#i didnt want to go into too much detail on some of the disrepair so i can go over the problems that need fixing in another hc post
dawnedon · 10 months
The Old Chateau - Layout
Previous HC - Overview/History
The main grounds
The main grounds of the Old Chateau is incredibly large and sprawling, especially when entering the area behind the manor. White, decayed fencing lines the front yard of the house, housing tall evergreen trees and other various bushes and plantlife native to the Sinnoh region. By now, a lot of the vegetation has completely overtaken the grounds, overgrowing and flooding the area in verdant greens. Moss hangs tightly to the cobble and brick of the mansion, while deep green ivy can be seen snaking upwards along various walls of the home.
The plantlife in the backyard is even more sprawling and dense, with the home having a hedge-style garden. Without the proper maintenance, however, this too has fallen into disarray. Various flowering bushes, and flowers that sprout up from the earth, have gone wild and rampant. The backyard is dotted with pops of all the colors one could imagine. More sturdier fencing can be found here, made of iron and metal, though the harsh Sinnohan elements have caused it to slowly be taken by rust.
One of the most dazzling aspects besides the overgrown garden is a full tile pool, also taken by time. The cover over the pool became heavy with foliage and leaves that fell, however it kept the tile protected. The sight of grime, dirt, and mud in the emptied pool itself is unmistakable, but the tiles used to build the pool originally in the late 1940's has avoided being cracked or shattered. The caulking has worn away in some areas, but the pool itself is in shockingly good condition. A matching hot tub rest not far from the pool, though unfortunately, it is in much worse shape than the pool is itself. Some of the tiles in the hot tub have been cracked and completely shattered, and the same grime and dirt can be seen, similar to the pool.
The interior - First floor
Inside of the Old Chateau is where a lot of the wear and age becomes much more apparent, if the outside wasn't enough of a tell. The main foyer is grandiose in scale, given it was the first room guests would see upon entering - it certainly didn't fail to impress. A large, elegant chandelier still hangs over the center of the foyer, covered in thick dust. Strikingly, it is made entirely of glass and steel. When it was powered properly, various colors of light were thrown iridescently across the entrance.
The doorway that rests immediately in front of the main entry leads to the dining room. A large table takes up the bulk of the room, easily able to seat a dozen guests comfortably. An old and tattered tablecloth rests over the cedar wood dining table, with heavy steel candelabra situated at various points at the table. A smaller, but still equally as impressive chandelier rests over the table - similar to the one in the main entry on a smaller scale.
The kitchen of the home lay to the left of the dining room, boasting two large refrigerators, a large, full sink, and two stovetop ovens. The entryway to a large, walk-in pantry is also present, full of shelving to house various foods and other goods, along with cabinetry to house pots, pans, dishware, silverware, and other smaller appliances.
The interior - Second floor
Two grand staircases wind upwards to the second floor, with tattered red running carpets, lined and edged with gold, resting on the tile flooring. The room on the left side after the accompanying staircase is a room that fell into complete disrepair. Part of the roof on this side of the home had fallen in, and a lot of the interior is damaged entirely. It's hard to tell what this room may have been used for in the past, as various odds and ends is strewn about, along with parts of the ceiling and roofing tiles.
The room on the right is a grand library, with dozens of bookshelves lining the walls. A large, arched window faces out towards the forest, bringing in a peaceful atmosphere for reading or studying alike. A fireplace rests against one of the walls. The room is complete with a set of plush, comfortable furniture (that, like the rest of the home, is in need of care and love), a large rug, and a desk. Dust-covered paintings hang on the wall, depicting portraits of people no longer living.
The doorway at the back of the upper hall leads to another long corridor, this one housing all of the rooms at the manor. The same red running carpet found in other parts of the mansion is seen along the hall upstairs as well. Large, arched windows flank either end of the hall, and lamps cling to the wall between each room for additional lighting.
There's a total of three bedrooms, one of which being the master bedrooms, an empty, windowless room, and a room that operates as the 'living room', along with a standalone bathroom for guests not staying overnight.
The first two bedrooms are large in size, each with their own connected bathrooms complete with a full tub, shower attachment, basin, and toilet. Each room also has a large and spacious window overlooking the pool and back garden of the manor. Like the rest of the house, there's also cedar furnishings within in the form
The master bedroom, of course, is about double the size of the normal bedrooms. Old cedar furniture makes its home in the spacious room, all part of a matching set complete with a vanity and stool, dresser, and two bedside tables flanking each side of the bed. The master boasts two large windows overlooking the back garden and courtyard, along with the pool and a sea of cedar trees.
The master bathroom is equally as impressive, hosting its own bathing room with its own window. A large, clawfoot tub rests by the window for an immaculate view, complete with its own shower attachment similar to the other two bedrooms. There's a drain in the middle of the tile, catching any water that isn't contained to the tub and giving the user more of a traditional Sinnohan bathing experience. Separate from the bathing room is a dual set of sinks with a large mirror in front, and another separate room for the toilet.
The other two rooms are more minor, with the living room housing a classical black and white television, a fireplace (with this room being central, and the fireplaces being the only method of heating the mansion), and a matching set of plush red and cedar furniture with that of the library. Similar to all of the other rooms in the house, there's a duo of large arched windows overlooking the backyard. The other room is entirely void and empty, and is the only room in the house that has no windows of any kind. There is a light fixture, but the bulb has been blown out rendering it useless. Oddly enough as well, the door locks from the outside, with no way to lock it from the inside.
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