#i did so much research trying to make sure the mooncakes i was writing about were real LOL
rose-of-the-valley · 2 years
Mooncake Headcanons Pt. 1
Featuring the demon brothers! (all others coming soon in a separate post!)
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Mooncakes are one of my favorite holiday foods even though they're getting more and more expensive every year. My mom used to make them when I was little so that she could make them with the fillings she liked, which then led to us knowing the extent of how bad these things are for your cholesterol.
I still eat them though because I think they're delicious and I am no stranger to hedonism. I would eat an entire box of mooncakes in a day if people would let me.
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Lucifer's favorite mooncake flavor is Wu Ren (five kernels/mixed nuts). It's a pretty traditional mooncake filling, favored among older generations but less popular with younger people
Thus, perfect for the Devildom's resident Old Man™
If you remind him about the Mid-Autumn Festival early enough, he might even ask Diavolo for permission to bring you to the human world to celebrate
Knock on his study door the night before with an ornate box of them. He'll actually pause his work for once, even pulling out a bottle of demonus for the occasion
Offer to feed him a piece and his eyes will go wide, but he'll chuckle and let you do it anyway, so long as you can keep it a secret
"Mooncakes? Is it that time of year already? I'll have to arrange for us to go see a lion dance together. You'll share these with me later, won't you?"
He's not particularly picky about what flavor he gets, but his favorites have a salted egg yolk core. Bonus points if it's got two
The sweet-and-salty combo is admittedly good, but mostly it's about the fact that the golden center makes him think of money
If you're planning on surprising this demon with a gift box, you better hide it well. They sell for a lot, and he's got a knack for finding things in hidden spots
If you manage to pull it off, watch this demon light up with joy. He knows how much they cost, so you must care for him a lot if you got him some
The tsundere will never admit that that's why he's happy, of course. He'll brush it off saying he's only blushing because it's warm, never mind that it's the middle of fall
"Whaddya mean the egg yolk's supposed to represent the full moon? Doesn't that look like Grimm to ya? Whatever, ya better not have gotten mooncakes for anyone else!"
Everyone's favorite otaku loves red bean mooncakes
You can bet that there's an Azuki-tan limited edition mooncake design that he just has to get
Imagine his surprise when you show up at his door two days before the release with a box of them! Just for him!
Poor guy can't decide between asking what strings you pulled to get these and just blurting out that he loves you. What comes out is a garbled mix of the two followed by a string of attempted clarifications
You'll have to convince him to actually eat them; he loves them so much that he tries to keep them on his shelf with all his other merch and gifts from you
"T-These are the Azuki-tan mooncakes! They only release them once a decade! I'll cherish them forever! Now we gotta watch the episode the design is based on!"
A bit more into modern styles than his older brothers, Satan's found that his favorite mooncakes are lava custard
The gooey liquid center surprised him the first time he had one, but he found that he quite liked this alternative to salted egg yolk fillings - it provided a nice flavor contrast without the annoyance of the egg yolks falling out when you tried to cut them
(Besides, think of the look on Lucifer's face when he gets these from an "anonymous fan" and cuts one open only to spill egg yolk everywhere!)
Catch him when he doesn't have his nose buried in a book (or cat fur) so you can share these without worrying about making a mess
However, when you find him he's got a box of your favorite flavor in his hand. He likes to keep up with human world holidays, after all
"You know, I've heard that you're supposed to solve lantern riddles for Mid-Autumn Festival. You'll come with me to try and guess some, right?"
Asmo's favorites are snow skin mooncakes
Look at how delicate and beautiful they are! Just like him!
He's definitely snapping a bunch of pics for Devilgram. Cue a collage of him holding up mooncake halves and winking or blowing kisses at the camera
Of course, if you were the one to gift him the mooncakes, then you have to be in the photos too! Show the Devildom how much you love him and how adorable you both are!
His favorites are the ones where you're feeding each other a bite. He'll only post the one where you're using dessert forks though, saving any spicier ones for his personal collection
"Oooh they're so pretty! Look at all these colors! If you come to my room later I'll show you how thankful I am ♡"
While he'll take any mooncakes he gets, Beel's favorites are the savory Suzhou style mooncakes with a minced meat filling
Soft and flaky, they're not as dense as regular mooncakes, but oddly enough they feel more satisfying than their sugary counterparts
When you share these with Beel, he'll likely try to devour them in one bite, which really isn't too bad of an idea considering how many crumbs these flaky pastries leave
If you're feeding him though, be careful not to get your fingers bitten
You won't have to worry about saving any for yourself. The holiday is about family after all, and Beel loves nothing more than sharing with the people he loves
"I want to have a big dinner with everyone. Then I want to share these with you after. They'll taste better if I eat them with you."
Belphie's favorite is another regional variant - specifically the Teochew/Chaoshan thousand layer mooncake. He prefers his with a mochi and black sesame paste filling
This demon loves the human world, and with the mochi craze it's no wonder that this is his (current) preference
Take him out for an Authentic Festival Experience™ and surprise him at the end with these mooncakes. Break one in half and feed it to him if you want to see him blush
He might be sleepy after a day of activities, but he'll try to stay awake and admire the full moon with you
If he does fall asleep, you can bet he'll be dreaming about laying under the moonlight with you
"Hey, come lie down next to me. Just make sure you don't get any crumbs on my pillow, ok?"
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