#i did get the yarn i need so i can start crocheting today yay!
witchwhaat · 2 years
made pasta and it's delicious, life is good
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berryunho · 2 years
adsfakerjg HELLO HELLO !!! mightychondria is back omg these past 2 weeks have been slaughtering me ALIVE and its not over yet like at the beginning i was like "hm what if i drop out" BUT NOW ITS NOT A JOKE ANYMORE
omg yes i need a masters degree too but you know i think ive had enough undergrad to last me a lifetime this is TOO much and its only oct???
wowow youre actually so talented i cant imagine learning/being able to speak all those languages. like. im already challenged in english and any other language is just a trainwreck
how did you do on your chem exam??? i bet you slayed it no doubt in my mind
u know i feel like as long as you can profit off of smth youve gotta charge like pls why am i paying for entry and extra on top of that to store my coat 😭
OMG I LOVE breaking bad. i watched it over the winter break when i was crocheting a sweater and it still hits such a good show. did you end up dyeing your hair? i might go to a party with my friend for halloween. maybe we'll twin?
i only have 1 day of classes this week bc thanksgiving was yesterday and thank god labs are CANCELLED like my sanity is going down the drain bc of them 😭
also this is so random but im seeing this guy and he is SO SWEET i thought chivalry was dead until i met him like ugh i feel so lucky esp bc my last relationship was so toxic its like dang i really got lucky meeting you huh 😭😭😭
BUT aside from that i hope youre having a good start to your week!
lol ive been wondering about you !! but KLJGFDLKFGJ i totally get it shit starts getting REAL this time of year and it is not funny ksljf;lasdjk
fr sometimes ill be sitting in lecture or doing homework or whatever and i remember i have to do this for 4.5 more years and i just. BRUH. and i chose this. LKJFDLKDJF:LK but also sometimes i get the realization that like im literally gonna be a scientist and this is my training and im like. oh shit. wait. LMAOJFKDJF
omg that first chem exam i got a B on which. honestly slayed. and ive had another one since then and i got an A on that one so slay pt 2. KLFJ:DLKSJF i consider anything above failing a win for me when it comes to ochem so that A had me Screaming LOL have you had any chem exams yet ??
breaking bad literally slaps so hard LKFJDLSDK i watched it for the first time in august and the last season....... like what was that ..... AKLDFLASKJ i tip my hats to the writers bc literally wtf has to be wrong w you to write that story. like i respect it heavily. but still. LMAOO im watching better call saul now and im on season 2 but ... idk its not as gripping to me lol but omg you can crochet ... ive wanted to learn for a long time but i dont wanna buy a bunch of yarn and then give up LOL
YAAAYY thanksgiving !! im glad you're getting a break !!! hehe and ... omg ... a romantic interest ... YAY! hehe i hope everything stays going good w him!! its literally so hard to find a good man aklakjfdl;k im happy for you :]] do keep me posted hehe
but ty!! my week went quite well !! i have a really bad cough (no covid though heh) and basically have no voice which was awkard af during my korean oral exam today LKFJS:LFDJKL: but i still got full points hehe AND idk if you like hockey but im obsessed lol and my team's season started yesterday and i went to the game !! which was super fun even though we lost lol i love my hockey boys sm ... LKFJDLSKJF
ANYWAYS i hope your week ended up well and you enjoyed your break!! :]] have a good weekend !!
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peaches-writes · 4 years
felix’s arts and crafts!
skz of christmas day 2: handmade presents with felix
member: felix wc: 1.6k genre: fluff, roommates au, preparing for christmas w no plot lmao
the brownies
“Y/N, does two cups of flour make more brownies?”
“Ah, I really do think we should’ve bought more of these chocolate chips!”
“Y/N, can you look at my mix? Does it need more flour? I just think it kinda does.”
“Aah, I still haven’t finished everyone’s amigurumi—“
“Felix? Felix!” Having had enough of your roommate’s incessant worried monologue over your Christmas playlist, you finally rush over to your roommate on the other end of the kitchen island and grab him by his shoulders with a chuckle. Held down in place now, the doe-eyed boy is quick to comply and stares back at you curiously. “Can you slow down a bit? Relax!”
“B-But—�� He fumbles over his words at your sudden comment, raising an eyebrow before rubbing the nape of his neck. “Sorry, I—I’m just—just a bit worried!”
“A bit worried.” You roll your eyes playfully, moving your hands down to his and taking his first batch of brownies. “You should’ve thought more about that when you started promising everyone stuffed toys and food, hm?” You then return the brownie mix back on top of the island. When your gaze naturally glances down on the recipe he’s been trying to adjust, you then continue, “Okay, how about we start with this recipe first? How many did you put in already?”
Felix follows your eyes with a pout, taking a seat on a nearby high stool. “Just the flour and sugar.” He sighs when you take a longer peek at his bowl. “I only managed to put in two cups of flour and half a cup of sugar when it started overflowing.”
“The wet ingredients over there?” You pointed to another bowl on his side, extending your hands out to which he immediately replied by handing you the bowl. “It looks a bit lacking compared to the dry bowl.”
“It’s just one and a half stick of butter and three eggs then I gave up measuring.”
“And how much yield do you want? Compared to the original recipe?”
Felix’s eyes widened at the unfamiliar term before his brows naturally furrowed down in thought. “Huh?” He asks, a gesture that definitely makes you giggle.
“It means your recipe makes 16 brownies in one go so how much are you trying to achieve with more of the ingredients?” You elaborate more in answer, laughing even more as realization dawns on him. “Help me out here, I suck at Math too.”
The boy runs a hand through his blonde hair once with a hum. “A-Ah, well around 60? Or more? Something like that?”
“So four?” You ask next, more to challenge him now with his new knowledge.
“Yeah?” Your roommate slowly nods, still a bit unsure. When you nod back almost teasingly, he then repeats his gesture with more conviction. “Yup.”
With this, you then turn around to the overhead cabinets by your stove, taking out your extra supplies of the same ingredients. “Then we’ll have to add just a bit more in your mixes. Thank God we don’t have to reduce anything or it’ll be a waste.”
Felix is quick to follow you, trailing right behind you like a lost puppy while taking the heavier ingredients from your arms. “And the same goes for the cookies later, right?”
You nod again with a hum. “We’re going to bake for a whole army, Lix!” You joke, returning to the kitchen island once you’ve got everything on hand and placing them next to their respective wet and dry ingredient groups. “Now, we should multiply everything by four in the ingredients list—and maybe take out extra trays for later.”
“Even the fractions?” He frowns, picking up his recipe again.
“Yeah, I guess even the fractions.” You sigh back before giggling at his distressed face. “We might have to call in Changbin from next door later.”
the cookies
“You want to what?” 
Felix looks up at you with his best puppy eyes, his plastic gloved hands clasped together to his chest as he juts his lower lip down in a seemingly quivering pout. “Trust me on this one, please?” He asks while blinking rapidly. 
You swear if he was anyone else, you would’ve smacked him in the arm for trying to look cute. Instead, you rub your temples and tear your gaze away from him to the big lump of cookie dough melting on one of your last kitchen bowls. “I mean, adjusting the brownie and cookie recipes was one thing. Now you want to freestyle the cookies?” 
“Yeah, well, it’s just the shapes! I’m sure it’ll still cook the same!” He repeats, pouting even harder and even clinging to your arm this time when you try and turn away. “Please, please, please? Pretty please with all the cherries you want on top?!”
“But Changbin and Hyunjin have cookie cutters next door.” You point out, letting him cling onto you and even rest his chin on top of your shoulder anyway. “I can go and borrow some if you w—” 
“But Binnie and Jinnie only have those weird heart-shaped ones! I want to do cookies that look like the Gingerbread man!” 
You quirk an amused eyebrow at this. “Then shouldn’t we just stuck to an actual Gingerbread recipe?”
“But I want it to taste like cookies.” He argues back.
“It’s from our Shrek movie night last week, isn’t it?” You stifle a laugh, placing a hand over your mouth when he starts sulking while nodding slowly. “Fine, because you’re cute and Chan will can sense when you’re sad from the next building, we can try one first. Just one!”
Your roommate’s face lighten up once more, clapping his hands in delight. “Yay, thank you!”
“But I’m telling you, it’s gonna be a weird-looking cookie when it comes out.”
“It’s fine, we can just eat it for later!” Felix assures with a dismissive wave, finally letting go of your hand to pick up enough cookie dough for his little experiment. “I’ll make a big one that we can share for crocheting later, okay?”
“Sure, I’ll just go and check the brownies.”
the amigurumis
Your little cookie Gingerbread man, comically named Yongbok II when you sent a photo of it to all of your friends, lays on the coffee table with all of his limbs and a chocolate chip button on his button up ‘shirt’ eaten. As you’ve predicted, the big misshapen cookie came out looking weird and feeling crusty but it made Felix smile and laugh anyway.
That’ll have to do with letting your roommate experiment for today.
“Wait, pause!” You exclaim when your work-in-progress stuffed fox starts looking weird on a particular row, holding it in the same hand as your crochet hook before pressing pause on your phone with your freed hand. “Did I miss something?”
Felix tilts his head over to your direction, squinting his eyes playfully as he surveys your work up and down before resting his cheek on your shoulder blade and shrugging nonchalantly. “Looks fine to me.” He huffs, scooting closer to you to press play on your phone. “Why?” 
You hold your palm up in between the two of you and place your work on top of it, demonstrating the miniscule defect on the pattern. “It won’t flatten.” You point out, letting him poke the orange and white yarn a few times. “It’s not supposed to close in on itself until the tenth row.” 
“Have you tried counting the stitches?” He then asks and when you shake your head with a pout, you hear him chuckle and take your work from your hand gently. “Here, let me.” 
“It’s at least a hundred stitches now, I don’t want to start all over again.” You sigh in defeat, leaning back on the couch once Felix starts counting the stitches carefully under his breath. “Not to mention, we still have to do five more stuffed toys for the guys.” 
You see Felix wave a dismissive hand to you as he counts, holding the crochet circle so close to his face while his current work, an amigurumi stuffed toy puppy for Seungmin, rests on his lap with its tongue poking out. “I’ll do it for you if you want but just this row!” He assures you. “Only if you do a row of my puppy toy, though.” 
“But you’re almost done!” 
“And it’s only fair!” 
Your roommate then looks up at you with a teasing glare, holding our stare until you scoff and give in. “Fine.” 
“Justice.” He sticks his tongue out before his eyes suddenly widen, realizing that he didn’t take note of the last number he was counting on. “Wait, I lost count!”
the gift wrappings 
“I just think it’s more economical to put them all in the same bags instead of having them separate for each guy.” Felix repeats his argument, eyes darting everywhere on the busy coffee table. 
“I’m telling you, Lix, literally putting them in one bag with no divider or anything will spoil the food and get yarn shedding all over it.” You scold him as you continue packing the brownies and cookies in small goodie bags. “Besides, we’ll pair the goodie bags with the stuffed toys in bigger paper bags for each of the guys later. You didn’t have a problem with this a while back so why are you complaining now?” 
“Well...” He trails off with a pout, reluctantly going back to wrapping the stuffed toys in red and green Christmas wrapper. “I don’t want to wrap these anymore.” 
“You’ve only wrapped Chan’s wolf toy so far.” You roll your eyes. rummaging through the mess of haphazardly cut gift wrappings and old ribbons for the only present he’s wrapped so far. As you find it next to the Tupperware of brownies, only then does a realization dawns upon you and you immediately ask, “Hold on, did you buy the greeting cards?” 
“Ah, well, Y/N, you see...” 
december 18 (yang jeongin)
skz of christmas (masterlist)
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im-da-bronx · 4 years
Executive dysfunction life hacks, loopholes, and shortcuts
By me, your local adhd disaster
Some of these I am currently not doing but that’s more of a funds and location situation b/c I’m living with my parents
Get one of those roomba vacuums that plugs into a station. That way you only need to empty it once a month, and you don’t have to worry about remembering to vacuum.
Get one of those air filtering systems. I’ve heard that they suck the dust out of the air (less cleaning, yay!!) and it’s supposed to be really good for people with allergies and asthma. These, too, only need to be emptied once a month or so.
PAPER PLATES. PAPER PLATES EVERYWHERE. You WILL thank me, when you don’t have a pile of dirty dishes piled up in the sink. Yes, have regular dishes, but save those for special occasions, and use paper plates and disposable cutlery for everyday.
If you can, set up your bills to be paid automatically, top priority, every month. That way you don’t have to worry about forgetting to pay them, and you don’t have to worry about not having enough money, because you pay them FIRST, and then use the rest for other expenses. (Is it obvious I have no clue how banking works?)
Keep a wastebasket in your room. That way you can throw out all of the food wrappers without having to trek all the way to the kitchen/bathroom/wherever, and having a trash free bedroom is a must.
Try to do your laundry once a week, because if you’re anything like me, you’ll have only gone through three or four outfits, and it’s way easier and less time consuming/stressful/requires less spoons to fold three shirts, two pants, and six pairs of socks than folding a months worth of clothes.
NO DUMPING LOCATIONS. Try to not have a beanbag chair/steamer trunk/desk/whatever in your bedroom, because you WILL want to dump your laundry and assorted things there to deal with later. DO NOT. I do not have one, but I want to get a desk for my bedroom, and I will be getting a slanted drafting desk, because if it’s flat, I WILL dump things there.
Avoid over-complicated neurotypical organizers. If you’re not going to hang up your shoes every time, then just get a big bucket to dump them in. You will not be tempted to dump not-shoes into your shoe bucket, because shoes are gross and dirty and you don’t want your things dirty. **This comes with the caveat that you might wear the same two pairs of shoes over and over again, simply because you can’t see your other shoes.**
If you take medication every morning, put your Flintstones vitamins (or equivalent) right next to your medication so that you don’t forget to take it. I know that I forget to take my vitamins, and it’s really not good because I’m borderline anemic, and I’m not getting enough iron.
On that note, DRINK WATER. I will forget to drink water, so I try to make it fun. I’ll drink out of a dollar tree chalice, or a pirate’s rum bottle, or I’ll take shots or smth. If you can’t make yourself drink water b/c of the taste or smth (which happens), try to drink Gatorade or other flavored electrolyte juices (my go-to is fruit punch Gatorade, which is great until you brush your teeth and think you’re bleeding)
If you rely on packaged snacks to eat, try to buy healthier snacks, such as granola bars, trail mix, fruit cups, etc., b/c they’ll have nutrients that you need, and b/c sometimes the flavor mix up from ‘sugary junk food’ to ‘salty trail mix’ or whatever can be satisfying to those of us who get bored with repeating things. You don’t need to completely cut out junk food, b/c any food is better than none, but it will make you feel better if you’re in the mindset of, “I’m gross, I don’t eat healthy, I don’t work out,” b/c then you’ll be like, “wait, I ate a fruit cup today! Fruit is healthy!” And fruit is tasty and has water and vitamins.
Facial wipes. Sometimes (most of the time) I’m in a rush to leave or I just don’t have the energy to pull out the face scrub and completely wash my face, so facial wipes are a must. The ones I get act as a cleanser and makeup remover, and they don’t require rinsing afterwards (though I prefer to rinse my face if I can). These are great, because if you’re self concious of acne or oily skin, but can’t bring yourself to completely wash your face, these will make you feel fresh and clean.
Wide toothed combs for my friends with crazy curly hair. When I had mono (AVOID AT ALL COSTS) I would roll out of bed (often already partially in my uniform) brush my teeth, and use one of these on my hair. It was a huge change from before, when I would take a shower every single morning, and spend at least ten minutes on my hair and appearance every day. The trick with these (to not brush your curls out completely, but also avoid tangles and rats nests) is to start from the bottom with DRY hair, then wet your hands and run your fingers through, dampening the curls enough to re-clump and re-curl them, without making your hair dripping wet.
If you have to/like to wear makeup, but don’t like that it costs so many spoons, try to figure out why. My makeup routine used to take 30 minutes for just the basics, but recently I bought a kabuki brush (so soft!!) and it took 10 minutes to do my makeup. I then realized that my routine before consisted of 50% makeup application, and 50% washing my hands a million times b/c I had a super small sponge applicator and I’d use my fingers a lot.
If you have hobbies that require a bunch of supplies, but organizing them is a pain, get a giant plastic tub and dump everything in there. That way you don’t have to worry about “my paints are over here, but my canvases are over there” because giant tubs can fit a lot. I recently did this with my knitting and crocheting stuff, and it’s great, because while, yes, I really liked the baskets I had them in before (pretty woven reed ones), they weren’t conducive to stacking, and I had so much yarn that it would fall out and roll everywhere.
If you have trouble getting out of bed, try sleeping with a pet. When my dog would sleep with me, I’d have to get up to let her out in the morning, which was a mental “hey, be aware, you have to get up soon” when I went back to bed. DO NOT RELY ON THIS METHOD, use it as more of a guide/reminder, unless you have a specially trained service pet.
Try feeding your pets treats at the same time every day, coinciding with your ideal mealtimes. That way, they know it’s time for them to eat, and they’ll remind you, and you’ll remember to eat. **this also works with children, in that they’ll make you make them food, and you’ll be reminded to eat**
Slippers are great for of your feet get cold easily/you don’t like dirty feet/you don’t have the energy to put on shoes. Be aware, though, that if you don’t like dirty feet, or if your feet get really cold, you should wear socks with your slippers, because if you don’t, your feet will get really sweaty (gross) and then, b/c your feet are damp (ew) they’ll get EVEN COLDER (no)
Lists are good. If you’re like me, though, and you need about five separate lists (one for your daily routine, one for chores, one for your daily goals, one for your weekly goals, one for things you’d like to do eventually, one for ideas you want to look up, etc) get a day+week+month planner. If you’re like me, you won’t want to use a 2020 planner if you’re beginning it in July (b/c my brain is weird and doing that is just Not A Good Idea, though it isn’t Banned) so if you’re weird like me get one without any dates in it (or ambiguous dates, like the month and day, but not the year or specific week day) so you can start anytime, or plan ahead and get the yearly one in December.
Reward yourself!! If you know you did everything you’re supposed to in a week, buy a Frappuccino or an ice cream, something you don’t get very often. If you’ve been putting off watching that show, but you went for a walk two days this week, watch that episode! *try not to make the rewards too vague/far off or too close, because you either won’t do it because “I’m never gonna get one” or “why should I, it’s RIGHT THERE”
Put music on while you’re working/cleaning/etc. upbeat music will get you dancing, and hey you’re standing up, so you might as well take these shirts those three feet to the hamper.
Use the “fuck it” method (I’ll try it, and if it works, nice, if it doesn’t, fuck it, I gave it a shot.)
If all else fails, throw your phone away (social media is a huge distraction, I spent an hour writing this instead of doing other things)
Please feel free to add on to this!! I am always in need of finding new ways to do things, as I either forget, or realize there are too many steps to doing a thing, and my brain doesn’t like it.
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rusalkii · 5 years
It was Friday when I started this so it still counts, I guess.
From last time:
- Did financial things, did shopping/laundry etc, fooled around with HackerRank long enough that probably counts, yay me I guess. 
- Procrastinated sending the damn email. Procrastinated it more. Left it until today in the hope that admitting my shame to other people would motivate me to do it. Procrastinated writing this post instead of writing the email. Ugh. 
TODO tomorrow morning once I am fully awake: open original email. open paperwork. fill out paperwork 1. fill out paperwork 2. draft email with apologies for putting it off for TWO FUCKING MONTHS. obsess over the phrasing of it for no more than 10 minutes. send the email.
- Did not contact the other interview person because I forgot.
TODO: Adding this to my list for tomorrow in the place I actually check regularly.
In general, had a very lazy week, which I mostly planned for. Spent more time reading fanfic/playing stupid phone games/etc than ideal, but this was not supposed to be a Responsibilities week. Did not go dancing, but did go climbing and was going to go hiking until we looked at the humidity. I’ll (hopefully!) go dancing tomorrow and backpacking Monday-Tuesday. Failed to deal with LW meetup things like a decent human being. I think I’m developing an ugh field around organizing for it, which is Not Ideal. Did clean my soles (god they needed it). Saw my Shire and started my veil/scarf thing, finally. SCA people are so good. Being around them always leaves me wanting to make things. (No, I should not buy wool for a cloak without getting to touch it, even if it is $12/yard.)
Food things have not been ideal - might be generic appetite issues, might be lack of variety, might be lack of protein/some other nutrient? Generally have been much pickier than I tend to be, have had a lot of “nothing looks good” moments. For some reason keep craving my very specific Sweetgreens order I occasionally had for lunch at work? This could be either protein or literally any of the vegetables in it, or just a salience thing. Should try for at least slightly more protein, for a first pass - more nuts, peanut butter, maybe get myself pilmeni but that feels like cheating. I guess I could in fact get the Sweetgreens thing sometimes but that’s like 10% of what the three of us spend on groceries for a single meal and that’s kind of ridiculous and doesn’t actually feel worth $12. Should weight myself, if I drop below 100 that’s in Actually A Problem territory. Something to keep an eye on even though I’m not particularly inclined to worry unless it doesn’t change once I’m on an unlimited meal plan with enough variety and also shrimp.
Next week:
- Call TsL!
- ....book club. Please.
- Moving back to dorm logistics/most of actual packing. If you need anything from parents know this by the end of the weekend.
- Other prep for school as needed. (Textbooks, etc).
- General vague goal to be much more of an actual human doing actual human things. They don’t have to be productive things, you are totally allowed to read more studies on Tasmanian Devil cancers or something, but a lot less of the deaful lounging around under a blanket reading glowfic, please.
Good things but not necessary: Once again, dance; there’s a ballroom thing tomorrow evening. Getting yarn for a new crochet project would be good (maybe pick up what I have at home and start something, it’s not like I would mind another shawl), likewise warping my cards for something new. Plushki! Ordering a bag before school starts. Make my dad fix my sewing machine, which he broke, so I can finally finish the seam on that dress because I am not doing that by hand.
Meta notes: Took ~30 minutes. Reminder I had set for 4pm failed to go off, should fix that. Not sure what level of granularity I’m using here - this one is a bit more zoomed out, not putting in things like laundry, specifics of packing, etc. Those should be worked out in daily lists.
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seven-oomen · 4 years
Omg, that sounds like a hell of an adventure with the couch!  My apartment also has a narrow L-shaped staircase, but luckily most of the heavy stuff I’ve had to drag up them by myself have been in flatpack boxes or storage tubs, so awkward, but somewhat maneuverable.  (At least you had somewhere to crash when you were done?)  And I have yet to make it to an IKEA (the closest one is at the other end of the state, I think), but I have assembled a fair amount of similar furniture, and I very much like to look at the instructions.  XD  I may need them less the further along I get, but I like being able to double check what I’m doing (unless it’s something like my dining room table, which was literally “screw the legs into the table top.”)  Although it does remind me of some of the displays we get at work that don’t even come a picture of what it’s supposed to look like when assembled.  It’s like “here’s a bunch of large cardboard pieces with pre-marked ridges, but we’re not gonna tell you which way they’re supposed to fold, or at what point in the process.  we believe in you.  godspeed, spiderman."  Apparently I’m decent at it, though, because they keep asking me to do it.
I only saw Friends for the first time last year (or so?), because it was on Netflix, and I was just like "what the hell?  let’s see what the commotion’s about."  I never did quite finish it.  I liked parts of it, but never did get the allure.  And Ross is a piece of shit, Rachel’s not particularly likeable, and they’re toxic for each other, so I REALLY didn’t understand that whole thing.  But the pivot! pivot! thing pops up a lot on tumblr, so when I think of moving furniture, that’s where my mind immediately goes.  Fun story: in one of my apartments, we had to pop the screens out of an upstairs window to pass a mattress and box spring up because it wouldn’t fit up the stairs.
My tree (whenever I get it up; probably next week because I close the next few nights) is a wild mish-mash of cheesy Hallmark ornaments I stole borrowed from my mom’s collection, and weird, nerdy ornaments I’ve picked up over the years, for the most part.  It’s topped with an angel I found at a vintage shop that’s an almost identical, but smaller, version of the one my mom has used since before I was born (possibly since before my parents got married.)  And definitely multi-colored lights, the kind that you can make twinkle in different patterns and speeds if I can manage, but I can’t always find those.  To swing into headcanon land, I feel like Chris would prefer warm white lights, because they’re more elegant, Noah would like the multi-color because they’re more cheerful, and Peter could kinda go either way depending on his mood.  Luckily, with that many kids, they pretty much have to have two trees, so everybody’s still happy (or depending on the size of the living room, maybe they just have one gigantic tree and decorate it with both.  XD )
Speaking of headcanons, I thought of a few for your Noah post:
1. My instinct would have been drums over guitar, but I like both.  Either way, he was definitely in a garage band in high school (possibly why he quit scouts?)  They were actually decent, but mostly just doing it for fun (and in his case to not be at home), so it didn’t really go anywhere.
2. Since we don’t know his exact age in canon, it’s hard to say for sure, but it’s possible that he might have been part of Operation Desert Storm in Iraq towards the tail end of his enlistment, which would make a nice parallel for Jordan having been in Afghanistan.
3. He definitely scheduled leave time to attend Live Aid in London in ‘85, because like hell he was missing out on the chance to see both David Bowie and Queen in the same concert (Peter is jealous not only because of that, but because Wham! was there, too.  XD )  He definitely has a t-shirt from then, too, carefully hidden so neither his son (nor Peter) can steal it.
4. I feel like he has at least one tattoo that he got while in service, I just can’t decide what.  I’d say on his left shoulder, either an oak tree (referencing his time spent out in the preserve and unknowingly the Nemeton/druids/etc), something to do with the band he’d been in, or something like one of the tanks from Combat! or Battlezone (both Atari games).  I’m also all about him and Stiles eventually getting Hale pack tattoos.
5. I think he gets back into crochet by making things with thicker yarn and a larger hook, because those tend to show a result faster, and give the sense of accomplishment that makes you want to keep going, and works his way down into more intricate stuff from there.  (I want to say that Chris prefers macrame because he has more experience figuring out knots from his hunter training, but feel it might come across the wrong way XD )
That’s all my brain has for now on the subject, though I’ll try to think of more.
And yay, I did interpret the letters correctly once I figured out what they were!  And I very much look forward to seeing Lahey get what he deserves (and how they find out, since obvs no kanima this time.)  Oh shit, I’m definitely gonna have to buy another bottle of wine then.  I foolishly thought we were moving past the drama, but I see we’re just transferring who it centers around.  XD  That hurts on so many levels already.  (Also, I’m very curious about why?  Why keep it a secret?  I know, I know, I have to wait. ;D )
Thank you, again!  I’m just glad other people are liking it, too!  I really need to starting working on my WIPs again, but work has been stupidly crazy lately for a lot of reasons, and I pretty much just come home and crash lately.
Thankfully the dishes were still okay, and today was pretty chill for the most part.  Felt weird to be eating Thanksgiving food by myself, but I wasn’t going to risk it, even if me and both my parents are all still working.  I am also clearly not someone who will judge someone else for rambling (nor for being up far too late despite an early morning), so no worries. :D  And I very much look forward to the GIFs.  Take care!  *Hugs!*
So I don’t have much energy right now but I just wanted to say I very much enjoyed your post and headcanons and I really love reading these messages. I do have a bit of a gift for you and I hope you like it. A little preview of what I’m working on for the DILF Club Once Upon a Time gifs.
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Although now I kinda want to do a short cutesy vid XD. Hey I might make that and then gif it. I have enough material for it, god knows.
I just hope your shift was okay and that you’re okay as I’m kinda worried about you. And though I don’t have much energy rn, I kinda want to cheer you up. <3
Hope you’re doing okay and big hugs from me and Mo <3
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