#i did have to throw in my original stranger things ot3
yuleshootureye · 5 years
Madwheelclair and Mike realizes his feelings and Mike goes to Will for help and Will’s just like ‘you couldn’t have realized you were queer when we were 14 I pined Michael I mean idk maybe just be in a three person relationship, it’s working for my brother and your sister and steve harrington’ and Mike is like ‘??? they’re just living together because it’s cheaper’ and will’s like ‘no, they’re really not’
and then Mike calls Nancy and is like ‘how did we both get the threesome gene I mean how do I stop being in love with my best friend so that I don’t ruin my relationship with him and my relationship with Max and also am I gay now???’
And Nancy gives her perspective on being in a triad/throuple/whatever but also Jonathan asks for the phone and talks to Mike (basically his second younger brother, and he’s already had a version of this talk with Will, and now I’m having Byers Brothers Feelings but anyway) about how he’s been there, he’s been the nerdy kid going through a sexuality crisis in small town Indiana but fuck those people they don’t matter and also there’s this thing called bisexuality and it’s okay if you’re gay but also you can be attracted to more than one gender and it’s okay
and Mike calls Will back and they have a heart to heart about Mike having a crush on Lucas and how much it sucks to have a crush on a friend and worrying about ruining the friendship and how Will has been there and he knows it sucks but also he knows Mike will get through this and maybe be braver than Will was and actually tell his crush he likes him and then they side-track into Mike assuring Will he’s brave and Will assuring Mike he’s brave because idk i like it when the support each other
and then idk confessions and madwheelclair happen I guess
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callunavulgari · 6 years
Year-In-Fic | 2018
How many fics did you write this year? What was your total wordcount? This year I wrote... 12 fics. Bit of a letdown, really, but I mean. I didn’t write much. I wrote what I did whenever a plot bunny really seized hold of me, but I didn’t go out of my way to write this year. Which is sad. But I mean, shit happens. 55,519 words, which isn’t completely terrible for 12 fics. It helps that a couple of them were in the 8-9k range.
Fic Roundup!
Everybody’s Looking For Something | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 4,790 words | On the third weekend of May during their last year at Hawkins High, Steve Harrington throws a party.Billy crashes it.
taste you on my tongue | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 2,290 words | “You’ve never felt pleasure like it, Steve,” an old girlfriend had told him once, her eyes bright with memory. Steve shrugged. “No vampires here, though.”
Home | Star Wars | Reylo | 1,670 words | “Rey,” he says into the quiet. “Just drive.”
hits like a drum | Stargate Atlantis | Mcshep | 3,507 words | “Believe it or not, having something with sharp teeth breathing down your neck is not actually conducive to one’s thought process.” John barks out a loud, abrupt noise that might be laughter, his breath tickling the hairs at the base of Rodney’s neck. “I’d have thought it would be good motivation.”
feed the hunger | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 1,792 words | “Thought you wanted to fuck me, Hargrove,” Steve whispers, and presses a sweet kiss to the hinge of Billy’s jaw. “Now’s your chance.”
Apotheosis | Marvel - INFINITY WAR | Thor/Loki, Steve/Pepper/Tony | 4,450 words | Grief, a story told in three parts.
and i’m always tired, but never of you | The Bright Sessions | Sam/Damien/Mark | 10,405 words | Sam runs into Damien at the grocery store two years later. It changes everything.
tides will bring me back to you | Kingdom Hearts | Axel/Roxas | 7,383 words | When Axel was sixteen, he did something stupid. 
Smallest Light | Stranger Things | Gen, El & Will | 5,165 words | In the summer of 1986, Will’s mom marries Jim Hopper. OR, Will and El learn how to be real people again together.
i don’t want to rest in peace, we can haunt each other’s dreams | EOS 10 | Ryan/Akmazian | 1,520 words |  In the dream, Ryan wakes up and Akmazian is there.
Looking For Atlantis | SGA | Mcshep | 4,632 words | Hey Rodney, the postcard reads. Go see a movie.
keep your heart open (i’ll keep mine open too) | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 7,915 words | “Did you even like me before you found out I was your soulmate?” Billy murmurs as he kisses a line down Steve’s throat.
Best story I wrote this year: and i’m always tired, but never of you. It was that one fic that I wrote because I just couldn’t stand the idea of Mark, Sam, and Damien not having a happy ending. Because I realized there was no poly fic for them on ao3 and I thought that was a travesty. So I wrote 10k in like two days and it’s soft and sweet and the happy ending that I wanted to see, so I freaking wrote it.
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest. Honestly?  Home. It’s only 1600 words, and it’s Reylo, which I wasn’t even feeling that much this year, but it’s just the story that I set out to write. The night that I wrote it I’d had the shittiest day at work and came home wanting to write about someone being angry and sad and driving really fast. Originally I think I’d been planning on the story being Harringrove, but modern day Skywalkers just kind of spilled out of me.
Okay, NOW your most popular story. feed the hunger, my harringrove fic that I wanted to write the entire time I was in South Carolina, where Steve is a little bit messy and he and Billy fuck around for a bit and catch feelings comes in first with 339 kudos and 2731 hits, but taste you on my tongue, my harringrove vampire au technically beats it in the bookmarks department. Story of mine most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Yeah, probably Home. I’m always a little bummed when the stories that I like the most don’t get much attention, but well, I mean. It’s a modern day Reylo fic that I wrote a while after The Last Jedi craze settled down, so it’s whatever. 
Most fun story to write: Definitely and i’m always tired, but never of you. It was so much fun to write and was so freaking easy too. Every line flowed smoothly. Even the editing didn’t trip me up much. 
Story that could have been better? hits like a drum was the wraith!John AU that I had such a hard time with last year. It was supposed to be at least another 5 or 6k and feature John coming to Rodney’s rescue and becoming slowly integrated into Atlantis. It was supposed to work it’s way into something smart and plotty, and yes, eventually Rodney would have gotten to smooch the wraith. But I hit a snag and never really recovered, so I just cleaned it up and posted it as is.
Story I wrote to fix things: Technically Apotheosis, and i’m always tired, but never of you, and i don’t want to rest in peace, we can haunt each other’s dreams were all written as fix-it fics in their own way. Apotheosis was my way of dealing with Infinity War and featured Thor, Steve, and Tony dreaming about people they lost. Bright Sessions domestic poly fic was written because I wanted Damien to have some semblance of happy ending, preferably with Mark, and that last one with the super long title was written because I was trying to cope with EOS 10. Technically it wasn’t a fix-it because nothing was really fixed, but it helped fix me.
Longest completed fic this year: and i’m always tired, but never of you. Just over 10k, it’s definitely my longest this year.
Fandom you enjoyed writing for most this year: I wrote a decent chunk of Stranger Things this year and had fun with all of them, but I still think the most fun I had was with the Bright Sessions fic.
Favorite character you wrote this year: I actually really liked writing Will and El in Smallest Light. I got kind of stuck halfway into that fic, so it wasn’t always the smoothest, but Will and El were both very strange and good to write.
Most memorable comment this year: So, keep your heart open (i’ll keep mine open too) was my entry for the harringrove secret santa and I recently got a comment from my giftee that was just, the best thing to wake up to ever. I haven’t gotten the chance to reply yet, mostly because I have been ridiculously busy, but it was such a long, thorough comment and I’m just so glad they appreciated it.
Additionally, the same fic also produced a comment that started with “My Sterek bitch!!” and it just fucking tickled the hell out of me.
Fics you wanted to write but didn’t: I think I’m going to have to give up on writing the Sabriel AU. I mean, unless the Episode 9 comes out and blows me out of the water, I’m not hopeful. The Last Jedi jossed too much, even in an AU, and it made things a little complicated to move forward. I still need to finish that fic where John dies and Rodney ends up raising his daughter, and the Enjolras/Grantaire fic, and the giant Dishonored fic that I still desperately want to write. The bodyswapping Reylo, the girl Cisco AU, the Sterek Bioshock Infinite AU, the dozens of other Sterek fics that I started two or three years ago and never finished, including the Carmilla AU.
More recently, I’ve got a Castlevania OT3 fic that I’ve been working on and a different flavor of Harringrove soulmate AU that wasn’t angsty enough to be my entry for the secret santa. I have the giant canon-divergent Bright Sessions AU where years after the series ends, Mark ends up running into Damien again in a small town in the middle of nowhere only to realize that he has a daughter, a farm, a life, and is just so drawn to it that he keeps coming back. I have the Wolf 359 post-canon fic where everyone has feelings and found family is a general theme and maybe Eiffel smooches an AI. I also have the smuttier Wolf 359 fic that’s been lurking in the back of my head for months where Eiffel and Kepler er, basically eiffel tower Jacobi. 
Oh, and I have the Reylo fic where Rey (and Ben, through the bond) sit through General Organa’s funeral and keep coming back to each other afterwards. And shit, I also started that Final Fantasy 15 fic where Dino and Noctis do the nasty.
Oddest story: Probably hits like a drum. I know Atlantis fics are weird, but John as a wraith is something that I hadn’t seen before. Hardest story to do: I think the only finished fic that gave me any resistance was Smallest Light, which probably wouldn’t have ever been finished if I didn’t go back and fill in the gaps with El’s part. Easiest story to write? I mean, most of these were easy. See, when you only write when you really feel the pull of something, it all comes easy. The Bright Sessions poly fic was the easiest, but all of the Harringrove ones were easy too.
Most mining of your own history in one story: Weirdly enough, tides will bring me back to you. Yeah, the story about the man-eating merman. The graffiti on the side of Axel’s building was a guy who tagged all over our neighborhood. The mermaid statue was my grandmother’s. Axel’s cat is basically my cat, but she’s been cleverly disguised because I called her gray once in the story. And like, that’s kind of it? I mean, the cove is something I came up with, but it’s heavily based on the years I spent at the beach. 
Themes, or absence thereof: Atmosphere, mostly. Want. Need. Daddy issues and forever kind of loves. Soft. Where did you publish/archive your stories? Ao3, as per usual. Story I haven’t yet written, but intend to: I want to write a few things in the new year, but mostly I want to write that Dishonored fic and a couple original stories that have been percolating in my brain for a year or two.
Sexiest moment (excerpt): “Damien,” Mark breathes against his lips, and pulls back to suck a bruise into the side of Damien’s neck.
“Please,” Damien is saying, high and needy, and doesn’t know what he’s asking for, just knows that he’s desperate to have it. He slides his fingers into Mark’s hair and gives it an insistent tug, mouthing sloppily at the corner of his jaw. He spreads his thighs wider. “Please, please, please.”
“Yes,” Mark hisses, and hauls him in for a deeper kiss, yanking Damien into him until they’re so close that Damien can feel him everywhere. Mark presses against him, the weight of him settling between Damien’s spread thighs. He gives Damien a hot look and rocks their hips together. Damien makes another tiny noise, his head tilted back, mouth open. It’s probably an embarrassing sound. Mark gets his teeth on his throat, and Damien stops caring.
From very far away, he becomes aware of a door opening somewhere, but it’s so far down on his current list of priorities that he doesn’t even register why this could be a problem until he hears Sam’s voice. Damien swallows around a gasp, his glassy eyes refocusing. She’s standing about a foot or so away in the open doorway, a startled flush on her cheeks, her hair windswept. There’s a package in her arms. She arches an eyebrow in Mark’s direction.
Mark, who still hasn’t pulled away from Damien, whose teeth are still working another mark into the fragile skin at the join of his shoulder and throat. Damien swallows hard and has to close his eyes and fight down a whimper when Mark, still distracted, grinds their hips together.
“Slow, huh, Mark?” Sam asks, setting the package and her keys down on the table next to her.
Mark winces at her voice and pulls back ever so slightly, just enough to free up his mouth, not enough to drag them away from the heat of each other’s bodies. He doesn’t seem surprised enough. Doesn’t even seem to care that his girlfriend just caught them necking in her apartment. He just grins at her, helpless and a little flushed, his lips red and wet, and says, “Sorry, Sam.”
Ryan bites down on a smile, and takes another daring step forward. “Do you have standards?”
Akmazian blinks, then groans, slumping back against the desk. He looks at Ryan, and while there’s a hint of good humor, there’s also something else. Resignation, maybe. Disappointment. He laughs it off, flicking his cloak to the side, a sardonic little grin on his face, but it’s there.
“You know me, darlin’,” he says, and it sounds like a joke, but it rings true. Ryan does know him. He knows Akmazian - knows that he’s good down to the heavy muscle of his heart, knows that he’s been dealt a shitty hand in life and that he’d live that shit all over again to have the world know the truth.
Ryan knows him. Maybe that’s why he does it.
Akmazian makes a lovely, startled little noise in the back of his throat when Ryan takes both hands and draws Akmazian down to meet him, his fingers sliding into the spaces where his jaw’s gone slack. He strokes there, hesitantly, with his thumbs, and when he tugs Akmazian forward those last few inches, he is utterly sure of what he wants.
Akmazian’s lips are dry and a little chapped, but they’re plush and part easily around a groan when Ryan takes the kiss deeper, makes it a little wetter, a little more wanting. The room is quiet around them, this little echoing piece of space that is theirs alone. He can hear his own breathing, soft but steady, and Akmazian’s over that, just a little uneven. He lets out a quiet groan as his entire body relaxes into the kiss, slumping forward into Akmazian’s arms, pressing closer until they’re both half on, half off of the desk. He kisses slow and deep and a little bit sloppy, until his lips feel bruised and wet. His eyes drift closed and when Akmazian lets out a soft murmur, Ryan tips his head back to make room for Akmazian’s mouth on his throat.
He can be greedy for this, Ryan thinks as Akmazian leaves a trail of kisses up the length of his throat. He’s allowed to want this.
When he pulls back, Akmazian is looking at him with faint wonder. His hand reaches out to touch the curve of Ryan’s cheek.
“Darlin’,” he breathes, and swallows hard around the words that might have come next.
Crackiest moment (excerpt): He makes it to the last showing of Aquaman twenty minutes late, which fortunately for him means that after collecting his popcorn and slushie from the surly looking teenager manning the concession stand, he walks into the theater just as the movie is starting.
It isn’t a full theater by any means. A group college students take up a couple of the middle rows, only recognizable by their colorful array of hairstyles and the semi-permanent air of exhaustion that lingers around them like some kind of miasma. There’s an older gentlemen near the back noisily slurping a fountain drink who looks as if he hasn’t been out of the house since the 90’s. And then there’s a couple kids who look about twelve snickering and throwing popcorn at each other in the top most row.
Rodney chooses one of the first rows he sees, not necessarily because he’s enamored with the idea of being so close to the screen, but because he doesn’t want to be anywhere near the crossfire when those kids realize that there are other targets in the theater besides their friends. With a heavy sigh, he collapses onto an off-colored seat cushion that he thinks may have been mauve in a former life. The whole thing creaks alarmingly under him, and he spends a good thirty seconds arranging himself so that the arms aren’t pinching uncomfortably at his waistband.
The movie isn’t horrible, much to his surprise. It’s not great, but it’s moderately engaging, and has two relatively attractive human beings gracing the screen ninety percent of the time. It’s engaging enough that he barely notices when the twelve year olds incite a some kind of farting competition amongst themselves that a couple of the college kids decide that it’s in their best interest to escalate. He’s still half asleep in his popcorn, but staring mindlessly into a bright rectangle helps.
Maybe half an hour into the movie he notices someone slinking into the theater out of the corner of his eye, but is too invested in licking the salt and butter off of his fingers to really notice. If they want to movie hop, then whatever. Props to them. He does notice at least a little bit when they take the seat directly behind him.
Then the guy starts kicking the back of his chair.
It isn’t a constant thing. The first kick Rodney writes off as an accident. Everyone does it at some point, especially with seats as small as these. He’s probably just rearranging, and then he’ll lay off. The second and the third time? Okay, whatever. Annoying, but ultimately not worth starting something over.But the guy just keeps doing it. Every five to ten minutes, like clockwork, just as the action is starting to ramp up on screen, his knees will dig into the back of Rodney’s chair. Or his heels will scrabble against the arm rests, like he’s trying to put his feet up on Rodney’s chair. And okay, nobody has ever called Rodney patient. Nobody ever will call Rodney patient. The very idea is laughable.
He’s grinding his teeth, this close to snapping, when he hears the guy lean forward in his seat, close enough that Rodney can feel his breath on the back of his neck. The guy breathes a little loudly for a moment, and then he says, “That guy kind of looks like Ronon, don’t you think?”
Favorite dialogue (excerpt): In the dream, Loki smiles at him. They’re on Asgard, in what were once Loki’s quarters. His body reclines loosely across a chaise that he had favored, one knee hooked over the arm. As Thor watches, he stretches - a languid, rippling motion that seems to start from his toes and end in his shoulders.
“Brother,” he says in welcome, his face open and content.
“You mean to torture me,” Thor says dully, licking his chapped lips.
Loki’s face crumples, the beatific smile going dim. The sunlight coming in through the windows behind him is all Asgard, golden and warm. If he touched Loki now, he thinks he would feel an echo of that warmth, the heat of it having seeped into Loki’s shoulders and back.
At last, Loki says, “You torture yourself, Thor.”
“Only because you are not here to do it for me,” Thor replies, taking a step forward as if pulled in by some great, magnetic force.
Loki sighs, his dangling leg swinging in idle irritation. “Perhaps I am here, truly. Would it be so hard to imagine that a piece of me lives on within you?”
“No,” Thor whispers, and feels a tear drip down his cheek. “It would not. I have always held you here, in my heart.”
Loki looks at him, all the mirth gone from his face. “You cradled my body when I was gone. You pulled me close and waited for that explosion. You were to die, with me. With our people. You meant to. The last of the Aesir.”
Thor reaches the chaise, and sinks to his knees before him. Loki touches him gently, cool fingertips tracing his face from temple to jaw.
“Tell me, brother,” Loki asks him softly. “When you woke, did it pain you? Did you look for me? For my corpse?”
“Yes,” Thor tells him. He had woken disoriented, surrounded by strangers, the memory of rage lighting him up from the inside out, the ghost of Loki’s touch still against him. He’d thought of vengeance, of a burial that he would never have, and he had hurt. He’d gone chasing after death, and hoped it would take him.
He’d told the rabbit that he had nothing left to lose. It turned out that he was wrong. There was always more left to lose.He chokes on a sob, and Loki shushes him.
“You will do this, brother. I know you will.” The corners of Loki’s lips quirk upwards into an impossible smile. Perfect in its replication. “You and Stark, your Avengers. You will beat Thanos.”
Loki’s smile goes sadder, and he touches Thor the way that Thor used to touch him, a hand reaching out to clasp the hinge of Thor's jaw, thumb stroking his cheek. “You don’t know how to lose, Thor. You never did.”
“And if I can’t bring you back?”
Loki shrugs. “Then you dream of me. Whenever you think to miss me.”
Thor chokes on a watery laugh. “I will always be dreaming of you, then.”
One last touch. A kiss, light as a feather, first to his brow and then to his lips. A tear slips from Loki’s chin and lands on Thor’s cheek. Loki is still smiling, his eyes wet. “Then, I will welcome your company.”
Favorite lines (excerpt):
Damien is wearing dark jeans, and though there are holes at the knees, they seem to be of the ‘artfully distressed’ sort rather than the too-lazy-to-patch-up variety. He’s got a decent jacket hugging his shoulders, and under that, she’s pretty sure she spies a Nirvana shirt. His shaggy hair is pulled back into a half-assed bun and there’s a day or two worth of stubble clinging to his jaw, but he looks okay. Good. A little too grunge to be on this side of the millenium, and hopelessly confused by the third bag of chicken nuggets he’s picked up, but good.
She bites her lip, and considers her options.
Two years ago, she’d be hightailing it out of this grocery store as quickly as possible, packing Mark into the nearest suitcase, and skipping town to go find backup. But for some reason, she doesn’t think that Damien’s followed them here. More likely, is that they accidentally followed him here.
Before she has the chance to second-guess herself, Sam takes a deep breath and strides firmly into the aisle, shopping basket swaying at her side. She comes to a stop right beside him, and for a moment, he doesn’t seem to notice her. He’s squinting at the nutrition facts on another bag of chicken nuggets. There's ramen and a pack of energy drinks in his basket.
“Those probably aren’t great for you,” she tells him, wrinkling her nose.
“Did I ask you?” Damien sing-songs, still not looking away from the nuggets. He hmphs at it, and muses, possibly to himself, “A hundred and seventy calories for five pieces. Not bad.”
“Yeah, but how much of that is actually chicken?”
Damien blinks, and tears his eyes away from the bag. He looks up at her, his face stuck in an expression that seems to be at least two-thirds disdain, the rest of it being absolute incredulity, as if he’s appalled that some stranger in the grocery store is insisting on lecturing him about his taste in chicken nuggets - which, fair. Because Sam’s looking for it, she can pinpoint the exact moment that he places her, his eyes going ever so slightly wider. He blinks and shuffles backwards half a step, and then the surprise is gone, leaving behind a smooth mask of general douchebaggery. She remembers that mask - the slimy smirk and the too-cool-for-you-slouch.
He leans against the freezer door, and regards her coolly.
Apathetic. Smooth. Unphased.
Yeah, right.
“Saaaaaaam,” he drawls, eying her up and down. One sharp eyebrow quirks upwards, his gaze lingering on the Care Bear t-shirt that she’d thrown on over the tattered, holey tanktop she’d worn to bed the night before. The t-shirt is just as old and worn as the tank top is, and she immediately has to struggle against the urge to check herself for pizza stains. After all, it’s not like the shirt was exactly clean when she’d grabbed it out of the laundry pile. It was just the best looking of the bunch.
She wasn’t actually supposed to run into people that she knew at the freaking grocery store. And definitely not on laundry day. That was just rude.
The smirk ticks ever higher. Damien nods at her shirt. “Cute.”
Sam flexes her fingers, and wonders with an idle sort of curiosity if it would be worth the pain to punch him again. No. Fuck that. Two can play at this game.
“I thought so,” she says with an indifferent shrug and a chipper little smile.
Do you miss him, she thinks, and has to bite down hard on her lip to keep the question from slipping out. God, how stupid. He’s all pathetic and droopy now, of course he misses Mark. He takes a deep breath, and she watches him pull himself back together. It’s not a very convincing charade, but she lets him have it.
“Anyway,” he says brightly, and pushes off of the freezer. “Things to do, puppies to terrorize, you know the deal.”
He looks at her with that same careful consideration she’d given him a moment ago, and makes his face do something that she thinks is supposed to be an amiable smile. It mostly just looks like he’s trying too hard.
He holds out his hand. “Sam.”
Reluctantly, she takes it. His hand is chilly and a little damp, but he has a surprisingly strong grip. “Damien.”
The grin that he flashes her is still just this side of wrong, too showy, not enough mean.
“It’s been real, but I gotta go.” Damien hesitates, and just when she thinks he’s gonna let it go, he leans in and brushes a careful kiss to her cheek. His lips are warm. They linger for a moment over the swell of her cheekbone, and she wonders why that is. If it’s because of Mark, or her, or the sheer unexpected delight of human contact. When he pulls back, there’s a flush of red across his cheeks, and an unsure, painfully earnest smile on his lips.
His voice is soft, tellingly so when he murmurs, “Give Mark my love, okay?”
Sam swallows, her heart thundering in her chest. And, because she’s still caught off guard, she smiles back, and says, “Okay.”
“I swear to god, Ben-”
Ben sighs heavily, laying an arm down on the rest between them. He turns to her, and for the first time all day, he really looks. Her hair is frizzing where its come loose from her bun, and there’s engine oil beneath her fingernails. Her dress, modest enough when standing, is riding up her thighs, the cut scandalously short for a funeral. He would bet money that she didn’t pick it out herself.
Her eyes scald him - all the anger and accusation that he’s been avoiding for the last few years narrowed down to a single point. Her brow is pulled tight into a frown and she- she’s itching for this. He knows she is, because even if he hasn’t seen her in six years, Ben grew up alongside of her. He’d been there for her early years, when just keeping her from running was hard enough.
He’d chased her across state lines, kept her from hopping busses, dragged her kicking and screaming to return every stolen car.
He knew the fire in her. He had it, too.
And he knew that it was burning.
“Rey,” he says into the quiet. “Just drive.”
She bares her teeth again, lip curled into an effortless, vicious snarl. Her eyes narrow. Around them, the car hums with power. It sounds as angry as she does.
“You’ll regret that,” she warns, and when he says nothing, she makes a quiet irritated noise and slams the car into reverse, peeling explosively out of the lot. Dust clouds the road behind them. He can smell the burning rubber.
Fic goals: I did absolutely none of the goals I set last year. Nothing novel length, nothing original, very few original characters, and I almost made it to 60k, but not quite. My only goal for next year is to write something that’s all mine. That’s it, Heather. Write a story, make it yours.
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jendarknight-blog · 6 years
Bakudeku FFT AU, Version One
Because I think this is a more complete version than the other one. This also is wildly different from version two, especially as far as timelines go, so just bear with me.
To whet your appetite, things that are included in this version:   -Bakudeku (OBVIOUSLY) -Unconventional class dynamics -Dealing with PTSD and war and re-acclimating to normal society -Bakugou eating the humble pie. He eats a lot of it. -Deku does not go to Ivalice. He sees the aftermath of Baku’s adventures. And he’s. Confused. To say the least. -Physical age gap romance and crossover ships -Deku getting smacked with a healing staff when he gets hurt.
This will be in a note format, taken directly from my notebooks (with some edits), so forgive the haphazard mess.  First, though, I’ll give a short description of Bakugou’s Skillset, because YES I ACTUALLY DID GIVE HIM A FFT-STYLE SKILL LOADOUT DO NOT JUDGE ME.
He has multiple loadouts in this AU, but let’s first go over the classes he’s mastered:  Calculator / Arithmetician  - The user uses math to cast learned spells in specific areas against particular enemies at no MP cost. This is a great way to combine magic with a melee class.
Black Mage - What it says on the tin.
Chemist - Brews potions in order to cure ailments. Throws potions at allies on the battlefield.
White Mage - Again, what it says on the tin.
Dragoon / Lancer - Uses “Jump” skills and fights with a spear.
Summoner - Summons creatures to assist in battle.
Bard - sings songs to help allies. In the AU, this was mastered entirely in a bout of pettiness, due to one of his allies being an absolute shit. Skill Loadouts:  Melee:  Class: Lancer / Calculator Main Skill: Jump Subskill: Math Skill Reactive Skill: Counter Magic (when hit with magic, counter with the same.) Supplemental skill: Magic Attack UP Movement Skill: Ignore Height (can jump to any height) Attack Magic Class: Summoner/Black Mage Main Skill: Summon Subskill: Black Magic Reactive Skill: Counter Magic Supplemental Skill: Half of MP (uses magic at half the MP Cost) Movement Skill: Ignore Height Healing (Pure) Class: White Mage / Chemist Main Skill: White Magic Subskill: Item Reactive Skill: Regenerator (when hit, cast a spell that slowly recovers HP over time) Supplemental Skill: Half of MP Movement Skill: Ignore Height Healing and Damage This setup is the same as the attack magic setup, except the main class is White mage and the sub-class is Summoner. Ignore Height is a direct reference to his quirk, since he can use explosions to reach great heights in a way that most normal people can’t. He uses this to supplement his magic and physical attacks in a full-on fight. Now let’s go into the notes:
-If this turns into a fic, the main action will take place after the main plot of FFT, so Baku has already gone through the main plot and is sent back home disoriented and a shadow of the little shit that he used to be. -Katsuki shows up in Ivalice when he was 14. He stayed there, unaging, for several years. While he participated in the main plot of FFT (specifically a multilayered war that was both a war of succession and a fight against literal Gods trying to overthrow the world), time stood still in his world. Nobody even knew that he was gone. -Deku was the only one who noticed the change. It was simultaneously subtle and blatant; especially to someone who grew up with Kacchan and followed him so closely. Katsuki seems calmer, more mature, and far more commanding when he gets back. -His Japanese also has an accent when he gets back. Ramza and his sister, Alma, end up going back with him. -Katsuki arrived in Ivalice post-sludge villain, so Deku does, in fact, get OFA. In the FFT timeline, he shows up during Chapter 2, and is accidentally summoned by Princess Ovelia (the damsel du jour) when she messes with the Dimensional Summoning device that I can’t believe actually exists in canon. Normally, this device is used by Ramza in Chapter 3 by sticking a Zodiac Stone in it, so yeah, I’m messing with the timeline. -Ramza and Baku have a mutual attraction to each other, though there’s a huge age gap, at least physically. When Ramza’s physically 20 when they end up in Japan, Baku is physically 14 (mentally 18). Not a huge deal to someone in Ivalice, but it’s not exactly normal and kosher to someone from Baku’s world. -They still kiss in Ivalice, though, and end up having sex before the final battle. They both think they’re going to die, since they’re literally going to be fighting a deranged God in a pocket dimension, so they figure they have nothing to lose. Even if I write this in a fic, it will never be explicit, only implied.  -The original notes imply that this will end in OT3. If I wrote this as a fic I’m STILL not sure if I’d have it end up like that. -Even while in Ivalice, living out a nerdlord’s fantasy, the Nerd keeps coming to mind. He doesn’t mean to, but he’ll pop in Bakugou’s head every now and then, with his thoughts sometimes moving to, without realizing it: “I wish the Nerd could see this.” He berates himself for it. -Bakugou’s chocobo -- a rare green breed, and a hardy bird skilled in mountain traversal -- is nervous but adoring, following him everywhere he goes. He, without hesitation, names him Izuku.  -He misses his home. Badly. Even when he realizes the low likelihood of ever going back, and notes how he considers Ivalice home, he still wants, and tries, to find a way home (to his family and Izuku, but he never admits that out loud). -When he sees Deku again, he hugs him. Hard. He’s gone through literal hell and seen friends come and go, people die, and has nearly died himself multiple times -- he doesn’t give a fuck if he looks like a pussy holding him like this. He’s long realized he did him dirty, and through learning what friendship and companionship is in Ivalice, he doesn’t want to waste the time that he has. He also apologizes. Because he’s realized that Deku probably hadn’t been looking down on him at all back then (though there’s that doubt that’s still there), but he’s the closest thing to a friend he had in this shitty small town. -This freaks Izuku out. A lot. Last week Katsuki told him to kill himself by throwing himself off a roof, and now--this? His muscles are bigger, his skin is darker, and his hands are calloused and scarred. It’s like he vanished, spent a few years in a war zone, and then came back. -He asks Katsuki questions to prove he’s Kacchan, and to see if this isn’t just--something. Once he proves himself, he just--he doesn’t know what to think. Also, why the hell is he speaking with an accent? -Initially, Japanese is hard for Katsuki to read after coming back, since he hasn’t really used it in...uh. A few years. He manages okay, but...speaking and responding in his native language almost feels foreign to him. Nobody but Izuku, Inko, and Bakugou’s parents really seem to notice. -He even is kinder to his mother, and calls her Mom, because again, he realizes just how much he missed everyone. -Izuku sees Katsuki talk to Ramza in Ivalice tongue, and he isn’t sure what to think. He finds the newfound courage to ask, but he gets some really weird (but true, in hindsight) answers. -Katsuki is very reluctant to tell Deku about Ivalice, less for distrust reasons, and more for ‘I’m not sure if he’ll laugh or stalk me and I kinda don’t want to find out’ reasons. -Katsuki is still salty that he wasn’t able to kill one of the minor FFT villains, who was a canon rapist (no really; one of your party members was raped by this dude) before one of the other FFT villains did it for him. Yeah, he knows that heroes don’t kill, but it’s hard not to get his brain out of the old Ivalice mindset -- kill or be killed. Trusting strangers is hard for this reason (well, that and anyone could be a Church spy, and when you’re fighting the Church...). Deku is easy, Ramza is easy, Alma is easy. His classmates? Not so much. He has to learn to trust them over time. -Ramza and Alma both end up having to acclimate to civilian life in Japan, learning Japanese under Baku and blaming an errant quirk for their arrival. Dimensional travel wouldn’t exactly be out of the question considering the nature of quirks, but the truth of their existence (and magic) is kept very hush-hush. Out of the UA staff, only Recovery Girl and All Might really knows that Baku can use magic, and that’s because they caught him healing Deku after his fight with Todoroki during the sports’ festival. To utilize their particular talents, Alma ends up working in support and Ramza ends up training to be a Pro-Hero, becoming a sidekick midway through Baku’s first year at UA. -Deku is admittedly super suspicious of Ramza at first. Not just because he appeared out of the blue (he’s close to Kacchan, but he’s never heard of him? He’s known him all his life!), but because he’s a grown-ass man who is clearly throwing longing looks at a minor. He can’t prove his suspicions, but he thinks the situation is pretty sketch, and tends to follow them when he sees them alone together in hopes to catch Ramza in the act if he does something unsavory.
-During one of these spy sessions, he realizes that the two have serious history. And speak a shared language. But what is going on between them, Deku doesn’t know. So he tries to...investigate. A little. It proves fruitless. At first.
-He notices things, though. A white-and-red cloak (for non FF fans, this is the typical garb a white mage wears) in his gym bag. A white staff that vibrates softly when he touches it, also in his gym bag. The occasional weird calls to Recovery Girl with said gym bag after afternoon training.  -There was also that time when, while fighting alongside Baku during an exam, he starts healing rapidly without warning (Regen was cast on him). -He finally puts two-and-two together...on accident, really. Initially, he sees Fairy (the only summon that Baku can even try doing without raising suspicion) as she fluttered above him to speed up his healing. She was muttering something about a “Master Katsuki” under her breath. He thinks he’s dreaming at first, but when he talks to Uraraka about it, Kacchan visibly stiffens up in the desk in front of him. He’s suspicious, but he’s figured it out now. -Once he figures it out, Deku won’t stop with the questions. I mean, holy hell Kacchan, when could you do any of that, how did he do it, and why did he have to smack him with that staff whenever he did something reckless (even if his wounds somehow healed afterwards)? He learns the truth, and always asks to hear stories about his adventures. At first, Baku says no, but relents after some stubborn insisting. At first, he only tells the far less bad stories. The funny ones (like the petty rivalry he had with Mustadio -- a major character in FFT proper -- over who was the better shot, or the time he and Ramza played wingman for him so he could score a date with the lovely Holy Knight they were partied with). As their school career moved on, he started telling the darker stories. -Also it’s nice that Deku knows he can use magic, because now if he mutters too much, Katsuki can cast a silence spell on him to shut the nerd up. Even though he’s grown, he can still be a petty little shit. -The two don’t become a proper couple until post-UA, after someone in Ivalice ends up summoning Ramza, Alma, Deku, and himself to Ivalice in an attempt to re-gather the Zodiac Stones to finish what the Church started. Katsuki had the Aries stone, he gave Deku the Cancer stone during their time at UA, and Ramza and Alma had the rest. -Deku is not well-acclimated to Ivalice. He has to get a crash-course on the language, learn how to not get his shit stolen or get them killed, and have his trusting nature curbed at every turn. He’s still a reckless shit, so he throws himself into bad situations all the time to save others, which nearly gets them killed more than once. -He ends up taming a red chocobo, though he is awful at riding them. If Baku had a gil for every time Deku fell off the poor bird when he was learning how to ride him, he’d be the richest fuck in all of Ivalice. -Deku and Ramza both order milk at the pubs they go to. Katsuki finds this hilarious, and sticks with his trusted honey mead. -Meeting the old friends that Kacchan had told stories about but he’d never met in person was a trip and a half, and made him more than a little jealous at how casual they were with each other.  AND THIS IS ALL I HAVE OF THIS SO FAR.  This is what I do in my spare time people. *sobs into the void*  I hope you guys find it interesting, though! Thanks for reading!
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