#i don’t even LIKE evilmario
leonardalphachurch · 1 year
hello i just wanted to let you know i had an extremely vivid dream last night that chi came out as the person behind evilmario666 and i woke up completely convinced this was true and went about my morning like wow I cant believe ive been in the presence of a legend and then when I went to look at it again i learned that i had in fact made it all up so anyways-
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vpyre · 2 years
Wow I am in a mental state rn. That’s for sure.
I feel insane. Nothing is real. Am I cringe? What is cringe? What’s irony and what’s legitimacy? I’m not feeling negative but these emotions certainly aren’t positive. I think evilmario’s blog has destroyed my exhausted, autistic-ass brain lmao and I can now no longer differentiate between ironic cringe and real cringe and not cringe and I dunno if I’M cringe or if that even matters or what defines cringe and now I feel like life is all some big scam and nothing fucking matters and we all make big deals about things to hide our crushing lack of certainty and fear of the unknown and the knowledge that we’re just piddly little dots in the grand scheme of things and our daily activities don’t actually matter but we make them matter more than they should which makes life a living fucking hell because we have thes stupid fucking rules and needs and constructs but maybe things do matter but how could they when things are so mutable and inconsistent and attitudes and nuances change so frequently and suddenly and completely wow is this what derealization feels likeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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