#i did this all in one sitting i haven't even had lunch yet pls make this wort it
sofhyuck · 6 years
Terrace House!AU Winwin
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Genre: fluff, bullet point scenario, veeeery brief mention of sexual harassment 
Word Count: 1.9k so close to 2k i swear
A/N please read the introduction first!!
am i doing this in any particular order?
absolutely not lmao
anyways for this au let’s pretend uhhh you’re a famous Instagram/social media personality (idfk) and you’ve done multiple collab videos with other idols such as Amber and Jae so you’re fairly well known in the kpop sphere
and lil baby sicheng won’t ever dare to admit it bc he will be teased relentlessly has a tiny lil crush on you
tiny little as in he has a secret insta just to follow you so he can keep updated since sm doesn’t let them even dream of having their own accounts
you’re running a tiny lil bit late because you just came from a business meeting oversees and the airport lost your luggage and it was a whole mess so now you’re tired and aggravated from fighting with the airport staff and you’re terrified of making a bad first impression
luckily you managed to gather all of your suitcases and traffic isn’t bad so you’ll be able to make it for dinner 
but that doesn’t ease the anxiety of meeting five new people that you’ll be living with for the next few months
the driver pulls up to the house and you thank him and lowkey you’re shaking a little but it’s fiiinehaha
the door opens before you even ring the doorbell bc everyone was waiting for you and a woman in her late twenties with a kind smile pokes her head out
“finally you’re here! we were beginning to think you weren’t going to show”
and you just blush and stutter out an apology but she just shushes you and ushers you inside, yelling out for someone to bring your luggage into your room
there’s barely time to take in your surroundings before you’re dragged into the living room were most of the house was gathered only to be met by a soft gasp
poor sicheng is red bc yea he just gasped when he saw you how embarrassing can you get poor kid
lucky for him you couldn’t figure out where the gasp came from so he’s safe for now although one of his roommates can already tell sicheng is in love with you ooooh boy
you quickly introduce yourself, the younger members already knowing who you were, excitement clear on their faces sicheng literally bouta hop out of his seat cute bubby
and everyone introduces themself and when it gets to sicheng you just cut him off with a giggle like “i know who you are”
and he is sh00k bc wow you know who he is what is life and your giggle was so cute wtf of course she knows who you are sicheng
meanwhile you’re like wow he’s even cuter in person this is why all of nct is fucking wh i p ped for him
the woman who met you at the door has already dubbed all of you as her children and a man around her age is your dad she’s an unashamed queen and you all love her
but it’s getting late so you all retire to your respective rooms but the fun doesn’t end there for you ladies oh no
mama wants to gossip she seent the way sicheng gazed at you heart eyes and all what am i even saying anymore idk i’m watching jeffree star and shane dawson while writing this oops back on tracknow
so she sits you and your other roommate down and is just like...spill the tea girls who’s cute who’s not past relationships i want everything go!
and they both look at you bc they know you and sicheng already have a lil somethin going on
so you’re like yea obvi i think he’s cute i mean look at him
but they just look at you like mmhmm sure that’s all
so you sigh and just sort of...spill it all out talking about how you never really have the chance to date since you’re kind of in the limelight now and the possibility of being caught up in a controversy is hella high
so yea you’re a little wary about flat out stating you might have a crush on an internationally worshiped idol
and your roommates just nod in understanding and then you switch topics, talking until three in the morning and you’re about to pass out
meanwhile in the boys room... *insert cool visual transition* 
sicheng was being teased to hell and back before he finally has to be like...yea i think she’s cute but i don’t really want to say more for risk of her getting swept up in some controversy she doesn’t deserve that wow we stan a gentleman
so now there’s this mutual understanding within the house to not push the idea of you and sicheng too hard
even the producers are in on it bc they don’t want their show getting a bad rep either
but it’s still inevitable you guys hang out, i mean, you’re living in the same house and there is an obvious attraction between you two
now sicheng’s in a bit of a lull right now, his comeback just wrapped up and he’s not doing anymore promotional activities so he’s resting a bit and he’s getting a lil bored just hanging at the house
meanwhile you’re doing a mini series where you go around to different attractions and just live the tourist life you’ve never been able to live before
for your next episode you’re going to everland and you’re like...why not invite people from the house??? bc it’ll be boring to go by yourself
so you invite everyone and that’s how you all end up at an amusement park running around like children
your manager supplied the group with three mini cameras so that you can break up into groups and obvi mom and dad pair up and the other roommates want you and sicheng to be able to spend time together
so you all get your cameras and split up on your own to wreak havoc have fun!!
does sicheng like rollercoasters??? idk but lets say he does and you don’t mind them either as long as they don’t go upside down and the line isn’t long yes this was me at everland i went on two rides rip
but there’s a problem...putting two well known celebrities together in a highly populated area is uhhhh not the best idea
you get in line for a ride, having a nice conversation about your lives when a group of giggling girls join the line behind you
giggles quickly turn into squeals as they spot sicheng and you don’t really know what to do bc you’ve never had to deal with fangirls before, especially not this close
and while you know that fans are generally nice...you’re still hyper aware that some are...not so nice
and one of the girls in the group is not looking at you too kindly while sicheng offers to take pictures with them 
you’re more than happy to take the pictures for them until one girl practically throws her phone at you and grabs sicheng’s arm
now you’re obviously glaring at her while she strokes his arm, oblivious to how uncomfortable he is
when her hand begins to travel, ahem, a little lower you snap
the producers weren’t even saying anything while sicheng is literally being groped????
you shove her phone into her hand and grab sicheng’s hand before sprinting away from the girls and the cameras, finally stopping in an almost empty area of the park
in your rush you left your personal camera by the roller coaster, leaving you and sicheng completely alone and camera free for the first time in months
you both take a moment to catch your breath, settling down on a bench
sicheng breaks the silence by wrapping his arms around you and letting out a few shaky breaths
it took you a few moments to realize he was crying
the two of you stayed like that for a few minutes, letting him cry all his tears out
eventually his breaths evened out and he removed himself from your shoulder 
“thank you for that” he sniffled “i was so scared and i didn’t know what to do there were so many people and cameras and everything was happening at once-”
you quietly shushed him, wiping away stray tears from his cheek
“it’s ok sicheng, that shouldn’t have happened. no one has the right to touch someone else like that without consent and the crew shouldn’t have just done nothing, to be honest i’m really mad right now and i don’t want to go back there where every single move we make will be recorded. let’s just...stay her for awhile”
and you two do
you talk about anything and everything ranging from your favorite color to the pressures of living in the limelight
you finally get the opportunity to talk how you’ve wanted to for the past few months but haven’t been able to because of all the cameras constantly surrounding you
and you guys texted the house groupchat so they all know where you are but they don’t tell the cameramen bless their souls
finally it’s time for you all to meet at the front gate and you both get an ear full from the producers
but oh ho your manager knows what happens so before the producers can finish he goes o f f on them bc they handled the situation incredibly unprofessionally 
despite your ability to avoid cameras, word about the whole incident spread rather quickly and, well, nctzens fucking loved you lol
so from then on, you and sicheng didn’t really care about being close on camera
plus fans had been shipping you since the show had first aired and your ship name was trending for almost two days when news of the incident first broke
yuta and taeil had even face timed sicheng to tell you they fully approved of your relationship
speaking of relationships
you and sicheng had gone on multiple dates that totally weren’t dates but also totally were
so you guys were basically dating without either of you having actually asked the other out
you’re just happily living loving each other while the entire production crew, cast, nctzens, and all of nct are like 
p l s just make it official we’re all dy i ng
after the show you guys still hang out like all the time his dorm is basically your second home
and one day you two are sat cuddling in his room, rewatching your show and reminiscing about the good old times it’s been a month calm down there kids
until you notice him staring at you so you look over at him and you both just stare at each other for a minute and then he just leans down and pecks your lips
and you both just smile until you speak up
“so...dong sicheng...will you be my boyfriend”
he pouts because “i was supposed to ask you first”
“well maybe if you didn’t take so long i wouldn’t have had to make the first move!”
“i’m the one who kissed you though!”
you two continue your banter until he kisses you again, effectively shutting you up
the rest of the day is spent cuddling and kissing, briefly interrupted by yuta walking into the room only to tear up and leave the room
to this day he refuses to tell you if it was due to his happiness or jealousy
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twinklelilstarkey · 3 years
“fuck it, i can’t even pretend like i don’t want you anymore.” could i please request this with Rafe🧡
A/N.: YEEEEES! I WAS DYING TO MAKE THIS ONE!! I changed the sentence a bit, but it still has the same meaning.
Can’t Pretend Anymore - Rafe Cameron
Words: 3.3k+
Type: Smut, bit of fluff
Summary: You and Rafe let your long-lasting crushes on each other finally lead you to do something.
Warnings: Minors DNI. Female!Reader. Reader's shorter than Rafe. Smut (unprotected sex, bathroom sex, rough sex, the thrill of getting caught but also not really). Mentions of alcohol, mentions of drugs, and getting high. Cute Rafe.
(Pls, I haven’t written smut in a good while. Do carry on knowing that it might be complete shit 🤍)
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You and Rafe have been connected through mutual friendships in your friend groups ever since you can remember. You two just have various mutual friends for the longest of time, yet still, you two haven't shared more than probably 5 words on a yearly basis.
It's sort of weird when you think about it, but you don't exactly have the courage to be the one that starts the conversation, especially with Rafe. There have been times where you were in group conversations with him, but there has been nothing but looks between the two of you.
And those looks are no short of confusing to you.
You've noticed him looking at you during the weirdest of moments and no matter how many times your friends have played around and said that he's "in love", you have never interpreted it in that way. He either looks bored or annoyed when he looks at you, and it's just hard to hold eye contact with him while he does that. It turns into some sort of staring contest, which you never win.
Rafe's weird, what else can you say?
He looks at you during parties while you're just talking and drinking with your friends, looks at you during those big lunches with all of your friends, and definitely looks at you during normal friend group hangouts.
Just like today.
Today's hang out is in Topper's house and, at least, in the beginning, you were a total of 20 people walking around the house and just chilling with each other. But now, most people went either home or over to the store down the street to get some more beers, since the guys had just run out of them.
Most of your friends are out in the backyard, along with Topper and Kelce, smoking weed or doing whatever else you can't exactly tell from the couch.
You've noticed Rafe looking at you a few times during the evening but none of your friends have, which is relieving. You're over their teasing.
You sit sideways on the couch, your back against the couch's arm, while deep in conversation with your mom through text about dinner. You two have been brainstorming ideas, and to be quite honest, take-out is the only option that sounds good to you... you just have to get your mom to agree.
Someone takes a seat on the couch too, just by your feet, but you're too focused on your phone to even care to look up and see who it is.
But that's only until he speaks.
"Gonna stay on your phone the whole day?"
You look up when noticing the familiar voice to see Rafe, holding an almost empty bottle of beer in his hand, the bottom of it resting on his thigh, covered by some usual khaki shorts. Your gaze lifts, looking over at his black polo shirt - with the buttons of the top undone -, and then, finally, at his face. His handsome face which just so happens to be completely turned to you.
"Why? Am I missing something?" You ask.
Your phone vibrates on your hand, but you ignore it.
"You sure are." He answers.
He tilts his hand with the bottle over to the large windows and you look outside, seeing a high version of Topper running in circles around everyone while manically laughing and... waving his socks in the air with a stick?
What in the hell? What did he have?
Your phone vibrates again and you can't help but look down at it to see if you're winning your mom over with the dinner idea... but still nothing.
"Want something to drink?" Rafe asks, making you look over at him again quickly.
"Isn't beer the only thing that Topper has in this house?" You ask, internally cringing a little at the thought of having to drink beer.
Beer is only good if you're already drunk. There, you said it. It's awful and you're not going to drink it, even when it's Rafe Cameron giving it to you.
"That's what he tells you. He just doesn't want anyone to touch his mom's shit." He explains while bringing his beer bottle to his lips, drinking the last gulp of the awful liquid.
"And you just happen to know where 'his mom's shit' is?" You ask.
A short smile appears over Rafe's lips at your words and your playful tone and you can't help but smile too.
"I might have found it by accident." He shrugs.
"I doubt it." You tell him before getting up from the couch and leaving your phone behind, "Well, let's go then. I'm tired of only seeing and smelling beer around me."
Rafe lets out a wide smile at that and leans forward to put down his empty bottle on the coffee table, just like where everyone else's is. He stands up tall, towering over you and you let him be the one to lead the way.
The two of you get to the kitchen, and you watch Rafe as he opens one of the many cabinets. You hear him pull some other glass bottles to the side as they clink with each other and he starts pulling out all sorts of alcoholic drinks.
When he's tone pulling some, since you're sure it's not all, of the bottles out, he stands back up straight. His blue eyes scan through them and then back to you.
"What do you want to drink?" He asks.
"Do you make good drinks?" You ask with slightly closed eyes as if ready to doubt him.
You smile a bit at his words.
"Than surprise me."
It didn't take long for Rafe to get on with the mixing. You just watch as he moves around, staring at his hands as he works through all the things he needed to make... whatever he's making.
You look over your shoulder a few times, just to check if everyone's still entertained outside. This is the most alone time you've ever had with Rafe, you don't want anyone to ruin that. But they did look still very entertained and lost their own world. Which only means that you're more than good to continue on.
"Here." He says.
You look back at him at the sound of his voice, and he's already looking at you. You walk on closer to him, leaning your hip against the counter while you grab the cup. The color makes the drink look innocent, but with all the pouring and mixing, you know the percentage of alcohol might be on the higher side.
Rafe watches as you carefully bring the cup over to your lips, you notice his eyes on your mouth as you do it. You lick your lips when noticing and finally, the cup reaches your mouth.
You carefully take a small sip and you pull the cup slightly away, feeling your body burn with Rafe's gaze, making the burning of the alcohol feel like a joke on your throat.
"Good?" He asks.
You nod and hold the drink up to him so he can try. He grabs it, making sure your fingers touch as he does so, and he also brings the cup to his lips.
You watch as his throat bobs as he swallows and you quickly try to snap out of your trance as Rafe continues to stare down at you.
"Not bad." He says in a whisper - for no exact reason.
His eyes just stay on you at all times and you notice him with the corner of your eyes putting down the drink on the counter instead of giving it back to you. Your heart speeds up slightly and your body continues to warm at the idea of what can happen next.
Rafe takes a step closer and you don't move. But neither does he after that. He doesn't make a move, he doesn't say anything. Nothing. He just stares.
And he stares some more. His eyes scan through every inch of your face, then sometimes down at your chest, slightly exposed with the cut of the shirt.
"What?" You ask him in such a weak whisper that you almost can't hear yourself.
He shakes his head dismissingly after your question and for a second your heart skips a beat at the possibility of you ruining whatever has been going on by breaking the silence. As Rafe looks like he's taking a step back, you decide to do what you've always wanted to do.
Because fuck it.
You lay your hand over the back of his head and bring him down, connecting your lips.
Your heartbeat speeds up and heavies, letting it be the only thing that you can hear, and panic sets in as Rafe practically doesn't move. He doesn't kiss back. He's just frozen.
When you're about to pull away from this chaste kiss, already with an apology ready to leave your mouth, Rafe's hand comes down to hold on to your waist and pull you closer to him, his lips finally beginning to move against yours, letting the kiss become rapid and heavy in the space of just a few seconds.
His lips are soft against yours but the kiss itself feels angry, and his hands hold onto you securely, almost possessively.
Quickly, his other hand comes to grab you by the back of your leg and he picks you up, setting you on top of the kitchen counter - just by the drinks you two could've easily knocked over.
His hands move over your body to grip onto your thighs and he slides you so that you sit right at the end of the counter, and against him. Your fingers grip onto his hair while your other hand stays on the crook of his neck, feeling the warmth of his skin.
"I can’t pretend that I don’t want you, anymore." He whispers against your lips, as he pulls back a little.
His lips begin to leave kisses across your jaw and then neck and you hold in any sounds that could make your satisfaction any more obvious to him.
"Why?" You ask in a breathless whisper. "Why did you pretend to do that?"
He takes a little to answer, but he does so, right after nipping a bit of your sensitive skin.
"Stupid rule when one of the guys had a crush on you."
If you weren't feeling so lost under his touch, you would've obviously asked who had a crush on you as you'd die with curiosity, but there's absolutely no way that you're about to start a conversation with him about this now.
Your lips come back to each other once more and you can't help but let out a small moan. Rafe's hands tighten on your legs as you do so and he pulls you even closer to him, making you feel, right over your shorts, the tent over his.
A new sort of fire burns under your skin now, and for the looks of it, so does Rafe. One of his hands lifts from your leg and moves over to the button of your shorts, your hand quickly rests over his, stopping him.
"Wait." You say while pulling away. "The other guys can come back any second now."
"Who?" He asks, confused.
"Your friends that went to get beers."
A lightbulb sort of lights up in Rafe's head and he grabs onto your hand, stepping back and pulling you off the counter with him. He doesn't say anything after that, he just pulls you deeper into the house.
He opens a random door after some walking and it's a bathroom - the only rooms Topper leaves unlocked in these hang-outs. Rafe quickly pulls you in and locks the door, quick to kiss you as if to not lose any time.
His hands explore your torso. His hands go under your shirt and palm your boobs over your bra. A small whine leaves your lips while they're against Rafe's and you, becoming impatient as well, hold on to the end of his shirt, pulling it up. Thankfully, Rafe gets the memo.
Rafe pulls back and takes off his shirt, and good heavens... beach parties don't even come close to looking at his man from up close.
You hop on the counter easily and Rafe takes his steps to get closer to you. He makes you take off your shirt too, and, after that, your bra. His lips come back to your skin, nipping, kissing, and sucking on your burning skin as you let out some gasps and sighs. His lips wrap around your nipple and you let out a small moan. One of your hands grip onto his hair again and you pull his head up.
"Please, just fuck me, Rafe."
He smiles at your words and reconnects your lips for a quick moment. The kiss is short, but enough.
His hands are quick to unbutton your shorts and you lift your hips so he can pull them down and soon after, your underwear too. Rafe curses under his breath as he looks down at your body, and you grab onto the waistband of his shorts beginning to unbutton his too.
Rafe moves your hands carefully way and does it for you. His shorts fall on the ground quickly and when he pulls his boxers down, you hold in your breath. Yeah, this is definitely happening. After so long of silently crushing over him, this is finally happening.
You lean back on the counter, arms back as your elbows hold you up and Rafe lets his hand move over your soft skin, while his other one aligns you with him.
His tip is aligned with your wet entrance but he doesn't move just yet. He just moves his dick, collecting some of your juices. Right as it touches your clit, you can't help but let out a moan. Rafe smiles widely at the sound and does it again as if to test if the sound would come out again. He pulls away and gets back to your entrance.
His tip isn't even fully in and Rafe knows he's about to lose control in a second. Your pussy is so wet and warm around him and it drives him insane as he continues to go in, inch by inch.
You throw your head back at the feeling, breathing heavily and audibly. As Rafe is fully in, he gives you some time to adjust and you watch him as he looks down at the two of you. His eyes darkened with lust as his pupils seem enlarged and the look on his face makes you melt all over.
After some seconds, Rafe looks up at you to check and you give him a nod. His hips begin to move right away and the flame at the end of your stomach burns you alive. The sound of your skin smacking together as Rafe speeds up and the sight of Rafe with a half-open mouth and a slight frown does not make it any easier for you to hold it together.
His thrusts are getting to a perfect rhythm and you keep on trying to hold in your moans. Your friends could've come back with the beers already which means that they're just down the hall. They can't know this is happening.
Rafe's hands hold your legs steady as they stay by his sides, and as his thrusts start to get rougher, you can't hold it in anymore. Small moans leave your lips and Rafe lets out a groan at the sound of you.
"You liking this, baby?" He asks you.
You can't even form words.
You nod at him and an evil smile grows on his lips.
His thrusts get rougher in the best of ways. You hold onto the side of the counter, practically holding yourself together as Rafe just continues to fuck you. He folds your legs up and then lets go of them, resting his palms on the sides of your body, hovering over you, while, if even possible, thrusting deeper into you.
"There you go." Rafe whispers triumphantly as you let out a loud moan.
His hand comes up to cover your mouth and you cling onto his wrist, now, freely moaning against his skin, knowing that at least the sound is getting muffled.
Your orgasm has never been so close and your pleasure so intense as of right now. Rafe feels it, so his other hand comes down to your clit. You practically scream under him as he starts working circles around it and his evil smile just stays on his face the whole time.
His fallen strands of hair are now glued to his forehead and his skin glows with a sheer layer of sweat.
His fingers pinch your clit slightly and that does it for you. Your eyes roll back and Rafe continues to thrust as you ride out your orgasm. Your body shakes as the greatest wave of pleasure runs through you like never before.
Most of your sounds are muffled at least slightly by his hand, but Rafe has started to also let out some of his own sounds. Small groans and whines leave his mouth as your walls squeeze his dick.
You two don't know exactly what it is that's making you feel so good to come this quick, whether it's the position or whatever Rafe is doing, the god damn long time you two waited for this moment, or even the thrill of being caught or heard by your friends, who are just outside.
Whatever it is, it destroys you two in the best way possible.
After some seconds of coming down from your orgasm, you feel Rafe start to come too. His thrusts started to become sloppy and his breath shakier and heavier. You eye him as he drives himself over to his limit and you pull him closer to you.
His hand lifts from your mouth and you rise from the counter slightly. When he's close, your lips lay kisses on his neck and Rafe's breathing shakes against your ear. Your fingers cling onto his hair, and when he finally comes, right as you find a certain spot on his neck.
Rafe bites his lip to contain his sounds as you continue to kiss and suck on his skin and his hold on you comes back, now, with his arms wrapping around you to have you glued against him.
His thrusts continue as he finishes inside of you and you lift your head from his neck to check the hazed look on his face. He finally stops his movements and closes his eyes for a little over 2 seconds. His breathing heavy and uneven.
Rafe looks down at you after a bit and his soft smile comes back to his face. He's the one that reconnects your lips and you sigh at the feeling. The kiss is slow and completely different from any other that you've shared until now. His arms still holding you close to him, and your hands still lost in his hair.
You pull away from the kiss a bit and he looks at you with half-closed eyes. You smile up at him and he smiles back.
"Do you think they were able to hear us?" You ask him.
"They're too high. Even if they did, they won't care." He reassures.
His words relax you and he finally pulls out of you, pulling his boxers back up. As he also brings his shorts back up, you hop off the counter, feeling your shaky legs struggle to hold you steady.
Rafe passes you your clothes and you put them on, slowly. The silence between the two of you is a tiny bit awkward, but once clothed, Rafe pulls you back by your hand to stand by him.
"Are you doing anything after this?" He asks, still holding onto your hand.
A smile reappears on your face.
"I'm having dinner with my mom." You tell him, quickly remembering how you totally left her to decide the meal by herself in those texts.
"And after that?" He asks.
"Rafe Cameron," You teasingly say to him with a tilt of your head, "Are you asking me on a date?"
If his cheeks weren't already flushed by your past activity, you would've said he had blushed at that.
"What? Think we're going too fast?" He asks back.
Your smile widens at that, and he smiles back.
"Alright." You tell him, "I'll be free by 9."
"Okay, I'll go pick you up." He nods.
You two smile at one another as the silence comes back, this time comfortingly, and you step on closer to him.
You stand on your tiptoes and press a kiss onto his lips. Rafe chases the kiss as you're about to pull away and you smile again. When you pull away, you decide to speak.
"It's a plan."
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I am so, so, so, so sorry if this sucks. I tried my best ❤️
Masterlist ~ Taglists
Taglist: @casually-kook @sunnymaybank @estrellarimar @depressinq @starkeythinker @drewstarkeysbitchh @vintageobx @fuckwby @tpwkbucky @lim3rence @osterfield23 @pogueslandia @prettyboystarkey
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mizunetzu · 3 years
ok fine i'll bite
what if u made a tamaki amajiki fic but instead he's actually the UA traitor 😳 and he's actually a yandere and his target's a gender neutral 3rd year 😳 omg that would be pog
haha jk.. unless?
don't bully me pls i haven't done this b4
Miss miss miss sylviaaa 😀😀😀 I lov u miss sylviaaa
Tamaki x reader - My Darling’s Pen
⚠️warnings - yandere Tamaki, stalking
Pronouns - genderneutral, they/them
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All it took was a pen.
A pen that dropped from their desk, one that rolled over and knocked against the side of Tamaki’s shoe. He hadn’t noticed them at all for the whole school year, but the moment they tapped him on the arm and said,
“Sorry-can you get that pen for me? It’s near your foot.”
With one of the warmest smiles he’d ever seen, he was smitten. Their voice was tantalizing, sweet and not too loud, and it graced Tamaki’s ears like wedding bells. He didn’t know he was staring until the beauty that was this person waved their hand infront of his face awkwardly.
“...Are you ok?” Their voice was full of worry. Worry for him. Tamaki’s heart swelled with the notion that he was being worried over by someone as...lovely as them.
He nodded shyly, and bent down to swoop up the pen in his hand. Their hand brushed against his when they reached over and grabbed it, and he could still feel his hand tingling even hours after. The person smiled another one of those heart clenching smiles, and looked back down at their paper.
Tamaki couldn’t focus the rest of the period.
When the bell dismissing them for lunch rang, and students started getting up from their seats, he once again noticed that person walking past him, talking to their friends. He wished he was part of their friend group. He didn’t know why, but that person just seemed so...cool.
The same pen from earlier bobbed from a hole in their bag’s pocket, and Tamaki cursed himself for staring once more. The pen eventually slipped completely through the small rip in their bag. The pen tumbled onto the ground, and stopped in front of Tamaki.
He picked it up. Should he return it? He looked at the door. No one was there. He was the only person standing in the classroom. Tamaki considered giving it back to them when class ended, but he found himself slowly slipping the pen into his own pocket.
‘It’s a pen’, he thought. ‘Surely they won’t miss it. It’s...it’s a pen.’
He didn’t know why he wanted to keep it so much. It was just that. A pen. He had no use for it-he had tons of other pens that no one asked to borrow because he was too shy to talk to them. It was useless.
But he found himself sitting on his bed hours later, staring blankly at the ceiling while he admired the pen or clicked it once or twice.
It was just a pen...
Everyday, when Tamaki would open his pencil pouch, he’d have all these other pens and pencils to choose from, ones that probably wrote way better than that person’s pen, but every single time, his eyes would land on that pen he “found on the ground” and he’d use it.
Fidgeting with the pen after class, he couldn’t help but follow this mysterious pen dropper every single day out to lunch. He wasn’t a stalker, no! He was just...figuring out the right time to return the pen they dropped. The pen they dropped a week ago...
Tamaki saw the familiar mop of (H/c)-colored hair, running past him and to their group of friends that Tamaki just so happened to memorize. He stared at them without shame, until he heard one of them speak.
“Hey, (Y/n). It-it uh, looks like Tamaki-kun wants to talk to you there.” The friend pointed at him, but he only tensed up when their eyes drifted from their friends to him and him alone.
“Oh. Uh, that guy from the big three?”
The person, (Y/n), whispered to their friends. Tamaki’s heart swelled. They knew who he was. He felt a sense of pride. He was important enough to take up space in this beautiful person’s memory. He wanted to be more important, and maybe take up some more space like he never used to want before. He wanted attention when he never used to want attention before.
“...hello?” (Y/n) was in front of him now. They looked straight into Tamaki’s eyes, and Tamaki wanted to look away immediately. He wasn’t ready. He wasn’t sure if he was just nervous like he normally is, or if it was something else. But still...
They smelled so good.
(Y/n) waved their hands in front of Tamaki’s eyes. He blinked, suddenly very aware of how he was lost in his own thoughts. He was about to apologize, and maybe turn to face the wall, until he heard (Y/n’s) lovely, lovely voice.
“You’re really shy, huh? Don’t worry, I can back up if you want me to.”
Their voice was gentle. So gentle, like something fuzzy tickling Tamaki’s nose. It made him want to crawl inside a locker and just breathe. It was heavenly. He wanted nothing more but to just...listen to this person’s kind voice.
“U-u-uh...it’s fi-ine...” Tamaki hated the way his voice was barely audible. It stood nothing against the kind, smooth, god-like voice (Y/n) graced him with. Still, (Y/n) smiled so, so warmly.
“Alright then. Did you need something?”
Oh. That’s right. The pen. He was going to return it. Tamaki began to reach into his pocket, when his hand stopped. He thought about it for a second, then let his hand rest flaccidly inside his pocket, shoving his other one in bashfully aswell.
“I-no...I was just-just staring off into space and I-I guess I was staring in y-y-your direction...”
It was a lie. A terrible one at that. So he didn’t understand why (Y/n) believed him, bid him goodbye with their angelic voice, and let him keep their wonderful pen. He didn’t understand why he didn’t return it either. He needed to...return it. But there was one thing he did know.
That beautiful angel that sat near him in class was named (Y/n).
Once you knew someone’s name, it was relatively easy to find out more about them.
For example, Tamaki knew their full name was (L/n) (Y/n), their favorite food was the cafeteria onigiri that lunch rush would package on the go, but specifically if it was left alone to sit for a few minutes to marinate, and he even knew the neighborhood where (Y/n) lived, and how long it took (Y/n) to walk from there to school. 14 minutes and 38 seconds not counting the times they go buy a snack from the convenience store. Though, he wished he knew their exact address.
That wasn’t it, however. Tamaki found himself ‘discovering’ more and more of (Y/n’s) items, whether it be a small keychain hanging off their backpack he purposely loosened with his scissors so it would fall off, or the strawberry scented chapstick that was sitting so enticingly on their desk when they left to the bathroom one day, Tamaki had them all. Nothing too important, though. Nothing that he knew (Y/n) would miss. Just pens and their old loose paper assignments that they threw away, mostly.
And it didn’t help that Tamaki stopped sitting with Mirio and Neijre at lunch, just to purposely sit at a lunch table near (Y/n’s) so he could hear their pretty voice once again. Not too close, but close enough to listen. When Mirio asked, Tamaki told him he just wasn’t feeling very well lately.
But that didn’t make him a stalker, right? He wasn’t overstepping any boundaries...he was just...finding the right opportunity to give back the pen he borrowed. Yeah. That’s it. The pen he borrowed that he actually didn’t borrow. He figured they’d want it back, even though he had countless other little trinkets in his possession, that once belonged to them.
No, no he wasn’t a stalker. He was trying to be a good person and return their pen.
Ok, maybe it was a bit of an obsession.
Most of his camera roll was filled with (Y/n). Pictures from their social media that Tamaki cropped so he could only see them (and not their stupid friends), pictures he nervously snuck during class or lunch, and even the occasional picture he took ‘passing by’ when (Y/n) was walking home.
He cherished all of them, even printing some out and building a small shrine with the items he stole. He didn’t want his parents to see, so he made sure it was in a box he could hide in his closet.
Once again, (Y/n) walked home from school like always. They took their normal route, as always. But this time, they walked alone. Tamaki was planning to sneak some more pictures—nothing too indecent because even he has some boundaries—but this time (Y/n) was alone.
‘Ah...!’ Tamaki shuffled through his bag, pulling out the small pencil pouch he bought purely filled with stuff ‘borrowed’ from (Y/n). He fished out the pen he’d been planning to return for a month now, and looked back at (Y/n). ‘Nows the perfect time...’
...But he wanted to keep the pen. It was his favorite pen. Even though he had countless other pens ‘borrowed’ from (Y/n), he couldn’t help but feel attached to this one. So he fished out another random pen from the pouch of (Y/n’s) things, before stopping again.
He didn’t wanna give up these either.
Instead, he zipped up the ‘(Y/n)’ pouch, grabbed his normal pencil pouch, and brought out one of his normal pens. It looked similar to one of the countless pens he took from (Y/n), so he supposed it would suffice. Wasn’t he such a nice person? Giving them a pen?
His poor heart started pumping when he jogged up to (Y/n). Some part of him wanted to just...keeping watching (Y/n) from a distance, but he knew he wanted more for a while now. He wanted to...talk to (Y/n). He wanted (Y/n) to talk to him. He wanted to crawl inside (Y/n’s) body and just be (Y/n).
“E-e-excuse me...?” Tamaki’s voice went dry as he touched (Y/n’s) shoulder. He wasn’t worthy of touching (Y/n’s) shoulder, yet like the horrible person he is, he did. He dirtied the perfect shoulder (Y/n) had. How disgusting of him.
Tamaki fumbled and held up his pen. “You uh-you dropped this in class earlier...”
“...you sure? I mean,” (Y/n) took the pen, and their warm hand brushed against Tamaki’s fingers so gracefully. It sent shivers down his spine, and he wanted nothing more than to just collapse into (Y/n) and breathe in. “I’m pretty sure I wasn’t using a pen today. But this looks like the brand I buy.”
“U-uh!” Tamaki broke into a cold sweat. “I saw it...drop...out of your bag.”
“Oh.” (Y/n) look at their bag, and at the small hole that was in its side pocket. “There’s a hole..that makes sense. Uh, thanks for returning my pen.”
(Y/n) smiled. Tamaki felt like he was going to die. He didn’t deserve someone so kind and beautiful and caring. Granted, no one did. Not even him.
“Are walking in this direction?” (Y/n) gestured ahead. Tamaki nodded, even though he knew very well his house was blocks away in the opposite direction. He soon found himself walking next to (Y/n) in silence.
He had (Y/n’s) attention. (Y/n) was walking next to him. It’s almost like they were dating already. That’s what lovers do, right? Walk next to eachother?
He wanted nothing more but to just breathe in the scent of (Y/n’s) hair. He wanted to worship (Y/n’s) fingers, he craved the bones in their body, he wanted to praise every single nerve and atom that belonged to (Y/n). He wanted (Y/n) so bad.
He was brought out of his trance when (Y/n) stopped at a crossroads. “My house is this way,” they said.
Tamaki shot back with a “Me too-!” Almost robotically. He wanted to see (Y/n’s) house...and maybe memorize their address. Not in a creepy way, though.
“Well...this is my house, I didn’t know you lived so near to me.”
“Y-yeah.” Tamaki watched as (Y/n) bid him farewell, with an angelic ‘thank you’, and walked off towards their house. Tamaki silently memorized his surroundings, every small flower and potted plant that belonged to the angel that was (Y/n), and finally wrote down (Y/n’s) address with their pen on his hand.
He didn’t know what he would do with this info, if he was honest. But just having it made him feel high.
Tamaki was going to do it.
Today was the day he would return the pen.
He thought about it for a while. He loved the pen, he never parted with it, but he needed an excuse to find a way to get closer to (Y/n). He’d say they dropped it out of their bag again and maybe offer to go out for ramen or something. He’d just leave out the part that (Y/n) dropped the pen more than 2 months ago.
Tamaki walked around the U.A. campus with the pen in his hand. He ran his fingers through the barrel of the pen. (Y/n) was no where to be found. They weren’t sitting with their friends like they normally did during lunch, so where could they be?
Tamaki was about to round a corner, when he heard voices talking from the other side. He stopped, about to turn on his heel and leave, when he heard angelic bells ringing. (Y/n’s) lovely voice talking to...whoever they were talking to.
“I-I like you, Hatsumada-kun!”
Tamaki went rigid against the wall. He loved hearing (Y/n’s) lovely voice 24/7, even recoding candid audios of (Y/n) answering questions in class or talking to their friends to listen to while he went to bed, so this was the first time he wished (Y/n) hadn’t said anything.
He was waiting for this Hatsumada guy to speak. Maybe he’d try to catch a glimpse of his face so he could—what was he saying? Intrusive thoughts began to flood his mind. He wanted to punch Hatsumada. He wanted to beat him up. He wanted to murder him.
“...I’m sorry, (L/n)-san. I don’t really see you that way.”
For some reason, Tamaki was even more angry than he would’ve been if Hatsumada had accepted their confession. He pursed his lips, and walked away as quickly as he could. His poor (Y/n), their feelings must be so hurt. How could he?
Tamaki long forgot the pen sitting in his hand, waiting to be returned to its rightful owner.
After the third tree came toppling down, Tamaki was beginning to think he’d get charged for property damage.
I mean, it was school property, and it was in the training grounds. Angrily whipping his tentacles around or bucking at trees with horse feet could qualify as ‘training’.
Tamaki was left huffing, glaring down angrily at the fallen, mangled tree. He’d never felt so angry before. He was usually a submissive, “avoid conflict-y”person, and he didn’t get angry much, but he felt so angry he could die.
His poor (Y/n). Having to get rejected by scum like that. But even if that pig had said ‘Yes’, he’d be equally as angry. His beloved (Y/n) didn’t deserve someone as undeserving as him. No one did. No one deserved (Y/n), not even himself.
Momentarily turning his tentacles back into his regular limbs, Tamaki sighed and curled up next to the fallen tree trunk. His hands were bloodied up, his knuckles peeling from when he started punching and slashing at tree before he decided to use his quirk. It was probably the first time he’d been so angry.
Tamaki leaned back against the trunk, laying down on the uncomfortable wood. What was happening to him? He felt so mad he could die. He couldn’t believe he was imagining trees as Hatsumada, as he brutally destroyed them one by one. That wasn’t the actions of a hero...
Rustling from two tall bushes caused Tamaki to shoot up, his tentacles shooting out from his back, and probably ripping his shirt up. He stood alert, his wide eyes searching sporadically through his dark bangs. Finally, a man, whom Tamaki was pretty sure wasn’t a teacher, appeared from the bushes, holding a cane and his free arm up.
“I come in peace, Tamaki Amajiki-san.”
The man had a stylish top hat on, and his face was masked with a flat, white mask with black trim. He had a long coat on, and dark gloves that made him look like a magician.
“W-who are you? This is private property-!”
The man kept walking towards Tamaki. “Are you angry, Tamaki-kun?”
“I-of course I’m mad! You’re trespassing, so I suggest you leave before I call-“
“I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about that boy. The one talking to that person you fancied.”
Tamaki went silent. He let his tentacles falter from their alert position, before suspiciously bringing them back up. “H-h-how do you know that! You stalker!”
“Frankly you’re one to call me a stalker.”
Tamaki broke into a cold sweat. He raised his fists defensively. “I-I’m not a-I’m not-“
“But you are, aren’t you? It’s fun to watch the people you love, isn’t it?” A girl grabbed Tamaki from behind by the shoulders, making him flinch as she smiled widely. “I love it too-I love it so much I want to see the person I love all covered in blood...”
The girl unhanded Tamaki, and stepping in front of him and standing next to the taller, poised man. “But they don’t understand our kind of love, do they? The heroes. They think the way I love people is wrong, and they would think the same for you...”
Tamaki pursed his lips. This was manipulation. They were trying to get into his head somehow, trying to appeal to him, trying to convince him that he was just like the scum they were...
...and it was working.
Tamaki said nothing, though his tightly clenched fists and hinged jaw told a different story. He loved (Y/n). He loved (Y/n) so much it made him crazy. He loved (Y/n) so much it made him want to murder Hatsumada. Simple as that. He was trying to convince himself he didn’t, but the sight of him all bloodied up and misshapen by Tamaki’s bare hands made him shiver.
“Y’know, people will call you a stalker for sure if they saw this.” The man was holding up Tamaki’s school bag, more importantly the scrapbook pasted with printed out photos and pressed objects of (Y/n) littered inside. The man flipped through the pages with care. “I, however, think it’s lovely that you admire someone so much you’d make a whole book dedicated to them. How romantic.”
He found himself agreeing. It was, wasn’t it? He cared so, so much, so how could it be weird or creepy or stalkerish? Tamaki shook his head, shaking the intrusive thoughts from his mind. “N-no! Put that back! Why are you here?!”
“We want to make a deal with you.”
“Me?” Tamaki snarled, backed up against a tree. He hardened his exterior in hope of masking his utter curiosity, especially after their understanding of his feelings for (Y/n). They understood.
“You see, learning information about U.A. is difficult when it’s such a prestigious school. But it would definitely be a lot easier if we had an...inside man feeding it to us.”
Tamaki’s eyes widened. “You want me to betray my school?”
“In Laymans terms, yes.”
“Now why would I ever-!”
“Because they don’t understand us. Once they find out you sneak pictures of this person from outside their window while they sleep, they label you a stalker for sure.” The girl held up Tamaki’s scrapbook, displaying hazy printed photos of (Y/n) through their bedroom window. “But us? We don’t judge. We understand. You just want to admire them, and love them the way you do and not be judged. I want that too.”
The man chimed in. “Your school is a judgmental, horrible place. So help us fix it, and join the LoV.”
Tamaki looked down at his feet. He continued. “You don’t need to join us physically. You may still attend U.A., and we will contact you occasionally, when we need information. And surely we will spare you from harm if we decide to attack, as well your little crush.”
Tamaki couldn’t believe he was actually considering it. Well, he also couldn’t believe how angry he got seeing someone being confessed to, or how obsessive his feelings for (Y/n) became. It was all new to him.
...So what was one thing more?
“I’ll do it. I’ll do it on one condition.”
His decision was based purely on feelings. Nothing of what he was saying was logical. It wasn’t morally correct. Still...
The man and the girl both smiled, looked at each other, and nodded. They turned back to Tamaki, giving him a look to go on.
“If I...when I decide to do something...a-and it makes a mess, or I need covering up in any way, promise you’ll clean up for me. Evidence and all.”
Was he really going to do this?
“Whatever you need, Tamaki-kun.”
He was.
The man tipped his hat, and the girl placed the book back in Tamaki’s hands. “We’ll be in touch. If you do anything heinous, we’ll be there to help aswell. Anything for our new traitor.”
Tamaki felt sick to his stomach.
“...y-you guys are crazy.”
“And you’re a lovesick stalker.”
“...I know.”
Tamaki watched as the two disappeared behind the brush. His knees buckled, as he sat back against the disfigured tree truck, and reached into his bag. He cradled his scrapbook as he fished out (Y/n’s) pen that he loved so much, and stroked it scantily. He huddled in on himself, pressing the pen to his cheek.
Soon he’d return (Y/n’s) pen. Right after he murdered Hatsumada.
If y’all didn’t know the man and the girl was mr compress and toga
-Mr. Mizunetzu
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saksukei · 3 years
minghao college au
other college aus: jun wonwoo mingyu
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
sculpture major minghao, who has an impeccable dressing sense, with paint on his hands and apron, those round glasses of his, he surely is eye candy
his minor is business and he's not that into sports but he's part of the photography club and the community service club
you're also a sculpture major minoring in language arts while being part of the hockey team and you have no time for other clubs bec you're also working side jobs as well
and minghao is your classmate
except? he gets like super good at whatever he does and he barely engages with anyone?
he's super calm and collected all the time and he always has his headphones on to ignore everyone lol
but like,,,,,, you can tell god has favorites and xu minghao was one of them because he's really pretty?? like especially when he's focused and how his black hair falls on face, how pretty his hands are and his eyelashes IM GOING FERAL
and you won't deny that you do have a lil crush on him cause I mean,,,,, you sit behind him
but you're sure nothing will happen because A) it's xu minghao B) he's out of your league by a long shot
and you're okay with that
cause I mean, it's just some stupid crush and it'll go away when you'll get out of college
Your teacher offered you a spot for some sculpture workshop because you were a good student
and he said you'd be going with another student as well
yep it's minghao
but like? your first day at the workshop and you're sitting next to minghao but he keeps on ignoring you??
and you're just like,,,,,,, um? pls? stop?
even during the lunch break, he ignored your offer to get tea together and just carried on with sketching
and you were kinda heart broken and the only thing you were thinking was does he hate you or something? what'd you do wrong? were you that annoying?
and so you carried on your day,,, your thoughts always going to minghao
and then,,,,, the next day
you didn't even bother trying to talk to him and once the session ended and you got outside, it was raining cats and dogs
your dumbass had even forgottten an umbrella
so you just stood there, not knowing what to do
and to even make a run for it
but before you took another step, into the pouring rain,,, you felt an umbrella over your head
you turned to see minghao,, holding the umbrella over your head, “you should always check the weather before you leave, you know?”
“right,,,, thanks– um? are you going to go to the bus stop?” you asked
“didn't you check the news?”
“what news?”
“all the buses will be closed today because the rain is expected to get worse,,,,” he told you
“oh crap–” you groaned.
“if you'd like ,,,,, my apartment is close by, you can stay there till the rain stops,” he suggested.
omg wtf xu minghao offered to let you stay at HIS APARTMENT EYE
“i wouldn't want to put you in an uncomfortable position,” you admitted
“and I wouldn't want to leave you alone here because it's not safe– besides if you were making me uncomfortable,,, I wouldn't have offered.”
“follow me” he instructed,, holding the umbrella that was a bit too small for the both of you, considering you kept bumping into minghao every now and then
eventually you reached his apartment,,, that was honestly exactly how you'd expected it to be
the color palette of his apartment was maroon, grey and white,, with big paintings,,, it was a two bedroom apartment with a small kitchen and it looked brilliant
“feel free to roam around and uh,,, would you like some tea?” he asked and you nodded
why was he being so nice today?? wasn't he ignoring you just a day ago?? and why did he invite you over anyway because you were sure your crush on him was obvious
“here,” he handed you a cup of tea,,, sitting down on the chair in front of you
“thanks minghao.”
“uh,,, have you thought about your year end sculpture? What you're going to do for it?” he questioned,,,
“no not really,,, besides I haven't even found a model yet.”
“if you want one,,, then mingyu can be your model.”
“mingyu,,, isn't he that volleyball player?”
“yeah,,, but you'll have to keep him away from your things,, he's pretty clumsy and he'll knock down your sculpture,” minghao chuckled.
“i’m guessing you were a victim to his clumsiness.”
“too many times.”
“how is hockey?” he gave you a weak smile,,, trying to end the awkward silence
“its okay.”
after sipping your tea,,, and you don't know how you suddenly gained the courage but you wanted to ask him about why he ignored you that day
“minghao can I ask you something?” you looked at him,,, nervously
“why did you ignore me the other day?”
“what day?” he looked at you,, confused
“day before yesterday,,, when I asked if you wanted to go get tea with me” you reminded him
“but,,,, I didn't hear you asking me?”
and now the both of you were confused because you remember saying it loud enough for him to hear
till minghao suddenly came to the realization and laughed out loud,,,
“why are you laughing?” you asked,,, your eyebrows knitted together in confusion
“day before yesterday,,,, I didn't take my headphones off the entire time,” he told you, trying to hold back his laughter
and you were so embarrassed,,, you were turning red and minghao was having the time of his life
“oh my God I'm so stupid......” you muttered
“you are,,, because trust me when I say,,, I wouldn't say no to going out with you,” he chuckled
you were like (╯°□°)╯but you managed to keep yourself calm
“is that an offer, xu minghao?” you teased him,,,
“it is if you're going to take me up on it,” he answered,,, before a grin broke out on his face
“i just might.” you chuckled
“fine so where do you want to go?” he asked
“some place with tea,” you answered
“and maybe with an eye store nearby,,,,” he started laughing again and you were so red
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