#i do know that there are different ways of configuring charts and i'm not 100% confident about this site that i looked at
homosociallyyours · 1 year
Hi Megan! Please elaborate more on the birth charts (if you want), I’m into astrology but I suck at comparing them, and I’m always down to learn more with practical examples.
happy belated birthday, it’s always nice when I see your posts :)
Thank you for the birthday wishes, nonny!!!
I am also into astrology but not that good at it, so tbh I don't even know if what I saw ACTUALLY makes a difference? I can understand an individual chart, but reading the charts of 2 people together is (i think) a whole lot more complicated.
BUT what I was looking up was Chiron, which (I think) indicates a person's deep wound, something that they'll carry with them and that will influence a lot of the challenges they face in life? Please someone correct me here, but I'm kinda thinking of it like a pebble in your shoe, or a tiny piece of glass in your foot-- it probably won't hobble you completely, but it will influence the way you walk, how far you walk, your thoughts/feelings on your journey.
And all of that will depend on the house its in, the angles between chiron and your other planets, the houses that the other planets are in, and much more!
Before continuing, I am going to tag my fellow Taurus @louisandtheaquarian, who is much more knowledgeable about astrology than I am! But if you wanna read about what got me going, I'm putting it below a cut.
Harry's Chiron is in Virgo, in his 10th house. which deals primarily with career and public image. The 10th house is linked with the 4th house, which rules familial relationships. Harry's 4th house is where his sun, mercury, venus, and saturn sit (Aquarius) and there is tension there-- you have someone for whom family is very, very important, and who likely approaches family in unconventional ways. Someone who is dreaming of a better world. chosen family vibes are huge. But his public facing image is also important to him, and it's a constant itch in his brain. And ruled by Virgo!! This is someone who likely wants to present a very controlled, measured image to the public. That push/pull between public and private lives is something that likely follows Harry around, sometimes spurring him forward and other times keeping him back.
Louis' Chiron is in Cancer in his 4th house (along with his moon). Home and family are something he identifies with deeply as a core part of himself, and it's also the source of a lot of his worries and fears. Cancer is a water sign and very emotional, so I read this as Louis being very tender and emotional about home and family while also being kind of guarded. His 10th house houses Saturn and is in Capricorn-- his public facing image, like Harry's, is a place where he exerts control, but where Harry is perhaps more invested in a sense (or at least the appearance) of order, Louis is more likely to crave stability.
What hit me in looking at this (and AGAIN, i am barely an armchair astrologer, i was just VERY interested in it as a kid and picked it up again as an adult bc i think it's neat) was that the place where Louis' wound is located is a house where Harry holds a lot of strength. He's got an air sign there, BUT Aquarius is the water bearer!! My personal opinion is that Aquarius has their feet in the stream and their head in the sky. Louis' struggles with his family can be held and uplifted by Harry's energy. Similarly, Harry's wound is in a house where Louis has some strength and where he's able to provide stability.
HOME HOME HOME, their charts basically scream that word at top fucking volume constantly!!
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
We have Tommy f's number he's also a weakling and he's blaming our son for everything and her son said I'm sitting here alone inside they do the job or you lose your stuff in your army and you're losing your stuff in your army same with John Ray Millard same with Mac same with the max and get an absolutely nothing. Who said that both of us and her wives and he's clinging on trying to hang on for life for dear life and we need to send home real help we're just as talkative as they are and he's been saying it too I don't really need to put all the stuff down and not all of it he says but there is there's a lot of important things that happen because of it but really we need to get some help in here just send it in get it approved and send it in that's all so I did that and they're coming into help.
It seems to be movement all over the place in Florida and what they're doing is wondering what the hell's going on they're saying that this storm is being pushed and it's not they're saying it's moving off and it's not it's going right on the path that they said it was going to go on the ship was moved off in a similar fashion it always is it did go to Africa cuz it's pinned down but that's one of the only different things the rest of it's going the same way it always does at least said what is you really change but nothing so we call that more ships 50/50s okay and they're heading out this way and it's going to be a big huge show of force and really we're going to organize them but he's right you put five rows of 10 and you have a big block all the same elevation and should do it a ship does closer than staggering and so we brought it in close and they said what are you doing so he wants to try a theory and start pressurizing said the pressure just goes right out otherwise it's because of the ships bottoms of it so really you can put smaller ships above and the big ships to cover in scholarships cover the holes they're starting to do that I don't know why it's so hard to move this but it's helping and all of a sudden they said it's hard to hold and it's hard to hold formation what we're doing it and you've got ground troops everywhere people underground and people in the water is a huge effort and it's actually moving and we needed to move there's nowhere to go tons of people are helping.
They're calling troops like madness. I did a flow chart and I saw where it's going so how am I supposed to fix that I don't know stick a towel there so I'm doing something stupid and I'm doing as he suggested this is how it goes so it's working and it's pressurizing finally I wasn't pressurizing we only had a few bars and now we have about 100 we had about 40 it's nowhere near enough and the big ship has about 200 but it was moving it just by nudging the little and you don't really want to move that fast so it's moving along hopefully he says I'll get it together now it should move along shortly. So we see what he's saying and here we go we're getting in formation and it's starting to pressurize I mean sensors we're up to 50 and I see 60 on some of them 70 it's going up fast 80 and 90 100 it's holding and forget about 1:10 and it might go up a little but that should be probably it by my calculations. Thank God and it's working and he's thinking of us and me and for putting it that way. And one thing we'll move it and it's cooling in the golf and boy that's some false advertising but really kind of get us to do stuff. So here Dan on the radio saying there's a certain configuration that works and he knows it's like water ballet gets back on there he says the big ship was like a big cap and then I'll suddenly say oh s*** we're doing it wrong usually they just bring a few big ones in and also they put this big huge thing together and we're doing it too and now it's moving thankfully so we're working on it and the ships will come down and we have to sit here the whole time pressurizing so we need fuel and supply line and we're beating the bag out of the clones we need foreigners or on the line all the time and the president it's a huge deal and a lot easier if you just go to a hotel the other side of the stupid peninsula but then they turn the thing around we're going to say that too a bunch of dicks so we have to use tons of power and shut you down cuz you're being a dick Tommy f. We have a lot more going on all over the world this kind of things happening and they see the method
Thor Freya
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