I'm fine, Anna, I asked for it."
"I know..."
"And I loved it. If I go, that's how I want to go," Elsa managed and offered another laugh at Anna's shocked face.
"Well now I've never doing it again!" Anna shot back.
In response, Elsa stuck out her icy tonge. She watched the way Anna's throat worked as she swallowed. However, she didn't say more to tease her, she merely took one of Anna's wrists in her hand. "I said, I loved it. I love you. Making you feel good is my favorite thing to do..." Whether it was with sex or soft-spoken words, it was true.
Even though she looked like she wanted to shoot baack with something else, Anna sighed and let her body relax. "Oh Elsa..." she said in a quiet, lovely voice only used between the both of them.
"Come down here, Anna. I need you in my arms and if my guess is correct, you want to be kissed."
"I always do," Anna said as she finally dropped down into her admitted favorite position of being on Elsa's right side, half on top of her. She circled an arm around Elsa's waist and Elsa turned to face her. Their lips met and Elsa couldn't be bothered she was tasting a bit of herself from Anna's mouth.
It didn't matter. They were both so intertwined with each other, she couldn't care less. Anna's kiss was soft, not as needy as before and her body was melting into Elsa's. A morning nap looked to be in order.
Elsa's leg nudged Anna's, and the redhead parted hers to allow Elsa's in between. With a few careful touches Elsa knew Anna would be rubbing herself against that leg for just the slightest contact to her clit.
She almost felt guilty for wanting yet more, but then Anna kissed her neck in that hungry way-
If Anna still craved more attention from her, Elsa was not about to entertain turning her beloved down.
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cobrakiin · 5 years
While I’m on an FT roll due to the series finale, I think Mashima missed a big opportunity to make the Dragonslayers more... unique. Like sure, the Dragon branch of the Slayer magic tree is pretty cool; but other than “scales, claws, lil fangs” none of the Dragonslayers are all that unique, save some elemental coloring?
So here’s what I got:
Natsu has dark red and black scales, pale underside (like Igneel). His top scales (on top of forearms, shoulders, back, maybe side of his thighs and shins/ankles) are big and sturdy, perfect for distributing the heat of a fire dragon. His fangs are wider, but short to avoid getting in the way of flames coming from the mouth.
Gajeel actually has pretty well designed scales, though it would have been cool to see them keep their original placoid/rough design. His piercings turn into little spikes like on a dragon and he has thick claws. He’s got a secondary set of fangs behind the first to help munch metal.
Laxus needs actual scales, not the... ham wrapping he had. He has keeled scales, dark gold with a dark gray/black zigging pattern on top. Some of his top scales are finely feathered, like a maned dragon. (The fur coats were a hint, you fools!) His claws and fangs are on the longer side to help conduct electricity.
Wendy needs more scales, you cowards! Her scales are smaller and smoother; she has a pale blue underside, top scales are a dark blue color like her hair, while her hair switches to the magenta of her Dragon Force mode. Keeps the feathery scales she has, as well. Her fangs are more to the side/back of her mouth than the boys.
Cobra never shows much of his scales, but they changed a little in hue before/after the timeskip. His scales are notably granular in shape, with a smooth, milky underside. Violet spreads out from the pale underside to meet maroon along the top, most prominently on his back. There are a few bright yellow spots along his spine, mother nature loves to mark the creatures you Do Not Touch with contrasting colors. Like his claws, his fangs are fine-tipped - full of the worst venom in his arsenal.
Sting has shiny, white, iridescent scales that glow ever so slightly in the dark. His scales are cycloid, and he has notable feathery-scale tufts at his joints. His fangs and claws a more curved than the others.
Rogue has small cycloid scales in a soft gradient going from dark grey (underside) to black (top); there are red spots along the top of his cheeks and fingers/toes. His claws are black and average-size except for the large ones on his index fingers and big toes. His fangs are further back in his mouth, as you don’t see a shadow dragon’s maw until it’s too late.
Acnologia is just covered in the blackest, shiniest scales around, with pronounced osteoderms on his joints. He has a dark grey underside and bright blue stripes near the joints and eyes. His fangs are black and his claws are black - he’s not called the Black Dragon for being half-assed with his aesthetic.
Serena needs to look more unnatural. Like, sure, all the 2nd Gen Dragonslayers are unnatural, but Serena has 8 whole dragon lacrima shoved up his ass. He has bright colored scales in all colors, his hair changes to a white iridescent mess. His back scales are notably feathery, and spread almost like a peacock. His claws and fangs are unnaturally large and glossy. He looks like a goddamn one-man festival because he is That Bitch.
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in-paradox-space · 4 years
In that dip, where the pavement curves and Plummets 2 stories below the main road. A 15ft high wall climbs up above one side, yellow concrete bricks with a musty glimmering hue as the xenon lights glitter off of the mouldy precipitated rain drops. The ones which resurface from surface pressure regardless of weather, as not even air leaves this place sometimes. Above is that large car park where cars stay, but are never seen to enter or leave, despite the amount of overnight cars.
The other side, a concrete wall, the overflow of the pavement used as cement to hold a grittier brick tiling. A main road with 4 or 5 lanes. At this time of night, the buses are just about to stop services. Nobody walks past here and I know for a fact that if anybody hears even a carried echo, distorted shill or scream ricocheting through the bountiful distance between me and them, their shoulders will merge with their chest. They're not gonna leave the only safety of being near the road to enter into this ever darkening subway tunnel.
I realize now. It looks darker to the eyes from up above but down here, a blue light, refracted moonlight is shared with the tarmac floor and illuminates everything. It's not bright, but the surroundings are so dark that the highlights of everything you see illustrate a clear picture. I could see one of them. Wearing a black north face jacket. Big winter coats but he wears it in a way which makes it slim fit.
The left side of him, blue light, almost neon, illuminates his shoulder, his arms, the features of his face. Bushy slim brow. Light skin. 3 shades darker than the palest but an undertone in the light. Almost peach. He's not darkskin, clearly pale, but the lumens change complexion. It even gives an accent. It makes the sight of anyone here foreign.
Oioi, he cries, you better fucking run mate.
I see the knife in his hand. He runs at speed and although there's 3 seconds between the engagement distance, those 3 seconds felt like just a blink. The way he runs, precipitated by confident and also cocky swagger. Cocky as in he's pissed off. He knows the risk of carrying a knife on his person, weilding it and threatening another with it. He's too emotional to account for his own pain... Anguish and torment lead him here and now he is visibly calmer and lighter. In the chest. The feeling of laughter, elated his mood. Diamond eyes. I see the sorrow leave them, visible because now they've left his body.
Poor guy. Tormented... but I'm in recovery too brother, it had to be this way. I was allowed to walk there.
After a short while I noticed there wasn't another figure in the underpass. It was a dark misdirecting of light which created a fleeting feeling of shadow, too hard to make out so the illusion of movement prevails no matter how long you look at it.
Nobody can hear you scream down here. Taunting me, to gauge my reactions, level of fear and visualise which parts of my body react in what ways, tasting and swallowing what he sees right before his arm consumes it, prepared with his body behind him to go use what he learned and adapt to my reactions
So foolish. I'm not like you. I'm not human.
I'm not a girl in a parka coat. You won't take my purse... Your emotions led you here, but I believed.
He lunged towards me. I honestly saw tears in his eyes. Whether he saw them, or he felt them, the scrunching of his eyes, folding his nose and pouting his lips. He was upset as well as angry. If honestly it wasn't his fault that he was there, then it was now. Turning back is out of the question. He had to see it all the way through
In 3 nanoseconds. I realized, nobody is going to help me. Nobody will hear me. This is the most avoidable underpass in the entire city. It's depressing, cold, mouldy. Even terrorists don't wanna reside here. The homeless stay in the open. I didn't even expect this guy here. He's new and clean. How did he even think anyone would come down here?
Into the xenon lights now. His shadow is murkier but more of him is flowing. I can see him well. His figure isn't that stocky. Actually flailing.
He's really emotional. Its a problem. I don't know how I spotted it, but in my lifelong apathy, constantly aggressing in mind and holding my tongue steady. Constantly apathizing the men who lash out at little insignificant things. I know it like the back of my hand now. Useless emotions. I've seen the downfall time and time again. Day in day out. When they act like this, they fail. they're wrong
Patience is tough but it's a vital fleeting survival.
His kindred spirit. Fleeting.
It's really cold out here. His heart said. I'm used to it, he wears a coat (stab protection)
In those 3 nanoseconds. I saw the distance the orange hues travel from the very tall streetlights, above the dip. I couldn't run. I couldn't.
It's uphill, he'd have clear reign over my back side. Not my jam.
Through the dark tunnel? No way. Too cocky, probably surrounded.
Scream? Fat chance. The potential 2 people who may be in radius would hear a faint echo, drowned out by cars, not even louder than a bee. It'd be too late and they'd dismiss it as drunkness, not worth their pain, from the bus interchange.
I wasn't screwed
The people in this town are fearful. Taught to stay to themselves. In that nanosecond
I knew it. This is the end. This is where I meet the most part of pain I have or may ever feel in my entire earth life.
This is the pain I face.
I might die now.
Half a nanoseconds left, I was already moving and I knew in that moment, I had already accepted that I was going to die, so I kept going, nearing the very last leg of my survival.
4, feeling like 5 though, parts of my body moved in unison, I didn't consciously do it, it honestly felt like somebody else used my body as a machine. Maybe my dad's military youth? Preposterous. I knew his weakness. He's just like the rest of them. These lads always fight with emotion, but I was calm
Not now, but the million times I've seen em fail under each others aggressive, exhaustive arms, moving with different strenghts, reading anger and not visual cues
I've seen it too many times. I know it too well.
But I didn't.
I didn't have a clue what I was doing. I was amazing myself... I genuinely believed I was stabbed in the chest.
My knee dug into him, my wrists grabbed his arms and even the blade tighter than I thought or knew possible. I sprained my own wrist, so I know i hurt him... Right?
Three people took hold of me in that moment... Or four. Of me. They were me. Acting for me. The one who reacted steadily, speedily. I charged with adrenaline, excitement. No. It was genuine lust. As my head geared towards him in a tachyon I opened my mouth wide, elating myself to the knife. I went to lick the knife in lust.
Another consciousness took the choice away from me. Like a stern, loving father saying no Andrew thats a bad idea, and it physically took control of my neck, moving and tilting it to the left as it smashed hard as a barrier into his cranium. I did feel agony at that point. A splinter in my spine but I kept smashing and
He was like me. Weak. A boy in his man's clothes. Left beside the gutter to rot
Friends call you mad for walking 10 miles a day in the rain, wearing shorts in winter, adapting to cold with the last chance survival of hypothermic heat when your joints swell up and the ache causes a frictile heat, so you keep going, heat vaporing off your neck in minus
You keep going. Your parents forgot you, but you can't forget them no longer
He didn't know what happened.
I bit his nose, but in reality it was a headbutt. My right eye blistered and bruised.
I broke one of us. I felt it. I don't know yet. My arm moved over his head, with his hand cupped in min.
I believed and accepted I was dead. I wasn't going down without killing him. Taking to the grave.
I was in tears. He was covered. It didn't show on the matte black of his north face. His face became darker. Complexion was no more, just sticky brown and clumping on hair. Reflecting different tones of burgundy blood.
It was difficult to stab the jacket. That's why he wore it. Good idea. I cut his neck but even then. Mercy
I didn't have it in me. Blood was in his mouth, tongue, dripping his teeth. Eyes and nose bruised, some was flowing from his nose.
He looked out of breath, exhausted, agony... Not physically but knowing he has a deep graze to nurse and survive after the attack is over. He said "sorry" "look stop sorry sorry please"
Lying back on the floor. Coughing up little drops which entered his windpipe. I couldn't believe it. My heart felt sadness.
I believed him but I know he'll turn around and kill me if I leave.
I said "just don't do it. Seriously." Meaning 'Share this mercy, don't be a pleb you idiot" or something like that. I don't even know. I said a lot of stuff I didn't know I ever actually wanted to say. It came out and felt cheesy but I understand now why they say if in movies. I understand it.
Even he was sick of it. He knew I wasn't gonna stab him now, weildig the nice tightly in both of my hands. My weight on his, sat on him like a catgitl in missionary
17s had passed. It was awkward. Adrenaline junkies live a lifetime every year.
I struggled to get up, trembling.
Terrified, knowing he's behind me, I walked away. Still trembling. Every step a mile. Crumbling up the long, long, gradient of cement and bichomen leading up the meander to the pavement. Goal was mine
I thought to myself. Someone is charging behind me. The other one. The other ones, in the dark, they saw me abuse his friend. He started on me, its not even fair I just want to get along.
There's nobody. I stood there, turned back. He was lying on the floor. Depleted. Looking tired actually.
I know hes fine, but he probably was waiting for death to come before he finds out he can move and walk home. Once the trembling and shakes wear away.
A mile to the pavement. Everlasting darkness, illusively darker and darker. Nothing to reflect the moonlight and that on tiny, faint, blue fog light from the tunnel ceiling which probably doesn't get a battery replacement for 1 out of its 3 years. Nothing illuminates
The floor was blurry. I don't know what the glow was
I had this feeling in that moment. The years weren't in my eyes, the tears wear encompassing my back, my shoulders, my tongue...
My head felt concussed. I couldn't see. I believed there were men running towards me. From up above, the pavement. From through the tunnel. They could be anywhere. Even if I walk away, they could come from any corner. I was terrified. I felt something new in that moment.
I no longer wanted to be myself.
I desired to be alone. After all the isolation and loneliness. I wanted nothing more to say I was alone. By myself. In the dark fog. alone. On my own. In the dark, where nothing could find me
I was so scared. A new feeling
I wanted to be at a home. It's gone now.
Some time before me two other consciousnesses had passed. One consciousness which displayed my repressed smile towards him; aggression. Like a lion. Snarling. It spoke for me. It mimicked and mocked the silly thoughts which I see these men act on.
That one passed.
As I became me again
But it was an older me. New again. I honestly was a child, in my own man's body. That's when I became a man again. A child. The world felt as huge and unseen as it did that time I was in the playground, age 4. Alone. As always. Lost and alone. Scared, trembling, but I always survive that state.
Nobody knows me when I'm their friend. Alone. Gone. A mystery.
I never want to be alone like that again
and that's who I truly am
The next day. Today. This morning. My body aches... The tinnitus ringing has disappeared, but I hear the memory of its noise in my mind. I hear his breathing. The subtle tones of his breath. It sounded like my old best friend when he 13, a faint sigh he would make in desperation when cornering me, with everything he could muster up at a GameCube game or something.
My right arm, my shoulder, it's weak with pain. Like I've been lifting weights the wrong way all day. My arm feels shattered. Hahaha. I actually forgot about the "stab" a while after I walked home. Then I remembered, thought crud, had this awful feeling of panic. My arms and shoulders became heavy and dropped because I realized, now I remember it, I will feel it's pain and have to struggle more to walk. I looked down to apply pressure, to nurse it...
I couldn't believe itm
There was no wound to be found. Every moment searching for it, I believed it must've been worse than I imagined
But it wasnt
I wasn't stabbed ; a noticed a glowing sensation lift my back neck. I could walk normally from that point on. The brighter white new lights, e@sed my home. Cycle lanes, pavement, road, high visibility and opportunities to run
In fact
The only pain I get was pain of defence. Crumpling his hand. Well. My shoulder really hurts after that. My fingers ache but my shoulders seemed to have carried the tension. My fingers are slow and feel achy though. Ouch.
My head. Wow.
My right eye doesn't even look the same. It's like. Yellow red. The veins are prominent. Like I've been crying from the top of my skull, into my whites and irises. Damn guy
Smh, I bet he's bigging himself up now. 'yeye got into a scrap with some dick from the underpass near bury before mate, absolutely sick'
Or maybe he's alone.
He looks alone really.
He looked like me
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