#i do wish i knew about him sooner! x3
alexcutecolly · 1 year
Hello, my dumb vore-infected ass is replaying Kid Icarus Uprising... Also known as, my vore awakening. Why the hell is that swallow sound effect in Chapter 23 so good??? Like, it even has a slight trail off, which is a little hint that something (or someone) is sliding down with it??? Also, his taunting throughout the level is immaculate... And the extra detail that the music in the 'land' portion of the level has a heartbeat in the background of it. UGH. So good.
Hi there! I've watched the chapter twice from someone's playthrough on YouTube and OMG that swallow sound effect?? With the screen fading to black too??? It's nuts!!! It does seem to let the player realize what has just happened! x3
Also... Can I say that I *love* Hades and his taunts? xD Being a pred must bring so much entertainment to him, he clearly *adores* voring souls and "lesser" beings and poking fun at them while they're inside his innards! x3 Like when he wants to eat Pit all of a sudden during the fight at the beginning of the chapter, and then calls him a 'bad chicken nugget' for surviving the fall into his stomach (something even Hades himself is surprised of, btw xD) x3 I admit some of his jabs were a lil off-putting for my taste, but almost all of them really hit the spot! x3
I actually never knew of his existence as a character in the Kid Icarus games (tbf I've never played any up until now, and the only characters I recognized were Pit and Lady Palutena xD), but he's amazingly charming and funny as a villain! (Dunno if he's the real main bad guy of the game, but the dialogue in Chapter 23 seems to imply he is xD)
Also I didn't expect him and Pit to actually start a morality discussion on the 'eating souls and reformation' topic, especially considering the latter was fighting for his life in the former's belly xD the fact that Hades was quite interested in the subject, but at the same time so uncaring for the fate of those he ate really makes sense for a character like him x3
Btw I'd personally *love* being swallowed by Hades! x3 He gets a 9/10 in Pred Points x3 💕
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betweenthepage · 4 years
Mini Reviews
As always, you can find my reviews on Goodreads and you can also follow my Instagram
Review’s for: 
1) Beyond the Black Door by A.M. Strickland 
2) Scammed by Kristen Simmons
3) The Kingdom of Back by Marie Lu
4) Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare
5) Ember Queen by Laura Sebastian 
6) The Beautiful by Renee Ahdieh 
7) Steel Crow Saga by Paul Krueger
8) Tithe by Holly Black
Beyond the Black Door
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The book read a bit like early 2010’s YA (which isn’t a bad thing, I was fine with it. But some people don’t enjoy it). While I enjoyed the general plot, I wish some parts of the book were left out so that Kamai—the main character—could get the ball rolling sooner. I feel like it would have made for more interesting situations. I really enjoyed reading all the characters—especially Vehyn and all his villainous ways! The diversity in sexuality was beautiful and I am so glad that people are finding themselves in these characters. I think it was done beautifully, and will hopefully open the door for more books like this. Overall, I felt like the conflict was resolved very well and realistically for the book—aka no, “everything happened because I say.” 3 out of 5 stars!
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I enjoyed the first book, but this book? LOVED. The writing is great and the twists and turns? Did not see a lot of it coming! I’ve been conned! I LOVED that we got to see more of the secondary characters (Henry and especially Charlotte who I love x3 now) and I hope even more of the other students get some screen time in the third book. Beyond Charlotte, I was surprised to see how attached I got to Moore! More Moore! Lol Some of my only problems with Scammed were that a lot of the events that happened could have easily been solved with honesty (but then...no drama!) and that Brynn—our main character—was an easy pawn. For someone who’s good at what she does, she sure got played. I’m still spinning at all the twists that happened, trying to piece things from the first book. Seeing if maybe I missed clues, suspecting everyone, questioning who the real villains are and their true motives. That makes for a good book. @ Kristen Simmons/ Tor Teen, please send me the third book today, I am ready for third book, today. I will eagerly be waiting the third book, which I am ready for today. 4 out of 5 stars!
The Kingdom of Back
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Marie has once again written a beautiful book with emotion and grace. As a pianist, I’ve been obsessed with many composers, Mozart being one of them. I knew he had a sister but didn’t know how she too was just as talented as Wolfgang. This books scratched the surface of her talent and used their imagination to write a different world. While I enjoyed the writing itself, I did feel like the otherworldness was a bit confusing and for me, didn’t make a lot of sense some of the time. I had to ignore things or add my own things in order to make more sense of it. Some times I was a bit bored due to the plot slowing down. Beyond that, I was filled with rage at the real life injustice portrayed in the story that Nannerl had to face. Not only from society/the world, but from her own father. I wanted SOMEONE to shout at him. It truly is a sadness and loss to the world that her compositions were lost to the world and she didn’t get her chance to be just as great as her brother. Marie Lu talked about how she believes her music lives on through Wolfgang, I believe so too.
Chain of Gold
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Normally with so many characters, I mostly enjoy them but really only care for a few. With Chain of Gold, I LOVED every single character. They all stole my heart in different ways. Though, Matthew is my favorite by far. I have a soft spot for sassy men who like clothes.
I absolutely loved all the minor plot lines; I can clearly see how they’re going to develop into bigger plot lines. Though since there were so many small ones, it made for the overall plot to be...lacking? Not that it wasn’t good, but I just felt like I wasn’t at the edge of my seat. But given everything that happened, I know it’s only going to give me more anxiety as the books continue. I also had to pull up a family tree to see who’s kid was who’s because there are so many Lightwoods. They’ve kept busy haha
I loved seeing all of our characters from TID and I LOVE how much EVERYONE knows Tessa and Will love each other. Makes me feel even more lonely lmao.
And the ending with some of the main characters...it’s a troupe I haven’t read in a while but I’m so excited.
4 out of 5 stars!
Ember Queen
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I’ve finally read this! I didn’t get to it because I travelled for a signed copy and then school but finally!!
Lots of moving parts to this book, which make sense considering they’re in the middle of a war. A lot seemed a little too easy, and while many were lost on the pages, it wasn’t anyone we really knew. Thus, the feeling of it being too easy.
The big heart ache towards the end of the book, I knew was going to happen. It no longer had a plot or arc to move the story forward unlike everyone and everything else so it was made clear to me. Regardless, I was still incredibly sad as it was one of my favorite things. (Trying to be vague and avoid spoilers lol)
I LOVED that after everything Theo has gone through, even all the growth she has had, she still remained a soft hearted person, unafraid of her emotions. Embracing her tears and everything she felt. I love a strong willed woman, but we need more soft hearted women. Both are equally strong and Laura did an amazing job at capturing that.
The ending was great, I think. It took something Theo often thought about and was a big thorn to her plan and made her embrace it. It was fitting.
I was fortunate enough to start this trilogy early via an arc, and I’m so glad I got to see it to the end.
4 out of 5 stars.
The Beautiful
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Right from the start, I fell in love with Celine. I love everything about her but especially that she wasn’t afraid to want power AND love. The setting and time that this beautiful (haha get it?) book was written was a time where POCs were still treated badly. I liked the fact that Celine—and others—acknowledge this as well as enjoy that all people from everywhere could have a place where they could work side by side. There wasn’t a character I did not like or love. I enjoyed them all, even when they annoyed me or broke my heart. Even the potential lives interests (plural). I love both though I have my heart set on one boy. I didn’t like that even though a lot of things were revealed, those things were still vague. I have to think it’s because grander things will be revealed in the next book, but for now, it’s left me a little confused. This would have made this a 4 star read for me. But I just loved Celine SO MUCH that I have no choice but to make this a 5 star read. She literally made this whole book for me. 5 out of 5 stars.
Steel Crow Saga
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Listen...it’s an Asian inspired book filled with LGBTQ+ INCREDIBLE characters, found family, POKEMON-ESQUE things? Just buy the book already. Don’t even finish my review.
This book was great. Every character in this book was amazing in one way or another. Lee warmed my heart (we love a sarcastic thief) but Tala owns it. She was by far my favorite character. Everything she went through, has done...she’s amazing and her growth through the book speaks loudly. She fought a lot of inner turmoil (NO ONE WOULD BLAME HER IF SHE PICKED DIFFERENTLY THAN WHAT SHE DID IN THE BOOK...but I’m glad she didn’t) and all the emotions she felt? I felt them too. I just want to wrap her in a hug and make sure nothing bad ever happens to her again. I did find one of the characters, Jimuro, annoying up until the end, where his growth was finally tangible. He was big talk but finally led with actions. Good job, dude. Still want to mildly slap you, but it’s all good. The pacing of the book was perfect and I want to live in this world where I basically can get my own Pokemon. Or metal bend. I do wish some smaller details were talked about more, as it left me with a couple questions, but overall I enjoyed it. And I hope one day there’s a sequel. :(
4.5 out of 5 stars!
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Story wise, I felt it was rushed and definitely could have been longer for the pace. But I liked it for the most part. Beyond the pace, everything felt a little too easy. If that’s the case, I can make it in the Unseelie court too lol The main character, Kaye, was something. While I generally liked her, she’s very selfish and unaware of the emotions or well being of her friends and family. Possibly it could be because of what she truly is...but still. And while she apologized for some of her actions, it seemed very surface based and it just rubbed me the wrong way. Her one real friend, Corny? LOVE him. Felt for him too. I hope if he pops up again that he gets nothing but happiness because poor king. Roiben? He was cool. I generally liked him! He was kind of the calm to Kaye’s chaos. He didn’t have much character to him but I know the later story revolves around him more so I’m excited to see his development. 3 out of 5 stars.
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clownsgobeepbeep · 5 years
And now...the brothers from other fathers X3
Also, I know it seems like it, but Basil is not talking at all
Anyways, I was originally going to go with something sillier but instead went this this haha...I will write something else with them however that is a lot more funner uwu
Back in the past, what was considered the future to some, things were tense and only getting worse by the passing days.
Basil knew this as did his younger sister, and numerous times had they attempted to fix the wrongdoings done by this nauseating figure with glowing, pink eyes.
He hated that he knew just who this was messing around with everybody and everything as much as possible, but he nor anybody was allowed to say it. Unfortunately, certain happenings were bound and supposed to happen, this he despised. Especially if it had anything to do with his dear mother.
Basil sat in front of his desk, fingers rapidly typing words as his eyes read each new one that appeared on the screen before him. He read everything he typed before stopping said actions, then reaching to the side to grab his mouse, dragging it across the screen to then play a voice that sounded through his speakers.
“Hello Daryl. I want to play a game. What you see before-”
“You’re still on with that shizz?” 
Basil pressed the pause button before remaining still, eyes then peering to the area behind him: an empty corner that long ago had been the spot where his tool shelf was. Now, at least as he looked at it in the very moment, it served as the spot for a hole in the ground that did not lead to what was beneath his bedroom.
“I still find it so weird and suspicious how I was the only one born...normal.”
The boy spun his chair around before his eyes caught sight of two green ones, a casual expression they were on as a mouth bit into a chocolate bar.
“Hey Basil.”
“Hello Rowan.” a voice sounded from Basil’s computer after he had played another file.
“Ew, do you have to use the Jigsaw voice?”
“Hm, okay.” the other boy gave a shrug before taking another bite of his chocolate bar. As Basil’s eyes stayed on him, Rowan softly bopped his head as he remained in his same position, very casual about the whole situation. So, Basil was quick to type a phrase that was then spoken through the speakers again.
“Are you coming in or staying in that rabbit hole?”
“Guess I could get out.” Rowan laughed to himself before climbing out of the hole, using his free hand to close the ground before plopping down onto Basil’s bed . “So, how you’ve been my bro?”
Basil gave a shrug in response before his back arms appeared, grabbing onto the bed to pull and make his chair roll over so that he was now closer towards the other boy.
“Bro, you have got to stop showing those off.” Rowan waved his chocolate bar at Basil’s extra limbs. “I so wish I had those. All I got were these antlers.”
“You don’t even have them out.” Basil signed at Rowan who nodded.
“See my point? Besides, they’ve just been dropping leaves everywhere and it’s getting annoying.” Rowan gave a deep sigh as he now lay on Basil’s bed, looking at the picture on the nightstand which was of the Ula of that timeline. “Why’s she gotta be so pretty?”
Basil blinked at the picture of his mother, a lovely grin on her features that were somehow more visible now that her hair...was so much shorter...nonetheless, she remained as beautiful as ever. 
“Anyways, bro.” Rowan made Basil snap out of his thoughts, the two boys now looking at each other. “When did you last visit mom and dads?”
“Yesterday.” Basil simply signed as Rowan set down the picture and sat up, crumpling his chocolate wrapper and throwing it behind him without bothering to look as it landed inside the trash can. “Decided to give her some time alone.”
“How is she?”
“Coping. Smiling. Hiding behind that smile.”
“Oh no. What about dads?”
“Schrader, conflicted. Atlas, with his parents.”
“He’s still hiding away!?” Rowan exclaimed before Basil nodded. “That wuss puss! If he doesn’t hurry it up and be there for mom, I swear, I swear I’ll go and-”
Basil then raised his hands as if to calm down Rowan, his back hands following his example.
“Darn it...just...bitch the pot Basil. I have to hear more of this.” Rowan gave a groan before he watched Basil’s hands push his chair away from the bed and back towards his desk where he was about to type  into his computer. “But please don’t use the Jigsaw voice.”
“Wuss puss.” the computer spoke in said voice after Basil had typed into it, then typing once again to make a new voice play. “Mom had a talk with grandpa Lennie and she seemed to have been coping better. I could tell that she’s still feeling bad about the situation with our dads however.”
“Does she plan on talking to them?”
“Atlas, affirmative. Schrader, negative.”
“For star’s sake.” Rowan shook his head while pinching the bridge of his nose. “I swear, all three of them are stupid.”
Basil ceased his typing for a moment before turning to Rowan, his eyebrows deepened a bit more as the other boy continued speaking of the parents.
“Seriously, why doesn’t mom just accept both guys? Nothing wrong with a little poly, like auntie Cordie said. Love triangles are out.” Rowan crossed his arms with a disappointed look on his expression. “And like, why don’t our dads just like…”
Rowan then lowered his long sleeves to show his hands, fingers awkwardly intertwining as he attempted to send a message through.
“Ya know? Bro?”
“Why don’t they just...you know...they both love mom, got a few similarities...good looking guys like them...ahem.” Rowan gave a bit of a cough as Basil could only give him his signature, and only, stare. “They should just stop fighting over her.”
“They’re not fighting over her.” Basil’s computer stated as he now displayed a triangle on the screen, each angle having a picture of each parent. “Atlas and mom have not broken up and as it looks, they probably won’t once they talk it out.”
“Okay, so…?”
“Schrader is 100% convinced mom no longer has any feelings towards him, his hope is running out so he sees no point in fighting for mom when there isn’t even a fight to begin with.” the computer claimed before Schrader’s picture disappeared, as did two lines so that now there was a single one connecting Atlas and Ula’s pictures. “Technically, there isn’t a love triangle since Schrader doesn’t include himself in the equation. That would only happen if Atlas and mom officially broke up.”
“Wait, so right now…” Rowan squinted his eyes. “Right now, how are-”
“I have been able to travel with Flora because of the tension between Atlas and mom. Once that it over however…”
“Dont. Don’t even mention it.” Rowan grew serious, very well knowing what Basil was referring to. “I don’t want to think about that, especially not now.”
“It’s going to happen sooner or later.”
“Not if we can stop it.” Rowan claimed before Basil shook his head. “Come on bro, don’t-”
“We can’t prevent it. Mom is going to choose to stay with Atlas, especially because his insecurities and lack of confidence lead him to assume that she still has feelings for Schrader. Mom denies these feelings and wants to prove this to Atlas.”
“That’s so stupid!” Rowan shouted before standing up, fists inside his sleeves angrily clenched. “Dad’s stupid! Mom’s stupid!”
Basil’s gave Rowan a glare before he crossed his arms.
“You know it very well as I do! I know you’re a mama’s boy, but even you have to admit how stupid mom is being!”
Basil stared at Rowan for a moment, then giving a sigh and shrug, agreeing with Rowan.
“Mom clearly loves Schrader, then she’ll talk it over with Atlas, then he’ll be accepting and they’ll all be together and then we’ll both be born as twins or brothers and we’ll have more siblings and even Flora will love me and we’ll all be one, big, happy family! Because, mom loves both guys! Right?” Rowan looked at Basil with hope, then grabbing his shoulders to slightly shake him. “Right? Bro?”
Once again, Basil plainly stared at Rowan, then turning away with a deep sigh.
“Right, Basil?”
The brown haired boy felt as his friend carefully removed his hands from his shoulders, then standing up and walking away to the corner where two large bean bags were. Basil plopped down on one before grabbing a remote control, turning on the television on the wall before patting the other bean bag.
Rowan saw as a horror movie was now playing, so he went over and plopped down as well. He saw how Basil snapped his fingers and a large bowl of popcorn and sodas appeared in between them, so Rowan snapped his fingers as well before boxes of pizza and cupcakes appeared as well.
“Basil?” The orange haired boy turned to look at Rowan who gave a small smile. “You know you’re my bro right?”
Basil responded with a simple nod.
“You’re the best bro, Flora and Frankie are lucky to have you.” Rowan grabbed a handful of popcorn, seeing as Basil shook his head and dropped the remote to sigh.
“Don’t be stupid.”
“Haha, sure, bro...” Rowan lightly chuckled before turning to the television screen with a smile. “What are we watching today?”
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clegacylabs · 6 years
A Friendship isn’t So Petty
(Post X3 (Longish Drabble))
It was late into the night as two women walked on the paths next to the busy roads of the inner city. The world was high off the success of repelling once more a major Maverick threat. The months of fighting were long, multiple engagements were made globally, but in the end, the Hunters prevailed. Because of that, tonight was a night for celebration, even if an official end just meant more work of a different kind. It was only at the badgering of her best friend and X’s, her commander, insistence, that Inessa pried herself away from the things still left to do.
Hours of bar hopping later thanks to a human with an iron liver, there the pair were. Erika could barely walk straight anymore, so the reploid woman ended up having to carry the blitzed human on her back. The life of the city thrummed around them with speeding cars, flashing signs, and the occasional obnoxious holo-ad.
“Wooo yeah!! Hahaha! Urp!! Fffffff-” The red-head swayed on her friend’s back as she tried to cheer with both her arms. Erika immediately regretted that. Her stomach was poised to exit her mouth and the world spun dangerously behind her eyes. She fell forward, letting her chin rest on Inessa’s shoulder, arms coming wrap themselves around the reploid. Her friend’s low laugh rumbled through her.
“You’re lucky I don’t like to drink nearly as much as you do,” said Inessa. Erika barked a laugh.
“Man, that’d be a helluva sight. Pfftt. Human scientist and 17th’s second-in-command just stummblin’ around drunk. Can’t even make it home!” she exclaimed, words slurring some on her tongue.
“Hilarious!” the human insisted. They lapsed into a companionable silence. In the quiet between them, the human Russian turned pensive. The glow of celebration lagged behind them as they got closer to the HQ, still undergoing repairs from this past war’s opening act.
“Ya know,” she started. Inessa’s head inclined slightly towards her. “I honestly thought I was gonna die a couple months ago.” Erika felt her friend’s body stiffen slightly, though she walked as if unaffected. “I’m sorry. I wish I could have found you sooner that day.” Ugh, regret, that won’t do. Not where she was trying to take this conversation anyway.
“It’s fine. Ya kinda had your hands full with half the unit turning... Again. Well, last time was more than that, but still. Then the rest of base was another story. Mavericks took advantage of the fact the most of HQ’s best were out on a big campaign, leavin’ secondaries ta hold down the fort ‘fore the cavalry showed up.”
“Where are you going with this, Erika?” Ah, of course. Always wanting to get to the heart of the matter. No point in beating around the bush now. Better to say, before she figures it out instead. Harder to steer the conversation that way. Plus, she’s got liquid courage in her, too, to keep her from chickening out again.
“Need ta ‘pologize to ya.” Erika was met with silence. She took that as her cue to continue. “Startin’ to think I’m just bad luck.” The human laughed, low, mirthless, hollow. Her words were considerably more sober when she stopped.
"When my husband died, we hadn’t been married long, but we’d known each other for so much time. I was already pregnant with Andrei when we filed the papers. Two short years, then a fire took him. It hurt, but I still had my boy. It was alright. I met you, worked in your lab, became friends with you and the others but...” The implication hung between them. The day of the attack and attempted kidnapping. Neither of them had seen a corpse in person before, much less the number and having known each personally...
Another bitter laugh. “And then he was gone.”
“Erika-” Inessa started, understanding her friend was heading in a dark direction.
“And then, because you’re you, and your stupid sense of duty, you follow me on my damn vendetta fueled trip. And what happens? We get split up. And you’re out there killing yourself fighting the monsters. The friends we made up until the first war die, turned traitor and die, or just fucking run off like the self-hating cowards they are!” Her voice cracks and she’s feeling heat in her face and ears.
“Eri-” The voice came at a higher pitch than her usual, sounding more like Dimitra.
“No.” She hisses, cutting the reploid off again. Erika’s hands clenched together in a white knuckled grip. “No, I watch us change into people so different from who we were and I can’t believe it took until watching Doppler’s sleeper agents getting literally frozen to the floor of R&D and cut down by you, in my face no less, to realize that. To realize I let my best friend chase after me while I turn into Captain Ahab, letting every Maverick be my Moby Dick.” The woman could barely catch her breath, vision swimming from her physically and emotionally compromised state. Inessa halts and Erika realizes distantly that they were on a park trail.
More silence. Erika wished that her friend would just put her down or something, because it’d be nice to read her face... As readable as it can be these days. An aggrieved sigh broke the quiet.
“Erika... Vengeance or not, I would have had to fight. I chose what would have made me happier.”
“... What?” Another sigh. Careful not disorient the human, Inessa walked towards a bench and set her down. The reploid slumped onto the wood next to her. Her face was angled low, bangs brushing past her eyelashes, sight, distant.
“I’m a first-gen Reploid, Erika. Everything about me was experimental. Including the lab. From the recovered footage of us fending for ourselves until the Hunters came, the Russian government would have obligated me to be drafted, or else. We were a brand new race plopped onto the world literally overnight.” Inessa turned to meet Erika’s eyes. “The science world would prefer breakthroughs in aquatic science and pollution control, but the powers that be want anything to stay as the powers that be.” She closed her eyes, shoulders drooping slightly.
“The Mavericks, especially ideological ones, weren’t completely wrong... but the ends don’t justify the means.” Erika feel could her mouth dangling open as Inessa turned to her again. “Following you gave me a choice I didn’t realize I could make. Don’t apologize, not when I feel grateful to you.” She sat up to her full height, meeting Erika eyes with a warm intensity. They stayed like that in the stillness of the park.
... ... ... ... ...
The human felt something bubble in her chest. Her shoulders shook and she started to wheeze. Before she knew it, Erika was cackling. The feeling one part hysteria, one part disbelief, one part relief.
“What the hell, all that and you go and say that of all things?” Wetness beaded at the corner of her eyes. Inessa shrugged, the lines of her face relaxing as the tension subtly left her.
“I’m not accepting an apology that’s pointless. There’s nothing to forgive. You and I’s perceptions are out of sync.” Erika scowled at her.
“Well then, I’m not accepting your gratitude then!” The human’s middle name was spite, in her mind at least.
“That’s all you have to say?!”
“Oh come on!” She threw her hands up. Inessa arced an eyebrow. “Is there a problem?” Erika glared before she cooled slightly. “No, I guess not, I just don’t like how you’re taking this so easily.” she grumbled. A small smile inched onto Inessa’s face.
“I’m rejecting your apology because I see it as pointless. You may have had influence, but you don’t control my actions. Even if you don’t accept my gratitude, that’s fine. I... just wanted you to know how I felt. Nothing more.” Finally, Erika slumped in her seat. “Are you even real?”
“Isn’t it too late to be discussing Plato’s “Cave” Allegory?”
“Ugh! Take us home! I’m so done with you!” The cat-like smile on the reploid’s face was all there was to say about that exchange. With that, they were back in the same position they started after they left the last bar. Calmer now, the sounds of running water from the creek and the rhythmic footsteps of her friend started to lull Erika to sleep. She let the world pass them by as her eye-lids grew heavy.
“Thanks for everything.”
“Hmn.” Erika felt the smile in the hum of acknowledgement. Her eyes closed and she knew no more.
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