#genrex fanfic
crayonverse · 2 years
but you don’t know anymore,
                                                WHEN DID YOU FORGET?
short thing about breach pre-event + her meeting vk :]] i heart breach <33
                       -- Breach is written as Trans Fem + Van Kleiss is                           interchangeably referred as a man and a non-man.
                       -- Religious themes/trauma, Mental Abuse References                            Self-Dehumanization, Brief Transphobia
                       -- Breach’s POV / Over Shoulder, 1198 words, ao3 link
She’s unsure of when she went EVO.
At first, the news told her about these monsters, things that came crawling out of hell to collapse the world she knows. Her parents, they seemed concerned. Were they at risk for the rapture? Breach often wondered that. Was her family doomed, forgotten?
They didn’t seem to care for her anymore. Talk of nanites and horrible creatures accelerated. Her parents seemed more scared everyday. She didn’t know what to believe, but her family was hellbent on her staying at home. Safe from the demons. From the world outside.
That changed one day, when she herself went EVO. Her parents suddenly threw her out, their fear outweighed their love. She understood that. She had become a freak of nature, something God would smite and damn to hell.
Maybe her parents always believed her to be a freak, something... wrong. This was just the world correcting it’s mistake when she was born, making her worse than before.
She discovered her unnatural powers fairly quickly, when she was running from the newly formed Providence. at first, she believed her elongated limbs and growth of new ones was all she got from this event, that all she became was a hideous freak and was destined to become like every other creature that Providence hauled away. She wasn’t sure what happened to them, all she knew was that Providence’s methods were kill or contain, and she wasn’t a fan of either options.
All that she knew was that she needed to escape the men in monochrome outfits. She discovered her portals after defending herself from a gunshot, desperate to save herself, despite how horrible she was, and how she didn’t deserve to live.
She didn’t know where the shots ended up, all she knew was that she could escape. She didn’t understand them, but she thought of a place, somewhere safe, it didn’t matter where it was, along as she was far from Providence.
She woke in a forest. Mud clung to her clothes, roots climbed from trees to her arms and stomach, like they were trying to catch her in a net. She struggled to escape the roots, not knowing how to portal herself away.
She stopped struggling when she noticed blooming red flowers, so delicate and beautiful, sprouting from the ground in an instant. She looked up to a slightly disheveled looking older man (?), missing one of his arms.
“Hmm... Not what I was anticipating when Biowulf said there was an intruder...” He leaned down, looking at Breach’s face (Or what he could see of it), looking to her large hands and her newly formed pair.
“How did you get here, young...” He trailed off, noticing her longer hair and skirt, but a somewhat familiar appearance. The roots let go of her, and she brushed mud off her clothing.
“... I want to be a lady, but everyone says I’m not.”
“Well, you can certainly be one here.” He extended a hand to her, and she took it immediately, appreciating the help. The older man (?) (She couldn’t exactly tell herself) waved his existing hand around, and the trees bent to his will, creating a hauntingly beautiful path for her to follow along. She continued to stare at the ground, watching the pretty flowers sprout from nothing, blooming despite the cold and deary atmosphere.
As the trees dwindled away, she caught sight of a crumbling castle, something she’d only see in her dreams or a storybook. Roots and vines seemed to hold it together, keeping all the large pieces from falling into the dirt below, where a large plot of land was being tended to by a creature she’d seen on the news.
The older person noticed her fear of the creature, and simply laughed. It sounded polite, but she couldn’t tell.
“Don’t worry. He’s not dangerous.” He waved to the creature, who used one of it’s three amalgamated arms to wave back. She raised her hand as well, waving back.
They walked in a calm silence for some time, and when they were close to the castle, the older person turned and stopped.
“I never got your name, young lady.”
“... I...” She wasn’t sure what it was anymore.
“I can go first then. My name is Van Kleiss.” Van Kleiss placed a hand on her shoulder and it... calmed her. Why was that? It was so simple, such a normal way to express a polite affection, and yet...
She had never felt that before. Affection that truly cared. Was that the feeling she had? Van Kleiss was the first adult to not immediately wish harm on her the second she was spotted by them.
Van Kleiss continued forward, to the crumbling castle, and she managed to keep up with him. Although, it seemed easy with how winded it seemed as he climbed.
“I should ask again, how did you get into Abysus?”
“Abysus...?” She thinks she heard that name before, some country in Europe.
Right, she heard it because... because Abysus is where it started. Where her pain started. She heard about an explosion, releasing nanites into the world, infecting those everywhere. Even plants were not safe.
She hesitated before responding. “...I created a portal.” That made Van Kleiss hesitate too.
“A... Portal? You teleported here?”
“I... Think so.”
“Fascinating.” Van Kleiss concluded, and she felt a sense of... what was it? Happiness? Van Kleiss didn’t believe her to be a freak of nature, something to be dissected and experimented on. He found her... fascinating.
The two had entered the castle, where two other creatures with abnormal features awaited. Both akin to a large lizard and the other a large robot wolf.
“Is that the intruder, master?” The wolf spoke first, pointing a long claw towards her. On a newfound instinct, she hid behind Van Kleiss. He looked down at her, but she couldn’t tell if it was with pity or parental guidance.
“Biowulf, this is...” He paused, then knelt beside her, studying her face yet again.
“How do you feel about Breach?”
“As a name.” He clarified. She paused herself, thinking it over. Breach. It felt... powerful. Something to be proud of. It felt like a title, something important. Van Kleiss gave an expectant look, and she nodded in response, smiling for the first time at him.
“Breach! Wonderful.” Van Kleiss created a tree bark arm in an instant, clapping in response. His tree bark dissipated the second it was made, returning him to his one armed state.
She smiled again. It felt so natural.
Breach. A name with a title to hold up. To be someone Van Kleiss could trust, someone he’d care for.
It didn’t matter to Breach what happened to her, Van Kleiss was the first person to help her. She ignored his changing behavior, she ignored how he became more unforgiving, how he became more mean. It was just him, her guardian. She would let his faults go on, and everything would work out for her.
Because there was no one else she could turn too. Nobody else she could see with her view in life.
Until she had the chance to meet the fairly insistent cure of Providence.
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ghostly-cabbage · 5 months
so curious what your answer was to the ‘why post/write fic’ poll hehe
omg hi. I'm so sorry, i'm TERRIBLE at reblogging polls and forgetting to tag what my answers were. My answers for this post about the reasons I post fic, were: 1. I thought about blorbo and took 5d8 psychic damage, which is now YOUR problem 2. I Can Make It Better
for option 1 I was thinking moreso about why I write Danny fanfic. The whole reason I wrote SWWDF was because I just KEPT thinking about scary danny and I was like "I need to inflict this on as many people as I can".
and for the 2nd option I was absolutely thinking about why Fae and I write GenRex fanfic asdfghjkl; I love that show but man... it could have been so much better imo.... at the very least it could have been more CONSISTENT.
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randelion-red · 3 months
Not to worry! It was just set to show to registered users only on AO3 since my self-conscious levels SPIKED a few days ago! But fanfic should have no restrictions! 👍
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dbphantom · 2 years
10, 36 and 44 from the fanfic writer game . Hope you enjoy your day!
Thank you so much!! Right back at you!
10) In your xxx fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternative ending in mind?
Oooh, loaded question! For Alkali, I chose to follow the episode Noctis ending bc I always wanted them to have a happy ending and, honestly, I just thought the book/planned ending was really good. I changed a few things to fit the focus of the story better, but overall it's the episode Noctis ending. As for the changes, you know that one scene in the last episode of H2O Season 1 where Rikki steps into the ocean? Yeah. It's a little like that.
For alt. endings, I'm not the biggest fan of the verse 2 ending from episode Ignis, but [BUT] with a couple big changes I thought it made for a fun detour with the same episode Noctis ending. It actually ended up becoming the 'main' timeline for this fic because I was having so much fun with it. I fit in the events of Episode Prompto, plus Ravus and Aranea team up with the chocobros to navigate through Zegnaurbfjflhs Keep and shut down the wall breaker wave machine. So, Ignis still puts on the ring and loses his sight and Prompto still takes down worm Verstael, it all just happens a little out of order and in new fun and exciting locations. [Verstael, to Ardyn: would you still love me if I was a worm?]
So the other timeline I had was Leviathan taking her payment early during the events of Episode Ignis, leaving Iggy with no memories of Noct to keep him from acting irrationally next time. It ends poorly. It's me, boy, I'm the sea godess, speaking to you from inside your brain. Listen to me, boy, lead the prince, to the crystal. Then come with me and guard this space. We'll have mermaid times. On Eos! Do do da do, yeah. You need me, boy. Your free will is an illusion.
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?
Yesssss, I would love to!!! I'm having such a hard time deciding which fic to choose because I love everything, but you know what? Surprise attack!!! Here's an excerpt from chapter 10 of Masked, my genrex secret identity fic.
"... I wasn't with Noah for half of the classes I went to, but I aced a pop quiz the trigonometry teacher gave us!"
Holiday's heart ached. This was the sort of stuff he should be talking about on a daily basis, not EVOs or training or which painkillers worked best before his nanites neutralized them. He reminded her so much of Beverly in that moment, excitedly going on about her day at school and the things she'd learned to her big sister in college. She wanted to do nothing more than hug him and tell him everything was going to be okay, that the adults were going to handle it all from now on and he didn't need to worry.
But Providence wasn't so kind.
Thankfully, Holiday was, and she was fiercely stubborn to boot. The one thing she wanted to do in that exact moment was protect that innocent smile on Rex's face, and she was going to do her damndest to try.
44) What is the last line you wrote?
Prompto's fumbling the reload, electric panic surging through his veins.
Uh oh... This is from the area right before Keycatrich. Cor's around, so they'll be okay XD
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mangotortoise · 2 years
Me every time I get into a new show/book/etc:
*cracks knuckles* I am going to write a crossover that is so stupid
(Spoiler alert: and then I don't)
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fureliselost · 3 years
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bibbleboo · 3 years
- “thanks, mom.” -
Fandom: Generator Rex
Rating: Teen+
Read here! (x)
HEY GENREX FANDOM ITS BEEN A WHILE DID YALL KNOW GREY DELISLE VOICES DOC HOLIDAY AND ZAG-RS WHICH IS PROGRAMMED TO SOUND LIKE REX’S MOTHER 8'^) anyways this is inspired by the teen wolf scene where stiles calls melissa mom lol enjoy
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rolaplayor101 · 5 years
This was the start of a benrex fic I thought of many many months ago before the two fics i already wrote??? And only started writing for it like last month?? Tho I dont think I'm gonna post/finish it or anything
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Sorry its not anything kingdom hearts 😥
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diceerickson · 5 years
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The two teenagers were surrounded by endless sapphire as they pranced and splashed around. The only thing Rex could acknowledge was their laughter and the sounds of the water. The beach was the best place to be!
Little did the boys know of the ocean’s intention of bringing them together because as time went on, they gravitated towards each other. So close that they were face to face with each other. Their laughter dies down and were replaced by an intense gaze.
Rex admires Noah’s physique, which was lean, but not as built as his own. Noah’s chest wasn’t that wide and his biceps only decent due to his sport activities after school.
Noah takes the time to admire the built chest and the impressive arms of his newfound friend. He licks his dry lips as he stares at the beautiful tan skin and the water that caresses down it. He analyzes every bone structure and muscle as he inches closer to him.
“Noah…” Rex murmured weakly, still in a trance.
“Rex…” Noah said softly as he looks into his eyes. “Can I…?”
Rex gulps and felt his heart do frantic flips. “I never kissed anyone before…”
Noah only smirks to himself for a second, feeling accomplished by being the one to take Rex’s first kiss, before focusing. “Shh… Just relax..” Noah coached as he places a tender hand on his toned chest. Rex furrows and scrunched his eyes tight as he felt a soft pair of lips connect with his, massaging gently against his own in a way that made Rex’s heart dance. He truly loved the beach… And all that came with it. WOW! I was pleasantly surprised by just how many people wanted more genrex! :) So here we go, some self indulging noex!
Under this is proper crediting and the terms of use of my art. If you feel like you should look over this, read more! :D
I do not own Generator Rex or its characters! They belong to Man Of Action. The producers of Generator Rex were Cartoon Network studios, Ryan Slater, and John Fang. I simply draw fanart and nothing more!
DON’T repost my art.
DON’T steal my art/ DON’T claim it’s yours.
DON’T trace my art.
DON’T color/edit/or alter my art.
DON’T sell my art.
DON’T use my art for youtube videos if you are making money off them. My art ISN’T for your benefit! If you are wanting to use my art for a video on YouTube like a voice over or just cute lil video edit, AS LONG AS YOU DON’T MAKE A PROFIT OFF IT AND GIVE ME CREDIT then I am all good with that. (Please link me too!)
If you want to use my art as a reference, go ahead! Let’s say I drew a pose you just love, then yes go ahead! Or let’s say you love how I drew the eyes, sure reference it! References are natural! Okay, every artist references, but what is NOT acceptable is when you COPY MY WORK! Don’t draw anything EXACTLY like how I draw it, that is plagiarism. JUST CREDIT ME.
If you have any questions about my art, please just note me. I am not hard to contact with.
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thistlehawk · 3 years
hilarious that i run a ben 10 blog yet when it comes to that particular cluster of television ive only written genrex fanfic. i think it should stay that way.
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crayonverse · 2 years
line disconnected
spoilers for the s2 finale and first episode of s3 of Generator Rex
when it showed that six’s number was disconnected i had The Worst Thought so im writing it here hihi
Holiday/Six is like kinda mentioned/referenced?? they r both also referred to by Rex as his parents. rex also calls six ‘dad’ a lot.
set instead of holisix finding rex and saving him, rex manages to escape providence and runs out. simply a short oneshot and nothing more
                          -- Gratuitous use of dashes and i will not apologize (/j if                                the dashes seem dumb soz)
                          -- 1192 words babey! angst heavy >:].
Running. Running. Jumping. Flying. Running. Wall--
Rex hits face first into a brick wall of what he presumes is a pizza parlor, judging by the faint smell of dough, smoke, and fresh vegetables. He scrambles to find his footing, almost on instinct activating his fists before quickly remembering, hey idiot, civilians!
He finds the wall again, sitting down and resting against it, breathing as heavy as he could. It takes a few minutes to settle his lungs, something he knows he could do quicker if he had Noah here, he had a great way to manage his breathing and Rex could never remember how to do it without Noah and--
Rex shakes his head free of his run-on thoughts, desperate to find some footing in his absolutely horrible situation.
Caesar. Why was he acting like that, he’s his brother! They’re close!
Were. Were close, Rex thinks. Caesar made his choice, didn’t he? The side Rex hated, the side that uprooted his life and made things worse, it always happens just when he was doing something right!
White, Breach, Bobo, Holiday, Six-
Rex reaches and slips his phone from his hands, not-so gracefully catching it in his normal people hands. Maybe Providence was messing with his phone? Because- Because there wasn’t-
There was no way, he couldn’t reach Six. The guy trained to keep a watchful eye on him. Nothing could stop him. Maybe bad cellphone reception. Maybe that’s his weakness.
Rex tries his number again, and before he can even get his hopes up, the screen flashes a horrible red, with the words ‘line disconnected’ displayed.
He pauses, hangs up, and does it again.
And again.
And, y’know, about 10 more times until he sees the futility of it.
He really was off the grid. Right? Holiday- Maybe she--
He was really starting to hate the words ‘line disconnected’ now.
If Rex knew Doc and Six, they wouldn’t be found if they couldn’t be. So his first logical conclusion, was that Holiday and Six were stuck in Providence. They had to be. Because, why else couldn’t he get to them? It had to be someone else, because if Rex has to admit that Holiday and Six could have disappeared of their own free will, he’d have to accept the fact he might not find them soon.
What if he has to hide? Wait out Black Knight for months? What if he has another stupid brain thing, loses his mind again?
What’s he going to do without- Without Six there? Even if his mind is wonky right now, he’s still Six, he still has a heart underneath all the silence and mercenary stuff! Six said it himself. Rex was his heart. The thing that stopped him from going full ‘crazy merc’.
Rex tries Six’s number again, and he’s sure that his phone would probably tell him to quit while he’s ahead, and Rex would reply you’re a phone, and I can call my parents if I want to!
He tries Holiday again, same outcome as the last 20 twenty times. He keeps going.
He can feel his fingers start to hurt from his repeated tapping. Rex can feel tears stinging his eyelids, and he quickly wipes them away before continuing the repeat tapping.
He could try Noah, and he’d probably answer- But Noah can’t be dragged into this right now. Black Knight was crazy. Worse than White. Rex can say that with confidence. He needs Six and Holiday before he tries anything.
He tries Six again. The tears come back and he wipes them away again. Six would’ve found him by now if he was at Providence. His bio signature gave him away a lot. Rex almost laughs at it, how Holiday and Six can always catch him when he needs it.
Holiday. Line disconnected. Six. Line disconnected.
He doesn’t bother with the tears this time, letting them fall down his cheeks.
Why did Black Knight think he was good by himself?! Rex thinks positively for a half second, because yeah, he can handle himself well! But Six or Holiday, or Bobo--
They were always there with him. He could fall back to them, get help when he needed it (or didn’t). He wasn’t good alone. He needed backup in the form of his very mismatched family!
Six. Holiday. Six. Six. Holiday.
He coughs out a sob. He didn’t notice his breathing got that bad.
“Please, please pick up... Six, please...” He feels stupid, a little. The phone clearly says the numbers status, yet he can’t stop clicking the stupid thing, hoping it’ll say something different.
He was a hero. He needed to act more tough than this. Six. He had to face off things worse than being separated from Six or Holiday, he’s been separated from them before! Holiday. He should handle himself better than this, Six would probably think he was dumb for this, wouldn’t he? Crying in an alleyway because he couldn’t get his dad on the phone, so instead of trying to do anything, he just keeps sobbing. Six. Six.
“Dad, please... Come on... Pick up, please...” When did he start calling Six ‘dad’?. He doesn’t remember (like a lot of things), maybe it started when he first met Six, since he was the first adult he saw. Maybe it was when Six started accompanying him on missions, maybe it was when he got him his goggles, maybe it was... Six. Holiday. Holiday.
He wants to break his phone, but he knows that it was a stupid idea. Holiday. Holiday. Six. Holiday.
Rex wipes snot away from his nose, too upset to be bothered by the grossness of it. Six. He just needs to - Holiday.- get a hold of - Six. - them, before things, - Six. - get worse than they are. Holiday.
Nothing is working in his favor, is it.
Rex stares at his phone, now shut off, and stares into the darkness of his reflection. He sees the tears filling his eyes and staining his face, snot dribbling down his face like a baby, and not to mention, his lip quivering like he was 14 again.
He puts his phone away and wipes his face again, to little effect, because the second he does, Rex bursts into tears again. He hiccups, sniffles, almost feels like he’s going to throw up and he still tries to make himself believe he can still look cool like this.
Maybe a few minutes pass, but probably not hours, because Providence would’ve seen him by now. It takes a while to narrow his location down, but it would happen even faster with his brother, Co-Inventor Of Nanites on his now enemy’s side.
He manages to stand up and not look completely broken, doing a final clean-up of his face and using the shine of his phone to check himself out.
He looks devastated, but he could look worse.
Rex creeps out of the alley way, and shifts himself down the mostly empty street. If he has to find Six and Holiday by himself, he can try. That’s what he can do. Six would think that was a good move.
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|| I keep dreaming about Noah and GenRex to the point where I want to sit down and write out either rp/fanfic about all of my au ideas for him.
My only difference about how I write him is that he's light skinned Romani. Because I'll never get over how much he looks like Disney's Esmeralda's and Phoebus' lovechild.
I mean, look:
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pagesofkenna · 7 years
some fanfic writer who has a bunch of really popular stories for the big hero 6 fandom, who i read a bit of back when i read fanfiction more regularly/the bh6 fandom had more interaction, they had a couple really big huge long stories that they would take months of writing inbetween chapters but they were really good
and anyway the point is i read one that had been completed but ive been waiting literal years for the sequel fic to be finished, and they finally finished ALL of their old bh6 stories (well, other than a couple that i think are officially abandoned) so they can finally focus on their actual new relevant fandoms, and 1) im so proud of this writer and excited to finally start reading these other longfics, and 2) THIS right here is why i DONT read longfics if i can help it
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mangotortoise · 3 years
My old college bud: I'll read just about any fanfic on A03 in the Time Travel tag...doesn't matter what fandom.
Me: *eyes my Ben 10/GenRex fic and sweats nervously*
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fureliselost · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Generator Rex Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Noah Nixon & Rex Salazar, Rex Salazar & Violeta Salazar, Rafael Salazar & Rex Salazar, Caesar Salazar & Rex Salazar, Rebecca Holiday & Rex Salazar, Rafael Salazar/Violeta Salazar, Caesar Salazar & Rafael Salazar Characters: Rex Salazar, Caesar Salazar, César Salazar, Violeta Salazar, Rafael Salazar, Noah Nixon, Rebecca Holiday Additional Tags: Character Undeath, Major Character Undeath, De-anglicizes your Caesar, Autistic-codes your César, I refuse to write "caesar" y'alls, a latino would not write caesar, because "cae" is pronounced differently in latin languages, SO, yeah - Freeform, Cesar - Freeform, or Cezar, no Caesar, Post-Canon, AU, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sticky Wall Parents AU, Assault On Abysus, Noah Nixon is a good friend, Violeta & Rafael Salazar revive, idk how to tag, no beta we die like negligent enbys Summary:
Hospital smell was the combination of chemicals with all the diseases and infections they tried to scrub away and get rid of time and time again. This time, it wasn't him the person sitting on the hospital bed. Or inside the hospital room, for that matter. Which should be good — having a break from the horrid routine — except for the fact that the circumstances were the absolute worst. Well, they were good too. But the good was getting drowned out by the bad pretty easily, so it was easy to forget that it existed at all. He kept having to remind himself of the silver lining, "They are here, they're alive, they're going to be okay," Rex repeated under his breath like a mantra. He might still be in shock.
Or "The sticky wall in Assault On Abysus was actually Violeta and Rafael Salazar and, after Rex cures the entire world, they're found and taken to the hospital" which I titled as Sticky Wall Parents AU on tumblr (@fureliselost)
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fureliselost · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Generator Rex Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Caesar Salazar & Rex Salazar, Rex Salazar & Violeta Salazar, Rafael Salazar & Rex Salazar, Caesar Salazar & Rafael Salazar, César Salazar & Rex Salazar, Rafael Salazar/Violeta Salazar Characters: Rex Salazar, Caesar Salazar, César Salazar, Rafael Salazar, Violeta Salazar Additional Tags: i will not write "caesar", no self-respecting latin-language speaker would name their child caesar, i'm using "césar", AU, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Awkwardness, Awkward Conversations, Feelings, All the Salazars need therapy, Sticky Wall Parents AU, Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Needs Therapy, They just talk, autistics your césar, De-anglicizes your Caesar, guys hear me out césar woulda straight up forgotten to tell rex he's autistic, no beta we die like negligent enbys, idek, i have no idea what to do for the next installment but i want circe to appear Series: Part 2 of Sticky Wall Parents AU Summary:
Rex couldn’t do the same thing he did with César, where they saw each other every other day because of work, then rarely because they were on opposite sides of a war. His parents actually wanted to be involved in his life and to go live in Mexico again and continue from where they stopped — which was really nice except for the fact that things had already continued for Rex when they stopped for his family. At first, he was all for it, living with his family, getting to know about them and where he came from; but, like it happened when César first arrived, he realized he still had another family, one who still loved him but would never keep him from his blood family.
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