#i colorpicked from both designs that’s where the green-blue was from
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More Kyle doodles I had lying around cause I literally love him so much I’ve developed him so much starting with fashion, with color picking and symbolism plus me practicing my clothes and poses Kyle is gotta fight & bite people with style✨✨
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kuradex · 7 months
I wanna know about your art style. How you draw like that??
i tried putting down considerations as well as a (very) general step by step of what i do; if there's anything more specific you want me to explain lmk i guess?
first off, general (self imposed) constraints / purpose of project -- this informs what i draw & how i draw it
i.e. "kuradex" is pretty different from my normal art (my 5 latest rough illustrations):
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or my monster hunter charms:
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or my pokemon tcg contest illustrations that im not allowed to show until june (😉):
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although i've said its for merch purposes, ive started drawing these because i wanted to practice conveying "liveliness" and noticing key features / nuances of a given design, but i didn't want to spend a large amount of time on each one.
so what i came up with is
i want to draw things on-model in terms of proportions ( + take note of weight / tapering of shapes / etc )
no backgrounds & minimal "props"
experiment with / practice line/texture/color/flow/rhythm/etc
spend <1 hr on each pokemon on average (this is a bit more difficult for me to track, but for example, the cyndaquil line took me less than 42min to color, combined, and means at some point in time instead of focusing on cleaning up the art as much as i can, i stop after cleaning up most of it)
that said, the pose & the rhythm/flow of lines are key in conveying liveliness, and if i have a concept in mind i usually end up going with it, but i may go thru a few if i dont.
i consider pokemon origin / lore or a key point in its design, and if i'm particularly stuck, i try looking up pokemon card illustrations for inspiration. (i noticed the research i do is essentially a truncated version of how Atsushi Furusawa does research before doing an illustration.
(& even despite all this i do get stuck sometimes and don't exactly understand a pokemon and just opt for "as cute or cool as i can make it i guess?", but i think it's part of the process...?) (theoretically things that are A Shape should be really easy to draw but with what i want to practice in perspective i find them difficult...)
this is from my latest paid req but these are my first sketches of chesnaught -- i was thinking of how one of its inspirations is a warrior / tanker from RPGs, so i drew a pose where it's shielding its face.
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i do another pass and take note of details.
in general i draw overlapping shapes and erase (it's a bit visible on one of the spikes)
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because i opt for quickness i start coloring at this point -- i just use a colored "color burn" sketch layer for the "lineart" & colorpick official art & lay down messy flats & set the color layer to 60%
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60% multiply layer for shadows. i tend to use both hard and soft brushes
for bigger projects i would use 2-3 shadow layers to create more "layered" shadows
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here i use overlay layer (60%). this is just throwing colors at it and seeing what works and doesn't work. i personally prefer to throw red under the eye and a yellow or blue near the top of the head. this is mostly done with a soft brush
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before this point, everything is under the rough lines, but now i start drawing/painting over it
i just color pick the colors that have been laid down from the previous steps and clean up / render textures (making the green on its arms look fuzzy) / fixing anything that i forgot or looks too off (i.e. the spike on its shoulder and the way the tail curves)
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I could potentially keep cleaning this up, but this is where i usually stop 🫡
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tearwolfe · 3 years
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two little boys to finish up my designs for TBC protags! my design explanations might have some spoilers for the books, so be careful with what you read.
i really really love my rootspring design. i based it a lot on my tree design, which is a yellow tabby with lighter brown tabby marking + PANTS MARKING! i haven't done a revamp of tree, but i'm def not going to change it much so rootspring looks like his daddy. also added black on him from his mom, and i've seen cute freckled rootspring designs before.. so yes <3. in canon his eyes are blue but i've seen purple eyed root designs + his mom's name is VIOLETshine and people commonly design her with purple eyes (although they are yellow) so i made his eyes blue/purple. paws + ears + nose match the lavender color i used to shade his eyes bc the actual eye colors didn't look good. his pupils are green for skyclan!
shadowsight.. shadowsight my boy. i just messed around with darker markings and colorpicked a lot of his colors from one drawing i've done of him. i've seen a mix of floppy-eared shadowsights and pointed eared ones, so i mixed both! his undercoat markings were gonna be a more bluish gray, but then i remembered his dad's a brown tabby so i wanted to make it browner. his eyes are red because a lot of the fandom says so LOL, his pupils are purple for shadowclan. his left pupil is white though, either after he gets struck by lighting or straight up dies in the gorge. that's where most of his scars come from. poor lad.
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