#i do like the idea of vk naming his henchmen bc. it adds that extra little control freak into him
crayonverse · 2 years
but you don’t know anymore,
                                                WHEN DID YOU FORGET?
short thing about breach pre-event + her meeting vk :]] i heart breach <33
                       -- Breach is written as Trans Fem + Van Kleiss is                           interchangeably referred as a man and a non-man.
                       -- Religious themes/trauma, Mental Abuse References                            Self-Dehumanization, Brief Transphobia
                       -- Breach’s POV / Over Shoulder, 1198 words, ao3 link
She’s unsure of when she went EVO.
At first, the news told her about these monsters, things that came crawling out of hell to collapse the world she knows. Her parents, they seemed concerned. Were they at risk for the rapture? Breach often wondered that. Was her family doomed, forgotten?
They didn’t seem to care for her anymore. Talk of nanites and horrible creatures accelerated. Her parents seemed more scared everyday. She didn’t know what to believe, but her family was hellbent on her staying at home. Safe from the demons. From the world outside.
That changed one day, when she herself went EVO. Her parents suddenly threw her out, their fear outweighed their love. She understood that. She had become a freak of nature, something God would smite and damn to hell.
Maybe her parents always believed her to be a freak, something... wrong. This was just the world correcting it’s mistake when she was born, making her worse than before.
She discovered her unnatural powers fairly quickly, when she was running from the newly formed Providence. at first, she believed her elongated limbs and growth of new ones was all she got from this event, that all she became was a hideous freak and was destined to become like every other creature that Providence hauled away. She wasn’t sure what happened to them, all she knew was that Providence’s methods were kill or contain, and she wasn’t a fan of either options.
All that she knew was that she needed to escape the men in monochrome outfits. She discovered her portals after defending herself from a gunshot, desperate to save herself, despite how horrible she was, and how she didn’t deserve to live.
She didn’t know where the shots ended up, all she knew was that she could escape. She didn’t understand them, but she thought of a place, somewhere safe, it didn’t matter where it was, along as she was far from Providence.
She woke in a forest. Mud clung to her clothes, roots climbed from trees to her arms and stomach, like they were trying to catch her in a net. She struggled to escape the roots, not knowing how to portal herself away.
She stopped struggling when she noticed blooming red flowers, so delicate and beautiful, sprouting from the ground in an instant. She looked up to a slightly disheveled looking older man (?), missing one of his arms.
“Hmm... Not what I was anticipating when Biowulf said there was an intruder...” He leaned down, looking at Breach’s face (Or what he could see of it), looking to her large hands and her newly formed pair.
“How did you get here, young...” He trailed off, noticing her longer hair and skirt, but a somewhat familiar appearance. The roots let go of her, and she brushed mud off her clothing.
“... I want to be a lady, but everyone says I’m not.”
“Well, you can certainly be one here.” He extended a hand to her, and she took it immediately, appreciating the help. The older man (?) (She couldn’t exactly tell herself) waved his existing hand around, and the trees bent to his will, creating a hauntingly beautiful path for her to follow along. She continued to stare at the ground, watching the pretty flowers sprout from nothing, blooming despite the cold and deary atmosphere.
As the trees dwindled away, she caught sight of a crumbling castle, something she’d only see in her dreams or a storybook. Roots and vines seemed to hold it together, keeping all the large pieces from falling into the dirt below, where a large plot of land was being tended to by a creature she’d seen on the news.
The older person noticed her fear of the creature, and simply laughed. It sounded polite, but she couldn’t tell.
“Don’t worry. He’s not dangerous.” He waved to the creature, who used one of it’s three amalgamated arms to wave back. She raised her hand as well, waving back.
They walked in a calm silence for some time, and when they were close to the castle, the older person turned and stopped.
“I never got your name, young lady.”
“... I...” She wasn’t sure what it was anymore.
“I can go first then. My name is Van Kleiss.” Van Kleiss placed a hand on her shoulder and it... calmed her. Why was that? It was so simple, such a normal way to express a polite affection, and yet...
She had never felt that before. Affection that truly cared. Was that the feeling she had? Van Kleiss was the first adult to not immediately wish harm on her the second she was spotted by them.
Van Kleiss continued forward, to the crumbling castle, and she managed to keep up with him. Although, it seemed easy with how winded it seemed as he climbed.
“I should ask again, how did you get into Abysus?”
“Abysus...?” She thinks she heard that name before, some country in Europe.
Right, she heard it because... because Abysus is where it started. Where her pain started. She heard about an explosion, releasing nanites into the world, infecting those everywhere. Even plants were not safe.
She hesitated before responding. “...I created a portal.” That made Van Kleiss hesitate too.
“A... Portal? You teleported here?”
“I... Think so.”
“Fascinating.” Van Kleiss concluded, and she felt a sense of... what was it? Happiness? Van Kleiss didn’t believe her to be a freak of nature, something to be dissected and experimented on. He found her... fascinating.
The two had entered the castle, where two other creatures with abnormal features awaited. Both akin to a large lizard and the other a large robot wolf.
“Is that the intruder, master?” The wolf spoke first, pointing a long claw towards her. On a newfound instinct, she hid behind Van Kleiss. He looked down at her, but she couldn’t tell if it was with pity or parental guidance.
“Biowulf, this is...” He paused, then knelt beside her, studying her face yet again.
“How do you feel about Breach?”
“As a name.” He clarified. She paused herself, thinking it over. Breach. It felt... powerful. Something to be proud of. It felt like a title, something important. Van Kleiss gave an expectant look, and she nodded in response, smiling for the first time at him.
“Breach! Wonderful.” Van Kleiss created a tree bark arm in an instant, clapping in response. His tree bark dissipated the second it was made, returning him to his one armed state.
She smiled again. It felt so natural.
Breach. A name with a title to hold up. To be someone Van Kleiss could trust, someone he’d care for.
It didn’t matter to Breach what happened to her, Van Kleiss was the first person to help her. She ignored his changing behavior, she ignored how he became more unforgiving, how he became more mean. It was just him, her guardian. She would let his faults go on, and everything would work out for her.
Because there was no one else she could turn too. Nobody else she could see with her view in life.
Until she had the chance to meet the fairly insistent cure of Providence.
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