#i did the same thing here and i was able to kill the hidden hilichurls
rubys-domain · 1 year
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well that was weird
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marisramblings · 2 years
Kaeya x gn!reader (can be platonic or romantic)
Kaeya’s favorite drink is out of stock. With nothing drowning out the voices of his past, Kaeya’s only option is battle.
A pounding headache is a terrible battle companion.
Despite being in the height of its season, Death After Noon was nowhere to be found in Mondstat. Every bar he went to was out of his favorite drink and his backup drinks. He even went to Diona, but left at the glare she gave him. If looks could kill…
“We’re out, Kaeya.”
Going back to the Angel’s Share had been a desperate attempt. Despite the years they had spent together, Kaeya had never been able to consistently tell when Diluc was lying. Didn’t stop him from trying, though.
“C’mon, Master Diluc,” he retorted with a grin. “Did we have a fight I’m not remembering?” He leaned over the bar, partly to support himself as the room spun slightly.
His headache started forming then. It had been nearly a week since he last had a decent drink. Normally, he’d lower his standards and drink that piss they called ale, but it seemed that everything Kaeya tasted the last few days was off and flavorless.
“My mora is the same as anyone else’s—”
Diluc’s face shifted minutely. Most would be unable to parse one of his grumpy faces from another, but Kaeya knew he was edging into dangerous territory. He had let too much annoyance slip through.
“We’re out. Now leave, Sir Kaeya.”
An hour later and here Kaeya was, clearing out Hilichurl and treasure hoarder camps with a concerning fervor. He was covered in sweat, his arms sore and legs burning, but the adrenaline gave him focus. With no alcohol to dull his racing thoughts, he instead sought the heat of battle. The fear in his enemies' eyes when they realized the fight had never been in their favor.
Kaeya methodically works his way from one end of the map to the other. Down goes one treasure hoarder after another. He quickly dispatches hilichurls and abyss mages, sparing no parting words for their cursed existences. He takes particular joy in fighting that unusual hilichurl at Windrise and Wolvendom. Taking a Frostarm lawachurl one on one had been a little reckless, but what’s life without risk?
Maybe they’ll have some decent wine in this mess.
The Cavalry Captain haphazardly dresses his wounds. A ley line near Springvale has been acting up, so he goes there next. A couple of mitachurls are child's play, the large group of treasure hoarders that appear are less so. The ground is spinning, but Kaeya’s used to fighting with limited vision. His breathing is erratic, but he presses on.
What a suspicious man.
He’s a captain? The knights have clearly lowered their standards.
Get out.
Each unbidden thought is hidden behind a sword strike. Every unwanted feeling is a blast of cryo. He was slowing, his steps are off balance and he strikes with less force. He misses more hits than he lands. A hoarder lands a well placed kick but Kaeya rolls with it to strike with frostgnaw.
Kaeya, I’m disappointed.
How could you attack a child?
You’re no longer my brother.
Kaeya, you are our people’s last hope.
His headache worsens as lights flash across his sight. The bitter taste of blood covers his tongue, but he can’t stop, can’t allow things to rise beyond the fog of his mind, he—he just can’t. The sounds of ringing steel threaten to pull him from the present moment.
“Amber, now!” is all the warning he receives before a familiar arrow strikes the dynamite barrel meters away.
For archon’s sake. Kaeya ducks away to avoid the blast, but the force knocks him off course. He lands on his feet but immediately falls to his knees, clamping his mouth against the bile rising in his throat.
Maybe I have been overdoing it today.
Before he can take stock of the situation, a chain wraps around him. Kaeya tries to move, but his limbs are tightly bound. The world is a blur as he tips to the ground, headache worsening as his head meets the ground. He can barely make out the remaining treasure hoarders being taken down with an overload combo. These people can’t be working with the treasure hoarders..wait, did one of them say Amber?
“Kaeya Alberich,” a familiar voice sighs.
“Hiya, Y/N.” He gives a wink to the adventurer. “To what do I owe the pleasure—” Before he can continue, they pick him up, hefting him above their head. It takes all of his effort to not hurl from the elevation change.
“Amber, thanks for the assistance. I’ll handle him from here.”
The outrider salutes. “No problem! I’ll get some of the guards on patrol to lug these thieves to prison.”
“Ahem, while I love being in your arms, think you could let me out?”
Y/N and Amber share a look. “That may be the worst line I’ve ever heard.” The adventurer rolls their eyes. “You definitely need rest.”
Kaeya attempts to wriggle out from his binds but their surroundings start to roll. “I’m perfectly fine and how did you know I was here?”
Y/N begins the trek to the nearest waypoint. “Death After Noon is out of stock. Did a quick check of your creepy list. Easy inference to make.”
So this is what being hoisted by your own petard feels like. Kaeya puts on as positive an affect as he can. “I’m not sick, and I do have my duties as captain to attend to.”
“I'll let you out if you can point in the direction of town. Wanna try?”
Kaeya can barely tell up from down. Not like I can embarrass myself any more.
“Seeing you fall flat on your face would be more embarrassing.”
Did I say that out loud?
“Yes, and that as well.”
Y/N sets him gently on the ground, then starts to finagle with the teleport.
“I don’t understand pushing yourself to the point of complete exhaustion,” they grumble. “You’re as bad as Jean. It’s completely foolish that so much of the Knights’ leadership is determined to work to death.“
“Sorry to be such an inconvenience.” Even Kaeya can tell that his response is laced with venom.
They glare. “Don’t twist my words, you’re off duty for the rest of the week. Jean’s orders.”
Kaeya tries again to free himself but the nausea comes back in full force.
“I’m not getting out of this, am I?“ he sighs.
“And where are you taking me?”
The waypoint starts to glow and Y/N picks Kaeya up again.
“Were you always this strong?”
They shrug. “Been working out.”
One minute Kaeya had been watching the green fields of Springvale as they spun, and the next he found himself in bed with a few more blankets than normal tucked around his chest. His body feels sore and a little too warm but a little too cold. His headache has lessened to a repetitive dull thud and he can barely breathe. It takes monumental effort to turn his head. Kaeya blinks both eyes at a weird contraption with steam rising from its top. He quickly covers right eye. Where’s my eyepatch? “What's that?” He croaks. Why does my throat hurt?
Footsteps sound from behind him and Kaeya is greeted with Y/N holding a bowl. “Mint is good for clearing your sinuses, so I jerry rigged a diffuser. I also made you chicken noodle soup.”
“Chicken noodle?”
“Well, it's a common adage that chicken soup is the best for colds. Realistically, it's the consistent replenishment of liquids that helps, but I find the sentimentality comforting.” They set the bowl down on the bedside table. “Do you need help sitting up?”
He shakes his head, regretting it instantly. “It feels like a church bell is ringing in my head.”
Y/N hands him the bowl when he sits upright. He takes a tentative sip of the soup. It was warm.
“That’s what happens when you walk around sick and fight to the point of exhaustion.” Their face dips in concern as they place a hand to his forehead. “You had a fever of 100°. You probably started with a milder cold earlier in the week. Didn’t you find it weird that you couldn’t taste anything?”
So that’s why everything was off.
“Lack of sleep, lack of food and liquids, alcohol withdrawal symptoms-“
How do they know all of this?
Y/N stops and reaches over for a small plate.
“Are those oranges?”
They nod. “You need some vitamin c.”
He smothers his surprise under a cough, one that quickly turns real. He takes the glass of water offered. “When did you have time to do all of this and change me?” he asks when the hacking subsides.
“You’ve been asleep for nearly a day. I found a few hours to go and scrounge up materials. Been checking your fever every hour too. Finally broke at 14:00.”
“You’ve been here since yesterday?“ he coughs again.
“Hey, take it easy. Focus on eating your soup. You know how hard it is to make noodles from scratch?” They pat his head. “I did take off most of your clothes but left your undergarments on. Seriously, how do you put on all of this stuff every day?” They give a nervous smile.
Kaeya elects to sip his soup in response. After some minutes, it becomes clear that Y/N won’t be leaving anytime soon. “You don't have to stay here. I'm sure you have more important matters to attend to.” Kaeya rasps.
Are they trying to get on my good side? They already knows my secret.
Y/N looks him dead in the eyes. “My friend is sick, what could be more important than that? You're not getting rid of me that easy.” Their voice brokers no disagreement. “Besides, I brought cards. Maybe if you're feeling better later on, we can also work on your writing.”
“I think I'm coming along good enough.”
“I saw the rules you wrote for Klee. ‘Grounded be thy woe, Klee be doomed’.”
"I still consider that an improvement."
Y/N flicks his forehead. "Eat."
To say Kaeya is discomfited by this treatment would be an understatement. He had gotten sick over the last few years on his own, but he had handled things himself. Someone taking the effort to stalk and get him to rest, researching and feeling confident in their knowledge of him…he wasn’t sure if he was concerned or appreciative. Kaeya contemplates this unexpected development as he eats the soup. It’s seasoned well enough for his dulled taste buds to register. “Never thought I’d say oranges and soup were a good combo.”
Y/N waves away the praise. “I got the idea from Xiangling. Ginger is good for sore throats and covering up the taste of medicine. She says she’ll treat you to a free meal next time you’re in Liyue.”
After Kaeya finishes the food, he feels his eyes start to close. Y/N puts up the dishes and climbs onto the opposite side of the bed to tuck him.
“Get some sleep. I’ll check up on you in a bit.”
He reaches out a hand to stop them from getting up.
“Could you—” Can you stay.
“Play something?” he finishes. Kaeya feels off asking for more of their time as if the adventurer hadn’t spent the last week watching over him. But he was lonely and tired and maybe it wouldn’t hurt to ask for more.
Y/N gives him a small smile. “I don’t have my lyre on hand but I can probably hum one of the melodies I’m working on.”
They scoot over and he lays his head on their shoulder.
“Aren’t you worried about getting sick?”
Y/N lowers their head onto his. “Go to sleep.”
Jean, Amber and Klee were covering his duties. Albedo and Barbara more than likely helped with the medicine. Even Xiangling, who he had only briefly talked to at the previous year’s Lantern Rite, had pitched in. A strange feeling settled in his chest. Maybe, I’m not as alone as I think. The soft, lilting tunes of Y/N’s humming lulls him to sleep.
Approximately one week earlier~
Diluc looks up from the glass he’s cleaning as the door to the Angel’s Share chimes. It’s only mid afternoon, but a patron or two showing up this early isn’t unheard of. He is surprised to see a particular adventure stride over to the bar.
“Y/N. What do you need?”
“How much mora to buy all of your Death After Noon?” Straight to the point as always.
“Buying it all won’t stop Kaeya from drinking, or finding it elsewhere.”
Their gaze doesn’t waver. “I’ve already cleared out the surrounding bars and Diona promised to kick Kaeya out as soon as he shows up.”
“While impressive, it won’t stop the bars from restocking and I will need more incentive than stopping one drunk.”
“I’ve got that covered.”
“You can’t stop a supply chain.”
They smirk. “I already did.”
Diluc nearly drops the glass. “What—”
“Let’s say I’ve disrupted the supply chain for at least 2 weeks. How much?”
“That’s at least 45 million mora in lost revenue-“
He’s cut off with Y/N signing a piece of paper.
They slide it over the bar. “50 million mora. Consider the extra five as an incentive to keep this secret.”
Diluc feels the glass heat. It takes concentrated effort to not melt it. “How!”
They promptly get up and say, “You’ll have to cash it at Northland Bank, but it’s good. Thanks, Diluc.” and walk out.
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addictofanimation · 4 years
My Dudes...
I had a very strange idea since yesterday and I felt the need to just tell someone about it.
A Frozen x Genshin Impact crossover.
Two different versions of this has been going around in my brain and it's driving me insane.
Part 1
The first one is simply Kaeya just strutting into her castle like he owns the place and - to Elsa's surprise - offers to teach her to control her powers. Kaeya knows that Elsa is mostly non-combatant and decides to mostly teach her defensive moves and is even able to convince her to learn a couple attacks. She needs to defend herself after all.
That leaves Diluc to have to join up with Anna, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf (much to his annoyance) after saving them. For the most part, he just puts up with them because he needs to find his brother and he knows he followed the queen when she fled. He and Kristoff don't get along very well at first because Diluc finds him a little too strange and Kristoff has a crush on Anna while Diluc ain't a bad-looking guy. Diluc starts to like him when he and Anna get into a fight over Hanz. He doesn't know why he likes Anna and eventually warms up to Olaf.
I can't come up with a clear conclusion of how this one would end other than Kaeya getting captured along with Elsa, but probably not being there for the final showdown since he's still locked up and Diluc tries to find him. If either of them were there it would have ended too fast.
I also don't know if Diluc would show his powers when he saves Anna and Kristoff. Would Abyss Mages be a thing here? What would they be doing?
Part 2
The second one is the normal switched places scenario with a twist. Diluc is supposed to be crowned king soon and Kaeya is the one who hides his ice powers. When Crepus adopted him, he didn't know about his powers and neither did Kaeya. Things get a little weird when his powers start to show and he panics and tries to hide it by wearing gloves all the time.
He already heard the whispers of disdain in the halls about his origins and what could the king be thinking. If they knew he had powers as well, he's certain they would kill him.
He starts to distance himself from Diluc and Crepus until the man finds out about his powers and gently confronts him to comfort the scared boy. Once he's heard the whole story, he gets Kaeya to agree to tell Diluc and the three make plans to go out hunting to break the news. He also tells Kaeya that he has a surprise for him on the trip. (Spoiler: the surprise was that Diluc had powers too.)
Tragedy hits when Crepus dies on the trip while saving their lives. It isn't until they get back to the palace that it's revealed that the ambush was for Kaeya (whether these were civilians, hilichurls, Abyss Mages or something else altogether is still up for debate). Diluc, blinded by grief, lashes out at Kaeya and the two become strained as Kaeya decides to keep his powers a secret.
As Diluc's coronation grows closer, Kaeya's nerves are through the roof. He's scared out of his mind. His powers are only growing stronger and he has almost completely isolated himself.
The coronation itself goes fine. The after-party is a disaster.
Kaeya is surprised Diluc is even talking to him and when Diluc voices his apologies and his yearning for them to make amends, Kaeya remembers his powers, Crepus' dead body and all the pain he had caused Diluc and starts to freak out.
The confrontation goes the same as the movie from there. The fight, the glove, the ice, and Kaeya flees the kingdom to live in the mountains alone.
I don't know who would be Hanz in this story or Kristoff or even if those roles need to be filled. Neither Kaeya or Diluc have shown any clear romantic interests in anyone in the games or comics. And there's who would play the trolls and, with Kaeya having hidden his powers the whole time, there wouldn't be an Olaf (maybe if someone else writes this and changes that).
And don't even get me started on the ideas for Frozen Fever and Frozen II. I'll probably make another post for those.
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