#i could make a moodboard out of cursed images from the art building
talonboot · 1 year
i love our small metals studio
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9 notes · View notes
dimpled-gukkie · 6 years
Give and Take
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Moodboard made by @i-am-today-we-will-survive
Pairing: student heiress! Feminine Reader x art student!Jeon Jungkook ft. platonic best friend Kim Taehyung. (Brief appearances made by Park Jimin, Min Yoongi, and Kim Seokjin). 
Word Count: 20.5k
Warnings: mentions of drinking, taking pain meds (not abusively), belittling parents, incarceration, slight cursing, and allusions to feeling depressive
Genre: Fluff w/ some angst, S2L, College au, kinda a coffee shop au but barely
A/n: I’m sorry I’m a day late on this, I really thought I could get this whole thing written out but I was 4k short yesterday. I promise to get better at time management and not overextend myself. Anyways, yesterday I hit a milestone so this fic is also like a celebration to that. Hopefully you guys enjoy it!
Summary: Love has never come easy to you; you would say you even question if it exists. So when your parents hound you about finding a boyfriend to improve the company image you panic. The only boy you trust enough to bring home is Jeon Jungkook but he doesn’t quite match your parents ideal which means you need to give him a bit of a makeover. Along the way can Jungkook prove to you that love is real or will he just re-affirm your beliefs that it’s a lie?
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Your heels clack against the linoleum floors, each step making you wince at the harsh sounds. It’s a stark contrast to the gentle thud of your converse, and you keep your head down as you pass through the hallways. People turn to stare at you as you walk by and you wind your arms around your middle in an effort to comfort yourself. If it were up to you, you’d be tucked into a pair of leggings and and a thin sweater, just warm enough to protect you from the cool breezes of spring. Instead you’re in what could best be described as a summer dress because your father’s words keep going through your head. The first impression is the only thing that matters, so always dress yourself well. In your own mind, you’re merely setting yourself up for being able to wear sweats for the rest of the semester. 
Casting a sparing glance to your phone, your eyes widen in surprise when you notice the time. Class begins in three minutes and you have to cross the entire building. Picking up your pace, you’re nearly to the lecture hall when you smack into someone’s chest while rounding a corner. Papers fly and the sound of a million pencils rolling across the tile haunt you. You’ll surely be late if you stop and help them but you accept your fate. Hastily you swipe the pencils and paper nearest to you, shuffling them into a haphazard pile. The person you crashed into says nothing as you both grab their belongings, only grunting in annoyance. Once everything you can see is collected, you give them the pile of paper and pens that threatens to capsize in your arms. “I’m so sorry.” You begin, looking up to see a pair of dark brown eyes glaring back at you. Their icy gaze causes chills to run up your spine and you find yourself backtracking. “I-I wasn’t looking where I was going and it’s all my fault-“ A deep blush creeps onto your cheeks as the stranger breaks out into a lazy grin, amused by your nervous antics. 
“It’s alright, no big deal.” You nearly get whiplash from his icy stare turning into molten pools as his eyes crinkle around the edges. 
“Well-“ You clear your throat. “Alright then. I have to get to class.” Scurrying past him, you catch a glimpse of a fond smile but don’t pay it much mind. After all, you know too well how fake smiles can be. Upon entering the classroom, all eyes turn to you and you awkwardly shuffle towards an open seat. Of course they’re left in the front row, meaning everyone in the lecture hall watches you plop into your chair and throw your head onto the table in embarrassment. 
“Well now that it seems that everyone is here,” The professor looks at you pointedly.”We may now begin. It should be noted that since this is an upper level business class, I expect you all to dress accordingly. That means no sweats, leggings, or anything less than business casual.” The class lets out a collective groan causing the professor to roll his eyes. “In less than two years, you’ll be entering the work force where you’ll be treated as professional adults. It’s about time you start looking like it.” With that the professor turns back to his slides, beginning his presentation. You could tell this was going to be a long semester. 
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A grueling two hours later, you’re finally free and make a break for the door. You’re not sure if you can handle a whole semester of that man. His monotonous voice nearly drove you to sleep, but his sharp eyes kept you from dozing off. It was clear he had disdain for his job and you were worried he would take it out on your class. Taehyung is waiting faithfully outside of the classroom, leaning against the wall directly across. He opens his arms wide when you emerge from the classroom and you hide inside his chest. Nothing is as comforting as crawling into your best friends arms after a rough morning. “How was your first class of the day?” He mumbles against the crown of your head. Sighing you press yourself further into him as you answer. “That bad huh?” He chuckles giving you a squeeze. 
“I want to go back to the apartment.” You whine. You and Taehyung have been roommates since the end of your freshman year when the dorms dumped you both out onto the streets. They don’t appreciate when you smuggle dogs into them apparently. It was on the fateful day, surrounded by your Prada luggage and Taehyung surrounded by his Gucci, that you decided to be roommates. For most it was probably a bad idea to move in with a random stranger, but you and Taehyung clicked so quickly that by the end of the day you were best friends. 
“Me too. I miss Tannie already.” 
“We can skip?” You offer, giving off your best smile. It’s hard to want to go to class when you hate your major. 
“First impressions are the most important remember?” He wiggles his eyebrows and you regret telling him your whole life story. 
“Don’t remind me. Besides my classes suck.” You’re back to whining because being sweet isn’t working. 
“I know.” He rubs his hands down the length of your spine soothingly. “But college is almost over and then when you get the company you can sell it.” 
“I’m sure my dad will love that. He won’t even let me take the classes I want.” Glancing around, the hall is void of any other students, the rest already heading to their next class. You should be too, but you’d rather be with Taehyung. 
“You don’t have to take classes to make it as a writer.” Taehyung points out. You appreciate that he always tries to see the bright side, but sometimes you just want to complain. 
“Yeah. I wish my parents were more like yours though.” 
“I don’t think so. At least your parents care, in their own twisted way. I don’t even think I really have a family at this point.” He chuckles lightly but you’ve known him for long enough to know it’s to cover his sorrow. He’s pretty good at hiding behind a smile but you’ve know him too well for it to ever fool you. 
“You have me. You’re my family.” Glancing up, chin resting on his chest, you watch as a small smile makes its way onto his features.
“And you’re mine. We’re our own two person family.” 
“Exactly. And why would you want any more members when you already have the best?” 
“Did-did you just refer to yourself as the best?” Taehyung pushes you from his chest and holds onto your shoulders, keeping you at arms width. He suppress the smile trying to make its way onto his face. 
“What? No-no I meant you!” You both fall into a fit of giggles and Taehyung pulls you back into him. 
“I know bubs, you’re just too fun to tease. Now come on, let’s head to class. I’ll walk you there.” Pouting you let Taehyung drag you to your next class and sadly wave goodbye to him. You never have any classes together, aside from that rare time there’s an elective you both manage to snag. Taehyung majors in Art History, something he is actually passionate about, but always manages to be there to walk you to and from classes. You really don’t know what you did to deserve him. Inside, the classroom is already pretty full, only a few seats empty here or there. Walking towards the back, you sit down quietly next to a boy with his head down. Taking out your AirPods you pop them in to listen to some music before class starts. Taehyung always makes sure that you arrive a little early to class, the only exception being this morning because he has a class earlier than your own. You just hit play on your music when the boy next to you turns to face you. Looking over you realize it’s the same one from this morning. 
“Oh hi.” You wave awkwardly and take one earbud out. 
“Hi.” He smiles and now that you have the time to really look at him you notice his whole face crinkles when he grins. “Airpods huh?” He gestures to the one in your hand. 
“Yeah. I don’t speak broke.” You both fall into a fit of giggles at your lame joke and you reach out to give your earbud to him. “You can listen too if you want. I wouldn’t say my playlist is the best but it’s good enough.” Grinning he takes it and bops his head dramatically to the beat coming from them. 
“I don’t know what you mean. This is great.” Rolling your eyes you slide your phone over to him with the music app open. 
“Fine then. You pick something.” 
“Let me show you what intellectuals listen to.” His grin becomes earsplitting as he shields the device from your prying eyes and you gradually become more concerned. You shouldn’t have trusted him. The beginning of Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley begins to trickle through the speakers and you try your best to snatch the phone back from him but he holds it out to his other side. 
“I can’t believe you just rick rolled me.” You groan, struggling to hide a laugh of your own. “I don’t even know you yet and you’re already messing with me.” He turns to you suddenly serious and his face falls. 
“You mean, you share your headphones with just anybody?” Pouting he hands you back the device and guilt already begins to eat away at you. 
“No I didn’t mean it like that. I don’t really share them with anybody but I’m comfortable around you for some reason even though we only met this morning so I guess we’re not really stra-“ 
“I’m just teasing.” He cuts you off from your rambling. “I’m Jungkook.” He says sticking out his hand. Gently you place yours in his and he shakes it firmly. 
“There you go, now we’re not strangers.” He smiles and you find yourself smiling back. You’re not sure what exactly makes you trust him so much. He’s just so warm and bright, reminiscent of Taehyung. He makes you feel safe and protected, something you haven’t really felt in a long time. Maybe it’s a mistake, but you decide that you want to keep him around. The professor enters the room and calls for your attention, effectively ending the conversation. 
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That night you’re curled up next to Taehyung on the couch of your apartment, the dogs sprawled across your laps. “Who was that boy in your second class?” Taehyung asks, absentmindedly playing with your hair. 
“Taehyung there’s lots of boys in my second class. You need to be more specific.” 
“The one with the red hair. He kept glancing at you when we were talking after your class.” You rack your mind for someone with red hair before mentally facepalming. 
“That’s Jungkook. I think we’re friends now.” Taehyung raises an eyebrow at you. 
“Really? You don’t really trust people after him.” 
“Yeah I know, but there’s just something about Jungkook. He makes me feel safe.” 
“Well that’s good. I’ll have to meet him though, make sure he knows that if he ever hurts you I’ll beat his ass.” 
“Tae we only just became friends.” You groan hiding your face in his neck. 
“I don’t care. As long as we’re best friends it’s my job to make sure no one will hurt you.” 
“Ah yes, big bad Taehyung. You’ll really scare them away with that boxy smile.” You tease pinching his soft cheeks for extra measure. 
“Shut up.” He swats your hands away. “Besides I have a very manly voice. I’ll just use that to my advantage.” Nodding you rest your head against his shoulder, attention focusing back on the tv. “You tired?” Taehyung asks softly. You lightly nod in response. “Come on then.” Gently he scoops you up and places you onto your bed, shuffling the comforter up to your chin. “Sleep well okay?” Nodding, you watch with half-lidded eyes as he walks over towards your door. “Goodnight bubs.” 
“Goodnight Tae.
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The next morning you’re enjoying your day without class, walking hand in hand with Taehyung. He swings your connected hands in large swooping motions, giggling childishly at the action. “Ahh I missed this.” He says and you roll your eyes, albeit your heart does grow a tad warmer. 
“Tae we see each other everyday. We live together.” 
“Yeah but it’s not the same. I have you all to myself today.” Grinning he pulls you into him, stopping to give you a bear hug in the middle of the street. Hugging him back tightly you rub his upper back, sensing a shift in his attitude. Maybe something happened last night after you went to bed that upset him and is making him so starved for affection. 
“You okay?” You murmur into his ear, ignoring the annoyed grunts and huffs of air the people around you are giving. 
“Your parents called me last night.” You feel yourself turn rigid in his arms, and this time it’s Taehyung rubbing soothing circles down your back. 
“Why? What did they want?” You’re not exactly sure how they got Taehyung’s number seeing as they only know him from the time they stopped by your apartment uninvited. They were solely against the idea of you living with a male until they found out Taehyung also came from a wealthy family. They couldn’t stop talking about him and pressuring you to make a move until you broke the news that Taehyung was already engaged to someone else. Truthfully, Taehyung was just as single as you but your parents would never accept the fact that you and Taehyung would only ever be friends regardless of his beauty or wealth. After finding out Taehyung was a no-go your parents have never mentioned Taehyung again and you had thought they’d completely forgotten him. 
“They called me and pleaded that I break off my engagement and court you instead.” Your cheeks turn a hot shade of pink and you hide yourself in his neck. 
“They really think I’m that much of a lost cause that they have to do my bidding huh? Did they offer you money? Wouldn’t be the first time.” 
“Bubs…” Taehyung warns, his tone of voice telling you not to ask questions you don’t want the answer to. 
“How much?” Your voice is muffled by his sweatshirt but his sigh signifies he still heard you. 
“1 million.” 
“That low huh? I guess my worth has decreased over time.” You laugh humorously. “To them that’s the equivalent of 20 dollars.” 
“Well you’re priceless to me, if that makes you feel any better.” 
“Thanks Taehyungie.” You pat his shoulder a few times before disentangling yourself from his grip. “Now come on, I definitely need some coffee to get me through the day.” Pulling him into the first shop you see, you’re welcomed by a soft yellow light emitted from the lights strung along the ceiling and soft piano music filtering through the speakers. The smell of freshly ground coffee beans swirls through the air, the smell like the soft flutter of a butterfly’s wings rather than pungent and assaulting. You’re too busy looking around to notice the boy with familiar red hair, dark eyes, and crinkly smile, which comes on full display when he notices your presence. 
“Y/N!” Looking over towards the register you finally take notice of the beaming boy. 
“Oh, he-hey Jungkook.” You move to rub the back of your neck nervously but end up pulling Taehyung’s arm with you, completely forgetting that you’re attached. Jungkook’s eyes dart down to your conjoined hands, as do yours, and his smile droops a little. 
“Hey. What can I get you both today?” 
“A medium vanilla iced coffee for me and then a large strawberry smoothie for him please.” Jungkook types in your order before turning the screen around for you to pay. He says nothing after you swipe your card and enter your pin, just turns around to start making your drinks. 
Taehyung gives you a weird look before leaning in to whisper in your ear as you wait to get your drinks, “I thought you said you were friends?” 
“We are?” You’re just as confused as Taehyung about Jungkook’s sudden change in mood. He seemed so happy before to see you, but now he won’t even speak to you. 
“Mmm. I don’t like him.” 
“He’s really nice. Maybe he’s just having a bad day?” 
“Just be careful alright? I don’t want a repeat of-“ 
“Your order is ready.” Jungkook cuts Taehyung off gruffly. You flash him a concerned look but he ignores it and heads back over to the register. Maybe Taehyung is right. Is Jungkook even worth it?
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The next time you see Jungkook is your shared class together three days later. He’s sitting in the same spot as last week and part of you wants to go sit somewhere else. Your heart wins out though and you decide to sit next to him anyways. Everyone has bad days, you shouldn’t hold it against him. Pulling out your headphones and notebook you place them on your desk and out of the corner of your eye see Jungkook giving you a soft smile. “Feel like sharing?” He asks. 
“You want to be AirPod buddies? Hmm… I don’t know.” His grin turns into a pout, plush bottom lip jutting out considerably. His eyes twinkle like they’ve captured the stars. “Fine.” You huff and roll your eyes.
He grins happily as he pops the bud in, and bops his head happily side to side. A fond smile stretches across your face and it’s like the coffee shop incident never happened. It must’ve really been a bad day. You both sit at the desk bopping along happily until the professor comes in and you both set the headphones aside. You’re halfway through the lecture when a loud crinkling sounds next to you, and when the people around you also turn their heads toward the sound, Jungkook is frozen with hunched shoulders and wide eyes, a bag of banana chips clutched between his fingers. You struggle to hide your giggle, eyes scrunched as your body shakes in silent laughter. When everyone finally turns their sharp gazes away, Jungkook lightly shoves your shoulder. “I can’t believe you laughed in my time of need.” He whines. 
“It’s your own fault for trying to open up a bag of chips in a quiet room.” 
“Just for that I’m not sharing.” He sticks his tongue out at you when you spare him a glance. 
“Alright banana boy.” You snicker. A pout grows on his face at your words and you resist the urge to poke his jutted lip in response. It’s odd for you to feel so affectionate towards someone so quickly, Taehyung’s really the only one who brings it out in you, but you don’t want to shake off this feeling. It feels warm like friendship and it’s been a while since you’ve made a real friend after Taehyung. When Jungkook starts getting back into the lesson and is too focused on his notes to realize you inching your hand towards the bag, you quickly swipe a few chips and push them into your mouth to hide the evidence. You’re too busy grinning at your “sneaky” plan working to notice Jungkook tilt his head to the side quickly and poking his tongue into his cheek to hide his smile. He definitely saw you but if you were going to get so happy over sneaking chips he offered, he’d let it slide. 
When class is over and you are gathering your notebook and pens, Jungkook softly taps on your shoulder, twirling the AirPod around in his fingers. “Do you maybe -um- want to go grab a coffee or something? You don’t have to, I mean you’re probably busy but-“ His face gets increasingly redder the longer he rambles, becoming more and more flustered. 
“Sure. Just let me text Tae and tell him I have plans, unless he can come with us?”
Scratching the back of his neck he gives you a tight lipped smile. “Yeah sure. The more the merrier right?” 
You look at him skeptically before raising an eyebrow. “You sure?” 
“Yup.” Walking outside the classroom, Taehyung is once again leaning against the wall and when he notices you both come out together he raises an eyebrow. You dismiss it with a roll of the eyes but a blush still makes it’s way up your neck and onto your cheeks. The three of you walk out of the building in an awkward silence, the tension almost palpable. Pursing your lips, you wring your hands together, lost on what the route of the tension is and how to solve it. 
“So umm… what are you planning on getting?” You turn to ask Jungkook. He gives you a small smile. 
“I was thinking something sweet. Maybe a caramel macchiato.” 
“Oo good choice. Maybe I’ll get that too.” 
“It’d definitely be more exciting than a vanilla iced coffee.” He snickers. In result you shove his arm and he practically throws himself onto the grass next to the sidewalk, rolling a few times while clutching his “injury”. “Yah! Who knew someone so small was so strong? Be careful will you? I could’ve broken my arm or something!” Rolling your eyes you stifle your giggles behind the sleeve of your sweater. 
“You’re a dork.” 
“You know, surprisingly I’ve heard that before.” He chuckles while picking himself off the grass. 
“Wow that is surprising.” Jungkook rolls his eyes in response and opens his mouth to say something before Taehyung interjects. 
“Now now children. Let’s not fight.” 
You and Jungkook both huff and mumble, “I’m not a child.” 
“If you have to refute it, then you probably are.” Squinting your eyes, you give him your best glare but he ignores it. “Where are we going anyways?” 
“My place.” Jungkook grumbles. His eyes widen as he registers his words meanwhile you and Taehyung have stopped to stare at him. 
“Umm.. I’m sorry if I gave you that impression but-“ You begin but Jungkook frantically waves his hands while shaking his head. 
“No no not my place my place like my coffee shop. My place of work. This is so awkward, I’m so sorry. I swear I’m not like that.” Taehyung giggles behind you as a bead of nervous sweat trickles down Jungkook’s head the longer you remain silent. His gaze is pleading as he stares, praying he hasn’t ruined his chances. 
“Jungkook it’s fine. I figured that’s what you meant.” Taehyung is still giggling as you make your way towards Jungkook’s cafe, the same one you visited a few days ago. The bell chimes above your heads as you enter and the boy behind the counter whips his head up at the sound. “Kookie!” He yells, grin so wide that his eyes squint to the point that they’re nearly closed. 
“Ahh,, hi Jimin.” Jungkook smiles, voice soft. 
“Look at you making friends. I never thought the day would come.” The cashier teases while wiping a fake tear. “My Jungkookie is all grown up.” Jungkook rolls his eyes.  
“This is Y/N and uhh,,,” 
“Taehyung, but most people call me Tae.” Taehyung sticks his hand out to shake Jimin’s and Jimin winks at you when they release. 
“So you’re Y/N..” A smirk grows on his face as he gives you a once over and your cheeks heat up. 
“Yup, that’s me.” You smile awkwardly. 
“Okay well now that introductions are over, how about taking our order?” Jungkook steps in front of you, shielding you from Jimin’s gaze. 
“Sure thing.” 
“Two caramel macchiatos and a- what did you want?” Jungkook asks turning to Taehyung. 
“Strawberry smoothie.” 
“Yeah that.” While Jimin’s punching in the order you squeeze between Jungkook and Taehyung. “What are you doing?” Jungkook asks watching as you take out your debit card. 
“Paying?” Reaching out to hand Jimin the card, Jungkook places his hand over your own to stop you. 
“No I got this. Don’t worry.” 
“Jungkook it’s really no big deal.” You begin.
“Y/N it’s really no big deal.” Sighing you put your hand back down, realizing this argument is futile. Jungkook is too determined. 
“It really is no big deal. He’s got that employee discount anyways.” Jimin teases, leaning against the counter as he shakes in laughter. Pink dusts Jungkook’s cheeks and your heart hurts a little because he’s so cute. But you only mean it in a friendly manner, at least that’s what you tell yourself.
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Ever since you’ve gotten coffee with Jungkook and Taehyung you’ve felt giddy. The type of giddy where your whole body feels like a live wire budding with electricity. You deduce it must be because you’ve made a new friend. You’ve finally found someone new to let in, someone who doesn’t seem to only want you for your contacts or bank account. Not that they’re even yours to begin with. Growing up in a household where your father was the youngest CEO of the largest distribution companies in the country meant you were always more than comfortable. You could get whatever you asked for, money came in like it really did grow on trees. Your biggest worry though, focused on the people outside your immediate family. Crooks and snakes lied around every corner, waiting to strike the naive girl you once were. The type who gave love so freely and in such an abundance that you couldn’t fathom the greed or cruelty that overtook humanity so easily. When you did finally see it, it felt like all the warmth and love you had was sucked out of you, leaving you this shell of a person. For a long time you didn’t really know how to be, the new you was so cynical, so cold. It wasn’t until you met Taehyung and truly trusted him that the flicker of life in you came back. That’s part of the reason you and Taehyung are so close, seeing as he made you feel human again. 
With a smile on your face even throughout your classes, nothing can break your mood, not the grumpy old man who loiters in the lobby of your apartment building yelling at the people at the front desk or the loud stomping of the people on the floor above you. Smiling widely, you flop onto the couch and both pups jump onto you, Tannie settling in your lap and your own dog lying on your chest giving you a few licks on your jawline. “Hi babies!” Craning your neck up, you pat them both on their heads before settling fully back down. 
“Why didn’t I get that kind of excitement when I picked you up from class earlier?” Taehyung whines, nudging your legs aside to make room for himself on the couch. 
“Oh, hey Tae! I didn’t see you there.” You voice drips in faux excitement making Taehyung roll his eyes. “Aww come on. You know I’m always happy to see you.” 
“And?” Taehyung pushes, eyes wide and hopeful. 
“I can wait all day you know.” Resting one arm on the back of the couch he shifts to his side to stare at you head-on. 
“I love you.” A boxy grin two sizes too big stretches across his features and you’re sure if they dogs weren’t on your lap, he would’ve tackled you. It’s not often that you say I love you, what with all that happened last time. 
“I love you too! You should really say that more often. It makes my day.” He’s practically beaming and you consider maybe just for him you’ll try and say it more frequently. After all, there’s no risk of losing Taehyung. You’ll be best friends even in death. 
“I might.” You mumble, half hoping he won’t hear you but also hoping he will. After all he’s done for you, you could at least give him this. 
The rest of the night is spent how every night is, you and Taehyung wrapped in pillows and blankets while surrounded by take-out boxes, the pups waiting fervently to catch any spillage. The whole time though, thoughts of a certain red haired, crinkly smiled boy swirls through your head leaving a small smile on your face even when you’re asleep. 
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You find yourself back in your dreaded class, the same eyes as before judging you for your outfit choice. Did the professor say that you were supposed to dress nicely? Yes. Are you going to dress nicely though when you hate your major and have to study it at 7 am every morning? No. So here you are in your comfiest sweats and one of Taehyung’s hoodies, nursing a coffee that’s not nearly as good as the one Jungkook made a few days ago. The professor walks in and his beady eyes land right on you and you give him your best fake smile before grabbing your notebook out of your backpack. “I see some of us have forgotten the dress code.” He begins and all eyes fall to you. “Today I’ll let it slide, but next time you’ll start to notice an effect on your grade.” His eyes say try me and you shrink a little into yourself on the inside, even though you don’t let it show. You make eye contact with the class TA named Seokjin and he winks at you before mouthing something unintelligible, well at least to you. He definitely said something to garner the giggles of the girls around you but you’ve always been bad at reading lips. You just smile awkwardly before turning back to your notes.
When class ends, he saunters over to you, placing both hands on the desk before leaning into you. His wide shoulders shadow part of your desk leaving you feeling caged in, but not in a good way. “I’m Seokjin.” 
“I know.” His smirk widens. “Kinda need to know the name of the TA in case I have questions.” The smirk falls a little and you can’t help your swell of pride from knocking him off his high horse. 
“Well I thought it was real sexy how you stood up to the professor like that. He’s a prick.” Seokjin says. 
“Thanks. Well, I have to go. My friend is waiting for me.” You point to Taehyung who’s leaning against the wall like he does everyday. He won’t admit it but he definitely does it for the wallflower aesthetic. Seokjin’s eyes follow the direction your finger is pointing in and he stiffens when he notices Taehyung. 
“Friend?” He asks as he follows you towards the door of the classroom. 
“Mmhmm.” Taehyung wraps his arm around your shoulder when you you walk out sensing your discomfort. 
“Well, you should come to my party. It’s at my frat. Free entry for pretty girls.” He winks and you lean further into Taehyung. 
“Free entry for him and I’ll think about it.” Seokjin gives Taehyung a once over, like he’s assessing whether he’s more attractive than him. 
“Free entry for both if you come.” 
“You drive a hard bargain but I’ll accept.” You stick out your hand to shake on it and when you pull away a folded note is left on your hand. 
“I mean I study business so.. But I’ll see you later, Y/N. Maybe we could even hang out before the party?” He smiles before walking away with a small wave. Opening the folded note, his number is scrawled across in red ink along with a wink and a heart. 
“How can you be so greasy in a note?” You ask, scrunching your nose in disgust. Throwing the note in the nearest trashcan, you and Taehyung speed walk to your next class, seeing as your little chat with “mr. worldwide handsome” put you behind schedule. 
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Jungkook chuckles as you race into class moments before the professor and settle down in the seat next to him. “Running late?” He asks. 
“No I just decided to have to run to class today for fun.” You roll your eyes and shake your head, not bothering to fight the smile stretching across your face. 
“You sure have an interesting idea of fun then.” He pushes his tongue inside his cheek and tilts his head a little, fighting back a large smile but leaving his eyes twinkling. 
“Well what’s your idea of fun?” 
“Going to the countryside, photoshoots, painting.” He whispers, both of you neglecting the lecture going on at the front of the room. 
“Spoken like a true wannabe art hoe.” You giggle and wink at him. He puffs out his cheeks in a pout and you can’t help but poke a finger into one of them, effectively making him blow out the air. 
“First of all if anyone’s the wannabe it’s you and your paint stained hoodie. I bet you bought that from Urban with the paint smears just to be quirky.”
“Someone’s defensive.” You snicker. “Besides it’s not even mine. It’s Tae’s and he actually studies art for his major.” You stick your tongue out at him for extra measure. 
“Well so do I so ha!” He sticks his tongue back out at you and you both fall into a fit of giggles at your childish antics. 
“You’re such a dork.” You laugh. 
“Takes one to know one.” He sings. 
“Remind me why we’re friends again?” 
“You mean… I’ve been upgraded from desk mate to friend?” Jungkook sniffles and wipes under his eye like he’s catching tears. “This is such an honor.” You shove his arm but he doesn’t even move. 
“I hate you.” You pout crossing your arms over your chest. “I was just trying to be nice and-“ 
“Ahh you know I’m teasing. Besides we both know you’re only my friend for the banana chips.” Reaching into his bag, he pulls out two packets of banana chips and hands you one. “Now we can wreak havoc together!” 
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The next day you and Taehyung coincidentally end up at the coffee shop Jungkook works at. Taehyung says nothing the whole time you’re ordering, opting to just look at you with this big grin as Jungkook turns to make your drinks. “What?” You ask sharply. 
“Oh nothing, just find it funny that out of all the coffee shops in town we had to walk five extra blocks to come here.” He shifts his weight between his heels and toes, rocking back and forth and looking up while he says it. You glare at him in response. 
“Maybe I just like it better here? Did you think of that?” 
“Or maybe you just like a certain worker better here.” 
“Is it wrong that I want to see my friend?” Taehyung coughs loudly muttering boyfriend in between. “No. I don’t do boyfriends.” 
“Don’t do boyfriends?” Jungkook interjects, his brows furrowed and lips pursed as if he’s displeased. 
“Ahh,, let’s just say I don’t have a good history with them.” 
“With one.” Taehyung says, holding up one finger to Jungkook to really emphasize your lack of experience. 
“It only takes one bad experience to ruin something. Besides it’s alright, I’ve coped with dying alone.” You shrug. 
“That’s a little morbid. Don’t you think maybe you should give it another shot? Find someone who’ll treat you better?” Jungkook pushes, holding onto your drinks. He keeps them close to his chest though like they’re tethering you to him, making you stay. 
“That’s what Taehyung’s for,” You pat his arm a few times. “Who needs a boyfriend when you have a best friend that provides you with everything you need sans romance, of course.” 
“Yeah, I guess.” Jungkook pushes your drinks towards you, his mouth sadly quirked up in one corner. 
“Not quite. Since I’m getting married soon, you’ll need someone to take home to your parents.” Taehyung says, winking at Jungkook. Both of your faces turn scarlet and you hastily pull Taehyung out of the shop, not even taking the time to say goodbye to a stunned Jungkook. 
“What the hell Tae?” You exclaim when you’re a safe distance from the shop and the cool breeze soothes your burning skin. 
“What? I was doing you a favor. Planting a seed if you will.” 
“I won’t.” Grabbing your drink from his hands, you stomp away towards your apartment with Taehyung trotting happily behind you. You’re not paying much mind when you’re shoving your key into the door of the apartment, mind still reeling over the incident back at the coffee shop. What if Jungkook doesn’t want to be friends anymore? What if Jungkook thinks you like him? “I can’t believe you told Jungkook I need someone to take home to my parents.” You’re not looking as you enter too busy scowling back at Taehyung who’s standing behind you. He looks a tad guilty now, finally sensing your distress over the situation and it makes you feel a little better. He shouldn’t be pressuring you into getting a boyfriend, let alone one meeting your parents, when he knows the wreck you were left in last time. 
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Later that week Taehyung convinces you to go to the university art exhibit with him. The gallery is made up entirely of student compositions and there’s even a small scholarship given to the creator of the best piece, voted by the art board staff. It’s a requirement for all students in the art programs to attend even if they haven’t entered a composition, hence why Taehyung is here. As a fellow art hoe, mainly a sucker for textured paintings, it really didn’t take much for you to give up your Saturday afternoon. Walking around there’s many pieces of all forms: paintings, prints, sculptures. You must spend at least three hours wandering from piece to piece discussing your own interpretations of the pieces and their meanings. Nothing has quite caught your eye yet, but Taehyung has become enraptured with a piece called ‘Squirrel trapped in a garden’. The ceramic squirrel sits in the center of a clear vase turned upside down and Taehyung can’t seem to pull himself away. While he stands staring at the woodland creature, you move on ahead of him to a painting tucked in the back of the venue. It’s a mixed media piece, the melancholy theme of it all contrasting with the bright colors. Your hand itches to run across the gray canvas and touch the raised paint and trace the harshly etched lines making up the face. An array of rainbow makes up half of the man’s hair and the color seeps from his eye like tears and trips down his face off his chin. It’s almost like the color is being drained out of him, spilling from the cracks that line his face. 
You’re too engrossed in the painting to notice the sudden presence beside you leaning in close to whisper, “What do you think?” 
“Hmm?” You ask turning to jump back when you realize Jungkook’s face is mere inches from your own. 
“About the painting.” 
“Right. I think the juxtaposition of the dark theme but bright colors makes for a really interesting piece. I like that it’s open ended. Is he becoming darkness as his colors fade to grey or is light breaking through his dark facade?” 
“Which do you think?” 
“I feel like you’re going to psychoanalyze me based on my answer.” You joke.
“Just answer the question.” 
“I think he’s being taken over by darkness.” 
“Interesting. I would’ve pegged you for the type to choose sunshine and rainbows.” Jungkook says. 
“I once was.” You scoff, almost mad at yourself for your past mentality. You were a fool. 
“What happened?” Jungkook presses, moving to stand in front of you as you refuse to take your eyes off the painting. 
“It’s a long story.” 
“We’ve got time.” 
“Correction, you’ve got time. I have to get ready for a party.” You say. 
“A party? Where?” 
“Kim Seokjin’s frat.” 
“How’d you get in? He’s real picky about his invite list.” 
“What can I say? The people love me.” Jungkook scoffs and rolls his eyes. 
“Well if you’re going then so am I. Can’t let you get drunk alone.” 
“I’d be in a house full of other people but okay.” You don’t tell him that you were planning on going with Taehyung anyways. You’re not exactly sure why, he’ll find out when you arrive together, but you’re afraid he won’t come if Taehyung does. 
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The front door of the frat looms above you, your body nearly vibrating from the bass of the music coming from the house. You can taste the regret already as you walk inside, wrapping your hand around Taehyung’s as he pushes his way through the dense crowd of people. You pull Jungkook behind you by the belt loop, too awkward to grab onto his hand but not wanting to loose him. You release them both when you enter the kitchen, opting to hold onto a red solo cup instead. The only way you’ll be able to get through this party is with a little liquor in your system. Mixing yourself a little drink you turn towards the boys and only Jungkook grabs one too. Taehyung decides to be the sober one for tonight and watch over your little trio but you feel like it’s really to watch for Seokjin. Something about him is off-putting. Maybe it’s because he reminds you of your father. 
Speaking of Seokjin, at just that moment you have the misfortune of making eye contact with him from across the room. He smiles and nudges a boy with dimpled cheeks before nodding in your direction. The boy gives Seokjin a clap on the back before he makes his way over, the partygoers parting for him like the red sea. “Y/n.” He says, standing on the other side of the island. 
“Y/n’s friend and boy I don’t remember inviting.” He says nodding to Taehyung and Jungkook respectively. 
“Jungkook is with me.” 
“i thought I only gave you one plus one.” Seokjin smiles sweetly, to contrast his sharp tone. He really is picky about his invite list.
“That would be Jungkook. Taehyung got his own invitation remember?” You turn your head to the side and smile at him sweetly. It just feels so nice to one up him. 
“Ah, smart girl. You’re a true business student, always looking for loopholes.” Seokjin reaches across the island and swipes your cup, taking a swig. 
“Poor taste in alcohol though.” He coughs throwing your drink in the trash. “Here let me make you a new one.” 
“No!” Taehyung and Jungkook yell simultaneously.  
“Fine.” Seokjin says throwing his hands up in the air. “She can make her own drink, but she has to dance with me first.” Seokjin winks at you and your skin crawls. Something about this doesn’t feel right. 
“I think I’ll take my chances with the drink.” You say. 
“A shame. Most people would kill for a dance with the Kim Seokjin.” 
“I’m sure.” Jungkook snarks under his breath causing you to laugh. After your drink is mixed and back in your hands, the four of you stand in an awkward silence until the dimpled boy calls for Seokjin and he disappears from sight. You all immediately relax and Taehyung leaves for the bathroom, comfortable to leave you unattended for a few minutes. 
You turn to Jungkook once you’re alone in the kitchen, placing Seokjin’s drink in the sink. “So, I was meaning to ask but did you enter a piece in the art show today?” 
His cheeks dust pink, making his red hair a little softer. “Y-yeah.” His gaze focuses on the floor between you two and he smiles at something in his head. “You really seemed to like it.” 
“That was yours?” You exclaim, shocked that something dark could come from the boy whose eyes and smile shine. 
“So which one? Did you make him radiate light or darkness?” You ask, referring to the question he’d asked you earlier. 
“I can’t tell you, that defeats the whole purpose of interpretation. But I will tell you the answer I’d give today is different than the original one.” 
“That’s even more confusing.” You whine. Jungkook just grins. 
“Good. Art is supposed to make you think.” 
“Hey, did they announce who won?” You ask and Jungkook’s smile falls a little. 
“Yeah, something with a squirrel?” 
“You mean that squirrel piece beat your painting? I have to question the judges then because yours was definitely the best one there.” 
“You think so?” His blush deepens a shade but you blame it on the heat of the room. 
“Of course! I was even thinking of buying it to put up in the apartment.” 
“You don’t have to buy it. I’ll just give it to you.” 
“No, I couldn’t just take it. It’s a work of art, not some child’s painting.” Reaching into your purse you pull out your emergency cash before pushing it towards Jungkook. “Here, take it as a downpayment on the painting. I’ll give you the rest tomorrow.” 
‘Woah, woah, woah. Slow down there. I’m not charging you for it. Think of it as a gift.” Jungkook says, putting your cash back inside your purse. 
“Well at least let me do something for you in exchange.” 
“Take me out for breakfast tomorrow. I could use a pick-me-up after the headache I’ll get from this music.” 
“O-okay. Here, I’ll give you my number and you can text me when you wake up.” Handing over your phone, he types in his number before taking a derpy photo up close to the camera as his contact photo. It’s so close in fact that all you can see is his nose and eyes. “Kook, that’s gonna be so scary when you call me.” You whine, staring down at the photo with a pout. 
“Scary? Why because your heart will skip a beat at my handsome face?” He quips, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. 
“More like because you look like some deranged fish.” 
“Just for that you don’t get a contact photo.” Jungkook says as he makes your contact. What did you do to deserve this treatment? 
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Your phone blares at six a.m. and you groan, having just gotten to sleep a little past two a.m. You’d made the most of the night, what with all the free alcohol, and your head throbs. You’re contemplating letting the call ring out until you turn over the device and are greeted by an intimate view of Jungkook’s face. Annoyedly you swipe to answer, croaking out a “what?” 
“You said to let you know when I wake up.” Jungkook sounds much to awake and happy for how much he drank last night.
“Who wakes up at 6 am after a night of drinking? How are you even alive?” 
“I just don’t get hungover.” 
“Lucky you. My head is pounding.” 
“I’ll pick up coffee and ibuprofen on the way. Drop me the location of your apartment.” Jungkook says and you don’t think much of it. You’re drifting in and out of consciousness for about fifteen minutes when there’s a knock on the door. You could yell for Taehyung to get it even though you know who it is, but that seems too cruel. No one should be up at the crack of dawn involuntarily. Standing up you pull your comforter along with you, wrapping it around your head like a hooded cape. You acknowledge that you probably look ridiculous but it’s too early for you to care. The knocking persists even as you move towards the door and you hurry across the living room, throwing the door open so the dogs don’t start barking. “Hi.” Jungkook smiles, cherry hair a tad messy from sleep. 
“Hey kook.” Turning around you plop down onto the couch and Jungkook follows. 
“You look ready to go.” Jungkook teases. 
“Oh I am. Blanket and all.” 
“Good, it’s cute.” He pats the top of your head for extra measure. You sputter a little as your brain malfunctions. Is Jungkook…flirting with you? 
“Okay, let’s go!” Standing abruptly you sway a little from moving too fast. 
“You gotta take your meds first.” Jungkook says, unscrewing the cap on the ibuprofen and handing you two along with your drink. 
“Thanks.” You murmur unsheathing yourself from the blanket. “Now I’m good to go.” Jungkook gives you a once over and your cheeks flare up a little. You’re only in a pair of sweats and a baggy t-shirt. 
“You sure you’ll be warm enough?” 
“Aww are you worried about me?” You tease, tempted to pinch his cheek. 
“Eww no.” He scrunches his nose and gets up to open the front door. “Now come on, I’m hungry.” 
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A fifteen minute walk later and you’re seated in a small diner, your coffee Jungkook brought you long gone but replaced by another. Jungkook chose to get a hot chocolate because “coffee should cease to exist” which you can’t help but find a little ironic seeing as he works in a coffee shop. Your waitress is a young girl in her twenties who seems bored to death. She just stands by the till repeatedly stirring her coffee with a small spoon. “So you and Taehyung?” Jungkook asks after taking a small sip of his drink. 
“Me and Taehyung what?” 
“Are you two together or something?” oHis fingers drum on the table like he’s waiting with anticipation. 
“Oh no. Tae and I are just friends. He’s basically my brother.” Your nose scrunches in displeasure at the idea of you and Taehyung being something romantic. 
“Ahh. So you live together for fun?” 
“Yeah, it’s nice having someone to come home to. Plus the rent isn’t cheap.” You may be rich but you’re not about to drop 4k a month on rent. 
“Yeah your place is really nice. Much nicer than mine.” 
“I’m sure your place isn’t bad.” 
“It’s not. Just compared to yours it’s a dump and yet I’m still barely able to pay my half of the rent even though it’s considerably cheaper. Student loans are a bi-“ 
“Here’s your orders.” The waitress sets your stack of pancakes down and Jungkook’s breakfast burrito down. “Need anything else?” You can tell she’s only asking because she has to. 
You and Jungkook both shake your heads and she heads back to the till. You both fall silent as you eat, merely enjoying each other’s company. You watch the world outside begin to wake up as the sun rises and people begin to venture outside. You like this, being outside when the world is still half asleep. It’s peaceful, a stark contrast to the usually busy streets of the city your college is tucked into. When your plates are both clear, do you and Jungkook pick back up conversation. “This is my favorite time to be out, you know? When you can just move at your own pace and the city feels like it’s yours.” 
“It’s nice. Normally I’m still asleep but I like watching the world wake up.” He hums in agreement. “Is this what inspires your artwork?” 
“Sometimes. I just find I can think clearly during this time of day.” 
“Probably the lack of distraction.” 
“Do you have any passions?” A blush dots your cheeks as you pull at the hem of your shirt. 
“Writing.” Your family has never been fond of your hobby. You aspired to become an author but your family quickly vetoed it. An author isn’t a respectable career in their eyes. You think it’s just because it’s not a big money maker. 
“Like poems or stories?” 
“Stories. I wrote a novel but I haven’t had anyone read it yet.” 
“I’m not much of a wordsmith but if you ever do decide to share it, I’d be down to be the first reader.” A grin stretches across your face and you look up to meet his eyes, shining with sincerity. Everything suddenly feels warm. 
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Three weeks later and two 6 a,m. friend diner dates with Jungkook later, you’ve both decided to make it a weekly Sunday hangout, and you’re standing in front of the cafe Jungkook works at. You made sure to learn his schedule so he wouldn’t be here today, because surely he would sense you’re up to something. Your hand shakes with anxiety and you nearly drop the papers you’re holding in your hands as you walk up to the counter and ask for the manager. Glancing back at the ‘hiring’ sign in the window you take a big breath and remember who you’re doing this for. Jungkook has mentioned for a few weeks now about how broke he is, and you know he’s joking and that it’s common for a student to struggle financially, but it hurts you. Seeing as you’ve never had that worry you want to help him out and alleviate his stress as any good friend would. But seeing as you’ve never worked anyone before, you’d rather have the comfort of Jungkook beside you. “H-hi.” You stumble awkwardly when the manager comes out to meet you. Wiping your hand on your pants quickly, you shake her hand. “I saw your and filled out the application.” You’re ninety-percent sure your voice is shaking. 
“Great! I’ll give this a look through and call you if we decide you’re a good fit.” Your heart stumbles a little. You thought they’d just give you the job right away. That’s how it happens in movies. 
“O-okay. Have a great day.” Hurrying out, you rush back to your apartment trying to outrun your embarrassment. You accidentally slam the door which alerts Taehyung who sticks his head out of his room. 
“What’s up with you?” He asks, moving from his room to the couch in the living room. 
“I just applied for a job.” His eyes go wide as he stills before motioning for you to sit down next to him. 
“Why? It’s not like we need the money.” He laughs. 
“I- uh I wanted to help.” His brows burrow as he tries to detect the hidden meaning to your words. 
“Help? Who? Jungkook?” Your cheeks flare up at his more than right accusation. “I should’ve known.” 
“I thought he could use a little extra money. To help with his student loans and stuff.” 
“That’s sweet. Taking care of your man and all.” 
“He’s not my man, Tae.” 
“But you wish he was.” Taehyung sings and you scoff. 
“Boys and girls can be just friends you know. Like us for example.” 
“Bubs we’re an anomaly.” He says but you disregard him entirely. If you give thoughts like that the time of day, you’re done for. 
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You hear back from the manager a week later that you got the job. You’re standing in the hallway with Taehyung right after your first class and jump up and down excitedly. You’ve just landed your first job! Giddily you sit beside Jungkook, not even bothering to take out your airpods. You have too much to say. “So..” You begin.
“I got a job!” You tap on his arm excitedly like it’s a bongo. 
“That’s great! Where at?”
“The coffee shop you work at.” His whole body freezes for a second before he engulfs you in a hug. 
“I’m so glad you’re the new coworker. I was worried it was going to be awkward but now I can see you even more often.” He’s all smiles and so are you, too enthralled in each other to notice the professor come in. 
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Your first day is on Wednesday seeing as you said you could start right away. You do your hair extra special today seeing as first impressions are important but also because you’re working with Jungkook today and if you’re going to be a bumbling mess you might as well be a cute one. Not that you’re worried about him not finding you cute or anything. 
You have to show up at five seeing as you have the opening shift but after your friendly dates that aren’t dates with Jungkook you’ve grown to somewhat enjoy the morning. At least when you’re in good company. He meets you outside your building and you both walk to the cafe together mindlessly chattering. You’ve found that you and Jungkook can talk about anything and everything, from your biggest fears to why mint chocolate chip ice cream is a valid flavor. When you arrive at the cafe the doors are already opened and the lights are on which has you a little confused. You could’ve sworn only you and Jungkook were assigned the opening shift. Sending your confusion he turns to you and says, “I asked Jimin to come help out this morning so I can focus on getting you familiar with the machines.” You’ve only met Jimin a handful of times so you don’t really have an opinion about him, but you’ll definitely give him credit for coming into work when he doesn’t have to to help you. Well more-so Jungkook but you inadvertently. 
Inside soft singing bounces off the walls in the backroom and you’re honestly a little floored. Jimin has both the looks and the talent? You wonder what that must be like. Following Jungkook into the back you spot Jimin picking up coffee blends and different cups. “Hey Jimin.” Jungkook says. 
“Oh hey guys!” Jimin waves, a smile gracing his features. 
“Morning.” You smile back, his happy attitude infectious. 
“Y/n we’re so glad you’re working here. I could use a pretty face to look at instead of Kookie.” You and Jimin break out into a fit of giggles at his jab and Jungkook just pouts in the corner. 
“I feel attacked.” Jungkook says. 
“Does it make you feel better if I say you’re pretty to me?” You ask. Jimin’s laughter suddenly dies and Jungkook looks at you with wide eyes and mouth forming a small ‘o’. His cheeks match the color of his hair and Jimin comes up next to you to place a hand on your shoulder. 
“I think that answers your question.” He winks, disappearing back to the front of the shop. The rest of your morning is rather uneventful and Jungkook has you man the cash register the whole shift. The machines aren’t that confusing but with how hectic the morning shift is it’s better for you to learn during the slower mid-day shifts. Jimin ends up staying through yours and Jungkook’s shift and when the three of you turn your responsibility over to the next shift workers you all let out a collective sigh. Rolling your shoulders and neck, you try and relieve the tension in your body from the stress of your first day. 
“Good job today.” Jungkook smiles when you’re both standing outside your apartment building. He insisted on walking you for safety purposes even though it’s mid-day. 
“Thanks. I couldn’t have done it without you.” 
“I know.” Rolling your eyes you push his arm. 
“You had to ruin the moment.” You groan. 
“We had a moment?” 
“I swear, every time I try to be nice to you-“ He cuts you off by pulling you into his hard chest and your breath hitches. He smells sweet and citrusy, his body warm as he wraps his arms around your middle. 
“Shh, you’re ruining the moment.” He whispers and you nearly burst out laughing. You can hear his heart hammering against his chest like he’s nervous. But he shouldn’t be, friends hug all the time. 
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When you get your paycheck the next week you’ve never felt so accomplished in your life. You did that. It’s so gratifying to actually earn something and not have everything handed to you. Too bad you’re just going to give the money all to Jungkook, but at least it’s helping him. The real issue is how to give it to him because he’s definitely too prideful to accept it even if you gave it to him as a gift. You could leave it in his mailbox but there’s no guarantee he would actually use the money. He’d probably think it was counterfeit to something. The only real option you have is Jimin, if he could find a way to put the money in Jungkook’s bank account. When you have a shift alone with Jimin, you decide to confide in him about your idea. “So you’re like his sugar mama?” 
“Yeah, I guess.” 
“I mean I could use a sugar mama too. I’d make it real easy to pay me too.” Rolling your eyes you continue cleaning the counter top. 
“Focus, Jimin.” 
“I could give you his account number? You could just directly deposit the money in there.” 
“I feel like that’s illegal. Even if it’s not, he’d definitely notice someone putting money in his account and call the bank.” 
“You can just tell you’ve never been poor. If someone is sending you money for no reason, you just hope they’ll keep sending it.” Jimin says. 
“You sure?” 
“Yup.” He pops the ‘p’ for extra measure. 
Later that night Jimin drops you Jungkook’s account number and you anonymously deposit your paycheck into it. You log out right after, feeling wrong about seeing how much money Jungkook has in his account. It’s much lower than you expect but you guess that has to do with the fact that you have no real perception of what it means to be struggling for money. You do feel a little lighter though, knowing you’re relieving a little of his financial worries. With two incomes he’ll be better off and maybe can even buy himself some new art supplies. You could drop a little more money into his account but you figure it’s better to start out small.
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Weeks pass and Jungkook says nothing about anonymous deposits in his bank account. You even ask Jimin about whether Jungkook has said anything but he hasn’t been told anything about it either. Everything between you and Jungkook is as normal as ever as he spends the whole time you’re together at work and school teasing you about your apparent coffee addiction and the fact that the only coffee you really seem to like is his own. He really doesn’t need the ego boost so you never admit this to him, just refute it every time he brings it up. You’re smiling as you enter your apartment after work one day, ready to tell Taehyung about the stupid thing Jungkook did not really paying much mind as you say, “Tae you won’t believe what Jungkook did today.” Laughing at the memory you look up only to spot your parents sitting on your couch. Taehyung stands up from the chair to the side of them and comes to stand beside you for emotional support. 
“Mom, Dad. What are you doing here?” You reach your hand back towards Taehyung who silently intertwines his fingers with your own, giving a comforting squeeze. Your relationship with your parents has been strained for quite a while. 
“I think the real question is what are you not doing here? You should be studying not out with your friend. I don’t pay for this apartment and all your things so you can go out and have fun.” Your father says.
“The semester has only just started. I have nothing to study for.” 
“I don’t appreciate your tone young lady.” You struggle to suppress the need to roll your eyes. 
“Irregardless, that’s not what we came here to talk about. Taehyung would you mind giving us a minute?” Your father is only nice to Taehyung because he has money. If Taehyung was anything less than a millionaire your father would forget all manners and pleasantries.
“I want him to stay. Anything you can tell me, he can hear.” 
“I’m not sure what gave you the impression that you have a say in the matter or that you can talk back to me, but this behavior ends right now. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself being moved back home under my supervision.” More like his scrutiny. 
“It’s fine. I’ll go.” Taehyung says, giving your hand another squeeze before heading into his room. With Taehyung gone, your father begins his tirade.
“It’s no wonder you can’t get a boyfriend with that attitude. What man would want to date someone so outspoken? Did you even bother trying to dress up today? You look like you just rolled out of bed. Do you even realize that whatever you do is a reflection of me, of the company? I constantly get sent photos of you and that Taehyung that I have to pay off because I can’t have my daughter frolicking with an engaged man! Do you have no shame? I mean you even live with him! Surely his fiancé can’t be too keen about it. I think it’s time you find a boyfriend, you need a man in your life. Someone to pick up your mess and make you a respectable woman, someone worthy of my company.” When he’s done he’s heaving, worn out from the yelling. You’re swaying in your spot, eyes a tad watery as you try and calm down. He already sees you as weak, you don’t need to make it worse by crying in front of him. You want to scream at him that a man doesn’t define you, that you had a boyfriend before and they ruined it but you bite your tongue. It’s not worth it; they wouldn’t care anyways. 
“Okay.” You murmur.
“Do you have anyone in mind or do I need to find someone for you?” You can just imagine your dad’s choice: a money hungry beefcake who sees you only as a means to and end. 
“I heard you mention the name Jung-Jung…” Your mom begins and your breath hitches. You hate to drag him into this but you really have no choice. 
“Yes him. Is there something between you two?” Taehyung barges into the room then like you’re saving grace. 
“Yes! Sorry I don’t mean to interrupt but I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation, the walls are only so thin you know? But yes Jungkook and Y/N are together.” Taehyung smiles widely at you, blinking purposely as if to say ‘I’m sorry, please forgive me’. 
“Why didn’t you start with that love?” Your mother smiles standing up to pull you in for a hug. “I’m so happy for you. Hopefully this one is acceptable.” You look at Taehyung over your mother’s shoulder, nervousness taking over your features. Jungkook is not the type your parents are looking for, although he does have a rather nice muscular build. But that’s merely an observation. 
“He sure is! She picked him out with you guys in mind.” Taehyung’s honey tone soothes over the rough edge to his words, passing in your parent’s ears and out just the same. 
“He’s clearly not done that well of a job then. Bring him to the estate next weekend so we can meet the boy. Maybe by then he’ll have fixed your little attitude; if not, I’ll just have show him how. Or maybe just find you someone new.” 
“No need for that. I’m sure you’ll love him just fine.”
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When your parents leave, coincidentally right after they berate you like that was their only reason for coming by, you’re left in a shaking mess. Taehyung brings you into a hug and sits with you in his arms on the couch, stroking your hair while softly humming to calm you down. You silently cry, your tears wetting his t-shirt but he says nothing about it. He’s always been good at being the silent supporter. For once you kind of wish he was someone else, but you can’t put your finger on who. Or maybe you just don’t want to acknowledge it. “What am I going to do?” You whisper, after your heart finally settles and your eyes are dry. 
“You’re going to have to ask him to go to your parents. I would but they already know who I am.” 
“I don’t want to drag him into this though.” Your voice is muffled as you press your face further into Taehyung’s chest like you’re trying to hide from your reality. 
“You have no choice. Unless you have another guy in mind willing to pretend to be him.” 
“They would love Seokjin. Maybe I should just ask him?” 
“Bubs, he would want to go as himself not as Jungkook. Besides, I don’t think you want to have to spend a weekend with him. That would make you even more miserable.” Taehyung says.
“Yeah, yeah. You’re right. But do you think he’d do it? I mean he’d have to pretend to be someone else entirely. You know they don’t like the artist type. Especially not the non-millionaire kind. We’d have to make him into your basic business major. I feel like it’s unfair to ask someone to change their entire persona.” 
“It is but for you I think he’d do anything.” 
“You say that like he’s in love with me or something.” You scoff. 
“Something like that.” 
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Turns out Taehyung is right about Jungkook being willing to pretend to be someone else for a weekend because as soon as you ask he agrees. Even after you give him an extensive list of reasons why he should say no, including the fact that his beloved cherry red hair will have to go. Not willing to lose the chance, you run your hand through his bright locks as he sits in the salon chair on Monday evening. His eyes shutter closed as you pull lightly at the surprisingly soft strands and he leans his head back towards you for easier access. “I was thinking black.” You say as your hand still cards through his hair. “A classic color you know?” The hairstylist nods and goes to the back to mix the dye. “I’m gonna miss your cherry hair.” You pout. 
“Yeah?” Jungkook asks, popping one eye open to look at you in the mirror. 
“Yeah. It really suits you.” 
“Maybe I’ll dye it back then after this weekend. So that way you don’t miss it for too long.” Looking up from your fingers tangled in his locks you make eye contact through the mirror. 
“Really?” You ask smiling.
You and Jungkook spend the next two hours sitting in adjacent chairs, battling each other in cup pong and other little phone games. He pouts dramatically when you beat him 5 times in a row at cup pong and you cheer dramatically. As someone who calls himself the king of video games, he’s not very good. The hair stylist laughs at you two before turning Jungkook’s dried and styled new hair around so he can see it in the mirror. You end up missing your shot on the game, too distracted by Jungkook’s beauty. If the cherry was beautiful, the black is otherworldly framing his face and giving him a timeless look. It contrasts nicely with his eyes which gleam like they’re made up of stars as he looks at his reflection in the mirror. His hand reaches up to touch a tuft of black and he scrunches his nose before the bunny grin is on full display. “Don’t I look like James Bond or something? I feel like I could be a spy.” You bite back a giggle. 
“Yes Kook, you look like James Bond. All we need is to find you a bond girl and you can go off on your international adventures. Be sure to send me post cards amidst your travels.” 
“Bold of you to assume you’re not a bond girl.” You try not to mull over his words. 
“Bold of you to assume I am.” 
“You’re a dork.” He laughs. 
“Takes one to know one.” You sing. 
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The night before your trip to your parents you invite Jungkook over to your apartment to go over how to talk like a business major, well more like Kim Seokjin. Jungkook is more soft-spoken and reserved but to really sell his business persona he needs to be brazen and loud. The first trial is with the pizza delivery guy, mainly because you don’t want to answer the door but Jungkook doesn’t need to know that. “Rule number one is to never admit defeat. Be like a bulldog, relentless.” You say as he walks towards the door. The poor boy on the other side must be only sixteen and you feel a little bad as his voice wavers under Jungkook’s intimidating persona. He’s really got the domineering attitude down. 
“One pepperoni pizza and one cheese.” The delivery boy says and you cringe a little. Of course this one time they screwed up on your order. Normally you’d let it go but the whole point is for Jungkook to learn how to be your father. 
“That’s not what we ordered.” He says gruffly and for a moment you almost let out a small laugh. You’re not sure why he decided to lower his voice but it has the opposite effect. Maybe it’s just because you know what he really sounds like. 
“O-oh?” The delivery boy says. 
“Yes. This heathen,” He says pointing towards you. “wanted pepperoni and spinach.” He says the latter word like it’s insulting him to even have to say that and you glare at his broad back. 
“Maybe it’s a good thing the order got screwed up then.” The boy laughs. You feel attacked. 
“I’m not paying for a pizza I didn’t order.” Jungkook says, crossing his arms and cocking his head to the side for a more intimidating stance. He’s really laying it on thick. 
“Uh-I- okay? Then just the one I guess?” Your heart hurts a little and judging by how Jungkook looks away for a moment his hurts too. This must be the poor guy’s first day. Handing him only half the money, the boy basically tosses both boxes into Jungkook’s arms before dashing away. 
“I feel awful.” Jungkook says, placing the boxes gently onto the kitchen table. 
“Me too. Here, give me the money.” Before he can say anything more you run after the pizza boy and catch him just as the elevator doors begin to close, risking your arm just so he can get his full payment. “Here’s the money for the other pizza. Don’t worry, accidents happen.” You smile as the boy cautiously takes the money. “Have a good night!” 
Back inside the apartment you and Jungkook sit on the couch as the tv plays some drama. “Did I do well?’ He asks, after inhaling a slice.
“Yeah, almost a little two well to be honest. Rule number two is to always look for loopholes in people’s wording. Things you can get around.” 
“Are all business people like this? They sound so shady.” 
“My father is. I’m merely going off what type of people he likes.” You shrug. 
“They don’t sound like good people.” He’s not wrong. Your father’s business partners have always put you off a little. There’s just something about them that doesn’t seem right. 
“The last and final rule is to never lose face. Show no weakness.” You say. Jungkook says nothing as he continues to eat, both of you falling into a comfortable silence. There’s really not much to say. Taehyung bursts out of his room frantically calling, “Hey bubs did you take my favorite shirt? I-“ Taehyung emerges from his room shirtless, but stops when he sees you with Jungkook. 
“Why do you always assume I steal your stuff?” You grumble, unfazed by the sight of Taehyung shirtless. Walking back into your room you return moments later with the shirt in hand.
“You get mad at me for accusing you of having it, but you have it anyways? That’s not very fair bubs.” He teases ruffling your hair. Swatting his hands away you huff in annoyance and try smoothing down the mess he made. He slips the shirt on before going back to his room to continue getting ready for his date, something about also wanting to find romance. You’re not really sure what he means. 
“Why Bubs?” Jungkook asks when you settle back beside him. Before you can answer Taehyung pops his head back into the living room. 
“She used to be obsessed with bubbles. I remember we went to Disneyland once and she got this bubble maker and she had to keep rebuying the soap packs because she wouldn’t stop pressing the button to make them.” Pink coats your cheeks and you hide your face in your hands. 
“Taehyung you said we wouldn’t talk about that!” 
“Awe was that when you were little?” Jungkook asks and you peak at him through the slits of your fingers. 
“Summer of freshman year actually.” Taehyung snickers.
“See now I’m glad I kept hitting you in the face with them.” 
“I had the taste of soap in my mouth for days Y/n!” Jungkook’s laughter breaks the argument and you both turn to see him leaning against the coffee table clutching his stomach. 
“I-I’m sorry.” He says dramatically wiping a tear away. “I just-freshman year?” His fit of giggles starts back up and Taehyung joins, laughing at your embarrassment. 
Pouting you mumble, “I had never gotten to use them before. I didn’t really have much of a childhood.” 
“Ah yes, the woes of your typical rich kid. Hopelessly following nannies around for a sense of a family.” Taehyung chimes, walking towards the door to grab his coat from the rack. 
“Well this just got real depressing. Thanks Tae.” You say sarcastically. 
“Anytime.” He winks. “Now if you don’t mind I’m off to go on my date. Have fun, be safe, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” He blows you a kiss before leaving out the front door of the apartment and for the first time in a long while you feel awkward around Jungkook. 
“Best friends huh?” You chuckle. 
“Tell me about it. Jimin is always saying stuff like-“ And just like that things fall right back to normal. 
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The next morning you and Jungkook are packed and the luggage is loaded in your car. Well really you did the packing for the both of you, borrowing Taehyung’s clothes for Jungkook to wear because they’re roughly the same size. Plus as much as you like Jungkook, you don’t want to spend a mini fortune on posh clothes when you practically have a mini Gucci store in the room next to yours. The drive to your parent’s house is nice, both of you singing along to the same playlist you played the first time you and Jungkook shared headphones. If someone would’ve told you then you’d be taking the boy sitting next to you home to your parents, pretending that he’s your boyfriend, you wouldn’t have believed them. That sounds like something out of a drama, not real life. Although your life always has been sort of a drama. 
Pulling up to the gold gates that practically scream ‘we have way too much money then we know what to do with’ Jungkook’s jaw drops. “I- I knew you were rich but not this rich.” He stutters. Sometimes you forget that your house is beautiful; all you can see are the bad memories. Punching in the code for the gate, you wait for them to open and impulsively check your rearview mirror, feeling like someone is watching you. A car on the opposite end of the street idles and it strikes you as odd. Even though it should look the part, being one of those fancy self-driving ones, it still seems out of place. “Y/n?” Jungkook disrupts your thoughts and nods towards the now open gates. You completely forget about the strange car. “So we never talked about PDA.” Jungkook says as you’re parking the car. 
“Oh right. I forgot about that. So umm we should probably hold hands.” You say, your blush rivaling that of Jungkook’s old red hair. 
“We could uhh.. kiss a few times in front of them, you know if we really need to.. sell it.” Jungkook’s cheeks are also very pink and he now refuses to look at you. 
“O-okay.” Turning off the engine, the car suddenly feels claustrophobic and you hastily climb out of it. Members of your staff immediately rush out to grab your luggage once you’re both out of the car and Jungkook panics for a moment, grabbing onto the bags’ handles and pulling them behind him. “It’s okay Kook.” You say coming up beside him. “They’re just taking them to our rooms.” 
“I thought this was a house not a hotel?” Jungkook asks innocently. 
“You’ll realize real soon this doesn’t feel like a home.” Sticking out your hand Jungkook intertwines your fingers as you lead him inside. It’s only awkward for a moment but holding hands with him feels almost natural. His hand is a comforting weight in your own, his warmth seeping through and easing the goosebumps you get when walking through the house. You haven’t been here in two years; truthfully, you thought you would never come back. The house is lined with art and Jungkook’s eyes never leaves the walls as he gazes at all the artwork lining your home. You would think your parents really admire art but truthfully this is all a ploy to make them look more cultured and refined. Well that and to also flaunt how much money they really have. Unlike most homes, there’s no pictures of you and your parents lining the walls, although you do have a few portraits of other families. 
Your parents are waiting for you in the great room, sat perched in two giant chairs that somewhat resembles thrones. Coincidence? You think not. When you open the doors their faces are entirely stoic as you call out to them, “Mom, dad.” A fake smile plastered on your face. Your grip on Jungkook’s hand tightens like it’s tethering you to your sanity as you walk farther into the lion’s den. This is all to reminiscent. You don’t know whether you want to cry or scream. 
“Sir, Madam.” Jungkook says and you try not to look startled. Glancing over at him he’s  got a confident smile on his face and standing tall and straight. His eyes have a glint in them and he looks like he could give Kim Seokjin a run for his money. You’re almost worried you’ve lost him entirely to this facade, until a rough thumb moves across your knuckles. Glancing down at your intertwined hands you notice just how hard your grip is and loosen it a bit to be more relaxed. Jungkook however continues his movement. “My name is Jeon Jungkook and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He smiles but it’s not quite the same. His face doesn’t crinkle and it makes you a little sad. Sticking his hand out he shakes your father’s hand first before moving to shake your mothers. She ditches the shake for a hug and you’re thrown off. This was not the same reaction you got the first time you brought a boy home. The only time. Maybe it’s because he wasn’t decked out in an Italian suit. 
“So tell me, how did you two meet?” Your mother asks once you and Jungkook are seated on the couch across from them. You lean closer to Jungkook who’s hand is still in yours for comfort as this feels more like an interrogation than innocent questioning. 
“We share a class together and sat beside one another on the first day.” Jungkook answers for you and your father nods. You sit silently beside Jungkook knowing your father will like a man that does all the talking for you. 
“How sweet.” Your mother coos. This is sickening. Everything about this is just sickening. It’s like you’re reliving when you first brought him home but the only thing that’s changed is their answers. They’re okay with Jungkook but why couldn’t they be okay with Yoongi? 
“I just like that you’re a business major. She needs a man with a real job not one of those useless art ones. Wasn’t that what your last boyfriend studied?” You clench your jaw to keep from saying anything you shouldn’t. He knows exactly what Yoongi studied. Instead you nod. Jungkook’s grip on your hand tightens and it takes you a minute to realize your father offended him too, seeing as he is an art major. 
“Dear we shouldn’t mention her ex in front of her new boyfriend.” Your mother says and your father glares at her. 
“Don’t tell me what to do.” He growls. “Now tell me son what really made you want to join the business field?” Son. You almost laugh. 
“I’m a man of many passions and business is my main one. Well, besides family of course.” 
“Let me give you some advice seeing as I like you. Business should always be your first priority. If you want to be successful like me and be able to afford my daughter, you’ll have to make sure everything knows it’s place. Both in your work and personal life.” You’re not even surprised that this comes out of your father’s mouth. This just completely embodies him. 
Jungkook is quiet for a moment before saying, “That’s some great advice. You’ll have to take note Y/n.” Your father and mother chuckle. You and Jungkook make eye contact for a brief moment and you both look equally as pained. 
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The day continues on with your father giving Jungkook advice which you can only hope he doesn’t taker seriously. You’re starting to worry he’s actually becoming your father he’s playing the role so well. He’s brazen, confident, stubborn. The perfect man in the eyes of your father. They play pool for half the afternoon, making bets to prove their manliness, well at least your father is. Jungkook seems to be very secure in his masculinity. Meanwhile you and your mother are sat on stools sipping wine and watching the boys. You’re tempted to have Taehyung call you just so you have an excuse to do something but you don’t want to leave Jungkook alone here. “I’m sorry.” Your mother whispers and you spin to face her confused. “No no face the front. He’ll notice.” It takes you a minute to register she means your father. 
“I know mentions of your ex hurt you. So I’m sorry that he kept bringing it up. These past two years you’ve been gone and I’ve been stuck here alone have been really awful. I just… missed you and wanted you to have good memories while you’re staying here.” 
You’re a little taken off guard. Your mother has never apologized to anyone in your life. “It’s okay mom.” You say. 
“Please move back home.” She croaks out and only then do you realize she was playing you. She wanted you to feel vulnerable so she could manipulate you. “I can’t stand being here alone with him. He won’t let me leave the house anymore and I’m all alone.” 
“So you want me to leave my apartment with Tae just so I can come here and be put on lockdown?” 
“Yes.” You actually can’t believe you believed this woman for a second. That she could actually be motherly when your entire life she’s practically been a stranger. 
“Sorry mom, I can’t.” More like you won’t but that answer would get you in trouble. You’re putting your own happiness in front of theirs for once. They can finally get a taste of their own medicine as vindictive as that sounds. But you’re finally really happy after a long while of being miserable and you’re not about to give that up/ 
“Fine. I didn’t want you here anyways.” She huffs like a chid, crossing her arms over her chest. That just confirms your decision. 
Dinner rolls around the corner and the four of you are seated at a table made for ten. Your father sits at the head, no surprise, and you and your mother flank him with Jungkook beside you. The staff returns and sets your plates down, your favorite meal set before you. Eyeing the meal suspiciously you give your father the side eye. The only time they’ve ever bothered to have your favorite meal prepared is your birthday, which is not remotely close to today. “Why are we eating this for dinner?” You ask and Jungkook pauses mid-bite, eyes round and cheeks full. 
“What can we not eat this meal now?” You father remarks, fire ablaze in his eyes. Oops. 
“We only eat this on my birthday and that’s not today.” 
“We’re celebrating.” Your father smiles maliciously. You gulp nervously and Jungkook reaches over to grab your limp hand resting in your lap. “Today is the day that Yoongi boy signed the contact.” Your eyes begin to water and you blink the tears away but they keep coming. Your father begins recounting the story of your first heartbreak but the words don’t even meet your ears as you’re too busy reliving the event. 
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(flashback to two years ago today) 
Your father is sat at the head of the table with you and your mother flanking his sides. Yoongi, your current boyfriend and most likely love of your life, sits beside you with a hand on your thigh, stroking his thumb along it in an effort to soothe you as you bounce it nervously. Your father has been vehemently against your relationship since the moment they found out about Yoongi. For one he is studying the arts, something you found really intriguing but your father finds utterly useless. Secondly, he is middle-class at best, living mainly off your student dining card because you don’t care that you are racking up quite the bill as long as he is fed and healthy. 
But for as against your relationship as your dad is, your father is smiling brightly at the table, cheery even. He’s in a good mood which is very peculiar. Your favorite meal is served and you think this was strange seeing as it isn’t your birthday or anything. Your mother keeps the chatter going at the table, both of your parents cracking jokes and being pleasant, making you think maybe everything is okay. Maybe they finally see that money doesn’t make a person and that it should be more about how they make you feel. You begin relaxing, your leg finally stilling, hope building in your chest that this will work out. That you can live with Yoongi in peace and your parents will respect your relationship. Instead though, halfway through dinner the staff brings in a manilla envelope and Yoongi’s hand tightens momentarily on your thigh. You both immediately sense the change in atmosphere as your parents both put down their silverware and carefully empty the contents of the manila envelope. Stretching forward you take note of some sort of contract but the print is so small and fine that you can’t read much. “So, Yoongi is it?” Your father asks. Yoongi’s eyes turn into slits as he regards your father and nods. “Well Yoongi, judging from my daughter’s dining bill and your full stomach despite your very low account balance, I can guess you’re in dire need of money which my daughter is so willingly supplying.” 
“It’s not like that. I don’t date her because she’s rich, I date her because I love her.” Yoongi rasps. 
“Love,” Your father says. “such a fickle thing love is. It can be so easily bought.” The hope that was building earlier has crumbled. “Especially when you have as much money as myself. Say Yoongi, how much money do you need?” 
“I don’t want your money.” Yoongi growls. 
You both move to stand up and leave the table when your father shouts, “I’ll give you two million dollars! Two million dollars and a producing job at the biggest record label in the country. I’ve already got it lined up, all you have to do is sign this little contract.” You scoff and b begin walking away when you realize Yoongi isn’t behind you. Turning around he’s still facing the table staring down at the contract that your father is now pushing across the table towards him. 
“What’s the catch?” Yoongi asks, fingers tracing over the pen that lies on top of the contract. You take a step forward to stop him but freeze at your father’s next words. 
“You break all contact with my daughter. Your relationship is terminated at the very moment you sign. I want it to be like you never even existed.” 
“Yoongi?” Your voice breaks, tears clouding your vision as his fingers start to wrap around the pen. “Baby please don’t do this. I-I can get you the job and the money just please, please don’t leave me.” Sobs tumbled out of you harshly and you begin to hiccup form the violent onslaught of emotions. “Please Yoongi I can’t do this without you. You can’t- you can’t do this to me.” Running forward you grip onto his bicep turning him to face you head on, hoping that if your words can’t convince him then maybe the love and impending heartbreak swirling in your eyes will. 
Tears fill his own and as you hold eye contact a stream of tears fall down his full cheeks. You reach up a hand to wipe them away but he turns his head to the other side. “I’m sorry angel. I am. I don’t want to hurt you but this is my dream. If I don’t take this opportunity now I might regret it for the rest of my life.” His voice is even raspier than normal and as he clicks the pen to begin writing you put the final nail in the coffin. 
“But you’re my dream.” You cry, and he sucks in a shaky breath. 
“I’m sorry angel.” He says one last time before pressing the pen to the paper. You leave the room quickly, the sound of a pen scratching on paper and the overjoyed looks on your parents faces haunting you every step of the way. 
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When your father is finished with the retelling of arguably the worst day of your life, a proud smile takes over both his and your mother’s face. You want to throw up. Silent tears stream down your cheeks from the memory and you say nothing as you push up from your chair, letting go of Jungkook’s hand. You’re unresponsive even as your parents question you and what you’re doing. Walking to your old room, you slam your door shut hoping to alleviate some of the tension but it does nothing. Laying facedown on your bed you scream into the pillow but nothing. It’s like you’re feeling everything and nothing at the same time and you don’t know what to do with yourself. So you decide to call the only person who knows how to make you feel better: Taehyung. 
He picks up on the second ring cheery after just getting free pizza from the student union. Something about there being a fundraiser. You can hear him talking but fail to register his words, too lost in yourself to even notice. “Taehyung.” You cut him off. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks worriedly. You never call him by his first name unless you’re pissed at him or upset. 
‘They-they celebrated the day- the day Yoongi signed the contract.” You croak, sobs wracking your body once again. 
“What? They memorized the date? They’re sick!” Taehyung spits, disgust evident in his tone. “Do you want me to come get you?” He asks, voice much softer. 
“I can’t leave Jungkook here.” 
“I’ll pick you both up, no worries.” 
“It’s okay. We’ll just drive back tomorrow morning.” You’re not sure why you’re so calm and rational when you were crying two minutes ago but you guess it’s because you’ve already dealt with the heartbreak a while ago. 
“How about you talk to me on the phone a while okay? Until you fall asleep.” 
“Okay.” You mumble placing the phone on your pillow. You wake up hours later to a soft knock on your door and when you open it Jungkook is on the other side. 
“Are you okay?” He immediately asks pulling you into him. “I was so worried about you, you know that? You just ran out and I could tell you were upset but your parents wouldn’t let me leave to come check up on you, and I should’ve just told them to fu-“ 
“I’m fine.” You grumble, half-asleep against Jungkook. It’s heartwarming that he cares. Giving his waist a squeeze you yawn against his chest. “Thanks for checking up on me though.’ Walking back to your bed you crawl under the comforter and turn to face Jungkook who’s standing in the doorframe awkwardly. “Kook could you sleep in here? I don’t feel like being alone tonight.” Taehyung had ended the call a while ago and you’re glad he had because you wouldn’t want him to hear this. He’d tease you for the rest of your life. 
“O-okay.” Stepping inside, he shuts the door quietly before moving towards your bed. “Here give me a pillow and one of the blankets and I’ll be just fine on the floor.” 
“You can sleep on the bed if you want. If you’re comfortable.” You mumble, pushing your face into your pillow to hide your embarrassment but to also not see his reaction. It’s all too silent and you get ready to backtrack, but the bed dipping stops you. Jungkook clambers into the bed and lies down beside you, the room suddenly so much cozier as his body heat mixes with yours. Your eyes instantly fall closed and your breathing slows, your body relaxing. “Thanks Kook.” You murmur before sleep finally takes its hold. 
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You wake up in a heap of tangled limbs that your half-asleep self didn’t really account for when there was originally some space between you two last night. You’re laying on your side and his arms wrap around you from behind, a thigh pressed between yours and his nose tucked into the crook of your neck. Soft snores escape his mouth in short increments, his breathing slow and calm against your back. You just enjoy the moment and relax, eyes beginning to flutter closed when there’s a knock on your door. Jungkook starlet behind you and digs his face into your shoulder groaning. Your body goes stiff at the motion, the fact that Jungkook is conscious making it seem much more intimate. Scrambling, you land on the floor with a loud thud making Jungkook jump up and whoever is behind the door to burst in. When the maid comes in and notices you and Jungkook she blushes and apologizes profusely for her intrusion, but not before she sends you a sly wink. You shake your head and try not to think about her implication. “Your parents are requesting you in the dining hall.” She says before closing the door and awkwardness begins to cloud the room. 
“I guess we better get going. We’ve got to say goodbye and all. Pretend that we actually had a good time.” You chuckle, moving to reopen your bedroom door. Jungkook follows closely behind you, his hand slipping into your own. You almost take your hand out of his own, still reeling from the bedroom incident, but calm yourself down by repeating that this is fake. He’s only doing it because that’s what he’s supposed to do. He’s putting on a show. 
“Are you okay?” Jungkook asks, sensing that you’re a bit jittery. 
“Yeah, just peachy.” You smile but he stops you in the middle of the hallway. 
“Talk to me. Is it about what your parents said last night? Did I do something to make you uncomfortable?” Jungkook takes his your other hand in his own and rubs his thumb over your knuckles, and it’s too much. It feels too real, it makes you feel like you could have a fighting chance. That you could get your happy ending. So you pull away to save yourself both from the pain and from the disappointment. 
Carefully taking your hands out of his own your gaze ices over, face becoming unreadable. “I’m fine, just want to go home is all. We can quit the act now. Doesn’t matter much as we’re leaving right now. I’m not in the mood to stay for breakfast.” You head off towards the dining room not looking behind you to see if he’s following. 
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Your parents take the news of your early departure surprisingly well, almost like they were expecting you to take off right away. You promise yourself that this really is the last time you’ll step foot in this house, bad things just seem to happen here. When you’re changed into fresh clothes and your bags are packed and loaded, they stand outside to see you off. Your heart picks up a little bit as anxiety sets in because this is wrong, something feels off. They’ve never taken the time to see you off, half the time not even taking the time to see you. When the engine roars to life and you’re about to put the car into reverse your father taps on the window. Rolling it down, he leans in to say, “ Feel free to come by anytime Jungkook. I’d love to get to talk to you more, maybe about a future position at the company.” You change the gears and start slowly reversing, desperate to get Jungkook out of here before this goes any farther. Your father jumps back but continues walking next to the car, hunched over to continue talking. “How about you and your parents give me a call and we can try and work out something? Maybe even a deal if it comes up?” Slamming on the breaks you send Jungkook shooting forward, his seatbelt thankfully catching him. 
“A deal?” You ask incredulously. “You’re fucking kidding me right?” You ask eyes welling with tears. It’s like Yoongi all over again. Any time you get close to someone they try and exploit them. “What you want him to break up with me too or would you rather me keep this one for the money? You people are sick, I can’t believe I have to call you my parents.” You spit. If you thought you were done with them before, you’ve never been so sure of it now. “You know what? Keep all your money, I don’t give a shit. Cut me out of the will if you want. I don’t want to be a part of this- this- whatever we are because a family sure isn’t it.” Your chest is heaving from your yelling and also the emotional toll taking over. There’s no going back now. Switching back into reverse, you peel out of your driveway barely giving time for the gates to open enough for your car to slip through. The car from before still sits across the street. 
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Jungkook ends up driving home because you’re too emotionally distraught to focus on anything. You’ve just isolated yourself from your family and your funds, meaning you’re basically broke, something you’ve never been in your whole life. You just ripped your own safety blanket right out from under you and while it feels nice to no longer be under your parent’s control you’re entirely rattled. You have no idea how to live or support yourself. Taehyung meets you in the parking lot of your complex a sad, knowing smile on his face when you pull up. Jungkook must have told him what happened before he took over the wheel. “Hey bubs.” Taehyung says softly, pulling you into a hug as soon as you stand out of the car. You limply wrap your arms around his waist, too exhausted to do anything more. Taehyung kisses the top of your head before laying his cheek against it, rubbing up and down your back. “Let’s go inside yeah? I ordered chinese and ice cream.” Your nose scrunches. 
“Those don’t sound very good together.” You mumble into him and he chuckles. 
“They taste good though. Separately.” Moving to wrap his arm around your waist, Taehyung guides you all the way back to the apartment, Jungkook following behind while carrying your bags. You feel a little guilty letting him carry everything for you but make no move to help him. You really don’t think you could do anything other than focus on putting one foot in front of the other, which is already hard enough with your current mental state. 
Taehyung opens the front door and the dogs climb in your lap, licking your face and cheeks like they’re trying to cheer you up. Jungkook sets the luggage down by the door and stands there unsure about whether or not you want him to stay. Normally you would, Jungkook usually brightens your mood, but you’re feeling too vulnerable today and your vulnerability will get the best of you. So instead you say, “Thanks for driving and carrying the bags kook. I’ll see you at class tomorrow okay?” He deflates a little and you wonder if you made a mistake. 
“Okay. Call me if you need anything.” As soon as the door shuts you start crying again. 
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The next morning during your shared class Jungkook arrives later then you and throws down two bags of chips as well as a large stack of newspaper clippings onto the desk. You look at him with a raised eyebrow. “I can’t let you starve, so I’m introducing you to the world of couponing. This will allow you to buy a lot of food without having to blow your whole budget. Speaking of which, you have a budget right?” You shake your head. The only thing money related was Taehyung offering to cover all your living expenses until you get on your feet which you politely declined. He was insistent on paying the rent though, so at least that’s one less thing to worry about. 
“Oh right. You and Taehyung are like dumb and dumber when it comes to this.” Jungkook chuckles at his own lame joke and you glare at him. “We can just use the same one as Jimin and I do. We all have the same income anyways.” Throughout class Jungkook shows you how to plan out how much you’ll spend each month and on what, along with several rebate apps that give you cash back. You feel like a fool for wasting so much money that you could’ve used today by completing disregarding discounts or sales. You used to even feel embarrassed for picking something up off clearance. 
When class is over you and Jungkook both head to the local grocery store to pick up food. Pink colors your cheeks as you hand the woman your rather large stack of coupons but she says nothing of it. Apparently a lot more people coupon than you thought. Carrying the groceries home though is a chore since they’re so heavy and you wish you would’ve just stolen temporarily borrowed a shopping cart so you wouldn’t have to carry them. The dogs yip happily at your heels when you and Jungkook enter the apartment, probably thinking that the food was for them. You can’t help but feel a little bad for them because there’s nothing for them, no coupon equals no buy, so when everything is packed away you give them a few bites of cheese. Flopping down onto the couch Jungkook joins you, throwing his head into your lap. He’s seemed to grow more physically affectionate after the trip to your parents. 
Unsure what to do you keep both of your hands close to your chest to avoid touching Jungkook. The thought of running your hands through his hair is much too tempting so you really have to keep yourself restrained. You don’t really know what’s wrong with you, why you’re having such a problem with this. Well you have a semblance of an idea but you’d rather not think about the repercussions of that. You shift a little uncomfortably because of your thoughts and Jungkook turns his head to look at you. “You okay?” 
“Yeah, just uhh… your head is heavy.” You lie, too afraid to hurt his feelings. It’s like you want him close but far at the same time. You feel like you’re running from something, you’re just not sure what.
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“Feelings,” Taehyung says when you bring it up to him a week later after your weekly 6 a.m. sunday breakfasts with Jungkook. You had mentioned how Jungkook went to hold your hand but you pulled away at the last second, pretending to reach for more syrup as an excuse. You also ask him why Jungkook is suddenly more affectionate with you. He’ll give you hugs when you arrive at class and work now, his hand brushing against yours as he walks you home. “You’re running from your feelings because you’re scared to be hurt again. After your breakup with Yoongi you convinced yourself love wasn’t real and now that you’re feeling it, and it’s being reciprocated, you’re freezing up. You like the feelings but you’re scared of the hurt they could bring. You’re scared of being vulnerable again.” 
“But I’m not scared with you/“ You say, anything to save face. To pretend he’s not entirely right and that you’re just causing you and Jungkook pain all because you’re too afraid to put yourself out there again. 
“I’m not going anywhere, there’s no danger with me. We’re still friends even as ghosts remember? But with Jungkook you’re unsure because neither of you know where the other is at but have an inkling that your feelings are mutual. Which is why he’s getting touchy because by taking him with you to see your parents that was his in. That was the first time you’ve ever been vulnerable around anyone other than me right?” You nod. “That was your make or break moment and you didn’t even know it. So when you asked him to stay, that was you solidifying your feelings which he’s trying to encourage you to act on.” Taehyung says this all so matter-of-factly that you wonder whether it’s really been this obvious. If you’d been so in denial that you were blinded. 
“What if- what if I’m always scared? He shouldn’t be with someone scared to love him.” 
“Bubs, you’re not scared to love him. You’re scared of love itself. But so is everyone. Love isn’t easy, sometimes it’s hard. But you shouldn’t let that deter you from chasing after it.” 
“Okay,” You’re still wary but you think you’ll always be given your past. But you trust Taehyung and if he says, you’ll be fine you believe him. “I guess it’s time I accept my feelings and tell him.” 
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You decide to wait until the weekend to confess your feelings to see if that’s really what you want. If you’re truly committed to the idea of trying to make this work. Because you accept that you love Jungkook and his stupid dorky humor, starry eyes, and crinkly smile but you haven’t accepted that you’ll have to open yourself up again. On Monday when you walk into your shared class again, your heart speeds up for a moment when Jungkook grins and waves frantically at you as you shyly wave back. You notice though that when you get settled behind him your heart slows down dramatically, instantly relaxed with him being in close proximity. This whole time you had thought it was because he was one of your closest friends but this whole time it was really because you love him. All those days where you sacrificed countless hours at the cafe just so you could give all your earnings to Jungkook so he could live easier were small declarations of your love. To have it all in the open now, well at least with yourself, is relaxing and for the first time you initiate intimate contact with Jungkook. You expected it to be nerve-racking and awkward as you lean your head on his shoulder but instead it just feels natural. Just like how it was when you two held hands for the first time. Jungkook stiffens for a short moment before he relaxes and you can feel his cheek brush the top of your head as he turns to glance down at you, the corners of his mouth tugging up into a soft smile. Looking up at him through your lashes his eyes are soft, their glimmer a soft glow rather than their usual blinding light, as he whispers softly, “tired?” You just nod because if you open your mouth you just know those three little words will tumble right out. And when you say you love him for the first time, you want it to be in something other than the back of a classroom. 
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The next time you get the urge to tell him is when you’re at work and he’s got his white button up sleeves rolled above his elbow, arms practically on full display. Normally you wouldn’t give yourself the time to look at them, busying yourself with menial tasks to keep any wandering and dangerous thoughts at bay but you don’t care anymore. Your mind is too hazy with the image of his taut arms that you don’t notice that rather than the cup, your hand is under spot where the steamed milk comes out and you hiss in pain when the boiling liquid comes in contact with your skin. The sound attracts Jungkook who immediately leaves the till to come to your aid, gently holding onto your wrist to inspect the injured appendage. Tsk’ing quietly he hurries you to the back where he runs the faucet on cold before gently putting your hand under it. His hand is still cupping your wrist gently and his mouth is moving as he probably tells you to be more careful but you can’t make sense of his words. Not when his presumably soft and pink lips keep forming into a pout like they’re waiting for you to give him a peck. You need to tear your eyes away before you do something stupid, but you don’t want to. Unconsciously you begin to move closer and it’s not until he stops mid-sentence that you realize you’re much too close and you don’t want to confess in the back of your work so instead you turn your head and pretend it never happened. 
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Sunday rolls around and you wake up before Jungkook’s traditional 6 a.m. wake up call to put in a little more effort today. Today is the day, no more waiting, no more torture of not saying anything even though it’s practically bursting out of you. This is your time and place to tell the Jungkook you love him, at your very own spot. Throwing on a comfy dress, one to hide the food baby caused by one too many pancakes, and fixing up your hair a little you anxiously wait for Jungkook to arrive at your apartment. You swear he takes a little longer than normal to get there but maybe it’s just because you’re so nervous. You’ve only confessed once before and that relationship didn’t end very well but you’re trying to not let it effect you. Just because it happened once before doesn’t mean it needs to happen again. 
When Jungkook does arrive he’s in his typical white t-shirt and baggy sweats but you swear he’s never looked so good in his life. During your double take do you only then notice his bright cherry red hair has made a reappearance. “Gone back to red huh?” 
“Told you I would didn’t I?” He smiles bending down so you get a full view of the top of his head. “Wanna double check it’s the same quality as last time?” 
“If you want me to play with your hair why not just say so?” You laugh softly, carding your fingers through the strands. It’s just as soft as it was last time. “Come on, we can do that later. I’m hungry.” You say grabbing onto his hand and dragging him down the hall. This time you don’t let go the whole way to the diner. 
You both sit in the same booth as always and the same bored waitress as always is working. She doesn’t even say anything as you come in, just begins punching in your order since you both always get the same thing. The only thing that has seemed to change is the tv mounted on one of the corners of the room above the counter top seating area. A news station plays in the background but the volume is practically inaudible. 
“So what’s been up with you?” Jungkook asks leaning on his elbows that are resting on top of the table. “You’ve been really affectionate all week, not that I mind, but it’s kind of out of character for you. Did something happen? Are you okay?” Your heart warms that he cares enough to ask. It grows twice as large at the fact that he noticed the change in your demeanor. It just validates everything Taehyung told you and gives you the confidence you need to really take the leap of faith. You’re ready to put your faith in Jungkook because you know he’ll be there to catch you. 
“Well actually-“ 
“Wait isn’t that your dad?” Jungkook interrupts. Whipping around you turn back to the tv tucked away in the corner. Sure enough there’s you dad with his hands handcuffed behind his back as two cops lead him to their patrol car. Your mother is shown seconds after your father is placed inside the car, also in a set of handcuffs as she’s placed in a separate vehicle. “Hey can you turn the volume up please?” Jungkook asks the waitress who begrudgingly obliges. 
-just in, the CEO of Medle Distributions has been arrested on several counts of tax evasion and embezzlement. According to law enforcement, he’s been doing this for quite some time and has also scammed smaller companies by selling them fake shares into his company. His wife has been arrested for assisting her spouse in his crimes.” The news reporter says and his words circled around your head for a while. Your parents have been arrested. They’re probably guilty of the crimes. Somehow they managed to mess up with your love life again by screwing up the day you were supposed to confess. But it’s in this moment while you’re processing what’s happening that you realize that life will always have its hiccups. It will never be perfect, there will always be some aspect that’s not great. If life was a garden there would always be a weed somewhere. But you shouldn’t expect it to be perfect either. If your life was perfect you would have never been here with Jungkook, you probably wouldn’t have even met him. And if a perfect life meant no Jungkook, well then you didn’t want it. 
“Y/n I’m-“ 
“I love you.” You say, not wanting to withhold it any longer. Your whole body sags after you finally let it out, relieved of the weight on your shoulders. Jungkook’s doe eyes have reached their peak roundness and his mouth is parted slightly open from being caught off-guard like a deer in headlights. 
“Y-You what?” He stutters. 
“I love you.” You grin at him, leg beginning to bounce in anticipation. Jungkook’s eyes sparkle even brighter than possible, their intensity rivaling that of the sun beginning to rise outside. His cheeks once again match his hair and your heart skips a beat as his crinkly smile takes over his whole face. 
“i love you too. But what about your parents? We can’t lie to them forever.” 
“That doesn’t matter. When I said I was done with them I meant it. Besides, I don’t really care what they think anymore. If they don’t love you for you, then that’s their problem.” You say, reaching over to grab onto his hand. Your heart is still slightly racing from the nerves of confessing but as Jungkook’s comforting warmth seeps from his hand into yours you know you’ll be okay. You have a home now, a family. Your family may be small with just you, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin (you two have gotten much closer since you’ve been working together). It may not be much but to you they’re you’re everything and you wouldn’t trade them for all the money in the world. 
“Scooch over.” Jungkook says before sliding next to you and throwing an arm around you. 
“What are you doing?” You ask. The waitress comes over and places your food down before disappearing into the kitchen. 
“What does it look like? i’m sitting next to my girlfriend.” He says giddily before pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek and giggling into your neck as both of you grow shy. 
“Bold of you to assume we’re dating.” You tease and his other arm wraps around your waist to pull you into him. 
“Bold of you to assume I’d confess and then not make you mine.” He mumbles into your neck. 
“If I remember correctly I was the one who confessed.” Jungkook pulls back to roll his eyes at you. 
“You couldn’t have just let me be cute.” He whines, pouting. This time you finally give in a place a soft kiss against his jutted lower lip. 
“You’re always cute kook.” He nuzzles his nose into your neck and you laugh, bringing a hand up into his hair. 
“Is this your embarrassed tic?” You tease. “Because I hate to tell you but it really just makes you that much cuter.” You giggle. 
“You’re the worst.” He groans but moves so he can kiss you properly. His hands cup your cheeks stroking your cheekbones as he kisses you soft and slow. It’s more than you could’ve imagined because it’s real and when he pulls away and his eyes stay closed for a little while longer like he’s trying to relish the feeling a little longer, with a small smile pulling at the corner of his lips you just know this it is. Love is all about the give and take and you’d give Jungkook the world if it meant you could take small moments like this. 
“i love you.” Jungkook murmurs leaning in to give you another kiss, the food in front of you long forgotten.
“I love you too you dork.” You mumble against his lips. 
349 notes · View notes
magicalsalamander · 7 years
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Fluff  ♡ | Angst ✰ | Smut ✕ | In progress ✏ | Complete ✓ | KLF Universe▼| Horror θ |
      —— Recent
  → 01.02.2020– Sangre Solium
 → 01.19.2020– Show Me Your Teeth
 04.05.2020– Flowers that Speak Poetry
       NEWEST  → Lacuna – 11. 29. 2020
▸ Disclaimer
I do not allow my work to be re-uploaded anywhere, I hold an account here (Tumblr), Wattpad, and AO3 all under the same alias (magicalsalamander). If you see that someone is doing so please inform me immediately with a link if possible. I do not allow my works to be translated. Everything is a work of fiction on my own basis of creativity. I do not hold an affiliation with any company regarding the artists I write about. Anything marked M for Mature has sexual, graphic depictions, and explicit content.
Copyright 2017 © by magicalsalamander. All rights reserved.
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↳ Min Yoongi
  ― Kitten’s Little Flame ―
| ♡✰✕✓ | Childhood friends | College | Hybrid | BFF2L |  
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| ♡ ✰ ✕ ✓ | Hybrid |
→ Your Grandpa adopted him to keep the auto shop safe. He had to fulfill his vicious guard dog hybrid appeal, but he was putty in your hands. However, when an unexpected event happens you take ownership of Yoongi, your best friend…but when tensions build, will he want to stay with you?
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  ― Sangria Wine ―  
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→ When rent is cutting short and you’re at your last resort. Your job has been cutting your hours slowly, and bills were stacking up. You walk into a donation center, blood donating center for the undead to earn some quick cash, but…the thing is…you’re afraid of needles.
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↳ Kim Taehyung
  ― The Firefly that Guards the Fox ―  
| ♡✰✕▼ ✏ / ✓ | Hybrid | Lawyer | Murder Mystery |
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      ↦ Moodboard 1, Moodboard 2 , Fan Art, Dividers
  ― Moon Breaker ―
| ♡ ✰ ✕ ✓ | Werewolf |  
→ Tales as old as time were passed through the werekind. If a human and a kind were to be mates, the moon would take them, the misfortune, to serve the Goddess. Taehyung, a kind, had always heard of the tales told by his elders. The next alpha of his kind. He didn’t expect to find his mate, one of the non-kinds. Would the moon reap her back?
     ↦  Teaser
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↳ Kim Namjoon
  ― Cooper Scales and Blue Wings ―
| ♡ ✓ | Hogwarts | Mermaid |  
→ Kim Namjoon, a Ravenclaw, ends up finding out the secret of a Hufflepuff  by stumbling upon something he shouldn’t have seen that leads him entangled and protecting her secret. Leading to a connection they would’ve never expected to tie them together.  
  ― Aurelius ―
| ♡ ✰ ✕ θ ▼ ✓ | Werewolf
→ When the daughter of the secretary for the Minister for Wolf and Canine relations is the last living member of her clan, she must find a way to avenge her family. She must find a way to put an end to the hunters whose sole purpose is to cleanse the world of werewolves. The golden one hasn’t forgotten. Will she be able to get the revenge she needs?
   ▻ Parts: 0. I. II, III, IV., V., VI (M/Final)
     ↦ Moodboard. Dividers.
  ― Threads of a Resurgent ―  
| ♡✰ θ ✓ | Grim Reaper | Witch |
→ That dress. It was all because of that tainted dress. The dress you found at a second-hand store wasn’t just a pretty thing on the rack. When the grim reaper sits across from you telling you he’s come to collect, your life takes a turn. How will you mend the threads and save your soul in time before he collects you?
    ↦  Moodboard [Teaser], Resurgent’s Dictionary
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↳ Seokjin
  ― Business Affairs ―  
| ♡ ✕ ✓ | E2L | Office |
→ When the unexpected happens and here you are hours away from home your professionalism is put to the test. Your longtime rival, Jin, always shows up at your worst moments. What happens when the world seems to be against you and the only one you know is Jin?
  ― The Act of Persuasion ―
| ♡ ✰ ▼ ✓ | Hybrid | Actress | CEO | Arranged Marriage | Single Parent |
→ When two critters arrive at his doorstep he didn’t know that they would cause a bear who marched to the rhythm of the ants realizes there more to life walking in straight lines. However in order walk out of those lines he had to make a deal to save others and his two little ones, but at what cost? Then there’s me, the one who only sees in parallel. I walk in the footprints my parents have made in the path. What happens when my perspective changes because of a silly bear?
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  ― Gold Embers Touch the Blue Veil ―
| ♡ ✕  ✰ ✓ | Avatar:TLAB | E2L |
→ Your grandparents were refugees of the Southern Water Tribe after the start of the 100 year war. Lost without a home your family blended in at the Fire Nation’s Capital forgetting the ways of being a water bender. For generations, your family blended, but that was until you. You broke every single rule. Seokjin, the son of a General in the Fire Nation Army, was royal by military status. He always knew something was off about you, he could sense it in his chi. What happens when he sees something he’s not supposed to?
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  ― Flowers that Speak Poetry ―
| ♡ ✕  ✰ ✓ | Tattoo Artist | Childhood friend | Alien |
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 ― Lacuna ―
| ♡ ✕  ✰ ✏ | Law Students | Werewolf | Childhood friend to e2l |
→  Lacuna(n): (1) In law, a non liquet (commonly known as "lacuna in the law") is any situation where there is no applicable law. (2) An unfilled space or interval; a gap.
You are well equipped at handling whatever life throws at you. You had worked hard to erase the past and mold a new you, and the future were to become a lawyer. Well, everything was planned expect for your ex best friend who came back into your life like a crashing gavel. Just when you thought you could deal with his presence, he was now your partner on a case that was bigger than you had ever imaged.
    ↦  Teaser  ― NEWEST 
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↳ Hoseok / J-Hope
   ― Sunflower ―
| ♡ ✰ ✕ ✓ | Tattoo Artist | Childhood friend | Dragon hybrid |
→ Growing up Hoseok was the one that brought you out from the shade and into the sun, his sunflower. As adults, will your relationship blossom into more than just friends?
      ↦ Moodboard;  Dividers
  ― Soleil Chaser ―
| ♡ ✰ ✏ | GOT | Dragon Rider | Pirate King |
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↳ Jimin
― The Last Light Keeper  ―  
| ♡✰ ✓ | Gargoyle | Light Spirit |
→  When everyone left the twin islands, you were left behind continuing to protect the light of the lighthouse. Across the way on the other island, folklore whispered about a gargoyle that protected the church, but don’t dare cross his path. However, what happens when your fates intertwine?
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  ― Show Me Your Teeth ―
| ♡ ✰ ✕  ✏ |  Hybrid | FBI Agent |  
→ H.O.U.N.D, pronounced hound, is Hybrid Operation in United Negotiation of Defense, an allegiance of hybrids and federal officers. They were weapons breed for tactic and war. Special agent Y/L/N came back marked a failure after your secret last mission. Politics involved, you were to be assigned a Hound officer. What happens when the monster, Cerberus, gets assigned to you?
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       ↦ Teaser
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↳ Jungkook
  ― The Rabbit on the Moon ―
| ♡ ✰ ✕ ▼  ✓ | Police | Rabbit Hybrid | Single Parent |
→ Jungkook worked as an officer in the hybrid unit, to protect other hybrids. You were owned by a devil. What happens when the devil meets his match?
  ▻ Parts: I (M). II. III. IV. V. IV (M/Final)
     ↦ Moodboard. Dividers
  ― Opal Eyes of the White Fang ―
| ♡ ✰ ✏ |  Hogwarts | Dragon Hybrid|
→ Jungkook, a gentle giant and Gryffindor with a soft spot for Beast, Beings, and Spirits, is a Magizoologists that works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures in the Beasts Division. However, he doesn’t abide by the rules. What happens when a rumor unknowingly to him contained a beast beyond his imagination with opal eyes. What will he and the C.7.A do when the rumor goes deeper than they could’ve ever imaged?
 ▻ Parts: I. II. III. IV. V(Final)
    ↦ Moodboard [Teaser]
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↳ Shownu
  ― At Your Service  ―
| ♡ ✰ ✕ ✓ | Hybrid |
→ Your Grandpa adopted him to keep the auto shop safe. He had to fulfill his vicious guard dog hybrid appeal, but he was putty in your hands. However, when an unexpected event happens you take ownership of Hyunwoo, your best friend…but when tensions build, will he want to stay with you?
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↳ Jinyoung
  ― Business Affairs ―
| ♡  ✕ ✓ | E2L | Office |
→ When the unexpected happens and here you are hours away from home your professionalism is put to the test. Your longtime rival, Jinyoung, always shows up at your worst moments. What happens when the world seems to be against you and the only one you know is Jinyoung?
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↳ Kyungsoo
  ― The Curse of the Egnatic ―
| ♡ ✰ ✕  ✏ | Mafia | Demon |
→ You moved away from your family, grandfather and mother, away from your hometown. The family business was ludicrous; it took your father. Now, it took someone else away from you. The past was calling you. You had to choose…to go back to the city or be cradled in the arms of the devil?
   ▻ Parts: I (M). II
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  ― Fire Escape ―
→ Words of comfort when you feel alone
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Updated: 11/18/2020
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