#i didnt think it was going anywhwre so i quit on it so i could move on to bigger & better things (more tiny vignettes that dont go anywhere
drpeppertummy · 1 year
dinky little chunk of writing that i dicked around with for 3 days & then gave up on. doesnt go anywhere & has no ending but i spent too long periodically adding sentences to not post it
[tight clothes, post-weight gain]
"Oh! Lemon, look at this," Tim laughed, holding up an old shirt.
"Oh, wow, I didn't know you still had that," said Lemon, looking up from the drawer he was organizing.
"Neither did I," said Tim. He held it up against his torso, smiling. "You know, it seems like ever since we met, my clothes have gotten smaller." Lemon laughed, a quick, high sound reminiscent of a chicken clucking.
"Well, that's one thing I don't mind taking credit for." He rose from the floor and slipped his arms around Tim's waist from behind, grabbing his soft belly. Tim giggled and placed his hands over Lemon's, then leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. Grinning, Lemon rested his chin atop Tim's head as he held him. There were many things Lemon loved dearly. His family, his friends. Tim, perhaps, more than anything else. But high up on the list, nearly alongside these things, was the feeling of Tim's belly under his hands. He adored the warmth, the softness, the gentle rise and fall of his breath. He adored the way it had grown rounder over the years, and he felt a certain pride in knowing that the reason it had grown so round was because Tim enjoyed his cooking so much.
Tim, incidentally, held a similar adoration for the feeling of Lemon's big hands on his belly. They were always cold and clammy, but the gentle pressure of them was comforting, and so was the undeniable love in his touch. He idly rubbed his thumbs over Lemon's hairy wrists, enjoying the embrace, when Lemon suddenly fell back onto the bed, pulling Tim along with him.
"Lemon!" Tim exclaimed, giggling. Lemon squeezed him tightly, slipping his fingers between the buttons of Tim's shirt to feel his warm skin.
"Hey, Timmy," said Lemon, gently rubbing a finger around the edge of Tim's belly button. Tim shifted at the touch.
"D'you think that shirt still fits?"
Tim adjusted himself to look incredulously at Lemon, only to be met with a mischievous smile. It was a look Tim saw only within the walls of their home, away from any prying eyes and whispering voices. Tim pushed himself upright, a sly smile creeping onto his cherubic face.
"Maybe," he said, slowly beginning to unbutton his shirt. Lemon sat up on the edge of the bed, taking in Tim's bare torso as though he'd never seen it before. He had, in fact, seen Tim undressed every morning and every night for the past five years, but each glimpse was just as thrilling as the first. Tim worked his way down the line of buttons, revealing his hairy chest, the sunlike curve of his equally hairy belly, his soft arms as the shirt fell away from his shoulders. He tugged it free from his pants and tossed it aside with uncharacteristic flair. His eyes met Lemon's and he suddenly broke into a fit of giggles. Lemon, unable to keep himself straight, began to laugh along with him. He rose from the bed and pulled Tim into a hug. Tim threw his arms around Lemon, laughing into his bony chest.
"What, did you like the show?" Tim laughed, looking up at him.
"It was great, Timmy, honest!"
"Sure it was," said Tim, gently butting his head against Lemon's chest. "Maybe I should rethink my line of work." He reached past Lemon to pick up the old shirt, which he'd dropped on the bed. Reluctantly, Lemon released him from the embrace. Smiling sweetly up at Lemon, Tim slipped the shirt around his back and slid his arms into the sleeves. Even this was difficult; he'd been much thinner years ago when he last wore it. He began buttoning from the top. It was snug over his chest, but doable. By the middle button, however, he found himself unable to meet the edges together over his belly. He put his hands on his hips and looked disapprovingly down at his belly, framed on either side by the hanging fabric, and then returned his gaze up to Lemon. Lemon, he was amused to see, looked positively entranced.
Determined, Tim sucked in his belly, giving him just barely enough space to fasten the remaining buttons. With a sigh, he released his breath. His shirt nearly split open, skin peeking out through wide gaps between the buttons, but it held on.
"It fits," he declared with playful confidence.
"Oh, gosh, Timmy!" Lemon covered his face, blushing profusely.
"What? Is it too tight?" Tim moved beside Lemon and slipped an arm around his waist. Lemon let out another short, clucking laugh.
"No! No, it fits perfectly," he grinned, wrapping his arms tightly around Tim. "I've never seen a better fitting shirt in my life."
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