vulcanaizawa · 8 days
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(spiritual successor to Overtime)
Local nocturnal Billionaire with a pounding headacge so bad it’s actively competing with his broken ribs for attention seriously considers for a brief moment buying his rivals satellite network full of big ass ugly night sky polluting rigs from his cell phone right now immediately in order to change the course of the nearest one by half a degree just so it would cast its shadow over the GCPD’s southeast window.
finally bringing this piece out of WIP purgatory (at which time i realized i have clearly forgotten how light even works) with a big thank you to @krchov who’s recent reply to the preview post actually reminded me this existed 😅
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vulcanaizawa · 5 months
Please have a niche DnD OC meme courtesy of my Bad Bisexual Representation whore elf
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vulcanaizawa · 6 months
I come bearing a basic humble Halflings Have Really Physically Sensitive Ears piece for you…
Also i feel like “you got oil in that trap?” is the Senshi version of “you got games on your phone?”
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vulcanaizawa · 7 months
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Breaking: GCPD/WayneTech Deal In Jeopardy?
Gotham Gazette - Vicki Vale reporting
A few hours into what seemed to be a highly successful fundraiser for District Attorney Dent’s election campaign this evening, tensions suddenly skyrocketed after our recently appointed Police Commisioner, James Gordon, was seen storming back inside after a conversation with the (locally dubbed) First Son of Gotham - wayward but generous philanthropist Bruce Wayne, the primary contributor to Dent’s campaign.
Since the drive to root out the GCPD’s infamous corruption by Gordon and Gotham’s own vigilante cryptid Batman resulted in eliminating several previously unknown “revenue streams” for the department, Dent’s campaign promised to broker an arrangement between the resources offered by his long-time friend and sponsor Wayne and the GCPD’s now woefully underfunded, underequipped, and understaffed Sisyphean enterprise - with plenty of careful city board oversight, of course.
However, this falling out may leave Gotham voters doubtful about Dent’s ability to fulfill one of his biggest promises, and (most of) his sponsors concerned about what that could mean for the rest of his campaign should any others fall through.
Upon leaving the event, Commissioner Gordon appeared extremely flustered, and had only this to say: “Bruce Wayne is a fucking menace to polite society.” Mr. Wayne has declined to comment, although this reporter notes he seemed… awfully pleased with himself.
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vulcanaizawa · 8 months
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FINALLY! THE IDEA IVE BEEN HYPERFOCUSED ON FOR THE LAST TWO WEEKS IS COMPLETE!!! (maybe now I'll actually get some work done at the office instead of zoning out and mentally planing frames XD)
Anyways, here's a bit more serious/dramatic take on my "year one Batman dropping off criminals for Gordon on the GCPD roof like a cat leaving rodents for it's favorite human" post.
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vulcanaizawa · 9 months
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(a “Societal Expectations Of Affection Based Evolution” main course, with a side-dish of “Evolution As A Coming-Out Metaphor”)
When Jim first partnered with Woobat, he didn’t give much thought to the Pokémon’s affection-based evolution condition. He figured it would happen eventually like most others do - when the time was right.
Now, he’s pushing forty, and pressure is pushing in from all sides. From an anxious wife, concerned about his long hours and the increasing distance between them. From suspicious coworkers and supervisors, concerned he may not be fully committed to the department, corrupt as it is.
It’s been too long, they say. Why hasn’t she evolved? Is your devotion not enough? Prove your loyalty.
But how is he even supposed to do that? To coax feelings like Safety and Contentment out of his partner while they’re elbow and wing-joint deep in the muck and fear and crime-ridden cesspools of Gotham, day in and day out… not to mention, occasionally working alongside a vigilante he still isn’t entirely sure he can trust, and is technically supposed to be arresting tonight.
Yeah, he and Woobat have bigger problems to deal with before they get the luxury of worrying about a fucking stat boost, of all things, and the people around them are just going to have to deal.
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vulcanaizawa · 9 months
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More PokéBat AU!
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vulcanaizawa · 9 months
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Uh oh, Jim is piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed…
Meanwhile, Batman’s under the cowl like
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vulcanaizawa · 9 months
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vulcanaizawa · 9 months
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Talk about escalating quickly… 😉
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vulcanaizawa · 9 months
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When your silly little crush gets called out by the very fabric of nature itself smh 😔
It’s complete! Finally! Honestly the biggest trouble I kept running into was with how much my skill progressed each page… it was really hard to stop from going back and redoing everything 😅 I do think I might go back and redo that one panel with Gordon against the GCPD badge, but other than I thin I’m good to let it be.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this incredibly self indulgent fancomic lol 😂
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vulcanaizawa · 1 year
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WARNING - side effects of adopting and raising incredibly acrobatic clingy touch starved children may include (but are not limited to): incredibly acrobatic clingy touch starved adults, needing to replace your computer chair every three months, and chronic back pain.
Clinical trials are still exploring what correlation there may be, if any.
Children I am BEGGING you, your fathers back already sounds like a bowl of rice krispies with every step and you KNOW this man does not have the emotional strength to you turn away 🅱️lease have a bit more discernment in how you manifest your separation anxiety I am begging
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vulcanaizawa · 1 year
Birthday Commission for @spacebeyonce
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vulcanaizawa · 1 year
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What can I say, I’m a simple bitch who loves cliches.
I figure Bruce adopted a young (non-Alolan) Cubone because of COURSE he does.
After training/evolution and becoming the Batman, Marowak joins him disguising himself as an Alolan variation via bodysafe waterproof airbrush and a spray on fancy carbon fiber coating, applying the Alolan skin tone and mark and reinforcing it more like Batman’s own protective helmet/suit. The flame/ghost attacks and the fiery bone are also batgadgets, since he’s a regular ol’ non Alolan Cubone, which throws off any baddies going for a type advantage too.
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vulcanaizawa · 1 year
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vulcanaizawa · 1 year
Did I really do that whole comic literally only just so there’s context for this completely self indulgent snippet?
Yes. Yes I did.
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Let the old men relax i am begging
two broooos chillin in two hot tuuuubs, one foot apart cuz they're... uh... cuz... cuz they're...
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vulcanaizawa · 1 year
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Something something constructing intricate rituals to touch the skin of other men
Something something skin against skin is only safe when pain is involved, either in the delivery or the easing of
Something something the liminal space of Jim’s dingy kitchen, not quite Gotham not quite Private, not quite bound by their usual rules not quite free of them either
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