#i did put a little more meat on his bones but nothing that warrants a full body shot
ssspringroll · 8 months
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ok so maybe i altered his vibe more than i usually do but i got possessed so dont worry about it ok.
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Edils instant ramen adventure #2: Nongshim Gourmet spicy
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Because linking these together makes for better future reference.
So I've had this ramen before, and yeah, it is spicy. When I was previously desensitized to it I stopped crying every time I ate it but I can't say I expect that same mercy today. Out of the eight remaining flavors, I chose this one because @powerwordcum recommended a specific way to prepare it that I'd like to try and write about later but first I need to have a recent control taste (very official food blogged business, you understand).
Today I am deadass too lazy to fry any eggs.
Anyway, the preparation for this is simple, it just takes and extraordinary 7 minutes I'm the microwave (really nothing from someone who occasionally likes my maruchan cooked for 12. Usually I don't admit this without being waterboarded, because people react with horror. But for sciences sake)
Upon leaving the microwave, my ramen was dry as fuck because I am a filthy American who has no close what the 700 ml reccomend on the label estimates so and I want about to look it up. Science
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I put some more water in
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Stirred and ate!
I noticed that the noodles are semi translucent, making me think they've absorbed some of the soup broth, but I find myself underwhelmed by the flavor when I taste it. While not at all tasing bad, I wouldn't say this tasted strongly in its own right. The noodles are still nicely sheet, however, and pretty thick without being too much so.
I noticed many of the rehydrated flakes (which look to be seaweed and mushroom pieces) stick stubbornly to the edges of the bowl, and the more I eat, it seems, the less broth I have. While I am not eager to enter a chugging competition with some thirsty noodles, I will not back down from a challenge.
Spice level for the noodles is a solid medium-low burn around the tongue, my lips feel pretty normal despite my horse-like slurping. I did get a random throat punch of spice, but that doesn't seem consistent. It's also worth noting that the spice does build if as you continue to eat, and is exacerbated by the warmth of the noodles themselves. Not for the faint of tolerance.
Sipping the broth does not immediately warrant a cough, and it DOES make me want to go back for a second sip, even a third. It's got a richness to it that might be a meat/bone broth I'm the base that I appreciate, and I would go back to drink it.
While craveable for it's spice and broth, I find myself frustrated with the flakes, who's only purpose seem to be adding something to get dried on in the dishwasher if you aren't careful. I'd even go as far as saying the mushroom tastes actively bad. And I like mushroom!
The sodium level is high, but not as high as the Jongga kimchi. However, the Shin ramen doesn't have the variety of flavor offered by the acidic kimchi, that make the Jongga ramen superior for the sensory variety. Also, I feel decently full after eating these noodles! It's not a particularly large portion, but it wasn't meager either.
I would call the Shin and Jongga ramen equals, with strengths and weaknesses in different areas, placing the Shin ramen at a 7/10. I'm not really eating for cooking time, but its worth knowing that although the Jongga ramen has a deceptive 3 minute wait, one should factor in the time it takes to bring the water to a boil, so both ramens cook at approximately the same speed.
Now for that other people are saying:
We asked expert witness @powerwordcum for his opinion on these noodles. Here's what he had to say
Ive only had the spicy kind, but its p good, a little high on my spice tolerance but still tolerable. Noodles soft but not *crumbly* like maurachen. What I like to do is give it two fried eggs, stir some mayo into the water * PRE POWDER * and put some green onions
We'll follow up on his recipe, the next time we get green onions from the store (they spoil like a bitch, though!)
Amazon reviews show Shin ramen to be a very popular brand. Many recommenders offer only praises, especially highlighting the texture of the ramen. One recommends draining the broth to get a spicier noodle (heresy) and another recommend adding a bone broth to make up for the Gourmet Spicy's lack of flavor in comparison to some of Shin's other flavors, which does make me curious about comparing some of those. (Another uses half the spice packet and half chicken bullion for a less spicy, similar effect)
The abundance of complimentary recipes does give this ramen an advantage, and being able to find an abundance of ways to mix it up is something people on the fence might like to know. However, we don't give Popularity points in my house.
Notable reviews include those titled "might be poisonous"!
While no one seems willing to SELL a child for this ramen, it does seem incredibly popular among spicy tolerant kids and teens. The price fluctuates, though mine were roughly 2 bucks per bowl, which i'd day is reasonable.
Without much new information in the mix, I'd say this one continues to sit at a solid 7/10.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
I'm pursuing him on special warrant and he is going to go down and probably won't make it to Easter maybe not even Christmas and he is a vulgar person. He's trying to get into the character of The Hitchhiker of the Galaxy to take over biden's job
Tommy f is a warlock and Trump is and they wiped each other's fleet out and their waste of time actually they all are but didn't have to get rid of them except for these two provoked it to happen and they should not be congratulated or helped they should not even be given a warm hearts to live near and should not be given a warm meal to eat... This should not be given the client place to go that seems like dan it is. And he's going to be gone shortly from here he just planned and he's leaving for a long time coming back for a day or two leaving for a long time soon he'll be out completely and he keeps on forcing her son to have stuff it was a stupid code name on it and he's ridiculous needs to pay for it. We're doing all sorts of work
Most of it is down here no but we're doing a bunch of work in Florida and we get grief from these idiots more than anybody and it is generated by them and we have absolutely no use for these people it they're absolutely utterly useless and I'll tell you what they're just parasites and they put a damper on everything that we tried to do even though I made it easier to do they're not worth keeping around and we have several million requests a day to come and just pick them up and we do and we go get them and we pull them out it's many more than that but I'm so sick of looking at them they're so ugly they're so mean and nasty the life they don't try for it they don't have a right to life and Lily's nasty too he's an idiot the same stupid things to our son. Now I got the police attention about this amount this a****** thing and he's put it in his Jesus film his little TV show this is Giant profile he says so we're going to awaken that giant you can use this idiots and crush him and take the ship out that's there and destroy his areas and I'm not doing that I didn't have him go there but a bunch of people did know that guy's a fool what's going on shortly. We have Manning machine up there and we have a vortex hole ready all we need is Trump's meat to show up because we're challenging him using those too the ship is prepped
Thor Freya
Shut up Trump you're such a huge loser I can't believe that you're such a little baby and they let you in such a position it's indicative of the lack of respect and lack of adult behavior that your entire kind represents on this planet and you must be extinguished and you're a shining example of just how irresponsible they are and your proof positive that they're trying to get away with ringing something into use you as a shield it was just so blatant and so easy to read that you ruined the Max and then you opened your mouth on top of it you're an arrogant spoiled little brat and you ruin every single thing that you touch for yourself and your people and by the way you're going to end up in the mound outback because we're planning to put you there and you're a sack religious cow and you keep on getting milk now I'm going to activate those monsters up there and the Giant and there's two of them and we're going to slaughter a particular area of yours using it in the ship and you have nothing that you can do about it at all
Zues Hera
No s*** I'm challenged
Mentally and physically
Zues Hera
We're going out there now and we're going to take him apart he's already heading up there he says and we don't care how many you bring we have plenty of monsters to raise up there I'm going to use your blood and your muscles send you organs and Bones to do it the whole thing you're a lot more healthy than corky we recognize that and we need that
Thor Freya
He's racing up there and we're glad you said that and turned it around and we're glad that he marked it out of ignorance total ignorance they had no idea what was up there he's an absolute fool and not tell you I haven't seen many people that are that stupid
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