#i deserve to yell 'i love yous' at yeonjun too 😭
glossyeon · 3 years
fairy of shampoo || cbg
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* All credit goes to the creators of these images*
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𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: 90s! AU, Beomgyu x Celebrity!Reader
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: boy is lowkey obsessed with you but y’all probably dream about that shit, Beomgyu is like a few years older than he really is in this (23), but there are no uncomfortable age gaps, and you two are around the same age!
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 1.9k
𝘼/𝙉: oh my frick this is so bad I’m so sorry😭 pls understand the crappy writing, but I hope you enjoy!💜 Inspired by the 1987 poem "The Shampoo Fairy" by Jang Jung-il. It was the also the inspiration for the hit 90’s song "Fairy of Shampoo" by Light and Salt. It is about a young man who falls in love with a girl in a shampoo commercial.
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: Beomgyu no longer seems to have the passion, nor money to chase the life he’s always dream of. After he’s entranced from seeing you in a Shampoo commercial on his broken tv screen, a wave of certainty seems to overcome the dull boy. You were surely his fairy of shampoo, that from this moment forward, he would treasure forever.
Beomgyu sighed heavily that night in the shower, letting the warm droplets run down his tired body.
He was drained from that dreaded minimum wage job at the accountants office, too sick and tired of surrounding himself with useless papers and difficult numbers.
It was frequent for him to confront these feelings in shower, though it did always end up with quite an expensive water bill.
Beomgyu wishes for once, that he could do something he enjoyed.
“I didn’t chose to become an account!” he would say to his close friends when they ask him why he chose such a field.
Yeonjun and Soobin would simply tease, Huening Kai would probably laugh, and Taehyun would just smile painfully at his friends.
Maybe even Beomgyu would laugh along, but you would never guess the sickening feeling that spread from his inside out.
Now, Beomgyu is a 23 year old man who already dreams of the day he retires and leaves the underground, run down office that nobody even goes to anymore.
Although it may be a long way until it happens, he plans on sticking to this horrible office job till the end. As a result, no easy way out lured the fool.
He runs a hand through his wet hair, shutting the shower off to now massage the pumps of shampoo into his head. He almost moans at the feeling of applied pressure from the tips of his delicate fingers, working their way into his hair. Beomgyu wishes he could stay in the shower forever.
Unfortunately, that would have resulted with no hot water for his poor roommate Yeonjun, as well as Beomgyu turning out to be as wrinkly as a raisin.
Now all fresh and clean, Beomgyu puts on a cashmere sweater that lays around his small apartment, pairing it with a pair of pink hello kitty pajama pants that Taehyun gifted him as a joke for a Secret Santa they had years ago.
It might not of have been his style, but they were sure damn comfy, provided the feeling he desired on a spring night like tonight.
Beomgyu proceeded to walk over to his small shared mini fridge and open a well deserved can of cold beer. The sounds of a can opening and the refreshing gulps he takes are all that occur on that uneventful evening after work.
It was quiet, but definitely not silent when you lived in the bustling city of Seoul in 1991.
“Beomgyu!” a voice yelled above the roaring sounds of the water from the shower, and it was mixed with confusion and a bit of whine
Beomgyu sighed as he rolled his eyes, setting down the cold can that he was about to bring to his lips, and shouted back forcefully.
“There’s a new bar of soap behind you, Yeonjun!”
he didn’t need to even say anything based on the number of times Yeonjun needed Beomgyu’s help finding things around the apartment. A meek “thank you” was called back in return.
Finally making his way over to the love seat sofa that sat in his living room, run down and decorated with all sorts of stains, Beomgyu collapsed in the cushions, and flicked on the tv switch, expression mimicking boredom and tiredness as usual.
It should also be mentioned that while Beomgyu is always tired, he also refuses to sleep at normal times. As well as eating unhealthy amounts of Oreos, but that doesn’t matter too much for him.
Rummaging one hand through the package of opened cookies, and the other holding the remote, he passes through each channel with the weak hope that there would be something good this late at night.
When he decided to settle for a game show that was on a rerun, Beomgyu stares monotonously at the flickering screen. He reminds himself to get the broken tv fixed one day, even if he knows he’ll never do it.
“And we’ll be right back with short commercial break” an host like voice rings with great tenacity and fakeness.
Beomgyu’s about to switch to another channel after he decides he doesn’t want to sit though another stupid advertisement, but he halts his movements once he sees what appears on his screen. his finger barely hovers over the remote button.
There you were inside his tv screen, smiling with the utmost beauty and rarity. Yours cheeks had blushed like blossomed spring flowers, and you posed with the placed product in your hand, eyes crinkling as if stars had held them inside. He believed they truly did in that moment alone.
Beomgyu’s lips parted, gaping at the enchantress that had brainwashed him to let go of the Oreos and lean further into the blinding screen.
Your skin dazzled under the commercial lighting, and it had almost looked as if you had been crafted from goddesses themselves. Your hair shined as if it were to be crafted from silk, and your aura glowed far too much through the broken television screen.
Beomgyu would not deny it. You were alluring, and gorgeous at that as well. But there was something so different about you, that he wasn’t able to pin point even to this day.
You came out of nowhere, and it’s seems that you’ve rightfully earned your place as his fairy of shampoo.
“Introducing, a new formula that enhances growth and presents drastically different results!”
Your sweet, honey like voice rang in his living room, clear and precise. God, even your voice had Beomgyu in a trance. It was soft, but firm. Seductive but innocent, and dazzling but mysterious at the same time. If that even made sense.
Beomgyu wiped the drool that almost leaves the lips of his mouth with his sweater sleeve, and sits back in the couch cushions.
You wink at the screen and flash a smirk that leaves the boy blinking. We’re his eyes failing him? Or was it his heart and consciousness?
What was wrong with him? He acts as if he’s never seen a model from a shampoo commercial before, nonetheless a pretty one.
“New, 2 in 1 Shampoo gel from Minamari Hair Studio. Now selling in a store near you!”
The screen turns black, static sounds forcing their way out of the piece of old trash. The commercial’s over.
Beomgyu instinctively stands up to give the tv a good kick on the sides, bringing the worn down thing back to normal, and running smoothly like before. But doesn’t seem to know what to do with himself now.
The game show is back on, and obnoxiously loud. The contestants lack skill, and the host is snobby and terribly bad at his job.
Yet all the boy could do was sit idly by, staring into space while in thought of the beautiful lady who appeared in that shampoo commercial.
If Beomgyu had been sitting on his couch any other day, he would’ve bad mouthed the producers of the shitty program right away. But not tonight. Not when he’s just witnessed the most charming and alluring woman in a long while.
He starts to think practically, sitting forward with his elbows on his knees, and head in his hands, running through his hair.
He fights with the two sides of himself, one logically arguing that you were just a random model, and that he was just super horny and tired, while the other side argued that he may not feel this way anytime again.
It’s driving him insane, and he feels like a total idiot for falling for a girl who he hasn’t even met yet, and out of everything, he saw you from a shampoo commercial!
Yeonjun steps out of his room, pink hair soaking wet and leaving small drops on the wooden floors of the apartment. Beomgyu doesn’t mind from being in thought, but that soon breaks when Yeonjun plops himself beside him on the tight space.
“Watcha watching idiot?” Yeonjun ruffles his damp hair and smirks condescendingly like the second idiot in the room.
Beomgyu looks to his high school friend of over 10 years and says in a quiet, soft voice.
“I think I’m in love Yeonjun. With a shampoo model”
That night was quite a bewildering one for the two roommates living in the small apartment. Yeonjun was quite frankly, in disbelief from his friend’s sudden confession.
He knows Beomgyu well, and never has the boy felt so passionately and strongly for anyone, except for you. He’s certain it’s just a phase for his dear friend, one that will drift from his thoughts surely by next week.
However, that was not the case, because now, Yeongjun thinks he’ll commit murder if he hears the cheesy jingle of the Minamari shampoo commercial one more time.
While Beomgyu had completely fallen in love with it these past few weeks, Yeonjun just couldn’t stand the way his best friend wasted his savings on shampoo and conditioning products. All plastered with your face on them, and only leaving them in the tiny shared bathroom to admire.
Beomgyu seemed to soon forget the depressing monotone coloured world he had lived in for so long, and watched you from afar in his living room.
Was it creepy? Quite a bit.
Had he fallen in love? Like an absolute fool.
“I think you’ve got a problem dude” Yeonjun brings up one day, sick and tired of the way his friend fawned over you.
“She appeared once in a shampoo commercial, and here you are spending the grocery bill to buy her conditioning lotions. You don’t even have hair to wash anymore Beomgyu-ya!” he exclaimed, playing the with thinning hair he dealt with from all the stress of university.
The poor boy sighs in fault, heart aching in his chest. He knew even himself that he was being unreasonable. If only he could meet you, or see you in person.
He hoped that someday you would magically appear on his front doorstep like the fairy he saw you as, and took his hand in yours to bring him to a better future. One that he wasn’t dreading.
It was clearly a fantasy that he treasured too much like a reality.
On days both bad and good, that 20 second commercial ad brought joy and happiness to Beomgyu’s depressing life. He would daydream of your beauty during work, and envision your smile while hanging out with his friends.
You, brought those emotions upon him.
When he was sad, lonely, or intoxicated, there was always your radiating aura that kept him going. Regardless if you were so far out of his reach, Beomgyu followed you diligently as a loyal fanboy for the next year or so. Funny how circumstances could lead to such, right?
Soon the summer of ‘92 rolled by, and the five friends graduated on to the next chapter of their lives
Taehyun had found a career that suited him best, while Huening Kai interned at a job and found independence as the office newbie. As for Yeonjun., that boy decided to chase after his dream job, and soon found his place in life as well.
Sure, they were all boring office jobs, but to them, it was a sign of their new business men, accountant careers that would boost them ahead in the future. Though it would never provide them happiness.
At just like that, Beomgyu grew older, wilting away in the small accountant office in the underground city complex of Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea.
Yet after all those years, all those months of forgetting of that comfort you provided for him, Beomgyu decided something that he would remember about you in his mind.
You were always, going to be his Fairy of Shampoo. The fairy that helped him through those times of pain, forever leaving an imprint in his young, 23 year old heart.
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(Copyright 2020 © Glossyeon // all rights reserved)
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