#i did not go through all of that computational complexity and nice formulation for you to **************************
vermillioncrown · 11 months
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needed a doodle for ch 6 printing and did the 'held-hostage-at-bruce's-birthday-dinner' scene with lucius fox prodding korvin
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savannahsdrabbles · 4 years
Ocean Song - Part Five
rating: PG summary: Marine biology student April O’Neil makes a startling discovery.
notes: 2k words. A03 link can be found here. Special thanks to @cloakedrabbitand @starfiretheninja for beta-reading! 
“Okay, you can’t seriously expect me to believe that you’ve never snuck out of the house,” Casey rapped his knuckles on the cracked leather steering wheel and tossed a glance towards April. He’d given the girl rides in the Jonesmobile before – his affectionate name for the Jeep that was older than the two of them combined – but this was different. The two could usually listen to music or crack jokes while they were driving through Osaka, free from the stress of life for just a few moments. But now her whole body looked tense, like a coiled spring about to break free and launch out onto the dark highway. She’d been like this since they had left the lab earlier that afternoon, her expressions twisting tighter with each hour as they formulated a plan. “I mean, I know that you’re a goody-two-shoes but come on. Nobody is that perfect.”
“I’m serious,” the redhead insisted, though she didn’t meet Casey’s probing gaze. Her eyes were instead focused on the vibrating, glowing laptop perched on her thighs as she rapidly typed in lines of data. “Besides, where would I even go?”
“Uh, wherever you wanted? Like you could, I don’t know… go swim with whatever weird fish your dad is studying? And then you could be back before he even realized that you were gone!”
She snorted, her expression momentarily relaxing just enough to make Casey smile in approval. “Yeah, right. My dad is way too much of a nervous wreck for that to go well. The second he noticed that I was missing he would call the police or something.”
“Not if you had an excuse like tonight, Ms. Wild Woman.”
“That’s different,” April finally looked up from her laptop and gave Casey an unimpressed look, the tightness in her body returning. “I’m helping you to study at your house, remember? Which we did, so it’s technically not lying.”
He gave a noncommittal shrug, eyes shifting back to the road as he upped the brightness on the headlights. Streetlights had started to become fewer and farther between as they turned off of the freeway and passed a sign marking the entrance to Hamato Lab’s property. Despite how brightly lit and colorful it looked during the day, during the night he couldn’t help but see the massive building complex as a haunted maze. “Whatever helps you to sleep at night. Anyways, we should be at our destination in just a few minutes.”
“Awesome,” April turned back to her computer and entered another few keystrokes. “In that case, let’s run through the plan just one more time. The last of the main staff left at eight and the transport truck is supposed to arrive around midnight, so someone on staff will have to be there to unlock everything about an hour prior. Since it’s 9:30 now, that means we have a little over an hour to get in –”
“And then we’ll use your keycard, you’ll mess with any security cameras we run into using your laptop, and bada bing bada boom we’ve got ourselves a turtle,” Casey interrupted, taking a hard left to direct their vehicle onto an ‘employees only’ driveway. “Yeah, yeah, we’ve been over this like a hundred times today- you’ve been repeating yourself all afternoon.”
A pregnant pause fell over the car, and Casey allowed his eyes to momentarily flick towards April to make sure that he hadn’t gone deaf. Based on the color that her face was turning, he suddenly wished he had.
“How can you be so flippant about this?” April snapped her laptop closed, voice raising as she tossed it into the floorboards and turned sharply in her seat. Without taking his eyes back off of the road, Casey could already tell that she was strongly considering smacking the hockey mask off of his head and possibly beating him with it. “We’re literally about to commit a CRIME by breaking into a government lab and STEALING one of the subjects! HECK, I still can’t believe that I talked myself into this? What’s my dad going to say when he finds out? And heck, what’s the government going to say? Neither of us are actually citizens of Japan – are they just going to fling us out into the ocean and be like ‘swim back to America, you dirty criminals’? I have my whole freaking life ahead of me, and I’m about to throw it away so that I can save some random turtle? Who does that?!”
Casey waited silently as she vented, before finally taking his eyes off of the road to face her. By now they were approaching Hamato Lab’s parking garage, a four-story concrete structure that spiraled down into depths of the Earth. Casey pulled past the guard gate, absently noticing that the crossing bar was raised before he turned left and started their descent into the belly of the beast. Their destination would be the last level, which opened onto the same floor that the creature was being held. “If we don’t do anything, they’re going to eventually kill him, right?”
“… Right.”
“So screw the rules. If we’re arrested or something, we can deal with that then – but as long as I’m able to help, I’m going to. Casey Jones doesn’t go down without a fight.”
The car fell silent while April hesitated, her shoulders still tense as she considered his words. The Jeep had just rounded a corner onto the third level when she finally let out a huff and turned back in her seat. “I’d still rather not be arrested.”
“Eh, you’d look nice in a jumpsuit.”
This time she did smack the mask off of his head, eliciting a yelp of surprise from the teenage boy.
“What?! It was a compliment!”
April opened her mouth to respond, her eyes sparkling with renewed energy, when she suddenly lunged across the center console and slapped at the headlights control. “Shoot shoot shoot – stop the car!”
Casey immediately slammed on the brake, bringing the car to a lurching stop right as they were about to turn onto the lowest level. The Jeep rocked forwards, front tires already gripping the incline and sending half a dozen empty soda bottles rolling towards the front seats. April grunted in surprise as her seatbelt locked in place, just barely saving her from tumbling into the floorboards alongside the trash.
She’d spoken not a moment too soon – the door that they had been planning on entering through was propped open, sending a long beam of white light into the darkness of the parking garage and illuminating a solid black van parked in the handicap space. The car rumbled quietly, headlights turned off but taillights signaling that it was still cranked and running.
The two teenagers exchanged wide-eyed looks before Casey slowly reached for the gear shift, allowing April to move back into her seat before he put the car in reverse. Eyes trained on the door for movement, Casey backed the Jeep off of the incline and into a shadowy corner of the parking garage. When no alarms went off, and nobody suddenly exploded through the door in pursuit, he killed the engine and whisper-hissed. “I thought you said they weren’t supposed to be arriving until midnight?”
“Well apparently they came early!” April hissed back between gritted teeth. She unbuckled her seatbelt and gripped the ceiling bar as she pulled herself into a crouching position. “Crap- what do we do now?”
Unbuckling his own seatbelt, Casey twisted to reach behind his seat. “Here, take one of my hockey sticks – or I think I have a baseball bat-”
“Are you crazy? We are NOT going to beat up scientists with hockey sticks!”
“But –”
Before he could argue further, the sound of footsteps on the lower level brought them both to silence.
“Get the door.”
“I’ve got it, I’ve got it,” A middle-aged man in a lab coat stepped meekly into the garage, his head ducked as he went to open the back of the van. “But I still think there are better ways of handling –”
“Just get it, Doctor.”
The scientist nodded and moved quickly, then cast a nervous glance back over his shoulder that allowed the limited light to illuminate his features.
April gasped and pressed her palms against the window. “Oh my gosh – Dad!”
Two more figures emerged from the hallway, nearly blocking out the light with their massive forms. The first, a tall black man wearing dark glasses, brushed roughly past Dr. O’Neil and climbed into the driver’s seat. The second, moving a big more slowly, was a large white man carrying the creature over his shoulder.
Both teens gasped. The turtle’s arms and legs swung limply as the man moved, uninhibited by chains or any form of restraint. His head bobbed against his captor’s shoulder, keeping pace with each step, but not showing any sign protest or even an attempt to get into a more comfortable position. In fact, he showed no signs of life at all.
Casey leaned across the center console, one hand on April’s shoulder and growled. “They killed him.”
April’s breath hitched in her throat as she rapidly shook her head. She leaned forward, pressing her forehead against the window and straining to make out the details on the turtle’s face. “No – they wouldn’t. They couldn’t. Dad wouldn’t have let them just kill him.”
“That’s what they were planning on doing in the first place, April – that’s why we’re here!” Casey balled his free hand into a fist and pounded it on the dashboard. “We were too late.”
“No, wait,” April placed a hand over Casey’s, urging him to be quiet. “Listen!”
The two teenagers fell silent again, watching as the large man stooped down at the rear of the van. The way that their car was positioned blocked April and Casey from being able to see straight into the vehicle, but they could tell based on movement that he had set the turtle down and was messing with something back there. Dr. O’Neil stood a few feet away, nervously rubbing his arm and throwing anxious glances into the car.
“T-that cage is fairly small for a creature his size – and he should really have some source of water. If it would help, we have several transport trucks that would be better suited for relocating specimens. If you could just wait until morning, I could personally deliver-”
The man in the driver’s seat grunted and rested an elbow on the edge of his open window. “As I’ve already stated, the boss is not a patient man. He wants the turtle in his lab yesterday and does not care to be kept waiting.”
“But surely he-”
“You’ve done enough, Dr. O’Neil,” the second man said, finishing what he was doing and slamming the back of the van shut. “The specimen is now our responsibility, and we will do with it as our boss sees fit. The check for Hamato Labs should be arriving soon, so how about you just go back inside and pretend as if this night never happened?”
April watched as her dad shrank slightly, clearly still not willing to give up on the issue but understanding that he was outnumbered. “Just… please be careful on the drive.”
“Of course,” the man clapped a massive hand on Kirby’s shoulder, nearly bowling the scientist over, and squeezed once before heading towards the passenger side of the van. “We wouldn’t dare do otherwise.”
Blinding headlights erupted from the front of the car, flooding the parking garage with light and sending Kirby stumbling back into the building. With a rev of its engine, the van lurched forward. Casey yelped and pushed down on April’s shoulder, forcing the two of them below the sweeping beams as the vehicle slowly climbed the ramp to their level. The two kids remained low, breath held as the spotlights slowly passed over their heads. Time seemed to slow down for a moment, and then the van’s engine revved loudly and took off with a squeal of tires.
As soon as she heard the car moving on the next level, April scrambled back into a sitting position and grabbed for her seatbelt. “He’s alive – follow them!”
“On it!” Casey pushed himself upright and slammed his keys back into the ignition, bringing the Jonesmobile roaring to life. “Hold on to your butt!”
Next Chapter
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Writing Blog URL(s): @bumblebeenct 
Name: Milly
Age: 18
Nationality: Welsh
Languages: English
Star Sign: Capricorn
What fandom(s) do you write for?
 I write for NCT, but I have written for Harry Potter in the past
When did you post your first piece?
Around the empathy era I’m pretty sure, 2018? I used to do moodboards only but I was inspired by other writers to give it a go
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why?
I find that I stick to the fluff/angst tropes because they’re easier to formulate because I can relate myself to the scenario more. I also find that its also more interesting to write angst because there's complications to a story that take longer to form and you have to really think about the different emotions the characters are feeling.
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc?
I write x reader mostly, but at some point in the future I’m thinking of writing an OC purely because the concept I want to focus on has a particular emphasis on name and I don’t think it would work with y/n
Why did you start writing on Tumblr?
I used to use Wattpad but it was very difficult to promote myself and I struggled to meet anyone through it. On tumblr it was much easier to orientate and the community was so much nicer. 
What inspires you to write?
My mutuals! And other writers on tumblr, everyone is so supportive and kind it’s amazing. Also the feedback I sometimes get from readers, it makes me really happy whenever I get a comment or someone interacts with a piece I enjoyed writing, or alternatively when someone supports a fic I wasn’t confident in as it really boosts my confidence :)
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most?
School/ College aus because they’re very familiar and I am confident in getting the tropes and ideas right. But I also like works inspired by movies or songs because there’s so much to work from and it’s nice to see where you can take the plot and lyrics in your own story.
What do you hope your readers take away from your work?
That writing is for everyone, honestly at the end of the day I’m just a kid in my room writing stories about artists I’m a really big fan of. If you want to write you can, and you don’t have to necessarily be a “big” blog or writer to do it. 
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively?
Take a break, that’s my first port of call - usually in the method of food or I look at the inspiration material again, I listen to the song, read the lyrics, consult my friends and mutuals for help. It’s always good to be able to put something down to start again later when you’re struck with inspiration
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful?
My favourite personally at the moment (since one I really like is currently, as of answering this question, unpublished) is ‘Remember Me’ purely because it was the work I was the most passionate about writing and it really let me explore a new field of writing, since a lot of my stuff had been fluff before. My most successful in terms of notes is my Mark one shot ‘Sugar and Spice’ and I’m very proud of it.
Who is your favorite person to write about?
Park Jisung, my ult bias, I have to convince myself to write for other members sometimes as I often resist the urge to be a Jisung blog. However I have been enjoying writing for Mark and Hendery recently, as my other NCT biases
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose?
To a certain extent yes, it really depends on the writer. For many fanfiction stories, including ones we may label “cliche” the only difference is who it’s about, there are countless amazing fics I’ve read which I would assume could be made into a novel, the only thing making it fanfiction being the characters themselves.
What do you think makes a good story?
Feeling! There’s nothing that really constitutes a “good story” as it’s all subjective, but if you can read a story and feel what the characters feel, or even just see the emotions the writer is trying to portray then it’s definitely a good story. I’ve cried while reading most of, if not all my favourite stories.
What is your writing process like?
I plan first in a little notebook so I don’t forget any of my ideas or plans and then I try to churn it out whenever I have access to my computer, my speaker and a comfortable blanket. I like to “get in the zone” and then write as much as I possibly can. I usually think of ideas as I write so the notebook helps me put them in order and make sure I don’t get too ahead of myself.
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story?
I have thought about it and honestly, I’m not sure. My fics are not series’ and they’re all very short - most of them under 4k so I’d have to turn the idea into a full length thing you know? But I have thought about doing the opposite with a very old original story of mine I’ve otherwise given up on but still holds a special place in my heart.
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand?
I am a sucker for the enemies to lovers trope mainly because the character development in these stories can be so much more interesting and complex. On the other hand I’m not fond of “yandere” type fics, however I have read several well written ones which I cannot speak against because they were actually really good.
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you?
I’d say a lot, in terms of how much I write feedback means a lot to me - it’s also nice to hear what people think of things you’ve written because it’s a different view from your own and sometimes can boost confidence. I am also open to constructive criticism if any writers have any tips or suggestions for future works I’m always open to listen. 
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)?
When I see anyone interacting with my work it’s really rewarding and I love when people reblog with custom tags because it lets me know that people actually like what I do and to me, that’s a success.
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite food: Pasta
Favorite movie: Heathers (1988)
Favorite ice cream flavor: Cookie Dough
Favorite animal:  I would say bees, but I don’t think that counts so I’ll say dogs
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering?
Coffee, either black or a really fancy one with frothy milk
Dream job (whether you have a job or not)
 I’d love to be a singer honestly, but at the moment I’m working towards education I hope one day to be a lecturer
Go-to karaoke song
 Best Part by Daniel Caesar or Escape (the pina colada song) by Robert Holmes because it’s funny
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?
 Stopping time because there’s so much you can do - except the question is, would I continue to age even if time has stopped?
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose?
My mind goes to two extremes, I think either ancient Greece because why not and the 1950’s purely for fashion and music.
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you?
No, but I think if I could restart specific moments I would. There are so many good moments but some things you don’t want to relive even if you can change the outcome.
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken?
100 chicken sized horses, I’d be terrified of a horse sized chicken it would probably be able to eat me and I’m not about that life, tiny horses I can deal with. Kill them with Kindness or whatever haha.
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been?
A mix of quiet teachers pet and loud side character friend. The duality kills me, I can be shouting with my friends one minute but whispering the minute the teacher asks me a question.
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures?
I’d like to, I think some are really cool and it would be amazing to live among them, but also some are dangerous, but I would love to see or meet some creatures. Imagine living with dragons man that would be epic.
What are some of your favorite hobbies and how did you get into them?
I really like reading, courtesy of Harry Potter, but I also enjoy singing and playing the piano which I started doing more often in secondary school when my piano teacher suggested I started to sing as well :)
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know?
I did Karate for about 10/11 years, and I’m a black belt *insert awkward smile here*
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged?
A lot of the time yes, there is a stigma around fanfiction and often paints us in a negative light but we just happen to be a community of creative fans who want to share and support the people we write about. But I can see where the stigma comes from, sometimes it can be taken a bit far and I am aware that some things make the artists themselves uncomfortable. I think if people who judge fanfiction are referring to it as a single idea it becomes unfair because it is all different, but I also think that writers of fanfiction themselves have to make sure they don’t cross any boundaries when writing that could make readers or the artist (if they ever happened to stumble across your work) uncomfortable.
Do you think art can be a medium for change?
Yes in some ways of course. Art is not only a way to express what the creator themselves is feeling but it is also a way to teach others about issues, prejudices and ideals. For literature specifically it allows you into the shoes of another person you may not have understood before, in art pieces there’s a clear message and encourages people to educate themselves on certain issues which in turn makes room for change.
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself?
Sometimes if i’ve been suggested or requested to write something because it isn’t an idea that comes for me but mainly if I am aware that someone is waiting for a fic or someone has said they’re anticipating it I feel like I’m writing for others, but I don’t particularly mind it because it almost encourages me to write to a better standard.
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times?
Not particularly, I'm often as clear as I can be when portraying meaning, or I will straight up say it in a different thread or to different people because I can’t keep secrets and I’m a sucker for a spoiler. Although I am constantly worried about the way I come off in messages and things like that - I am a terrible overthinker.
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr?
A few of my closest friends and other kpop stans I am friends with irl are aware of my blog and support me as much as they can with what little information I give them. I think only one of my irls has my url because she reads and I send her my binge reviews when I do them.
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers?
Thank you so much, honestly it’s cheesy but without them I don’t know where my blog would be. The amount of them surprises me everyday and I don’t think I believe it half the time. Also if anyone ever needs help or support or just wants a chat I’m open, its 100% likely that if you interact with me or my posts on the regular then I will recognise you when you come say hi, I’m not that scary I promise.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there?
Just do it! It’s better to get your stuff out there and circulating to get a better idea of what people like and where your strong suit is, the more you put out the more you grow. But if you’re scared, talk to other creators, we’re always open to help and we can let you know what to do, it was something that helped me out :)
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr?
When I first started there was a lot of struggle with me trying to figure out my style and what I wanted to do, and it was a learning curve of what can I do, what should I avoid and who am I doing this for. Sometimes when I’m really down I will question why I do it, but I never regret it because it has allowed me to make some wonderful friends and be exposed to some amazing creations and get more into something I’ve always liked doing, writing.
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey?
I don’t want this to be too long, but I feel like it could be. I’ve met so many wonderful people and I love all of them so much, but in terms of being formative and supportive these are some of the people I talk to the most. @renjunwrites - I am a huge fan of Denise and to even be able to be in conversation with her about the stuff she writes is mindblowing to me, @nanasarea - nana was one of the first people I spoke to (before I joined discord) and was really accepting of my antics from day one. @glossyjaems - me and Louna have become very close recently and I can’t wait for our project to launch, keep an eye out for that. @mjlkau Anie is really one of the biggest supporters I have, always willing to read what I send her and give me support and love. There’s so many more people I’d love to mention but this would go on forever, to anyone ever involved in my writing process I’m thinking of you as I write this and I love you all (I feel really bad not talking about every single one omg).
Ending thoughts:
“We’ll be alright, I want to try again” - Try Again d.ear (ft. Jaehyun) because this is something I hold close, ‘try again, we’ll all be alright in the end’
Interested in your very own episode of The Sunny Show? Find out how to apply here.
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austinpanda · 6 years
Yesterday, The Long Version
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The day started out well, because it was Junk Food Day, and we had a plan I was looking forward to (mid-week pepperoni wangs). I get to work, and the boss lady (whom I love) came by to chat with me about an upcoming observation scheduled for next Wednesday. Observations are when someone sits with me and watches/listens to me taking phone calls, to see how it’s done. It’s not unusual for the company to sit someone with me when an observation becomes necessary. The reason it’s interesting this time, is that the person coming to observe me is the third highest-ranking officer in the company. So this is one of those occasions where it’s wise to have my manager come over and (a) make sure I’ll be there, (b) make sure I know who he is, and (c) make sure I’m together with their plan. I will, I do, and I am.
So I’m at work, and my boss is sitting right in front of me, and I need to log in. I start to log in, and fuck it up, because it’s complicated, and my boss is watching me. I try again, and about halfway through, my pocket starts vibrating. I log in successfully, pull out my phone, tell my manager, “This can’t be good; it’s the husband.” And I answer the phone. It’s my husband!
He’s obviously terrified. He tells me he had an accident, and he panicked and left the scene. My boss can tell it’s an emergency just from my end of the conversation and tiptoes a short distance away. My advice to the husband is, roughly, “Enhance your calm. The scary part is over. Call the police. Tell them what happened. It’ll be fine. And don’t sweat it honey, this is what your husband does for a living! We’ll deal with the shit.” His car is fucked up. He may be at fault.
What happened in the accident was this: He pulled to the exit of our apartment complex parking lot on William Cannon. He looked left, didn’t see anyone coming, pulled out, got straightened out in his lane, when a vehicle behind him and to his left hit his little Hyundai Accent on the left front. This means one of two things: the police will think Zach failed to yield the right of way exiting the parking lot, and got hit by the other vehicle, OR that Zach pulled onto William Cannon and then got nailed by someone coming into Zach’s lane. I have no idea which is more accurate, so I don’t know how the police or the insurance folks are going to make that determination, but that’s what happened. I just assume he’ll be cited for failing to yield.
After the impact, Zach was sitting there and the other driver walked up and tapped on the window. This moment here was almost certainly the beginning of the worst part for Zach. He tried to get his insurance out to give to the other driver, but he couldn’t because he kept slapping himself. He left with parts dragging, and with his front bumper and license plate still there at the scene, and came home to yell at and hit himself more. 
I don’t mean to get too dark here, but...can you imagine being trapped in a room, and you can’t get free, and someone’s hitting your spouse in the next room over? It makes you willing to do anything to stop it, but you can’t, so it robs you of your sanity instead. The only good thing about it is that it ends.
By the time Zach and I are done speaking on the phone, he is calmer. His voice is back down into its normal register. He says he’s okay and will call the police. We end our call. I let my head fall to my desk with a small but audible boom, three or four times, and I hear from my manager in the background, “So...is everything okay?” And I tell her what she’s already deduced, husband in accident, panicked, left scene, thinks they might arrest him, isn’t it lucky his spouse works for the claims department of an auto insurance company. I don’t remember what she said in reply, but it amounted to, “Yeah, go.”
I went home and looked at the front of Zach’s car on my way into the apartment. I’ll include a photo here.
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I think the car did what it was supposed to do to protect my husband. All the pretty curved plastic shit on the front end just took one for the team and gave up its life, so all the energy from the impact simply left the car, born away by the bumper instead of being transmitted to the driver, causing injuries. I could be wrong about some of the physics, but generally, the more the car gets fucked up, the better you feel after the accident. I’m starting to have a fondness for Hyundais.
So I’m now home with Zach. He’s been kicked in the emotional fork pretty hard, and is trying to make peace with a brain that’s telling him to panic, that he fucked up, that he’s stupid, that he handled it wrong, that he’s going to have to have SO MANY conversations with people in authority who will give him shit about it. So I begin to formulate the new plan for unfucking our situation.
By now, Zach had called 9-1-1, only to be told that he needed to call 3-1-1, which he did, and he reported the accident. He’d been given a case number and a phone number, but little information about the next step, and specifically NO information whether one police officer, or several, might be popping by to handcuff him and take him away to jail. Fortunately, plans like this pretty much write themselves:
Call the phone number provided by the 3-1-1 person and ask, in the humblest and most Texan way possible, complete with ma’ams and sirs, if someone could let us know whether there’s anything we should be doing, or maybe tell us what will happen next.
Get on the computer and file the claim with State Farm. Insurance company won’t care how little info we have; they’ll just want to set up the claim and assign it to an adjuster to get started working on it.
Address the husband’s need for a repair shop, and a tow to that shop, as his car is now strictly decorative cause it’s dragging shit on the ground.
Make sure I know whether a rental car is coming our way while Zach’s car is being fixed.
Calm down. Get under the covers. Order some wangs. If there are drugs about, abuse them.
I call the phone number provided by 3-1-1 and tell the nice lady my husband was in an accident, and might you please be able to tell me if there’s anything we should be doing now, ma’am? It takes a few different searches to find our accident, which she eventually tracked down with husband’s license plate number. She begins to ask me questions to fill in some missing info. What’s the car’s year, make and model? What’s the color, and license plate? Why did he flee?
Why DID he flee? Here’s why he fled, as best as we can figure out. We think he’s somewhere on the autism spectrum. We haven’t the resources to find out for certain, but it explains a lot of shit. Possibly Asperger’s. Reading the symptoms are like reading a description of Zach: He’s quite intelligent, but his social abilities are fucked up. He tends to avoid eye contact and speak in monotone. He hates, hates, hates change. He has a high IQ and superior rote memory. He has depression and anxiety. And the last time he had a regular therapist, that therapist said he thought Zach might have Asperger’s.
Therefore, he fled because he couldn’t handle the overload. Just like I did, when I had a similar accident in my mid-20s, he thought life as he knew it had just ended, only since his car was drivable (mine had not been) he went to ground. He ran home and called me. He fled because he panicked. He fled because he couldn’t stop hitting himself. Poor dude’s circuitry just exploded. I told the lady, “He’s...not very experienced with this type of situation, he’s autistic, he panicked and just went home and called the police.”
The lady I spoke with finished filling in the information she needed, and I even got a soft chuckle or two out of her while I obtained it. “Husband’s phone number? I regret I haven’t committed it to memory...um, honey?” (Husband reads phone number, woman chuckles.) She even made a little sympathetic sound when I explain why he left the scene. She was super nice. She summed up the next steps, which were not what I expected. Since Zach left the scene, the other driver is designated the victim.
Send a letter to the victim, have him get an estimate for the repairs, and mail it back.
That info will be given to a detective who investigates.
They don’t issue a warrant unless you flee the scene, AND they can’t reach you. If you’re in contact with the police, they will not, as a matter of course, send someone out to put you in the pokey.
Zach felt a lot better about things after I made that call. Any time you’re in a scary situation with a lot of unknowns, it helps you feel better by getting answers on those unknowns. Now he could relax a bit, cease panicking, and spend the afternoon quietly condemning himself for being worthless and stupid and whatever else.
The rest of the day is kind of a blur. I reported the claim on State Farm’s website, and that also addressed our short-term needs, namely, the choice of repair shop, the beginnings of the towing arrangements, and the beginning of the rental car arrangements. We ended up driving into downtown Austin yesterday--which is the opposite of what husband felt like doing--because we had to pick up the rental car. I checked, and I have coverage for $50 per day of rental car. That’s kind of a lot! Most people have coverage for $30 per day. We went to Hertz. Naturally, its parking lot is punishingly small and cramped. We spoke with a nice lady with long, pointed, avocado-colored fingernails who got us through the process. When it came time for her to give me the keys to the rental, she said, “We have a Chevy Traverse. That sound okay?” I have about as much respect for Chevrolets as I do for chlamydia, so I wasn’t thrilled, but what the hell. It’s a loaner.
Then this guy behind her, who was Asian, and had eyebrows exactly like Zachary Quinto’s, said, “Oh, you have a choice. We also have a Toyota 4-Runner. You can have the Traverse or the 4-Runner.” To which I replied, “Um...4-Runner! 4-Runner! 4-Runner!!!” And since the lady said that we would face a deoderizing fee of $300 if they found any evidence of smoking in the 4-Runner, I gave my cigarettes to Zach and said, “Remove these from mine sight.”
I never drive anything larger than my car, and a brand new 4-Runner, which is the size of an aircraft carrier, felt really, really strange to drive. Yesterday was so very weird. It was a day when I went to work, but only stayed for 17 minutes. Zach wasn’t keen on driving, so I suggested he drive my car home and let me pilot the star destroyer. I found myself listening to NPR while driving in heavy traffic in a very large, expensive vehicle, and all I could think to myself was, “I’m huge! Ohmygod I’m huge! I’m SO HUGE!” Stepping on the gas was like sending away for an authorization to accelerate. And when it was going 70, it felt like it was going half that speed. It has a backup camera, which I find unreasonably exciting.
We got through the rest of the day as best we could. Handling shit like this is primarily just a long series--days, weeks worth-- of phone calls to exchange information. Now it’s the next morning, and we’re getting his car towed from our apartment to the repair shop. It’s taken about eight phone calls so far.
And that’s how we handle it when Zach wants to hurt himself. We get through the moment, then we get through the day, then the next day is usually better. Once the tow truck is gone with his car, he’s going to hop into the star destroyer and drive it around the parking lot a little bit. I don’t know what this will cost us, but between the government shutdown and this, our plan to leave Austin by end of May is pretty much obliterated. So we’re considering changing our move date to December 1 of this year.
December 1 solves a few problems. It gives us more time to save up. It means I’ll be with the company long enough to earn next year’s gainsharing bonus. We can move in the fall, rather than at the start of summer. We can spend Next Christmas there, but we can spend the coming Thanksgiving here. It’s what would happen anyway, if we sign for another six months after our current lease runs out. It seems to be suggesting itself, because it feels right.
The tow is now done. Gonna keep an eye on husband a bit longer. The claim seems to be humming along as it should. Updates to follow. Now would be a good time for the government to reopen. 
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bakechochin · 7 years
Book Reviews - Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency - Douglas Adams - I’m honestly surprised it’s taken me this long to start reading any Douglas Adams; I’ve had my eye on a fucking huge and lovely printing of all the books in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series for fucking aeons now, but have been dissuaded for this long on account of the thirty fucking quid price tag, so the fact that this book cost me six quid is more my style - I suppose everything that I have to praise about this book can fall under the category of ‘it was what everyone told me it would be’, and that may seem like a pretty mundane statement, but trust me it was a welcome surprise to read this book and get exactly what I expected -> It is at once incredibly clever (or at least masquerading as such via excessive grandiloquence) and insanely fucking funny, featuring the kind of story additions that will make you simultaneously laugh your bollocks off and kick yourself for not thinking of it first - Everyone bloody knows that Douglas Adams is an amazing bloody writer, but dude, seriously, he’s such an amazing bloody writer; this book’s matter-of-fact narrative voice proves itself to be so damn versatile, capable of conveying humour, shock, and fantastic descriptions of characters and settings, and by fuck do I envy it - The characters in this are all great; you would have thought that a character such as Dirk Gently, with all his eccentricities and intriguing qualities, would overpower all the other characters, and whilst this is often the case I can’t deny that I have love for all the characters in some capacity; the protagonist characters are all strong-willed and face adversity head-on and are ultimately human, the antagonist(s) have some very interesting circumstances surrounding them that I shall not elaborate on, and then there’s also the fucking Electric Monk, who is my favourite character and goes through the entire story not knowing what the fuck he’s doing - As complex as the story does get, I was very happy to find that everything gets tied up very very nicely, with some great time travel paradox malarkey and all the characters getting what they deserve and a few little fortuitous changes to the overall world that made me smile stupidly; though I will get into the problems that I have with this book momentarily, you bet your arse I’ll be buying the next one some time soon - My biggest complaint with the book is that, whilst I found the overall setup very interesting, the explanation for all the events and the conclusion to all this deductive work is a colossal anticlimax and deus ex machina; in the story’s attempt to add in more and more ridiculous plot elements, it throws away some of its better ones to make room for new ridiculous ones that don’t match the story’s small scale (of course I won’t spoil anything, but rest assured that it is more than a little jarring) -> When the story does completely change the direction that I thought it may well be going in, it kind of fucks itself regarding fulfilling some of the stuff that it set out to fulfil; for example, Adams himself describes one element of the book as being a ‘whodunit’ sort of thing, and there’s lots of mystery to be had, but this all seems wasted effort when, despite your best efforts to formulate ideas as to who did what or how everything links together, all explanations can be attributed to bullshit deus ex machinas - The book is quite short, just shy of three hundred pages, and whilst this isn’t a problem in of itself, I would argue that the book’s short length perhaps doesn’t allow the most to be wrung out of the concepts it has, and doesn’t let the book grow to its fullest potential - It’s also worth mentioning that with this short book length comes slightly buggered pacing; for a book called ‘Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency’, the eponymous Dirk Gently doesn’t actually appear in the flesh until around one hundred and fifty pages in, halfway through the damn book, so it would seem that half the book is literally just setting things in motion before Dirk can come along and ‘solve’ everything -> As I reached this point, I thought back to exactly what I’d read about for the last one hundred and fifty pages, and I came to a wee epiphany about what differentiates this book’s subplots from something like The Eyre Affair; in this book, subplots that seem tangentially related to the main plot take the forms of long streams of dialogue about the mundanities of work life or mathematics or whatever, whereas subplots in The Eyre Affair take the form of hunting and murdering vampires in a school laboratory classroom -> Of course this is hardly a deal breaker, as these sections are just as well-written and engaging as everything else, but in a book marketed as some clusterfuck epic tale, it does seem odd that many portions of it should take the form of such seemingly mundane things - This is somewhat of a minor point compared to my previous statements, but it’s worth mentioning that a main theme of this book (or at least something that the book talks a lot of spiel about) is technology, but alas this book was written more than ten years before I was born, so all its talk about cutting edge brand new computer malarkey went right over my fucking head - 8/10
I have a load of other book reviews on my blog, check that shit out.
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bibbykins · 7 years
A Convoluted Code
A/N: This is hours late, but here it is!
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Pairing: College au! TA! Taehyung (based off of 707 of Mystic Messenger
Genre: Fluff (Soon), Comedy
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: Technological Special Agent, Kim Taehyung, never made mistakes... until he did, and that led him to you, a mistake he couldn’t live down
It started out as just another petty job so that he could buy another computer. As if the multiple screens that surrounded him in his office plus the five laptops lying around weren’t enough for him. However, he was the best, and he required the best equipment.
The job was simple enough, hack into this guy’s phone and see if he’s cheating, but even the best make tiny mistakes.
Usually all he needed to hack into a person’s phone, laptop, and any other accounts was just a phone number, this was thanks to how connected everyone’s accounts were.
Then Taehyung could sift through what he wanted to, report back, get the money, and call it day. The customers he worked with were usually fairly prestigious, so he figured that they would be intelligent enough to write down a stupid number correctly.
And with that foolish assumption concerning the snooty, the best had made a mistake.
It was somewhere between his third caffeinated soda and second bag of chips he realized he hadn’t hacked into Seung Chanwoo’s laptop, it was yours. However, he realized this only after hacking into your laptop camera, it was then the texts he had just read from you and a Soha had finally made sense.
You: Oh btw, I can’t close it anymore
Soha: What? Why not?
You: It’ll snap right in half, and I need it until I can find the money to get a new one… or a sugar daddy that’s around my age, whichever comes first tbh
Soha: Yeah right, have fun writing your little heart out
Maybe a man and his mistress wouldn’t be talking about getting sugar daddies.
This clicked when he was met with you sleeping on your bed, only wearing a tshirt and underwear, he immediately diverted his eyes. You were beautiful, and he wasn’t prepared for that. He was now looking at your wall with several rewards on it and your high school diploma on your wall reading Y/N L/N. With crimson cheeks, he exited out of your laptop’s view from your desk and decided to do research on you, because your number was off by only one digit, and he was thorough in his investigations, and he could swear your name was familiar.
After just a few hours, he knew just about everything about your past and current job. You went to a high school he’s never come in contact with, got decent grades, and you only joined journalism-related extracurriculars, a real recluse. Currently, you worked from home serving as a third-party editor for several magazines and newspapers both online and on paper, but nevertheless keeping up with reclusivity.
It was on his fourth bag of chips and seventh caffeinated drink he realized he was nearly late for his cover job.
Taehyung’s line of work was high-profile and unbeknownst to many of his friends, he often took care of government work. Plain and simple, he was special agent Kim Taehyung, basically a spy. With such a job, the government had suggested he take a cover job to keep him in plain sight, relieving suspicions other hackers may have, since hiding is the easiest way to be found in his world.
He chose to be a paid virtual Teaching Assistant at an average college for a variety of classes from Computer Science 101 to Economics 305, he just did all the electronic grading as instructed by professors he had more credentials than. Only time to time would he have to physically be present when a student requested tutoring and the professor wasn’t there or just didn’t feel like it, or the professor was out sick and he had to lecture.
Today, he had to lecture for Computer Science 101, which he dreaded the most. The students’ work was like grading kindergarteners on coding, just ridiculous. The class only had one lecture a week, but teaching beginner’s computer science is about as mind-numbing as reciting the ABC’s for two hours, especially since most of the students only took the class to avoid a proper math class.
He hated this class.
You hated this class.
Tech-savy was nowhere on your resume. Electronically proficient, maybe, but the 0s and 1s turned your brain to mush, it made an ironic sum of zero sense, but you would crumble in Calculus, so this was the only sensible choice you had. You almost regretted it. You didn’t know a soul in the class, nor wanted to, not to mention your laptop was five years old and beginning to quite literally come off its hinges, but luckily your professor was a slightly creepy yet understanding middle aged man who didn’t make you close it during a written test,like one you had today.
You weren’t worried until you walked in to see the fine piece of man that was Kim Taehyung, dreamy TA, and most likely unbeknownst to him, distractingly hot neighbor in your nice apartment complex. He was beautiful, made his own money, and a lot considering of the quality of the apartment building you only reside in due to the connections you have with very wealthy editors who offer discounts. Nevertheless Taehyung was amazing, smart, sort of kind, and completely ignorant to your presence. Not that you could blame him, you never really left your apartment safe for class or if Soha forces you to, and even in class you don’t make a peep and make average grades, so no real reason to cross paths.
But your worry didn’t come from the adonis’s looks, it came from the fact you had to formulate a sentence to him when he tried to make you close your janky laptop.
Okay, just let him know before class starts. Go to the desk and- or just keep walking like an idiot and wait to be called out- or spend a solid minute turning forward and backward repeatedly, that works too, idiot.
Finally,you mustered up the courage to utter a sentence to him, “Uh, my laptop won’t close,” You mumbled, cursing yourself that you didn’t offer any explanation. Taehyung typed away on his own laptop, not looking at you when he responded.
“Just pull the top screen down, it’s simple,” His response was snarky at best and you flinched.
Your face scrunched in annoyance, “No, it’ll snap in half if I do.” Your voice had gotten smaller.
Taehyung rolled his eyes, not caring to talk to any of these students longer than required, “Fine just put something over it and make sure it’s on sleep mode.” He said, never looking up at you. You nodded meekly and went to your seat in the very back of the lecture hall.
After a few minutes of everyone making sure their laptops aren’t accessible, Taehyung skipped roll call as he counted and everyone was here, so he administered the test to each student, and when he got to you, he was met with a terrifying view as a pseudo official.
You were in the middle of taking off your sweater to reveal only a black tanktop that brought attention to your cleavage, “What on Earth are you doing?” Taehyung deadpanned, making you jump, since you didn’t see him near you.
With heated cheeks, you quickly stripped off your sweater and put it on your laptop and as you placed it there you spoke, “Sorry, I got a bit trapped in there,” You explained as he just put a test in front of you. It was then you made eye contact and his whole word stopped, “Thank you,” You smiled as he walked off.
It was official, Kim Taehyung had made a mistake. What kind of hacker doesn’t check what university she goes to? Or what classes she’s taking? No wonder her name seened familiar. As if he hadn’t done so enough, he stared at her, wondering how it is he never seen her here before. He was usually very good at recognizing faces and being observant, but then you come out of the blue. Goodness, he feels creepy, but there’s something suspicious about you. Maybe it’s his pride trying to avoid the fact that he made a mistake, or maybe you are a fellow hacker trying to play him.
And with these grades, his pride diminishes. He started down at your test probably the same way you had. Your grade wasn’t horrible, but the mistakes you had made was horrendous. Okay, so maybe he was just losing his pride, but he couldn’t stop looking at you through your laptop camera.
You had been getting your makeup done by Soha, who was in beauty school and needed a test face, plus she thought you needed a confidence boost as you had been viciously dumped last week, leaving you even more of a hermit, “We should go out or something, sucks I have a date,” Soha pouted, “Hey maybe he can bring a friend for you?”
You shook your head, “I don’t need another boyfriend,” You stated as Taehyung researched your past one. He was average looking, but he seemed to have bounced back quickly after six months of you two being together, “I need a sugar daddy,” Soha chuckled at your words, “I do, this laptop is killing me-”
“I should be killing him,” Soha seethed, “Sex in the practice rooms are you kidding-”
“Soha, it’s okay,” You chided and scrolled through your phone to see ankther voicemail from an unfamiliarly familiar number, “That angry voicemail lady is still there” You shrugged, referring to the awkward calls and text you had been getting for a few weeks by some crazy women. You didn’t bother answering to correct her since you and Soha had agreed she’s probably just lonely and wants to yell, since Soha’s troubled mom would do that too in the past, “Anyway, there’s better guys around the corner.”
“Or next door,” She giggled and it was then Taehyung realized he hadn’t looked up where you lived.
Your cheeks heated up, “Shut up, like he knows I exist.”
“If I lived next to sexy Kim Taehyung, I’d let him know I did,” Soha stated dramatically at the same time Taehyung figured out where you lived, making him freeze.
Your eyes widened, “Shut up! The walls might not be as thick as-”
“He probably is?” Soha smirked and Taehyung wore a smug smile while your cheeks heated and your hands flew to your ears.
“Lalalala, I can’t hear sin, sorry,” You retorted as Soha rolled her eyes, continuing with your makeup.
“Don’t you have him as the TA in your computer science class? Does he give you the eyes?” Soha spoke dreamily as you snorted while her brush made contact with your eyebrows.
“And my English Lit class, but he probably doesn’t even know we’re neighbors. I’m pretty sure today was the day he learned my name just because I got stuck in my sweater like an idiot.” Taehyung chuckled slightly at the thought, “Anyway, any word from your sugar daddy- sorry boyfriend?”
“Stop being mean,” Soha huffed.
She was with a married shit stain of a man whose wife was most definitely catching on.
“I just think you deserve better than being a mistress,” You remarked.
Soha was a notorious party girl with an expensive appetite, so rarely was she ever in a progressive relationship in the years you’ve known her.
“Chanwoo promised he was leaving his wife soon,” Soha pouted and Taehyung perked up.
“Giving his wife the wrong number like a child is not leaving her, besides what did he even give her as his number?” You asked and Taehyung watched as Soha’s face went guilty.
“Well, he gave her one that’s just one number off,” Soha stopped putting makeup on you and looked for another product awkwardly.
“That’s super irresponsible. Shouldn’t it be someone you know that won’t bother correcting…” You trailed off as it clicked and you let out a humorless laugh, “You have to be fucking kidding me.”
This wasn’t the first time Soha roped you into her affairs, and you were sick of it.
Soha bit her lip as she packed up, knowing what was to come, “He asked me if I knew anyone that was-”
“Stupid enough to let you convince them not to correct their poor wife?!” You raised your voice, “God, Soha you heard that women she isn’t crazy, she’s suffering!”
“You don’t get it-”
You didn’t want to hear it. Lying like this was something you hated most. If someone is not happy, they should leave, it’s very simple.
—- one week ago
You didn’t want to work on your piano. You wanted to go home and sleep, but this class was required and it beat history work for the time being. The practice rooms were rather informal, but nevertheless you booked one anyway. The music building was basically vacant, which made the not-so soundproof practice rooms less of a nuisance.
Except the music building was exceptionally rowdy upon entering the practice hall. You had known the practice rooms were a popular place to hook up. This was due to the assumption they were sound proof, but most couples weren’t so stupid to be this loud.
You rolled your eyes, choosing to ignore it for the time being, thankful you brought your headphones and disinfectant wipes. All the other practice rooms were filled with people actually practicing, so you had no choice but to break up the most-likely unintentional baby making session, you considered it as saving a couple’s future for the time being.
With that mindset, you swung the door open to be faced with your semi-serious boyfriend and a semi-bitchy girl connected in a way you and him had never been.
“Oh, awesome,” They froze immediately when they heard you let out a humorless laugh, “You know these things aren’t actually soundproof, right?”
Your, now ex’s, eyes went wide, “Y-Y/n, I can-”
“Save it.” You seethed, slamming the door behind you as he struggled to pull his pants up to chase after you.
He was successful in his attempt as he grabbed your arm, “Y/n, stop running!” He shouted.
“Stop trying!” You shouted back, tears beginning to well up in your eyes, “You…”
“Don’t you dare make me out to be the bad guy!” He snapped, “I wasn’t happy, you didn’t make me happy-”
“Then say it, dumbshit! Dump me! Don’t lie like this-”
“I didn’t want to face your tears or hurt you-”
You scoffed, “You think I’m crying because I loved you so much?” His face dropped, “I’m crying because I feel like a fucking idiot wasting all this time on the world’s shittiest liar!”
You scrunched your eyebrows as Taehyung took note of what makes you tick, “You’re disgusting, he’s disgusting, and before I say something that I just might regret you should leave, because I hate being sucked up into your mistress drama shit,” You seethed, “I love you, Soha, but I hate that you don’t respect yourself or me enough to not do this, let yourself out.” You took a deep breath as you turned around to go to the bathroom to calm down.
Soha looked down, sighing as she walked away. Taehyung concluded fights concerning the man he was supposed to be tracking happened quite a bit. With this and the texts he had gotten from the man’s real phone, he could wrap this up and never spy on you again.
When the door closed, you entered your bedroom again and then made a move that made him eat his words, you angrily slammed your laptop closed.
Taehyung’s visual of you went black and the room was silent for a while until he heard a resounding, “FUCK!” Which resonated through his walls, paired with a desperate, “No, no, no, no, not now!”
You panicked as your laptop now seemed to be a tablet and a keyboard, both of which could not be used separately. You had work to do, which all required a laptop. It was then you determined today was shit. You’re basically friendless for the time being, and now you cut off all shots of virtual friends and good grades and work and money and to top it off, you had started crying.
Five minutes into your ugly cry, you decided you had one option, and that was to go next door to the computer genius himself and beg to have him fix it.
Taehyung noticed you were oddly silent for quite a bit, and he shrugged it off until he heard a knock on his door. He opened it only to see a red, puffy-eyed you standing in his door way, “Hi, I’m Y/n, your neighbor, may I ask a question?” You sniffled and he nodded cautiously, “Hackers can fix computers too, right?”
Taehyung’s heart nearly stopped at your words. How in the hell could you have known he was a hacker?
“Who said I’m a hacker?” He leaned against the door, “I’m a TA.”
You tilted your head, “Yeah, but you’re also special agent Kim Tae-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” He had grabbed you by your collar into his apartment, pushing you against the door and using his hand to support him on the shit door.
“What leads you to those assumptions?” He asked trying to keep his cover.
“The walls are paper thin and all your calls are by speaker dumbass- wait why am I echoing?” You questioned and Taehyung realized your microphone still worked and your feed was still up.
“No you’re not,” He quickly replied.
You looked to his many screens, which he then put his arm on the other side to block the view, “Yes I am!” You struggled to see past his arm.
“No, you’re hysterical,” Taehyung quipped with a nervous chuckle.
“No, I’m echoing, why am I-” You caught sight of the window titled Y/n’s feed, “OH MY GOODNESS, EW!” You groaned.
Taehyung’s sense of composure was long gone, “No, let me-”
Taehyung clasped his hand over your mouth, “Seung Chanwoo’s wife hired me and gave me what evidently wasn’t his number to hack, okay?”  You were still mumbling a question through his palm, “I kept tabs of you just in case you were connected to him in any way, I didn’t even know who you were until today, understand?” You stopped struggling and nodded.
Taehyung sighed in relief, letting his hand drop from your mouth, “You know what? I don’t care. Sure, whatever, I digress,” You held up your hands, “Can you fix this piece of junk or not?”
“Not for free,” Your eyes widened at his reply.
“You watched me, without my consent, and now you’re going to charge me to do a simple fix?” You scoffed, “I suddenly remember why I don’t do one-night stands, a shit time with a shit payout.”
“Sorry, I need a new laptop myself,” Taehyung shrugged, “And I spied for business, okay?”
“You have three laptops on your couch, not to mention the plethora of monitors!” You seethed, gesturing around the room, “One of the laptops haven’t even been opened!”
“I’m very busy,” Taehyung crossed his arms, suddenly understanding why you don’t have many companions.
“You know what? Fine, I’ll offer free hand jobs outside the IT building,” You huffed, “Maybe a blow-job will get me a new laptop?” You pouted as your laptop full came off its hinges and the monitor fell to the ground, “Looks like I’m putting this virgin mouth to work tonight then,” You groaned as Taehyung awkwardly shuffled to help you, but you smacked his hand away, “Just get the door for me,” He nodded, opening the door wide open as he stood next to it.
Now, you don’t know why you did what you did next, but you couldn’t turn back. Usually, you would never do this you were rather nervous around people of Taehyung’s caliber, but you were having a shit day and a bad life, so to have someone like Taehyung spy on you and act like such a prick about it, made you lose all sensibility.
You dropped your laptop, grabbed the box with his new one, and ran.
Before he could even register what you had done, you had shut your door. You locked it as soon as Taehyung touched the handle, and he banged on your door, “Y/n! What the hell?!”
“Shh! You’ll disturb the whole floor!” You responded.
“We’re the top floor, it’s just our places up here!” Taehyung yelled, pounding on your door again.
“Hey, Taehyung!” You hollered back, clutching the box to your chest.
“Shut up!”
“Give me the laptop back!” He yelled.
“Fix mine!” You responded.
Taehyung was taken aback, “Why would I? You can’t stay in there forever!”
You laughed, “I’m a girl who is pitied by my breakup, so I have class notes taken care of, I work from home, and I just got groceries, so try me!”
Taehyung let out a growl of frustration as he slammed on your door one last time, “Fine! I’ll have it done it two days!”
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jstevens1015 · 7 years
Hey! Alright so one of the main reasons I decided to start writing on Tumblr at least semi-regularly was to translate some of the thoughts in my crazy and sporadic mind to a concrete format. Sometimes the thoughts build up so much and I never express them, whether verbally or written, so it can become overwhelming. While I am an English major with a Bachelor’s degree, I still find myself struggling to formulate thoughts and reasoning that make sense to anyone but myself and I am even worse about committing these thoughts to memory or paper so I am going to use this as not only a writing tool but hopefully as a self-improvement tool as well.
With that being said, I’d like to take this opportunity to express some feelings that I’ve been having lately about one of my favorite passions: video games. YO THEY ARE SUPER GREAT. But maybe also super awful at times.
I’ve had a love affair with video games since I was maybe around four or five years old. My dad was a big video game fan when he was my age and carried on this passion throughout early and middle adulthood. He lived through the Atari era so he was basically on the fuckin’ landing grounds of the creation of my favorite past time. I remember him telling me how great games like Pong and Pac-Man were and how he couldn’t believe how far they advance in terms of graphics and capabilities every time there is a new system release. 
The first gaming system I ever had was a Sega Genesis. I have some splendid memories of playing Sonic the Hedgehog, Mutant League Football, Streets of Rage 2 and many more games that I can’t possibly remember all at once. And since I was a young and dumb kid, I even got to experience some of the more obscure titles that most older folks wouldn’t have played at the time. These would especially include licensed movie titles like Power Rangers and Home Alone, among others. While games based on movies often get a bad reputation, I distinctly remember enjoying these two titles particularly because of my ever-growing love of the source material. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie game was a side-scrolling beat ‘em up very similar to Streets of Rage 2 so that is likely why I enjoyed this title so much. And man was it a shit ton of fun playing Home Alone and setting traps for Harry and Marv to fall into.
Okay. Let’s get back on track. So my dad started my love for gaming by sharing his memories and experiences and by purchasing me a Sega Genesis. Blah blah blah. Flash forward to my teenage years. By this time, I was long past my 8 bit and 16 bit gaming days and was into 3D gaming systems that were far advanced from the good ‘ol Atari or Genesis days. I watched in amazement as my dad marveled again at “how good this shit looks” and forever possessing the “what will they do next” philosophy and mindset.
On a related note, I remember the day that we finally got high speed internet in my household. Although we lived in the country and were only able to obtain speeds of 1mbps, it was like luxury living for people who formerly lived with dial-up internet. The reason why this is worth mentioning is because this now opened up a whole new world for me: the world of online gaming. Boy, did I not have a clue how great and equally terrifying this would be for me. 
As I became older, I became at least slightly more skilled at playing games than when I was younger. However, I could not understand why the people who played games online against me in multiplayer modes were so much better. I struggled with this a lot and, admittedly, it’s a personal problem that I still have. I’m not sure if I have a competitive complex that I don’t like to reason with or if it’s something else but goddamn do I have some gaming-related anger and self-esteem issues. You would’ve likely heard me yelling in frustration in these angst-driven years, screaming phrases such as OH MY GOD THIS GUY HAS KILLED ME TEN TIMES IN A ROW AND I HAVEN’T EVEN LEFT MY RESPAWN AREA. WHY AM I SO BAD AT THIS? WHY IS HE CROUCHING UP AND DOWN ABOVE MY CHARACTER’S DEAD BODY?!?!
There is a point I’m going to make. God I’m bad at this. SEE THERE IT IS AGAIN. 
My parents, especially my dad, became very angry that I was angry over a video game. The hobby that he once loved so much had mostly become a thing of the past (besides occasional sports games) so he couldn’t possibly understand why a simple hobby was making me so angry. I tried reasoning with him, stating the idea that he was likely angry when he lost to the AI on his older games. He told me he never remembered getting angry because “it was just a game” and “it’s just a computer” and that he never reacted in such a strong way.
Then, it clicked. 
The reason why I get so angry about playing games online is because I am personally interacting with real human beings and not just a computer, not just a form of artificial intelligence. A real, living, breathing, swearing, mother insulting person. And people. SO MANY PEOPLE ALL ONLINE AT ONCE. And these real people don’t give a single fuck about my feelings or how bad I am at the game. Their mission is to make their player beat or destroy or kill my player. It’s truly just a game and shouldn’t hold such a great weight on anyone’s mind but online gaming has a way of making it feel personal and I think that’s why it still has the ability to fill me with such a completely unjustifiable rage.
This brings us to present day. While I still play games online quite often, I feel that my experiences and feelings have changed. I am no longer a child or even a teenager. I am a twenty-five year old man with two part-time jobs, a fiancee, a cat, an apartment to clean and maintain and bills to pay. SO WHY THE HELL AM I STILL GETTING MAD OVER VIDEO GAMES? 
I think that we, as an obviously imperfect species of living biology, are always striving for better. I have clearly evolved and matured as person but there is still that part of me that wants to break shit and throw things when I lose. Maybe I’m just a sore loser. I probably am. BUT. There is so much shit wrong with this world, especially in 2017, that we tend to expect to gain happiness and success out of the hobbies, interests and activities that we spend our free time on while the rest of our time is spent working or sleeping. I’m not sure if this is true for everyone but I think it’s true for me. I think that everything in my life is so uncertain, so messy, so complicated and so challenging for me that I expect my hobbies to provide me an escape from reality and responsibility and send waves of happiness to my screwed up brain. 
Speaking of happiness, I want to mention one of the main reasons why I was prompted to write this very long post. Well, maybe not long by Tumblr standards but surely by my own!
I have recently been playing a game called Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds. It’s a PC game I’ve been playing with my friend Ben on Steam. The elevator pitch for this game is imagine you’ve been put into a Hunger Games style world where you are dropped on an island and must fight to the death with all the other inhabitants. It is simply amazing to realize that there are up to one hundred people in any given match of this game and it could be one hundred different people that you are fighting every time. One hundred different characters that represent one hundred real people, just like you and me. Except maybe not as nice. This game is super stressful, intimidating and difficult at times but HOLY SHIT it is fun. I can honestly say it is one of the best experiences I’ve ever had with a video game. The constant desire to finally get that win, or “chicken dinner” as the game refers to it, is the pure carnal force that is driving me to keep playing. I keep telling myself the frustration will pay off and I will eventually win.
Well, long story short, I have played countless matches of this game with Ben and I had never won a game of it until last night. We have made it into the top ten out of fifty teams on several occasions and have put over fifteen hours into this game so far but had never won up until this point. I won’t describe this play-by-play but here’s the general gist of it: my friend Ben died early in this match so I was left alone to proceed through the rest of the match. At first, I was completely unsure of how I could possibly proceed without him but then the number of players left in the game started sinking lower and lower until I was finally in the last ten remaining. And then eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. There were three players left, including myself. I had not landed many accurate shots in this match thus far and was almost sure that I would blow this. At last, I fired my virtual assault rifle and eliminated the last player. A screen popped up that said, “WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!” and gave me some match statistics. I was in a state of shock as Ben yelled in excitement and couldn’t believe it. After hours of trial and error, I had finally won. 
I know this post may sound completely trivial and unimportant to anyone but me. The truth is that video games mean a lot to me and being good at them means more than I wish it did. But I think that video games aren’t nearly as irrelevant or pointless as some people make them out to be. Personally, this was a learning experience for me that I needed to have long before adulthood. Sometimes, trial and error is the only method that leads to success. But if you don’t try in the first place, you can’t even reach the point of error. I worked past my fear of being bad at video games and the judgment that would follow by the other players and I accomplished a goal.
Simply put, I expect too much from video games. They have given me fun and happiness for years but how dare they not do this 100 percent of the time or else it will inevitably lead to me being pissed off and destructive.
So thank you, video games. You non-living, virtual, amazing, bullshit, absolutely wonderful creation.
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How to make yourself study
Everyone knows that learning is not so easy as it might seem at first glance. Every day the student has to gather in school, sit in class, memorize a lot of new information, record it, answer before the whole class and write control. But this is not the most difficult, because in addition they have to return home, where they can continue their education - read paragraphs, perform exercises received at home, teach poems and solve complex problems. Therefore, do not say, and training is a titanic work, especially for the child. There is nothing surprising in that, with such a tough regime, not all children survive, some of them begin to skip lessons, do not do homework, etc. However, forcing a child to learn is not the best way out of the situation. Approach to the learning process should be accurately, and most importantly, correctly!
In general, the question "How to make yourself study" is more often asked by students, since there is more for the school control desk: both teachers monitor your progress, and parents "squeeze" for bad grades, and other students do not treat you with respect if you are constantly in the "losers" for academic achievement. In lyceums, institutes and universities, control goes away from the student. Since you are considered an adult, who has the right to decide how to learn: good or bad. However, such freedom somewhat intoxicates a young man or a girl, and not all are able to come to their senses in time and think about the fact that with such a bustling life they can slide down the ladder of life. And then the student asks himself a difficult, but rather interesting question: "But how do you make yourself learn?" Today you will know the answer from Samedaypapers!
12 ways to get yourself to learn
Set the task correctly! First of all, you (the student) should correctly set yourself a task or goal. Think not about how to force yourself to learn, but about how to begin to learn well, because you still, in fact, are learning and will continue to learn. The wording of the task is very important, the person is a rather strange creature and if you force yourself to do anything, your subconscious mind will resist this, and will interfere with the planned tasks (learn lessons, listen to the teacher, etc.). And from such disobedience you will receive much more pleasure than from following your goal.
If you formulate your question in another way, for example: "How to finish this year perfectly?" Or "How to start a good study this semester?", Then you will not notice how to start looking for ways to get a good mark in school, that is, your consciousness will begin to work in cooperation with the subconscious mind, focusing on a positive result.
The psychological aspect is very important in the learning process, so try not to force yourself to learn, but to look for a good reason that can change your attitude towards learning in a favorable direction. But about this in the next paragraph.
Find the motivation (the reason) to learn well. As we have already said, the reason for learning is the best method in teaching. Your task is to find an incentive that would work just in your case. Motivation is of different nature, for example, on some, the following phrase works: If you do not start to learn, then in the next semester you will be expelled from the educational institution! Although this call does not work for another person.
For most, a good motivation is the prospect, but for some there is a long-term perspective: If I graduate this university perfectly, I can get a job with a high salary and the opportunity to move up the career ladder. For others, the perspective should be closer and real: If I finish the last semester well, my father will buy a ticket to the camp, where I will go with friends for the whole summer!
We do not know what can make you learn, but we know for sure that there is such a motivation. Find her! In general, we would say that the incentive to learn takes one of the main roles in school, if it is found and used by the student, then it is able to achieve incredible success.
If you are a parent and are reading this article in the hope that you will be able to understand how to make a child learn, we would advise you to find out about his relationships in the classroom. Sometimes the motivation to learn disappears precisely because of conflicts with other children. Especially often this happens with adolescents who rarely want to study in a school or other educational institution.
Equip your workplace. It would seem that such a petty question as equipping a student's workplace can affect learning, but believe me, it can dramatically change the speed of the homework and its quality. We agree that lying on the bed with a tablet or laptop - it's nice to do "homework", but it's completely ineffective. Since in a recumbent state a person remembers and understands it much worse, and most importantly - more slowly. This is due to the physiological features of the structure of human organs. Try to allocate to yourself in the house a small place in which you will be engaged exclusively in the affairs connected with training. A special feature of this place should be that it will not have a computer, no laptop, no tablet, no mobile phone. Only necessary notebooks, books and stationery (pen, pencil, eraser, etc.).
A computer or other technique can be very distracting from the learning process. After all, you have a lot of temptations: Skype, Facebook, interesting sites, movies, music, games, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to it only in those cases when it is specifically required for the performance of a particular task.
Those who are used to the desktop should always have a computer without it, the table seems boring and dull, we recommend organizing everything on the table in such a way that it looks beautiful and interesting: buy new bright stationery, replace the boring table lamp, new and original. In addition, the table is better placed near the window, so that not only daylight would illuminate the workplace, but also the view from the window would allow distraction or vice versa to concentrate.
If the computer takes a lot of free time from you, but you can not resist it, we advise you to think that computer radiation harms a person's health: worsens eyesight, there are ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract, and there are problems with the nervous system.
Change the dress code. Of course, clothes can not make learn to start, but its style can serve as a stroke of the starting flag for the athlete. Let's explain a little more: each of us knows how to distinguish a good student from the bad. A good student is always dressed neatly and strictly (especially for boys), which can not be said about a bad student, his style is always fundamentally different from the one that should be dressed in an educational institution. So, when this "not very good" student comes to a class in a strict suit, the attitude changes sharply, both among students and among the teaching staff. And the first thought that arises among others "Did Smith (for example) finally take up his mind and started to learn?!" Yes, yes, with the help of the usual change of image, it is possible to achieve such changes in the attitude towards oneself. Naturally, after everyone thinks about you so well, it will be difficult to turn into a loafer who goes to "pants".
Create an exciting lesson from the training (associative map method). You probably noticed that many girls in your group, at the lectures, are not recording a continuous text, but using different markers and citations. Their recorded lectures often represent not just a few pages of the teacher's handwritten phrases, but an entire masterpiece of art: important phrases are written in a different color, the rules are highlighted in various rectangular tables. In the text a lot of underscores and excretions markers or other inks. Even small sketches are made with a pencil and a ruler. Do you think they are just doing nonsense ?! Wrong, they turn a boring lecture into an interesting activity, doing coloring and highlighting the main points. In addition, at home they will be easier to remember this information, since they remember terms not only in meaning, but also visually, which allows you to quickly and better remember information.
When it is difficult to remember any information, try to understand it not literally, but through analogies.
To make the training even more interesting and comfortable, buy notebooks with beautiful covers, lead comfortable and bright notebooks and use multi-colored stickers for reminders. Change the pens more often and choose them not only for comfort in the letter, but also for a beautiful or unusual design. From time to time, use pens whose ink smells, a delicious smell will also lift your mood, and when you open the notebook you will not only remember your duties, but also about some tasty fruit or chewing gum.
Encourage yourself to succeed. Making a teenager or an adult boy (girl) learn is difficult, but it is quite possible. Use for this purpose methods of encouragement, for example: You today have disaccustomed and have not received any bad mark - praise yourself and allow yourself today an hour or two to walk. And if they also got a good mark on an important subject, then you can still encourage yourself with something delicious (chips, chocolate or pizza). Passed the exam or test work - here you have a bigger prize: go to a club, a cafe or a disco with your friends. Remember, encouragement should only be in case, if you really deserve it. If they were guilty, then there could be no question of any prize or rest. You must realize all the sweetness of victory and the bitterness of defeat.
Appreciate yourself for successes soberly and honestly, sometimes the stretched four deserves praise more than the hard five. In addition to evaluations, you yourself can be encouraged for learned tickets, homework done, going to the library, active work at the lesson, etc. That is, the results can be expressed in completely different ways. Do not focus on evaluations. It will be more correct to fix oneself on the knowledge gained. After all, as we know, the assessments that teachers put to us are not always objective.
The first step is difficult! The most difficult moment in training is the first step, the beginning of the process. Admit to yourself how often it was that you delayed your homework until the last hours of your waking hours ?! Probably, quite often - after all there are always things that seem more important than homework. Agree that starting to do homework is always more difficult than ending it. It is so?!
The main reason for a difficult start is a banal laziness. Homework can be a matter of 15 minutes, but you have to sit down and start thinking about it, but you do not want to do it. The faster you fight laziness, the faster you will start to learn well.
Learn well from the first semester! If you decide to finish this year with good marks and show yourself in a better light before teachers, parents and friends, then start to study well from the first semester. Do not postpone business for later. At the beginning of the year (after the holidays), all tasks will accumulate gradually, and this is a chance to solve them quickly and correctly. If you pull, then towards the end of this year or semester get an unpleasant situation, the time until the end will be small, and there will be many cases and tasks. And you already will not think about good marks, but about having time to pass the subject before the session. Learn to distribute the training load evenly and then all of you must get it!
Work more in the classroom so that less is left on the house. A cunning way for those who know how to appreciate their time. Very often it happens that the teacher has time to finish the lesson before the call and not to load you with unnecessary information, offers to do their own business. This time we do not advise you to waste, you are still at school, at the desk and can not communicate loudly with friends, so use this time with good reason: start doing your homework. Let not on this subject, but on another, let not even tomorrow. It does not matter! The main thing is that you will save yourself time at home, which means that extra 10-20 minutes will be able to walk with friends in the fresh air.
Organize competitions and marathons. Try to negotiate with the parents in a kind of competition, in which they will act as sponsors of prizes. For example: if you get good marks for algebra in the next two weeks, then they will buy you a new mobile phone after these two weeks (for example). Time and gift can vary depending on your success in studying earlier, as well as on the well-being of the family. If you put conditions for a year or a semester, then take into account two factors, first, for six months or a year, the family budget may change (and not always for the better), so try to get from the parents guarantees of a purchase. Secondly, consider that it is very, very difficult to motivate yourself to buy the same bike all year long. Sooner or later you can not hold the raised bar.
Properly dispose of your time. Try to learn and rest on the compiled regime. For example, immediately after classes do not come and sit at the computer, but come and sit at the kitchen table, eat, then go to do homework, and in the evening go out for a walk or go to the club. Thus, you will always know that at this time you need to do homework, not rest. Do not be afraid to experiment with your regime, because some of them can not be forced to study right after the lessons, they first need rest, and they start the lessons the next day early in the morning, but this regime is rather risky, since there is always a chance to oversleep.
Develop in yourself the willpower. Sometimes it happens that no contest and no motivation can make you start to study as a student. In such cases, there is only one piece of advice: "Stiffen your teeth, gather all will power into a fist and by all means start learning!" Not because I want so much, but because it's so necessary! ". Thus, you will develop in yourself the will power, which in the future more than once will come in handy. Good luck!
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But the heat and humid air outdoors forces companies and business owners to crank up the air conditioning. By no means mind that the office temp is already a chilly sixty eight. Nobody seems to keep in mind that while you blast chilly air on a warm body, the body and its immune system are chilly shocked. Viruses sneak in then and soon the frequent chilly has taken over. My igloo, or more importantly, my desk, is positioned almost directly beneath the AC vent. This makes my workspace very chilly all day lengthy.
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canaryatlaw · 8 years
So I'm kind of tired, but it's more of a you woke up at 7 am and are still awake at 1 am go to bed tired rather than a complete and total state of exhaustion. This has also been the first week when I've gotten out of bed on time every morning since at least the beginning of February. I'm very happy about that. Anyway, today was pretty good, busy but good. I did wake up at 7, got ready and went to work, where I continued to work on the huge stack of trial prep papers I have, which I am slowly but surely making progress on. After spending another 8 hours on it I'd say I'm probably a third of the way through. The document I'm writing up is around 30 pages. Sigh. This is gonna take a while. But yeah, I worked on that pretty much all day, which is fine, it's boring but it's not terrible, at least it requires some brain power in summarizing and formulating what to write, so it's better than just flipping through files aimlessly. Over my lunch hour I traded between reading my oral argument outline and catching up on fanfiction, lol. I feel like I'm not making a dent into the massive back up in my inbox, but I am steadily reading and deleting emails, so it's gotta add up at some point. Hopefully over break I'll have time to really address that. The highlight of the day came around 4:40 shortly before I had to go. I had given my supervisor the affiliation agreement and first report we needed to do for field placement for him to sign off on, and the office has the supervisors do a mid-point and end-point evaluation that they keep on file in case you want to work there (since pretty much everyone they hire has clerked for them) so he had me look it over at the same time and omg you guys, it was so nice I wanted to start crying. I was a little nervous about it because I did miss a lot of days because I was so fucking exhausted for an entire month, and there was that whole incident with the crazy attorney saying I lied to her (which I knew he knew wasn't true, but still) but it was nothing but compliments and it really made me so happy. I actually wrote it down on my computer to put in my "cheer up notes" doc and I wanted to share with you guys what it was because it made me so happy, so here it is: “Rachel is hard-working, intelligent and has an incredible ability to learn the mission statement of the Office of the Public Guardian. She is an excellent legal writer and is very open to receiving comments. She has good courtroom presence and is a pleasure to work with in the office. She has all the elements in her to become a remarkable attorney and guardian ad litem.” Like......I don't think I could ask for a more glowing recommendation. And like, I do work hard. I work really hard, but I don't necessarily expect it to be noticed, I've kind of been conditioned to think it's the way it HAS to be if you want any chance of surviving in the real world, and maybe it is, but to see it really noticed like that just made me really, really happy. So that left me on a good note, though I then proceeded to leave my lunchbox in the refrigerator, where it'll hopefully stay for the next week since I'll be on spring break. Whoops, lol. So I had to do my oral argument at school at 5:30, and I did not trust public transportation to get me there on time because I've been burned way too many times by it. I knew getting an uber would mean having to deal with traffic, but I figured it still gave me a better shot. Except my uber app crashed like 3 times before I could even get one, so I ended up saying fuck it and used Lyft (not that it really matters, since most drivers are on both). Got a nice driver, had a pleasant conversation with her, traded stories of crazy funny things her kids have done and my siblings have done. It was nice. I ended up getting to school around 5:25, a little later than I would've liked but it worked. Our prof wanted us to go in pairs, one for each side, so we could argue against each other basically. So the girl I'm against is already there, we're friends so it's not a big deal, but we sit and talk for a few before our prof shows up and we get started. Overall it went pretty well, there were a few times I kind of got stuck cuz she like brought up a case I hadn't read and I just had to admit that which kind of sucked (but at the end she said in real life that wouldn't happen because you'd get your opponent's brief in advance so you'd know what to argue). But she said we both did really well, and I can deal with that. So I was happy with that. By the time we finished it was like 5:55, and I had small group at 7:30 so I had some time to kill. I went down to the lounge but it was like, completely and totally deserted so I didn't feel like sticking around there, so I went to the subway down the street and got some food since my dinner was in my lunchbox in the fridge at the office. I still had some time to kill after that, so I went across the street and got some tea from Starbucks and sat in there for a while, reading the law review article we're supposed to read for LARC tomorrow. By 7 I started heading over to the church and made it right on time. Small group was good, it was focused a lot on loving your neighbor, which if you've been following me for any length of time you know is a subject I can wax poetic on for hours on end because I have so very many feelings on the topic. It's one of the reasons I picked this small group over the others that fit into my schedule, because it's called "knowing God and loving others" and I liked that a lot. So we read the story of the Good Samaritan which of course I could recite to you by heart at this point. Then they had us break up into pies to discuss our thoughts on it and I got paired with this kind of awkward guy who was sitting next to me, he's probably at least 30 and balding quite a bit and just generally quiet, but I'm good at talking, especially on a subject like this, so we were able to keep a decent discussion going. When we reconvened as a group and they wanted to know what we talked about I of course brought up my distaste for how just about everyone walks by the homeless without so much as a second thought, as if they're not even human, and how Christians have become so good at limiting our compassion to those we think deserve it, which goes exactly against the lesson the bible is teaching here. I also talked about how love is essentially the central tenet of Christianity (1 John 4:8- "God is love" "all the commandments come down to this- love the Lord you God with all your heart soul and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself") and yet we've become so good at getting stuck in the complex pieces and tangential issues of religion without first applying love as an overriding principle, which is how you get the strict religious types like the Pharisees and their modern day equivalents (I don't need to name names, you know who I'm talking about). I then also brought up the les mis quote I'm quite fond of, "to love another person is to see the face of God," meaning God is the definition of pure love, his very character is reflected in you loving the people around you in the most selfless way. And I just think that's such a perfect way to put it, really. So yeah, as evidenced by the last several hundred words, this is obviously an issue I could go on about at length, so it was nice to get some of that out tonight. I've been enjoying small group a lot, though getting home afterwards has been a pain. I took the bus to the normal train stop I've been using for the route to church, but the bus was still 20 minutes away. Boo. It was 9:30 at that point, and the donut shop I tried the other day is right there and doesn't close till 10, so I figured if I have to wait 20 minutes for a bus I at least want to do it with a donut. I feel like actually trying one of their donuts on Sunday was a bad idea because now whenever I'm waiting I'm gonna be like "mmmm, donuts" because now I know how good they are. They obviously only had a limited selection left, but I ended up picking a captain crunch Bismarck donut, which ended up being like the exact type of donut I always want haha, it was a glazed donut stuffed with captain crunch infused vanilla custard with a few pieces of captain crunch on top, and it was just heaven. Eventually the bus did come, and eventually I did get home. I wasn't ready for bed yet so I turned on Training Day, which was a pretty solid episode. I need to know how many more episodes we're getting though, and how they're gonna wrap it up. As far as I can tell they haven't released any press beyond episode 1x07, but that may not mean anything left. It stinks because the show did have a lot of potential, but you really can't continue on when you lose the actor who is legit the main character and heart of the show. Sigh. It was good though, plenty of good action for Rebecca which I always appreciate. Then I watched Powerless quickly, which was hilarious as always, and I loved the captain cold shoutout, very funny episode. Then I spent like 15 minutes facing my damn affiliation agreement and evaluation to the field placement lady, though I probably shouldn't complain because she's been exceedingly patient with my quite late submission of these documents, probably because it's a pass/fail situation, but I still appreciate it. And yeah, then I packed my bag quickly because tomorrow is the start of the church kids team retreat a bit outside of the city, just for one night. Should be fun though! I'm looking forward to it, even if I may be the youngest person there 😂 we'll see. And then I got ready for bed and hear we are. I am tired though so I'll sign off here. Goodnight ladies and gents. Happy Friday.
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