#i did not edit any of this i promise i'll put in more effort next year i just happened to get thefted this time
cameronsactivities · 1 year
Anderperry Week 2023, Day 7
(wild card day!!)
Carpe Diem
The bell above the door dinged as Neil walked into the bookstore. It was one of the last places in the city where he could retain his anonymity after he’d gained some fame as an actor. He loved how it was always quiet, without being silently sterile. The small coffee shop in the corner kept the store smelling like freshly-ground coffee beans and steeping tea. Neil bought a drink, letting the steam fog up his glasses while he perused the books. 
He swore he saw a familiar name out of the corner of his eye. In disbelief, he picked up the book. He wasn’t mistaken. In a neat, serif font, the name “Todd Anderson” was printed right there. Neil opened the book, a poetry anthology. He read the dedication five or six times, confirming that it was undoubtedly the Todd Anderson he was thinking of. “To the Dead Poets Society,” it read. 
Memories of nights crowded in a tiny cave, desk sets tossed off bridges, and promises made in youthful spirit came back to Neil. Memories of kisses in the darkness, hands interlaced beneath covers, and whispers exchanged in chilly air. 
But Neil and Todd were driven apart by career, as Neil moved to Hollywood and Todd stayed in New England. Their excuses held more weight than they thought they did, and suddenly, Neil had realized that he hadn’t called Todd in more than a month. 
Neil never found love again since then, almost five years ago. He gingerly placed the book back onto the display stand and quickly walked out of the bookstore, leaving his tea behind and wiping tears from the corners of his eyes. 
Neil’s own face stared down at him disapprovingly from a movie poster. The balance of success and sacrifice had been wobbling out of control behind Neil’s back for so long, and it was just starting to catch up to him. 
“Excuse me, are you Neil Perry?”
Neil sighed, and as humble as he was, he was not in the mood to greet a fan. But as he looked up, he saw a set of blue eyes that he was well-acquainted with, and blond hair that would only appear golden when the sunlight filtered through it. 
“Todd?” Neil took off his baseball cap.
Five years worth of silence stretched between them, and their awkward departure five years ago went unmentioned. 
“It’s such a coincidence, seeing you here,” Neil said. 
“I switched publishers two years ago, and now I live in LA.”
“Oh.” The silence seemed to push them further away from each other. 
“I should get going,” Todd said. 
“Please,” Neil said, then cleared his throat to make it sound less like a beg. “Please, have a cup of coffee with me. It’s on me.”
From that moment onwards, autumn passed by like a blur. They started quite clunkily, like an old car engine refusing to start, but after a few conversations, they were cruising down the freeway with the wind in their hair like vintage movie stars. The embers of a quieted love were fanned back to life, and the fire was roaring bigger than ever. 
One evening, they booked a reservation at a fancy dinner restaurant, but upon seeing that the prices were absurd, even for Los Angeles, Neil and Todd ordered drinks and left a big tip. They chose to eat grocery store canned soup instead. 
They spent their weekends in museums or movie theaters, and their nights dancing to old songs on Neil’s record player. Sometime in September, Todd moved into Neil’s apartment, and they became roommates again, except they didn’t bother with having two beds this time. Neil’s coworkers wondered why he had started bringing delicious, homemade meals instead of the same sandwich every day.
But as the temperatures dropped and the last qualities of summertime ebbed away, the days of blissful kisses and pretending to hate pumpkin spice lattes came to an end. Neil and Todd laid in bed, huddled together for warmth, as they kept putting off switching their quilt for a warmer duvet. 
“Todd,” Neil said, biting back tears. “There’s something really important I need to tell you, and I’m so sorry for not telling you earlier; that was really selfish of me.”
“What is it?” Todd answered gently.
“Before I say it, I need you to know that I won’t be mad or sad if you leave me because of it.”
Todd stayed silent, as if he were afraid to make a promise.
Neil exhaled shakily, wiping away a tear that had formed. “I have this thing, I found out about it a year ago. It’s a– It’s a heart disease. An arrhythmia.” 
“No, Todd,” Neil sniffed. “One of the symptoms is sudden death.” 
“What do you mean? I can’t just say ‘no’ to a disease.”
“No,” Todd repeated, and they both smiled weakly at the memory that surfaced. “We’ve had five years robbed from us. We can’t afford to lose any more.”
“But what about you? Is it worth it for you to be with someone who’s going to die? I can’t do that to you, I–”
“Neil,” Todd said. “Neil. Neil.” He broke out into a light chuckle. “Neil, carpe diem.”
He smiled back bittersweetly. “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.”
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sleepyowlwrites · 9 months
Do you have any goals for next year with your writing (besides possibly putting all effort into city story)?
I didn't even write half of what I did okay year, due to my mental health struggles, so I'd really love to just up my word count again. Be able to write anything because I want to. I used to come home from work and be exhausted, but still have the mental and emotional energy and desire to write or paint. I painted so much and wrote so much fanfic while working for the previous job, and that one destroyed my mental health. So not being able to do a lot of creating this year has really sucked. I just want to go around making up stuff about my little guys and having s lot of fun with it.
I'd also like to specifically make progress on youth story's second draft, and shop around for possibilities in making it a graphic novel.
And I want to make the special edition cover of The Stray Spirit for @ashen-crest
And follow through on promises. 'Cause I'll have the brain capacity again.
I'm just really looking forward to not being depressed anymore (to a point. Meds won't fix everything. I want to start doing simple exercises and daily devotions again to help with it.)
What else? I want to be more active on writeblr. I want to do more discord events. I want to be happy.
Thanks for asking, Rainscribe :)
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lukisoda · 1 year
Why am I doing this?
Because I'm sick, my head hurts and I feel horrible.
Please keep in mind, I wrote this while not feeling well. Hence, the only checks I'll be doing will be with the books I own (because I am not searching the internet in this state, sorry.)
That said, I beforehand apologize for the abomination this will probably be ^^
⚠ warnings ⚠
Blood, violence, emotional, sacrificing?
And finally : this is an au within an au
(Basically an au getting mixed with another au. Very confusing, it'll make sense I promise. This is part 1. I'll edit when more parts get posted/written.)
Very short too btw. But ah ah. I blame sickness~
(I feel like an AO3 writer 🤭/jk)
Madam Jiang died at the battle in Nightless city. That is how the original story goes. She died, sacrificing her own life for her brother.
That is how it goes in many stories. Madam Jiang dies. She dies. Dies. Dies.
However, things don't always go the way they are meant to be, clearly.
Here, the story… plays out differently.
Wei Wuxian saw the corpse approaching shijie. The sight alone made fear strike his entire body. At first he wanted to try making it stop with Chenqing. But the corpse was so close. It was too close for his comfort. His body moved before he even realized it.
Before he knew it, he was by her side, pulling her back so the corpse didn't hurt her. He was too in the moment to hear Jiang Cheng yell at him. He didn't hear Lan Wangji calling out for him.
At that moment, he didn't notice many things. However, one cannot ignore a corpse slashing at your torso. He felt his flesh being torn apart, blood surging instantly.
He didn't know if his knees buckled, but he knew his shijie held him. At first he couldn't grasp what, but then he could nearly again. It was like something snapped in his ears when he heard his surroundings.
"A-xian! A-xian!"
His shijie was crying. Jiang Cheng was frozen standing next to her. The fighting still went on around them. It was loud. So, so loud. And the pain didn't help the intensity of the moment.
"You- you- make the corpses stop! Wei Wuxian!"
Even though Jiang Cheng yelled at him, the concern was now clear. Could he stop them by this point though? The whole situation was weird. So weird. But he can try. His chest hurts, and he can feel the blood polling out of his injury, but he can try. For them he'll try everything.
He brought his dizi up to his lips. His hands weren't shaking, he told himself. And he played. It took a lot of effort to make them stop, but this time the corpses obeyed. With a content exhale he allowed Chenqing to fall from his hands.
"My good a-Xian, hold still, you're gonna be alright."
"You said you could control it! You- you why were you so reckless?!"
"Wei Ying.."
One voice sounded the most odd out of them all. Wei Wuxian's eyes shifted towards the source.
Lan Zhan.
Didn't he hate him? Why did he sound so upset? Ah, the wound hurt. But his siblings are here. He can't worry them. After all, he already put them through so much- so, he gathered himself and smiled.
"Ayah.. Acting like this could actually kill me."
His shijie, she was shaking. Jiang Cheng was on the verge of tears. And Lan Zhan.. He didn't dare look at him again. Because when he did, his chest hurt more than it already did with the injury.
Resentful energy cannot heal. It can make things still, after all, it patched up his broken up body after his fall quite well. However, it never healed any of his injuries.
It was probably even numbing the pain right now, but how could he tell?
Jiang Yanli shook her head, trying to convince herself that her brother didn't get hurt protecting her. But reality couldn't be ignored if it was right in front of you.
Then Jiang Cheng was pushed away from him. Yells sounded out.
And before shijie could do anything she too was pushed.
A sword then stabbed itself in his throat before he could react.
Blood flowed from Wei Wuxian's neck. Cheers erupted almost instantly when the cultivators realized he was the one to die.
Expect three.
Leader of the Jiang sect was frozen. Staring at the body of his now dead brother.
Wei Wuxian died.
It isn't that he liked him much after he killed jie's brother, however his death didn't bring him any joy.
If anything it brought the opposite.
The tears he wanted to hold back got out. And he cried. Sincerely cried, for the brother he lost.
"Wei Wuxian.."
Madam Jiang was on her knees, holding her body. A-Xian died. Her dear brother died. Yet another member of her family, torn away from her because of chance. Because of chance that creamy hated her.
Why else would it keep on taking?
She wanted to tell him that she knew it was an accident, that she knew he wouldn't kill her husband-
How could she do that now? How could she tell her a-Xian that she will help him through this, get to the bottom of what happened?
Her brother was dead.
And she didn't know if her tears would ever stop falling at this point.
"A-Xian! ..A-Xian..!"
And three.
Second master Lan at first just stared. He was so close, his sword was in his hands. If he was faster- if he was faster Wei Ying could have lived. But he was too slow. And a cultivator claimed his life right in front of him.He wanted to deny this- he didn't want to accept that Wei Ying, Wei Ying, died. Lan Wangji wanted to pretend that he was fine. That the man.. The man who brought light into his life… who was the light.
Died in front of him. And he was too slow to stop it.
He didn't even know it, but he caught Wei Ying's body before it fell to the ground.
He didn't even know about it, but tears streamed from his eyes.
He didn't even know it, but he yelled in anguish.
Ignoring the blood that stained his robes. He ignored it all. The people around him, the Jiang nearby.
Because the light of his life was taken away.
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lightupmyass · 4 years
All Mine
Pairing: Soft-ish Villain! Deku x Reader
Word count: 3852
A/N: Hello everyone! So, this is actually my first time writing in a while, this is an Adult Deku fic, way after they graduated. I've been really lacking motivation lately and this is my first mha fic posted on here, so I hope it doesn't suck 😅. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! Also, this isn't edited so please ignore any mistakes. Its a lot tamer than what I anticipated for Villain Deku but its just a little something to get back intonthe groove of writing.
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The longer you sat in the chair, the faster your heart raced, the fear and excitement of what’s to come, the overwhelming feeling of being like prey, uncertainty of how exactly you’re supposed to feel in this situation. Of course, you should be scared, terrified even. You got yourself into quite the dangerous situation, but the excitement of what might happen was too much to ignore. You may have gotten into this position on accident, but you’re here in this room for a reason. This is all your fault, and you’re willing to pay the price for your foolish actions.
You jumped when you heard the door open, your arms instinctively tugging at the rope tied around your wrists as you tried to turn around, but couldn’t. “Oh Doll, don’t be too scared now, just relax.” The soft voice of the man you used to know echoed through the room, taking a different tone as the mood in the room completely changed. You felt calmer, yet even more anxious all at once. This was not the boy you went to school with. This was not the boy who gave you pep talks when you were down, who you admired. This boy, no, this man, was a completely different person. Your body trembled as his hand landed on your shoulder, fingers moving to grab your chin, tilting your head back to look up at him, his green eyes looking into your own with a look you never thought you’d see from him, the look of a predator, a snake, who just caught a little baby bunny.
“You got yourself into quite a pickle, haven’t you Y/N? It wasn’t very smart of you to come after me alone. Did you think you’d be able to talk me out of this? Turn the big bad villain back into the hero he once was? Hm?” He asked, his voice smooth, the stutter he used to have was completely gone. He was, way more confident than he used to be. The power he held over you was intense, and not just his physical strength no, he already knew what you felt for him, and the new and improved Izuku definitely used that to his advantage. You couldn’t even respond properly, only whimpering when his hand trailed back to your neck, his thumb brushing over the sensitive spot directly under your jaw. “No, I don’t think that’s why you’re here. If it was, you would’ve put up more of a fight. Then, what is it? What brought you here?” He leaned down, his mouth right next to your ear. “Tell me, Doll. I’d love to hear your voice. Speak up now, or I might get mad.” He whispers, sending a chill down your spine. “You. I-I wanted t-to see you. I heard about what happened, but I’m not here to try and change your mind." You spit out. He hums curiously, circling around to stand in front of you, kneeling down and resting his hands on your thighs. You have to admit, he’s scarier than any villain you’ve ever stood up against. The calmness he exudes, plus the raw power you know he has, that and the nice dark green suit he’s wearing just makes you feel so small, so powerless against him, you’re definitely trapped.
“Then why did you come here, if not to change my mind?” He asks, staring into your eyes, making you even more anxious. You turn your head away, completely intimidated by the direct eye contact. “I-I wanted to see you. To be honest, I wanted to maybe,” You gulp, hoping that he believes your next words, “help you.” It took a lot of time and effort to make the decision. For years, you were looked down upon by your fellow heroes. You weren’t exactly the toughest fighter, and your quirk, the ability to paralyze people by touching them, was only good if you could get close to someone. You’ve been working hard to train your body to move faster, to catch people off guard and sneak attack them, but no matter how hard you tried it was always by sheer luck that you managed to actually do it. Although you passed the hero course, you felt like you didn’t deserve it. The only way you did was because he was always there, always rooting for you and giving you the strength to work harder. You couldn’t have done it without him, so you feel like you owe him. “You know how hard things have been for me. I’m not very strong, but you’ve always been there for me, and I want to help you too, no matter what side you’re on. I want to help you, be loyal to you in any way I can. Please, let me help you. I promise I’ll do the best I can. “ You tell him, your eyes watering a bit.
He takes a minute to soak it all in before smiling, reaching to cup your cheek. “Oh Doll, I'd love to have you work with me. Your quirk could be a real advantage to me. You’ll be very useful. There’s just one thing you need to do before I let you be my partner.” He says, standing up and walking behind you. “What is it? I’ll do anything. I-I love you, I’ll do anything you want me to, to prove that and my loyalty to you.” You admit, surprising yourself with the sudden confession. “You love me, huh? That’s a bit surprising. Alright then, if you truly love me, then just relax, Doll, and let me make you mine.” He whispers in your ear before leaning down, his hot breathe fanning over your neck before his teeth sink into the soft skin, making you wince and whimper in pain and pleasure before his tongue swipes over it, soothing it. “Please, Izuku. Do whatever you want. I want you to make me yours, please. I’ll be good for you.” You whisper, your pride completely diminished at this point. All you wanted, all you needed, was to be consumed by him, to be taken over by him, to be completely under his control. “That’s what I like to hear, Doll. Just relax now, and tilt your head back, and close your eyes.” He orders softly, you instantly complying. A moment later you can feel silk across your face, his tie most likely, being tied around your head, covering your eyes. “Good girl. This might actually work. As long as you keep listening to me, we shouldn’t have a problem.” He whispers in your ear, his arm wrapping around your chest as his other hand reaches down on your body, fingers teasing the hem of your skirt as your thighs tremble in anticipation.
“I wonder, how long have you wanted this? Everyone always told me you had a crush on me back in high school. Did you dream of this situation?” He asks, placing kisses on your neck as he moves your skirt up, your damp panties exposed to the cold air. “Y-Yes. I did.” You admit sheepishly, never thinking you’d be admitting that to him. “Mm, naughty naughty Doll. I wonder, should I give you what you want, or should I make you earn it? It seems this cute little hole of yours,” He traces his finger over your slit, a small breathy moan escaping your lips as the fabric starts to stick to your folds, your sensitivity heightened from the loss of sight, “is just begging for attention.”
You’re not entirely sure what to do. You feel if you ask him to touch you more, he might see how bad you want it and deny you of it, but if you stay quiet it then he might give you what you want. Its best to just let him do whatever he wants and show how obedient you can be for him. “What did you imagine me doing to you, Doll? I want you to tell me exactly what you wished for all these years. Don’t be shy now.” He says, you can hear the smile in his voice. He’s loving this. You take a deep breath, not taking much effort to remember the things you used to fantasize about. “I-I always thought about you touching me, about how, you would feel going, i-inside of me. Just being a big, messy ball of love and lust with you, getting lost in the feeling of being one with you and being yours.” It felt weird to say it like that, but to you, there was no other way to put it. Its not that you just wanted something physical, you didn’t just want him to completely wreck your shit. You wanted him to love you back, to make you feel like you mattered, like you were worth everything you wanted from him.
“So that’s how it is, huh? Well, today might just be your lucky day. You see, I've been wanting you for a long time too. When we were younger, I wanted to be with you, to support you and make you see your potential. But now, I want more. So much more. I want you, to be mine. I want to break you, mold you and shape you into the perfect partner for me. I will train you, and help you get stronger, maybe even train you to use weapons instead of just relying on your quirk. But, I also want to mess with your mind, play around with you until the second I lay a single finger on you, you’re putty in my hands. Thought something tells me that won’t be too difficult from how much you’re squirming under my touch.” His fingers push your panties to the side, the direct contact of his skin on you overwhelming. No one has ever touched you like this before, and the fact that it was him made it all the more intense as his finger traced up and down your bare slit. “You’re soaked already, Doll. Or, should I call you Puppy, since you’re as loyal as one. You can be my cute little Puppy, my loyal guard dog that won’t let anyone harm me, and I’ll protect you just as much. No one else will ever lay a finger on you. You wanna know why, Puppy?” He asks, you humming questionably in response. “Because from this moment forward, you’re mine, and no one is allow to lay a finger on you, or touch a single hair on you. If they do, I'll beat them to a pulp, and if they survive, they’ll know to never make that mistake again.” He warns, the possessiveness making you happier than it probably should.
“I want you to stand up for me, little Puppy. I’ll untie your hands for just a moment, but they will be tied again, understand?” He says, his fingers already working on the rope that he tied an hour ago. “Yes, Sir.” You say, not thinking about it until you heard him growl behind you, making your entire body tremble. “I like hearing that. I like hearing that a lot. I want you to say that more.” He commands. “Yes sir.” You smile, loving the fact that you made him react like that, that you did something he really liked. It made you really happy that you could make him feel the way he made you feel. As soon as you feel the rope fall away from your bruised flesh, you stood up just as he said, standing there and waiting for his next move. You felt his presence as he moved to stand in front of you, tying the rope back around your wrists, but this time in front of you. Once they were all tied up again, you felt him move, his hands on your hips as he moved you to stand straight, his hands reaching up your skirt to slide your slick panties down your leg, the cool air hitting your core as you step out of them, earning an approving hum from him. “Good girl. Now, sit in my lap and lean back against me. Just relax and let me do what I want.” He says, grabbing your hips to guide you as you sit down, the warmth of his body comforting as you rest against his broad chest, his hands roaming your body before he buries his hand between your thighs, nothing in the way of him getting to your sweet sex. You hold your tied hands close to your chest as he uses two fingers to tease you, circling your aching hole as your head falls back onto his shoulder, your thighs parting to give him better access.
“You’re so wet down here, Puppy. I cant wait to fill you up with my cock. But I need to get you ready first, there’s no way you’d be able to handle it. Gotta stretch you out nice and good.” He says into your ear, slipping the two fingers as deep as they can go inside of you, making you moan out his name as you arch your back, your ass grinding against the hard bulge in his pants. “Fuck.” He groans, wrapping his arm around your stomach to hold you closer to him. “Careful now, Doll, you don’t want me to get too rough now, do you?” He asks, his teeth grazing your neck again as he pumps his fingers into you, his palm brushing against your sensitive bud with each thrust. You don’t respond, because frankly, you’d love for him to lose control, to be rough with you and make you lose your mind. He spreads his fingers inside of you, stretching you out a bit more before slipping a third in there, your body moving again, making him sink his teeth into your neck to hold back a groan. “That’s it. Get up, Puppy, and get on your knees.” He orders, pulling his fingers out of you. You pout as this loss of warmth inside of you, but you di as he says, eager to please him and do whatever he says.
“Now, you’re going to stay nice and still, and keep your mouth open, and let me face fuck you, alright?” He says, standing in front of you. “Yes sir.” You nod, your jaw falling open, obediently waiting to please him. You hear his zipper, the clothes shifting, and before you know it, the hot feeling of his cock brushing against your lips, resting heavy on your awaiting tongue as he hisses at the contact, slowly inching deeper into your mouth. “Ah, fuck Puppy, such a good girl. Take it all in.” He moans, your mouth filling up quickly. You never got to see what it looked like, but his cock is a lot bigger than you expected, your mouth can barely open wide enough to take it. Breathing becomes difficult, but you try your best to breathe through your nose, wishing desperately to see what he looks like from this angle. You’ve waited years for this moment, and now that you’re finally here, you can’t even get to fully enjoy it. But, as long as you’re here, doing what he wants, being useful to him, its more than you ever imagined you’d get, so its best to take what you can.
His hand moves to the back of your head, pushing you down further onto him until you gag around him, a guttural moan rumbling in his throat. “Fuck, that was so good. You look so cute choking on my cock, Puppy. Now, let’s take this pesky thing off. I want you to look at me while I use that slutty little mouth of yours.” He says, untying the tie and letting it fall as your eyes adjust. You whimper as you look up, the image before you better than you could’ve ever imagined. Izuku standing above you, holding your head as he stuffs your mouth with his cock, his cheeks flushed as he bites his lip, the top buttons of his shirt undone to reveal the tones muscle underneath, littered with scars from previous battles. “There we go. You look so beautiful like this, so perfect. Makes me want to ruin you even more.” He smirks, shoving his member back into your mouth, making you gag on it again as tears stain your eyes. “That’s it. Feels so good, Doll. Just relax. You can take it, take it like a fucking champion.” He moans, continuing to thrust into your mouth, your tongue moving around him every now and then, lips tightening around him, anything to make it even better for him. The entire time you keep looking up at him, admiring him, watching as he loses himself, lost in the pleasure you’re giving him. You feel proud, proud that you can do this, make him feel like this, its all because of you. “Ah, Puppy, Puppy you feel so good. I want more, I want so much more.” He groans, pulling out, leaving you a slobbering mess. “Stand up, and face the wall over there. Now.” He says, holding his cock in his hand. You nod, standing up, your legs slightly shaking and your jaw sore, but you still do what you’re told, putting your hands on the wall in front of you and spreading your legs, sticking your ass out without him even telling you. “Well aren’t you doing such a good job? You really are my cute little Puppy, aren’t you? And I'm your Master. Now, stand still.” He says, the feeling of his cock rubbing against your folds making tremble. “Get ready, Doll. Gonna make you mine right here, right now.” He whispers in your ear before pushing inside of you, the feeling overwhelming as you moan loudly, your forehead hitting the cold stone wall as he pushes all the way into you, filling you up completely in just one thrust. “Shit! Ah, so fucking tight! Fuck it feels so good, you feel so good.” He groans, his fingers digging into your hips as his forehead rests against your shoulder.
“Master, please, move. Please fuck me already. Fuck me hard and make me yours.” You beg, wiggling your hips to get some sort of friction. “Mmm, love hearing you beg for it. Careful what you wish for though, Doll. You’re so fragile, it’ll be so easy to break you. But, since you want it so bad, who am I to deny you?” He smiles, placing a kiss on your neck before pulling back, just to slam back in all the way. Out of no where he starts a brutal pace, your body bouncing to meet each one of his thrusts as you get lost in the overwhelming pleasure he’s giving you. Your moans mix with his almost animalistic grunts as he reaches up, grabbing you by the hair and pulling your head back, the mixture of pain and pleasure almost unbearable. “So good, Puppy, its like your pussy was made for me, to be stuffed full of my fat cock. You love it don’t you? Don’t you? I know I do. Love how you’re squeezing me so tight. Fuck, its perfect.” He moans, your bound hands falling down and hanging limp, the only thing keeping your face from hitting the wall being his hand in your hair.
He pulls out for a moment, only to turn you around and pick you up by the back of your thighs, quicker than you can even process before he’s shoving his member back inside of you, your arms wrapping around his neck as he holds you tight against the wall, bouncing your whole body on his cock as he fucks you hard and deep, just like you always wanted. “That’s it, that’s the perfect angle. Look at it, Puppy. Look down and watch me fuck that pretty little hole of yours. Its beautiful, we’re making such a mess.” He says, his forehead resting against yours as you look down to see what he’s talking about. Just seeing it, watching as he disappears inside of you, his shaft covered in your juices, your thighs glistening with the slick, you couldn’t help but get even more turned on. “Its just like you wanted. We’re one, and you’re mine. I’m making your wildest dreams come true, and you’re going to be mine forever. There’s no way I’m letting you go now.” He says, kissing you hard and taking your breath away, the kiss holding so much passion, so much love, than you ever imagined. It made your mind go blank, the only thing you could think of was him, how he felt, how he smelled, how he tasted, his everything, it was all you wanted and more, so much more, it was him, and he was yours now, just as much as you were his. Anyone willing to weasel their way between the two of you would regret it instantly. There was no way you’d let anyone take him away from you. You’d kill them in a heart beat.
“I love you. Don’t want, ah, anyone to take you away. Wanna be yours forever.” You moan, your head resting on his shoulder. “You don’t ever have to worry about that. You’ll be mine forever, that’s a promise, baby.” He says, kissing your cheek before burying his face in the nape of your neck. You could feel it, the welling of love inside of you, the burning in your tummy, the way he pounded against your sweet spot inside of you and the way he grinded against your clit, it was all too much. “Ah, ah fuck, mmm, ‘Zuku.” You moaned, wishing your hands were free so you could grab onto his hair. “That’s it, Puppy. So close, cum with me Puppy. Come on, let me feel you. Do it.” He groans, biting into your shoulder as you cry out his name, tumbling over the edge of you let go, gushing around him as he keeps fucking into you. He groans loudly, his nails digging into your skin as his thrusts halt, the feeling of his warmth filling you up, so much that it leaks out of you, dripping onto his pants as his sweat falls from his forehead onto your shoulder, both of you taking a moment to catch your breathe as he holds you close.
“My god, Doll. Guess you really are mine now, huh? Fuck, I’ve been waiting to do that for years.” He chuckles breathlessly, making you smile. He pulls out of you, a trail of your cum mixed together running down your leg as you tremble, not string enough to hold yourself up. “Careful now, just relax.” He says, sitting down on the ground and pulling you down as well, positioning you to sit between his legs, laying back against him. “Now, who do you belong to?” He asks, fingers running through your hair. “You, sir.” You mumble your eyelids growing heavy. “And who are you going to stand by no matter what?” “You, sir.” You say again. “That’s right. You’re mine now. All mine.”
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with Obispo ‘Bishop’ Losa.
Request: none. Yesterday I went to the beach with my family and that fluffy idea came to me like a flash light. Thanks to everyone who help me to decide!
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Word count: about 3.1k
Warnings: none. Just a bunch of fluff.
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: @thedevilsmoonshine
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“Hey, girl!”
“Hey, what’s up, Leti?”
“Are you working?”
“Yeah, till four, why?”
“Don’ ask me how I did it, but I convinced the guys to go tomorrow to the beach. In San Diego”.
“Sounds good, but I’m not sure if I could go. I have a surgery waiting, and you know…”
“Yeah, your hands. Is it too long?”
“Maybe six or seven hours, not sure”.
“C'mon, mami! You said you don't work until next Thursday!”
Gilly's shouts make you laugh rubbing your eyes.
“Okay I'll try, I'll try. I promise”.
“We will go to Mission Bay. So if you want, we see you there!”
Hanging up the call and giving a last sip to your coffee, you throw the empty paper cup to the bin. Checking the hour on your phone, you know that it's going to be a long, long night. But the idea of spending some time with Bishops makes you tickle in your stomach. Coco introduced you to the crew almost a year ago, like a friend, and he stole your attention. At the first party you joined them, you were almost the whole dawn with him. Dancing, drinking, talking. He was more interesting and funny than you could think, and maybe you felt somekind of connection that you never felt before. So, yes. You would like to go with them, but you have to wait till waking up tomorrow to find out if your hands can handle a four hours trip driving.
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“Good morning, bella durmiente! How was the surgery?”.
“Hm… my hands are fucked”.
“So, it went well, we have to celebrate it”.
“Yeah, but… not sure if I can drive to San Diego”.
“Oh, c'mon, please… We're gonna stay here by night too. Coming back tomorrow, take a bus! I'm sure Bishop would b—”.
“Stop!” You say laughing loud to your phone over the bed, while you do some exercise with all your fingers to bring back some mobility.
“(Y/N), you know that it's an amazing opp— Angel already bought you a ticket. In one hour. Sending you by email, bye!”
Before you can complain about it, she has already hung up the call. You end up serving some coffee in a termo, before picking up your towel and some clean clothes, besides an external battery and some hygienic stuff. Bandaging your hands, over a thin layer of cortisone cream, you're ready to walk to the bus station of Santo Padre, ten minutes away from your house. At least, you have three hours of trip to rest a little more, falling asleep as soon as you sit down on your seat. So the next time you open your eyes, you're already in San Diego. Waiting for the other passengers to get out, closing and opening your hands once and again, you step out then. Carrying your bag in your right shoulder and your phone in the left hand, you wear the pair of sunglasses looking for Bishop.
“Eh, boxer”.
His hoarse voice calls your attention, finding him next to the entrance, resting against his motorbike. You can't help but draw a soft and tired smile on your lips, leading your steps towards him, raising both hands on air to show the man your cool white bandages with black stripes. The mexican receives you into his arms in a gentle and dearly hug, surrounding your lower back and your neck for some long seconds.
“The guys are waiting for us to have lunch”.
“Cool… Last time I ate was nine and it was dark”. You just say placing well on your bag, before setting on the helmet.
The drive doesn't take you more than ten minutes, grabbed to Bishop's abdomen and with your chin over his shoulder. You can see him smiling like a fool, knowing that he's delighted that you're going to join them. But mostly, because you are with him. The warm and soft breeze of San Diego makes you close your eyes, fully relaxed, focusing on the smell that floods your lungs, mixing the salty ocean's and Bishop's scent. Your arms surround his body somewhat tight, feeling one of his hands caressing your right thigh with his huge hands placed on and his thumb making the honors over your skin, bristling it without mercy. But much to your regret, the engine stops some short minutes before, standing up from the bike when you're able to do it.
“Give me your bag, querida. I'm going to be your nurse today”. He says, after keeping the helmet you used with the other.
“Qué caballeroso…” (What a gentleman). You tease him, as if normally he isn't.
“Just earning a beach-quickl—”.
“Fuck, Bishop!” You laugh, hitting his shoulder, regretting it immediately when a lash of pain crosses your palm.
“That's called karma”. He says walking backwards to the entrance, pointing you with a finger. “The women are always asking for men's sincerity, and when we give you… You're too violent to be this small, preciosa”.
“YAY, YOU CAME!” Leti looks surprised, making you twist back your head confused.
“Sounds like if… I had another option”. You purr with your lips, before greeting the guys. “Tell me y—”.
“I did”. Taza just says, seeing you pout at him before hugging you. “I will give you a massage later”.
“Mi angelito de la guarda”. (My guardian angel). You can't help but sigh a little alleviated, knowing that he brought a cream he makes with weed oil, coco water and aloe vera.
Actually, it was a good idea to come to the beach, having so much fun in the lunch by seeing all the men more relaxed than in Santo Padre. Being normal people. A family enjoying two days off from all the problems and the dangers they're sinked in every damn day. Bishop was focused on you the whole time, serving your drink in the glass, cutting your food into pieces so you can have to do any effort (...). Everything under the sideways looks of the others. Sometimes you look like another couple with simple gestures, that both do delighted.
After having full enough your stomachs, the guys lead you to the beach where they left the umbrellas and the towels, placing yours next to Bishop's and sitting there after taking off your clothes, but on your black bikini. Unveiling your hands, you do your best to spread the sunscreen all over your body, until the mexican grabs the bottle from your fingers to sit behind you with a ‘lean forward’ on his lips. Feeling his cold hands because the cream on your back gives you a soft chill, curling your legs against your chest and resting your chin over them. Closing your eyes, focusing all your senses on every move he does, you try not to fall asleep. Starting by your shoulders and pressing your neck with both thumbs, his hands travel down your spine making sure he's helping you to get somewhat less tense, at the same time that puts well on the sunscreen.
When it's ready, he stands up on his feet to grab Taza's cream to help you with your hands. That time, he kneels in front of you, spreading it from your forearms to the tip of your fingers, so carefully and concentrated, that you can't help but look at him with a goofy smile until it's done.
“Thank you”. You just say.
“Anytime, querida”. He whispers, pulling a tuft of your hair behind your right ear, leaning towards you to kiss your cheek. “What do you want to do now?”
“I think I need twenty minutes more of sleep, but you can go with the guys to the water, if you want”. Shrugging your shoulders, you let your back fall down to the towel.
“I spend too much time with them, and I haven't seen you a single second for the last four days”. He chuckles lying by your side, straining an arm under your neck to put you closer to him. “Let me enjoy at least twenty minutes”.
His resigned sigh makes you laugh almost in silence, while his free hand gets placed on your back, leaving some ephemeral caresses from top to bottom. And you feel as if you were in paradise. You're practically drinking each other's breathings, with closed eyes and your nose touching Bishop's. Your fingers get tangled slightly in the short hair of the mexican, taking pleasure of the peace that it's surrounding you right now.
“I didn't want you to come”. He mutters from nowhere, not opening his eyes, not opening yours. With a calm tone of voice, a little sleepy.
“You were tired, your hands hurt. You need to rest, (Y/N)”.
“I'm resting now. And I couldn't ask for a better way to do it. I think I'm gonna complain about my hands often, so you will take care of me”.
Bishop chuckles drowsy, shaking his head just for a second.
“Anything else, su majestad?” (Your Majesty).
“A kiss”. Murmuring, you get somewhat comfy under his arms.
You're aware of the same desire to kiss you that he feels for you, as you feel, but on the other hand, you weren't expecting him to really do it. His lips gently press yours, before catching them among his. Traveling down one of your hands to the side of his neck, Bishop holds you closer, keeping a low pace of his mouth enjoying the taste and the touch of yours. Unconsciously and by inertia, your left right surrounds his waist. His fingers touring your thigh slowly, makes your first kiss a little better. Biting softly his lower lip, you steal him a heavy sigh, stretching your skin under his huge hand. He wants you closer, and you too. But for the moment, that's pretty enough.
“You should complain about your hands often”. He mumbles almost touching your lips with every syllable.
“I will”.
Sinking your face into his neck, you're trying to fall asleep focused on his breath, hearing a bunch of steps over the sand coming closer. Some whispers talking about you two, thinking that you're sleeping but you're actually trying not to laugh, feeling how Bishop gets a little tense because of the low comments.
“Don't forget I'm your fucking boss”. Bishop growls, freezing everyone's blood. And you can't help but break into laughter.
“Shit”. Coco soughs hiding behind Angel's back, because the oldest Reyes is the tallest of all.
“Nah, c'mon, Bish. Enjoy your d—”.
Before Angel can finish the sentence, the mexican hits his leg, making him fall down over Coco. A lot of cursing in spanish appears under the umbrellas, getting mixed with the loud laughs that make you sit up on your towel almost drowning. Watching them trying to get up only makes it better.
“Oh, man, I wish I could record it”. Gilly's laughs are over the others, with an arm on Creeper's left shoulder. “Damn, prez, repeat it, please…”
“Stop bothering him”. You say holding the angry man between your arms, before lying again on your towels.
“Pendejos mal paridos…” He barks mumbling.
“Don't listen to them”.
“I'm… going to fuck them up as soon as we retur—”.
“Obispo, stop”. You chuckle, leaning up slightly to kiss his cheek.
Finally, you are able to sleep for some minutes, while the guys share some beers playing cards, listening latin music in a low volumen to not continue annoying him. And even if you don't rest for more than twenty or thirty minutes, it's like you have been sleeping for the whole day, because of the comfort you feel under his grip and the caresses in your hair. Opening again your eyes, you raise up your head over his shoulders to find half of the crew on their towels, and the other half playing with a bouncy ball on the shore, just like kids. Taking the advantage that no one is looking, to avoid that they tease you again, you press your lips onto his. Slowly, calmly, with his arms hugging your body tightly as Bishop tucks his tongue in your mouth peacefully looking for yours. You feel some tickles in your stomach when they meet, as he feels more relaxed. El Presidente really is into you. He really has more feelings than he wants to admit, until he knows that you have the same sensation on your chest every time you are close to him. Now, he's seeing it. That maybe you two are having a good opportunity.
And you don't want to stop, drowning a slight gasp against his mouth when it gets a little intense that you expected, forgetting for a second where you are and who is surrounding you. Fucking the especial moment when you hear Coco saying that the hotel rooms are already booked, and that you can ocuppy yours whenever you want. Bishop is about to get up, when you stop him by a hand on his chest. You're going to take care of it this time. Shaking the sand on your body, you wear his sunglasses, walking towards the crew in the water. Coco is looking at you somewhat confused, while the president calls Taza, Tranq and Riz attention to enjoy the show. And before he can say anything else, or ask about what you are going to do seeing how you open, close and repeat the gesture with your right hand, you hit his temple with your palm. And it hurts a little, but the laugh is worth everything.
“Yo! Mami! What was that?!” He complains offended.
“A wave”. You just say, provoking that every laughter of your friends gets louder.
“Mami…” He pouts at you, rubbing that side of his face.
“Do you want a tsunami?”
He doesn't answer, while Leti starts to cough in tears.
“I imagined”. You add then, narrowing your eyes under the aviator sunglasses.
Coming back to the umbrellas, the eldest members clap at you while making them a feigned reverence.
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After having a deserved shower in the room you're going to share with Gabriela and Leti, you fall down over the bed waiting for them to get ready for some party time after dinner. And while they choose dresses, more makeup that you have never put on and high heels, you choose some comfy shorts, a white body with bare back and your sneakers. Of course, you're not in that mood after four horrible nights working. Before leaving the hotel, you apply a few more cream on your hands, feeling so much better and using clean bandages to cover them. Meeting the guys at the hall, you go out to find a place to have some dinner, ending up in the same restaurant you have been at noon. The food is pretty good, so you go to the secure one. But this time is a little different since then.
You can't avoid having your right hand on Bishop's nape, caressing his scalp while the table talks about everything and nothing at the same time, laughing and enjoying. Urging you to put your right leg over his left, hanging from it, he caresses your thigh a little assorted as if it was something normal, and natural on him. But it's not, and that makes that gesture more special. You couldn't ask for anything better, until he kisses your cheek without expecting to place his free arm over your shoulders, without caring about if Coco or Angel dares to make another of their occurrences. You two are very sure that you made them understand to not fuck up with Bishop in front of you, even if you find it funny.
Outside of the restaurant, after having a revitalizing dinner, the crew begin to propose different plans. But the mere fact of thinking in a crowded place, with loud music and a mix of smells, makes you yawn inevitably. Leti is killing you with her gaze.
“Yo! Bitch, don' you dare to tell me that you're goen' to sleep”.
“I did—”. Trying to excuse yourself, Bishop interrupts you.
“She doesn't. But I am an old man who needs his eight hours of sleep”.
“Then, good night, mummy”. She's about to take you off from his arms, while he turns around to give her his back.
“I need a nurse to take care of my disabilities”.
“C'mon, Bish! You've been hoarding her the whole day! And I invited her, not you!” She frowns while you laugh. “I hope at least you make her cum…”
“Leticia!” You shout, while Coco palms her nape.
“Mummies don' cum, you dumbass, they just… lie do—”.
“Angel, I swear I am going to break your legs next time”.
“Whatever, Tutankhamun. Enjoy your night”. Your friend rolls her eyes with a heavy sigh.
“We can come back next week, when I have holidays”. You say palming her forehead, making her laugh before leaving back to the hotel.
And you just get separated in it enough time to clean your teeth and grab the charger for your phone, going to his room after that. You're not nervous, but a little excited of having some time alone. Finally. Not to do anything specifically, but to enjoy him being de-stressed. While he's in the bathroom, you take off your clothes to wear the shirt he has left for you on the mattress. Smells like him and that it's driving you insane, crawling over the bed to fall close to the pillows, fighting against your tiredness to not fall asleep this soon.
Having your eyes closed, you feel the side next to yours sinking a little, until his strong arms find your body to wrap it against his chest after turning off the lights. Turning under his grip and intertwining your hands and your legs, Bishop rests his cheek on yours, being able to see part of the pacific ocean from the window in front of your eyes. It's magic. Pure magic.
“Listen…” He mutters getting somewhat comfy, having a deep breath his nose sinked into your neck. “Maybe I can't promise you a life that a normal man could give you, but I'm going to make it worth every second”.
“Do you love me?”.
“Yes, I do, preciosa”.
“That's everything I need”. Turning just a little, you smirk softly at him. “I don't want a normal life. I want to spend it with you”.
“I hope you never regret these words”.
“I only could regret them because they aren't enough to express how I feel when you're close to me. When you touch me. When you pronounce my name”. Replying that, you lie down again under his grip, leaving a soft kiss on his right forearm. “I love you, Bishop. I couldn't regret it”.
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