#i didnt ask to cry in endwalker
mizra-asgardia · 2 years
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Emotional Damage: Urianger Edition
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sntoot · 1 year
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adventures of hyth this past week! hes a big boy now, he made it all the way to elpis! hes got his lil ancient robe!! theres two of him! im very excited! also he died in ultima :)
big thank you to my co-healer in e5n for the pink slimy worm! the best gifts are the ones you didnt know youd get right?
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emetkoto · 2 years
idk if anyone's asked this but what's your favorite song to associate with emetkoto?!?
I DIDNT SEE THIS AUGHHHGHGHH SORRY!!!!!! i have been asked this a few times actually but I'll never pass up an opportunity to talk about two breaths walking and how insane it drives me!!!!
two lovers from different places/lives who are having trouble connecting and understanding each other but trying to very hard....occasionally slipping up and hurting each other in the process but at the end of the day they still love each other so much....i just read it as the progression of their relationship through shb :,)
then deco 27 had the great idea to remake the song and change some of the lyrics in a way that just OOOOOGUGHHHHGHHG!!!!!! OUGU GGHH!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!! IT JUST HITS JUST RIGHT!!!!! it gives me vibes of. k'oto going through endwalker alone. remembering his time with emet-selch. meeting with him again in elpis and reliving those painful moments of not being able to speak to him the way he'd like and causing friction between them. then finally...FINALLY meeting him in UT and being able to speak freely for the first time since they met, telling him he loves and has always loved him and hearing it back and promising to meet him again in the next life....OUGHHGH
but also im just like insane so maybe none of that even fits lol!!
since you guys hear me talk about this so often let me make it upto you by also saying the ed sheeran song at the end of pokemon scarlet/violet is SOOOOO themcore and made me ugly cry the other night. idk how this helps you or makes you feel better but you know now :)
anyway here's their current playlist for you to enjoy!! it's not sorted or in any sort of order and a lot of choices are based on how they make me feel when i listen to them while sleep deprived at 3 am with my eyes closed instead of lyrical accuracy so any questionable choices are bc of that
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thefinalwitness · 2 years
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after endless debate with myself and then realizing it's been 5 months since endwalker and i STILL cant believe we didnt magically get minfilia back, i have decided shes my oc now and will be continuing her story from the aitiascope onwards.
(i just love and miss her and i SUPER THOUGHT WE'D GET HER BACK OK I'M IN TOO DEEP)
my fanon on this goes as follows: after hydaelyn is defeated in her trial and she knows she can finally entrust etheirys into her children's hands, she dissipates, but not before minfilia's soul confronts her and says she's not ready to pass on. hydaelyn, knowing she asked the girl to die all those years ago for the role she was needed in, feels it's only fair to devote a portion of her dissipating aether to minfilia.
minfilia is resurrected and has similar powers to l'aiha, as they're both basically comparable to sundered ascians, but without all the world-shattering machinations. l'aiha and thancred are the first ones to run and hug and cry on her. she needs some time to recuperate, as her soul has spent a LONG time without a physical vessel to 'maintain' it, but she's determined to resume her mission of studying the echo and helping people understand it. i think she'd become a slow but valuable source of aid for fordola one day!
anyway i love her i cant wait to weave her into future patches.
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