#i didn't wanna just scrap this whole thing so here ya go
misc-obeyme · 1 year
I have so many thoughts. SO MANY THOUGHTS.
Spoilers for Lesson 20 under the cut.
From a storytelling standpoint, Lesson 20 was kind of underwhelming for me. It was kinda boring.
Everything is totally resolved and then we have a party? And MC is given the completely pointless title of Devilsitter? And the Celestial Realm is just like yeah okay see ya.
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Seriously, Diavolo? Everybody knows you just made that up. Also why did they have to give him that goofy hat? I think this would've been a little more impactful if he'd been in demon form, you know? Anyway...
It felt like we went through all of that for a whole lot of nothing.
It also feels like they want to tell a more complicated story and that's why this whole separate app situation began. But then they were like well we wanna keep some of the overall vibe, so it still has to have seasons and the first one still has to be twenty lessons. Like they should've just scrapped that and let the story play out how needs to. Because I felt like they were just putting filler in there so that they could extend the Nightbringer part of the story into the next season.
All that aside, though, there were things I did enjoy about the lesson, mostly involving the usual character shenanigans.
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Sometimes it really feels like Simeon is just always on the outside, longing to be part of this family. He loves them so much he's willing to sacrifice his own standing to help them, but he also knows he's not part of them. We already knew this of course, considering he does exactly that in the OG to make sure MC gets to stay with them. I just feel like Simeon is so selfless. And it's kind of heartbreaking? I just want to hug him.
And oh, my sweet precious Barbatos... if you choose him to escort you, he says some amazing things.
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Is this the fancy butler way of saying I love you? Don't misunderstand, I am so soft for sweet kisses to the back of someone's hand, but if you think that's gonna cut it, sir, I really need you to try harder.
What can I say, I just want Barbatos to profess his undying love. I want him to break his butler persona and spill his heart out. I want him to actually tell us exactly how he feels and what he's been through and how hard it must have been to live the way he has for so long with the power of time and space at his fingertips. Ugh. Okay, sorry I'm getting off track here. We already know I could probably write another couple of essays about Barbatos aside from the one I've already written lol.
I would be remiss if I didn't talk about Solomon in this lesson, too...
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I thought this was an interesting reaction from him when MC asks him to be the brothers' ally. Like yeah, obviously not against the human world, but this was about keeping the brothers in the Devildom? I'm trying not to read too much into it since it could just be that they wanted to make it seem like MC was the one who convinced everybody and stuff. Like okay whatever!
But truly the best Solomon moment was if MC chooses him to give them the "special emblem."
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SOLOMON. My stupid wizard loving heart can't take it when you say stuff like this!
And then the forehead kiss, I was just like this is so soft and sweet I'm losing my miiiiind.
What can I say about it other than it was great? Of course I went back and chose all the options. Having Diavolo or Lucifer give you the emblem is pretty sweet, too. But there is just something next level about it being Solomon because of the whole master/apprentice thing, but also because he's the only one who knows what you're really going through. I just really love him, okay?
Lastly, I have to say I was a bit surprised with Mephisto in this lesson... he's starting to grow on me.
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Mephisto! I'm pretty sure that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me!
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For once, I agreed with him. Also, if it was actually me, I'd be like your arguments are pointless because my last dance is going to be with Thirteen.
I was expecting a little more after the end credits, but it was just a repeat of those weird Nightbringer lines from one of the earlier lessons... I can't remember which one it was. I was really expecting Nightbringer to make a final appearance, but nope.
The hard lesson completely blew my mind, though. I have to make a separate post just for that.
In the end, this lesson had some good parts, but it definitely just felt like filler because they needed to end the season. We're not getting any real answers until next season, apparently. I swear if I have to wait for a season three for some decent answers, I will be flipping tables.
Of course, I'm really just here for the hot anime characters so... I'll just go back to simping as soon as I'm done table flipping lol.
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barb-l · 2 years
Yeees totally! With Enid probably picking stores strategically beforehand because she knows Wednesday can only take so much before her social batteries run out for the day. She's also totally buying her something other than black and white.. maybe in a beautiful dark blue colour and for whatever, whatever reason Wednesday will be compelled to wear it (when they are alone.) Oh no.. I have way too much thoughts and feelings about them.
Ohh I will be ecstatic about anything you decide to write for them. I loved your first fic tons, it's so very well-written! 😊
Oh dark blue could work. Pretty sure that's what she was wearing in Addams Family Values.
Aww thanks! I'm actually working on a summer break fic rn, but i've been hesitant to keep going cuz ive been considering just waiting to watch the show first cuz i wanna know what Enid's family/pack is like by the end of the show. I'll probably be changing a ton of stuff, or just scrap the whole thing altogether, after i've watched the show, so let me just post what i have so far here:
(sorry im on my mobile and can't put it under read more)
Enid didn't really expect anything when she gave Wednesday her number. For one, Wednesday didn't have a phone and has sworn that she will never have one.
But just in case...
As, uh, rocky as their start was as roommates, Wednesday has grown on Enid. Like a mold. Maybe due to Stockholm Syndrome. Jury's still up as to how Wednesday feels about her. But after going up against a homicidal monster and rogue Nevermore student together, she likes to think that she has managed to go past being merely a thorn on Wednesday's side and dug her way to the other girl's shriveled, pea-sized heart.
So just before they leave Nevermore for the long-awaited summer break, she gave Wednesday her phone number to let her know that she can contact her if she ever gets sick of tormenting her brother and wants to bother Enid instead.
Wednesday raised a brow when she's handed the piece of paper with Enid's digits and sceptically looked at her. "Why?"
Enid didn't expect Wednesday to ask at the time. Truthfully she expected her to wordlessly throw it away and was prepared for another bout of back and forth squabble like they've always done. Maybe even tease her over how she's too much of an old lady on the inside to even figure out how to use a phone anyway. It was fun. What's not fun is admitting that she will miss her. She didn't prepare to be asked why.
"I don't know," is what Enid ended up saying. "Just..." She shrugged, turned away from Wednesday's calculating gaze to finish zipping up her bag. "I don't know."
Enid didn't like that reaction. Like Wednesday just caught her doing something embarrassing. So she took her bag, gave Wednesday a saccharinely fake smile, and said, "See ya, weirdo!" before running away with her tail tucked between her legs.
Enid spends the first two weeks of summer break agonizing over how humiliating that was. Who gives their number to a girl who doesn't even have a phone? Desperate idiots, that's who.
If Wednesday knew how much Enid was suffering just thinking about her, she'd be smiling in satisfaction.
...and now Enid has started thinking about Wednesday's smile, wicked as it may be, and has buried her face in her pillow. This time she's suffering for different, more embarrassing reasons.
She didn't expect anything, honest to god, so when she receives a notification one day for a text from an unknown number, she couldn't believe her eyes.
Greetings, Enid Sinclair, it reads.
Against my better judgement, I have gone and acquired a phone. I still maintain the belief that they are unnecessary and annoying, but you were, regrettably, right. Lighting Pugsley up in the good ol' electric chair has not been the same since Nevermore.
Perhaps it's due to everything else that we have gone through the whole semester. Monsters and what-not can't compare.
Though money has never been an issue to an Addams, I expect that you will make my purchase worthwhile by granting me amusement. Go ahead, regale me of your woes spending school break locked in a whole different kind of prison with your family. I don't expect it to be any worse of a time than I have had, but I haven't lost hope.
Forever in darkness,
Wednesday Addams
Enid rolls her eyes when she finishes reading the absurdly long text, but there's a smile she can't contain when she fondly mutters, "So edgy."
She doesn't reply right away. Mostly because she doesn't know what to say, and also because she spent a good fifteen minutes just re-reading the message, giggling over the mental image of Wednesday going to the mall and buying a phone, all for her.
... Well, maybe not, but Enid doesn't have enough self-control in her to deny a hungry ego.
She knows that the text has been shown as read on Wednesday's end by know, but she pays it no mind. With all the torture having Wednesday on her mind has brought her, she deserves to do it back.
After spending much too long of her time erasing and retyping, she finally replies.
u dont have to sign n write texts like letters yunno. U can just talk like normal
Enid once again laughs when she sees that her text was immediately read. Wednesday spends two minutes conjuring up a reply, and Enid spends the whole time watching the dots on the the bubble move as she lies in bed.
Eventually, Wednesday sends a reply.
Your spelling is atrocious.
Enid wonders if Wednesday would get offended if she tells her how often she has made her laugh.
That's more like it, Enid texts in return.
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inverted-flowers · 11 months
Secret Life Tarot Reading no 7.
It's Etho's turn!
This is the last reading done prior to Ep 4s! Which is mildly annoying to myself cuz I was really hoping to get more of them done this week... Anyway! I didn't know what color to use for Etho so I picked purple cuz no one else left is gonna be purple.
First Card - Start
I've drawn The Star in Reverse to describe the (now passed) start of the season for Etho. I'm really feeling like this is about his first task from the secret keeper. This card is talking about an initial (albeit probably short lived or simply just fake) arrogance. That's then followed by feeling overwhelmed. I really don't wanna spoil for those who haven't seen it so I'm not sure there's much else I can say. This is past tense too so...
Second Card - Individual
This card is meant to describe how Etho plays Secret Life. For this I drew the Nine Of Cups. This card talks about comfort and accomplishment and I'm thinking he's probably just trying to have some fun. Which makes sense to me! So far Etho's pov gives a much more chill vibe than the other's who have at least some air of competitiveness.
Third Card - Social
This card is meant to describe how things go for Etho in the social aspect this season. I drew the Eight Of Wands. This card talks about direction and being back on track. Maybe we're talking about Etho and Cleo here. They are teamed up this season after their whole divorced family thing in Limited Life. But there's a line in my deck's manual that I'd like to quote because... wow lmao. "The ideas and opinions of the flock are no longer in the way."
... Tango, Impulse, and Skizz really getting dissed by a deck of cards huh? Now I'm not so sure that's what she's getting at here but this was too funny of a concept not to share haha.
Other than that this could be talking about outside Cleo and Etho's team as well. Or, even more interestingly, particular times this season! Maybe he does really well with avoiding letting the others distract him too much from his tasks for example. How fun!
Fourth Card - Big Impact
This card is meant to describe what makes the biggest impact for Etho. I drew Death in Reverse. This card discusses being resistant to necessary change which then holds him back. There's honestly a lot of ways this could manifest. Firstly he could be dealing with alliance trouble which seems unlikely. Then there's the option that this alligns with a task. It could also crop up socially with Etho maybe holding a grudge that only serves to cause him more problems to keep.
Fifth Card - End
I drew the Seven Of Pentacles in Reverse for the ending of Etho's season. This card represents doubt and how short term positives can cause more harm for the long term. This is very very broad and could apply in a lot of different areas but... well maybe not a win prediction here huh?
Final Thoughts and Theories:
This reading was painful... literally. I don't know why but while I was drawing the cards I got this awful burning sensation on my palms. Like it felt as if I'd just tripped and scrapped my hands on like a newer-ish sidewalk ya know? It was only during the selection process so uh... I dunno what that was about. But I did pick the cards a bit quicker this time so that's nice! My indecision usually causes QUITE the delay lmao.
So I don't exactly think this was predicting Etho as our winner here. With our 2nd card though I highly doubt he'd be too upset over it. This reading feels a lot more broad and open ended almost. It's hard for me to say much in the way of my usual ideas for how the cards predictions may manifest.
'Til next time friends!
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[piece from a wip that got scrapped]
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“Clementine, honey…” 
“I’m not going to hurt you, sweetie.”
Eyes clouded over, a lifeless thunderstorm. Rumblings deep in the throat, hissing through rotten teeth and bleeding gums. Split fingernails, gunk seeped beneath the bed. Torn flesh from the familiar faces of those who doted on her.
Her father’s shattered watch.
“We’re going to be a family, Clementine.”
The bathroom faucet dripped mucky water. Sour. Cold, burning the inside of her nose. Stains on the walls and in the carpet. The man’s words anything but comforting. He lied. She believed him. Clementine believed every word he said. He promised he would take her to her parents, made her promise not to tell Lee.
He didn’t know anything.
And yet, in the end, that man kept his promise. He reunited her with her parents. Just like she wanted.
Fist-full of hair ripped from her mother’s scalp. Her favorite necklace- a birthday gift from her father- tarnished and broken. Jaw dislocated, left to hang loose. Nothing behind the clouds. Not even when met with her little girl’s amber heartbreak.
“Clem?” Lee’s voice, rocks against sandpaper in his throat, brought her back to the jewelry store. His hand gripped hers, and his thumb brushed over her knuckles. He looked worse now, even worse than he did in the hotel. The dim lighting left a cast of gray over his sweaty skin. His arm- or, what was left of it, swelled beneath the blood-caked bandages.
He tried to swallow, and coughed. His yellowing gaze avoided hers as he brought himself up into a better sitting position.
“My arm is gone because I cut it off.”
Cut it off?
“W-wha-” she started. “W-why would you do that?”
Lee squeezed her hand. He wouldn’t look at her. 
“Because I was bitten, Clem.” 
Bitten... Bitten?
No. That didn’t… that didn’t make sense. Clementine waited for him to take it back, to correct himself.
He didn’t.
He stared at the floor.
Nausea bubbled in her belly, slipped up to grasp her frantic heart.
“No! No, please, no, no, that’s not true!”
“Yes, it is.”
“No, it’s not!”
“No!” Her small, shaky fists pressed into his chest, pushing and pulling. Warmth burned behind her eyes. “Please…”
“I’m so sorry, Clem. I’m supposed to take care of you but I… I can’t now. I’m sorry.”
Not Lee. Not now. Not ever.
“We can’t stay here.”
Clementine didn’t believe him, didn’t want to move. Moving meant going forward, meant time passed, and that meant…
Lee’s much larger than her, always much stronger and smarter, but now his knees buckled. He would’ve nearly toppled over if not for the support of a shattered jewelry counter. Clementine gripped his side in an effort to steady him.
“I’ll help you,” she told him. “You can lean on me.” 
“I’m okay… I’m okay.”
“I thought I was helping by bringing you in here.”
This place was safe. It was safer than being out there with the herd. Walkers roamed everywhere, and when Lee fell over, she thought he had died. It’s what broken the shared stare between her and the remains of her mother, and she nearly cried out when she felt his slow breath shudder through cracked lips. He was alive. She would save him. She would use what he taught her and look for a safe place for them to wait out the walkers.
It started to sink in that Clementine really didn’t know anything.
“You're just learnin', hon,” Lee reassured her. “Never let yourself get trapped, okay? Make sure you look for a way out in every place you find. We'll get out of here, and just don't do it again.”
“I won’t, I won’t.”
Lee made it to the other end of the destroyed jewelry store, but not to the door. He fell to his knees and shifted to lean against the wall next to the rusted metal heater. When he tried to get back up again, he nearly blacked out.
The door’s right there. 
They’re so close.
“Clem...I-I can't move… This is it for me here.”
“Please!” Clementine begged. “Please, try to get up!”
He couldn’t.
Blood hacked up from his lungs to his lips and chin. Wet woe dripped down Clementine’s cheeks as she watched him, powerless to do anything. She couldn’t carry him, she couldn’t drag him. What was she supposed to do? What would they do?
“You don't have much time,” Lee winced as he caught his breath. “You gotta do something, fast. You need to get out of here as soon as you can.”
“I can’t leave you.”
She couldn’t- she wouldn’t. That wasn’t an option. If she couldn’t carry him, if he couldn’t walk, they would stay here. They would stay here and figure it out. There had to be an answer.
Gurgled grunts muffled behind the door. Through the glass window, a walker in a police uniform trapped in a chair, a gun and set of keys attached to his belt. Leather skin clung to his bones, and stretched with every snarl at her. Boney fingers grasp at the air between them, and drool dripped down onto his uniform.
“Don't be afraid of him, honey. You're smart. He isn't. You're smarter than all of them.”
She’s smarter. She’s faster. Lee told her it was okay, and she believed him. Don’t be afraid.
“There are handcuffs on the ground… get them.”
Ice pricked the inside of her gut.
Metal scraped against the ground. Clinking. Heavy.
“Bring ‘em here… Put them on me,” Lee motioned to the heater. “Attach me to this.”
“No matter what happens, you're safe then.”
She hesitated, glancing between him and his hand.  “I-I don't know…”
“Just do it, sweetie. Make sure they're tight. This way, you’ll be safe no matter what.”
Knees bruised against the hard floor, she did as she was told. A soft click. An echo. Attached.
Lee tried to smile at her.
Getting the keys and gun from the walker didn’t go well. The walker got free and would’ve taken a taste of her leg if not for the heavy pillar she knocked over that landed over his back. When Lee kicked the baseball bat toward her, she didn’t even have to think. Her body moved on its own.
Dark blood, fresher than what Lee stained her clothes with back at the hotel. Rancid, cold, thick. Splattered against her skin with every strike.
The walker lay still.
The smell foggy in her lungs.
She had the keys and the gun.
All she had left was the door.
“Hey,” his voice whispered to her. “C’mere.”
She knelt down beside him, and when she wouldn’t look at him, he knocked his knee against hers to get her attention. “You're strong, Clem. You...you can do anything.”
“But... I'm little.”
“Doesn't mean nothin'. You're going to see bad stuff, but it's okay.”
Everyone in their group, the St. John’s farm, Duck- why did she call him a baby? Her parents- mom and dad husks of who they used to be. 
Lee fading away in front of her.
“My parents…” More tears. A burning in her throat. “It's so horrible.”
“Oh, I-I can't imagine, sweet pea.”
“And now you?” Now him. Chuck was right. “Please...please don't be one of them. Please don't become a walker.”
“There's only one thing you can do. You know that.”
The train. Screeching wheels. Katjaa, Duck laying beside her, a finger pressed to her temple- “It’s here, or nothing.”
Gun heavy in her hand, a twinge of pain in her wrist.
“...I-I don't know if I can.”
She can’t. She couldn’t. Not her. How could she?
He watched her, knitted brows pulled together in thought.
Quietly, Lee spoke, “You can leave me.”
“Just leave… It's okay.”
Leave? But then-
“You'll be just like them.”
“It's okay,” he smiled. “It won't be me.”
Before she could protest further, he told her it’s time to go.
“You can come with me.”
“No, honey, I can't. It's okay.”
“You have to go.”
She couldn’t leave him. Lee would be another walker, just like her parents. Milky eyes, growling, hungry. She didn’t want that. Not for Lee. He couldn’t. Not a walker.
But it’s either that, or…
“Maybe... maybe... I shouldn't let you turn.”
“I don't want you to have to do that.”
“I can… I can do it.”
She could do it. She could shoot him. She shot the bottles, she shot walkers, she saved him before. She could… she could-
Lee inhaled deep and suppressed a cough.
“Shooting people… it changes you, sweetie,” he said. “I don't want you to get used to it…. Pulling the trigger of a gun and ending a life, Clem...you feel yourself lose something every time.”
She’s lost everything.
“It’s… The first time, the most. Don't do it unless you absolutely have to…You have to be careful about that. It'll consume you.”
This is wrong.
“I don’t want your last memory of me to be that, Clem-” he choked, body trembling. “Not unless you have to…” More coughing.
His eyes are still his, but they’re fading.
She tightened her grip on the gun. 
She can’t.
“….Okay,” she finally said. Tears slipped through the blood and dripped down her chin. “I’ll go. I’ll leave you. I’ll go as fast as I can.”
A sigh escaped Lee’s lips, and twitched into a genuine grin. Relief. Content….
“And as safe as you can. Always be safe… This way, you can just remember me talkin' to you and sayin' goodbye. Nothing else. And…. hey, when you try to find a group of good people. Look for someone like Katjaa with them. You know what I mean?”
Sweet, warm, a gentle touch.
“Someone nice…”
“Someone nice,” Lee echoed. “Who cares about people, wants to help others…That's how you'll know. If you don't see anyone like that, run. And…. and always keep moving… keep moving forward. You're gonna want to find someplace like the motor inn, but that's just not safe.”
“Why not?”
“Those places are just targets. Move. As much as you can. You and your people… Move...”
Never let yourself get trapped. Look for people like Katjaa. Keep moving forward. Always aim for the head, unless it’s a person. Always be safe. You’re smarter than any of them. Keep moving forward- all of it a mess in her head, aching in her temple.
“Don’t be afraid. You’ll be okay.”
Don’t be afraid. Keep moving forward.
“I’ll miss you…”
Clementine placed her hand in his.
“Me, too.”
Keep moving forward.
She left his side with nothing but a gun in her hand.
The door unlocked. She didn’t leave.
He wasn’t watching her anymore.  
“Don’t go…” a plead barely above a whisper. “Please…”
No response.
Keep moving forward.
Clementine did as he asked, and left him. 
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dimonds456-art · 2 years
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Y’all may have heard about the controversy surrounding The Kindly Beast, and the BATIM franchise as a whole. I feel kinda betrayed by what happened, and so decided to completely rewrite the game. This is going to be a YouTube video down the line, and I’m looking forward to working on it! Have some concept art!
Also, I realized that my Henry design is kinda based on @doberart’s Henry, so shoutout to her. Honestly, best Henry out there lol. I guess this is me asking permission to carry over a lot of what she’s doing for the rewrite.
More info, concepts, and a sort of preview(?) below the cut!
The video I'm working on is going to be based a lot on The Closer Look's Star Wars deep dive, where he talks about why the latest 3 movies didn't work and then rewrites them. In my video, I'll be taking a similar approach, breaking down the game in what worked and what didn't. Then, the last bit will be a sort of dramatic outline for a finished game.
The tag for this is #dimonds456 batim and #dimonds456 batim rewrite. If you wanna block or follow, there ya go!
I won't say much here yet (save that for the video), but some highlights will include:
More encounters with Bendy
Playing with the concept of people being "toons"
More of the cult (and Sammy)
Restructuring the game to fit a "pattern" (I'll explain later)
Giving everyone more character and interactions
There were a lot of concepts in BATIM that were introduced and dropped in the same chapter, as well as things that seemed like foreshadowing and weren't, and things that just went unexplored. I want to explore those things more thoroughly.
I will be trying to actively carry over characters, concepts, and locations, while scrapping and adding others as would fit the story.
For example, to keep with the "pattern" I'm establishing, a new character will be introduced that is a director for the cartoons, someone who works just under Joey creatively. And he's not happy. He's met other characters, has rivalries with some and alliances with others, and the same can be said for pre-existing characters.
As for the pattern, it's going to follow the creative process (like Chapters 1 and 2 kinda already do!). Chapter 1 is Moving Pictures- about concept art and storyboarding. Chapter 2 is New Direction, focused on the directing/financing/producing aspect. Chapter 3 is The Old Song- a lot is the same, but there's a lot different too. Chapter 4 is The Illusion of Living- a reference to the book, and the actual animation aspect! Chapter 5 is The Last Reel, and focuses on distribution/fan reception.
All characters will be introduced by at LEAST Chapter 3, if not physically then through audio logs and other characters talking about them.
It's not just the Alices that can talk.
The Butcher Gang are more important.
Bendy himself is pretty much getting a makeover. I can't explain why or what that'll look like, but trust me, I think I got a cool idea. And, it's inspired by one the community has touched on and enjoyed in the past, too, though not entirely the same. He's more mischievous, more active, smarter, and... well, that's a spoiler.
Henry himself is getting an arc. He's not a silent protag, as much as the game likes to pretend that he is. He has thoughts and opinions, and is a major player since he created Bendy. So, it's only fitting that he has his own story to tell and choices to make (as any good protag should always make a choice).
I'll shut up now before I start actually giving away the changes themselves ghjfds.
What did you like about BATIM? What were you kinda eh on? What did you wanna see more of? Let me know! DMs, tags, comments, asks, anything.
* Also, to Dober specifically, I am down for discussing everything I've got so far with you if you want, regarding Henry or otherwise. Just let me know!
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tsuki-sennin · 3 years
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I posted 3,241 times in 2021
33 posts created (1%)
3208 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 97.2 posts.
I added 88 tags in 2021
#tsuki talks - 19 posts
#kamen rider - 19 posts
#kamen rider revice - 16 posts
#revive the vice: imprinted like stamps and fossils - 13 posts
#kamen rider saber - 5 posts
#about me - 4 posts
#personal - 3 posts
#ask box - 3 posts
#pokemon - 3 posts
#super sentai - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 119 characters
#you lose enough as it is don't listen to the lies of a woman who willingly named a child a fucking trigonometry problem
My Top Posts in 2021
Hey, Revice fans... Happy Jeanne Debut Day~!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Well of course the main Rider's not gonna have their death stick, Vice! The hell do you think this is, Kabuto!?
-Oh c'mon Vice, don't mock the poor girl.
-Yeah that's right! Trip!
-Oh, you can just... conjure Vistamps?
-I may be misremembering, but I don't really think that Ikki counts as "more people".
-Oh, that's a spicy purple.
-I wonder what kind of extremely marketable character Sakura's inner demon is?
-Ah, a scrapped concept? Somebody's been digging through your trash then.
-Ewwwwwww, it divides. Why does it make that noise!?
-Yep, you're gonna die thinking like that, Counselor Man. Nobody can take the place of Gifu-sama.
-Anxiety really do be like that. :(
-Ikki-nii, you gotta digest a bit before you go running off like that! At least do some stretches!
-Aguilera-sama coming in with the drip, we stan :pray emoji: :fire emoji: :100 emoji:
Not good. That's immensely fucked up
-I guess it's a callback to Golgom tried to prepare Kotaro and Nobuhiko for Century/Creation Kinghood since birth, but like... considering Aguilera's apparently engaged to Gifu this makes me think about things I... really don't wanna think about.
-Is this really the time, Hiromicchi? I mean, I feel for you, lots of us've been there, but there's a whole ass army of skeleton dudes and a creepy counselor guy!
-Huh... you didn't have anyone there for you, so you choose to be someone who'd always be there to fight and protect those who don't have anyone. That's... wonderful of you, why do you keep impressing me?
-Tertiary Rider Gang Rise Up.
-Hyper Muteki Sakura, pass it on
-There's a good big brother right there :)
-C'mon, Sakura-chan~! Show those hell freaks what for!
-Oh, so trying to create a nightmare chimera hellspawn demon Rider Spider-Man results in getting booted out of the transformation! Good to know~! If I had to see Demons Entire Goddamn Animal Kingdom Genomes so early in the show, the CGI alone would've been its own nightmare.
-Lot of POV shots this season, I noticed.
-Wolf Man and Squid Devil are joining the battle, I see!
-Okay, whatever I may end up feeling about Revice by the end of the season, this is a good goddamn scene right here, but I'm sure as to whether or not I like it. The lighting is absolutely gorgeous, I love the quiet underscoring soundtrack, it's a really good raw character moment from someone I've been rooting for all this time... but it feels a bit awkward, you feel me? The camera's way too close to her face, and it feels like I'm invading her personal space.
-So, Aguilera definitely took the Libera Driver.
See the full post
10 notes • Posted 2021-11-28 17:17:10 GMT
Coming at you Live, which is Evil spelled backwards, Tsuki with another Revice commentary! 
Spoilers, I guess...
-Ah, don’t worry Vice, I took a shower around 30 minutes ago, I’m good to go.
-Oh wow, that is dirty.
-These finishers are getting brutal.
-More Mole!
-Ya boy Hiromicchi coming in with the save!
-Oh c’mon Vice, read the room.
-...oh Jesus, he can read your thoughts. That’s... that’s awful, I don’t want Vice anywhere near my brain.
-You’re too good for Karizaki and Wakabayashi, Hiromi. :(
-I didn’t think I’d like you this much, but Tertiary Riders seem to have that effect on me.
-Yep, there’s that classic question. “Is Kamen Rider unnecessary?” Idk how popular of an opinion this is, but I usually think it’s a pretty silly question when it comes up. Of course the job is takes a strain on the one behind the mask (both in universe and with the suit actors) and your concerns are incredibly valid, but... it’s made pretty evident in a lot of this franchise’s seasons that the police, government agencies and corporations “trying” to fight without the Riders are . I think the better question should be “Is it necessary for Ikki to be a Kamen Rider?”, which would speak more about Sakura’s concern for Ikki’s wellbeing and what might happen to Daiji.
-”That’s not where it hurts.” :(
-Anyway, here’s your weekly dose of fuck music.
-...y’know, Aguilera-sama, if I may, you guys haven’t made any real mention of limits to your Deadmans spawning besides needing their hosts to have a lot of inner turmoil or in the case of last episode’s bracchiosaurus, be assholes. Why not just go to a red light district or an ultranationalist hideout and stamp the hell out of those guys? They probably wouldn’t be good sacrifices to Gifu-sama, but you could sort all that out after you kill Ikki.
-And you, Wakabayashi, you should probably make George take a few days off. He doesn’t seem all that broken up about the whole Evil thing.
-Oh hey, Othello, neat. ...wait, this is blatant product placement. Oh Toei, you jerks. It’s thematically fitting, I guess, but couldn’t you have been a bit more clever about it?
-All this Sakura teasing is making me vibrate, just go all the way already!
-So, is everybody in a fetal position within their own mind? It’d explain a lot, considering...
-Ikki ni ikuze!
-Kagerou, are you still beating up these random scam callers?! Is there really no better plan you’re cooking up, or is Daiji preventing you from doing anything else?
-Man, that’s a cool bicycle.
-I agree, Hiromicchi is so cool.
-I see Vice went to the Chief Akiko Narumi school of being uninformed about this.
-Oh and it was after a wind attack too. >:v
-Ok, yeah that’s pretty clever.
-Wow, that was pretty tough for a kid.
See the full post
10 notes • Posted 2021-11-14 18:20:59 GMT
Hello there, I have a new Discord server~!
Tsuki-Sennin invites you to fight, hone your skills, make friends, and shitpost. It's mostly complete, so if you wanna pop on in and visit, then go right ahead~! I look forward to seeing you!
12 notes • Posted 2021-10-07 01:10:47 GMT
"All the Red Rangers in this movie make me do the Fortnite dance and they shout "go white boy go"." -Kaito Goshikida, 2021
19 notes • Posted 2021-07-13 21:41:27 GMT
I'm joking, obviously, but the similarites are really funny, considering they were released so close to each other in the decade where Twilight was at peak popularity.
-A controversial offshoot of an existing franchise. (One of the most infamous fanfics of all time based on Harry Potter vs. a show of contestable quality written by someone controversial among Rider fans.)
-Gothic aesthetics, music motifs, and vampire characters. (My Immortal's gratuitous use of Satanic/Christian imagery in conjunction with alternative rock/punk vs. Kiva's classic horror monster/stained glass motifs underscored with hard rock and violin.)
-Non-traditional vampire protagonist. (The depressive but cheerfully sadistic scene kid Ebony vs. the deeply anxious, possibly autistic musician Wataru.)
-Love triangles with the main character as components. (Jiro/Yuri/Otoya and Wataru/Mio/Taiga vs. Draco/Ebony/Vampire)
-Gratuitous bath scenes starring the main characters. (In different contexts for different effects, but there is a similarity.)
-Random perverts as recurring villains. (Snap/Loopin and the Spider Fangire.)
-Factions mentioned in passing that don't appear at all. (Hogwarts's "punk" population and the Ravenclaw house vs. five of the 13 Demon Races.)
-Glossing over terrible things main characters do. (Ebony's near constant acts of murder, slut-shaming, and violence vs. Jiro harassing and kidnapping Yuri)
-Conflict that could be resolved with simple conversations. (Kinda more Inoue's thing to be fair, but My Immortal could be used as a PSA argument in favor of polyamory with how many problems it could've solved.)
-Time travel late in the series between the late aughts and the 1980s for the purpose of stopping the villains.
-Numerous plot threads and ideas that go nowhere. ( concerts vs. Wataru trying to build a violin that surpasses the Bloody Rose)
-Gratuitous use of each other's opposite language. ("Hajimemashite, gurl" and "Konnichiwa, bitch!" vs. "Wake Up!" and "FI-SU-TO ON!")
-Troubled production (Tara and Raven's fighting/the alleged hack vs. Kiva's suits putting strain on Seiji Takaiwa's body.)
-A Bolivian army ending that leaves the audience hanging.
-"Tara Gilesbie" and "Toshiki Inoue" have the same number of letters in their names.
As a bonus (this one is definitely pushing it), but they both also have barely-related stories by same writers featuring similar characters. (Raven's abandoned I'm Not Okay/Ghost of You stories vs. the Kiva Tribute Arc in Zi-O that goes completely off the rails with the appearance of Ginga.)
20 notes • Posted 2021-07-23 15:21:10 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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getabompaway-blog · 6 years
Aug 8 Blurr’s Horror Stream - Cargo
«The good news: boss brought a bunch of loot for us to go through, so I got a nice pile of mixed currency. I’ll have to find out what planets they’re from later.
«The bad news: “Froid” wasn’t actually Froid at all. He was a Soundwave. Lying to me.
«So. So much for that.»
_Whirl here he be, and straight to the Whirl hammock 9:09 pm recuerdaxme 9:09 pm /here he is, arriving in no fashion what so ever. With crates under each arm / _Whirl 9:12 pm Whatcha got there, Teach? recuerdaxme 9:12 pm Bunch of stuff we don't need. We over stocked on some stolen goods. _Whirl 9:13 pm Pfft. A little too into it, eh? So what IS it all? recuerdaxme 9:13 pm Assorted goods. Some weaponry, small weapon accessories. Different types of currency. Some energon. Uh... limbs, bolts, screws... NoodlesAtNight 9:14 pm *Soundwave peers into the room with a feeler before deciding the coast is clear and trudging in to take his seat. Rumble jogs in shortly after and heads right over to where Whirl is with a nod to both him and Blurr.* recuerdaxme 9:14 pm / wiggles claws with the biggest smirk on ever / _Whirl 9:15 pm Hmm. I MIGHT have use for some of that if you need it taken off your hands... *perks up and bobs his head to both Soundwave and Rumble, gesturing grandly to the hammock as he regards the latter* Need a lift up? recuerdaxme 9:16 pm Well, if you want some of it, feel free to look through it. I've got some things here that my new recruit might need /hums and rummages/ found some old texts, too. NoodlesAtNight 9:16 pm //If ya don't mind. Climbin' up my own self ain't awful, but I don't wanna go tippin' out today, heh.// NoodlesAtNight 9:16 pm *Perk.* [[New texts?]] recuerdaxme 9:17 pm Mmhm. Some new texts- or old. They look fairly old to me. New to me. You can have some, if you want. _Whirl 9:18 pm Anytime, mech. *the claw is offered, and Rumble is summarily ferried up* And don't worry about tipping. I've got this hammock thing on lockdown. *tilts his head back at Blurr* I'll go through some of it after the movie, if you don't mind. And as for new recruit, you mean that Getaway that rolled up last week? Getaway 9:19 pm *he's coming in more hesitantly this week than he did last week. he pauses in the doorway a moment.* recuerdaxme 9:19 pm Mmhm. That's the one. Getaway 9:19 pm *and when he hears his name he ducks back outside, whoops.* NoodlesAtNight 9:20 pm *Rumble snorts and gets himself settled in. He might've tried to figure hammocks out while Whirl was gone. It didn't go so well. Of course, it probably would've gone better if he wasn't squabbling with Frenzy over who got to get in it at the time...* *Either way, Soundwave banned them from doing it again.* _Whirl 9:21 pm Well, good luck. Poor fella seems clueless. But if anyone can handle a crash course, you can, Teach. recuerdaxme 9:21 pm ... Thanks /smirks/ I'll take that as a compliment I taught NOS manners. THAT is a challenge. _Whirl 9:23 pm *Whirl streeetches one last time before also settling in, getting comfortably cozy* Now if only you could teach them to Piston... Getaway 9:23 pm ((hearing this in japanese is a trip)) recuerdaxme 9:23 pm ( lemme know when y'all are good. ) Getaway 9:23 pm ((im good)) _Whirl 9:23 pm ((I am! AND ALSO YEAH IT IS)) recuerdaxme 9:23 pm ( i love this song in all languages ;A; ) ( but spanish is still a fAV ) Piston HAS manners. He's been very decent lately. NoodlesAtNight 9:24 pm //Getaway? Y'mean that gold-faced fragger Prowl likes? He ain't comin' /here,/ is he? Last time we met he was thinkin' how to kill me 'n the others, 'n who to knock off first.// *Rumble scowls.* recuerdaxme 9:25 pm Not the same one, I don't think. Could be, but I don't know. ( I gonna start then if we all good. I have to be up at 4am again tomorrow 8( ) NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm ((i'm good whenever)) Getaway 9:25 pm ((the soonoer the better)) ((soonoer)) _Whirl 9:25 pm ((soonoer)) recuerdaxme 9:25 pm soonerer) Getaway 9:26 pm ((soonoonerer)) NoodlesAtNight 9:26 pm ((soonoerest)) recuerdaxme 9:26 pm omg bgskdfsd ) _Whirl 9:27 pm Nah. This one's from Blurr's neck of the woods, so he's pretty different from our Getaway. *a pause, and Whirl's antenna flattens* And if that other one comes back then I'm going to reach down his throat and turn him inside-out. recuerdaxme 9:27 pm (( is it streaming okay for y'all? )) Getaway 9:28 pm ((there are little static sounds, idk whether it's on my end)) _Whirl 9:28 pm ((ye it's got the little static noises here too)) Getaway 9:28 pm ((oh it's that dude)) recuerdaxme 9:28 pm (( *SIGH* It wasn't there before and now it there )) (( go away mystery sound )) NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm //Huh. That mean he's real sweetlike, or nastier? Never been good figurin' out how they're gonna bend.// *Shakes his head. And gives Whirl a light punch in thanks for what he perceives as support.* NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm *A gentle bop, really, with a grin.* recuerdaxme 9:30 pm You can never really guess what they're gonna be like, honestly. It's either they're Autobots or Decepticons, but most Decepticons are too touchy, feely, sweet. _Whirl 9:31 pm *nudges him back. Yes, threatening enemies with grotesque bodily harm is how he shows affection* NoodlesAtNight 9:31 pm *Soundwave perks. The movie doesn't waste any time, does i-- is that the sound of a human larva? Is it that young? Don't they need to eat more often? Oh dear.* Getaway 9:32 pm ((that rock TV is the saddest thing ive ever seen)) _Whirl 9:32 pm As far as he goes, he was really bubbly, but I dunno. My Getaway was kinda like that too. recuerdaxme 9:32 pm /flops on the couch/ Well, you're all free to pick through the spoils we've gathered too much of. recuerdaxme 9:32 pm We didn't have a Getaway where I'm from. _Whirl 9:32 pm Well, now ya do. recuerdaxme 9:33 pm yes i suppose so Getaway 9:34 pm *okay, he's camped out here now. back on the wall, right outside the doorway.* _Whirl 9:34 pm And I'll go through the stuff when we're all wrapped up. If nobody else wants the limbs, I can take 'em home to Killer. recuerdaxme 9:34 pm Sure you can. _Whirl 9:35 pm Ohh, boy. ...wait, never mind. I was sure it was going to be a zombie on the other end of the line. Chaoit 9:35 pm ....? feck, rabbit you ass let me change my muse)) Getaway 9:36 pm ((rabbit's bein rude about that lately)) ((tonight, apparently, i'm a suspiciously prowl-shaped getaway)) Chaoit 9:37 pm ((trying to make it Sides, but nooooo)) NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm @G: [[He can sense you out there.]] *And it is driving him up the wall. He can't tell why Getaway is hiding. Anxiety-inducing. What if he's up to something? What if he's trying to plan to kill Rumble too?* Chaoit 9:37 pm ((and wow, getaway, your skills at disguise are great _Whirl 9:37 pm ((he's the new Makeshift)) NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm [[Oh, now this is too much. One of them wandering in alone was unsafe. Now another is.]] recuerdaxme 9:38 pm / leaning over his couch to see where Getaway is at. He can sense the lingering, though not as great as Soundwave. / NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm [[She isn't even armed.]] recuerdaxme 9:38 pm / But oh the movie is interesting now / NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm [[Run, human.]] _Whirl 9:38 pm Yeah. Honestly, tying down right by the boat was a bad idea. Getaway 9:38 pm *Getaway starts, then freezes.* NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm *Shakes his head. Too late.* Chaoit 9:39 pm ((okay, is THIS any better? _Whirl 9:39 pm ((still Chaoit with a Blaster face)) Chaoit 9:40 pm ((MOTHER FUCKER _Whirl 9:40 pm Okay, if they haven't moved away from that wreck by NOW... Chaoit 9:40 pm ((can I give up? Just...go with that I be Sides because I may just put rabbit into a stew soon _Whirl 9:41 pm ((ye dude! Sideswipe, then?)) Getaway 9:42 pm *After a moment, he leans in the doorway.* ... Sorry about that. I heard my name, and... well. And then I heard— *gestures vaguely at Whirl.* The, the whole. inside-out. thing. _Whirl 9:42 pm Well. Don't plot on killing my friends and I won't do that. Getaway 9:42 pm Didn't—want to interrupt. _Whirl 9:42 pm You should have nothing to worry about. recuerdaxme 9:42 pm Hnh? Oh, pits. He won't do anything to you. Not now anyway. You're part of my crew. TEchnically, /I/ would do it. Chaoit 9:42 pm ((yeah, cuz Blaster got into trouble with a demigod Chaoit 9:43 pm -and Sides is here, just curiously looking at the screen- What'd I miss? _Whirl 9:44 pm Point. The honor goes to the Captain. @B: I get dibs on anyone who messes with Rumble, though. Deal?
...not that I expect it, or anything, I mean. Just saying. Getaway 9:44 pm No, n-no, no, not—not threatening anyone's friends. recuerdaxme 9:44 pm @W: I mean, I guess. Chaoit 9:44 pm Like, what'er we watchin'? NoodlesAtNight 9:46 pm ((food came right after she put the watch thing on what did i miss) Getaway 9:46 pm ((zombie symptoms don't show up for 3 hours but she's gonna bleed out in 2 hours so they're taking their chances and going to the hospital.)) ((as long as they don't know whether she's infected yet.)) _Whirl 9:46 pm One of them should REALLY be standing lookout now. Getaway 9:47 pm ((so they got an abandoned car. a zombie almost got them.)) Chaoit 9:47 pm Oh NoodlesAtNight 9:47 pm [[...He hopes she did not bite the bitlet.]] _Whirl 9:47 pm *shudders, despite himself* Getaway too. NoodlesAtNight 9:47 pm [[Greetings, Getaway.]] *Bobs his head. At least the mech's making himself known now.* Chaoit 9:47 pm That...a symptom, ain't it? recuerdaxme 9:47 pm Hello, my new little recruit. _Whirl 9:47 pm Yeah, I'm guessing so. Chaoit 9:48 pm Getaway, huh? Getaway 9:48 pm ... Hey, boss. NoodlesAtNight 9:48 pm //They oughta have somethin' over her mouth. Then she can't bite nobody if she goes all sudden.// Chaoit 9:48 pm She's got a point dude _Whirl 9:49 pm Yeah. If there's a chance to cure her then, yeah, but if not... I mean. He knows what he's gotta do. She knows it, too. recuerdaxme 9:49 pm Well, don't be so... whatever you are! Come in. Look at all this scrap we over collected. See if you want anything. Chaoit 9:49 pm Yeah. Sucks, but... -has plopped himself in a seat- Getaway 9:50 pm ... Yeah, sure. Chaoit 9:50 pm -raises servo- _Whirl 9:50 pm *adopts his Teacher Voice* Yes, Sideswipe? recuerdaxme 9:51 pm ...Wow. Chaoit 9:51 pm Can I say that I think the guy's being stupid fraggin' bit-brain right now? _Whirl 9:51 pm Yes, you may. Proceed. *waves aclaw magnanimously. NoodlesAtNight 9:51 pm //Run, buddy. She's done.// _Whirl 9:52 pm At least put her out of her misery so she can die as HERSELF. Chaoit 9:52 pm Kay. The guy's bein' a stupid fraggin' bit-brain Getaway 9:52 pm *gives Whirl a nervous look; but, moves to the crates.* NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm [[Oh dear. She'll have gone while he was out, won't she.]] Chaoit 9:52 pm She's turning into a monster......... NoodlesAtNight 9:53 pm [[Did she get to him?]] Chaoit 9:53 pm .......... _Whirl 9:53 pm Looked like it to me. recuerdaxme 9:53 pm Don't worry so much, Getaway. He's not gonna do anything to you. Chaoit 9:53 pm Let's hope not Getaway 9:53 pm ((don't leave the baby behind jfc)) _Whirl 9:53 pm Yeah. I'm a triple sweetie, remember? Should have DONE THAT WHILE SHE WAS ALIVE, IDIOT. Chaoit 9:53 pm Or that sparkling is going to be a snack Getaway 9:54 pm ... Yeah. Triple sweetie. *doesn't sound convinced.* Chaoit 9:55 pm ....oh boy Getaway 9:55 pm *starts hesitantly digging through one of the crates.* Chaoit 9:55 pm He's not a bright one, is he? Uh.... NoodlesAtNight 9:56 pm @G: [[If anyone attempts to harm you, he will intervene as much as he can.]] *Probably to handle it himself, if it's because of the minicons.* [[We still have a meeting to complete.]] recuerdaxme 9:56 pm Getaway . /wiggles claws/ I've got my optic on you. You're fine. Chaoit 9:56 pm What....the.... _Whirl 9:57 pm *is not really terribly concerned. Being feared is a-ok by him* Chaoit 9:57 pm Well THAT can't be good _Whirl 9:58 pm Also, hey. That kid had the same idea. *nudges Rumble* A bit-and-harness, to keep him from biting. Getaway 9:58 pm *glances up between the two of them; after a moment, gives them half-optic smiles.* Thanks, guys. Means a lot to me. NoodlesAtNight 9:58 pm //Kid knows what's up.// _Whirl 9:58 pm *nods* Chaoit 10:00 pm Hmmmm You don't have time dude recuerdaxme 10:01 pm /smirks/ Don't worry. Captains take care of their crew. _Whirl 10:01 pm Am I missing something, there? *peers* Chaoit 10:01 pm The hell was that? NoodlesAtNight 10:01 pm *He nods. Of course.* _Whirl 10:02 pm Why's that scar something he's scared of? Getaway 10:02 pm *back to digging through the crate. He's rummaging straight past all the bigger objects.* Getaway 10:04 pm *once he gets to the bottom, he starts pulling coins out. he makes a pile of them, just outside the crate.* NoodlesAtNight 10:04 pm [[So he is infected.]] //...Whatcha doin' with all them?// *Points at the coins.* Chaoit 10:05 pm Oh...and now he's becoming one too recuerdaxme 10:05 pm Well, he was bit, wasn't he? _Whirl 10:05 pm *also looks over, curiously* recuerdaxme 10:06 pm / is also watching / Getaway 10:06 pm Saving up. Chaoit 10:06 pm -turns to watch the coin-stacking too- recuerdaxme 10:06 pm Are you planning on buying something? Chaoit 10:07 pm -turns back to the movie after a moment- Getaway 10:07 pm Nah. Just preparing for when I've got to move on. Costs a lot to cross the multiverse when you've got no ship of your own and no friends. recuerdaxme 10:07 pm ... /ugly loud laughter / _Whirl 10:07 pm Huh. Second one we've seen doing that. NoodlesAtNight 10:07 pm [[...No friends?]] Chaoit 10:08 pm Hmn.... recuerdaxme 10:08 pm Just because you're leaving doesn't mean you can't call me for assistance. We can remain allies. _Whirl 10:08 pm Take my advice--stick with Teach. He's tough. He's been around a while. Chaoit 10:08 pm Heh, nice shot guy recuerdaxme 10:08 pm Long while. They say I'm a roach. _Whirl 10:09 pm *gravely* It's true. recuerdaxme 10:09 pm Very hard to kill. _Whirl 10:09 pm Looks like that's how they rest. Sticking their heads in the ground. recuerdaxme 10:09 pm Weird way to sleep. Getaway 10:10 pm *a half-optic smile for Froid.* Present company excluded. But you're not MY Froid. Probably. Chaoit 10:10 pm -snickering- Wait, diggers? Oh, like they go digging and bury their head? _Whirl 10:11 pm *at long last, relents just a little bit. His good influences have had SOME impact on him* Hey, Getaway. It's... you're gonna have to get used to that. You might be the only one around from your timeline. Same with me. Just stop thinking about everything as being "not yours." Just roll with it. recuerdaxme 10:12 pm You get used to it after a while. All I've run into are the Decepticons and they irritate my entire core. NoodlesAtNight 10:12 pm [[Perhaps. Perhaps not. He does not know. Though he is curious as to how you would.]] Getaway 10:12 pm ... Yeah. Yeah, I know. I'm—far from home. On purpose. Chaoit 10:13 pm On purpose, hmn? recuerdaxme 10:13 pm Getaway too. NoodlesAtNight 10:13 pm //Maybe they like the taste of dirt or somethin'.// _Whirl 10:13 pm You'll get used to it, mech. You'll probably come to prefer it this way. I did. recuerdaxme 10:13 pm But, so long as you stay on track, you'll outrun them. If it's Rodimus after you, then I can easily kill him. _Whirl 10:13 pm PFFT. recuerdaxme 10:13 pm Oh, shut up. I could. _Whirl 10:14 pm That was for Rumble, not you. recuerdaxme 10:14 pm Oh, good. _Whirl 10:14 pm I've seen you in action--I believe it. recuerdaxme 10:14 pm Then I retract. _Whirl 10:15 pm *nods gravely* Thank you, Teach. NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm //...Hold up, he's usin' live bait!// recuerdaxme 10:16 pm Huh. I've done that before... _Whirl 10:16 pm Yeah, he... must be some kind of nutcase. Chaoit 10:16 pm Well frack recuerdaxme 10:16 pm Of course, I dropped the bait in the smelting pit. NoodlesAtNight 10:16 pm //I didn't know humans did that.// _Whirl 10:16 pm No wonder that girl back at camp was so nervous all the time. One wrong move and he tosses her in the cage. Getaway 10:16 pm *glances at Froid.* Oh, just—you know. Considering the odds. I ran far and fast on purpose. The odds my Froid had the same thought, and went the same way... Chaoit 10:17 pm Practical...but...messed up Oh. Oh no. DID the kid get bit? _Whirl 10:17 pm I got no respect for that. You should fight 'em head on. recuerdaxme 10:18 pm I mean, either commit or don't hunt them. Honestly. NoodlesAtNight 10:18 pm *He taps a finger to his chin, thinking. That is very good reasoning.* [[He supposes that does make sense. It is a vast multiverse.]] Getaway 10:18 pm *to Blurr* I appreciate that. The—protecting me. From Rodimus. Really. recuerdaxme 10:19 pm Honestly, any chance to slaughter that mech would make me so... /pauses. Thinks/ What's the word? _Whirl 10:19 pm Out of your goddamned mind with glee? NoodlesAtNight 10:19 pm //Hope they didn't. Poor bitlet. 'N this fragger - I mean, he got the blood. How come he don't just leave a bucket in the cage?// recuerdaxme 10:19 pm / glances left and right/ What? That's not the word... which one? Ah, right. / to Getaway/ Content. recuerdaxme 10:19 pm And, what Whirl said. _Whirl 10:20 pm Because he's sadistic. There's always folks like that. You get someone on the other side of some bars and a set of keys and it's just a matter of time. Chaoit 10:20 pm Yeeeeep NoodlesAtNight 10:21 pm //He can't leave her with a fragger like that. He's gonna use the kid for bait too.// _Whirl 10:21 pm Yeah I--yeah. recuerdaxme 10:21 pm ... Huh. I like this one. This... woman. Chaoit 10:21 pm Better than himself, he's gonna be one of them soon. _Whirl 10:22 pm I mean obviously he SHOULD off himself, but not while she's with these people. So here's what you do: Kill that guy in his sleep. Chaoit 10:22 pm ...........or not recuerdaxme 10:22 pm ... Hnh. I knew something was odd. Chaoit 10:22 pm Yikes The man is nuts NoodlesAtNight 10:22 pm [[Indeed. She did not seem to be affectionate in return.]] [[Now we see why.]] _Whirl 10:23 pm Go get the folks in the cage, bring em in. Hopefully some of them won't hold it against you, and then you've got a little squad at the base. THEN you off yourself. Chaoit 10:23 pm Scratch that, he's an afthat NoodlesAtNight 10:23 pm //Aw, Pit. This ain't good.// _Whirl 10:23 pm Especially not for that kid. Chaoit 10:23 pm Nope NoodlesAtNight 10:24 pm [[The clever man?]] [[Does this refer to the older one in the cage?]] _Whirl 10:25 pm The old guy, with the beard. One who talked about the land getting sick. Yep. I'm guessing it's capitalized. Clever Man. A title. NoodlesAtNight 10:26 pm //Primus.// *Flops back on his portion of the hammock.* _Whirl 10:26 pm *looks down, amused* Suspenseful enough for you? Oh, come on, he's asleep, he's a sitting duck. Just SHOOT him. Getaway 10:27 pm *he's got a nice little pile of coins now.* Chaoit 10:27 pm They don't want to attract the things Loud noises do that _Whirl 10:27 pm Then cut his throat. Chaoit 10:27 pm Gunshots are loud noises NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm //Listen, I did my share of suspensi-- aw, COME ON.// Chaoit 10:28 pm ............ recuerdaxme 10:28 pm /smirk/ do you want more coins? Chaoit 10:28 pm Well slag recuerdaxme 10:28 pm ... huh. that's ironic NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm //RUN!// _Whirl 10:28 pm Damn. Getaway 10:28 pm If you've got them, yeah. Thanks. Chaoit 10:28 pm You shot her instead Serves you right, afthat _Whirl 10:29 pm Guess he really WAS a clever man. NoodlesAtNight 10:29 pm [[What else will you need? Besides money.]] [[And a ship, and transport.]] _Whirl 10:29 pm *looks over to Getaway* I can hook you up with a loving, beautiful pet. Okay, movie. All his yelling has GOT to have attracted them. Movie, please. You gotta have this guy get eaten. Getaway 10:31 pm *he shrugs.* A—a safe crew to join on the other side, I guess. Chaoit 10:31 pm Smart girl NoodlesAtNight 10:31 pm [[What kind?]] Chaoit 10:32 pm Whooops Getaway 10:33 pm ... The kind that can protect me if Rodimus comes after me. _Whirl 10:33 pm *points to Blurr* Getaway 10:34 pm Yeah—I know, but—boss here is on the wrong side. I've gotta make it to the other half of the multiverse. _Whirl 10:34 pm Well, that's why you kill him, instead of running from him. recuerdaxme 10:34 pm ... Wrong side? Chaoit 10:35 pm That's... recuerdaxme 10:35 pm Mech, you know my ship can travel space at the fastest speeds right? Chaoit 10:35 pm ...depressing. Getaway 10:36 pm Yeah, but you LIVE on this side. You're—FROM this side. recuerdaxme 10:36 pm ... Uhhh. I mean, more or less. I'm not allowed back on my Cybertron Ever. _Whirl 10:37 pm *can't hold back another shudder* NoodlesAtNight 10:37 pm //....WHERE'S THE--oh.// recuerdaxme 10:37 pm Rodimus claimed he pulled off the bounty for my helm, but I don't trust him at all. Huh... now she's gonna take him? Chaoit 10:38 pm -settles- Getaway 10:39 pm Heh. Yeah. I wouldn't trust him either. He's shifty. Chaoit 10:39 pm Roddy? Getaway 10:39 pm And dishonest and power-hungry. _Whirl 10:39 pm And terribly unfashionable. recuerdaxme 10:39 pm Yes, I would know. _Whirl 10:40 pm *holds his claw upside-down and holds it under his eye like it's a goatee* recuerdaxme 10:40 pm He used to be close to me. Ah, but... who needs him. /shrugs pauldrons and relaxes / Getaway 10:40 pm Yeah. I guess you would. recuerdaxme 10:40 pm Not sure how /your/ Blurr handled that mess, but I didn't let him take that ship. My Master trusted me. Not Rodimus. Chaoit 10:40 pm Things don't exactly always work like that Getaway 10:41 pm Your master? recuerdaxme 10:41 pm My Prime. Chaoit 10:41 pm ...someone got munched recuerdaxme 10:41 pm Trusted me with literally everything, down to keeping his armor clean. /flexes claws/ _Whirl 10:41 pm ((I'm liking freeman in this. I've only ever seen him do one type of role, but he's very convincing. Good jearb)) recuerdaxme 10:41 pm ( yeah same!! ) _Whirl 10:41 pm *nudges Rumble* You were saying something, earlier. About having your fair share of something? recuerdaxme 10:42 pm ... That's not foreboding. NoodlesAtNight 10:42 pm [[Oh, no.]] Chaoit 10:43 pm That's... Frag. _Whirl 10:43 pm If he actually cared about his OWN ones he'd end it. recuerdaxme 10:44 pm Nn... _Whirl 10:44 pm ...not what I meant. NoodlesAtNight 10:44 pm //Oh. Uh. Had my fair share of suspensin' from scrap like this. Ain't a good time. Aaaaaan' now they gotta move. Them diggin things is gonna come for 'em.// Chaoit 10:44 pm Hah...haha...holy frag _Whirl 10:45 pm Oh. Pfft. You and me both. recuerdaxme 10:45 pm Look mech, when the rust finally gets to me and I turn into some rusted Empty, I either want Whirl or Drift to off my aft. Or... just chain me up and use me as a quick Empty attack, I guess. That'd be cool. "Release the monster" Bam, there I go _Whirl 10:45 pm Well MAYBE the rust wouldn't GET to you if you'd go to the DOCTOR more often. recuerdaxme 10:46 pm / B( / Well, I DO. Kind of. _Whirl 10:46 pm I'd let you go out in style, Teach. Strap some high-end explosives to you, send you out in the face of someone we'd both enjoy killing. recuerdaxme 10:46 pm ... Good. And then tell Buster he's free from my clutches. _Whirl 10:46 pm ...@B: I'd break it to him gently. Chaoit 10:46 pm Uh... recuerdaxme 10:47 pm @W: ... Well, that's the best I could ask for. Chaoit 10:47 pm Huh.... Getaway 10:47 pm Oh. Yeah, the Prime didn't trust our Rodimus, either. Which makes sense, since he was trying to overthrow him and all. _Whirl 10:47 pm Luckily, I don't think I've got to worry about THIS anymore. Once you've gotten a virus once, you're immune, right? Chaoit 10:47 pm Ooooh That's why they do that recuerdaxme 10:48 pm Well, yes. I've never met a Rodimus that was loyal to anything but himself, really. _Whirl 10:48 pm Oh, this asshole, again. NoodlesAtNight 10:48 pm *Is learning all KINDS of things about the other side of the multiverse tonight* recuerdaxme 10:48 pm Mine is surprisingly still alive, though I've discovered that he's afraid of my denta. _Whirl 10:48 pm As most living things SHOULD be. recuerdaxme 10:48 pm ... Which virus do you mean, Whirl ? Getaway 10:48 pm *... peers at Blurr's mouth.* recuerdaxme 10:48 pm Well, most living things don't live to see them very long /cackle/ _Whirl 10:49 pm The sparkeater one. I went once, so... I mean. That's how viruses USUALLY work. NoodlesAtNight 10:49 pm //...Pit, I wasn't even thinkin' about - mech, I got stuff to tell ya some time. But yeah. Definitely that too.// _Whirl 10:49 pm Hell yeah, SHOOT HIM. recuerdaxme 10:49 pm / he has them nice sharp denta with them energon stains. The flexi-stitches holding his jaw together get nice and wide/ Wanna see? Chaoit 10:49 pm Well then Getaway 10:50 pm ... I can see them from here. recuerdaxme 10:50 pm I dunno. I don't even know if Empties carry a virus. I know drinking their energon is not good for your tanks. Had to cut mine out. Aww, you don't want a close up? I won't bite... much. _Whirl 10:50 pm *tilts his head* Hm? Whatcha mean? *he senses a story... but he can be patient and hear it later. If he has to. But he's nosy* Getaway 10:50 pm I'm good, thanks. Chaoit 10:50 pm Kinda hoping to see that guy eaten now recuerdaxme 10:50 pm / snickers / recuerdaxme 10:51 pm Wait til you see what they can do. You'll see if you work with us _Whirl 10:51 pm Dad goes full zombie and eats the guy to save his bitlet. Chaoit 10:51 pm He'd deserve it recuerdaxme 10:51 pm I'm down to see that. recuerdaxme 10:53 pm (( god i really love him in this )) (( it's a whole different side of him )) Chaoit 10:53 pm ((it's interesting to say the least NoodlesAtNight 10:54 pm //Ah, it's, uh... probably I shouldn't talk about it here. Ain't no prettier'n this scrap.// *Jerks his head at the screen.* _Whirl 10:54 pm *nods* Yeah, I get ya. Some other time. recuerdaxme 10:54 pm You know. If I ever got that sick... I don't think I'd want to get all the way sick. Chaoit 10:54 pm That's...that's not gooooooodon'teatthat recuerdaxme 10:54 pm I don't know. Depends. I mean, the crew would survive without me. _Whirl 10:55 pm Hell yeah, look at em go! Chaoit 10:56 pm Oh no recuerdaxme 10:56 pm (( me: already sobbing )) _Whirl 10:57 pm *just not gonna. Watch this part. Suddenly very interested in Getaway's coin pile* Getaway 10:57 pm *it's grown steadily* _Whirl 10:58 pm *how incredibly impressive* recuerdaxme 10:58 pm Hey, Getaway. Tell you what. You help us get the next few treasures we look for, and I'll give you a ship and some of the fleet members. Chaoit 10:59 pm Is she using him as transportation? recuerdaxme 10:59 pm I mean, I don't need the /entire/ fleet. _Whirl 10:59 pm *returns his attention to the screen* Chaoit 11:00 pm Huh. She is. Getaway 11:00 pm Oh, no—you don't need to give me that much. But—I could use a ship. Thank you. I won't let you down, boss. recuerdaxme 11:00 pm Sure thing. They're all stolen anyway. So, I'd give you one/ *. Chaoit 11:02 pm ((WEH recuerdaxme 11:02 pm (( mOOD )) (( Don't mind me cryin' alone in my home )) NoodlesAtNight 11:02 pm *...Soundwave has an odd urge to check on the protoforms.* Chaoit 11:03 pm ...... recuerdaxme 11:03 pm / internally worries about Oberyn. His best child. / Chaoit 11:03 pm -Sides is going to be squishing his brother later- ((ohmygod ((this ending hurts recuerdaxme 11:04 pm (( yEAH )) Chaoit 11:04 pm ...... _Whirl 11:05 pm Not bad. Chaoit 11:05 pm -raises servo again- recuerdaxme 11:05 pm Not bad at all. Hnh? What is it? Chaoit 11:05 pm Who else here kinda hated the ending because surprise feels recuerdaxme 11:05 pm I mean, if you're into that kind of scrap. / oh he knows what he'll do. / recuerdaxme 11:06 pm / he's gonna have a sleepover with his frames tonight / NoodlesAtNight 11:06 pm //Least the kid survived.// NoodlesAtNight 11:06 pm //'S better 'n most.// _Whirl 11:06 pm Yeah. That's the important bit. recuerdaxme 11:06 pm Yes, I suppose. She wasn't as problematic as I assumed. Very quiet. Chaoit 11:06 pm Family is family And yeah...at least the kids survived _Whirl 11:07 pm Well, you know how little ones are. Unruly. It's part of their charm. recuerdaxme 11:07 pm I suppose. We don't have kids where I'm from, so. Chaoit 11:08 pm ((they have a movie ((called anon _Whirl 11:08 pm I'm not exactly... what you'd call experienced, either. *A LIE* Getaway 11:08 pm ((it's about smokey's life)) ((truly a neverending horror story)) Chaoit 11:08 pm ((YEP recuerdaxme 11:09 pm (( LOL )) Getaway 11:09 pm *just sort of glances between speakers, listening to the conversation about the movie* _Whirl 11:09 pm ((omg)) Chaoit 11:09 pm -huffs, and settles down again- recuerdaxme 11:09 pm /shrugs pauldrons/ I honestly think if kids existed in my universe, they'd keep them away from me. _Whirl 11:10 pm Same. I'm pretty sure if we ever get the hang of propagating, I'm going to be barred from it. Which, honestly, is just as well. NoodlesAtNight 11:10 pm [[Hm. A strange thought, but he has seen plenty of others who have.]] Chaoit 11:11 pm Annnyway I gotta go _Whirl 11:11 pm Huh? recuerdaxme 11:11 pm Heading out? Chaoit 11:11 pm Yup _Whirl 11:11 pm ...to Soundwave, not you, Sideswipe. Seeya. Chaoit 11:11 pm Thanks for the stream, though recuerdaxme 11:11 pm Sure thing. /wiggles claws / NoodlesAtNight 11:11 pm *DAMN IT, WHIRL.* _Whirl 11:11 pm *LOOK HE'S NOT A SPY HE CAN'T BE COUNTED ON FOR THIS STUFF* recuerdaxme 11:12 pm / DID NOT RUIN THE DEAL / _Whirl 11:12 pm *ALSO IF YOU WANT SOMEONE TO PLAY ALONG MAYBE LET THEM IN ON YOUR GAME* recuerdaxme 11:12 pm K-Kyeheheh. Are you *sure* you're completely cleared of that virus there, Whirl? Sounds like you're a little confused. NoodlesAtNight 11:12 pm *Note to himself: never, ever ask Whirl to be a field agent.* Getaway 11:12 pm *... very slowly looks from Whirl to "Froid."* NoodlesAtNight 11:12 pm *Very slowly looks over to Getaway. Yes?* _Whirl 11:13 pm ...huh? Well. I mean, you don't see me waving around tentacles and trying to EAT people, do you? Chaoit 11:13 pm ....annnyway, 'night guys, thanks for the stream, but I'm out now. NoodlesAtNight 11:13 pm //Night, Blaster.// recuerdaxme 11:13 pm See you. No, but that sounds like fun. Can I do that? _Whirl 11:13 pm *i stand by my "tell him the plan if you want him to be a part of it" statement* Getaway 11:13 pm *and then from "Froid" to the small guy who's been cuddled up with Whirl all night.* NoodlesAtNight 11:13 pm *HE THOUGHT WHIRL HAD THE IDEA* _Whirl 11:13 pm *suddenly very serious* It's not, Blurr. Trust me. *no nicknames, so you know he means it* recuerdaxme 11:14 pm / shrugs pauldrons / I wouldn't know. My universe doesn't have oddities like that. recuerdaxme 11:14 pm We have Empties, Zombies and that's it. ... And Rodimus. All are absolute filth., _Whirl 11:14 pm Basically the same principle. ((Getaway right now:))
recuerdaxme 11:15 pm (( lmaooo )) Getaway 11:15 pm ((HAHAHA)) NoodlesAtNight 11:15 pm ((LOL)) _Whirl 11:16 pm ((I'm honestly not sorry this is hilarious)) NoodlesAtNight 11:17 pm *Well, he'll just fold his hands and continue to sit waiting on the couch for whatever hellstorm is about to come his way.* recuerdaxme 11:18 pm /is going to watch, but pretend he's not. This is surprisingly easier with one optic / Getaway 11:19 pm *after a moment glancing between the two of them, focuses on the small guy* Hey. Sorry, I came in kinda late, I never got your name. Let me guess, it's... it's gotta be either Rumble or Frenzy, right? You're both completely different colors where I'm from, I don't wanna guess and be wrong. recuerdaxme 11:19 pm They're both *alive* where you're from? NoodlesAtNight 11:20 pm *Rumble sits up* //Hold on. Y'mean we're dead?// Getaway 11:20 pm ... I... honestly don't know. I'm not a frontliner. I've only seen them in pictures. _Whirl 11:20 pm *still hasn't grasped the full implications of what's going on, but is staring at Getaway while he addresses Rumble. No expression whatsoeve* recuerdaxme 11:21 pm Not "we" Just one of you. At least where I'm from. NoodlesAtNight 11:22 pm *Rumble glances from Blurr to Whirl to the Boss to Getaway. Is he - is he in danger? Should he pop his piledrivers out? He's gonna fidget slightly, already feeling the urge to fight crawl up his spinal strut.* //I'm Rumble. What's it to ya?// NoodlesAtNight 11:23 pm *Don't mind Soundwave, just... watching like a hawk.* Getaway 11:24 pm Rumble! Nice to meet you properly. I'm Getaway. Not—not the one that was plotting to kill you, obviously. _Whirl 11:24 pm Obviously. NoodlesAtNight 11:24 pm *Rumble frowns.* //Heard that, huh?// Getaway 11:25 pm ... Yeah. Kinda. recuerdaxme 11:25 pm Master of surprises. Getaway 11:26 pm *drops his gaze down to his coins.* Everything I hear about my alternate is bad news. I'm kinda used to it, at this point. recuerdaxme 11:26 pm Pits, everything I hear is good news. It's annoying. Why don't you just kill your alternate? Getaway 11:26 pm ... Nah, that's a lie. I'll /get/ used to it. recuerdaxme 11:27 pm I have connections. ... / pauses / Wait a second... This got me in trouble last time. _Whirl 11:27 pm Don't have much experience with that myself, but, yeah. That's another multiverse thing. Getaway 11:27 pm *shocked look at Blurr* I can't do that! recuerdaxme 11:27 pm Well , why not? _Whirl 11:27 pm Shocking dearth of Whirls running around, but apparently not Starscreams, which is a damned crime. Getaway 11:28 pm Because he's— I don't even KNOW him! And he's ME! recuerdaxme 11:28 pm ...No. YOU are you. _Whirl 11:28 pm *dryly, to Getaway* You probably won't have to. recuerdaxme 11:28 pm HE is someone else. NoodlesAtNight 11:28 pm //Well, good. Ya don't hurt us 'n I ain't gotta hurt you.// *Probably. Rumble's breaking out in a smile, but it's not one he's sure he feels yet.* //Y'think that's weird, try bein' me. I got alternates turnin' into -cassettes.-// recuerdaxme 11:28 pm / points at Whirl/ A good point. Getaway 11:28 pm *slowly turns toward Whirl* ... Is he...? _Whirl 11:29 pm I have no clue what he's up to. Vanished. But I mean, obviously things are going to go bad if he shows his face around here, so... recuerdaxme 11:29 pm (( guys the fire in northern CA is now bigger than the city of LA )) (( I'm terrified ahaha )) NoodlesAtNight 11:29 pm ((JESUS)) _Whirl 11:29 pm SPEDDY.....(( recuerdaxme 11:29 pm (( It's out of control )) NoodlesAtNight 11:29 pm ((get packed in case and stay safe)) recuerdaxme 11:29 pm (( Well it's pretty far north but the smoke )) (( It's bad )) recuerdaxme 11:30 pm / leans forward/ Eh, yeah. And if he tries to come here? I'll send him to Whirl's. Getaway 11:32 pm Hm. From what I heard about him, maybe he deserves it. *... starts rummaging through one of the crates again.* _Whirl 11:32 pm *finally relaxes again* recuerdaxme 11:33 pm That's the spirit. Getaway 11:33 pm *doesn't sound very spirited.* NoodlesAtNight 11:33 pm //That's him, though.// *Kicks back again.* //You ain't that mech any more'n our Ravage's some blue 'n white nerd.// Getaway 11:33 pm *at the moment, he is a hollow shell of his previously chipper self.* ... What color nerd IS he? NoodlesAtNight 11:34 pm //PFFF.// recuerdaxme 11:34 pm Kyehehe. NoodlesAtNight 11:35 pm //Black 'n silver, mostly. Li'l bit of yellow 'n purple. 'N if he hears ya called him a nerd I ain't gettin' Frenzy to patch you up.// Getaway 11:35 pm I'll keep that in mind. _Whirl 11:35 pm Mixes a damn good drink, too. Highly recommended. recuerdaxme 11:36 pm /snort / recuerdaxme 11:37 pm I know you're new to the idea of various verses, but you should keep in mind that the only mech with your coding is you. Your experiences are yours. Your fights were and are yours. /shrugs pauldrons/ Same name, same face- doesn't make you them. Didn't do what he did. He doesn't do what you do. It's a complex situation, but you'll get the hang of it. Getaway 11:37 pm Thanks. I'll remember that. recuerdaxme 11:37 pm / this is the wisest thing he has said all year / recuerdaxme 11:37 pm / will give himself a sticker later / NoodlesAtNight 11:37 pm *Soundwave: still quietly observing. Getaway's been rather... off, tonight, compared to before. All the talk about slaughtering his alternate, and now this revelation. Perhaps it can be salvaged somehow? They really don't know who he is, aside from what he's been saying. Soundwave would /like/ to believe he's the protector he says he is. They could use more of them, albeit less focused on the humans.* _Whirl 11:37 pm *decides, again, to show that a little bit of that whole I Know Decent People has rubbed off, maybe* And, mech. As far as places for second chances go... you can't really do better than the multiverse. Take it from someone who knows. recuerdaxme 11:38 pm Look. Let's make this simple. You could be a tool like Rodimus, but you're not. You get to explore the multiverse and make a new... life? Existence ? Job? Getaway 11:39 pm Heh. I try to keep that as my guiding star. Not being like Rodimus. _Whirl 11:39 pm A good policy, honestly. recuerdaxme 11:39 pm That should be everyone's motivation Getaway 11:40 pm ... It's—tricky, though. Isn't it? *he's found a helmet! He pulls it out of the crate.* The first time you—you meet someone who looks like someone who hurt you, and find out they've got nothing in common. *he's using the helmet as a bucket to scoop his coins into. he's focusing very intently on it.* ... Or the first time you're hurt by someone who looks like a person you called a friend. _Whirl 11:41 pm Don't got to be in the multiverse to experience THAT, mech. NoodlesAtNight 11:41 pm [[....He apologizes for the deceit. You seemed so happy to see your companion, and he - well. He doesn't know as much about the ember timelines as he would like, and he enjoys a good story.]]
[[He thought you might manage to go on your way after a while, better than before. It seemed relatively harmless at the time.]] Getaway 11:41 pm No, I guess not. *glances up at Soundwave. then back down.* You really do look exactly like him. NoodlesAtNight 11:43 pm [[That is new to him. He's never seen /anyone/ who looks like him. Perhaps you'd still consider enlightening him some time.]] recuerdaxme 11:43 pm You'll learn to separate the mechs who look the same. I've run into mechs I know are gone, but I know it's not them. You just have to... get used to it, I guess. /flicks finials/ I suppose I'm numb to it because we recycle so much. I don't know if you recycle in your verse, like ours. NoodlesAtNight 11:43 pm [[He would make it something of an even exchange, of course.]] _Whirl 11:44 pm *tilts his head and looks to Soundwave, then to Getaway. ....ohhh.* NoodlesAtNight 11:44 pm *YEAH, WHIRL.* _Whirl 11:44 pm *honestly doesn't seem too bothered* I've never seen it anywhere but your home turf, Teach. recuerdaxme 11:45 pm Huh... wow. Look at us. The only recycling verse. Getaway 11:46 pm ... No offense, but—you've already messed with me once. You know what they say, once bitten... recuerdaxme 11:46 pm (( this fire won't be contained til September lmAO )) recuerdaxme 11:49 pm Mm... just learn to keep your guard up. /suddenly perks up/ I can teach you how to survive! Getaway 11:50 pm *starts when Blurr perks. his helmet-bucket jangles.* Oh—yeah? NoodlesAtNight 11:52 pm [[...Yes, of course.]] *And there goes a fountain of free data. Blast.* [[A pity he'll have to learn about that Rodimus some other way, but an understandable one.]] recuerdaxme 11:52 pm But of course! I'm an experienced lecturer and educator.
recuerdaxme 9:23 pm ( lemme know when y'all are good. ) Getaway 9:23 pm ((im good)) _Whirl 9:23 pm ((I am! AND ALSO YEAH IT IS)) recuerdaxme 9:23 pm ( i love this song in all languages ;A; ) ( but spanish is still a fAV ) Piston HAS manners. He's been very decent lately. NoodlesAtNight 9:24 pm //Getaway? Y'mean that gold-faced fragger Prowl likes? He ain't comin' /here,/ is he? Last time we met he was thinkin' how to kill me 'n the others, 'n who to knock off first.// *Rumble scowls.* recuerdaxme 9:25 pm Not the same one, I don't think. Could be, but I don't know. ( I gonna start then if we all good. I have to be up at 4am again tomorrow 8( ) NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm ((i'm good whenever)) Getaway 9:25 pm ((the soonoer the better)) ((soonoer)) _Whirl 9:25 pm ((soonoer)) recuerdaxme 9:25 pm soonerer) Getaway 9:26 pm ((soonoonerer)) NoodlesAtNight 9:26 pm ((soonoerest)) recuerdaxme 9:26 pm omg bgskdfsd ) _Whirl 9:27 pm Nah. This one's from Blurr's neck of the woods, so he's pretty different from our Getaway. *a pause, and Whirl's antenna flattens* And if that other one comes back then I'm going to reach down his throat and turn him inside-out. recuerdaxme 9:27 pm (( is it streaming okay for y'all? )) Getaway 9:28 pm ((there are little static sounds, idk whether it's on my end)) _Whirl 9:28 pm ((ye it's got the little static noises here too)) Getaway 9:28 pm ((oh it's that dude)) recuerdaxme 9:28 pm (( *SIGH* It wasn't there before and now it there )) (( go away mystery sound )) NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm //Huh. That mean he's real sweetlike, or nastier? Never been good figurin' out how they're gonna bend.// *Shakes his head. And gives Whirl a light punch in thanks for what he perceives as support.* NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm *A gentle bop, really, with a grin.* recuerdaxme 9:30 pm You can never really guess what they're gonna be like, honestly. It's either they're Autobots or Decepticons, but most Decepticons are too touchy, feely, sweet. _Whirl 9:31 pm *nudges him back. Yes, threatening enemies with grotesque bodily harm is how he shows affection* NoodlesAtNight 9:31 pm *Soundwave perks. The movie doesn't waste any time, does i-- is that the sound of a human larva? Is it that young? Don't they need to eat more often? Oh dear.* Getaway 9:32 pm ((that rock TV is the saddest thing ive ever seen)) _Whirl 9:32 pm As far as he goes, he was really bubbly, but I dunno. My Getaway was kinda like that too. recuerdaxme 9:32 pm /flops on the couch/ Well, you're all free to pick through the spoils we've gathered too much of. recuerdaxme 9:32 pm We didn't have a Getaway where I'm from. _Whirl 9:32 pm Well, now ya do. recuerdaxme 9:33 pm yes i suppose so Getaway 9:34 pm *okay, he's camped out here now. back on the wall, right outside the doorway.* _Whirl 9:34 pm And I'll go through the stuff when we're all wrapped up. If nobody else wants the limbs, I can take 'em home to Killer. recuerdaxme 9:34 pm Sure you can. _Whirl 9:35 pm Ohh, boy. ...wait, never mind. I was sure it was going to be a zombie on the other end of the line. Chaoit 9:35 pm ....? feck, rabbit you ass let me change my muse)) Getaway 9:36 pm ((rabbit's bein rude about that lately)) ((tonight, apparently, i'm a suspiciously prowl-shaped getaway)) Chaoit 9:37 pm ((trying to make it Sides, but nooooo)) NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm @G: [[He can sense you out there.]] *And it is driving him up the wall. He can't tell why Getaway is hiding. Anxiety-inducing. What if he's up to something? What if he's trying to plan to kill Rumble too?* Chaoit 9:37 pm ((and wow, getaway, your skills at disguise are great _Whirl 9:37 pm ((he's the new Makeshift)) NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm [[Oh, now this is too much. One of them wandering in alone was unsafe. Now another is.]] recuerdaxme 9:38 pm / leaning over his couch to see where Getaway is at. He can sense the lingering, though not as great as Soundwave. / NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm [[She isn't even armed.]] recuerdaxme 9:38 pm / But oh the movie is interesting now / NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm [[Run, human.]] _Whirl 9:38 pm Yeah. Honestly, tying down right by the boat was a bad idea. Getaway 9:38 pm *Getaway starts, then freezes.* NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm *Shakes his head. Too late.* Chaoit 9:39 pm ((okay, is THIS any better? _Whirl 9:39 pm ((still Chaoit with a Blaster face)) Chaoit 9:40 pm ((MOTHER FUCKER _Whirl 9:40 pm Okay, if they haven't moved away from that wreck by NOW... Chaoit 9:40 pm ((can I give up? Just...go with that I be Sides because I may just put rabbit into a stew soon _Whirl 9:41 pm ((ye dude! Sideswipe, then?)) Getaway 9:42 pm *After a moment, he leans in the doorway.* ... Sorry about that. I heard my name, and... well. And then I heard— *gestures vaguely at Whirl.* The, the whole. inside-out. thing. _Whirl 9:42 pm Well. Don't plot on killing my friends and I won't do that. Getaway 9:42 pm Didn't—want to interrupt. _Whirl 9:42 pm You should have nothing to worry about. recuerdaxme 9:42 pm Hnh? Oh, pits. He won't do anything to you. Not now anyway. You're part of my crew. TEchnically, /I/ would do it. Chaoit 9:42 pm ((yeah, cuz Blaster got into trouble with a demigod Chaoit 9:43 pm -and Sides is here, just curiously looking at the screen- What'd I miss? _Whirl 9:44 pm Point. The honor goes to the Captain. @B: I get dibs on anyone who messes with Rumble, though. Deal?
...not that I expect it, or anything, I mean. Just saying. Getaway 9:44 pm No, n-no, no, not—not threatening anyone's friends. recuerdaxme 9:44 pm @W: I mean, I guess. Chaoit 9:44 pm Like, what'er we watchin'? NoodlesAtNight 9:46 pm ((food came right after she put the watch thing on what did i miss) Getaway 9:46 pm ((zombie symptoms don't show up for 3 hours but she's gonna bleed out in 2 hours so they're taking their chances and going to the hospital.)) ((as long as they don't know whether she's infected yet.)) _Whirl 9:46 pm One of them should REALLY be standing lookout now. Getaway 9:47 pm ((so they got an abandoned car. a zombie almost got them.)) Chaoit 9:47 pm Oh NoodlesAtNight 9:47 pm [[...He hopes she did not bite the bitlet.]] _Whirl 9:47 pm *shudders, despite himself* Getaway too. NoodlesAtNight 9:47 pm [[Greetings, Getaway.]] *Bobs his head. At least the mech's making himself known now.* Chaoit 9:47 pm That...a symptom, ain't it? recuerdaxme 9:47 pm Hello, my new little recruit. _Whirl 9:47 pm Yeah, I'm guessing so. Chaoit 9:48 pm Getaway, huh? Getaway 9:48 pm ... Hey, boss. NoodlesAtNight 9:48 pm //They oughta have somethin' over her mouth. Then she can't bite nobody if she goes all sudden.// Chaoit 9:48 pm She's got a point dude _Whirl 9:49 pm Yeah. If there's a chance to cure her then, yeah, but if not... I mean. He knows what he's gotta do. She knows it, too. recuerdaxme 9:49 pm Well, don't be so... whatever you are! Come in. Look at all this scrap we over collected. See if you want anything. Chaoit 9:49 pm Yeah. Sucks, but... -has plopped himself in a seat- Getaway 9:50 pm ... Yeah, sure. Chaoit 9:50 pm -raises servo- _Whirl 9:50 pm *adopts his Teacher Voice* Yes, Sideswipe? recuerdaxme 9:51 pm ...Wow. Chaoit 9:51 pm Can I say that I think the guy's being stupid fraggin' bit-brain right now? _Whirl 9:51 pm Yes, you may. Proceed. *waves aclaw magnanimously. NoodlesAtNight 9:51 pm //Run, buddy. She's done.// _Whirl 9:52 pm At least put her out of her misery so she can die as HERSELF. Chaoit 9:52 pm Kay. The guy's bein' a stupid fraggin' bit-brain Getaway 9:52 pm *gives Whirl a nervous look; but, moves to the crates.* NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm [[Oh dear. She'll have gone while he was out, won't she.]] Chaoit 9:52 pm She's turning into a monster......... NoodlesAtNight 9:53 pm [[Did she get to him?]] Chaoit 9:53 pm .......... _Whirl 9:53 pm Looked like it to me. recuerdaxme 9:53 pm Don't worry so much, Getaway. He's not gonna do anything to you. Chaoit 9:53 pm Let's hope not Getaway 9:53 pm ((don't leave the baby behind jfc)) _Whirl 9:53 pm Yeah. I'm a triple sweetie, remember? Should have DONE THAT WHILE SHE WAS ALIVE, IDIOT. Chaoit 9:53 pm Or that sparkling is going to be a snack Getaway 9:54 pm ... Yeah. Triple sweetie. *doesn't sound convinced.* Chaoit 9:55 pm ....oh boy Getaway 9:55 pm *starts hesitantly digging through one of the crates.* Chaoit 9:55 pm He's not a bright one, is he? Uh.... NoodlesAtNight 9:56 pm @G: [[If anyone attempts to harm you, he will intervene as much as he can.]] *Probably to handle it himself, if it's because of the minicons.* [[We still have a meeting to complete.]] recuerdaxme 9:56 pm Getaway . /wiggles claws/ I've got my optic on you. You're fine. Chaoit 9:56 pm What....the.... _Whirl 9:57 pm *is not really terribly concerned. Being feared is a-ok by him* Chaoit 9:57 pm Well THAT can't be good _Whirl 9:58 pm Also, hey. That kid had the same idea. *nudges Rumble* A bit-and-harness, to keep him from biting. Getaway 9:58 pm *glances up between the two of them; after a moment, gives them half-optic smiles.* Thanks, guys. Means a lot to me. NoodlesAtNight 9:58 pm //Kid knows what's up.// _Whirl 9:58 pm *nods* Chaoit 10:00 pm Hmmmm You don't have time dude recuerdaxme 10:01 pm /smirks/ Don't worry. Captains take care of their crew. _Whirl 10:01 pm Am I missing something, there? *peers* Chaoit 10:01 pm The hell was that? NoodlesAtNight 10:01 pm *He nods. Of course.* _Whirl 10:02 pm Why's that scar something he's scared of? Getaway 10:02 pm *back to digging through the crate. He's rummaging straight past all the bigger objects.* Getaway 10:04 pm *once he gets to the bottom, he starts pulling coins out. he makes a pile of them, just outside the crate.* NoodlesAtNight 10:04 pm [[So he is infected.]] //...Whatcha doin' with all them?// *Points at the coins.* Chaoit 10:05 pm Oh...and now he's becoming one too recuerdaxme 10:05 pm Well, he was bit, wasn't he? _Whirl 10:05 pm *also looks over, curiously* recuerdaxme 10:06 pm / is also watching / Getaway 10:06 pm Saving up. Chaoit 10:06 pm -turns to watch the coin-stacking too- recuerdaxme 10:06 pm Are you planning on buying something? Chaoit 10:07 pm -turns back to the movie after a moment- Getaway 10:07 pm Nah. Just preparing for when I've got to move on. Costs a lot to cross the multiverse when you've got no ship of your own and no friends. recuerdaxme 10:07 pm ... /ugly loud laughter / _Whirl 10:07 pm Huh. Second one we've seen doing that. NoodlesAtNight 10:07 pm [[...No friends?]] Chaoit 10:08 pm Hmn.... recuerdaxme 10:08 pm Just because you're leaving doesn't mean you can't call me for assistance. We can remain allies. _Whirl 10:08 pm Take my advice--stick with Teach. He's tough. He's been around a while. Chaoit 10:08 pm Heh, nice shot guy recuerdaxme 10:08 pm Long while. They say I'm a roach. _Whirl 10:09 pm *gravely* It's true. recuerdaxme 10:09 pm Very hard to kill. _Whirl 10:09 pm Looks like that's how they rest. Sticking their heads in the ground. recuerdaxme 10:09 pm Weird way to sleep. Getaway 10:10 pm *a half-optic smile for Froid.* Present company excluded. But you're not MY Froid. Probably. Chaoit 10:10 pm -snickering- Wait, diggers? Oh, like they go digging and bury their head? _Whirl 10:11 pm *at long last, relents just a little bit. His good influences have had SOME impact on him* Hey, Getaway. It's... you're gonna have to get used to that. You might be the only one around from your timeline. Same with me. Just stop thinking about everything as being "not yours." Just roll with it. recuerdaxme 10:12 pm You get used to it after a while. All I've run into are the Decepticons and they irritate my entire core. NoodlesAtNight 10:12 pm [[Perhaps. Perhaps not. He does not know. Though he is curious as to how you would.]] Getaway 10:12 pm ... Yeah. Yeah, I know. I'm—far from home. On purpose. Chaoit 10:13 pm On purpose, hmn? recuerdaxme 10:13 pm Getaway too. NoodlesAtNight 10:13 pm //Maybe they like the taste of dirt or somethin'.// _Whirl 10:13 pm You'll get used to it, mech. You'll probably come to prefer it this way. I did. recuerdaxme 10:13 pm But, so long as you stay on track, you'll outrun them. If it's Rodimus after you, then I can easily kill him. _Whirl 10:13 pm PFFT. recuerdaxme 10:13 pm Oh, shut up. I could. _Whirl 10:14 pm That was for Rumble, not you. recuerdaxme 10:14 pm Oh, good. _Whirl 10:14 pm I've seen you in action--I believe it. recuerdaxme 10:14 pm Then I retract. _Whirl 10:15 pm *nods gravely* Thank you, Teach. NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm //...Hold up, he's usin' live bait!// recuerdaxme 10:16 pm Huh. I've done that before... _Whirl 10:16 pm Yeah, he... must be some kind of nutcase. Chaoit 10:16 pm Well frack recuerdaxme 10:16 pm Of course, I dropped the bait in the smelting pit. NoodlesAtNight 10:16 pm //I didn't know humans did that.// _Whirl 10:16 pm No wonder that girl back at camp was so nervous all the time. One wrong move and he tosses her in the cage. Getaway 10:16 pm *glances at Froid.* Oh, just—you know. Considering the odds. I ran far and fast on purpose. The odds my Froid had the same thought, and went the same way... Chaoit 10:17 pm Practical...but...messed up Oh. Oh no. DID the kid get bit? _Whirl 10:17 pm I got no respect for that. You should fight 'em head on. recuerdaxme 10:18 pm I mean, either commit or don't hunt them. Honestly. NoodlesAtNight 10:18 pm *He taps a finger to his chin, thinking. That is very good reasoning.* [[He supposes that does make sense. It is a vast multiverse.]] Getaway 10:18 pm *to Blurr* I appreciate that. The—protecting me. From Rodimus. Really. recuerdaxme 10:19 pm Honestly, any chance to slaughter that mech would make me so... /pauses. Thinks/ What's the word? _Whirl 10:19 pm Out of your goddamned mind with glee? NoodlesAtNight 10:19 pm //Hope they didn't. Poor bitlet. 'N this fragger - I mean, he got the blood. How come he don't just leave a bucket in the cage?// recuerdaxme 10:19 pm / glances left and right/ What? That's not the word... which one? Ah, right. / to Getaway/ Content. recuerdaxme 10:19 pm And, what Whirl said. _Whirl 10:20 pm Because he's sadistic. There's always folks like that. You get someone on the other side of some bars and a set of keys and it's just a matter of time. Chaoit 10:20 pm Yeeeeep NoodlesAtNight 10:21 pm //He can't leave her with a fragger like that. He's gonna use the kid for bait too.// _Whirl 10:21 pm Yeah I--yeah. recuerdaxme 10:21 pm ... Huh. I like this one. This... woman. Chaoit 10:21 pm Better than himself, he's gonna be one of them soon. _Whirl 10:22 pm I mean obviously he SHOULD off himself, but not while she's with these people. So here's what you do: Kill that guy in his sleep. Chaoit 10:22 pm ...........or not recuerdaxme 10:22 pm ... Hnh. I knew something was odd. Chaoit 10:22 pm Yikes The man is nuts NoodlesAtNight 10:22 pm [[Indeed. She did not seem to be affectionate in return.]] [[Now we see why.]] _Whirl 10:23 pm Go get the folks in the cage, bring em in. Hopefully some of them won't hold it against you, and then you've got a little squad at the base. THEN you off yourself. Chaoit 10:23 pm Scratch that, he's an afthat NoodlesAtNight 10:23 pm //Aw, Pit. This ain't good.// _Whirl 10:23 pm Especially not for that kid. Chaoit 10:23 pm Nope NoodlesAtNight 10:24 pm [[The clever man?]] [[Does this refer to the older one in the cage?]] _Whirl 10:25 pm The old guy, with the beard. One who talked about the land getting sick. Yep. I'm guessing it's capitalized. Clever Man. A title. NoodlesAtNight 10:26 pm //Primus.// *Flops back on his portion of the hammock.* _Whirl 10:26 pm *looks down, amused* Suspenseful enough for you? Oh, come on, he's asleep, he's a sitting duck. Just SHOOT him. Getaway 10:27 pm *he's got a nice little pile of coins now.* Chaoit 10:27 pm They don't want to attract the things Loud noises do that _Whirl 10:27 pm Then cut his throat. Chaoit 10:27 pm Gunshots are loud noises NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm //Listen, I did my share of suspensi-- aw, COME ON.// Chaoit 10:28 pm ............ recuerdaxme 10:28 pm /smirk/ do you want more coins? Chaoit 10:28 pm Well slag recuerdaxme 10:28 pm ... huh. that's ironic NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm //RUN!// _Whirl 10:28 pm Damn. Getaway 10:28 pm If you've got them, yeah. Thanks. Chaoit 10:28 pm You shot her instead Serves you right, afthat _Whirl 10:29 pm Guess he really WAS a clever man. NoodlesAtNight 10:29 pm [[What else will you need? Besides money.]] [[And a ship, and transport.]] _Whirl 10:29 pm *looks over to Getaway* I can hook you up with a loving, beautiful pet. Okay, movie. All his yelling has GOT to have attracted them. Movie, please. You gotta have this guy get eaten. Getaway 10:31 pm *he shrugs.* A—a safe crew to join on the other side, I guess. Chaoit 10:31 pm Smart girl NoodlesAtNight 10:31 pm [[What kind?]] Chaoit 10:32 pm Whooops Getaway 10:33 pm ... The kind that can protect me if Rodimus comes after me. _Whirl 10:33 pm *points to Blurr* Getaway 10:34 pm Yeah—I know, but—boss here is on the wrong side. I've gotta make it to the other half of the multiverse. _Whirl 10:34 pm Well, that's why you kill him, instead of running from him. recuerdaxme 10:34 pm ... Wrong side? Chaoit 10:35 pm That's... recuerdaxme 10:35 pm Mech, you know my ship can travel space at the fastest speeds right? Chaoit 10:35 pm ...depressing. Getaway 10:36 pm Yeah, but you LIVE on this side. You're—FROM this side. recuerdaxme 10:36 pm ... Uhhh. I mean, more or less. I'm not allowed back on my Cybertron Ever. _Whirl 10:37 pm *can't hold back another shudder* NoodlesAtNight 10:37 pm //....WHERE'S THE--oh.// recuerdaxme 10:37 pm Rodimus claimed he pulled off the bounty for my helm, but I don't trust him at all. Huh... now she's gonna take him? Chaoit 10:38 pm -settles- Getaway 10:39 pm Heh. Yeah. I wouldn't trust him either. He's shifty. Chaoit 10:39 pm Roddy? Getaway 10:39 pm And dishonest and power-hungry. _Whirl 10:39 pm And terribly unfashionable. recuerdaxme 10:39 pm Yes, I would know. _Whirl 10:40 pm *holds his claw upside-down and holds it under his eye like it's a goatee* recuerdaxme 10:40 pm He used to be close to me. Ah, but... who needs him. /shrugs pauldrons and relaxes / Getaway 10:40 pm Yeah. I guess you would. recuerdaxme 10:40 pm Not sure how /your/ Blurr handled that mess, but I didn't let him take that ship. My Master trusted me. Not Rodimus. Chaoit 10:40 pm Things don't exactly always work like that Getaway 10:41 pm Your master? recuerdaxme 10:41 pm My Prime. Chaoit 10:41 pm ...someone got munched recuerdaxme 10:41 pm Trusted me with literally everything, down to keeping his armor clean. /flexes claws/ _Whirl 10:41 pm ((I'm liking freeman in this. I've only ever seen him do one type of role, but he's very convincing. Good jearb)) recuerdaxme 10:41 pm ( yeah same!! ) _Whirl 10:41 pm *nudges Rumble* You were saying something, earlier. About having your fair share of something? recuerdaxme 10:42 pm ... That's not foreboding. NoodlesAtNight 10:42 pm [[Oh, no.]] Chaoit 10:43 pm That's... Frag. _Whirl 10:43 pm If he actually cared about his OWN ones he'd end it. recuerdaxme 10:44 pm Nn... _Whirl 10:44 pm ...not what I meant. NoodlesAtNight 10:44 pm //Oh. Uh. Had my fair share of suspensin' from scrap like this. Ain't a good time. Aaaaaan' now they gotta move. Them diggin things is gonna come for 'em.// Chaoit 10:44 pm Hah...haha...holy frag _Whirl 10:45 pm Oh. Pfft. You and me both. recuerdaxme 10:45 pm Look mech, when the rust finally gets to me and I turn into some rusted Empty, I either want Whirl or Drift to off my aft. Or... just chain me up and use me as a quick Empty attack, I guess. That'd be cool. "Release the monster" Bam, there I go _Whirl 10:45 pm Well MAYBE the rust wouldn't GET to you if you'd go to the DOCTOR more often. recuerdaxme 10:46 pm / B( / Well, I DO. Kind of. _Whirl 10:46 pm I'd let you go out in style, Teach. Strap some high-end explosives to you, send you out in the face of someone we'd both enjoy killing. recuerdaxme 10:46 pm ... Good. And then tell Buster he's free from my clutches. _Whirl 10:46 pm ...@B: I'd break it to him gently. Chaoit 10:46 pm Uh... recuerdaxme 10:47 pm @W: ... Well, that's the best I could ask for. Chaoit 10:47 pm Huh.... Getaway 10:47 pm Oh. Yeah, the Prime didn't trust our Rodimus, either. Which makes sense, since he was trying to overthrow him and all. _Whirl 10:47 pm Luckily, I don't think I've got to worry about THIS anymore. Once you've gotten a virus once, you're immune, right? Chaoit 10:47 pm Ooooh That's why they do that recuerdaxme 10:48 pm Well, yes. I've never met a Rodimus that was loyal to anything but himself, really. _Whirl 10:48 pm Oh, this asshole, again. NoodlesAtNight 10:48 pm *Is learning all KINDS of things about the other side of the multiverse tonight* recuerdaxme 10:48 pm Mine is surprisingly still alive, though I've discovered that he's afraid of my denta. _Whirl 10:48 pm As most living things SHOULD be. recuerdaxme 10:48 pm ... Which virus do you mean, Whirl ? Getaway 10:48 pm *... peers at Blurr's mouth.* recuerdaxme 10:48 pm Well, most living things don't live to see them very long /cackle/ _Whirl 10:49 pm The sparkeater one. I went once, so... I mean. That's how viruses USUALLY work. NoodlesAtNight 10:49 pm //...Pit, I wasn't even thinkin' about - mech, I got stuff to tell ya some time. But yeah. Definitely that too.// _Whirl 10:49 pm Hell yeah, SHOOT HIM. recuerdaxme 10:49 pm / he has them nice sharp denta with them energon stains. The flexi-stitches holding his jaw together get nice and wide/ Wanna see? Chaoit 10:49 pm Well then Getaway 10:50 pm ... I can see them from here. recuerdaxme 10:50 pm I dunno. I don't even know if Empties carry a virus. I know drinking their energon is not good for your tanks. Had to cut mine out. Aww, you don't want a close up? I won't bite... much. _Whirl 10:50 pm *tilts his head* Hm? Whatcha mean? *he senses a story... but he can be patient and hear it later. If he has to. But he's nosy* Getaway 10:50 pm I'm good, thanks. Chaoit 10:50 pm Kinda hoping to see that guy eaten now recuerdaxme 10:50 pm / snickers / recuerdaxme 10:51 pm Wait til you see what they can do. You'll see if you work with us _Whirl 10:51 pm Dad goes full zombie and eats the guy to save his bitlet. Chaoit 10:51 pm He'd deserve it recuerdaxme 10:51 pm I'm down to see that. recuerdaxme 10:53 pm (( god i really love him in this )) (( it's a whole different side of him )) Chaoit 10:53 pm ((it's interesting to say the least NoodlesAtNight 10:54 pm //Ah, it's, uh... probably I shouldn't talk about it here. Ain't no prettier'n this scrap.// *Jerks his head at the screen.* _Whirl 10:54 pm *nods* Yeah, I get ya. Some other time. recuerdaxme 10:54 pm You know. If I ever got that sick... I don't think I'd want to get all the way sick. Chaoit 10:54 pm That's...that's not gooooooodon'teatthat recuerdaxme 10:54 pm I don't know. Depends. I mean, the crew would survive without me. _Whirl 10:55 pm Hell yeah, look at em go! Chaoit 10:56 pm Oh no recuerdaxme 10:56 pm (( me: already sobbing )) _Whirl 10:57 pm *just not gonna. Watch this part. Suddenly very interested in Getaway's coin pile* Getaway 10:57 pm *it's grown steadily* _Whirl 10:58 pm *how incredibly impressive* recuerdaxme 10:58 pm Hey, Getaway. Tell you what. You help us get the next few treasures we look for, and I'll give you a ship and some of the fleet members. Chaoit 10:59 pm Is she using him as transportation? recuerdaxme 10:59 pm I mean, I don't need the /entire/ fleet. _Whirl 10:59 pm *returns his attention to the screen* Chaoit 11:00 pm Huh. She is. Getaway 11:00 pm Oh, no—you don't need to give me that much. But—I could use a ship. Thank you. I won't let you down, boss. recuerdaxme 11:00 pm Sure thing. They're all stolen anyway. So, I'd give you one/ *. Chaoit 11:02 pm ((WEH recuerdaxme 11:02 pm (( mOOD )) (( Don't mind me cryin' alone in my home )) NoodlesAtNight 11:02 pm *...Soundwave has an odd urge to check on the protoforms.* Chaoit 11:03 pm ...... recuerdaxme 11:03 pm / internally worries about Oberyn. His best child. / Chaoit 11:03 pm -Sides is going to be squishing his brother later- ((ohmygod ((this ending hurts recuerdaxme 11:04 pm (( yEAH )) Chaoit 11:04 pm ...... _Whirl 11:05 pm Not bad. Chaoit 11:05 pm -raises servo again- recuerdaxme 11:05 pm Not bad at all. Hnh? What is it? Chaoit 11:05 pm Who else here kinda hated the ending because surprise feels recuerdaxme 11:05 pm I mean, if you're into that kind of scrap. / oh he knows what he'll do. / recuerdaxme 11:06 pm / he's gonna have a sleepover with his frames tonight / NoodlesAtNight 11:06 pm //Least the kid survived.// NoodlesAtNight 11:06 pm //'S better 'n most.// _Whirl 11:06 pm Yeah. That's the important bit. recuerdaxme 11:06 pm Yes, I suppose. She wasn't as problematic as I assumed. Very quiet. Chaoit 11:06 pm Family is family And yeah...at least the kids survived _Whirl 11:07 pm Well, you know how little ones are. Unruly. It's part of their charm. recuerdaxme 11:07 pm I suppose. We don't have kids where I'm from, so. Chaoit 11:08 pm ((they have a movie ((called anon _Whirl 11:08 pm I'm not exactly... what you'd call experienced, either. *A LIE* Getaway 11:08 pm ((it's about smokey's life)) ((truly a neverending horror story)) Chaoit 11:08 pm ((YEP recuerdaxme 11:09 pm (( LOL )) Getaway 11:09 pm *just sort of glances between speakers, listening to the conversation about the movie* _Whirl 11:09 pm ((omg)) Chaoit 11:09 pm -huffs, and settles down again- recuerdaxme 11:09 pm /shrugs pauldrons/ I honestly think if kids existed in my universe, they'd keep them away from me. _Whirl 11:10 pm Same. I'm pretty sure if we ever get the hang of propagating, I'm going to be barred from it. Which, honestly, is just as well. NoodlesAtNight 11:10 pm [[Hm. A strange thought, but he has seen plenty of others who have.]] Chaoit 11:11 pm Annnyway I gotta go _Whirl 11:11 pm Huh? recuerdaxme 11:11 pm Heading out? Chaoit 11:11 pm Yup _Whirl 11:11 pm ...to Soundwave, not you, Sideswipe. Seeya. Chaoit 11:11 pm Thanks for the stream, though recuerdaxme 11:11 pm Sure thing. /wiggles claws / NoodlesAtNight 11:11 pm *DAMN IT, WHIRL.* _Whirl 11:11 pm *LOOK HE'S NOT A SPY HE CAN'T BE COUNTED ON FOR THIS STUFF* recuerdaxme 11:12 pm / DID NOT RUIN THE DEAL / _Whirl 11:12 pm *ALSO IF YOU WANT SOMEONE TO PLAY ALONG MAYBE LET THEM IN ON YOUR GAME* recuerdaxme 11:12 pm K-Kyeheheh. Are you *sure* you're completely cleared of that virus there, Whirl? Sounds like you're a little confused. NoodlesAtNight 11:12 pm *Note to himself: never, ever ask Whirl to be a field agent.* Getaway 11:12 pm *... very slowly looks from Whirl to "Froid."* NoodlesAtNight 11:12 pm *Very slowly looks over to Getaway. Yes?* _Whirl 11:13 pm ...huh? Well. I mean, you don't see me waving around tentacles and trying to EAT people, do you? Chaoit 11:13 pm ....annnyway, 'night guys, thanks for the stream, but I'm out now. NoodlesAtNight 11:13 pm //Night, Blaster.// recuerdaxme 11:13 pm See you. No, but that sounds like fun. Can I do that? _Whirl 11:13 pm *i stand by my "tell him the plan if you want him to be a part of it" statement* Getaway 11:13 pm *and then from "Froid" to the small guy who's been cuddled up with Whirl all night.* NoodlesAtNight 11:13 pm *HE THOUGHT WHIRL HAD THE IDEA* _Whirl 11:13 pm *suddenly very serious* It's not, Blurr. Trust me. *no nicknames, so you know he means it* recuerdaxme 11:14 pm / shrugs pauldrons / I wouldn't know. My universe doesn't have oddities like that. recuerdaxme 11:14 pm We have Empties, Zombies and that's it. ... And Rodimus. All are absolute filth., _Whirl 11:14 pm Basically the same principle. ((Getaway right now:))
recuerdaxme 11:15 pm (( lmaooo )) Getaway 11:15 pm ((HAHAHA)) NoodlesAtNight 11:15 pm ((LOL)) _Whirl 11:16 pm ((I'm honestly not sorry this is hilarious)) NoodlesAtNight 11:17 pm *Well, he'll just fold his hands and continue to sit waiting on the couch for whatever hellstorm is about to come his way.* recuerdaxme 11:18 pm /is going to watch, but pretend he's not. This is surprisingly easier with one optic / Getaway 11:19 pm *after a moment glancing between the two of them, focuses on the small guy* Hey. Sorry, I came in kinda late, I never got your name. Let me guess, it's... it's gotta be either Rumble or Frenzy, right? You're both completely different colors where I'm from, I don't wanna guess and be wrong. recuerdaxme 11:19 pm They're both *alive* where you're from? NoodlesAtNight 11:20 pm *Rumble sits up* //Hold on. Y'mean we're dead?// Getaway 11:20 pm ... I... honestly don't know. I'm not a frontliner. I've only seen them in pictures. _Whirl 11:20 pm *still hasn't grasped the full implications of what's going on, but is staring at Getaway while he addresses Rumble. No expression whatsoeve* recuerdaxme 11:21 pm Not "we" Just one of you. At least where I'm from. NoodlesAtNight 11:22 pm *Rumble glances from Blurr to Whirl to the Boss to Getaway. Is he - is he in danger? Should he pop his piledrivers out? He's gonna fidget slightly, already feeling the urge to fight crawl up his spinal strut.* //I'm Rumble. What's it to ya?// NoodlesAtNight 11:23 pm *Don't mind Soundwave, just... watching like a hawk.* Getaway 11:24 pm Rumble! Nice to meet you properly. I'm Getaway. Not—not the one that was plotting to kill you, obviously. _Whirl 11:24 pm Obviously. NoodlesAtNight 11:24 pm *Rumble frowns.* //Heard that, huh?// Getaway 11:25 pm ... Yeah. Kinda. recuerdaxme 11:25 pm Master of surprises. Getaway 11:26 pm *drops his gaze down to his coins.* Everything I hear about my alternate is bad news. I'm kinda used to it, at this point. recuerdaxme 11:26 pm Pits, everything I hear is good news. It's annoying. Why don't you just kill your alternate? Getaway 11:26 pm ... Nah, that's a lie. I'll /get/ used to it. recuerdaxme 11:27 pm I have connections. ... / pauses / Wait a second... This got me in trouble last time. _Whirl 11:27 pm Don't have much experience with that myself, but, yeah. That's another multiverse thing. Getaway 11:27 pm *shocked look at Blurr* I can't do that! recuerdaxme 11:27 pm Well , why not? _Whirl 11:27 pm Shocking dearth of Whirls running around, but apparently not Starscreams, which is a damned crime. Getaway 11:28 pm Because he's— I don't even KNOW him! And he's ME! recuerdaxme 11:28 pm ...No. YOU are you. _Whirl 11:28 pm *dryly, to Getaway* You probably won't have to. recuerdaxme 11:28 pm HE is someone else. NoodlesAtNight 11:28 pm //Well, good. Ya don't hurt us 'n I ain't gotta hurt you.// *Probably. Rumble's breaking out in a smile, but it's not one he's sure he feels yet.* //Y'think that's weird, try bein' me. I got alternates turnin' into -cassettes.-// recuerdaxme 11:28 pm / points at Whirl/ A good point. Getaway 11:28 pm *slowly turns toward Whirl* ... Is he...? _Whirl 11:29 pm I have no clue what he's up to. Vanished. But I mean, obviously things are going to go bad if he shows his face around here, so... recuerdaxme 11:29 pm (( guys the fire in northern CA is now bigger than the city of LA )) (( I'm terrified ahaha )) NoodlesAtNight 11:29 pm ((JESUS)) _Whirl 11:29 pm SPEDDY.....(( recuerdaxme 11:29 pm (( It's out of control )) NoodlesAtNight 11:29 pm ((get packed in case and stay safe)) recuerdaxme 11:29 pm (( Well it's pretty far north but the smoke )) (( It's bad )) recuerdaxme 11:30 pm / leans forward/ Eh, yeah. And if he tries to come here? I'll send him to Whirl's. Getaway 11:32 pm Hm. From what I heard about him, maybe he deserves it. *... starts rummaging through one of the crates again.* _Whirl 11:32 pm *finally relaxes again* recuerdaxme 11:33 pm That's the spirit. Getaway 11:33 pm *doesn't sound very spirited.* NoodlesAtNight 11:33 pm //That's him, though.// *Kicks back again.* //You ain't that mech any more'n our Ravage's some blue 'n white nerd.// Getaway 11:33 pm *at the moment, he is a hollow shell of his previously chipper self.* ... What color nerd IS he? NoodlesAtNight 11:34 pm //PFFF.// recuerdaxme 11:34 pm Kyehehe. NoodlesAtNight 11:35 pm //Black 'n silver, mostly. Li'l bit of yellow 'n purple. 'N if he hears ya called him a nerd I ain't gettin' Frenzy to patch you up.// Getaway 11:35 pm I'll keep that in mind. _Whirl 11:35 pm Mixes a damn good drink, too. Highly recommended. recuerdaxme 11:36 pm /snort / recuerdaxme 11:37 pm I know you're new to the idea of various verses, but you should keep in mind that the only mech with your coding is you. Your experiences are yours. Your fights were and are yours. /shrugs pauldrons/ Same name, same face- doesn't make you them. Didn't do what he did. He doesn't do what you do. It's a complex situation, but you'll get the hang of it. Getaway 11:37 pm Thanks. I'll remember that. recuerdaxme 11:37 pm / this is the wisest thing he has said all year / recuerdaxme 11:37 pm / will give himself a sticker later / NoodlesAtNight 11:37 pm *Soundwave: still quietly observing. Getaway's been rather... off, tonight, compared to before. All the talk about slaughtering his alternate, and now this revelation. Perhaps it can be salvaged somehow? They really don't know who he is, aside from what he's been saying. Soundwave would /like/ to believe he's the protector he says he is. They could use more of them, albeit less focused on the humans.* _Whirl 11:37 pm *decides, again, to show that a little bit of that whole I Know Decent People has rubbed off, maybe* And, mech. As far as places for second chances go... you can't really do better than the multiverse. Take it from someone who knows. recuerdaxme 11:38 pm Look. Let's make this simple. You could be a tool like Rodimus, but you're not. You get to explore the multiverse and make a new... life? Existence ? Job? Getaway 11:39 pm Heh. I try to keep that as my guiding star. Not being like Rodimus. _Whirl 11:39 pm A good policy, honestly. recuerdaxme 11:39 pm That should be everyone's motivation Getaway 11:40 pm ... It's—tricky, though. Isn't it? *he's found a helmet! He pulls it out of the crate.* The first time you—you meet someone who looks like someone who hurt you, and find out they've got nothing in common. *he's using the helmet as a bucket to scoop his coins into. he's focusing very intently on it.* ... Or the first time you're hurt by someone who looks like a person you called a friend. _Whirl 11:41 pm Don't got to be in the multiverse to experience THAT, mech. NoodlesAtNight 11:41 pm [[....He apologizes for the deceit. You seemed so happy to see your companion, and he - well. He doesn't know as much about the ember timelines as he would like, and he enjoys a good story.]]
[[He thought you might manage to go on your way after a while, better than before. It seemed relatively harmless at the time.]] Getaway 11:41 pm No, I guess not. *glances up at Soundwave. then back down.* You really do look exactly like him. NoodlesAtNight 11:43 pm [[That is new to him. He's never seen /anyone/ who looks like him. Perhaps you'd still consider enlightening him some time.]] recuerdaxme 11:43 pm You'll learn to separate the mechs who look the same. I've run into mechs I know are gone, but I know it's not them. You just have to... get used to it, I guess. /flicks finials/ I suppose I'm numb to it because we recycle so much. I don't know if you recycle in your verse, like ours. NoodlesAtNight 11:43 pm [[He would make it something of an even exchange, of course.]] _Whirl 11:44 pm *tilts his head and looks to Soundwave, then to Getaway. ....ohhh.* NoodlesAtNight 11:44 pm *YEAH, WHIRL.* _Whirl 11:44 pm *honestly doesn't seem too bothered* I've never seen it anywhere but your home turf, Teach. recuerdaxme 11:45 pm Huh... wow. Look at us. The only recycling verse. Getaway 11:46 pm ... No offense, but—you've already messed with me once. You know what they say, once bitten... recuerdaxme 11:46 pm (( this fire won't be contained til September lmAO )) recuerdaxme 11:49 pm Mm... just learn to keep your guard up. /suddenly perks up/ I can teach you how to survive! Getaway 11:50 pm *starts when Blurr perks. his helmet-bucket jangles.* Oh—yeah? NoodlesAtNight 11:52 pm [[...Yes, of course.]] *And there goes a fountain of free data. Blast.* [[A pity he'll have to learn about that Rodimus some other way, but an understandable one.]] recuerdaxme 11:52 pm But of course! I'm an experienced lecturer and educator. Getaway 11:53 pm Just assume the worst, and you're probably right. *another optic smile for Soundwave; but it's not as bright as his earlier ones.* NoodlesAtNight 11:53 pm *As such, he doesn't believe it for a second.* *Yeah, he lost this one. Not his best work.* _Whirl 11:54 pm *streeetches* Well, I'm headin out, folks. Seeya, losers. *Rumble gets a separate nudge* And you, too. Getaway 11:54 pm See you, Other Whirl. ... Probably Other Whirl. NoodlesAtNight 11:54 pm *Rumble nudges back and grins.* //Seeya soon.// _Whirl 11:55 pm I'm Some Kinda Whirl. That's the best any of us can do. recuerdaxme 11:55 pm The best Whirl, honestly. Getaway 11:55 pm Ha! Yeah. Guess so. _Whirl 11:55 pm Yeah! Soon. *and he will carefully extricate himself--see? He's good at this. No tipping* Aww, Teach. You sap. recuerdaxme 11:55 pm / waves claw / recuerdaxme 11:55 pm Just like I'm the best Blurr, I know. NoodlesAtNight 11:56 pm [[Well. We should be going, Rumble. Our own timeline will not wait forever, and you still have a game table to repair.]] _Whirl 11:56 pm Damn straight! I'll come back later to rummage through the stuff. recuerdaxme 11:56 pm / wiggles claws/ You mechs have fun. Yes, of course, Whirl. K-Kyeheheh. recuerdaxme 11:56 pm We might have more when you do. NoodlesAtNight 11:56 pm //Aw, c'mon. Can't I do it tomorrow? I been cleanin' up games for so long I can't even remember playin' none of 'em no more.// _Whirl 11:57 pm Oh, yeah, uh... if you want my help, with that. Y'know. Repair stuff... just ring me up. NoodlesAtNight 11:57 pm [[Tonight. He'll extend your free shift tomorrow.]] NoodlesAtNight 11:58 pm //Nah. Nah, you focus on doin' you some good. We got this. Probably got, what... a day 'n a half left? Small stuff.// *He grins.* //But ya wanna help me turn Elita One's lunch sour, lemme know.// NoodlesAtNight 11:59 pm [[He didn't hear that. Come.]] _Whirl 11:59 pm Hmm. Sounds intriguing. I'll keep my comm line open. *with that, he salutes one last time, and trots off* Yesterday recuerdaxme 11:59 pm / waves claw / NoodlesAtNight 12:00 am *Rumble waves to Blurr, sort of half-asses a wave to Getaway - he can tell when the Boss messed up just as well as the Boss can - and hops out the hammock to head toward Soundwave. Up on the arm he gets.* *Soundwave flexes the hand to get one of the fiddly joints on his ring finger aligned, nods, and bows.* [[Goodnight, and thank you for hosting us.]] *Off they'll go as well.* Getaway 12:01 am *he waves back at Rumble. It's about 3/4ths-assed.* recuerdaxme 12:02 am / shifts and moves to stand, stretching his limbs out/ ... Hanging in there, mech? Getaway 12:03 am Yeah. I'll be— I'm fine. recuerdaxme 12:03 am / smirks/ Yeah, that's what I always say. Getaway 12:03 am Anyway, I should— *hefts his helmet.* Better get this to my storage room. recuerdaxme 12:04 am / shifts./ Yes, I suppose. /taps chinplate/ Hey, listen. I'm your Captain, but... I don't get to meet many mechs from a verse like mine. recuerdaxme 12:04 am Contrary to what people think, I'm not too damaged in the processor to comprehend things. /shrugs/ If you ever want to just... I don't know. /grumbles/ I AM saying it- talk. We- I... can talk. Getaway 12:05 am ... Are we that rare out here? Thanks, boss. I might just take you up on that sometime. recuerdaxme 12:05 am / smirk/ Yeah, we're rare. recuerdaxme 12:05 am Mechs usually kill us off. But, I've got strong allies and I don't intend on letting my crew go. Anyway, you know where I am. So... you know. / how do make friends ???? Awkward offer of help /
_Whirl 11:57 pm Oh, yeah, uh... if you want my help, with that. Y'know. Repair stuff... just ring me up. NoodlesAtNight 11:57 pm [[Tonight. He'll extend your free shift tomorrow.]] NoodlesAtNight 11:58 pm //Nah. Nah, you focus on doin' you some good. We got this. Probably got, what... a day 'n a half left? Small stuff.// *He grins.* //But ya wanna help me turn Elita One's lunch sour, lemme know.// NoodlesAtNight 11:59 pm [[He didn't hear that. Come.]] _Whirl 11:59 pm Hmm. Sounds intriguing. I'll keep my comm line open. *with that, he salutes one last time, and trots off* Yesterday recuerdaxme 11:59 pm / waves claw / NoodlesAtNight 12:00 am *Rumble waves to Blurr, sort of half-asses a wave to Getaway - he can tell when the Boss messed up just as well as the Boss can - and hops out the hammock to head toward Soundwave. Up on the arm he gets.* *Soundwave flexes the hand to get one of the fiddly joints on his ring finger aligned, nods, and bows.* [[Goodnight, and thank you for hosting us.]] *Off they'll go as well.* Getaway 12:01 am *he waves back at Rumble. It's about 3/4ths-assed.* recuerdaxme 12:02 am / shifts and moves to stand, stretching his limbs out/ ... Hanging in there, mech? Getaway 12:03 am Yeah. I'll be— I'm fine. recuerdaxme 12:03 am / smirks/ Yeah, that's what I always say. Getaway 12:03 am Anyway, I should— *hefts his helmet.* Better get this to my storage room. recuerdaxme 12:04 am / shifts./ Yes, I suppose. /taps chinplate/ Hey, listen. I'm your Captain, but... I don't get to meet many mechs from a verse like mine. recuerdaxme 12:04 am Contrary to what people think, I'm not too damaged in the processor to comprehend things. /shrugs/ If you ever want to just... I don't know. /grumbles/ I AM saying it- talk. We- I... can talk. Getaway 12:05 am ... Are we that rare out here? Thanks, boss. I might just take you up on that sometime. recuerdaxme 12:05 am / smirk/ Yeah, we're rare. recuerdaxme 12:05 am Mechs usually kill us off. But, I've got strong allies and I don't intend on letting my crew go. Anyway, you know where I am. So... you know. / how do make friends ???? Awkward offer of help / Getaway 12:06 am Yeah. And you know where I am—heh, obviously. You put me there. recuerdaxme 12:06 am Kyeheheheh. Now you're getting it. Ah, Dodge is starting to like you. /snort / Well, go on. Before NOS tries to punch you for the coins. He doesn't need them. He's just a bully. Getaway 12:07 am I don't think I've met Dodge yet. Introduce me sometime soon. *waves as he heads out the door* See you later, boss. recuerdaxme 12:08 am /sweats loudly/ Yeah, sure. See you.
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hejgyrus · 7 years
Cameron's First Time (p 1)
Pre-words: Ok just before we start... this is not legit, this is just the horny fantasy of a virgin fag (me!). Our story begins with Cameron (18 M) getting ready to go out on a date with his new boyfriend Ari (21 M).
//TL;DR to find fucking scene, do CTRL+F and type [FUCKING BOOKMARK]
Narrator: Tonight is Cameron's big night. His heart is flying all over the place as he prepares for his date with his new man he just met on the internet (this will end well, shut up). He has only seen pictures all over Instagram but he knows some things about Ari: he's ~6' 5", dirty blond, long-ass dreadlocks, works out, and tames horses. Cameron himself is: 5" 6', extremely white and red eye'd (he's somewhat albino, it's not obvious from a distance), 97 lb, white hair, and really smooth. For the past hour Cameron has been preparing for this event: choosing cloths, trying clear lipstick, regretting that choice, regretting that choice; and finally decided to just go for a cute messy look. A white button-down t-shirt, light grey shorts and some hair gel to make it seem as a bully gave him a nuggy. (he ended up going back on the lipstick).
Cameron: Fuck, shit, fuck, Fuck, FUCK!!!! Oh god, regret, regret! I'm not doing this, nope, nope, not today. I'll just... kill myself! Ya, that should be a good way out of this. No wait, science is too good for that, and Ari will find me dead.
*ding dong*
*door knocking*
*Cameron walks towards door regretting*
Cameron: I'll just throw up on his shoes, that should make him leave.
*Open's door to a giant Manticore*
Cameron: Woh, Hi!
Ari: *snickers* wSup?
Cameron: (gently)Panicking, (fully)still alive
Ari: Ready to go?
Cameron: (NO!) Sure
Narrator: The two get into Ari's decent looking open cockpit jeep, and head off to an outdoor restaurant on the beach. When they arrived they saw a pretty fun place with a small main building and a field of beach couches surrounding picknick-like coffee tables, the sun was setting beautifully on the horizon. Cameron finally managed to compose himself.
Ari: This place is great, I worked here as a bartender while I was at school.
Cameron: Wow, what were you studying?
Ari: Veterinary practices.
Cameron: Ah
Narrator: The two sit at a "table" closer to the water, when a waitress comes over to to her job, you fill in the dialog.
Narrator: Ari got a steak done cut up to be edible without leaning forward, and Cameron got a chicken salad, but the chicken is actually pork, it is a pork salad.
Ari: Aright, ya know what... I'm not good with dating...
Cameron: Oh don't worry, this is actually my first time.
Ari: Really! Then let's do the all the cliches, just for the lulz.
Cameron: Ok.
Ari: So tell me about yourself?
Cameron: Oh, god this is going to take a minute. I guess it all started when I was born.
Ari: ..
Cameron: I was born to a pair of Icelandic swingers who decided to elope to Israel, lying about being Jewish to get in free, who decided to fuck around and got stuck with me! I don't know much about them because the orphanage was incompetent for the most part, but they did tell me my mother was 7" 2'... I guess the Icelandic giant's gene.
Ari: Wait then why are you so short?
Cameron: There, actually, is a good reason for that! It's sad but good. Ok, so they left me at an orphanage... Now the Israelis are on the darker end of Caucasians, right? And the country is mostly a desert, so they didn't know my tolerance for sunlight, and decided to be conservative. I didn't really go out and play a lot. That didn't stunt my growth, but it did make me... smaller then the other kids.
Ari: How big did they get?
Cameron: Look at your arms and drop 3 inches
Ari: Oh
Cameron: So back to the house. *Narrator: Wow he opened up quick!* My first foster family was great, the dad was a high ranking military guy. The mother was very active in the community, her two sons were soo nice to me, always forcing me out of my shell and taking me out with their friends. Their friends, on the other hand, were not good people.
Ari: Y
Cameron: Well there's this word in Hebrew, "Arrsce"... It's a healthy mix of punk and bitch. They were that.
Ari: Where's this going...
Cameron: Well shit happened and they beat me up. Violently... comatose-ly. I lost 3 months of my life, and my Icelandic giant's gene.
Ari: Holy shit dude.
Cameron: Ya after that, and the media fire, technicalities happened and a US dignitary managed to "extradite" me to and keep me as his foster kid.
Ari: Lucky break?
Cameron: No he was pretty cold to me, and the rest of his family, but at 16 the state said I could leave the house and live somewhere else on their rent so long as I worked. And I did. I got an apartment over a subway where I still work.
Ari: Quite the life story.
Cameron: Ya I got use to my past.
Ari: But you can't accept that as normal, that was one of the saddest stories I heard in awhile.
Cameron: Too late.
Narrator: Ok I realize you have been waiting for the fucking, you fucking perv... I'll get to that soon...
Cameron: So what about you? You should have some stories.
Ari: Ahh well. My early life started off boring and bland from a broken family.
Cameron: Same!
Ari: He, sure... my life didn't really start until I got my first job a this little horse ranch. Well, like I said, bland and boring.
Cameron: You aren't boring, I love horses... at my size I need something under me to be my bitch (and it defiantly couldn't be you)
Narrator: The two continue to talk about meaningless drivvle to which I do not feel like writing out. If you have never been on a date, imagine a conversation... there ya go, that's what's happening. After a spectacular diner the two proceed to take a nice calm walk on the beach, now going dark.
Cameron: This is a day I won't forget for a long time, thanks for this luv.
Ari: Why dose it have to end? Ya know I have a whole tent and camping shit just lying around in my car, we could just camp out on the beach for the night.
Cameron: I don't know, I don't usually sleep with a guy I just met.
Ari: You've never dated.
Cameron: Point, let's do it!
Ari: Great, take this flashlight and start collecting fire wood, I'll go get the jeep... it's gonna take me about 10 minutes.
Cameron: *sarcastically* I miss you already.
Ari: Bye *kisses Cameron on the lips lightly, like they've been together for years*
Cameron: I... Iiii.. wut
Ari: *with slight regret* I'll be back *Leaves running*
Cameron: Wait I just let this guy leave me alone on a beach at night! He kissed me! How do I know he won't run away. Wait I just had my first kiss! *turns on this tiny pocket sized flashlight that lights up the entire rock face of the cliff the beach sits on* Wouw... I don't know how shallow he is but I'd come back for this flashlight.
Narrator: Cameron collects whatever scrap wood he could find, growing a large pile by the time Ari came back following the immensely powerful vibrator sized flashlight as a beacon.
Ari: Aright! Let's see what we got here...
Cameron: You kissed me.
Ari: Lemme just get started on this fire first.
Cameron: Is this how first times go?
Ari: *fiddling with matches* You mean me not thinking before I act, sure why not.
Cameron: Are we just going to forget that
Ari: *looks him in the eye awkwardly* Yes *Boops Cameron on his snoot*
Cameron: Ahowkey I'll just unpack the tent.
Ari: Oh its one of those spring loaded type deals, just pull off the straps and it will explode.
*Pulls off straps and out pops a giant tent*
Cameron: Oh!
Narrator: Now with the fire blazing and crackling because of moisture, the tent exploded out and tied in place with an inflatable mattress inside (No Ari isn't a creep who just caries around a fuck tent, and it isn't a fuck tent). The two just sit around staring off at the black horizon talking about some deep shit.
Cameron: I was beaten a lot.
Ari: Why
Cameron: Governor Shit-ass was for corporal punishment
Ari: What the cold American family
Cameron: Yup
Ari: You wanna talk about it.
Cameron: No.
Ari: What did they do.
Cameron: Everything.
Ari: Tell me.
Cameron: Nothing was ever right. I couldn't make my bed straight, speak without stuttering, keep straight A+(s) for 4 year.
Ari: *hold him* you're not alone.
Cameron: At some point, he couldn't stand me so much he put me in an orphanage in his town to teach me a lesson.
Ari: Did they also beat you?
Cameron: All because of him.
Ari: Hey, come here... ya wanna know something? One time my Dad was having one of his fits, and he threw me across the house so hard my arm broke in half. I came back at him so hard he lost consciousness.
Cameron: I've never been naked.
Ari: What.. how?
Cameron: I mean I bathe and everything, but in living alone for 2 years, I've never just been naked.
Ari: Was it Governor Shit-ass?
Cameron: The orphanage had a very creative way of punishing those who explore themselves.
Ari: What?
Cameron: The doctor said I started puberty, and the a week later, I got my first boner. I didn't understand what was happening so I ran to the bathroom and started poking around at it. And a nun followed me thinking I was sick, but she caught me, and she thought I was masturbating.
Ari: ..
Cameron: Then she dragged me out of the bathroom and kicked me senseless.
Ari: No
Cameron: But it didn't end there. The next day they took me to the auditorium, which had a thrust built out for a play. They stood me in the middle of the thrust and told me to strip.
Ari: Did you?
Cameron: I didn't understand why, but after I finished stripping and was just stood up there ashamed of myself I heard a storm of foot steps coming towards the door. I tried to run but the nuns were all there looking at me. Then the entire orphanage burst in looking confused until one boy pointed at me and started laughing.
Ari: Oh my god
Cameron: I tried to cover myself up but a nun whipped me on my back and told me to straighten up and put my hands on my head. *now crying a little* and I did.
Ari: *holds him tighter*
Cameron: Then she said, "This is what happens when you explore
your body, you have to share what you found!"
Ari: That's terrible
Cameron: The boys were just pointing at me laughing, and the girls were giggling and disgusted. I couldn't do anything but stand up there and cry. Then the nuns cleared a path for me to walk out naked and alone with my hands on my head, then they led me to my dorm and left me to get dressed.
Ari: ..
Cameron: I cried in my bed for hours until the rest of the boys came to go to sleep. I heard them talk about me, but they didn't notice me.
Ari: You were hiding.
Cameron: The next day no-one would look at me straight, and even one kid pantsed me in the middle of class so that everybody me see my bare ass like yesterday.
Ari: Hey look at me, that's all in the, loook at me. You're 18, you're out of the system. I'm here for you.
Cameron: *hugges Ari as hard as he could*
Ari: D.. Do you want to be naked?
Cameron: Yes.
Ari: Ok come here, stand up. I'm here for you, just follow my lead.
*Ari standing on his knees starts unbuttoning Cameron's shirt slowly*
*Cameron watches him as one half of his face is pitch black and the other glows in the fire*
*Ari gets to the bottom of the buttons, and pulls his shirt off, letting it fall to the ground*
Ari: How do you feel?
Cameron: Nervous.
*Ari undoes Cameron's belt and with one swift move pulls it out leaving it a few feet away*
*Cameron feels his pants drop slightly, suddenly he feels some of that same fear from the orphanage*
*Ari undoes the single button holding Cameron's pants up and slowly lets them drop while looking him in the eyes*
*Cameron feels his knees shutter*
Ari: Now how do you feel?
Cameron: Scared.
Ari: Do you wanna keep going?
Cameron: *nods*
*Ari looks at Cameron's underwear, they were big loose black boxers*
*Ari slowly moves his hands up Cameron's smooth legs to his pants and gently grabs each side*
*Cameron remembers the feeling of that one boy who too pantsed him and prepares to cover what's underneath*
*Ari pulls, ever so gently and slowly taking in every moment of the experience, Cameron is about to break out of a thick shell. The waist line almost got to the base of Cameron's cock when he moves his hands in to cover himself.*
*Ari continues to pull until they're all the way down*
*Cameron has his head down, he's all tense... like he's hiding*
Ari: Look at me *tilts Cameron's head up*, how do you feel?
Cameron: Alone.
*Ari swiftly grabs Cameron and gently lays him on his back, on the sand, next to the fire and sits over him. All of Ari's dreads flow off the the right, away from the fire, forming a curtain. The fire illuminates Ari's whole face glowed in the fire*
*Ari grabs Cameron's wrists, still firmly covering what little was left, and moves them to his sides. Cameron is now totally exposed*
Ari: *softly* How do you feel?
Cameron: Like running away.
*Ari puts hand on Cameron's chest. Even if he wanted to, Cameron couldn't run away... but he didn't want to.*
Ari: What about now?
Cameron: I want to scream.
*Ari comes down and kisses him on the lips, he was so slow and took his time*
*Cameron whimpers slightly, he can feel Ari's tongue slowly slip through his lips and rest on his tongue. The sensations, emotions, and fears finally got to him and he blacked out*
Narrator: Ok what? I just got back in after I was forced out of the script because I was labeled a distraction for this scene. Ok.. so, the night goes by and Cameron slept like a rock. The next day he wakes up to the sun and finds himself undisturbed, the fire somehow went on all night and Ari was asleep at his side. There were a few people at the beach that early, all nude... turns out this was a nudist beach. Cameron pays them no mind as he walks into the ocean to wake himself up; the water is warm. Ari wakes up a few minutes later and sees Cameron's white hair glisten in the sun as he plays in the water. Ari found some of that weird instant-coffee-juice-shit and pours out 2 red solo cups. When Cameron got back, his smooth white skin wet and glowing in the sun, he sat down on Ari's lap, wrapped his arms around his neck and started to make out with him. Neither of them cared that they were being watched.
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