#i could go on a Whole Other Ramble featuring atlantis about bad and how desperate he is to keep control of his rampages
the fun thing about fucked up 4halo is that bbh has already tried the whole "sacrifice your mind and sanity and self to be with your fucked up mind controlled lover thing once with the egg and red skeppy already and it uh. well. so anyway, i think that 4ever laughing at bbh and asking "why do you seem so scared of me all the time?" and bbh replies very calmly "i'm not scared of you. i'm scared for you." bbh wanting to let his control slip and just be happy and knowing that kills people he loves
YES!!! YES YES YES. okay you touched on one of the reasons i'm Like This about 4halo in the first place- bad has never been worried about forever being corrupt; bad has been terrified of the federation corrupting forever. you can see it in the way bad tried, over and over and over and over again to talk to forever to build a system that bad thought would be, if not fool-proof, more difficult to corrupt. Bad didn't want a president. but then forever won, and bad settled for second best- building a system that would hurt them as little as possible. not because forever would hurt them, but because the federation WOULD use whoever became president to hurt them. that's why he wanted the council; that's why he wanted to disband the presidency. whoever sat in that chair would be the prime target for the federation's manipulations, and we've seen how that went down with cellbit. and like. bad wanted to trust forever. forever is one of the very few people i could see winning and bad not start an immediate revolution arc (even though he made noises about it). even after one of their biggest fights bad was like- i believe forever is a good person and he's trying to do the right thing. forever is the first person who bad saw as an equal when it came to protecting the eggs and thus was PIVOTAL to bad learning how to trust the other islanders when, for a while there, bad's whole thing was about how paranoid he was. bad trusted forever so, so much, he exhausted every. single. option. he had to defang the presidency (to some players' and chats' horror o7 but i respect the analogy grind). and. god. bad did everything he could to give himself a reason to not kill his friend. because he knew it wasn't forever's fault. as many noises as he's made about killing forever and being silly and salty- he knows forever was in the same boat as him. that's why he built the statue. that's why he was so upset about the gift baskets. they're the same. they're friends. he's always known that forever isn't his enemy. the federation are.
he still knows it. in a pained, soft voice, bad told pierre during the proposal, "there won't be a wedding. look at him. he's out of his mind."
bad was so scared of his friend being corrupted, and now his worst nightmare has come to pass
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